TEST BOOKLET-2014 (narjm-nwpñVH$m-2014) Exam. Code NIMA1 narjm> H$moS> Test Booklet No. : narjm-nwpñVH$m g§»`m : (This Test Booklet contains UNATTACHED OMR Answer-sheet inside.) TIME : 2 Hours 15 Minutes (Bg narjm-nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝXa Ag§bp½ZV Amo.E_.Ama. CÎma-nÌH$ aIm hþAm h¡) g_` : 2 K§Q>m Subject General Studies I§S> {S>gm_mÝ` AÜ``Z No. of Questions 100 15 {_ZQ> àíZm| H$s g§»`m 100 NOTE : Please read the “Instructions to Candidates” and then fill up the following accordingly. (ZmoQ> : ""narjm{W©`m| Ho$ {b`o {ZX}em|'' H$mo nT>| Am¡a V~ CZHo$ AZwgma ZrMo ^a| &) 1. Candidate’s Name : ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Candidate’s Full Signature : ____________________________________________________________ 3. (narjmWu H$m Zm_) (narjmWu H$m nyam hñVmja) Roll No. (Fill in digits and words as shown in the Example) : am¡b Z§. (CXmhaU ({ZX}e g§»`m 2) _| {XImE J`o AZwgma AnZo am¡b Zå~a H$mo A§H$m| VWm eãXm| _| ^a|) 4. Exam. Centre : 5. Exam. Centre Code : (narjm Ho$ÝÐ) ________________________________________________________________________ (narjm Ho$ÝÐ H$m H$moS>) INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES (A) General (gm_mÝ`) : (narjm{W©`m| Ho$ {b`o {ZX}e) 1. This Booklet contains 32 pages and one unattached OMR Answer Sheet kept inside it. As soon as the booklet is distributed, Examinees are directed to confirm the number of pages, legibility of printing etc. They must also confirm that the Bar Code is printed on the OMR Answer Sheet. No complain will be entertained for exchange of booklet later than 10 minutes after distribution. Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| EH$ Ag§b½Z Amo.E_.Ama. CÎma nÌH$ Ho$ A{V[aV 32 n¥îR>> h¢& O¡go hr `h nwpñVH$m {dV[aV H$s OmVr h¡ d¡go hr àË`oH$ narjmWu H$mo Mm{h`o {H$ dh BgHo n¥îR>m| H$s g§»`m Am¡a N>nmB© H$s ewÕVm Am{X H$s gå`H²$ Om±M H$a bo& àË`oH$ narjmWu H$mo `h ^r gw{ZpíMV H$a boZm Mm{h`o {H Amo.E_.Ama. CÎma nÌ na ""~ma H$moS'' N>nm h¡> & narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ ~±Q>Zo Ho$ Xg {_ZQ> Ho$ ~mX Bgo ~XbZo H$s H$moB© {eH$m`V ñdrH$ma Zht H$s Om`oJr & 2. Roll No. should be written in digits as well as in words in the appropriate Box provided at serial-3 above on the upper portion of the front cover page of this Test Booklet as per the example given below : narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ _w»` n¥îR> Ho$ D$nar ^mJ Ho$ H«$_ 3 _| ~Zm`o J`o gå~pÝYV ~m°g _| ZrMo {X`o J`o CXmhaU Ho$ AZwgma am¡b Zå~a H$mo A§H$m| VWm eãXm| _| {bIZm h¡ : Example (CXmhaU): Roll No. (am¡b Z§) : 17968254 1 O N E 7 9 6 8 2 5 4 S N S E T F F E I I I W I O V N X G O V U E E H E R N T 3.The candidate will first open GREEN Colour Seal only and read the complete instructions carefully as also see the instructions on the back side and fill the details in the Question Paper and OMR Answer Sheet. Candidates will next open BLUE Colour Seal when asked to do so. Before answering please ensure that Question Booklet has 32 pages and 100 questions. Immediately report on error and ask for change. gd© àW_ Ho$db ham a§J H$s grb Imob|o Am¡a Xr JB© gyMZmAm| H$mo Am¡a gmW hr A§{V_ n¥îR> _| Xr JB© gyMZmAm| H$mo Ü`mZ go nT>|& àíZ nÌ Am¡a Amo.E_.Ama. CÎma nÌ _| _m§Jr J`r OmZH$mar gmdYmZr nyd©H$ {bI| & ~mX _| O~ H$hm Om`o, V^r narjmWu {Zbo a§J H$s grb Imob|& CÎma {bIZo Ho$ nyd© `h gw{ZpíMV H$a| {H$ àíZ nwpñVH$m _| 32 n¥îR> Am¡a 100 àíZ h¢ & JbVr nm`o OmZo na VwaÝV Ü`mZ AmH${f©V H$a| Am¡a Cgo ~Xb b| & ∗ Continued on Page No. 2 (n¥îR> g§. 2 na XoI|&) *NIMA1* NIMA1 4. In the Test Booklet, there are 100 questions. Thus 100 questions in all are to be answered. narjm nwpñVH$m _| Hw$b 100 àíZ h¢& Bg àH$ma Hw$b 100 àíZm| H$m CÎma XoZm h¡& 5. Each Question is of 4 marks, which will be awarded for the correct answer. 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. More than one Answer indicated against a Question will be declared as incorrect Answer. àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ {bE 4 A§H$ {ZYm©[aV h¢ {OÝh| ghr CÎma Ho$ {b`o {X`m Om`oJm& àË`oH$ JbV CÎma Ho$ 1 A§H$ H$mQ> {b`m Om`oJm & `{X EH$ àíZ Ho$ {bE EH$ go A{YH$ CÎma {X`o Om`|Jo Vmo Bgo Cg àíZ Ho$ {b`o JbV CÎma _mZm Om`oJm& 6. If there is any difference between English version and the corresponding translated version in Hindi of any question, then the English version will be treated as authentic. `{X A§J«oOr _| _w{ÐV {H$gr àíZ Am¡a CgHo$ {hÝXr AZwdmX _| H$moB© {^ÝZVm hmo Vmo A§J«oOr _| _w{ÐV àíZ hr _mÝ` hmoJm& 7. Use of Calculator/Slide Rule/Log Table/Graph Paper/Charts or any electronic gadget eg. Mobile Phone etc. is not allowed. H¡$bHw$boQ>a/ñbmBS>ê$b/bm°J Q>o~wb/J«m\$nona/MmQ>²>©g `m {H$gr àH$ma Ho$ BboQ´>m{ZH$ CnH$aU VWm _mo~mBb \$moZ Am{X H$m Cn`moJ d{O©V h¡& 8. Any candidate