BHARATRATNA Dr. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR M.A., Ph.D., D.Sc., (London), LLD (Columbia), D.Litt. (Osmania), Barrister - at Law. MESSAGE Knowledge is sacred and it is source of enlightenment. We have been accredited as “A” grade institute of higher learning by NAAC Bangalore. Now this is the high time to carve out our position in the world's 200 top Universities in 21st century. Our University is named after architect of our Indian constitution Baharat Ratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. He felt that teaching, learning, research and extension are four basic duties of our University. Being a well developed teaching and research institute we have to strive hard to achieve excellence in every aspect of this institute. By enhancing their inherent qualities our graduates can serve the society with greater convictions and social responsibility. We are in the third wave – the information revolution ICT applications have become significant in every field of higher education. Information goals, skill and value oriented goals can be fulfilled through the applicantions of advanced technological deals. We are living in the age of globalization, which is full of competition and connectivity. The business environment around us has been changed in the corporate age. We require a more strong and effective professional spirit. Our personality must be reoriented to face global challenges. We have to reshape ourselves to face new challenges in the corporate age. This is a most challenging and exciting phase in human history. More quicker and better changes are occurring around us and we have to keep ready ourselves to face these challenges. Our spiritual and moral power must be well built and we must be ready to conquer higher target with greater confidence. I wish you all a more happy and satisfactory experience on the campus during this academic year. Professor B.A. Chopade Vice-Chancellor g§Xoe kmZ ho n{dÌ Amho Am{U Vo gd© àH$maÀ`m AmË_kmZmMo gmYZ Amho. JVdfu Amnë`m {dÚmnrR>mbm Z°H$ g§ñWoÀ`m dVrZo 'A" XOm© àXmZ H$aÊ`mV Ambm Amho. AmVm 21 ì`m eVH$mV AmnU Amnë`m {dÚmnrR>mMo ñWmZ OJm_Yrb gd©loð> 200 {dÚmnrR>m_Ü` àñWm{nV Ho$bo nm{hOo. Amnë`m {dÚmnrR>mbm ^maVr` amÁ`KQ>ZoMo {eënH$ma ^maVaËZ S>m°. ~m~mgmho~ Am§~oS>H$a `m§Mo Zmd bm^bo Amho. Ë`m§Mo Ago _V hmoVo H$s, AÜ``Z, AÜ`mnZ, g§emoYZ d {dMma hr Amnë`m {dÚmnrR>mMr _w»` H$V©ì`o hmoV. `m g§X^m©V Amnë`m {dÚmnrR>mbm gd© joÌmV loð> {eIa JmR>Ê`mgmR>r AmnU à`ËZm§Mr namH$mð>m H$am`bm hdr. Amnë`m gwßV JwUm§Mm {dH$mg H$éZ Amnbo nXdrYa g_mOmMr A{YH$ lÕmnyd©H$ d gm_m{OH$ O~m~XmarÀ`m ^mdZoZo godm H$é eH$Vrb. AmnU gmao _m{hVr-H«$m§VrÀ`m {Vgè`m bmQ>obm gm_moao OmV AmhmoV. CÀM {ejUmÀ`m àË`oH$ joÌmV _m{hVr g§dmX, V§ÌkmZmMo _hÎd dmT>bo Amho. àJV V§ÌkmZmMr gmYZo dmnéZ AmO _m{hVràYmZ, H$m¡eë`àYmZ Am{U _yë`àYmZ C{ÔîQ>ço gmÜ` H$é eH$Vmo. H$mnm©oaoQ> `wJm_Yrb ZdrZ AmìhmZo nobÊ`mgmR>r AmnU g_W© ~Zbo nm{hOo. _mZdr B{VhmgmVrb hm A{YH$ amo_m§MH$mar d AmìhmZmË_H$ H$mi hmo`. Amnë`m g^modVr A{YH$ Mm§Jbo d A{YH$ J{V_mZ ~Xb hmoV AmhoV. `m gd© AmìhmZm§Zm gm_moao OmÊ`mgmR>r AmnU gwgÁO ~Zbo nm{hOo. Amnbr AmÜ`mpË_H$ Am{U Z¡{VH$ ~¡R>H$ A{YH$ gwg§K{Q>V ~Zbr nm{hOo. `m e¡j{UH$ dfm©_Ü`o n[agamVrb Amnbm AZw^d g_mYmZH$maH$ hmoB©b `mMm _bm `Wmo{MV {dœmg dmQ>Vmo. àmo\o$ga ~r.E. MmonS>o Hw$bJwé MESSAGE Today world has become a 'global village' due to communication revolution. Every Intuition of higher learning is changing both in theory and practice. ICT's have become 'mantra' in the new age. We have to keep ready ourselves to face new world in a bold manner. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marahtwada University has been re-accredited as 'A' grade institution by NAAC and now excellence must be our way of life in the future course of time. Students are centers of our university system. There is a need to empower our students by providing them supreme knowledge our students must be strengthened properly with management and communication skills as well. We must lead our university in research as well as extension. We have to serve best to the society through knowledge, innovation as well as best practices. Quality, along with Social justice is our mission in the future. I wish all best and happy New Academic Year on the campus. Dr. Dhanraj Mane Registrar g§Xoe g§dmX H«$m§Vr_wio g§~§Y OJ ho "{dídJ«m_' ~Zbo Amho. OJmVrb àË`oH$ CÀM {ejU g§ñWm hr VÎd d ì`dhma `m Ñï>rZo PnmQ>çmZo ~XbV Amho. `m Zì`m `wJmV _m{hVr g§dmX V§ÌkmZ hm n[adV©ZmMm _§Ì ~Zbm Amho. `m nwT>rb H$mimV AmnUmg Zì`m OJmV A{YH$ YmS>gmZo d AmË_{dídmgmZo gm_moao Omdo bmJUma Amho. S>m°.~m~mgmho~ Am§~oS>H$a _amR>dmS>m {dÚmnrR>mg "Z°H$' Mm "A' XOm© bm^bm Amho. AmVm nwT>rb H$mimV "JwUdÎmm' hm Amnbm OrdZmMm _mJ© ~ZUo JaOoMo Amho. "g§emoYZ' d "Zm{dÊ`mMm emoY' hm nwT>rb H$mimVrb àJVrMm _§Ì AgUma Amho. {dÚmWu hm Amnë`m ì`dñWoMm H|$Ð[~§Xw Amho. AmnU Amnë`m {dÚmÏ`mªZm gd©loð> kmZ àXmZ H$éZ Ë`m§Mo gj_rH$aU Ho$bo nm{hOo. Amnë`m {dÚmÏ`mªZm ì`dñWmnZ d g§dmX H$m¡eë`o àmßV H$éZ Ë`m§À`m j_Vm dmT>{dë`m nm{hOoV. AmnU g_mOmMr A{YH$m{YH$ godm Ho$br nm{hOo. JwUdÎmogh gm_m{OH$ O~m~Xmar hm Amnbm Ü`mg Agbm nm{hOo. kmZ, emoY Am{U Mm§Jë`m na§namMr OmonmgUm H$éZ AmnU ho H$é eH$Vmo. _r AmnUmg gw`e qM{VVmo Am{U {dÚmnrR> n[agamV ho Zdo e¡j{UH$ df© gwIXm`H$ amhmo hr g{XÀN>m ì`ŠV H$aVmo.! S>m°.YZamO _mZo Hw$bg{Md (NAAC Re-accredited ‘A’ grade) Dr. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR MARATHWADA UNIVERSITY, AURANGABAD - 431004. PROSPECTUS 2014-15 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Online registration is compulsory for all students, except those who are allotted the PRN number by MKCL or University. Fresh student should register their names and detail information on our website : Student should purchase prospect from the concern department and submit a copy of application form with necessary documents and fees. Student should fill application forms in their own handwriting and submit up to the last date with necessary documents and fees. Incomplete form or application received after last date will not be entertained. Separate Application form must be filled for each course. Attach attested true copies of marks memos of three years and original Transfer Certificate (T.C.). Students from reserved categories must submit attested copies of the caste certificate. Student should submit original documents immediately after the merit list is displayed on notice board of the department. Admitted students should submit their scholarship & E.B.C. form within 15days from date of admission. The scholarship E.B.C. form will not be accepted after the last date and such student would have to pay full fees. The details about the schedule of E.B.C./G.O.I scholarship is mentioned in this prospectus. After the admission is completed students should obtain Identity Card within 15 days. 9 9. Students noted for their misconduct for their involvelnet in immul or illegal activities would be liable to be punished under sec. 93,94 & 95 of Maharashtra University act, 1994 as well as University Ordinance 126, 127, 128 & 129. (Refer Circular No. Acad/NP/ord-Regulation /60/2012 dated 24/1/2012 ) The CBCS System The University Departments have adopted a credit-based system under the Academic Flexibility Program of the University from the academic year 2011-12. I. Admission / Promotion Admission to the course in the concerned departments will be granted on the basis of CET score and / or on their performance in the qualifying graduate level examination. The candidate who has obtained at least D Grades in all courses [Inclusive of core and Elective] of First Semester