こちら - kek

お得な東京⾏き⾼速バス券 Highway bus Advantageous tickets for TOKYO Station
お問合せ ・関東鉄道中央営業所:029-836-1145 ・JR バス関東:03-3844-1950
Available to buy Ticket from the Kantetsu Tsukuba-gakuen Service Office at Tsukuba Center, JR Bus Office at JR Tokyo
Station and the bus driver.
Information : Kanto-tetsudo Tsukuba chuo Office 029-836-1145 / JR Bus Kanto 03-3844-1950
■東京トク割回数券 :
上り専⽤ 3 枚綴りで 2,000 円。利⽤開始前であれば払戻しは出来ますがその際 払戻し⼿数料 200 円掛かります。
"Tokyo Special deals Multi-Ride Ticket": 2,000yen / 3-ride (Regukar price is 1,190yen one way.)
You can use it only to Tokyo, not to Tsukuba. Time limit to use for until March 31, 2015.
You could redeem your unused ticket. ( a refund service charge is100yen)
Kantetsu local bus Multi-Ride tickets
Kantetsu buses depart from Tsukuba Center to KEK (Koh-eh-nel-ghi ken-cue-kikoh), they are for "Technopark Oho",
and for "Shimotsuma Station" (shi-mo-tsu-ma-eh-ki).
冊式回数券 : 2 種類があります。10 円券が 26 枚の 1,000 円回数券と 10 円券が 32 枚の 2,000 円回数券
Combination discountcoupon tickets "Satsu-shiki-Kaisu-ken". They have two kinds of coupone tickes.
・ 1,000 yen Kaisu-ken Set : 26 pieces of 10 yen ticket are set.
・ 2,000 yen Kaisu-ken Set : 32 pieces of 10 yen ticket are set.
⾦額式回数券 : 90 円券から 10 円刻みで 630 円券まであり 22 枚綴りで 20 枚分の⾦額になります。払戻しは、使⽤した額⾯と 200 円
Fixed-price coupon tickets "Kingaku-shiki-Kaisu-ken"
Choose one price between 90 yen up to 630 yen in 10 yen increment. The set comes with 22 tickets for
the price of 20 tickets.The amount of money in which the face value used and a refund service charge
(200 yen) are subtracted.
For example ; 1800 yen (90yen×22 pieses) - [you uesd 900yen (90yen×10 Pieces)+200yen]=700yen
Tsuku-bus Multi-Ride tickets
Tsukuba-city's community bus called Tsuku-Bus (Hokubu-Shuttle-Bus route ) stops at the bus-stop in front of KEK.
There are three bus stops form Tsukuba Center Bus Terminal to KEK (Koh-eh-nel-ghi ken-cue-kikoh)
Available to purchase a Multi-Ride Ticket and One-day pass from bus driver or Kanto-tetsudo Office
冊式回数券 : 3 種類があります。
There are three kind of Multi-Ride Tickets.
・ 500 円回数券は、50 円のチケットが 11 枚セット。
You pay 500 yen and get 11 of 50-yen tickets.
・1,000 円回数券は、100 円のチケットが 11 枚セット。 You pay 1000 yen and get 11 of 100-yen tickets
・2,000 円回数券は、200 円のチケットが 11 枚セット。 You pay 2000 yen and get 11 of 200-yen tickets
⼤⼈ 500 円、⼦供 250 円、当⽇のみ有効です。
The One-day pass of Saturday, Sunday and Public holiday: Adult 500 yen, Child 250 yen.
Only that day of a ticket is effective.
2014.05.29 KEK Users Office