attempting or using unfair means or copying or detaching any page of question booklet or marking the answer on the question booklet will be expelled and his candidature will be rejected. `{X H$moB© narjmWu ZH$b H$aVo, JbV VarHo$ AnZmVo, narjm-nwpñVH$m H$m n¥îR> \$mS>Vo `m Cg na CÎma {bIVo nm`m Om`oJm Vmo Cgo narjm go {ZîH$m{gV H$a {X`m Om`oJm Am¡a CgH$s Cå_rXdmar aÔ H$a Xr Om`oJr& 9. Candidates must also follow the instructions, which may be given by the Centre Superintendent from time to time. narjm Ho$ÝÐ Ho$ Ho$ÝÐmYrjH$ Ûmam g_`-g_` na {X`o J`o {ZX}em| H$m g^r narjm{W©`m| Ûmam nmbZ H$aZm hmoJm& 10. ADDITIONAL BOOKLET/ANSWER SHEET WILL NOT BE PROVIDED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES OTHER THAN THAT MENTIONED IN 1 ABOVE. H«$_ 1 _| d{U©V narjm-nwpñVH$m Ed§ CÎma nÌH$$ Ho$ A{V[aV AbJ go H$moB© AÝ` narjm-nwpñVH$m Am¡a CÎma nÌH$ {H$gr ^r n[apñW{V _| Zht {X`m Om`oJm& 11. Candidates on completion of examination handover the OMR answer sheet to the invigilator. The invigilator shall separate the two sheets and handover the duplicate copy (orange) which is mandatory to preserve till counseling is over. Candidates are allowed to carry the question booklet allotted to them. narjm Ho$ nyam hmoZo na Cå_rXdma Amo.E_.Ama. CÎma nwpñVH$m {ZarjH$ H$mo gm¢n X| & {ZarjH$ XmoZm| nwpñVH$mAm| H$mo AbJ H$aoJm Am¡a Xygar à{V (Zma§Jr) AmnH$mo gm¢n XoJm, {Ogo H$mC§gqbJ Ho$ IË_ hmoZo VH$ gwa{jV aIZm A{Zdm`© h¡ & Cå_rXdmam| H$mo CÝh| Am~§{Q>V àíZ nwpñVH$m bo OmZo H$s AZw_{V h¡ & ∗ -2- Continued on Page No. 3 (n¥îR> g§. 3 na XoI|&) *NIMA1* (B) NIMA1 Process for Filling up OMR Answer-Sheet (Amo.E_.Ama. CÎma nÌH$ H$mo ^aZo H$s à{H«$`m) : 1. ANSWER SHEET IS OF OMR TYPE TO BE READ BY COMPUTER SCANNER. 2. Roll No., Examination Centre and its Code and Test Booklet No. should be written on the Answer Sheet in CAPITAL LETTERS. The Digits should be written in appropriate boxes in Blue/Black ball point pen and the circles corresponding to the digits be darkened with Blue/Black ball point pen only. CÎma nÌH$ Amo.E_.Ama. n«H$ma H$m h¡ {Ogo H$åß`yQ>a ñH¡$Za Ûmam nT>m OmZm h¡& CÎma nÌH$ Ho$ {Z{X©îQ> ñWmZm| na am¡b Zå~a/narjm Ho$ÝÐ H$m H$moS>/narjm nwpñVH$m H$s g§»`m Am{X H$mo CÎma-nÌH$ na H°${nQ>b boQ>a go ^a|& {Z{X©îQ> Mm¡H$moa ImZm| _| A§H$ Zrbr/H$mbr ~mb ßdmB§Q> H$b_ go ^a| Am¡a gå~pÝYV Jmobm| H$mo {g\©$ Zrbr/H$mbr ~m°b ßdmB§Q> H$b_ go ^a|& Example : CXmhaU : If Roll No. is 17968254 `{X am¡b Zå~a 17968254 h¡, Vmo 1 Ed§ the Question Booklet No. is 24398, then narjm nwpñVH$m g§»`m 24398 h¡, Vmo 7 9 6 8 2 5 4 2 4 3 9 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 3. and 8 8 9 9 0 0 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 On completion of examination handover the answer sheet to the Invigilator. The Invigilator shall separate the two sheets and handover the duplicate copy (orange) to you. narjm hmoZo Ho$ ~mX CÎma nÌH$ H$mo BZ{d{OboQ>a (gynadmBµOa) H$mo {X`m OmZm Mm{hE& BZ{d{OboQ>a Xmo erQ> H$mo AbJ H$aHo$ Sw>pßbHo$Q> H$m°\$s H$mo AmnH$mo XoZm Mm{hE & 4. The questions are multiple choice type. Each question is provided with a number of choices of Answers, out of which ONLY ONE is MOST APPROPRIATE. The candidate must darken the appropriate circle provided in front of the question number, using Blue/Black ball point pen only. àíZ ~hþ-{dH$ën àH$ma Ho$ h¡& àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ {bE {X`o J`o {dH$ën CÎmam| _| go Ho$db EH$ hr gdm©{YH$ Cn`wV h¡& narjmWu H$mo àíZ g§»`m Ho$ gdm©{YH$ Cn`wV {dH$ën Ho$ gm_Zo Ho$ gå~pÝYV Jmobo H$mo Zrbr/H$mbr ~m°b ßdmB§Q> H$b_ go hr a§JZm h¡& Example : If correct answer for question no. 7 is the choice ‘B’, then darken the circle in front of question no. 7 as shown below : CXmhaU : `{X àíZ g§»`m 7 Ho$ {bE {dH$ën ‘B’ ghr CÎma h¡, Vmo àíZ g§»`m 7 Ho$ gm_Zo Ho$ gå~pÝYV Jmobo H$mo ZrMo {XIm`o J`o Ho$ AZwgma a§JZm h¡ :Q. No. 1 Q. No. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Q. No. 7 ∗ A A B B C C D D A B C D -3- Continued on Page No. 32 (n¥îR> g§. 32 na XoI|&) *NIMA1* NIMA1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ∗ The “Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs” is headed by whom among the following ? (A) Finance Minister (B) Commerce Minister (C) Prime Minister (D) Cabinet Secretary Youngest Women to climb Mount Everest in at the age of 19 years (A) Helen Kinuthia (B) Krishna Patil (C) Anna Czerwinska (D) Dicky Dolma First Indian to become President of International Court of Justice (A) Dr. Narayana Singh (B) Dr. Jayaprakash (C) Dr. Nagendra Singh (D) Dr. Zail Singh _____________ is needed to access accounts, to pay the bills, to transfer money from one account to another account. (A) On-line Banking facility (B) Good relations with customers (C) (D) None of these (A) and (B) Study of the origin