and obtained at least D Grades in 50% Courses of Second Semester Examinations shall be allowed to take admission in third Semester subject to the registration of student in every consecutive semester. Dropout student will be allowed to register for respective semester as and when the concerned courses are offered by the department, subject to the condition that his/her tenure should not exceed more than twice the duration of course from the date of first registration at parent department. The admission of concern student will be automatically get cancelled if he/she fails to complete the course in maximum period (Four years/Eight semesters). II. Credits and Degrees i) One Credit shall mean one teaching period of one hour per week for one semester (of 15 weeks) for theory courses and two practical/laboratory/field/ demonstration hours / week for one semester. Student will have to complete at least 100 credits to obtain the master degree (Post graduate degree) in the subjects having practicals/laboratory/field /demonstration work out of which 96 credits should be from their respective subject and four credits from service courses, however the autonomous departments can design the curriculum of more credits and it will be compulsory for the students from that department to complete the credits accordingly. Student will have to complete at least 68 credits to obtain the Master Degree (Post graduate degree) in the subjects without practicals/laboratory/field /demonstration work out of which 64 credits should be from their respective subject and four credits from service courses, however the autonomous departments can design the curriculum of more credits and it will be compulsory for the students from that department to complete the credits accordingly. ii) iii) 10 III. Courses There shall be three types of courses- I) Core Course : A core course is a course that a student admitted to a particular P.G. programme must successfully complete to receive the degree. ii) Elective Course : Means an optional course from the basic subject or specialization iii) Service course (SC) : The service courses will be offered in third and fourth semesters in different departments of the University. Student should complete at least one service course in any semester. IV. Attendance Students must have 75% of attendance in each course for appearing the examination. However student having 65% attendance with medical certificate may apply to the H.O.D. for condonation of attendance. V. Registration for Service Course :- i) The student will register the service course of his/her interest after the start of semester in the concerned department on official registration form. List of service courses will be available on the University website. The teacher incharge of the respective course will keep the record of the students registered. Maximum fifteen days period will be given from the date of admission for completion of registration procedure. The Departmental Committee shall follow a selection procedure after counseling to the students etc to avoid overcrowding to particular course(s) at the expense of some other courses. ii) No student shall be permitted to register for more than one service course in a semester. Normally no service course shall be offered unless a minimum of 10 students are registered. iii) The student shall have to pay the prescribed fee per course per semester/year for the registration as decided by the University. VI. Award of Grades :- i) A ten point rating scale shall be used for the evaluation of the performance of the student to provide letter grade for each course and overall grade for the Master's Programme. ii) Minimum ‘D’ grade ( 4.00 grade points ) shall be the limit to clear / pass the course / subject. A student with ‘F’ grade will be considered as 'failed' in the 11 concerned course and he/she has to clear the course by reappearing in the next successive semester examinations. There will be no revaluation or recounting under this system. iii) Non appearance in any examination/ assessment shall be treated as the student has secured zero mark in that subject examination/assessment. iv) Based on the grade points obtained in each course, Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and then Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) shall be computed. Results will be announced at the end of each semester and Cumulative Grade Card with CGPA will be given on completion of the course. VII. Evaluation method:- Each theory course will be of 100 marks and be divided in to internal examination (Sessional) of 20 marks and Semester end examination of 80 marks. (20+80 = 100 Marks). Each practical course will be of 50 marks. Research project if any , will be of 100 marks. A. Internal Evaluation Method There shall be two mid semester examinations, first based on 40 percent syllabus taught and second based on 60 percent syllabus taught. The setting of the question papers and the assessment will be done by the concerned teacher who has taught the syllabus. Average score obtained out of two-mid semester examinations will be considered for the preparation of final marks/grade. B. Term end examination and evaluation i) The theory question paper of semester end examination will have two parts (20+60 = 80 marks) Part A : Part B : Will be of 20 marks on entire syllabus and will carry short questions of 2-3 marks. Will carry 7 questions out of which there shall be at least one question from each unit, student will have to answer any five questions out of 7. ii) Semester end practical examinations will be of 50 marks. Project work and seminar if any, will be evaluated by the external examiners along with guide. iii) The Head of the Department shall display the grade points and grades for the notice of students. 12 iv) The student can seek clarifications from the teacher regarding evaluation of the scripts within 3 days of display of result.- VIII. Grade Card The University shall issue at the beginning of each semester a grade card for the student, containing the grades obtained by the student in the previous semester and his Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA). At the end of the IVth semester, the University shall issue Cumulative Grade Card to the Students showing details of Grades obtained by the student in each subject in all semesters along with CGPA and total credits earned. Important Instruction for admission 1. 2. 3. 4. Admission process will be conducted by the concerned department a s p e r the rules and regulations laid down by the University in force from time to time and as per the time table for admissions notified by the department. Candidates seeking admission to P.G. courses will have to submit their application in the prescribed form to the Head of the Department of the concerned subject. The students should fulfill admission form for Ist & IIIrd semester & pay the fees accordingly. The table below shows the intake capacity for each course per academic year. 1) M.Phil. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Marathi Hindi English History & Ancient Indian culture Economics Sociology Political Science Public Administration Mathematics Commerce Pali & Bhuddhism Urdu Library & Information Science Computer Science & Inf. Tech. Physical Education Education Journalism Management Science Intake capacity : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 13 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2) Faculty of Arts : M.A. 1. Marathi 2. Hindi 3. English 4. Urdu ì 5. Sanskrit 6. Pali & Buddhism 3) .. .. .. .. .. .. 70 70 70 70 70 70 .. .. .. .. 30 30 30 30 Diploma / Certificate Courses in Faculty of Arts 1. 2. 3. 4. ì`mdhm[aH$ _amR>r à_mUnÌ AZwdmX nX{dH$m (qhXr) _mÜ`_ boIZ nX{dH$m (qhXr) Certificate Course in Communication Skills in English (Three Months) .. (Deptt. Of Marathi) .. (Deptt. Of Hindi) .. (Deptt. Of Hindi) .. (Deptt. Of English) 5. Certificate Course in Pali ..(Deptt. of Pali & Buddhism) Note :- Diploma means one year diploma. 4) Faculty of Social Science : M. A. 1. 2. History & Ancient Indian culture Sociology 3. Economics 4. Political Science 5. Public Administration ì 6. Psychology 7. Library & Information Science ì 8. Women's Studies ì 9. Geography ì 10. Music ì 11. M.A. / M. Sc. Home Science ì 12. Liberal Arts 5) 100 : : : : : : 70 70 70 70 70 70 : : : 22 : : : 70 70 70 30 20 One year Diploma / Certificate Courses in Faculty of Social Science 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Certificate Course in Modi Studies Dept. of History 40 Diploma in Modi Studies 40 Certificate Course in Museum Studies 40 Diploma Course in Museum Studies 40 A one semester certificate course in Communication Harmony and Social Peace (Maulana Abul Kalam Azad chair) 30 Dept. of English (Eligibility - Any Graduate) Post Graduate Diploma in Psychological counseling 20 14 7. 8. Diploma in Communication Short Term Urdu Course (45 days) (Eligibility - Any Graduate) ì 9. P.G. Diploma in Women Studies (Part Time) 6) 30 20 50 Faculty of Social Science (Deptt. of Journalism) 1.. B.A. (M.C.J.) : (Three Year Course after H.S.C.) ì 2. B.A. (Journalism, Arts & Scince) International Course : 3. M.A.M.C.J. (Mass Communication & Journalism) : 7) : 60 : 50 : : : : : : 40 40 40 40 40(each) 40 : : : : : : : : : : : : : 60+10 # 24 22 Diploma (Arts Faculty) Deptt. of Foreign Languages 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9) 20 40 Department of Printing Technology & Graphic Arts ì 1. Advance Dip. in Printing Technology & Graphic Art (ADPT & GA) ì 2. Bachelor of Printing Technology & Graphic Art (BPT & GA) 8) 40 Certificate in Proficiency in Russian Certificate in Proficiency in German Certificate in Proficiency in Chinese Diploma in Russian, German, Chinese Advance Diploma in Russian, German, Chinese Certificate course in French Faculty of Science : M.Sc. 1. Chemistry ì 2. Analytical Chemistry 3. Bio-Chemistry ì 4. Biochemistry Non-granted 5. Physics 6. Mathematics ì 7. Applied/Industrial Mathematics 8. Statistics 9. Botany 10. Zoology 11. Environmental Science 12. Computer Science ì 13. Information Technology 15 48 70 70 32 48 70 32 32 32 ì 14. Nano Technology ì 15. M.Sc. Micro Biology ì 16. M.Sc. Bio Technology ì 17. M.Sc. Bio Informatics ì 18. M.Tech. (Computer Engg.) # Over & above 2 seats : : : : : 20 20 20 20 30 10) Five Year Integrated Master of Vocational Science (B.Voc.+M.Voc.) 1. 2. 4. Automobile - 50 Industrial Automation-50 3. Information and Communication Technology-12 th Eligibility:- First Class at XII Science (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent.) Finance, Banking & Insurance -12 5.Travel and Tourism -12 th Eligibility:- First Class at XII Science/Commerce/Arts or equivalent. 11) Faculty of Engineering & Technology (B.Tech. & M. Tech.) ì 1. B. Tech. Chemical Technology (i) Pharmaceuticals & Fine Chemicals : (i) Food Technology : ì 2. M.Tech. (Drugs & Pharmaceuticals) : 12 10 10 12) Faculty of Commerce 1. Master of Commerce (M.Com.) : 2. Master of International Business (M.I.B.) : ì 3. Diploma in Business Management (D.B.M.) : 70 70 70 13) Deptt. of Management Science ì 1. Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) : 120 ì 2. M.B.A. (Dual) : 30 ì 3. M.B.A. (Executive) : 30 ì 4. M.B.A. (Part Time) : 60 ì 5. Master of Computer Application (M.C.A.) : 60 + 20 % Foreigner [For M.B.A. & M.C.A. admissions will be given through CET conducted by DTE] ì 6. M.Phil. in Management Science : 20 14) P.G. Diploma Courses (Deptt. of Management Science) ì 1. P.G. Diploma in Health Service Management ì 2. P.G.D.H.A.M.- Hospital Management ì 3. Diploma in Retail Management ì 4. P.G. Diploma in Human Resource Management 16 : : : : 40 40 30 30 15) Deptt. of Tourism Administration ì 1. Master of Tourism Administration (M.T.A.) : 30 16) P.G. Diploma in Tourism Department : 30 : 50 : 40 17) Education ì 1. Master of Education (M.Ed.) M.Ed. Admissions will be given through CET. 18) Physical Education 1. Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed.) (Regular) 19) Deptt. of Law 1. Master of Law (LL.M.) : 70 : : : 30 30 30 : : : : : 30 40 20 20 40 20) Deptt. of Dramatics 1. 2. 3. Bachelor of Dramatics (B.D.) One Year Bridge Course) Bachelor of Performing Arts (B.P.A.) Master of Performing Arts (M.P.A.) 21) One year Diploma Courses in Dramatics ì 1. Dip. in TV Production & Basics in Film Making ì 2. Diploma in Yoga 22) Certificate Courses in Dramatics ì 1 Certificate Course in Children Theatre ì 2 Certificate Course in Folk Theatre ì 3 Certificate Course in Modelling ì 4 Certificate Course in Fashion Designing ì 5 Certificate Course in Film Appreciation 17 23) Deptt. of Dance ì 1. Bachelor of Dance : 20 24) Deptt. of Fine Arts ì 1. M.F.A. Regular (Painting / Portraiture) : ì 2. M.F.A. Regular (Applied Art ) Illustrator/ Typography/ Illustration ì 3. M.F.A. (By Research) (Painting, Portraiture ) : ì 4. M.F.A. (By Research) illustration, typography visualization: ì 5. (B.F.A.) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Bridge Course) : Painting / Applied Arts Note : Intake capacity for each subject 20 25 25 25 30 25) One year Diploma / Courses in Deptt. of Fine Arts ì 1. Computer Graphics ì 2. Photoshop ì 3. Basic Photography ì 4. Corel Draw ì 5. Hobby Course ì 6. Illustrator 6 Months 45 Days 6 Months 2 Months 2 Months 2 Months : : : : : : 30 30 30 30 30 30 ì 1. M. A. in Life Long Learning and Extension (2 year) : ì 2. Post Graduate Diploma (Vacational) in Adult Continuing Education and Extension (1 year) : 3. Post Graduate Diploma (Psychological Counseling) 1 Year: Note: - '*' Indicates Courses run on un aided basis. 50 26) Deptt. of Adult Education 100 8+8=16 Deptt. of Dramatics 18 Dr. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR MARATHWADA UNIVERSITY, SUB-CAMPUS, OSMANABAD. 1. Faculty of Arts I. M.A. English 70 2. Faculty of Science I. M. Sc. Chemistry 34 ì II. M. Sc. Microbiology 16+10* ì III. M. Sc. Bio- Technology 16+10* 1. Student will be admitted through entrance test (CET) only. 2. Degree holders of the Faculty of Science including B.Sc. Agriculture, B.Sc. Pharmacy are eligible to seek admission to M.Sc. Bio - Technology. ‘ì ’Indicates unaided seats 3. Management Science 40 1) M.M.S. (Water & Land Management) Eligibility :Candidate should have passed degree examination with 50% of marks from any discipline/ faculty. CET may be conducted for the candidates seeking admission to this course. 