古屋 玲 (徳島大学)、北村 良実(宇宙研)、新永 浩子(国立天文台) arXiv 1407.4857 Filaments in Dark Clouds 01 Catalogued 23 “Globular Filaments” mostly from the Lynds (1962) catalog of dark clouds Schneider & Elmegreen 1979 Stability and Evolution of a Cylindrical Cloud 03 Hierarchy of “sheets - filaments - cores - protostars”. Miyama, Hayashi & Narita 84 Radial collapse of cylinder, “line-mass”, 2cs2/G. Stodolkiewicz 63, Ostriker 64 Stability of cylinder against axial perturbations Found (i) critical wave numbers for isothermal incompressible cylinder composed of polytropic gas, (ii) unstable cylinder can be stabilized by (0, 0, Bz). Chandrasekhar & Fermi 53b Studied dependency of B : (i) critical wavelength becomes longer for (0, Bφ, 0), whereas shorter for (0, 0, Bz). Stodolkiewicz 63 Growth rates are suppressed by uniform (0, 0, Bz). Nagasawa 87 All the studies showed that a filament breaks into clumps with Larson 85 separations of about 4H. Merging and clustering of clumps occur within fragmentation time Inutsuka & Miyama 97 scales. “Cheat Sheet” —Filaments and Cylindrical Clouds04 Observations show that filaments are: 昨日の井上さん講演 Omnipresent, regardless of star formation activity. Top of the hierarchy of “filaments - cores - protostars”. 45mデータ+回転を考慮した安定性議論: Hanawa+93 Theory suggests to see stability of a cylinder, assess: Critical line-mass for radial collapse Critical wavelength for axial collapse Keywords to study filaments: Scale height Velocity field and velocity dispersion Turbulence Magnetic fields Previous Work and Motivation : GF9 “AKARI” Color Temp. + NH3 05 160, 140, 90 and 65 μmマップから導出 Kelvin NH3 cores: Furuya, Kitamura, & Shinnaga 2008. Kitamura, RSF in prep. 5 3 ex deviation for the spectra existing inside the half-maximum, i.e., 50% level contour of total integrated intensity map ( Fig. 4). in-beam brightness temperature. For N2H + and NH3 lines, those for the brightest HF components are given. lating intrinsic velocity width (!v int ), we employed HFS analysis for the N2H + and NH3 lines, spectral moment analysis for the C3H2 lines, and single Gaussian fitting for the CCS line (x 4.5.2). For the C 3 H2 and CCS lines, we corrected for line broadening due depth (Phillips et al. 1979). depth. We present ! of the brightest HF transition (F1 ; F ) ¼ (2; 3)Y (1; 2) for N 2H + (1Y 0) (x 4.1.1) and (F; F1 ) ¼ (5/2; 2)Y(5/2; 2) ) (x 4.1.5). Previous Work and Motivation An Exceptionally Young Protostar 06 ! !SED Masers No extensive outflow Dense Core Density structure ated intensity maps of the (a) H13CO+ (1Y 0), (b) CCS 43Y32, (c) N2H+ (1Y 0), and (d ) NH3 (1, 1) lines observed with the 45 m telescope. The velocity ns are between VLSR ¼ !2:95 and !2.1 km s!1 for H13CO+ and between !3.0 and !2.1 km s!1 for CCS. For the N2H + and NH3 emission, all of the d over the velocity ranges shown by the horizontal bars in Figs. 3 and 10, respectively. Contour intervals are 3 ", starting from the 3 " levels. The 1 " .5, 27.0, and 24.8 mK km s!1 for the H13CO+, CCS, N2H+, and NH3 maps, respectively. The central star marks the position of the 3 mm source. The ttom left corner of each panel show beam size (see Table 1), and the small dots represent the observed grid points. ! !”Infall Profile” Velocity structure Accretion rate All the evidence strongly suggest that the core is Gravitationally collapsing; consist w. the runaway collapse scenario i.e., LPH solt’n (Larson 1969; Penston 1969; Hunter 1977). ファーストコアの用語使用を当時のレフェリーは拒絶 6 Furuya et al. 2006, 2009a 2006年前期:観測提案 07 2006年前期:観測提案 10 評価 C 評価 B このような指摘があることも予想して別プロポーザルも同時提出 評価 B 2007年前期:2度目の観測提案 評価 B 評価 B 評価 A 乱流の散逸はカスケード的現象であることを ご理解いただけなかった? 