of words (A) Sociology (B) Etymology (C) Grammar (D) Lexical The percentage of irrigated land in India is about (A) 45 (B) 65 (C) 35 (D) 25 The southernmost point of peninsular India, that is, Kanyakumari, is (A) North of Tropic of Cancer (B) South of the Equator (C) South of the Capricorn (D) North of the Equator The only State in India that produces saffron is (A) Assam (B) Himachal Pradesh (C) Jammu and Kashmir (D) Meghalaya -4- *NIMA1* 1. ""Am{W©H$ _m_bm| H$s _§{Ì_§S>br` g{_{V'' H$s AÜ`jVm H$m¡Z H$aVm h¡ ? (A) {dÎm _§Ìr (B) dm{UÁ` _§Ìr (C) àYmZ_§Ìr (D) H¡${~ZoQ> g{Md 2. _mCÝQ> EdaoñQ> na MT>Zodmbr g~go H$_ C_« (19 gmb) H$s _{hbm BZ_| go H$m¡Z Wr ? (A) hoboZ {H$Zw{WAm (B) H¥$îUm nm{Q>b (C) EZm OoadoÝgH$m (D) {S>H$s S>mob_m 3. A§Vam©îQ´>r` Ý`m`mb` Ho$ amîQ´>n{V ~ZZo dmbo nhbo ^maVr` (A) S>m. Zmam`U qgh (B) S>m. O`àH$me (C) S>m. ZmJoÝÐ qgh (D) S>m. O¡b qgh 4. H$s Amdí`H$Vm ImVm| H$m Cn`moJ, {~bm| H$m ^wJVmZ Am¡a EH$ ImVo go Xygao ImVo _| YZ hñVm§VaU H$aZo _| hmoVm h¡ & (A) Ho$ÝÐr` H$åß`yQ>a go OwS>r hþB© ~¢qH$J ì`dñWm (Am°ZbmB©Z ~¢qH$J) (B) J«mhH$m| Ho$ gmW AÀN>o g§~§Y (C) (A) Am¡a (B) (D) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht 5. eãX H$s CËn{Îm H$m AÜ``Z (A) gmoñ`mobm°Or (C) J«m_a 6. 7. 8. ∗ NIMA1 (B) (D) EQ>r_mobm°Or bogrH$b ^maV _| {g§{MV ^y{_ H$m à{VeV (A) 45 (B) 65 (C) (D) 25 (B) ^y_Ü` aoIm Ho$ X{jU _| h¡ ^y_Ü` aoIm Ho$ CÎma _| h¡ 35 ^maV H$s g~go X{jUr {~ÝXw , H$Ý`mHw$_mar (A) H$H©$ aoIm Ho$ CÎma _| h¡ (C) _H$a aoIm Ho$ X{jU _| h¡ (D) ^maV H$m EH$ _mÌ amÁ` Omo Ho$ga H$m CËnmXZ H$aVm h¡ (A) Ag_ (B) {h_mMb àXoe (C) Oå_y Am¡a H$í_ra (D) _oKmb` -5- *NIMA1* NIMA1 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ∗ The zonal soil type of peninsular India belongs to (A) Red soils (B) Yellow soils (C) Black soils (D) Older alluvium The first death anniversary day of Sri Rajiv Gandhi was observed as the (A) National Integration Day (B) Peace and Love Day (C) Secularism Day (D) Anti-Terrorism Day Exposure to sunlight helps a person improve his health because (A) The infrared light kills bacteria in the body (B) Resistance power increases (C) The pigment cells in the skin get stimulated and produce a healthy tan (D) The ultraviolet rays convert skin oil into Vitamin D For the Olympics and World Tournaments, the dimensions of basketball court are (A) 26 m × 14 m (B) 28 m × 15 m (C) 27 m × 16 m (D) 28 m × 16 m Ecology deals with (A) Birds (B) Cell formation (C) Relation between organisms and their environment (D) Tissues Filaria is caused by (A) Bacteria (B) Mosquito (C) Protozoa (D) Virus DRDL stands for (A) Defence Research and Development Laboratory (B) Department of Research and Development Laboratory (C) Differential Research and Documentation Laboratory (D) None of the above -6- *NIMA1* 9. NIMA1 àm`{Ûnr` ^maV {H$g OmoZb {_Q²>Q>r Ho$ àH$ma Ho$ A§VJ©V AmVm h¡ ? (A) bmb {_Q²>Q>r (B) nrbm {_Q²²>Q>r (C) H$mbm {_Q²>Q>r (D) nwamZm ObmoT>H$ 10. lr amOrd Jm§Yr H$m nhbm nwÊ`{V{W {H$g {Xdg Ho$ ê$n _| _Zm`m J`m ? (A) ZoeZb B§Q>rJ«oeZ S>o (B) nrg EÊS> bd S>o (C) go`yb[aO_ S>o (D) E§Q>r-Q>oao[aO_ S>o 11. gyaO Ho$ gånH©$ go ì`pV H$m ñdmñÏ` ~ohVa hmoVm h¡ `m|{H$ (A) AdaV àH$me eara Ho$ ~¡Q>r[a`m H$mo _ma XoVm h¡ (B) à{VamoY H$s epV ~T>Vr h¡ (C) ËdMm Ho$ dU©H$ H$mo{eH$m CÎmo{OV hmoVr h¡ Am¡a ñdñW Q>¡Z H$m CËnmXZ hmoVm h¡ (D) nam~¢JZr {H$aU| ËdMm Ho$ Vob H$mo {dQ>m_rZ S>r _| n[ad{V©V H$aVr h¢ 12. AmobpånH$ Am¡a {díd Qy>Zm©_|Q> Ho$ {bE ~mñHo$Q> ~m°b H$moQ>© H$m Am`m_ `m hmoVm h¡ ? 13. 14. 15. ∗ (A) 26 m × 14 m (B) 28 m × 15 m (C) (D) 28 m × 16 m (B) gob JR>Z _m§g-V§Vw 27 m × 16 m n[apñW{V {dkmZ BZ_| go {H$ggo g§~§{YV h¡ ? (A) njr (C) Ord Am¡a dmVmdaU Ho$ ~rM g§~§Y (D) \$mB©bo[a`m BZ_| go {H$ggo hmoVm h¡ ? (A) ~¡Q>r[a`m (C) àmoQ>moOmoAm (B) (D) S>rAmaS>rEb (A) {S>\|$g [agM© Ed§ S>odbn²_|Q> bo~moaoQ>ar (B) {S>nmQ>©_|Q> Am°\$ [agM© Ed§ S>odbn²_|Q> bo~moaoQ>ar (C) {S>\«|${e`b [agM© Ed§ S>m°`y_|Q>oeZ bo~moaoQ>ar (D) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht -7- _ÀN>a dm`ag *NIMA1* NIMA1 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. ∗ Coral reefs in India can be found in (A) The coast of Orissa (B) Waltair (C) Rameshwaram (D) Trivandrum Fathometer is used to measure (A) Earthquakes (B) Rainfall (C) Ocean depth (D) Sound intensity For purifying drinking water alum is used (A) For coagulation of mud particles (B) To kill bacteria (C) To remove salts (D) To remove gases How many red blood cells does the bone marrow produce every second ? (A) 5 million (B) 7 million (C) 10 million (D) 12 million _____________ connects millions of people all over the world. (A) LAN (B) Web (C) Internet (D) Either (A) or (C) LIC means (A) Live India Company (B) Life Insurance Corporation (C) Long Investment Corporation (D) Life Insurance Company BBC means (A) Bengal Broadcasting