2) M.B.A. (Regular) (Admissions will be given through CET) 60 ì 3) M.C.A. (Admissions will be given through CET) 60 ì 4 Education ì 1) Master of Education (M.Ed.) (Admissions will be given through CET.) 50 Sub Campus Osmanabad Sub Campus Osmanabad 19 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR ADMISSIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Students should register their names on the online admissions systems. Student should submit duly filled prescribed application form along with online print copy of online filled form with necessary documents to respective department. Attested true copies of the following documents are essential at the time of admission: (A) Transfer Certificate(T.C.) (B) Mark Memo (C) Caste Certificate & Validity Certificate (If applicable) (D) Domicile Certificate (E) Migration Certificate (original) (For other University Student). (F) S.S.C. Mark Memo (G) H.S.C. Mark Memo (H) Non Creamy Layer Certificate (if applicable) Separate admission form must be used for each course. Admission will be granted for only one course during one academic year. Admission to Diploma courses in Foreign Languages can be sought along with other courses of study. Minimum 40% marks are required in the optional principal subject to be eligible for Post-Graduate admission. Similarly, 40% marks at the degree level are also necessary. For Science faculty the minimum percentage of marks is 45% for admission and for reserved categories this condition is relaxed up to 40%. Applicant who has not passed the degree in first attempt will lose 2% marks for each attempt. The list of registered candidates will be prepared according to merit and will Dept. of Biochemistry 20 A) B) C) 11) be displayed in the concerned departments after the approval of Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor. Admission will be given on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in a particular subject at degree level. Admission to the respective subject will be given on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in 2nd and 3rd year of degree course. In case two or more candidates have secured the same marks then the aggregate percentage of marks will be taken into account. (A) Ratio of reserved seats for Backward Classes in admission will be as stated below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Scheduled Caste (SC) Scheduled Tribes (ST) Denotified Tribes (VJ/DT) Nomadic Tribes (NT-1) Nomadic Tribes (NT-2) Nomadic Tribes (NT-3) Other Backward (OBC) Special Backward (SBC) 13% 7% 3% 2.5% 3.5% 2% 19% 2% as per rule Certificate of Non-Creamy Layer is necessary for the categories at serial No.5,6 and 7. (B) 3% seats will be reserved for Physically Handicapped but these seats will be filled from the respective categories. 12) Admission to Post - Graduate courses in Science faculty of sciences will be given as per the rule No. 1381. A B C Those student who have passed SSC, HSC & Degree course examination from this University jurisdiction, such students are eligible to take admission for P.G. course from 80 % reserve quota Those student who have passed SSC, HSC & Degree course examination from other University as well as other state board and Degree course from this University such students are eligible to take admission for P.G. course from 10% reserve quota Student from other University / Other State / Other Board / N.R.I., such students are eligible to take admission for P.G. course from 10% reserve quota 21 80% 10% 10% 13) Eligibility for Admission to (A) M.Sc. Computer Sci. & (B) Information Technology. (C) M.Phil. Comp. Sci. (A) M. Sc. (Computer Science) i. ii. Any Science Graduate with at least One optional subject as Computer Science B.Sc. Computer Science OR B.Sc. Information Tech. OR B.E./B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering OR (B) M. Sc. (Information Technology) i. ii. iii. Any Science Graduate with at least One optional subject as Computer Science/IT/Mathematics/Electronics/Physics/ OR Any Science Graduate having Mathematics as one of the Subject in XII standard OR BE/B.Tech in Computer Science/ IT. (C) M. Phil course in Computer Science B.Sc. with Physics & Mathematics first preference. M. Phil course in Computer Science under the faculty of Science will be governed by following rules. The degree of M.Phil shall be conferred on a candidate who has satisfied the following conditions : He must have taken M. Sc. in Computer Science or M. Sc. Information Technology or MCA Engineering and Technology or Science Faculty or M.E./M. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering or Information Technology Degree with at least 55% marks and 50% for the reserve category. Candidates of this University or of any other statutory University where the grading system is prevalent he should have passed the degree in equivalent cumulative Grade Point Average. 14) Special feature of Five Year Integrated Master of Vocational Science (B.Voc. + M. Voc.): u A students can leave the course if he get job. The student can leave the course after successfully completing two years (four semesters) and the student will be given the certificate of diploma in vocational science . The students taking exit after successful completion of three year (Six Semesters) will be awarded degree of Bachelor of Vocational Science. Student passing fourth year (eight semesters) will be awarded Post Graduate diploma while after five years ( ten semesters) will be awarded Master Degree in Vocational Science. u In case if student take exit, he/she can later on continue his/her education as per his/her convenience, however he/shewill have to complete the Master’s Degree within 10 years after his/her first admission to the vocational course. u There shall be industrial/field/professional/laboratory training during the course and it will be mandatory. 15) B.Sc.,B.E. Civil Engg., B.Sc. (Agri) student, B.Sc. Students who have Env. Sci. subject eligible for M.Sc. Env. Sci. I Year. 16) For M.A / M.Sc Statistics Students of B. A. / B. Sc (Maths/Statistics) can take admission however preference will be given to the student having statistics as optional subjects 22 17) a) b) c) 18) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 19) 20) (21) Eligibility for Admission to M.Sc. Nano Technology. Candidates with Bachelor's Degree in any of science, Engineering, Technology, B.Tech, Pharmacy shall be eligible for admission. Mathematics subject in H.S.C. will be given preference at the time of admission. B.Sc.,Engineering, Technology, B.Tech, Pharmacy passed with 50% (45% for reserved category) ordinance 848, 849, 850, 851, 852, 853, 854, 855 are followed at the time of admission. As per Govt. Resolution Post-Graduate courses that are not available in Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded and the candidates holding a degree of that University come for admission 5 percent seats are reserved for such candidates.10 percent of the total seats are reserved for candidates of other universities/other subjects. Rules regarding admission to the Post Graduate courses over and above the intake capacity Intake capacity for each course of the university has been fixed. In spite of that excess admissions can be given if the candidates belong to any one of the following categories. Such excess admissions will be given with the consent of the Vice - Chancellor. These admissions will be based on merit of that particular category: Two seats are reserved for the son/daughter/ wards of Freedom Fighter / Serviceman / Ex-Serviceman. Two seats are reserved for son/daughter/ wards of the employees who have migrated from outside of the University region. They should be State/ Central Govt. Employees / Employees of Nationalised Banks and Minsitry of Defense / Former Employees from Defence / Employees of Public Sector Corporations. 20% Over & Above Quota reserved for Foreign students. One Seat is reserved for student who has represented the University at National Level Games / Debate Competition / Youth Festival or any other National Level Competition. One seat is reserved for children of martyr soldiers/ Officers of Kargil war. Admission to M.Com., M.P.Ed., LL.M., Library and Information Science, Journalism, Dramatics will be based on the aggregate marks obtained at the degree level. Candidates desiring to seek admission to M.Sc.Chemistry, Physics, NanoTechnology, Botany, M.A.