REGISTRATIONCERTIFICATE UtU cerfification international CERTIFICATE OFCONFORMITY In compliance withlhe provision of Califomia 93'120 Codeof Regulation Concerning Airbome ToxicControl Measure to reduce Fornaldehyde Emission fromComposite Wood Product, it isstated that: PTSUMATERA PRIMA FIBREBOARD Jl,Lintas Timur KIV28,DesaPalem IndRlaya, Raya, 0ganllir30662, Soulh Sumalera, Republic ofIndonesia ofComposite Wood Category Product ThinMedium Denslty Fiberboard ppm) Formaldehyde Emission Phase Standard: 2 (0.13 Hasbeencomplying withthefomaldehyde emission standard asstatedin 931202(aJandtheQuality Assurance requirements specified insection 93120.12, Appendix 2. Signed onbehalf Lesta ofPTMutuagung lssued byPTMutuagung L$tari asThlrdPartyCertlfication (TPC 6) ' Dspo* J Raya BogorKM33,5 No.19Cimanggis 16953INDoNES|A Phone(62-21) 874-0202 Fat 162-21) 46 87744745, E-mail i ilspc@@rutlle4j&a1i9rc90 l/lsitwww.ruluc€rtification please Forverilcation ol lhiscerlificale comor \rhr!.ab cs/compwood/lpc/lisioimills fhbcodificEte lernaks theyopevatPT[\uh]WngLedatlowhMll nustbeftnnBdonraqu$l C€rtiticate Number TPC6/CARB-ATCt!{/ n/005-[,10F002 Daleof InitialRegistration 2008 8 Oc,tober Daleof lssue 8 Octobor2014 DaleofExpiry 7 october2015 ItD, REGISTRATIONCERTIFICATE Ifllltll certit ic ation international Notice ofAuthorization MUTU CERTIFICATION asThirdPaftyCerlifier approved byCalifomia Ak Resources Board hercby notifythatlhemanufacllrer menlioned belowhas beenverified, inspected andtestedanditsproduct(s) withtle applicable comply emission standafd, andilsQualily Assurance complies withQuality assuEnce ll istherefore, inaccodance withtheCalifomia Code ofRegulation, Seclion 93120.12, Appendix 3 (e),l\,lUTU CERTIFICATIoN Fquirements. peiodicon-sile shallconduct inspeclion at leaslonceperquarter io ensure fullcompliance withQualily Assurance requirements in seclion 93120.12, product (ASTM Appendix 2,andtestlhemanufactureis E 1333)to usingP maryTeslMethod ensurc fullcompliance withapplicable emission slandad inseclion 20.2ia). 931 Jakarta, SOctober2014 onbehafofPTl\4utuagung Lestari w Name ofl\,,lanuiacturer PTSUI\4ATERA PRIIVA FIBREBOARD 2. Address Headofficel Wisma lndocemenl Tthiloor,Ji.JendralSudiman Kav70-71 Jakarla, Republicof lndonesia Silel Jl.Lintas Timur KM28,DesaPalem Raya, lnderalaya, Republic ogan||k30662, South Sumatela, oflndonesia 3. Cerlilicate Number 4. Composite Products Wood 5. Thickness 6. Formaldehyde Emission Level 7 TypeofGlue L Production Line TPC6/CAR8-ATC[/VlV00s-lt4DF002 (T[jDF) Thinlvedium Fiberboard Densily (maximum ThinIVDF 8 mm) ppm) Phase 2 (0.13 UrcaFormaldghyde Plant1andPlant2 &tr/ REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE UtU certification international NoticeofAuthorization MUTU CERTIFICATION asThirdPailyCerliiler Board approved byCalifomia AirResources hereby notifythatlhemanufaclurer mentioned belowhas beenverilled, inspecled andtesled, withlheapplicable emission andilsproduct(s) comply slandard, anditsQuality Assurance complies wllhQuallly pqukements. assufance lt islhercforc, inaccodance withlheCalifomia CodeofRegulation, Section 93120.12, Appendix 3 (e),IVUTU CERTIFICATION peiodicon-site shallconduct inspection at leaslonceperquaner 10ensure fullcompliance withQuality Assurance requirements in section 93120.12, prod!61 Appendix 2,andteslthemanufaclureCs usingPfimary Testfi4ethod E 1333) full lo e0s!rc compliance with applicable emission standard {AST[4 inseclion 93120 2{a). Jakarta, 8 October 2014 ofPTlt/utuagung Leslari onbehalf Name of l\4anufaclurcr 2. Address 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. PTSUII,4ATEM PRIIVA FIBREBOARD Headofllce: Wisma lndocemenl SudimanKav. 70-71Jakaia,Republic 7thfloor,Jl.Jendral of Indofesia Site: Timur Jl.Lintas Kll28,DesaPalem Raya, Inde|alaya, ogan1l[30662, Republic South Sumatera, oflndonesia Ceniiicate Nwbel TPC6/CARB-ATCtuiitr4005-N1DF002 (TMDF) Composite Wood Producls Thin[4edium Fiberboard Density (maximw Thickness ThinMDF 8 mrn) ppm) Fomaldehyde Emission Level Phase 2(0.13 TypeofGlue Melamine Formaldehyde Prcduction Line Piant1
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