OTI岨 駆ml 岬Ⅷ:P剛 [師 馴 距岨閻Rttmm酬‖鰤脚皿 脚硼瑕硼鵬吻脚硼岬剛MMMD酬 馳 o‖ Left Bank Barrage Colony,Hyderabad 03 0f2014 ′ _.写 li寧 :Tこ ?キ 篭二 NO PD/RCBM′ ConsuLancy′ Phone No:022-9210234 :.lxヽ o,022‐ 9210233 iツ l Letter Of lnvitatiOn To, l ⅣVs Zahecruddin COnsultantS(PVtl Ltd, 5-A,Sindhi Mustim Sodetv,KaraChi‐ 74400 2R17s Cameos COnsultants, HOllsし No:63‐ A Street NO1 36,ScCtor E l1/1,Islamabad 3ヽルヽA A AssOCtates, 75400 2452Y,BloCt6,PECHS(OfF Sharea Faゝ al)Kamch■ 4Mお ESS‐ 1-Aar, er,Gushan E‐ Iф d S● tNo314,3RD FloOr,Mashiqlle Ce● BbCk■ 4,KaraCllt 5Ⅳ 口ヽNESPAK KPVtl Linited, nsion,Lahore‐ 54700 NFSPAK House l― C BloCk‐ Nヽ 4odel TOWn Ex● L 搬淵嶽ηぶ肝 1鷺 燎T淵 鷺 『li:視 :鞭盤[£ ::離 れ&8 Ka“ 市 罵 :戦 0:温 :鳳 肥 '535α W“ 面 ∝ 肺 ¨ 詢 ふ 難辮盤 憑鱈辮 "μ 鈍 い罷 き P蠍 踊翼蕊 Ⅷ騨含 Ⅷ∬ 苧縦朧 g │∫ AND DETAlLED CONSTRUCTI CONSTRUCT10N OFBUND FROM NORTH SIDE OF MALIR RWER Rcfclい は a鴇 ∬常 1思 嶋盤 lSu魂 脇1滉 酬 破洲鳳 iRI認 .Kawish,ThC NcwS&Exprcss'an 瑞設 鶴 事 :鮒 嚇 馳 “ 鮮iJ翡羅 蔓 藤 繰∬蠍拳 浦 鎖計 撫 140redetailsOntheseⅣ iCesareprOVided intheTernsOFRef・ rence inO Cost Based SCICC10n(QCBS)and prOCedures RuleS ノ ′ C° ntd P'2 Page No:02 This request olproposal (RFP) has been addressed to thc following short listed firms' l. l.M/s Zahceruddin Consultants (Pvt) Ltd, Karachi' 2.M/s Cameos Consultants Islamabad. 3.M/s A.A Associales, Kamchi. 4.M/s ESS'I-Aar, Karachi. 5.1\4/s NESPAK (P!t), Lahore. 6.Nrs G-3 Engineering Consultants (Pvt) & BMCE, Hyderabad 7.lvfls Associited Consulting Engineers'Ace (Pvt) Ltd Kamchi 8.M/s Umar Munshi Associates, Karachi. 4 The RFP includes the fo1loヽ ving docunentSI Section l― Letter Of lnvitation Section 2-lnstructions to Consultants(including Data Shect) Section 3-Tcchnical Proposal‐ Slandad Forms Scction 4-Financial Proposal― Standard Forins Section 5-Tems of Retrence Section 6-S● ndald Fon■ ofContraCt S Above men■ oned ttrmy,。 int venture′ Consorliums′ Association may oblain dle(RFP) documenls on a rcquest flolll the Offee of the PROJECT DIRECTOR Re Aligment′ Rlver,Karachi@Lct B即 よ Barage Co10ny, Conゞ ruclon of Bulld iOm Noih Side of Mal■ on any working oay Tl■ ese doo,mellts can alSO be doヽ v■ loaded from the Hvderabad,Oovemment oF Slldh TdephOnc 022 9210234 free oF cosし during the office hours till 15‐ 10-2014 SPPPtA Websile AppHcalion alongw“ h(RFP)doCunen、 in sealed、 vo envelOpe shall be cleany marked る 品 h ′C° n゛ rllt・ tOn Of Bund■ Om No“ h5de 柵 ∬ :ど l:還 11:::』 ち幣 heomceofhePROECT Ы RECTOR l「 鏃 ndl慇聡 =One hOurie 4 00 P M Of 16‐ ]::I∬ 」∫le」 ヤ!漏 霊 搬 慇 酬 れ 嘱 器 :∫ :I:選 n島 吼 r鯉 正 ∫:ポ │よ 1銚 〕 雪 ::;讐 品 瓢 揚 anに :‖ or 蹴 :鴨 響 詐鳳 10-2014 by llle COnsultants Selection COmllnittee in prescnce of intend■ lg OlrmslieprcsentatiVes A Plcase inform us in wri“ ng at the fonOwing address upon reccip● 8 ‖:溜│「 i『 II]│:│:吉 il『 ::11:ご │[│::::IInassociation 鮮│::i:│li:#∫ 良〔〔 :、 i」 [F BtlND FROM NORTH SlDE OF MALIR RIVER C-c to: 0l.The Secretary,lo Governmeni of S in{ih, lrrigation Depa mentKarachi of information. fo/favour -ni""*;r^ Dirc.ror, S,ndn Prol' P'o'-ierr'en RegL!llrory ALr'ho'') n,,,i"" "_".ffn,t,. \'rl i rcquc'i Co i^, *l ol ':n'l r. (ar"'l ' nr I'\u I ol'nlonndl:on q ,cr ru.c' ' \\ ebr'r( d dc ireo 'rr ro l.o:n on SPPR Hyderabad' Region' Barrage, l(otri trrigation enginccr, 03.tirc Ctrief Thatta' 0+.thc Execrtiu" gngineel,'fhatla Drainaqe Division'
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