(MCJ), Computer Sci., IT, M.Ed., M.Com., M.P.Ed., MLI.Sc., Dramatics, MTA, M. Phil. will have to appear for entrance examination. The date of entrance examination will be declared by the concerned department as per schedule of Academic Calender. As per O.473 rules regarding Admission for Arts and Social Sciences (PostGraduate course) are as mentioned below:(i) The candidate must have obtained the science degree or any equivalent 23 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) i) j) ii) iii) iv) k) examination from this university or any other recognised university. The subject to which the admission is desired for the first year of the post-graduate course that subject must be at the degree level. (ii) Apart from the condition mentioned above the following condition is applicable for admission to the first year of the P. G. Course Those having B.Com. / B.Sc. (Agri.) or B.Sc. can seek admission for M.A. (Economics) I Year. Any degree holder can seek admission to M.A. (Psychology) but not more than 10 percent of the 30% of the intake capacity can be admitted. These 10 percent should not include Arts, Social Science and Science faculties. Buddhist Monks having the degree of any faculty can be admitted to First Year of M.A.(Pali & Buddhism) Course or candidates with Pali / Sanskrit / Prakrit, History of Ancient India and Asian Studies, Philosophy, Psychology, Political Science, Sociology, Linguistics and any modern Indian language with 40 percent marks are eligible to seek admission to First Year M.A. (Pali). Candidates having compulsory language or second language at degree level can be admitted to M.A. 1st year (Language) Course : The applicant must have studied the subject during the three year degree course either as compulsory subject or as second language. The applicants having studied the subject as an optional subject will be given preference. For the remaining seats the applicants having studied the subject as compulsory or second language will be considered on the basis of merit. Candidates having BSW are eligible for M.A. First Year Sociology. Candidates having BFA with History are eligible for admission to M.A. (History) first year. Candidates having B.A. degree with Political Science are eligible for M.A. Public Administration. As per ordinance 483(1) two seats are reserved for admission to M.Sc. Botany first year for B.Sc. Agriculture Students. Concession for Kashmiri Migrant StudentsConcession for the wards in Kashmir migrants relaxation in cut of percentage upto 10% subject to minimum eligibility requirements. Increase in intake capacity upto 5% course-wise. Reservation of at least one in merit quota in technical/professonal institutions Waiving off domicile requirements. Graduate of any faculty having passed entrance examination will be eligible for M.A. Libral Arts. 22) Fine Arts: (a) Candidates desirous to seek admission for MFA (Applied Art) calligraphy and MFA (Applied Art) must have completed the BFA degree from this University. In case of any vacancy candidates from other University in Maharashtra having BFA degree may be given admission as per merit. 24 (b) Candidate desiring to seek admission to a particular subject on the basis of gradation must have that particular subject for his BFA degree. 23) Management Science:(A) i) ii) iii) (B) (C) Candidates desiring to seek admission for P.G. Diploma in Health Services must fulfill the following conditions: Any degree in Medical Science. Or any other degree from the Science faculty or equivalent or five years experience in the concerned field. Or after the completion of MBA the candidate must have one year's working experience in medical field or any other equivalent field. Candidates desirous to take admission for P.G. diploma in Tourism Management must possess the degree of this University or any other recognised University. He must have secured at least second class at the degree level. Similarly, the candidate will have to undergo a common entrance test (CET). M. Phil. 24) Science Faculty:i) ii) iii) a) b) c) DMS: Candidates seeking admission for DMS must have completed his degree in Science with any one of the following subjects namely, Zoology, Botany, Agriculture or Environmental Science. The fees for this course will be Rs. 1800/ + Examination fees. Candidates seeking admission for certificate course must have passed XII in any faculty. The fees for this certificate course is Rs. 1200/- + Examination fees. The list of candidates admitted to various courses will be displayed on the Notice Board of the concerned department along with time-table for regular classes. Adult and Continuing Education : For M.A. Lifelong Learning & Extension - Any Graduate. P.G. Diploma in Adult Continuing Education and Extension - Vocational (Any Graduate) P.G. Diploma in Psychological Counseling- M.A. Psychology & Medical Discipline. 25) Spot Admission On the declared date the candidate desirous to seek admission must be present at the concerned department from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and submit the application to the Head of the department. Thereafter on the basis of merit and category admissions will be given against the vacancies. The Admission list will be displayed on the notice board of the concerned department before 4 p.m. After that no admissions will be given. After the spot admissions the whole process of admission will come to an end. 26) If a student does not remain present within 10 days after the admissions are finalised and commencement of actual classroom teaching, his/her admission may be cancelled without prior notice. 27) If a Student cancels his/her admission within 10 days then he / she must pay 10% of tuition fees. After that date to end of semester First / third, he / She paid 50% tuition fee for cancelling admission & after that date he / she should paid full tuition Fees. 25 28) 75% attendance is necessary for each semester. In case the student fails to maintain75% attendance he may not be permitted to appear for the practical/written semester examination. The Head of the Department has the power to cancel the admission of such student. 29) If students have any difficulty about admission, they can contact the HOD or Deputy Register P. G. Section. 30) It is compulsory for every Foreign Students to furnish detail information about Passport, Visa & Permanent address with country for FSIS form at the time of admission. Biometric attendance is compulsory for every Foreign students Ragging Act UGC has set up a visiting committee for 11th plan development assistance and this committee shall be responsible to sensitise the institution about the prevention of ragging. In modern era, "Ragging" has become to be known only as synonym of "teasing ", "terror", harassment", "fear", "physical and mental torture". Actions will be taken as per the UGC Rules and Supreme Court judgment if any candidates found guilty in Ragging, under Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act 1999 punishments are -1) 10,000 fine 2) Jail for two year. 3) Debarred for two / 5 year or permenantly from instt./college / university. 