15 16 Observations Nobeyama 45m + BEARS + OTF + Freq.SW + AC45s A total of ~200 hrs over LST 17h - 2h in ’07 Dec./’08 Mar. Observed lines = Effective spatial resolution = 24 arcsec 12CO, 13CO, and C18O 1-0 lines Effective velocity resolution = 0.1 km/s “Special support” = 澤田、樋口、高橋茂、久野 Data reduction = NOSTAR + CLASS image courtesy: 国立天文台野辺山 Results: 12CO J=1-0, H13CO+J=1-0 17 Results: 13CO J=1-0, H13CO+J=1-0 20 18 Results: C18O J=1-0, H13CO+J=1-0 21 19 sAnalysis: cloud is written Solvingby, CO Excitation Conditionsτ and Tex ant. Radiative transfer eq. [12 CO] α ≡ 13 = 89 [ CO] ν Tmb (v) = f {J (Tex ) − Jν (Tbg )}[1 − exp{−τ (v)}], 13 [ CO] observedβ ≡ = 5.5 18 [C O] to be solved (1) – 39 – line as a function of radial velocit optical depth of the where the excitation temperature of the line, and Tbg12the CO assuming the solar abundance ratios of, 13CO Optical-Depth-Corrected Temperatu ds for radiation. The function Jν (TBrightness ) is the radiation tem 18O [ CO] [ CO] C α≡ = 89 and β ≡ = 5.5 (A1) [C of O] the line, T the gas temperatur re ν is[ CO] the frequency (2) he optical-depth-corrected main beam brightness temperatur Planck constant. having τ and T allows us to reproduce 12 13 13 18 ex “opacity-free” 13CO spectra of, τ = T (v) (A mb −τ 1 − e Estimate of Optical Depth and Excitation Temp desired corr Tmb (v) (3) opaque of τ13 CO ∼ 1 in the 21 Analysis: Solutions — Optical depth τ measure a mean τ13 CO of 0 Figures ?? and ??, respecti Towards the position o −1 = −2.3 km s , while no so in the GF 9-2 core region is 18 leading to the C O optical We measure a mean τ13 CO The number in each panel represents LSR-velocity in km s-1. ⟨τ13 CO ⟩ = 1.31±0.30 CO 22 Figures ?? and ??, respec Analysis: Solutions — Excitation temp. Tex Towards the position = −2.3 km s−1 , while no in the GF 9-2 core region 18 leading to the C O optica We measure a mean τ13 C ⟨τ13 CO ⟩ = 1.31±0.30 The number in each panel represents LSR-velocity in km s-1. ⟨Tex ⟩ = 8.4±1.0 K ch spatial position, we produced the maps Analysis Map of Molecular Hydrogen Column Density D). Since we: are interested in the natal cloud y between the Components 1 and 2 by the 23 H13CO+ core vcent = −2.2 km s−1 in Figure 10b. ogy of the 13 CO bright region is principally sion (Figures 2c and 2f), and that the dense med in the inner densest part of the filamentary – 15 – “LTE-Mass” assuming the X(CO) We obtained ⟨NH2 ⟩ = (2.7 ± 0.9) × 1021 cm−2 =⇒ 24 ± 10M⊙ f or Comp. 1 ⟨NH2 ⟩ = (2.4 ± 0.7) × 1021 cm−2 =⇒ 17 ± 7M⊙ f or Comp. 2 ch spatial position, we produced the maps Analysis Ratio Map ofinNon-thermal D). Since we: are interested the natal cloudVel. Dispersion / Sound–Vel. 16 – – 16 – y between the Components 1 and 2 by the – 16 – 13CO+ core H Turbulent Motions of the 5.1. low-mass (papers andFigure III). On the basis of all the results vcent =protostar −2.2 km s−1I in 10b. 5.1. Turbulent nclude that the core is physically associated with the Component 1 Motions of the Gas in the C We present a map of the ratio between the n 13 .3). This is because dense core is located at the local density ogy of the COthebright region is principally a maprange of the ponent 1 and the LSR-velocity of the coreWe fallspresent inthe the sound velocity of ratio velocity cs inbetween Figure the non-thermal vel ?? to examine the sion (Figures 2c and 2f), and that the dense Although it is impossible to separate the components completely, the thetwo sound velocity c in Figure ?? from, to examine the degree of turb s The ratio is obtained med in gas theof inner densest the natal the GF 9-2 core. part of the filamentary The ratio is obtained from, ! "2 # σnth ∆v(τ → 0 ! "2 # " = $2 √! σnth ∆v(τ cs → 0) thm cs 8σln 2 Turbulent Motions of the Gas in the Component 1 cs 2 where σthm is given by k map of the ratio between the non-thermal dispersion (σnthkT ) and wherevelocity σ 2 is given by , s = thm m13 CO of σthmComponent , we used in Figure 13 to examine the degree of turbulence in the 1. d from, by Calculated by ! σnth cs "2 = # ∆v(τ → 0) √ cs 8 ln 2 √ cs 8 ln 2 kTk , m13 CO − σthm cs and m13 CO denotes the molecular m the ⟨Tex ⟩ map (Figure ??). ratio of We obtained (3) means of, cs and m13 CO denotes th of σthm , we used the ⟨Tex ⟩ map (Figure ??). of"2 $2 ratio ! − % σnth cs & Over