n a Mission Stat nt o ichi ni sit o 大学 学 の の学 学 の 国 化 学 の 大学 学部 大学 学生 大学 等 国 設 営の の 学部 の 大学 の 学部 大学 の 学の自 化の 3 大学 大学 大学 大学 備 学 生 自 大学 化 の 人 学 自 自 の 等 自 学 等 国立大学 の の その 大学 3 学 大学 自 大学 学の 大学 の の の 位 付 学 の の 国 交 の 推進 推進 学生の 運営 運 人の 学の の 改 学の 学 の の 大学 cationa の 等 cation s s nta o ici s s a ch an cation ca ic o an tono Aichi University of Education ensures academic freedom with confidence that research in science, arts and humanities created out of free will contributes to world peace and the sustainable development and improvement of society. In full awareness of its educational responsibilities to the whole nation, Aichi University of Education, endowed with institutional autonomy, provides, without unlawful interference, creative and critical perspectives on society. anc nt o nt nationa ca ic chang Aichi University of Education promotes academic co-operation with other institutions of higher education at home and abroad, and by enhancing international programs and exchange of students, contributes to the improvement of education and cultural progression in Asia and throughout the world. ic cco nta i it an ont i tion to Soci t Aichi University of Education strives to be fully responsible and accountable to society through public information and public relations, and by constantly responding to the voices of communities, nations and global society. In co-operation with educational and wider communities, by serving the needs of society by providing relevant expertise, it contributes to the progress of society. 運営 o ic oc atic inist ation Aichi University of Education is committed to democratic administration, ensuring participation of all of its members, in their respective roles, in the activities consistent with its objectives. The members of the university, while respecting one another s undertakings for the enhancement of academic autonomy, seek collegiality in the community. St nt a ticipation Aichi University of Education endorses students pursuits of scholarship and guarantees their participation in assessment activities for improvement of educational provision and services. の整備 自己 cti cti inist ati の学生 施設設備 sit o anc nt o cation an s a ch o ach cation Aichi University of Education promotes academic activities designed for teacher education by combining diverse disciplines in human development and pedagogical methodology, as well as scholarship in educational practice and in-service training with the aim of training teachers with professional skills and autonomous minds. の 大学の ni ont i tion to nt nationa ac an th n to anit Aichi University of Education contributes to world peace, the benef it of humanity and the advancement of arts, sciences and culture through promotion of basic and applied research, as well as interdisciplinary areas of research with long-term orientations. の 学 ichi Aichi University of Education seeks to prepare its students to contribute to international peace and prosperity. The university values liberal arts education in undergraduate programs. Through its diverse teacher education programs, the university seeks to train uali ed teachers who will educate children for the advancement of a peaceful future society. Through its arts and sciences programs, the university o ers comprehensive as well as speciali ed learning and training opportunities, in preparation for diverse lives committed to the prosperity of society and the preservation and creation of cultural heritage. The graduate school seeks to build on the foundation of undergraduate studies and provide extensive training in upgrading competence as specialists in school education. Through advanced academic programs in diverse disciplines as well as applied sciences in education, it aims to develop theoretical and applied expertise as professional educators. A further mission of the graduate school is to o er in-service training for enhancement of uality in teacher education. s a ch 大 人 の incip s o Aichi University of Education seeks to contribute to the creation and advancement of science and culture by producing excellent scientific and creative results through research in the areas of educational sciences, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, arts, health and physical education, domestic science, technology, and applied sciences in education. By the dissemination of its research results, Aichi University of Education contributes to building a peaceful and prosperous future for humankind and an environmentally sustainable future society. 入 の の立 の 人 自 学 の自 の 学外 そ 人 の 学 人 の 期 自 学外 の 学生の学 の の の 国 学 の 立 国 外の 等 の 大学の自 大学 学の 学 自 人 n a の 大学 大学の自 の 大学 自 化の の 学 人 その の の 学 の の 等の 大学 化の 学 16 established on April 6, 人 の 学 大学 15 cation nta Aichi University of Education recogni es its role as a center of learning with commitments to uality and excellence in teaching, scholarship, research in speci c disciplines, comprehensive and in-depth liberal arts education, and general cultivation of wide-ranging judgment and full and harmonious humanity. Recalling the principles of, inter alia, the Constitution of Japan, the Fundamental Law of Education of Japan and the UNESC orld eclaration on igher Education for the Twenty-First Century ision and Action, the university declares on 6 April that its universal mission is, through instruction and scholarly in uiry, to contribute to world peace, human welfare, and the advancement of arts, culture and sciences. Aichi University of Education, a national university community of undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty and sta , as well as students, faculty and staff of its affiliated schools, with ensured autonomy and self-government, hereby states and makes public its educational and research objectives, as well as its administrative policy in order to achieve its mission as an institution of higher education. 大学 Maint nanc an p o nt o s a ch an cationa n i on nt Aichi University of Education seeks to conserve and utili e its rich natural environment. At the same time, it is committed to the proper upkeep and improvement of its campus facilities and environment, as well as making them more accessible to the challenged. 進 S ss ss nt a ation an p o nt Aichi University of Education is committed to constant improvement in education and research through self-assessment and evaluation, which re ects its objectives. の改 の人 の 大 sp ct o an ights Every member of Aichi University of Education respects the fundamental human rights and the e uality of the sexes, and is committed to the proscription of any form of human rights abuse such as discrimination and oppression. 3
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