4) candidate will be debarred from Hostel and all facilities will be withdrawn. Hostel Admission The University provides hostel facilities for the students on the basis of merit and reservation criteria. After admission the desirous students may submit the admission form to the superintendent of the Hostel. The intake capacity of various hostels on the campus are mentioned as below:- Name of the Hostels Intake capacity 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kranti Jyoti Savitribai Phule Ladies Hostel No. 1 Matoshri Jijao Ladies Hostel No. 2 Priyadarshani ladies Hostel Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Boys' Hostel No. 1 Siddharth Sanshodhan Chhatra Boys' Hostel No. 2 (For students doing Ph.D.) 6. Karmveer Bhaurao Patil Boys' Hostel No. 3 (For students enrolled in Earn & Learn Scheme) 7. Maharshi Vitthal Ramji Shinde Boys' Hostel No. 4 8. Shahid Bhagatsingh Boys’ Hostel No.5 (for M.Phil Students) 9. Students’ Rest House 10. Ladies Hostel No.3 new (for M.Phil; Ph.D. Students) 75 100 100 200 55 55 52 40 55 100 All Hostel application forms and rules are available online 26 Earn and Learn scheme. 1. 2. 3. 4. For the poor and the needy students the University runs the 'Earn and Learn Scheme' on the campus through Students' Welfare Department. Through this scheme cleanliness, running Xerox machines, stationery, STD, PCO, envelopes preparing, preparing files, do field work, tree plantation, etc. Through their hard work the poor students are enabled to earn money and complete their education. 400 students will avail the benefit of the scheme, out of these 40 students from M.Phil and Ph.D. will be admitted. In the scheme regular, poor, needy and meritorious students will be included. As per admission to each department the concerned Head of the Dept. will select 10 per cent candidates through interview and forward the list which will be later finalised by the selection committee. The working hours are daily 7 to 9 in the morning. The remuneration is Rs. 8/-per hour. 27 Facility for the students of Economically Backward Class (E.B.C.) E.B.C. facility is granted by the Government of Maharashtra on the following terms and Conditions :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The facility is granted to the candidate who is related to the parents or joint family having their yearly income less than Rs. 1,00,000/In case of demise of father, submit Income Certificate of mother and the death certificate of father with application form. Two copies of application in prescribed format should be submitted to the concerned department. Income certificate duly signed with the seal of Special Executive Officer in case of students from urban area should be submitted with E.B.C. application form. E.B.C. application form must be submitted with 15 days after admission. Candidates form other colleges must necessarily submit E.B.C. sanction number. E.B.C. Concession is not applicable for Vacational course and M.Phil. Facility for the son daughter / ward of Primary Teachers. (P.S.T.) Candidates who are son / daughter / ward of primary teachers and seeking the tuition fees facility should submit their application to the concerned departments. The form should be carefully filled in, it should be complete in all respect. Application must be supported with the certificate duly signed with the seal of the Block Development Officer, Head master of the school where parents are working as teacher. Facility for the son/daughter/ ward of Secondary Teachers. (S.S.T.) Candidates who are son/ daughter/ward of Secondary Teachers & seeking the tuition fees facility should submit their application to the concerned departments. The forms should be carefully filled in; it should be complete in all respect. Facility for son/ daughter/ ward of Ex-serviceman/ Freedom Fighters Candidates who are son / daughter / ward of Ex-serviceman / Freedom fighter and seeking the tuition fees facility should submit their application signed with the seal of District Ex-serviceman Welfare Board to the concerned department. The forms should be carefully filled in and complete in all respect. Application for E.B.C. facility must be submitted before the last date in the concerned departments. Applications received after the last date will not be entertained. 28 Schedule of application procedure for candidates of Economically Backward Class (E.B.C.) 1. 2. 3. Date of Submission of application forms : 08 Aug. 2014 Date of verification of application forms : 05 Sept. 2014 Date of compliance of short-coming in the submitted application forms : 23 Sept. 2014 4. Last date for preparation of class wise List as per applications : 30 Sept. 2014 5. Date of submission to the concerned authority : 04 Oct. 2014 ì EBC, PST, SST, facility is available for non granted courses subject to decision of Government Authority. Scholarship Govt. of India Scholarship (G.O.I.) (A) (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 The Government of Indian (G.O. I.) gives scholarships for the students belonging to the reserved categories, learning in the Universities. The online application form in proper format and supported by following documents must be submitted to Post-Graduate Section (Admission Unit) before the last date. The applications received after the last date will not be entertained in any condition. For this scholarship, student must have to open bank account in Bank of Maharashtra, University Branch. ADHAR CARD No. is compulsory for Scholarship holder students. The new scholarship application form with passport size photograph of the student must be duly signed by the competent authority. Application for scholarship forms must be supported by attested copies of following documents. Transfer Certificate (Photocopy of original T.C.) Caste Certificate Income Certificate of the father/guardian (original) (issued by the Executive Magistrate) Attested Copy of Death Certificate in case of death of the father. March Salary Certificate of parents in case of service. Photocopy of Mark Memo. Certificate from hostel in case of student staying at hostel. Income Certificate of the husband must be given in case of married girl student. District change certificate must be given in case of student coming from other district. Incase of Duplicate T.C., no concession/ scholarship will be given. Such students will have to pay full fees. Scholarship will be issued to the students who fulfill 75% attendance. Income of the guardian of the student should be less than Rs. 65,290/- for obtaining scholarship. Caste of the student (Schedule caste, Schedule Tribe, Nomadic and De notified Tribe, Other Backward / Special Backward Categories) must be included in the list as per the govt. policy for reservation. Students or parents of students belonging to Erstwhile Schedule Caste who have later converted to Buddh religion (Buddhism) are entitled for 29 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 obtaining scholarship. Candidates applied for the vocational courses can obtain scholarship either they passed or failed in the course (Degree/Diploma) from Arts, Commerce and Science faculty. But such students can not further change their course. Candidates who have once accepted scholarship for vocational course are not allowed to get scholarship for the next vocational course. Candidates working in the full time job are not eligible for scholarship. But the candidate learning on leave without salary will be eligible for scholarship Scholarship will not be given to more than two children in the same family. (This condition is not applicable in case of girls.)