4D I Friday,February 26,2016 1 ﹁ ヽつ。 ヽ恥ヾ ゝ MaP/Parccl Nu:lll■ eri 10428 01001 Defendint(s)hF■ FaI WASIIINGTON Chatlranr County March Tax Sale- FREDERICK Ctltrent Propeゥ OWner SANIE AS ONLY TIIAT PARCEL OF LANID DESIGNATED AS 10428 GEORCIA,BENC PT oF LOTl EJTHOⅣ 岱快 STRACT BENG case. yeils due on tlle following parcels not included in tlre tax sale. Please inquke when youpay you bid amount.+t It is the responsibility of the buyer to check for any and all encumbrances. 3oy individual who is biddhe on properties for a profit or nonprofit business, corporation and./ or organization, must provide a copy of the corporate resolution and supporling documents to this bffrce one (l) hour before the sale begins, provirrg that lhe business, corporalion and/or organization is a legal entity and that the individual making the bid bas the right to do so on it's behall +* Potential bidders will be required to register and provide a pichue ID 30 minutes prior to the start of the til '30・ ∝ ∝ :肥 『 ぃ 出灘:熟躙 誇 Tax Years Due:20132014 :淋 掘鵡 轟 l∬ 盟鳥 鮮燃露 :[i蝋 ヽ “鋼 _、 BEING LOT 91 RICE MILL ヽ ) で '1 of sale, begiming at 10:00 A.M. and endini at 4:00 P.M. untess prior araDgements are agreed upou with the Tax Commissioner's Oflice.+++ DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL 2001918015nヾ CHATル ヘ ふ〔 COUNTM GEORGIA,BENG 38 MCBRIDE,DECEASED ・ MITCHELL WAItD;237 CllMMING ST ミ驀 鸞穏∬難 S ReFerence Deed:129-G/187 eT) Tax Years Due:201 DEVELOPMENT Pヾ C Map/Parcel Number 20021 08004 CHATIIAM COUNT工 GEORGIA, rCHEtt lVARD■ 0" :稲 つ Defendant(s)Ll FtFai nヾ 題 M agaulst the prOpelty la10wll五 ∬ DEFEllDANT(S)Pヾ FIFA P:operty Descriptiotl:ALLAND OINILY THAT PARCEL OF LAND DESIGNATED AS l1003D06016 1N Map/Patcel Numbe● IVAItD,1998 WELDON S■ ofMELVIN S&HELEN HOPIcINS, DECEASED 2001914034 Current Propcrサ OWner sAME AS DEFENDANT(s)IN FIFrt DAVID S ,BEING LOT l16 RICE MILL PLANTAT10N;183 RICE lytLL DR IReferencc Dced:3831C/5H Property DescriptiOn:ALL THAT Curreat PIopelty Owner SA』 vE AS AND ONLY THAT PARCEL OF LAND DESICNATED AS DEFENDANT(S)IN FIFA Propcrty Description:ALLAplD Tax Ycars Due:2014 TAX PARCEL 20021 08004 1N OnILY THAT PARCEL OF LAND pelty Ow“ rStt BEING TRACT 60 X loo X 60 X CHATIIAM COUNTll GEORGLA, WELDON ST Reference Deedr loo_A/658 Tax Years Due:2014 Reference Deed:302-X/579 Tax Years Due:2010201120122013 2014 鏃撚 D DESIGNATED AS l1005B02005 nヾ lν L laP/Parcel Nuinber 20019 17009 DeFendant(s)in FiFa:JOHNSON ANTOMπ E er:SttE AS DEFENDANT(S)IN FIFA Currcnt Propclty Ow■ ヽ 留鷺II雌11:‖ Proper,DcscriptiOn:ALLANID 齢誇 満:i』 還換 汁吝 朧 弊或 諸 磁軽 撫 R e DEFENDANT(S)IN FIFA 崎 鶏 器 1:器淵 辮 100 BRANTLEY WARD;1908 BEING 102 MITCHELL IVARD: 1042 COPE ST AS :器 鶏 ∫:冊 ξ[蠍 ■ _LANDNCPH2:10 KELLY DR M56 CHATHANI COuNTx GEORGIA, DESIGNATED AS 20019 14034 N Map/Parcel Nuinbel:11005B02005 Derendant(s)in FIFal NIITCHELL ' 瓶 ち蝋蠍 量 " ONLY THAT PARCEL OF LAND DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL 2001917009nヾ cHATHAM COUNT、 GEORGレヽ,BEnゞ G EAST IIALF OF LOT 9∼ ⅡTCHELL IVARD;243 FERRILL ST Map/Parcel Number 20023 02001 、 Ri瞭 , 腑 露器Ψ 用憾i熾∬ :鴛 s::躙 o Culrent PrOperty Owncr sANEE AS 憬 S 濫 器 2017 HAC00D ST Map/Parcd Number 20019 17013 Derendant(s)in FIFa:JOHNSON FEET LOT 16 AND NORTII FEET LOT 17JASPER BUい EY WARD,265. 