Fukushima Daiichi NPS

< Reference >
January 27, 2014
Tokyo Electric Power Company
Fukushima Daiichi NPS: Progress Status of
Construction of Seaside Water Impermeable Wall
1. Progress status of seaside water impermeable wall
(as of Jan. 26)
Leakage preventing rubber plate
Steel pipe
sheet pile
① In Construction Zone No. 1 (inside the port),
- Installation of steel pipe sheet piles: 395 piles completed (out of a total of 404)
- Application of treatment to joints: 293 joints completed (out of a total of 404)
② In Construction Zone No. 2 (outside the port),
- Installation of steel pipe sheet piles: 139 piles completed (out of a total of 191)
東 波 除 堤
East breakwater
Joint part
Filling of mortar (treatment
applied to a joint)
Illustration of treatment that is applied to a joint
Mooring post
Zone No. 2
(outside the port)
Construction Zone No. 1
(inside the port)
Legend: Installation of steel pipe sheet piles completed
Application of treatment to joints completed
路盤材40-0 敷き鉄板
Reclamation completed
2. Sequence of reclamation inside the port
The subject area was divided into blocks, and underwater concrete installation and reclamation has been started from
the northernmost block and is currently underway.
東 波 除 堤
Inside the port,
- Underwater concrete: Approx. 900m3 completed (out of a total of approx. 3,300m3) (as of Jan. 26)
- Reclamation material (rubble stones): Approx. 2,500m3 completed (out of a total of approx. 41,000m3) (as of Jan. 26)
The construction is currently being conducted
in the Blocks A and B area.
路盤材40-0 敷き鉄板
Reclamation of this part is to
be conducted after the
installation of 9 steel pipe
sheet piles, which has been
interrupted for now.
3. Scheduled reduction of the number of seawater monitoring points following
reclamation work
 The number of seawater monitoring points will be sequentially reduced in accordance with the
progress of the reclamation work for the seaside water impermeable wall.
 A monitoring point will be added in a location near the center of the open conduit of the Units 1-4
intake channel in the north-south direction.
To be retained
in place
To be retained as a
monitoring point
To be used from
around May
Until the completion of
steel pipe cofferdam
To be installed
in late Feb.
Until mid or late May
Until early or mid Apr.
Outside: To be
used from late Feb.
Outside: Until early Mar.
Inside: Until mid or late Jun.
Outside: Until Jan. 31
Inside: Until mid or late Mar.
Until mid or late Feb.
To be removed
on Jan. 31
To be removed
in early Feb.
To be removed
in late Feb.
Outside: Until early Feb.
Inside: Until late Apr. or early May
To be removed
in early Mar.
Until the completion of
steel pipe cofferdam
Inside and outside:
Until the completion of
steel pipe cofferdam
To be removed after
the completion of
steel pipe cofferdam
* The schedule is subject to change depending on the
progress status of the work.
Silt fences to be removed or newly installed
Measurement points for seawater monitoring to be excluded or added
Outside: Outside the silt fence
Inside: Inside the silt fence
Measurement points for gamma, gross-beta,
and H3 densities.
Measurement points only for gamma densities