Synopsis “Can a long-lost daughter find happiness when she is reunited with her parents after 20 years?” In a complicated twist, a young woman from a wealthy family goes missing and is raised by a foster mom instead of her own parents. Meanwhile, her wealthy family adopts a girl to overcome the loss of their daughter. The tensions that arise when the daughter finds her real family result in a journey of understanding and forgiveness. 「20年ぶりに再会した親と娘は…おとぎ話のように互いにい慈 しみ合い、幸せに暮らしただろうか?」 二人の娘と二人の母親の交錯した人生を通じ、実娘と養女という 身分が入れ替わって生じる葛藤と、真の家族になるための理解と 和解の過程を描く。 时隔20年重逢的父母与女儿能像童话那样彼此相爱,幸 福地生活吗?通过两个女儿和两位母亲交错的人生展现由亲 生女儿和养女身份互换引发的矛盾,以及为组成真正的家庭 彼此理解与和解的过程。 31, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, 150-728, Korea Tel : 82-2-6030-4315 Fax : 82-2-6030-4319 For more details : | E-mail : [email protected] Jang Bo-ri on-seo Actress Oh Ye e-hwa n a J e Le i-hoo J m i K Actor Yeon Minjung Actress Le e Yu-ri Though she was born as the only daughter to a reputable family that made hanbok dresses, she goes missing after she suffers from amnesia in an unfortunate car accident. She grows up poor under a foster mom. She is reunited with her biological parents and moves to Bisulchae, famouse hanbok shop. She is no longer a poor adopted child after she returns to her family that runs Bisulchae. With her natural talent, positive outlook on life, and passion for hanboks, she eventually becomes a master hanbok maker. She is pretty and smart but the fact that her family is poor causes her a great deal of stress. She finds a sponsor family that help her nurture her talents and they even adopt her later on but this arrangement is jeopardized when the family find their missing daughter. The missing daughter turns out to be Jang Bo-ri whom Yeon used to treat badly while growing up with her. When Bo-ri threatens Yeon’s path to success and also becomes a rival for the man she has a crush on, she becomes determined to thwart Bo-ri. チャン・ボリ役: オ・ヨンソ ヨン・ミンジョン役: イ・ユリ 韓服(韓国伝統衣装)の名家の一人娘として生まれたが、不慮 美人で賢いが、貧乏なのが唯一のコンプレックス。才能を育 の交通事故により記憶を失い、貧しい家で幼少期を過ごす。 ててくれる保護者の養女となり、夢見ていた人生を成し遂げ 実親に会って「ビスルチェ」に身を置くことになり、拾われた たのもつかの間。 その保護者が偶然にも自分がいじめてい 厄介者の養女から韓服の名家の一人娘として人生が大逆転 することに。生まれ持った才能、ポジティブな性格、韓服に対 His mot her died when he was young and after his dad remarries, his troubles begin and he has to deal with his evil stepmother and stepbrother. After meeting Jang Bo-ri, he falls in love with her and leaves his job as a state prosecutor to learn how to dye cloth. He supports Bo-ri and her dream to become a skilled hanbok maker without any help from her family. He will do whatever is necessary to get the result he wants and is ruthlessly ambitious to become richer. He finds himself disagreeing with his older stepbrot her on compa ny mat ters because his brother’s attitude changes after he meets Jang Bo-ri. When he learns about Yeon Min-jung’s secret he regrets his decision to marry her and this puts a strain on their marriage. イ・ジェファ役: キム・ジフン イ・ジェヒ役: オ・チャンソク 幼い時に実母を亡くし、継母と弟にいじめられて育った。チャ 目標と成果のためには手段を選ばないほど、富と名誉に対す ン・ボリに対する愛に目覚め、検事を辞めて染色匠の伝授者 る凄まじい野心を持つ。ボリのために次第に変わっていく異 として新たな人生を歩むことに。チャン・ボリが誰かの娘とし 母兄イ・ジェヒとミレグループの経営を巡り葛藤が生じる。完 てでなく、 自分の才能で一人立ちして輝けるように励ます。 ぺきなパートナーと信じて結婚したヨン・ミンジョンの隠され た秘密がばれ、結婚生活の危機を迎える。 たチャン・ボリの実親であることを知る。ボリのせいで愛も成 李在华 : 金智勋饰 从小失去亲生母亲,受到继母和弟弟的欺辱。遇到并爱 李在熙 : 吴昶锡饰 的同父异母哥哥李在华,针对未来集团的经营问题产 功も危うくなると、ボリとの対立は泥沼化する。 上张宝利,辞去检察官的职务,作为染色匠传人重获新 生矛盾。与本以为是完美无缺伴侣的延敏贞结婚后, 生。鼓励张宝利不是作为谁的女儿,而凭借自己独具的 随着延敏贞的秘密败露,两人婚姻生活遇到危机。 する情熱で、韓国一の韓服職人となる。 才能绽放光彩。 张宝利 : 吴涟序饰 韩服名门的独生女儿,因车祸失去记忆后在一个贫困 延敏贞 : 李宥利饰 过上了梦寐以求的生活。但这一切只是暂时的。她得 人家度过童年。遇到亲生父母并来到秘术彩,从捡来 知这位监护人就是一直受她欺凌的张宝利的亲生父 的养女转变为韩服名门的独生女儿。凭借天生的才能, 母。她的爱情与成功都受到宝利的威胁,于是不断与宝 积极乐观的性格和对韩服的热情成为韩国最出色的韩 利发生对立。 服匠人。 e Lee Jae-he ng-seok Actor Oh Cha
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