112X: 、 Coulty Georgia,Being lot 6 Roach ヽ St TItact Mitdlell Wart 263 Fed‖ 崎留 駕:::臆 11:‖ m4, AS 20026 14012 nヾ Defendant(s)in FIFa:IN REM agautst tllc propcrけ known as LOTS 49&50 30 FEET LOT 16 25 FEET LOT 17 ∝リ 1923 BEECH ST ヽ Tax Years Due:2014 OAKS StlB BШttY 訛 常 ;鮒 . WIILIAM GEORGE&DOROTHY 響 265 TuLIP ST Deed:137‐ X/13 ICITCHEN,DECEASED ミ ヽ against tlle ploperly bown as 176 MC LEOD u7AItD,H3NORTON S■ Said prOpelty being fOnnerly in tile naine OfJuANITA IIIAItRISON, DECEASED Current Propclty owner s/ロ ッ E DEFENDANT(S)IN FIFA AS Property Dcscriptioll:ALLAND ONLY THAT PARCEL OF LAさ D DESIGNATED AS 20019 o6008 N CIIATIIAM COuNTx GEORGIA, BENG 176ヽ 4C LEOD WARD;113 NORTON ST Reference Deedl 140_Y/651 Tax Ycals Duc:201220132014 x Years Due: 2014 Ctlrrent Propcrty Owner SAME AS Defendan(s)inFiFa N ttM IvD; Map/larccl Nurnbcr: 20026 14012 Detendant(s) in FiFa: IN REM the propefty lotowlr as SOUTH ヽlap/Parcel Number 20019 17028 Map/Parcel Nunlbcr 20019 o6008 鵠 満 露 Rercrence Deed:112-0/294 Tax Years Due:2014 Tax Ycars Duc:2014 RM、1週 ESTATEOF STEPHENJ 、 DESICNATED AS 20023 02001 N `ヽ、 CLミ T島ヘ トI couNTll GEORGIA, ANTOnヾ ETTE L Trnx Yeals Due:20132014 品鷺 ξ ttlk 貰鏃 ミ RcFcreuce Deed:214-0/197 :聡 said prOpeⅢ belng fontlcrly in the name Defendant(s)in FIFa:HERBST CHATHAM COUNTll GEORGIA, sTRACT 60 X100X60 X loo BRANTLEY ReFerence Deedi 374-A/521&373‐ T/377 Tax Years Due1 2014 Ctulent Ploperty Owncr SANE AS りDcscriptiOn:ALLttD ONLY T比 ヽT PARCEL OF LAND 、 DESIGNATEDAS 20019 14013 N Dcrenda,lt(S)in FiFttI IIAL0 ` PrOpe」 prOpe.y knOwn as 5 NIITCHELL ― Map/Palcel Number l1003D06016 ぎ 暉靴。 0課器辟肥 DEFENDANT(S)IN FIFA Q凛 蝦:襴 繋凛潔製器 PLANTAT10N:177 RICE NIILL DR つ 町翼Tξ 雌11:‖ Cunent Propetty Owner SAME AS ヽ4ap/Parccl Nulllber:2001914013 Defendant(s)in FIFa:TABU MCBRIDE&nヾ REM agaむ ist thc rsANIEAS Ⅷ :見 問 いり 。 Nつ ヽい0 . re "no bids,' or any properties that remain urpaid by tlre bidder as of 2:00 PM. the day ofthe Sheriff's Sale will be re-cried at 2:30 P.M. the same day and if uecessary, conliluing tbe next day, Wednesday behveen the legal hous CININEGAR JR 3 ● ST Map/Parcel Number 20019 18015 DeFendant(s)in FiFa:WHITE Rcfcrencc Dced:365-A/58 Reference Deed:372-V/523 +t+Any properties tlrat CtlM― G Refcrence Deed:47-V/31 Tax Years Duc:2014 ST 靡 剛 sale. Accordilg to CALaw Code, O.C.G.A. 9-13-170, the successful higbest bidder will be held legalty responsible for paymetrt of the bid amowt.tt BENG 53 MITCHELL WAItD:228 、 DESIGNATED AS 20019.080091N ヽ CWHAA4COUNTヽ l GEORCIA, . ηぐ℃ ヽ0 0一 鴨ヽ Each defendant and teuaot in if applicable, has been notified of lery tirne and place of sale. Puchaser shall pay for title, all kansfer costs, a[[ taxes, adverlisilg cost and recording fees. No sale is complete or filal rurtil all of the bid amoult is paid to the Tax Comissiouer's Office. *+There nray possession, S DESIGNATED AS 20019 17031 1N CIIATllAM COUNTヽ l GEORGIA, 、っ 一 the respective parcels ofproperty are located in Chatham Couufy, State of Georgia. Tlre years for which said FiFa's are issued and levied are stated belorv the narne of tbe omer il each fomlerly in the nallle ofTν い。 ヽ S 寺■ Nつ of DEFENDANT(S)nヾ FIFA Prope■y Descl● ptiOn:ALLAND OnILY THAT PARCEL OF LAND いヽ 6m、 、ゅ .the property description. Each Culrent Propclty Owncr SAME AS i略 ヽb . 崎望 The following property will be sold between the legal hous ofsale, l0:00 A.M. and 4:00 PM. The properties hereilafter described bave been levied ou as the properties of the person(s) wlrose name(s) imnediately precede ReFerence Deed:183-L/423 Tax Years Duc:2014 nい0 ぐっ いい 。 There wi[[ be sold for cash, cashier's check or money order only at public otrtcry in front of the Couthouse il Savamah, Chatham County, Georgia, behveen lhe legal bours of sale, on the first Tuesday in March, 201 6, the same being March l, 2016 and continuing on March 2, 2Q16, and ifuecessary any consecutive date thereafter, mtil all parcels are cried. A PT OF THE OLD HUGUENIN PLANTATION;7341 THONIAS′ n電 Defenda1lt(S)in FiFa:HOLMES JANIE Ⅳ闘 LttTHA 職 01001 N CHATHAM COUNTx ' Under and by virtue of certain tax FiFa's issued by tLe Tu Comissioner of Chatham County, Georgia, in favor ofthe State of Georgia and County ofChatham, against the following uamed persons and the property as described irnmediately below their respective name(s). be subs€qu€nt tax . Properり Description:ALLAND CC4:166367 Sheriff's Sale Dariel T. Powers Ex-O{Ecio Sheriff State ofGeorgia, County of Chatham N/1ap/Parcel Nttnlbcr:2001917031 F鵬 δ 鷺躙 襴 nswγ ∫ 働 棚ぶ穐Υ :H:l灘 枇 F几 DEFENDANT(S)IN FIFA い恥 G い∞ヽご り Savannalr Morning Nevrs ヽ わ DEFENDANT(S)nヾ FIFA ヽ4ap/Parcel Number 20026 18004 Propc京 ッDesc五 ptioll:ALL AIID Dcfendant(s)i:l FiFai VALERし ヽ ONLY THAT PARCEL OF LAhID NIAN WES■ DOROTtt■ lMAN CHARACTER&CoNSTANCE L Pヾ DESIGNATED AS 20019 17028 N CHATHし へ 31 COUNTヽ GEORCIA, THOMAS BEING LOTS 49&50 MlTCIIELL WAICD;236 CtlMVIIhlC ST Reference Deed:58-B/110 Tax Yeals Due:2014 n Currellt Propery owner:THoⅣ Lヽ s CONSTANCE L&WESTヽ うへLELヘ RIN4AN ・ ゛雉 、 魃 S TAXP/tRCEL η tt6郎 ∞ 4N _CIIATHAM COUNTll GEORGIA, S動蝉郡罵 :Q群 ヽlap/Parcel Nulnbet:2002722019 ' Defendant(s)in FiFal TBS ミ醐鸞舗嘉 _ CHATHし _ BEPヾ G ヘ ム〔COUNTll WARD;1324 批 he・ GORDON&CHttSTINE O WILLLヘ ム4S 灘 W鷲 や轟 嶽 難 η パ 総轟認 胤 肌Ⅷ鴨 :r雌 ち ‖:粥 ‰Ю価 嗚)含 ∫ 鋭就lced327WI急 7 1 Tax Years Due:2014 201220132014 Map/Parcel Number: 20058 02019 Defendant(s) in FiFa: IN REM against the property lolou,n as LOT 40 BLOCI( 2 JENzuNS WARD EAST SAVANNAH SUB, O IIANSON ST, said property beilg foranerly in :磐 ご :器 裾 器 棚 ‰ LOT 21 BLOCK 15 WttST ¨ SA1/AplNAH GLETヾ トロヽ/CASTLE ST - : GEORGIA, fょ ﹁い 。 