Blocking missile Morio Kikuchi Abstract: We protect an

Blocking missile
Morio Kikuchi
We protect an aircraft from an anti-aircraft missile disposing a flying object between them.
1. Anti-aircraft missile
If an anti-aircraft missile is launched aiming at an aircraft, the aircraft side takes a countermeasure.
If it is radar-guided, radio wave oscillator is projected and chaff is discharged. If it is heat seeking, flare
is projected.
If the aircraft side can distinguish the guidance type of the anti-aircraft missile immediately, the
above countermeasure can be used properly. However, generally, the aircraft side can not always
distinguish the guidance type of the anti-aircraft missile. Because the sure information of the
anti-aircraft missile which the aircraft side owns is its position and velocity by radar, we will have to
take a countermeasure based on them.
In American football, a blocker blocks an enemy player getting between the friend player who has
the ball and the enemy player who chases him. Mostly, the inner product on velocity between the
friend player and the enemy player is positive. We consider a countermeasure into which this motion of
the blocker is introduced. Figure 1 shows an aircraft, an anti-aircraft missile and a blocking missile.
They correspond to the friend player, the enemy player who chases him and the blocker respectively.
The line segment which connects the aircraft and the anti-aircraft missile is called blocking line.
We assume that the distance between the aircraft and the blocking missile is r and the distance
between the anti-aircraft missile and the blocking missile is d. If we assume that r is constant, d
becomes small with the passage of time and the anti-aircraft missile and the blocking missile crash at
In Figure 1, the inner product on velocity between the aircraft and the anti-aircraft missile is
positive. However, it can be negative like Figure 2. In consequence, the blocking missile blocks the
anti-aircraft missile on a sphere of which centre is the aircraft and radius is r. We call r blocking
distance or blocking radius. Blocking distance has a minimum value. We call it minimum blocking
distance rmin . Minimum blocking distance is a distance in which a crash between blocking missile and
anti-aircraft missile and an explosion of anti-aircraft missile do not give physical damage to aircraft
and it is not isotropic on aircraft generally. For example, in the case that an aircraft goes straight on
horizontally, it is large in the front and small in the rear. Besides, in the case that a blocking missile
follows an aircraft, we must consider an influence of body slipstream.
2. Blocking missile
Blocking missile is a flyng object which protects basically aircrafts of which mobilities are low like
civilian plane, transport plane, rescue palne, helicopter, and so on. Therefore, it differs from general
missile in the situation somewhat though it has a name of missile.
Figure 3 shows a general view of blocking missile. Because a blocking missile flies at a velocity in the
same degree as an aircraft, it has a large aspect ratio.
Blocking missile is put away in a container and released into the air from a rear slant ramp and so
on. Figure 4 shows a shape of blocknig missile inside a container.
3. Container
There are cylinder type and free-falling type in the way of releasing it out of a container. In the
former, it is released out of a container by using air pressure or wire. If we use air pressure, split piston
rings are set out on the front part of the body.
Because the velocity of helicopter is especially low, a device is needed in wing. There is a limit to
enlarging aspect ratio. If we are faced with the case, biplane is adopted. In the case that a free-falling
type release is possible, it is one of choices to make a container factory type. In a factory type
container, we attach wing to body inside a container.
4. Cooperative guidance
It is desirable that blocking missile is automatically guided, however, for various restrictions, if it is
guided only by automatical guidance, making sure of minimum blocking radius and keeping of beeing
on the blocking line of blocking missile may be doubtful. If we aim at perfection, in addition to
automatic guidance of the blocking missile side, the aircraft side does corrective operation. It is called
cooperative guidance. It is not always requested that a distance r between aircraft and blocking missile
is to be constant. The relation r≥rmin is enough to do it.
5. Mock lock on
In order to get the data in the case of developing a guidance system of blocking missile, we adopt
mock lock on. In this way, an aircraft of which velocity and mobility are high, for example, a fighter is
used instead of anti-aircraft missile and blocking missile. An aircraft which was locked on, for example,
goes straight on horizontally in the first stage and circles horizontally in the second stage. An aircraft
which is a mock blocking missile flies being close to an aircraft before mock lock on. If locked on, going
away from the aircraft, first, it makes sure of minimum blocking radius and next, it rides on the line
segment blocking line which connects the aircraft and the anti-aircraft missile. If the blocking radius is
too large, it may be not able to cope with a wait and fake. So, we seek the most suitable blocking
radius in mock lock on as well.
6. Course mode
We assume that an anti-aircraft missile flies on proportional navigation. If a blocking missile persists
in a blocking line, as seen often in a rugby football game and baseball game, there is a probability that
the anti-aircraft missile is missed before d=0. This is because its velocity is high, so the influence of
the difference between the two velocities becomes large as d becomes small. In this case, we put the
blocking missile on the flight course of the anti-aircraft missile moving it away from the blocking line
early. It collides head-on with or collides with the blocking missile on its flight course. We call this
course mode.
1. 対空ミサイル
積は大概正です。このブロッカーの動きを取り入れた対抗策を考えましょう。図 1 に航空機と対空ミサイ
航空機とブロッキングミサイルの距離を r、対空ミサイルとブロッキングミサイルの距離を d としま
す。r が一定であるとすると d は時間の経過と共に小さくなり、d=0 で対空ミサイルとブロッキングミ
図 1 では航空機と対空ミサイルの速度ベクトルの内積は正ですが、この内積は図 2 のように負でも良
く、結局ブロッキングミサイルは航空機を中心とする半径 r の球面上で対空ミサイルをブロックするこ
とになります。r をブロッキング距離またはブロッキング半径と称します。ブロッキング距離には最小
値があり、これを最小ブロッキング距離 rmin と称します。最小ブロッキング距離は、ブロッキングミサ
2. ブロッキングミサイル
図 3 はブロッキングミサイルの概観を示しています。航空機と同じ程度の速度で飛ぶので主翼のアス
ブロッキングミサイルはコンテナに収納し、航空機の後部傾斜ランプ等から空中に放出します。図 4
3. コンテナ
4. 協調誘導
が補正操縦を行います。これを協調誘導と称します。また、航空機とブロッキングミサイルの距離 r は
必ずしも一定でなくてもよく、r≥rmin であれば十分です。
5. 模擬ロックオン
6. コースモード
ていると、ラグビーや野球でよく見られるように、d=0 になる前に対空ミサイルに逃げられる可能性が
あります。これは対空ミサイルが高速であり、d が小さくなるにつれて速度差の影響が大きくなるから