Corporation (B) Bihar Broadcasting Corporation (C) Bhaba Broadcasting Corporation (D) British Broadcasting Corporation BHEL means (A) Bhuvan Heavy Electricals Ltd. (B) Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. (C) Bharat High Electricals Ltd. (D) Bharat Heavy Electrician Ltd. -8- *NIMA1* NIMA1 16. ^maV _| àdmb {^{Îm`m± (H$moab ar\$) H$hm± nm`r OmVr h¢ ? (A) CS>rgm Ho$ VQ>r` joÌ _| (B) dmëQ>m`a (C) am_oída_ (D) {Ìd|Xa_ 17. n¡Wmo_rQ>a `m _mnZo Ho$ {bE à`moJ {H$`m OmVm h¡ ? (A) ^yH$ån (C) g_wÐ H$s JhamB© (B) (D) dfm© Üd{Z H$s Vrd«Vm 18. no`Ob H$mo ewÕ H$aZo Ho$ {bE {\$Q>{H$ar H$m à`moJ `m| H$aVo h¢ ? (A) {_Q²>Q>r H$s H$Um| H$s O_mdQ> Ho$ {bE (B) ~¡Q>r[a`m _maZo Ho$ {bE (C) Z_H$ hQ>mZo Ho$ {bE (D) J¡gm| H$mo Xya H$aZo Ho$ {bE 19. {H$VZo bmb aV H$mo{eH$mAm| H$mo ApñW _ÁOm ha goHo$ÊS> CËnmXZ H$aVm h¡ ? (A) 5 {_{b`Z (B) 7 {_{b`Z (C) 10 {_{b`Z (D) 12 {_{b`Z 20. g¡H$S>m| bmoJm| H$mo nyao {díd _| ~m§YVm h¡ & EbEEZ (LAN) (B) do~ (Web) B§Q>aZoQ> (Internet) (D) (A) AWdm (C) (A) (C) 21. 22. 23. ∗ EbAmB©gr (LIC) (A) {bd B§{S>`m H$ånZr (C) bm¢J BÝdoñQ>_|Q> H$m°anmoaoeZ (B) (D) ~r~rgr (BBC) (A) ~§Jmb ~«m°S>H$mpñQ>¨J H$m°anmoaoeZ (C) ^m^m ~«m°S>H$mpñQ>¨J H$m°anmoaoeZ (B) (D) ^ob (BHEL) (A) ^wdZ h¡dr BboQ´>rH$ëg {b. (C) ^maV hmB© BboQ´>rH$ëg {b. (B) (D) -9- bmB©\$ B§í`moa|g H$m°anmoaoeZ bmB©\$ B§í`moa|g H$ånZr {~hma ~«m°S>H$mpñQ>¨J H$m°anmoaoeZ {~«{Q>e ~«m°S>H$mpñQ>¨J H$m°anmoaoeZ ^maV h¡dr BboQ´>rH$ëg {b. ^maV h¡dr BboQ´>r{e`Z {b. *NIMA1* NIMA1 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. ∗ CBI means (A) Central Board of India (B) Central Bureau of India (C) Central Bureau of Investigation (D) Chief Bureau of Investigation PAN means (A) Primary Account Number (B) Privacy Account Number (C) Permanent Account Number (D) Part Account Number Aliphatic hydrocarbons are derived from (A) Oil (B) Fat (C) Petrol (D) None of these The salts of iron present in hard water form (A) Black stain (B) Yellow stain (C) Red stain (D) Blue stain Safety glass is used as bullet proof glass because (A) Withstands high stress (B) Strong and fireproof (C) Withstands high temperature (D) None Example for natural polymers (A) Nylon (B) Porcelain (C) Carbohydrates (D) Terylene Metal displaces ______________ from dilute oxide. (A) Nitrogen (B) Hydrogen (C) Oxygen (D) Carbon The earthy impurities present with the ore is (A) Gangue (B) Flux (C) Slag (D) Mineral -10- *NIMA1* 24. 25. 26. 27. NIMA1 gr~rAmB© (CBI) (A) g|Q´>b ~moS>© Am°\$ B§{S>`m (C) g|Q´>b ã`yamo Am°\$ BÝdoñQ>rJoeZ (B) (D) n¡Z (PAN) (A) àmB_ar EH$mC§Q> Zå~a (C) n_©Z|Q> EH$mC§Q> Zå~a (B) (D) pñZ½Y hmBS´>moH$m~©Z {H$ggo {ZH$mbr J`r h¡ ? (A) Vob (C) noQ´>mob (B) (D) Imam nmZr _| bmoho Ho$ bdU go (A) H$mbm Yã~m hmoVm h¡ (C) bmb Yã~m hmoVm h¡ (B) (D) g|Q´>b ã`yamo Am°\$ B§{S>`m Mr\$ ã`yamo Am°\$ BÝdoñQ>rJoeZ àmBdogr EH$mC§Q> Zå~a nmQ>© EH$mC§Q> Zå~a dgm BZ_| go H$moB© Zht nrbm Yã~m hmoVm h¡ Zrbm Yã~m hmoVm h¡ 28. goâQ>r ½bmg H$mo ~wboQ> ày\$ ½bmg Ho$ ê$n _| à`moJ {H$`m OmVm h¡ `m|{H$ (A) CÀM VZmd H$mo Pob boVm h¡ (B) _O~yV Am¡a Ap½ZamoYr h¡ (C) CÀM Vmn_mZ H$mo Pob boVm h¡ (D) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht 29. àmH¥${VH$ nm°{b_a H$m CXmhaU (A) Zm`bmoZ (C) H$m~m}hmB©S´>oQ²>g (B) (D) nmo{g©bZo Q>[o abrZ 30. YmVw S>m`ë`yQ> Am°gmB©S> go (A) ZmB©Q>´mO o Z (C) Am°grOZ 31. A`ñH$ Ho$ gmW _m¡OyX {_Q²>Q>r H$s Aew{Õ`m± BZ_| go H$m¡Z h¢ ? (A) J¢J (B) âbg (C) ñb¡J (D) {_Zab ∗ {dñWm{nV H$aVm h¡ & (B) hmB©S´>moOZ (D) H$m~©Z -11- *NIMA1* NIMA1 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. ∗ The ratio of charge (A) 8:1:4 (B) 4:8:1 (C) 1:4:8 (D) 4:1:8 Metal starred under kerosene is (A) Copper (B) Aluminium (C) Potassium (D) Germanium In preparing amorphous silicon, dilute hydrochloric acid is used to (A) Remove unchanged (B) Dissolve magnesium oxide (C) Increase its reactivity (D) Give brown colour Brass, German silver and Gunmetal are the alloys of copper. Apart from copper the other common metal in them is (A) Zinc (B) Tin (C) Iron (D) Nickel You are required to arrange Fe, Zn and Mg in the increasing order of their reactivity. The correct arrangement is (A) Mg, Zn, Fe (B) Fe, Mg, Zn (C) Fe, Zn, Mg (D) Zn, Mg, Fe The chemical which is mixed with the L.P.G. to detect the leakage of the gas is (A) Methyl Mercaptan (B) Benzyl Mercaptan (C) Ethyl Mercaptan (D) Propyl Mercaptan Though silicon is a non-metal, when warmed it becomes a semiconductor due to (A) Electrons released by breaking of covalent bonds (B) Electrons released by breaking of ionic bonds (C) Movement of electrons of innermost orbitals (D) Formation of covalent bonds -12- *NIMA1* 32. 