ヽQヽ r 今 雑 :l鶏せ ぃ 猟 ttAS ご。 …ζ mls)‖ 露 :篤撃 :02 ヽ 没麗 ` the name of WILLTE LAWTON & MAGG STEVENS, DECEASED Cuent Properly Owner: SAME AS DEFENDANT(S) IN FIFA ' , CHIIHAM.COUNTX GEORGIA, BEING LOT 40 BLOCI( 2 JENK]NS WARD EAST SAVANNAH SUB; O HANSON ST Refereuce Deed: l,Dl-Y 1469 0l0l Map/Parcel Number: 20028 Dcfcndant(s)in FiFa:IN REM the property klown Property Description: AIL AND ONLY TIIAI PARCEL OF LAND DESICNATED AS 20058 O2OI9 IN as 13 Tu Map/Parcel Nulber: 20068 06006 Defendant(s) in FiFa: IN REIvI against the property loown as 187 GAMBLE l\ \ (\ . $u N fl\ .- -r WARD SPRINGFIELD TERRACE, \ZOZ Cenn S! saidproperty being fomerly in the name of REUBEN rouas, oTcEASED #ffi$X,flr,o'tm"r Properry Description: ALLAND ONLY T}IAT PARCEL OF LAND nnsicNa:TEDAS 20068 06006 IN CIIAIIIAM COUNTY, GEORGIA, .€-BEINC , Years Due: 2008 2009 2010 201 I saun as 187 GAMBLE WARD SPR-D{cFIELD TERRACE; 1207 CARR ST Reference Deed: 5 4 -V / 403 Tar Years Due: 2014 20122013 2014 Sヽゆ 一ヽ %se ヽlap/Parcel lヾ umber:2005802024 SCOT■ ZAY′心〕ヾM Defendant(s)lll FiFal BAICR HEARY Currellt Property Owner Sttν lLLAGE: ST AS 20028 01012 Pヾ Property Descriptioll:ALL AND olNり rTHAT PARCEL OF LAND Dced:115‐ E/158 Years Due: 2014 BLK D GLEN WARD; DESlGNATED AS 20058 02024 nヾ BEING LTS 3132 BLK 2 E SAVAllNAH JENICINS WAItD;2121 :省 稜ド駕:乳躍盟品 ∬避ぶD NIARGAttT BROWN WЪ ITE ゝ CШ rent Prope● y oNrrTIRT PARCEL OF LAND DESIGNATED AS 20030 04014 N CllIATIIAM COUNTYl GEORGIA, ReFc■ encc ONILY THAT PARCEL OF L鰤 :繹 号:Ⅷ脱田盗難 the propclty k■ ' DEⅣ EREヽ ヽ Lへ RD,903W38TH naille ofNATALIE ROSE Sヽ 1lTH, DECEASED Cullent Prope」 けOWnel s却 vE AS DEFE■ lDANT(S)「 ヾFIFA PrOperty DescriptiOn:ALL AND ONLY TI■ ば Propelty DcscliptiOn:ALLAさ PARCEL OF LAND 慾軸 淵 蒻 Mパ 戚 寧:鸞撫 箸 D ONLYT比 べT PARCEL OF LAND DESIGNATED AS 20063 120071N CHATIIAN/1 COtINTヽ S■ sald prOpelty beillg fonllerly in the Curellt Propclty Owner SAME AS DEFE卜 DANT(S)nヾ FIFA agalllst thc plopeゥ kn。 IVll as LOT Tax Years Due:2011201220132014 the propelty knolvn as LOT 66 INIITCHELL,DECEASED Defendant(s)in FiFa:N REM ' Rcfcrence Dced:182-Q/637 owllas LT 275 E PT SEILER AVE,said Propcrty bcing fonncrly in tbe name ofACNES ヽ4aP/Parccl Number:2005021020 ROTHWELLST MaP/Parcel Nunlber:2007302024 Dcfcidant(s)lll FiFa N ICM against 273 BLK 3111ARMON WD,1016 鰹淵 :1衿 VL:T ヾ Tax舞Years Due:2014 BEING 7&8ヽ VLLIAMS Ⅶ ;12 1 Years Due:201220132014 `lap77ParCel Number:2006312007 Dcfcndant(s)in FiFa N REM agahst _DESIGNATEDAS 20050 14012 Di _ご Deed:63-ヽ //103 Tax Years Due:2014 崎 0 .Q卜ゝ ヽり OwnCrisANE AS DEFENDANT(S)Pヾ FIFA Propeゥ Dcsciption:ALLAND HANSON ST ﹃ ヽ S や ヽ 的ゝ い% ぢ 恥い 、 ヽ(ap/Parcel Nunlber:2003004014 De∼ndant(S)in FiFal FULLER AS 20072 05005 nヾ CHATHAM COUNTヽ GEORGIA, 軽 麗鷺1ls)I磐 誇 T2 ミ■滉淵t全 peゥ 。 