2015 年度 昭和女子大学 AIC ボストンキャリア開発プログラム;pdf

AIC Boston-International Career Development Program (Short) Essay
2015 年度 昭和女子大学 AIC ボストンキャリア開発プログラム エッセイ課題
Please answer the following question and submit with your completed SAF application:
Why do you want to participate in the AIC program and what do you hope to accomplish while
you are there? Please make sure to include any specific areas of interest or locations for
visiting that are of interest.
※エッセイは英語(2 ページ以内)でマイクロソフト・ワードファイルで作成し、メール添付にて
SAF 日本事務局まで提出してください。
※ When composing your essay, please keep the following points in mind:
1) It is very important that you write your essay yourself, and that you do not receive significant
assistance with editing and revisions. Please do not bring your essay to a professor or friend and ask
them to “correct” it. The essay is an important tool in judging your ability to write in English and your
perceived ability to follow academic courses successfully abroad, and therefore it is important that the
essay represents your own work.
2) When composing your essay, please adhere to the following guidelines:
a) Please be sure to include your name, the date, and the name of your home university at the top
of your essay.
b) In general, you should never begin sentences with “And” “So” or “But”. If you find you are
using these at the beginning of a sentence, perhaps try combining with the previous sentence
to improve the quality of your writing.
c) Please be sure that there are no spelling errors in your essay. The “spell check” function in
Microsoft Word can be very helpful in checking for spelling errors.
d) Please be sure that proper names (i.e. the names of universities, countries, etc.) are
e) Please be sure to rewrite/correct your essay at least 1-3 times before you submit it to SAF.
Ideally, you should take a break between each draft so that you can reread it with fresh eyes
and catch mistakes that might otherwise be overlooked.
The Study Abroad Foundation (SAF), Japan Office