33. NIMA1 MmO© H$m AZwnmV (A) 8 : 1 : 4 (B) 4 : 8 : 1 (C) 1:4:8 (D) 4:1:8 {_Q>²Q>r Ho$ Vob _| YmVw (A) Vm§~m (C) nmoQ>m{g`_ (B) Aë`y_r{Z`_ O{_©{Z`_ (D) 34. A_m°\©$g gr{bH$Z Ho$ CËnmXZ _| S>m`ë`yQ> hmBS´>mobmo[aH$ EgrS> H$m Cn`moJ `m| hmoVm h¡ ? (A) ~Xbmd Zht hmoVm h¡ (B) _¡{½Z{e`_ Am°gmBS> H$mo YwbZo Ho$ {bE (C) [aEQ>r{dQ>r ~T>mZo Ho$ {bE (D) ^yam a§J bmZo Ho$ {bE 35. nrVb, O_©Z {gbda Am¡a JZ_oQ>b Vm§~o Ho$ {_l YmVw h¢ & Vm§~o Ho$ A{V[aV Am¡a H$m¡Z gm YmVw BZ VrZm| _| nm`m OmVm h¡ ? (A) OñVm (B) Q>rZ (C) bmohm (D) {ZH$b 36. Fe, Zn Am¡a Mg H$mo [a`oQ>r{dQ>r Ho$ ~T>Vo H«$_ _| ì`dpñWV H$s{OE & (A) Mg, Zn, Fe (B) Fe, Mg, Zn (C) (D) Fe, Zn, Mg Zn, Mg, Fe 37. Eb²nrOr Ho$ gmW {H$g amgm`{ZH$ H$mo J¡g Ho$ [agmd H$m nVm bJmZo Ho$ {bE {_bm`m OmVm h¡ ? (A) {_WmBb _oaH$nQ>mZ (B) ~oZOmBb _oaH$nQ>mZ (C) BWmBb _oaH$nQ>mZ (D) àmonmBb _oaH$nQ>mZ 38. {g{bH$m°Z EH$ J¡a YmVw h¡, Ja_ hmoZo na `h AY©MmbH$ (semiconductor) hmo OmVm h¡ (A) ghg§`moOH$ ~m§S> Ho$ Qy>Q>Zo go Omar BboQ´>moZm| Ho$ H$maU (B) AmBAm°{ZH²$ ~m§S> Ho$ Qy>Q>Zo go Omar BboQ´>moZm| Ho$ H$maU (C) ^rVar H$jmAm| Ho$ BboQ´>moZm| Ho$ J{V Ho$ H$maU (D) ghg§`moOH$ ~m§S> Ho$ JR>Z Ho$ H$maU ∗ -13- *NIMA1* NIMA1 39. An example for environment friendly polymer is (A) Nylon (C) Terylene 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. (B) Bakelite (D) Cellulose The energy released during nuclear reaction is called (A) Nuclear energy (B) Fusion energy (C) Binding energy (D) Fission energy The light absorbing material used in a solar cell is (A) Silicon (B) Phosphorous (C) Carbon (D) Radium The technique which established that the sun is made of mostly hydrogen is (A) Spectrum analysis (B) Chemical analysis (C) Scanning (D) Laser ranging A person wrongly uses infrared rays to detect a flaw in a machine part. The correct radiation he should be using is (A) X-ray (B) Ultra-violet ray (C) Microwave (D) Visible light North pole of a bar magnet is continuously thrust and pulled out of the coil of conductor connected to a galvanometer several times, then the pointer of the galvanometer (A) Remains at zero (B) Deflects on either side of the zero (C) Moves towards the left side of the zero (D) Deflects towards the right side of the zero A Cyclist riding a cycle fitted with a dynamo to a tyre gets bright light in the bulb connected, when he pedals fast. This is because (A) Magnet becomes powerful, when wheel rotates faster and current flows fast ∗ (B) Current flows easily when cycle goes fast (C) More magnetic lines of force change with respect to the coil and leading to more current (D) Coil becomes hot due to frication and produces more current -14- *NIMA1* 39. NIMA1 n`m©daU H$m AZwHy$b ~hþbH$ H$m CXmhaU h¡ (A) Zm`bmoZ (C) Q>ao r{bZ (B) (D) ~oHo$bmB©Q> goë`ybmoO 40. na_mUw à{V{H«$`m Ho$ Xm¡amZ Omar D$Om© H$mo `m H$hm OmVm h¡ ? (A) Ý`ypb`a EZOu (B) â`yOZ EZOu (C) ~mB§qS>J EZOu (D) {\$eZ EZOu 41. gm¡a gob _| à`moJ {H$`m OmZo dmbm àH$me H$mo Ademo{fV H$aZo dmbm gm_J«r (A) {g{bH$moZ (B) \$mg\$moag (C) H$m~©Z (D) ao{S>`_ 42. VH$ZrH$ {OgHo$ Ûmam ñWm{nV {H$`m J`m {H$ gyaO _w»`V: hmBS´>moOZ go ~Zm h¡ (A) ñnoQ´>_ {díbofU (B) amgm`{ZH$ {díbofU (C) ñH¡$qZJ (D) boOa a|qOJ 43. EH$ ì`pV _erZ Ho$ {hñgo _| Xmof nVm H$aZo Ho$ {bE AdaV {H$aUm| H$m JbV à`moJ H$aVm h¡ & {H$g {H$aU H$m Cgo ghr à`moJ H$aZm Mm{hE Wm ? (A) Egao (B) nam~¢JZr {H$aU (Ultra-violet) (C) _mBH«$modd o (D) Ñí` àH$me 44. EH$ Mwå~H$ Ho$ CÎmar Y«wd H$mo bJmVma EH$ H§$S>Q>a H$s Hw$ÊS>br Ho$ A§Xa Am¡a ~mha {ZH$mbm Om ahm h¡ Omo EH$ J¡bdoZmo_rQ>a go OwS>m hþAm h¡ & J¡bdoZmo_rQ>a H$m gyB© (pointer) (A) eyÝ` na ahoJm (B) eyÝ` Ho$ XmoZm| Va\$ Om`oJm (C) eyÝ` Ho$ ~m`| Va\$ Om`oJm (D) eyÝ` Ho$ Xm{hZo Va\$ Om`oJm 45. EH$ gmB{H$b MmbH$ Ho$ gmB{H$b Ho$ Q>m`a _| S>mBZo_mo bJm h¡ Am¡a O~ dh VoOr go n¡S>b H$aVm h¡ V~ S>mBZo_m| _| Omo ~ë~ bJm h¡ dh CÁOdb àH$me XoVm h¡ `m|{H$ (A) O~ MH$m VoOr go MbVm h¡ V~ Mwå~H$ _| Am¡a epV Am OmVr h¡ Am¡a {dÚwV Ymam H$m àdmh VoO hmoVm h¡ (B) {dÚwV Ymam H$m àdmh AmgmZr go hmoVm h¡ O~ gmB{H$b VoO MbVm h¡ (C) H§w$S>br Ho$ g§~§Y _| Am¡a A{YH$ M§w~H$s` ~b ~XbVm h¡ Am¡a A{YH$ {dÚwV H$m àdmh hmoVm h¡ (D) Hw§$S>b Kf©U Ho$ H$maU J_© hmo OmVm h¡ Am¡a A{YH$ {dÚwV H$m CËnmXZ hmoVm h¡ ∗ -15- *NIMA1* NIMA1 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. ∗ What is the correct verbal phrase for the following expression ? 9–8×2 (A) The difference of 9 and 8, multiplied by 2 (B) The product of 8 and 2, subtracted from 9 (C) The quotient of 8 and 2, subtracted from 9 (D) The difference of 9 and 8, divided by 2 Which expression represents the description ? n × n × n× n= (A) n×4 (B) n4 (C) 4n (D) –n The converted base 10 number 44 into base 2 by division method is (A) 101100(2) (B) 100110(2) (C) 11011(2) (D) 1111(2) The cube of (– 6)3 is (A) 456 (B) – 216 (C) 232 (D) 116 ‘‘3 square 2, whole to the power of 2’’. This can be expressed as (A) (32)2 (B) (23)2 (C) (22)3 (D) (33)2 The formula to find the volume of a cuboid is V = (A) a3 (B) a×b (C) 1× b×h (D) 1× 1×1 The algebraic co-efficient of a2 in xa2p3 is (A) x (B) a2p3 (C) p3 (D) xp3 -16- *NIMA1* 46. NIMA1 {ZåZ{b{IV A{^ì`pV Ho$ {bE ghr _m¡{IH$ dm`m§e `m h¡ ? 