A Message from Author: Alisha Paige

A Message from Author: Alisha Paige
I was thrilled beyond words to work with BRM and have my book, The
Wooden Nickel translated into Japanese. This is a story that is near and dear to my
heart. To know that my book will be read across the ocean in another language means
so much to me. The Wooden Nickel is a story of faith, hope and love during WWII
and the Holocaust. This is a story that should be shared with the world and BRM
helped make my dreams possible.
The entire process, from start to finish was an enjoyable process with
constant updates from their staff. Whenever the translators ran into a snag, I’ve been
asked how to best translate a particular passage in the book. BRM has been
meticulous in their efforts to translate the book exactly as it was written; including all the passion, desire, love, loss,
and hope that the book portrays. Translation is a long process but BRM has made it a positive experience. I love that
the translation projects are completed in a classroom fashion and reviewed with a fine toothed comb.
I highly recommend BRM for their efficient, high-quality translation services and commend them for
bringing wonderful worlds to other countries so more people can experience the beauty of a fantastic book! There are
so many other translation companies out there wanting to translate our books but BRM makes it an easy decision for
authors. Our books feel like our children. We don’t trust them to just anyone but with BRM, I know that my book is in
great hands. I know that my style, dialogue, characterization and plot will not suffer but will become great in
Japanese! It’s been an exciting process to watch unfold as BRM weaves the world I created in a foreign language.
When BRM first contacted me to translate my book into Japanese, I have to be honest, I was worried. There are so
many translation companies out there but I did my research. I talked to other authors who have worked with BRM and
was pleasantly surprised to find out that they had excellent experiences. I really love that BRM does not do a rush job.
Translating a book is a delicate procedure and takes a lot of attention to detail. Nothing is lost at BRM. They study the
book with an intensity I’ve never seen, even from the best reviewers. They analyze everything from the book blurb,
the author bio, the characters, the plot and especially the dialogue so that the flavor of each author’s style comes
shining through, even in another language. I wouldn’t trust any other translation company to translate my books now
that I’ve worked with BRM. Their professionalism is simply unmatched.
I urge any author who would like their book translated to contact BRM. There is just no replacing peace of
mind when it comes to handing your book over to the pros. I urge you to talk to other authors who have had their
books translated by BRM. Ask them the important questions. Compare their stories to other stories from other
companies who do a rush job and make a lot of mistakes. I’m so blessed and fortunate to have found BRM to translate
The Wooden Nickel. I’m anxious to share my book with Japan and spread the message of hope, love and survival to
those an ocean away and BRM is the best company to complete the task! Thank you, BRM! For everything! I will
recommend you to all my writer friends. This has been a wonderful ride and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Alisha Paige
「The Wooden Nickel」は、第二次世界大戦と大量虐殺の時代を背景に信念、希望、そして愛を描いた作品です。
世界中の人々に読んでもらうべきストーリーとなっており、BRM のサポートにより私の夢を実現することがで
みでした。 BRM から初めて日本語への翻訳出版について連絡をもらったとき、正直いって心配でした。作家に
BRM なのか、独自に調査を行いました。そして BRM を通して翻訳出版したほかの作家たちの意見を聞き、素晴
まずは BRM に連絡を取ってみてください。他の翻訳会社は、仕事は早いけれどもミスが出る、仕事が雑、と
いったことが多いのです。BRM は約 1 年かけてじっくりと本の内容を考察し、丁寧に訳していきます。私は日
本で自分の著書を広め、海の向こう側へ希望、愛、生へのメッセージを伝えることを切望しています。BRM は
間違いなく最高の会社です! 全てにおいてどうもありがとうとお伝えしたい。心の底から感謝しています!