wner s触vE AS Deed:lo3-G/20&397 E AS DEFENDANT(S)IN FIFA DESlGNATED AS 20073 02024 nヾ GEORCIA, CHATHAM COUNTx GEORGIA, BEDヾ G LT 275 E PT 273 BLK 31 BEnヾ G LOT 66 DENIIERE IVAICD; 11ARN40N IVD;1016 SElLER却 Rcrcrcnce Deed:302‐ Eソ 528 Tax Years Due:2014 903ヽ/38TH ST Retrence Dced:159-Y/567 '電 Tax Years Dlle1 2014 :長 2004104010「 ヾ ヽ ヽ し へ RDヽヽGNER ;18 WACNER ST Deed:381-S/103 翼 ヽ燃淋曇 [:1譜 い 勝AND ONLY THAT PAItCEL OF LAヽ D や`潤湘鶏「 88ぶ ギ ll&駅 3冨 蛛 1鵬 路 島 ¨ 需 胤 ヽ ヽ う 岨閥);904G00GE ST ε ttllVAItD; Tax Years Due:20132014 ∬ 器趨 蠍辮翼 卜lap/Parccl Nulllbcr:2004726017 E R孵鸞趙 鷺 ド 酬飩 聡ぼ盟想D` ` ヽ │ ヽ BEnヾ G LOTS 27 AND 28 GIBBONS へ RD;1415 COm颯 腸吐 L ST ヽち Retrence Dee■ 126-H/60, パ 鶯鷲 雨 蓋 ヾ華 Dcfendant(s)in FIFa:"DY い :営:温胤:棚 完 肌:鍮 ミ:黒器号 蹴騒:麗‰ ヽ WARD CARVER VILLAGE;1003 CAItROLL ST S鷺耀:::臆 ち 1霧 E AS BLOCK 2JENK■ヾS WARD EAST ミ幕驀繕齢》 Sハ こ颯ヾAH SU13,O HANSON ` MaP/Parcel Nunlber 20058 92018 tllc prope■ y FFa N REM agalnst k10Wn as LOT 41 Lへ や鸞i曇濃麒 ミ 毬鸞鮮蝋淵納 S Tax Years Duc:2014 Map/Parcel Nulllbcr 2004,11002 ` 機;口 S暴職 Tax Years Duc:2014 IC314 Referencc Dced:10卜 Y/469 Tax Ycars Due1 2008 2009 2010 20H 201220132014 Number 20073 39023 TON t淵 、 部 iS 樵 遇 、 COllNTM GEORCIA,BEING 瑞 鵠 役 1訛 ど BEnqG LOT 56 C戯 ゛ヾWARD;920 )逸 χ[署 寝 』 L28-Wだ 88 1,x Ycals Due1 2014 LOT 25 SOLOMONSIVD;2305 `S避船肌X329-IC/662 Map/Palcel Number 20073 40021 DcFendant(s)hl FiFa:N ttM agamst the prOperty欺 ぬOwll aS 68 Tax Yeas Due:2014 NS . い鴫S ぐ り i榊 よ遡響燃納巻 M叩 /Parcel 'Defendant(s)in FIFa:Lnヾ ヽ4ap/Parcel Nlllmber:2006541002 Defendant(s)In FiFal HOLMES CARVER 『 :[『 嶽 lST fン X話鯖も Defendant(s)u■ Dccd:387‐ y342 ST _ GEORCIA,BEING LOT 9 BLOCK 25 FEET OF LOT Years Due:20132014 Rcfereuce Dccd:l13-T/552 Tax Years Duc:2014 CCJUNπ" ´ 15 FRIEDNIANヽ ヽ 船m BEnヾ G TEYNAC WD;2216 HABERSIIANI い :胤 檄鶴艦;∬ 2∞ 9,CHATHANI AS 20073 06014 nヾ )銀 j S"∞ "踊 Defendant(s) in FiFa KEITH C(2013)& AS Cunent Property Orvner: SAME AS oWner sANIEAS :│∬ 判 JOH卜■ヾ IE 00D Ⅵら 蠅 ,737E N開:酬理漑 ― C比 ヽTIIAM COUNnl GEORGIA, lvlaP/Parcel Nlullber:2005030009 Defendant(s)in F『 ■ HOLⅣ ES Defendant(s)in FIFl:nヾ REM agamstthe propcrty lolown as LOT 。 ul■ ミ熙鱗 :W 響乳 ミ揚 薫 唆 器絆胤鏃鵠 も: 郡 DESIGNATED AS 20050 210201N Tax Years Due1 2014 Map/Parcel Number 20042 H020 cut Propc■y Map/Parcel Number:2006442011 Dcfendant(s)in FiFa:Dヾ REM agalnst Referencc Deed:87-R/379 k Years Due: 2014 52 11AYM′ η 器 監ド 胤 鏃鵠 ‐ ヽlap/Parccl Nuluber 20067 11006 Defendant(s)in FLFa:SEABR00KS TYRONE&ム まCHE」 ' B蘊 締 麟 Current Property Owncri SAME AS DEFENDANT(S)N FInヽ AS PrOpcrサ DescHption:ALLAplD Oヽ■Y THAT PARCEL OF LAND DESIGNATEEI AS 20067 11006 rヾ CHATHANI COllNTll GEORGIA, SOUTH 25 FEET OF LOT ミ ヽ BEnヾ G H9BROWNSVILLEヽ ヽ L⑩ :2019 っ 臓 鼈 鷲 _ONLY TttrPARCEL OF Lヽ 卜D DESIGNATED AS 20073 400211N :器 G軋 説 絣 器 11AItDEN ST VICTORY DR Reference Deed:274-G/3H Retrencc Decd1 283-」 /380 Tax Ycars Dttc:20132014 Tax Years Due:2014 TERRICETA Current Proper,OWncr SAME AS DEFEblDANT(S)コ N FIFA Propery Descriptioll:ALL ANID 駐 :蝙 翼薦:貰 ヽ KINGSVILLE SUB NORW00D`ど 今 選蠍ど僕∬Iあ 鶏808-824 at 2:30 OllLY THAT PARCEL OF LAND DESIGNATED AS 20129 06015 N the same day and if necessary continuing the next da, Wednesday between the legal hous of sale, begiming at l0:00 A.Mand ending at 4;00 P.M. unless prior afiaDgements are agreed upon with the Tax Commissioner's Omce.