(Third Brother will not get the scholarship.) Candidate should fill a new application form for scholarship in case of his/her first admission. Second year candidates should fill the application of renewal. New application form should be filled in case of any gap. Candidates from reserved category must instantly submit their applications for scholarships with certificates supported by necessary documents. Such applications should be submitted in P. G. Section. Scholarship will be applicable to one student until he completes only one course, for Ex. 11th, 12th, Arts, B.A., M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. But a student who complete B.Ed. after his/her U.G. not allowed scholarship for P.G. course. But after. B.Ed, if he/she seeks admission to M.B. A. he/she may be granted scholarship as M.B.A. is a professional P.G. Degree course. A student is granted scholarship for two vacational courses. If students from reserved category has completed their B.Ed. Course, such student should not submit scholarship forms and he/she should fill in and submit the Freeship form that is 'Statement A'. Schedule for the procedure & submission of Applications for G.O.I. Scholarships. I. Last Date of submission of Application forms 12 Aug. 2014 II. Last Date of verification of application forms 19 Sep. 2014 III. Last Date of complaince of short-comings 30 Sep. 2014 in the submitted application forms IV. Date for preparation of class wise and caste 20 Oct. 2014 wise list as per application forms. V. Approval for Hon'ble Registrar to the Scholarships 27 Oct. 2014 of Schedule Castes VI. Submission of the Schedule Tribes Scholarship forms to the concerned authority for approval 27 Oct. 2014 VII. Submission of other Backward Class, Nomadic Castes and Tribes Scholarship forms to the 27 Oct. 2014 concerned authority for approval. 30 About Scholarship Connections 1. VIDYA VETAN FACILITY 1. 2. Application form should be submitted in P.G. Section Within the period of 15 days after completion of admission. Govt. Hostel Certificate is necessary to fulfill this form. This facility is only for SC, ST, DNT students who had completed their admission for professional Courses ST Students must attached attested caste validity certificate copy with scholarship form and if he is in hostel must attached their certificate. 2. IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT SCHOLARSHIP 1. 2. Candidate is not eligible for GOI, EBC, PST, SST, Freedom fighter or any governmental scholarship, if he/she does not attend exam. and will have to pay full fees. Governmental Scholarship are not for Diploma / Certificate Courses. 3. OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS Candidates getting education in this University are being given following scholarships by Govt. of Maharashtra and University as stated below: 4. Eklavya Scholarship: This Scholarship will be given to the candidate who has secured 60% marks in Degree Exams in Art Faculty and 70 % Marks in Science Faculty Degree Examination. After submitting application form in proper format, Eklavya Scholarship will be approved by the Director of Higher Education, Govt. of Maharashtra, Pune. The Annual Income of the parents of an applicant must be less than Rs. 35,000/- 5. National Merit Scholarship: For this scholarship the student should have secured 60% of marks in degree examination, he / she should submit application form in the prescribed format complete in all respect. The scholarship is sanctioned by the Director, Higher Education, Govt. of Maharashtra, Pune. 6. University Merit Scholarship: After Completing the admission procedure of the University Scholarship will be granted to the applied candidates ranking 1 st and 2nd as per merit in each subject. In case of M.Phil., scholarship will be given to the three candidates as per merit list in each subject. 31 7. Post Matriculation Scholarship: Post Matriculation Scholarship for students belonging to Minority communities The students belonging to the Minority communities (Muslim, Parshi, Shikh, Christian, Buddha learning in the university. 8. 1) 2) 3) 4) 9. Scholarship for Non-Hindi language speakers: Non-Hindi language speakers, who are doing study in Hindi language, could submit their applications in proper format for Scholarship for Non-Hindi language speakers. Scholarship for Non-Hindi language speakers will be given to four candidates only. The scholarship holders of any kind are supposed to abide the following rules: Candidate will get only one scholarship at a time. Legal action will be taken against a candidate accepting two scholarships at a time. It is mandatory to submit the application form for scholarship within the stipulated time. The amount of scholarship will be given only after its approval and acceptance of the amount of scholarship by the University. Applications not received before stipulated time, applications with incomplete information and in absence of supported documents, will not be considered for scholarship. The student will be completely responsible for such application. University Scholar Fellowship (Golden Jubilee Scholarship):The University Scholarship that is Golden Jubilee Scholarship will be permissible as per rue for Ph.D. Courses. About Tuition Fees 1. 2. '*' Marks tuition fees will be notified soon. Tuition fees for foreign student will be five time, if his /her tuition fees is less than Rs. 8000 will be three time if above Rs. 8000/- Charged to the Students a) b) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Where there is a total fees up to Rs. 8000/- in only faculty fine fees may be charged to the students Where there is a total fees more than Rs.. 8000/- in any faculty There total fees may be charge to the Students. Examination Fees will be notified by the examination section. Semester wise subjects tuition fee must be paid two times in a year other charges are taken only once. If scholarship holder student has paid his / her tuition fees, it will be refunded only after his / her annual examination or after receiving sanction. If tuition fee is changed then student will have to pay accordingly. After paying tuition fees, student must show his / her tuition fees receipt in Post Graduate Section for entry. 32 Z°H$ "A' Zm_m§H$Z àmßV {dÚmnrR> S>m°. ~m~mgmho~ Am§~oS>H$a _amR>dmS>m {dÚmnrR>, Am¡a§Jm~mX-431004. _m{hVr nwpñVH$m (_amR>r Amd¥Îmr) e¡j{UH$ df© 2014 - 2015 {dÚmnrR> JrV JrV Am_wMo AmH$memMo JrV Am_wMo gmJamMo B{VhmgmMo OZm_ZmMo JrV Am_wMo OmJamMo A^§JmMo AmodrMohr _m`~mobrMo _mhoa dmè`mVhr _amR>rMo {Xdo b»I KamoKa g§V-_h§Vm§Mo {damJr JrV Am_wMo dmXimMo V§Vw V§Vw g§Kfm©Mm n¡R>UrV {^Zbobm ZjrVM njr njr {dO`mMm {dUbobm CÚmMo gmoZnhmQ>oMo JrV Am_wMo COoS>mMo àkoMm gy`© Zdm eãX COiyZ Jobm g_VoMm g§JamMm AW© T>miyZ Jobm {damQ> {demb g§ñH¥$VrMo JrV Am_wMo OrdZmMo - \$. _§w. qeXo àdoe à{H«$`m nÕV 1) àW_ dfm©bm àdoe KoUmè`m {dÚmÏ`mªZr àdoe Zm|XUr (Online Registration) {dÚmnrR>mÀ`m g§Ho$VñWimda H$aUo Amdí`H$ Amho. Online Registration gmR>r g§Ho$VñWimMm nÎmm Amho. 2) 3) 4) 5) VX²Z§VaM àdoe AO© {d^mJmV online Registration gh gmXa H$amdm. Á`m {d^mJm_Ü`o àde o ¿`md`mMm Amho Ë`m {d^mJmVZyM _m{hVr npwñVH$m ¿`mdr d VW o Mo àde o ZmX|Ur eëwH$ ^amd.o àde o ZmX|Ur AO© ñdV:À`m AjamV ^ê$Z g~§Y§rV {d^mJmV XmIb H$amdm d ZmX|Ur eëwH$ ^aë`mMr nmdVr Xwgar àV (Duplicate) Ë`mgmo~V OmoS>mdr. àË`oH$ {df`mgmR>r doJim àdoe Zm|XUr AO© ^amdm, AOm©gmo~V nXdr narjoÀ`m VrZ dfm©À`m JwUn{ÌH$m§À`m gmjm§{H$V N>m`màVr d _yi XmIë`mMr (T.C.) VgoM Amdí`H$ Agë`mg OmVrÀ`m à_mUnÌmÀ`m gË`àVr gmjm§{H$V H$éZ OmoS>mì`mV. àde o `mXr à{gÕ Pmë`mZV§a àde o mgmR>rMr Amdí`H$ Vr _i y H$mJXnÌo VmVS>rZo g~§{§YV {d^mJmV XmIb H$amdrV. A§{V_ àdoe `mXr bmJë`mZ§Va e¡j{UH$ ewëH$ d BVa ewëH$ [dZm{db§~ ^ê$Z àdoe {ZpíMV H$amdm. àemgH$s` B_maV 35 e¡j{UH$ ewëH$ XmooZ g_mZ hßË`m_Ü`o àË`oH$ gÌma§^r ^amdo cmJoc. Á`m {d^mJm_Ü`o gÌ nÕVrZwgma ewëH$ AmH$maUr {ZpíMV Pmcocr Amho, nXì`wÎma {d^mJmV AmH$maUrZwgma ewëH$ ^amdo. 7) àde o nU y © hmVomM ^maV gaH$ma (Or.Am.oAm`.) {eî`dÎ¥mr AO© {d^mJmV àde o {_imë`mnmgZy {d^mJm_m\$©V 15 {XdgmÀ`m AmV nXì`wÎma {d^mJmV XmIb H$aUo Amdí`H$ Amho. Ë`mZ§Va H$m`m©b`mV Amcoco AO© ñdrH$maco OmUma ZmhrV qH$dm AO© _§Oya Z Pmë`mg nyU© ewëH$ ^amdo cmJoc. 