Over the Compone % & σnth = 2.1 ± = 2.1 ±cs 0.50 ≡ M using map 13 CO denotes andthe m〈T the molecular mass of 13 CO. For calculations ex〉 −1 corresponding to ⟨σnth ⟩ = 0.34±0.80 km s . −1 corresponding to ⟨σ ⟩ = 0.34±0.80 km s . The observed kTk , m13 CO maller than the core size of ∼0.1 pc. Color Temp. by Chandrasekar & Analysis: Estimating |B | 25 Fermi method (CF53a) NIR polarization s well known that not only supersonic turbulen lar gas from collapsing due to its self-gravity. Ap (Chandrasekhar & Fermi 1953a), Poidevin & Ba ⃗ pos |. They derived ength in the plane of the sky, |B was observed by the CS (2–1) emission (Ciardi ! ⃗ pos | ≈ 9.3 ed Eq. (4) in Crutcher (2004) of |B on in a polarization angle in degrees. Since we ha −1 (§4.3) and the numbe HM = 0.69 ± 0.12 km s ⃗ pos | of 55 ± 30 µG. 5.2), we recalculated |B NIR pol.: Poidevin & Bastien 2006 NH3 cores: Furuya et al. 2008 ⃗ pos | = 55 ± 30 µG |B 19 internal pressure of the filament. We 2 2cs ∼ 9M⊙ m × 0.77 pc line,crit mline,crit = 2⇡ ! ¯ ⇢(¯ ! )d¯ ! = Stability of the Filament — Radial Collapse G 0 pressures due ( ✓ ◆2 ) to predominantly the su Z meff line,crit " me↵ line,crit 2 kTkin = G µmH 26 1 2 kTkin nth % =# 1 + $2 G σµm Hfield as cwell s nth 1+ cs (described inper§??), Max. mass length altho (4) supported by thermal and non-thermal ⟨Tkin ⟩ = 7.5 ± 1.0 K (§4.3)pressures and ⟨σnth / eff observed yields, mline,crit × eff critical mass ( Mcrit = 51+32 −22 M⊙ for eff +32 eff mline,crit × 0.77 pc = 51−22 M⊙ ≡ Mcrit observed length of the filament (0.77 p ⇥ 0.77 pc ⇠ 9M (5) mline,crit Recall that we obtained, +32 me↵ ⇥ 0.77 pc = 51 line,crit 22 M e↵ ⌘ Mcrit MLTE = 24 ± 10 M⊙ (§4.4), we su (6) mline,crit × 0.77 pc ∼ 9M⊙ e↵ <Highly Mcrit likely the filament is supported by the turbulence because of (7) MLTE < 5.2.2. Hereeffwe call the ratio of mline,crit × 0.77 pc = eff Mcrit Application to The Column Density Map MLTE e↵ 51+32 M M ⊙ −22 crit = 0.5eff± 0.2 as a “stability parameter”. ≡ Mcrit dual NH2 map (Figure ??c). The position and extent of the ma (1992).]. The line mass of the filament + can be calculate The line mass of the filament can be calculated from t with those ofofthe core observed in the N2 H (1–0), Stability thedense Filament — Axial Collapse bserved length as d NH (1,1) lines (paper I). We therefore speculate that it 3 thThe as“line-mass” estimated from observations is nding the dynamically infalling dense core (paper III). The 24M LTE ⊙⊙ where TEC denotes the s calculatedM to be M ∼ 0.8 M −1 TEC 24M LTE ⊙ = = −1 31M⊙ pc rthermore, can estimate= a “core formation = we 31M length 0.77 pc ⊙ pc efficiency” for gth 0.77 pc = M /(M F LTE LTE + MTEC ) = 1.3 M⊙ /(1.3 M⊙ + ∼ 0.8M⊙ ) Thethe critical clump mass produced by the of dense core traced by the N2axial H+ perturbation and H13 COis+ lines 27 “clump” Mcrit “clump” Mcrit = −1 = 31M pc ⊙ −1 = 37 ∼ 87 M⊙ 31M⊙ pc × 4H × 4H ility of the Component 1 against Perturbations = 37Axial ∼ 87 M⊙ (4LTE-masses ∼&8)H =(1997) 0.4showed ∼ 0.8that pc which is (1987) clearly larger of the NH3 cores (Furuya+08). agasawa and than Inutsuka Miyama (4 ∼ 8)H = 0.4 ∼ 0.8 pc hich → makes an infinite filament unstable against perturbations The filament would be gravitationally stable against axial perturbations. min ∼ 4H, meff × (4 ∼ 8)H = 16 ∼ 40 M line,crit An infinite cylinder becomes unstable against perturbations along ⊙ the axis of λ > λmin ∼ 4H regardless of |B|. (Nagasawa ⊙ 87, Inutsuka & Miyama 97) e,crit ∼× (4 ∼ 8)H = 16 ∼ 40 M Discussion: Core Formation GF9-2: An Unstable Core in the Stable Filament The central issues to be addressed: How has the turbulence decayed locally at the spatial scale of the core? Can such dissipation determine the initial conditions of the core collapse? Core formation Scenario:金曜日に 筑波大 梅村さん(理論)研究室で1.5 hrs談話会で あるいは秋の学会で 28 あかり色温度マップ+NIR偏光 ボクが「あかり」の論文を仕上げて、 南谷さんチームがFORESTを立ち上げたら、 全面マッピングを共同利用で提案します! 23
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