+++ CHATIIAM COUNTll GEORGIA, BEING LOT 71 1JNIVERSlTY PLACE SUB MINGLEDORFF WARD;263 BIRCHFIELD pR 0いもONド つ Rererellce Decd:103-)y449 Tax Years Duc:2014 Tax Ycars Due1 2014 PM. ゆ hRFttTEUTAM mf弧 S・ Cu¨ m PЮ pett Own∝ SANIE AS .DEFENDANT(S)nヾ FIFA ミ 郎 l ENG 66SAUSSY IVD EAST E 猪』駄i鋭 蹄駆 っ景 Tax Years Due:2014 .1 Map/Parcel Number: 20494 03010 Defeudarrt(s) in FiFa: SMTTH $q Ia Cunent Property owuer: SAMEAS DEFENDANT(S) IN FTFA Prop"rty Oescription: AILAND ONLYTHAT PARCELOF LAND \) f\ O N゛ ヽ一つ ゛崎 。 ヽlap/ParccI Nulllber 20089 22039 Dc,ndant(S)in FiFa:PATRICIA 20ll NIIARY&ム エICE FANIILY LIMITED PARThTERSHIP LP(2013-2014) Ctllrent Property Owberi NIARY &ALICE FAMILY LINIITED RRINERSHIP LP PrOpery Desc● ptlon:ALLAhlD ONLY THAT PARCEL OF LAhTD DESIGNATEDAS 20715 02019 N BEING 18 BLK lIIULL WD W00DVILLE:O DAItLPヾ G ST。 tlle prOpelty klown as LOT 59 Reference Deed:382-R/365 FElLER TERRACE,1237ヽ ′50TH TaxYearsDue12010201120122013 S■ Said prOpelty belllg fortlllerly h 2014 DECEASED Map/Parcel Nunlber:6082002012 CmcntPropeny Owner sANIE AS DEFEヽ DANT(S)Pヾ FIFA Defendant(s)in Ftta:STARICS ONLY THATPARCEL OF LAND DESIGNATED AS 20555 02001「 ヾ CHATHAM COuNTll GEORGIA, BEDヾ G LOT 59 FELER TERItACE; 2014 い 淵器Ю ゥ。 ト … ギ 翼:器蝋R∬ 器 sttν E Property DescrlptiOll:ALL AIID 1237W50TH ST Chatham County March Tax Sale S HOLMESADMPヾ ISTRATOR DANIELS SR(2010-2012)& thc namc OfNIALVERl■ lE D劇 lS, ) oestcNerEDAS 20494 oloro n.r N 99 cHarnqtvl coLrNTy, cEoRCIA, nan'rc lr z6 oGLETHoRPE wD -] \D lH,:":1,;lJ:iIH,?l Tax Years Due: Dcfendant(s)in FiFa:LARttr HD赳 ヾIELS A10 LAItRY H Defendant(s)lll FiFa:IN REM agalllst ' cuanr-rs wrLLtAM.rR . Map/Parcel Nunlbcr 20715 02019 CHATHAM COUNTll GEORCIA, ヽ4ap/Parcel Nuinbcr:2055502001 、 February 26,2016 1 5D I Friday′ t++Any properties that are "no l:ids', or any properties that renain rurpaid by (he bidder as of 2;00 PM. the day ofthe Shcriff's Sale will bc re-cried 卜Sn ご埼 ヽヽ . MS Map/Palccl Nulllber 20129 06015 Defendant(s)in FiFa:埒 ヾ DREWS Dcfcndant(s)hl FiFa:JACKSON ミ鰊 -sayarrnah lvlornirrg l,,lews いい 一、一っ N 一. MaP/Parcel Nulllber 20074 38007 Ⅸ │]:彙 聾 群 鸞基 警聾 nd only ゝ 智器∬♂‰ 鰯 胤既 Rcfercnce Dced:135-H/425 Tax Years Due:201220132014 OF THE ESTATE OFJAMES E SOLOMON cc#; rc$67 Current Propelty Owner SAME AS Sheriff's Sale DEFENDANT(S)nゞ FIFA Datriel T. Powers AND ONLY THAT PARCEL OF LAND Propcrty Descripti。 ●:ALL . Under and by virtue of certain tax FiFa's issued by tbe Tax Comissioner of Chatham Coungr, Georgia, in favor of the State of Georgia and County ofChatham, against the following named persons aud lhe property as described ilmediately below their respective COLDNG WD 2FEET OF LOT96 COLDNG WARD:527 0RCHARD ST ReferOnce Deed: 101-J/182 Tax Years Due:2014 Map/Parccl Nunlber:2008929008 Defclldatit(s)Ll FiFa:Iも 嘘 ZARD ⅣL姐日 「IE =RFぎ Defendant(s)in FiF。 CARRUTHERS ミ :JOHNSON グ :ロ Defendant(s)in FiFal VIVLAN GREEN&IN REM againsttllo propertylKnOwn as LOT 9 BLOCK や く Ctt Property Owller S小 但 AS 慟 BEING 織 蝉 撚 ) CHAT比 ヘ トl COIINnl GEORGム , つ 器 霧織:FTttSSttS l0 I 20110130311N Deed1 202)C281 Prope● y Description:All atld only ユニl thatFrcelPJ,111,e,glltCd 恨 :慰露離蠍 l禍 肌i叫 『11;_Ⅳ712 り絶 :即 糧 Map/Parcel Nunlber:2063709008 Defendant(s)in FiFa:JosEPH DAVIS AS ADMINISTRATOR OF 服::罵:£ Ⅷ:X鷺 諜 い DEFENDANT(S)nヾ FIFA ― ++ Poterrtial bidders will be required to register and provide a picture ID 30 milutes prior to tltre start of the tai sale, According to GALaw Code, O.C.G.A. 9-l3-170, the successful highest bidder rvill be lreld legally responsible for paymeut oI the bid 蝉 1:柳 l COuNTYl GEORGIA, LT419 TREMONT PK;0 -PAIGE AVE ml 201220132014 Map/Parcel Nuniber:2064108003 Defendant(s)in FiFa:N REM agablst the p101,elly h10、 ′ 1las LOT 7 BLK 7 RICHFELD SUB,4508 HERITAGE DR,said propery being fonllerly corrouwooD $a HoMEBUILDERS OQ il,l"ut propefty omer: sAMEAs DEFENDANT(S) IN FIFA Property Description: All and only thal parcel ofland designated as tax [r{\ (V( I | ) parcel 709068 I 3037 in Chatlrarn \ bo*ry, Georgia, Being Lot I I l, 1| Parkside at tu-ce Hopeiubdivisiorr; ,' \ lz+ crabapple Circle Reference Deed: 3 I 9-PJ768 $1"r.5*"p."d:Jl:n198 Tax Years Due: ?Ol3 2Ol4 ' Map/Parcel Number: 70978 DEFENDANT(S) iNEFA ln the ua:uo OfJANIES JR&LENA QUARTERNIAN,DECEASED Current Propcrけ olVller SA卜 DEFENDANT(S)IN FttA E AS Property DescHptiOu:ALLAND ^ONLYTTIAT - on properties for a profit or nonprofit business, corporation and,/ or organizatiol, must provide a copy ofthe corporate resolution and supporting docurneuts to this office one (l) hour before the sale begins, proving that the business, corporation aud/or organiztiotr is a legal entity and tltat the irdividual making the bid has the right to do so on it's behalf. 幾 ヽ)lた II師1:濃 り き 貶 tlre responsibility of the buyer to check for any and all encrmbrances. biddbg Map/Parcel Nurber: 709068 I 3037 Defendant(s) in FiFa: . :[露 灘 o CHATHA■ 詩 It is atnouttt.*'F as tax ^patce1 70906B 13005 1n Chatham parcel 70906813019 il Chatham Couu!,, Georyia, Beilg Lot 74, Pukside at Rice Hope Subdivision; 215 Dogwood Circle Refereuce Deed: 319-W723 Tax Years Due: 2013 201 4 Years Due: 2014 be subsequeut tax years due ou the following parcels not included in the tax sale. Please hquire when youpay yoru bid amouut.