9–8×2 (A) 9 Am¡a 8 Ho$ A§Va H$mo 2 (B) (C) (D) 47. go JwUm 8 Am¡a 2 Ho$ CËnmX H$mo 9 go KQ>mZm 8 Am¡a 2 H$m ^mJ\$b H$mo 9 go KQ>mZm 9 Am¡a 8 Ho$ A§Va H$mo 2 go {d^m{OV H$aZm H$m¡Z gm A{^ì`pV {ZåZ{b{IV {ddaU H$m à{V{Z{YËd H$aVm h¡ ? n × n × n× n= 48. 49. 50. (A) n × 4 (B) n4 (C) (D) 4n n[ad{V©V ~og 10 g§»`m 44 H$mo ~og 2 _| {d^mOZ {d{Y go {H$`m Om` ? (A) 101100(2) (B) 100110(2) (C) (D) 11011(2) (A) 456 (B) – 216 (C) (D) 232 (B) (23)2 (22)3 (D) (33)2 EH$ KZm^ Ho$ Am`VZ H$m \$m°_y©bm h¡ V = (A) a3 (B) a × b (C) (D) 1×b×h a2 H$m xa2p3 (C) 1×1×1 _| ~rOr` JwUm§H$ h¡ (B) a2p3 (A) x ∗ 116 ‘‘3 square 2, whole to the power of 2’’ Bgo {ZåZ{b{IV ê$n _| ì`V {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡ & (C) 52. 1111(2) (–6)3 H$m KZËd (cube) `m h¡ ? (A) (32)2 51. –n p3 (D) -17- xp3 *NIMA1* NIMA1 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. ∗ The diameter of a circle is _____________ its radius. (A) Thrice (B) Twice (C) Half (D) Equal The biggest numeral used in base five system is (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 2 2 × 52 + 1 × 51 + 0 × 50. This expression is in ___________ system. (A) Base 2 (B) Base 10 (C) Base 5 (D) None of the above 2, 7, 14, 23, ?, 47 (A) 31 (B) 28 (C) 34 (D) 38 The symbol used to indicate the set of whole numbers is (A) M (B) W (C) Z (D) U The circumference of a circle with radius 7 cm is (A) 22 cm (B) 88 cm (C) 11 cm (D) 44 cm The least natural number is (A) 1 (B) 0 (C) 2 (D) 4 Expressions having two algebraic terms with + or – sign between them are called (A) Monomials (B) Trinomials (C) Polynomial (D) Binomials -18- *NIMA1* 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. ∗ NIMA1 EH$ d¥Îm H$m ì`mg BgH$s {ÌÁ`m Ho$ (A) VrZ JwUm (C) AmYm h¡ & (B) (D) Xmo JwUm ~am~a ~og nm±M àUmbr _| g~go ~S>m A§H$ `m h¡ ? (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) (D) 4 2 2 × 52 + 1 × 51 + 0 × 50 `h A{^ì`pV àUmbr _| h¡ & (A) Base 2 (B) Base 10 (C) (D) Base 5 BZ_| go H$moB© Zht 2, 7, 14, 23, ?, 47 (A) 31 (B) 28 (C) (D) 34 38 nyUmªH$ H$m g§Ho$VH$ àVrH$ `m h¡ ? (A) M (B) W (C) (D) Z U EH$ d¥Îm H$s n[a{Y `m h¡ {OgH$s {ÌÁ`m 7 cm h¡ ? (A) 22 cm (B) 88 cm (C) (D) 11 cm 44 cm g~go N>moQ>m àmH¥${VH$ g§»`m (natural number) `m h¡ ? (A) 1 (B) 0 (C) (D) 2 4 Xmo {~OJ{UVr` nX Ho$ ~rM _| + `m – h¡ Vmo Bg ì`§OH$ H$mo `m H$hVo h¡ ? (A) EH$nXr` (B) {ÌnXr` (C) ~hþnXr` (D) {ÛnXr` -19- *NIMA1* NIMA1 61. 62. Total Surface Area (TSA) of cube is (A) 5a2 sq. units (B) 6a2 sq. units (C) 5a3 sq. units (D) 6a3 sq. units The cost of 75 fruits is (A) < (C) 63. 64. 65. < ∗ 15 (B) 20 (D) 18 < 32 < (A) 135 km (B) 120 km (C) 150 km (D) 180 km What is the time taken by a vehicle to cover a distance of 360 km at a speed of 40 km/hr ? (A) 12 hours (B) 9 hours (C) 20 hours (D) 6 hours If a shopkeeper borrows a sum of 8,000 from a bank with interest at 15% p.a. for 3 years, how much interest should he pay while returning the loan ? < (C) 67. 375. Find the cost of 3 fruits. What distance, a car will travel at the speed of 45 km/hr in 3 hours ? (A) 66. < < < 4,500 (B) 3,600 (D) 1,600 < < 8,600 The first, second and fourth terms of a proportion are 16, 24 and 54 respectively. Then the third term is (A) 36 (B) 28 (C) 48 (D) 32 In 4 : 7 : : 16 : 28, 7 and 16 are called (A) Extreme terms (B) Middle term (C) B middle and A extreme term (D) None of these -20- *NIMA1* 61. NIMA1 `y~ H$s Hw$b gVh joÌ h¡ (A) 5a2 sq. units (C) 62. 5a3 sq. units 75 \$bm| H$m _yë` (A) < (C) 63. (B) 6a2 sq. units < < (D) 375 h¡, 3 \$bm| H$s _yë` ~VmB`o ? 15 (B) 20 (D) (C) 65. 180 {H$._r. K§Q>o 20 K§Q>o K§Q>o 6 K§Q>o (A) 12 (B) 9 (C) (D) `{X EH$ XwH$mZXma ~¢H$ go 8,000 CYma _| 15 à{VeV à{V df© ã`mO na 3 gmb Ho$ {bE boVm h¡, Cgo F$U bm¡Q>mZo g_` {H$VZm ã`mO XoZm hmoJm ? < < < 4,500 (B) 3,600 (D) 1,600 < < 8,600 EH$ g_mZwnmV Ho$ àW_, {ÛVr` Am¡a Mm¡Wo A§H$ H«$_e: 16, 24 Am¡a 54 h¡& Vrgam A§H$ Bg H«$_ _| `m hmoJm ? (A) 36 (B) 28 (C) (D) 48 4 : 7 : : 16 : 28, 7 Am¡a 16 `m H$hbmVm h¡ ? (A) (B) (C) (D) ∗ (D) 360 {H$._r . H$s Xyar 40 km/hr H$s J{V go EH$ JmS>r {H$VZr Xoa _| V` H$aoJr ? (C) 67. 32 < (B) 120 {H$._r. 150 {H$._r. (A) 66. 18 < EH$ _moQ>a JmS>r 45 km/hr H$s J{V go VrZ K§Q>m| _| {H$VZr Xyar V` H$aoJr ? (A) 135 {H$._r. 64. 6a3 sq. units ~mh²` nX _Ü` nX B _Ü` nX Am¡a A ~mh²` nX BZ_| go H$moB© Zht -21- 32 *NIMA1* NIMA1 68. What is the amount for (A) < (C) 69. 70. < 73. 74. 75. ∗ 1,320 (B) 3,600 (D) 1,600 < 8,600 < (A) {11, 15, 20, 25} (B) {5, 10, 15} (C) {5, 7, 9, 10} (D) {5, 10} The marked price of a chair is price of the chair. (C) 72. 