* Aury individual who is Reference Deed: lll-T1224 Tax Years Due: 2013 Z0l4 Map/Parcel Number: 201 I Property Owner: SAME AS DEFENDANT(S)N FIFA COTTONWOOD HOMEBUILDERS INC Curent Property Owner: SAME AS DEFENDANT(S) iN FIFA Property Description: All and only that parcel of land designated as tax 94P比 ヽsE B ‘ 、 い ヽ %、 S掛l罰獅littI l難 .r Cment Map/Parcel Number: 709068 I 30 I 9 Defendant(s) in FiFa: W 口.BEING Each defendant ud texant in possessioo, if applicable, lras been notifled oflevy time and place of sale. Purchaser shall pay for title, all transfer costs, all taxes, advertisirg cost and recordilg fees. No sale 'is complete or firal until all of the bid amomt is paid to the Tu . Cornrnissioner's Offrce. +*There may Map/Parcel Number 20093 37005 t繋 OS Nc POLK&NIARIA H GAT case, Tax Years Due1 2014 Ctu・ r〕 ∫ りぢ OB 、 3m3:LttBuLDERS Tax Years Due:20132014 The following property will be sold between the legal hours ofsale, 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 PIvI. The properties hereitafter described bave been Ievied on as the properties ofthe person(s) whose name(s) imnediately precede the property description. Each of the respective paicels ofproperty are located in Chatham County, State of Georgia. The years for which said FiFa's re issued and leVied are stated belorv the name ofthe owner il each ご齢滋冤 蠍3叩 ヽい :1:り Deed:210-W/225 MaP/Parcel Number 20093 07010A I舗熙 猶 撻∬雌ち Map/Parcel N■ lmber:70906B13005 “ 嗚0ヽ、 % ∞. Nっ 鳳:λ 5-V832 :選 ; 2014 Tlrere will be sold for cash, caslrier's check or money order only at public outcry irl front of the Couthouse il Savanrah, Chatbam Couty, Georgia, between the legal hous ofsale, on the fust Tuesday in March, 2016, the same being lvlarch l, 2b t6 and contiming ou Marcli 2,2016, aud ifnecessary auy coDsecutive date . thereafter, until all parcels are cried. Tax Years Due:2014 哺 憾 聡 つ Tax Years Duc:2014 uarne(s). Ctlrlent Propeity Owner:SAlvlE AS ¥)逸 乱酬 鱗1綺 ざ靱 舞鵠 AS CHAT施 へゝI COUNnl GEORCIA, BERヽ G LTS 93 94 95+W2FT 96 as rcnce Deed 368X456 Ex-Officio Sheriff State ofGeorgia, County of Chatham DESIGNATED AS 20089 22039 N AS O[ LAND PARCEL DESTGNATEDAs 20641 o8oo3 IN :躙淵踊Ⅷ3記£ 縦t StIB:4508 HERITAGE DR Refereuce Deed:71Q/363 Tax Years Due:2014 揚 3:葬蕪 ITT ミ慕祟憔燿Ь ` 、 BEDヾ G LTS 16 17 BLK l LIBEltTY CITX 1922 FITZGERALD ST 埒 疲漁 臆ち :ソ 73 PUNlaN BRIEIGE& Dced1 217 N/488 Years Duc:2014 MaP/Parcel Number 8001o o2002 nefcldant(S)1lFiFa N REM QD . つ0■ヽり against tlle propelty kl】 Own as 205 ACRE TcT c oF GA RY BLOoMDヾ GDALE,OEⅣ囲 ヾ 重 :螢 :鮮 Cuttcnt P10pcrけ 摺 讐鑑 :書 oWnelI SANE AS DEFENDANT(S)「 ヾFIFA Properサ DescriptiOn:ALL′ さD ONLY THAT PARCEL OF LANID DESIGNATED AS 80olo o2002 1N ::篤 猟盤БTコ 獅讐 , RY BLOoNIINGDALE; O E ⅣLAЛ ヾsT Refcrence Deed:122‐ B/571 Tax Ycars Due1 2014 * Reference Deed: R"f"^ toD*O Records located iu the Chatham County Courthouse, Clerk of Superior Cout's Office where property fully described. is more
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