1,000 at 8% p.a. simple interest for 4 years ? If P = {5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20}, Q = {5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15} and R = {5, 10, 15, 20, 25}, then P ∩ Q ∩ R is (A) 71. < < < < 500. If the rate of discount is 16%, find the selling 120 (B) 420 (D) 160 < < 520 The total number of numerals used in base 10 system is (A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 9 (D) 10 Expressing 143(5) in base 10 is (A) 45 (B) 48 (C) 90 (D) 10 The least whole number is (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3 +4 on the number line will be to _______________ of zero. (A) Left (B) Centre (C) Right (D) None of the above How much should be subtracted from (+ 5) to get – 7 ? (A) +12 (B) –12 (C) –7 (D) +7 -22- *NIMA1* 68. < 1,000 H$m 8% à{Vdf© H$m gm_mÝ` ã`mO 4 dfm] Ho$ {bE `m hmoJm ? (A) < (C) 69. 70. < 73. 74. (D) 8,600 < (C) (D) {5, 7, 9, 10} EH$ Hw$gu H$m A§{H$V _yë` < < < {5, 10} 500 h¡& `{X 16 à{VeV ~Å>m h¡ Vmo Hw$gu H$m {~H«$` _yë` kmV H$a|& 120 (B) 420 (D) 160 < < 520 AmYma 10 nÕ{V _| Hw$b A§H$m| H$s g§»`m `m h¡ ? (A) 5 (B) 4 (C) (D) 9 10 143(5) H$m AmYma 10 ê$n h¡ (A) 45 (B) 48 (C) (D) 90 10 g~go N>moQ>r nyU© g§»`m h¡ (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) (D) 3 (B) _Ü` _| BZ_| go H$moB© Zht 2 + 4 g§»`m aoIm _| 0 Ho$ (C) ∗ 3,600 1,600 < (B) {5, 10, 15} (A) 75. (B) (A) {11, 15, 20, 25} (C) 72. 1,320 `{X P = {5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20}, Q = {5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15} Am¡a R = {5, 10, 15, 20, 25}, V~ P ∩ Q ∩ R h¡ (A) 71. NIMA1 ~m§`o Amoa Xm{hZo Amoa hmoJm & (D) (+5) _| go {H$g g§»`m H$mo KQ>mZo go CÎma – 7 hmoJm ? (A) +12 (B) –12 (C) (D) –7 -23- +7 *NIMA1* NIMA1 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. ∗ If –10 + = (– 4) then, fill up the gap. (A) +6 (B) +3 (C) –6 (D) –3 The number of times the base is multiplied is indicated by (A) Quotient (B) Power (C) Exponents (D) None of the above When the negative number is raised to an odd power, the value is always (A) Positive (B) Negative (C) Constant (D) None of the above The simplified form of the expression – 9a + 6a + 4a – 7a is (A) + 6a (B) – 12a (C) – 10a (D) – 6a The line joining any two points on the circumference of a circle is called a (A) Diameter (B) Circumference (C) Radius (D) Chord A part of the circle bounded by two radii and an arc cut off by it, is called a (A) Arc (B) Segment (C) Sector (D) None of the above _____________ of a circle is the product of π and its diameter. (A) Diameter (B) Circumference (C) Radius (D) Chord The diameter of a wheel is 1.7 m. Find out the distance travelled when it completes 120 revolutions. (A) 660 m (B) 650 m (C) 680 m (D) 670 m -24- *NIMA1* 76. `{X –10 + NIMA1 = (– 4) V~ Imbr OJh _| `m hmoJm ? (A) + 6 (B) + 3 (C) (D) –6 –3 77. {H$VZr ~ma AmYma H$mo JwUm {H$`m Om`o CgHo$ g§Ho$V H$mo `m H$hVo h¢ ? (A) ^mJ\$b (B) KmV (C) à{VnmXH$ (D) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht 78. `{X EH$ F$UmË_H$ g§»`m H$m KmV {df_ g§»`m hmo Vmo BgH$m _mZ h_oem (A) YZmË_H$ hmoJm (B) F$UmË_H$ hmoJm (C) AMa hmoJm (D) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht 79. – 9a + 6a + 4a – 7a H$m gab ê$n `m h¡ ? (A) + 6a (B) – 12a (C) (D) – 10a – 6a 80. d¥Îm Ho$ n[a{Y na {H$Ýht Xmo {~ÝXwAm| H$mo {_bmZo dmbr aoIm H$mo `m H$hVo h¢ ? (A) ì`mg (B) n[a{Y (C) {ÌÁ`m (D) Ordm 81. EH$ d¥Îm H$m ^mJ {Ogo Xmo {ÌÁ`mE§ Am¡a EH$ Mmn go {Kam hmo Cgo `m H$hVo h¢ ? (A) Mmn (B) I§S> (C) goQ>a (D) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht 82. d¥Îm H$m (A) ì`mg (C) {ÌÁ`m 83. EH$ MH$m H$m ì`mg 1.7 _r h¡& 120 MH$a bJmZo Ho$ ~mX dmo {H$VZr Xyar V` H$aoJm ? ∗ CgHo$ ì`mg Am¡a π H$m JwUZ\$b h¡ & (B) n[a{Y (D) Ordm (A) 660 m (B) 650 m (C) (D) 680 m -25- 670 m *NIMA1* NIMA1 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. ∗ The circumference of a circle whose radius is 2.8 cm is (A) 55 cm (B) 15 cm (C) 16.5 cm (D) 17.6 cm When a negative number is raised to an even power, the sign of the number is (A) Positive (B) Negative (C) Constant (D) None of the above If all the angles of a triangle are less than 90°, such triangle is called an (A) Obtuse angled triangle (B) Acute angled triangle (C) Right angled triangle (D) Equiangular triangle The symbol used to denote that 5 belongs to set A is (A) ∈ (B) (C) ∩ (D) ∪ Find the value of 50% of 200 kg. (A) 150 kg (B) 100 kg (C) 250 kg (D) 200 kg 20% of a number is 80. Find the number. (A) 400 (B) 100 (C) 200 (D) 300 The product of (p + 4) (p + 5) is (A) p2 + 9p + 20 (B) x2 + x(a+b) + ab (C) p2 + 6p + 35 (D) None of the above -26- *NIMA1* 84. NIMA1 EH$ d¥Îm H$s n[a{Y {OgH$s {ÌÁ`m 2.8 go_r h¡. (A) 55 cm (B) 15 cm (C) (D) 16.5 cm 17.6 cm 85. O~ EH$ F$UmË_H$ g§»`m H$m KmV g_ hmo, Vmo Bg g§»`m H$m {MÝh `m hmoJm ? (A) YZmË_H$ (B) F$UmË_H$ (C) AMa (D) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht 86. `{X EH$ {Ì^wO Ho$ g^r H$moU 90° go H$_ hmo Vmo Bg {Ì^wO H$mo `m H$hVo h¢ ? (A) A{YH$H$moU {Ì^wO (B) Ý`yUH$moU {Ì^wO (C) g_H$moU {Ì^wO (D) g_~mhw {Ì^wO 87. {H$g {MÝh go A§H$ 5 g_w` A Ho$ Ad`d hmoZo H$m ~moY hmoVm h¡ ? (A) ∈ (B) ∩ (D) (C) 88. 89. 90. 200 {H$bmo H$m 50 à{VeV `m h¡ ? (A) 150 kg (B) 100 kg (C) (D) 250 kg 200 kg EH$ g§»`m H$m 20 à{VeV 80 h¡& Vmo dh g§»`m `m h¡ ? (A) 400 (B) 100 (C) (D) 200 300 (p + 4) (p + 5) H$m JwUZ\$b h¡ (A) p2 + 9p + 20 (C) ∗ ∪ (B) x2 + x(a+b) + ab p2 + 6p + 35 (D) -27- BZ_| go H$moB© Zht *NIMA1* NIMA1 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. ^mfm H$s g~go N>moQ>r BH$mB© h¡ (A) ñda (B) dU© (C) ì`§OZ (D) Üd{Z ""g§gm[aH$'' H$m ewÕ ê$n `m h¡ ? (A) gm§gm[aH$ (B) e§gm[aH$ (C) gm§gmarH$ (D) g§gmarH$ {ZåZ{b{IV dUm] Ho$ _ob go ~Zo _mZH$ {hÝXr eãX H$mo nhMm{ZE & A + Z² + C + ^² + D$ + V + B (A) AZy^{y V (B) AZw^{w V (C) AZw^V yr (D) AZw^{y V "A{V[aV' eãX _| (A) A CngJ© h¡ & (B) A{V BZ_| go H$m¡Z gm "Ap½Z' H$m n`m©`dmMr Zht h¡ ? (A) AZb (B) nmdH$ (C) V (D) B{V (C) AmJ (D) VoµO 96. "nËWa H$s bH$sa' _whmdam H$m ghr AW© {dH$ënm| _| go Mw{ZE & (A) ÑT> ahZm (B) nËWa go {MÌ ~ZmZm (C) nËWa go bH$sa ItMZm (D) {µOX²²>Xr ì`pV 97. H${d H$m ñÌrqbJ eãX h¡ (A) H${dVm 98. 99. 100. ∗ Jm{`H$m (C) H$d{`Ìr (D) H$mì` BZ_| go H$m¡Z ì`pV dmMH$ g§km h¡ ? (A) Jm±d (B) {XZH$a (C) nwñV_ (D) H$b_ "grVm H$b_ go {bIVr h¡' Bg dm` _| {H$g H$maH$ H$m à`moJ hþAm ? (A) H$_©H$maH$ (B) H$aUH$maH$ (C) gåàXmZH$maH$ (D) AnmXmZH$maH$ aOZr H$m n`m©`dmMr h¡ (A) A±Yoam (D) am{Ì (B) (B) H$mbm (C) -28- í`m_ *NIMA1* NIMA1 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK a\$ H$m`© Ho$ {bE ñWmZ ∗ -29- *NIMA1* NIMA1 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK a\$ H$m`© Ho$ {bE ñWmZ ∗ -30- *NIMA1* NIMA1 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK a\$ H$m`© Ho$ {bE ñWmZ ∗ -31- *NIMA1* NIMA1 5. (a) The circles, as described in 4 above, are to be darkened by using Blue/Black ball point pen only. (H$) CnamoV H«$_ 4 _| ~Vm`o J`o AZwgma Jmobo H$mo Zrbr/H$mbr ~m°b ßdmB§Q> H$b_ Ûmam hr a§JZm h¡& (b) The shading should be dark and should completely fill the circle. (I) Jmobo H$mo nyU©ê$n go ^am Ed§ a§Jm hmoZm Mm{hE& (c) Only one circle corresponding to the correct answer should be darkened as shown below : (J) ghr CÎma go gå~pÝYV Ho$db EH$ hr Jmobo H$mo a§Jm OmZm Mm{hE O¡gm ZrMo {XIm`m J`m h¡ : Correct / ghr A B C D Incorrect / JbV A B C D Incorrect / JbV A or A B C D or A B C 9 D or A B C D B C D 9 (d) If more than one circle is darkened using Blue/Black ball point pen or if the response is marked in B C D or A B C D or A B C D or A any other manner or as shown in ‘‘Incorrect method’’ above, it shall be treated as wrong way of marking. (K>) `{X EH$ go A{YH$ Jmobo H$mo Zrbr/H$mbr ~m°b ßdmB§Q> H$b_ go a§Jm Om`oJm `m CÎma {H$gr AÝ` àH$ma go AWdm D$na {XIm`o J`o JbV VarH$m| go ì`V {H$`m Om`oJm Vmo Cgo JbV H$ama {X`m Om`oJm& 6. Rough work must not be done on the OMR Answer Sheet. Free space provided in the question booklet should only be used for this purpose. {H$gr àH$ma H$m H$ÀMm H$m_ CÎma nÌH$ na Zht H$aZm h¡& Bg narjm nwpñVH$m _| BgHo$ {bE Imbr ñWmZ N>moS> {X`m J`m h¡, Cgr na H$ÀMm H$m_ H$a| & 7. ‘‘Bar Code’’ printed on the Answer Sheet must not be tampered or in any way marked; otherwise the candidature will be rejected. CÎma nÌH$ na N>no ""~ma H$moS>'' na {H$gr Vah H$m {ZemZ Am{X Z ~Zm`| `m Bgo {H$gr Vah Z {dH¥$V H$a| Am¡a Z {dH¥$V hmoZo X| AÝ`Wm narjmWu H$s Cå_rXdmar aÔ H$a Xr Om`oJr& 8. Candidate must not leave any mark of identification on any part of the Answer Sheet except as asked on the OMR Answer Sheet as this may lead to disqualification. Cå_rXdma H$mo Amo.E_.Ama. (OMR) CÎma nwpñVH$m _| nyN>o JE Ho$ Abmdm CÎma nwpñVH$m Ho$ {H$gr ^mJ na nhMmZ Ho$ {H$gr ^r {ZemZ H$mo Zht N>moS>Zm Mm{hE, Bggo dh A`mo½` hmo gH$Vm h¡& 9. For verification of your handwriting, it is necessary to write the prescribed Text completely, which is printed in Hindi on the OMR Sheet and also put your signature on specified space in Hindi and English otherwise your answer sheet / candidature will be rejected. AnZr {bImdQ> Ho$ gË`mnZ Ho$ {bE, {ZYm©[aV nmR> {Ogo Amo.E_.Ama. nÌH$ _| qhXr _| _w{ÐV {H$`m J`m h¡, Cgo nyam {bIZm Amdí`H$ h¡ Am¡a {Z{X©îQ> ñWmZ na qhXr Am¡a A§J«oOr _| AnZo hñVmja ^r H$a|, AÝ`Wm AmnH$s CÎma nwpñVH$m/Cå_rXdmar AñdrH¥$V H$a Xr OmEJr & 10. In case you do not follow the instructions as given on the backside of OMR answer sheet, your answer sheet is liable to be rejected for which you yourself will be fully responsible. AJa AmnZo Amo.E_.Ama. Ho$ CÎma nÌH$ Ho$ n¥îR> ^mJ _| {X`o J`o {ZX}em| H$m nmbZ Zht {H$`m Vmo AmnH$m CÎma nÌH$ aÔ {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡ {OgHo$ {bE Amn ñd`§ nyU© ê$n go CÎmaXm`r hm|Jo& ∗ -32-
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