8) Am{U ^maV gaH$ma {eî`d¥Îmr AmdoXZnÌmg§~§YrMo doimnÌH$ _m{hVr nwpñVHo$V {Xë`mà_mUo AdbmoH$Z H$amdoo. 9) àdoe Pmë`mda {dÚmÏ`mªZr 15 {XdgmÀ`m AmV AmoiInÌ V`ma H$éZ KoUo Amdí`H$ Amho. AmoiI nÌm{edm` dJm©V àdoe {Xbm OmUma Zmhr. 10){dÚmWu J¡adV©Z H$aVm§Zm AmT>iyZ Amë`mg Ë`m {dÚmÏ`m©{déÕ _hmamï´> {dÚmnrR> H$m`Xm 1994 H$b_ 93,94 Am{U 95 VgoM {dÚmnrR> AÜ`mXoe 126, 127, 128 Am{U 129 Zwgma {eñV^§JmMr H$m`©dmhr H$aÊ`mV `oB©c. (Refer Circular No. Acad/NP/ord-Regulation /60/2012 dated 24/1/2012 ) {dH$ën AmYm[aV lo`m§H$ àUmbr Amnë`m e¡j{UH$ bd{MH$Vm YmoaUmZwgma `m {dÚmnrR>mVrb {d^mJm§Zr lo`m§H$m{Yð>rV Aä`mgH«$_ {ZdS> àUmbr e¡j{UH$ df© 2011-12 nmgyZ AZwgabr Amho. 1) àdoe / nwT>rb àdoe g§~§{YV {d^mJmVrb {dÚmÏ`mªÀ`m àdoe hm gm_wXm{`H$ MmMUr narjoVrb JwU Am{U qH$dm nXdr nmVirdarb àmßV JwUm§À`m AmYmao H$aÊ`mV `oB©b. EImÚm {dÚmÏ`mªZo g§~§{YV {d^mJ qH$dm Aä`mgH«$_mg àdoe KoVë`mZ§Va Á`m {dÚmÏ`m©g àW_ gÌmV {H$_mZ 'S>r' loUr (H$moAa Am{U BbopŠQ>d$gh) Am{U {ÛVr` gÌ n[ajoV 50% H$mog}g_Ü`o 'S>r' loUr {_idrbr Amho Aem§Zm V¥Vr` gÌmV àdoe {Xbm OmB©b. VWm{n Ë`m§Zm Z§VaÀ`m àË`oH$ gÌmgmR>r Zm|XUr H$amdr bmJob. Jimboë`m {dÚmÏ`mªZm AZwH«$_o nwT>rb gÌmgmR>r Ooìhm Ë`m {d^mJmVrb Ë`m {df`mVrb Aä`mgH«$_ Mmby AgVrb Voìhm àdoe KoVm `oB©b VWm{n n{hë`m Zm|XUrZ§Va Ë`m§Zm Aä`mgH«$_mÀ`m XwßnQ H$mbmdYrÀ`m AmV gXa H$mog© nyU© H$amdm bmJob. g§~§{YV {dÚmÏ`mªMm àdoe Ë`mZo qH$dm {VZo hm Aä`mgH«$_ OmñVrV OmñV H$mbmdYrV (Mma df©/AmR> gÌmV) nyU© Z Ho$ë`mg AmnmoAmn aÔ hmoB©b. 2) lo`m§H$ Am{U nXdr 1) g¡Õm§{VH$ {df`mgmR>r EH$ lo`m§H$ åhUOo VmgmMo EH$ ì`m»`mZ AmR>dS>çmVrb EH$ Ago g§nyU© gÌmMo (15 ì`m»`mZ) Am{U àmË`{jHo$ /à`moJemim/joÌr` Aä`mg / H$m`©dJ© `mgmR>r Xa AmR>dS>çmg XmoZ `mà_mUo g§nyU© gÌ åhUOo EH$ lo`m§H$ g_Obm OmB©b. {dÚmÏ`m©ªbm àmË`{jH$ / joÌr` H$m`© / {ZX}eZ H$m`©/ Agob Aem {df`mMr nX²ì`wÎma nXdr g§nmXZ H$aÊ`mgmR>r {H$_mZ 100 lo`m§H$mMm Aä`mgH«$_ nyU© H$amdm bmJob. Ë`m§Zm 96 lo`m§H$m§Mm Ë`m§À`m _yi {df`mVrb Aä`mgH«$_ nwU© H$amdm bmJob. VgoM Ë`m§Zm Mma lo`m§H$m§Mm godm Aä`mgH«$_hr (gpìh©g H$mog©) nyU© H$amdm bmJob. 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VWm{n 65 Q>ŠŠ`m§nojm A{YH$ CnpñWVr Agboë`m {dÚmÏ`mªZm d¡ÚH$s` à_mUnÌmgh {d^mJn«_wImH$S>o CnpñWVr j_m{nV H$aÊ`mgmR>r {dZ§Vr H$aVm `oB©b. 5) godm nmR>çH«$_m§gmR>r Zm|XUr 1) 3) gÌ gwê$ hmoV AgVmZm {dÚmÏ`m©bm godm Aä`mgH«$_mgmR>r Amnë`m AmdS>rZwgma Zm|XUr H$aVm `oB©b. Ë`mgmR>r Ë`m§Zm g§~§{YV {d^mJmÀ`m H$m`m©b`mV Zm|XUr H$amdr bmJob. Ë`m {df`mÀ`m à^mar AÜ`mnH$mg g§~§{YV Zm|XUrH¥$V {dÚmÏ`mªMr `mXr V`ma H$amdr bmJob. Zm|XUrgmR>r 15 {Xdgm§Mm H$mbmdYr {Xbm OmB©b. {d^mJr` g{_Vr C_oXdmamÀ`m {ZdS>rMr à{H«$`m Ë`m {dÚmÏ`mªer MMm© H$ê$Z nyU© H$aob. Ë`m_wio EImÚm {d{eï> nmR>çH«$_mgmR>r {dÚmÏ`mªMr hmoUmar JXu H$_r hmoB©b, d AÝ` Aä`mgH«$_mda Ë`mMm n[aUm_ hmoUma Zmhr. H$moUË`mhr {dÚmÏ`mªg EH$mdoir EH$mnojm A{YH$ godm Aä`mgH«$_mg Zm|XUr H$aVm `oUma Zmhr. {H$_mZ 10 {dÚmWu Zm|Xë`m{edm` gd©gmYmaUnUo godm Aä`mgH«$_ {Xbm OmUma Zmhr. {dÚmnrR>mZo {ZYm©[aV Ho$bobo ewëH$ {dÚmÏ`m©g Ë`m gÌmV ^amdo bmJob. 6) loUràXmZ nÕVr 1) àË`oH$ {dÚmÏ`m©À`m H$m_{JarMo _yë`_mnZ H$aVmZm 10 JwUm§da AmYm[aV à_mU nÕVr dmnaÊ`mV `oB©b. 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E_.Eñgr. gwú_ Ordemó Aä`mgH«$_mg àdoe KoUmè`m {dÚmÏ`mªZm {dkmZ {df`mVrb nXdr A°J«rH$ëMa, \$m_©gr {df` Amdí`H$. nX²ì`wÎma: ì`dñWmnZemñÌ àdoe j_Vm * 1. Ob d ^y_r ì`dñWmnZ (E_.E_.Eg.) :60 `m Aä`mgH«$_mg àdoe KoUmam {dÚmWu 50% JwUmgh Amdí`H$ {dÚmemIoVyZ nmg Agmdm. àdoenyd© narjoZ§VaM àdoe XoÊ`mV `oB©b. 2. E_.~r.E. ({Z`{_V) : 60 3. : 60 àdoenyd© narjoZ§VaM àdoe XoÊ`mV `oB©b. 4. {ejUemñÌ {dÚm emIm * 1. {ejUemó (E_.ES²>.) àdoe j_Vm : 50 * AgUmao Aä`mgH«$_ {dZm AZwXm{ZV VËdmda MmbVmV. 45 àdoemgmR>r :1) àdoemgmR>r {d{hV Z_wÝ`mVrc AO© Omhra Ho$coë`m VmaIonydu g§~§[YV {d^mJmV XmIc H$amdm. 2) àdoe AOm©gmo~V Imcrc H$mJXnÌm§À`m gmjm§{H$V gË`àVr OmoS>Uo Amdí`H$ Amho. A) ñWcm§Va à_mUnÌ (Q> ~) JwUn{ÌH$m (_mŠg©_o_mo) H$) OmVrMo à_mUnÌ (amIrd àdJm©gmR>r) S>) a{hdmgr à_mUnÌ B)BVa {dÚmnrR>mÀ`m {dÚmÏ`mªZr Migration Certificate _yi à{VV XoUo Amdí`H$ Amho. \$) _mH©$ _o_mo J) _mH©$ _o_mo h) Zm°Z {H«$_rbm`a g{Q>©{\$Ho$Q> 3) {dÚmÏ`mªZr Amnbr Zmdo Am°ZbmB©b àdoe nÕVrZwgma Zm|XdmdrV. 4) {dÚmÏ`m©Zo {dhrV Z_wÝ`mVrb AO© Am°ZbmB©Z àVrg_doV `mo½` Ë`m H$mJX nÌmgh g§~§YrV {d^mJmV XmIb H$amdm. 5) àË`oH$ Aä`mgH«$_mgmR>r doJim àdoe AO© XmIc H$amdm. 6) EH$m doir Ho$di EH$mM Aä`mgH«$_mg àdoe KoVm `oB©c. 7) {dXoer ^mfm§Mo nX{dH$m à_mUnÌ Aä`mgH«$_mg AÝ` Aä`mgH«$_m~amo~a àdoe KoVm `oB©c. 8) nXì²`Îwma dJmÀ©`m àde o mgmR>r g~§{§YV dH¡${ënH$ _»w` {df`mV H$_rV H$_r 40% JU w Amdí`H$ AmhVo. 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A) _mJmgdJu`m§gmR>r àdoemVrc amIrd OmJm§Mo à_mU Imcrc à_mUo amhrc. 1.AZwgy{MV OmVr (S.C.)13% 2.AZwgy{MV O_mVr (S.T.)7% 3.{d_wº$ OmVr (NT-A)3% 4.^Q>Š`m {d_wº$O_mVr(NT-B)2.5% 5.{d_wº$ ^Q>Š`m O_mVr (NT-C)3.5% 6.{d_wº$ ^Q>Š`m O_mVr (NT-D)2% 7.BVa _mJmgdJu` (O.B.C.)19% 8.{deof _mJmgdJu` (S.B.C.)02% ({Z`_mà_mUo) àdoemgmR>r H«$. 3,4,5,6,7 `m àdJm©gmR>r Zm°Z {H«$_rcr`a / (Non Creamy Layer)à_mUnÌ A{Zdm`© amhrc. ~) An§JmgmR>r 3% OmJm amIrd amhVrc. _mÌ Ë`m g_m§Va AmajUmìXmao ^aë`m OmVrc. 11. {Z`_ 1381 Zwgma {dkmZ {dÚmemIoVrc nXì`wÎma dJm©g àdoe Imcrcà_mUo XoÊ`mV `oVrc:A) _hmamï´> _mÜ`{_H$ d Cƒ _mÜ`{_H$ {ejU _§S>i 10 dr Am{U 12 dr narjm CÎmrU© Am{U `m {dÚmnrR>mÀ`m àW_, {ÛVr` d V¥Vr` df© {dkmZ narjogh {dkmZ 80% emIoMr narjm CÎmrU© ~) H$) AÝ` amÁ` _§S>imMr 10 dr 12 dr narjm CÎmrU© Am{U `m {dÚmnrR>mÀ`m àW_, {ÛVr` d V¥Vr` df© narjogh {dkmZ emIoMr nXdr narjm CÎmrU© AÝ` {dÚmnrR>mVrc {dkmZ emIoVrc nXdrYa d A{Zdmgr ^maVr` nXdrYa 47 10% 10% 12) E_².Eñgr. A) g§JUH$ emñÌ ~) _m{hVr V§ÌkmZ H$) E_². {\$b. g§JUH$ emñÌ àdoemgmR>r nmÌVm - A) E_². Eñgr. g§JUH$emñÌ. 1. 2. H$m°åß`wQ>a gm`Ýg hm EopÀN>H$ {df` Agbobm H$moUË`mhr {dkmZ emIoVrb {dÚmWu. ~r. Eñgr. g§JUH$emñÌ qH$dm _m{hVr V§ÌkmZ qH$dm ~r.B©. / ~r. Q>oH$. g§JUH$emñÌm_Ü`o qH$dm B§{O{ZA[a¨JMm {dÚmWu. ~) E_². Eñgr. _m{hVr V§ÌkmZ. 1. 2. 3. H$m°åß`wQ>a gm`Ýg / _m{hVr V§ÌkmZ / J{UV / BboŠQ´>m°{ZŠg / nXmW© {dkmZ hm EopÀN>H$ {df` Agbobm H$moUË`mhr {dkmZ emIoVrb {dÚmWu. J{UV hm {df` 12 drg Agbobm H$moUË`mhr {dkmZ emIoVrb {dÚmWu. ~r.B©. / ~r. Q>oH$. _Ü`o H$m°åß`wQ>a gm`Ýg / _m{hVr V§ÌkmZ. H$) E_². {\$b. g§JUH$emñÌ 1. 14) ~r.Eñgr. nXmW© {dkmZ d J{UV Agboë`m {dÚmWmªZm ng§Vr XoÊ`mV `oB©b. E_². {\$b. g§JUH$emñÌ H$aÊ`mgmR>r Imbrb nmÌVm Amdí`H$ Amho. {dÚmWu hm E_. Eñgr. g§JUH$emñÌ qH$dm E_.Eñgr. _m{hVr V§ÌkmZ qH$dm E_grE B§{O{ZA[a¨J Am{U Q>oŠZm°bm°Or qH$dm {dkmZ emIm qH$dm E_. B©. / E_. Q>oH$. g§JUH$emñÌ Am{U B§{O{ZA[a¨J qH$dm _m{hVr V§ÌkmZ {S>J«r {H$_mZ 55 Q>ŠHo$ Am{U amIrd àdJm©gmR>r 50 Q>¸o$ JwU. `m {dÚmnrR>mMo VgoM BVa {dÚmnrR>mMo Oo {dÚmWu J«oS> nÕVrZo JwU g§nm{XV Ho$bo AmhoV. Ë`m§Mo g§M`r JwUm§Mm {dMma H$aÊ`mV `oB©b. nmM dfm©Mm B§{Q>J«oQ>oS> nXì`wÎma ì`mdgm{`H$ Aä`mgH«$_ (~r.Q>oH$.+E_.ìhmoHo$.) R>iH$ d¡{eîQ>ço : u {dÚmWmªZm R>a{dH$ {ejU KoVë`mZ§Va ZmoH$ar {_imë`mg hm H$mog© gmoSy>Z OmVm `oB©b. XmoZ df} (Mma gÌ) nyU© Ho$ë`mda nX{dH$m, VrZ df} nyU© Ho$ë`mda nXdr, Mma df} nyU© Ho$ë`mda nXì`wÎma nX{dH$m d nmM df} nyU© Ho$ë`mda nX²ì`wÎma nXdr XoÊ`mV `oB©b. u XmoZ, VrZ qH$dm Mma dfmªMm Aä`mgH«$_ nyU© Ho$ë`mda Oa {dÚmWu gmoSy>Z Jobm Var Ë`mbm nwT>o Ooìhm gmoB©ñH$a dmQ>ob Voìhm nwT>À`m Aä`mgH«$_mg àdoe {_iob, _mÌ Ë`mg n«W_ àdoe KoVë`mZ§Va 10 dfmªÀ`m AmV nXì`wÎma nXdr {_idmdr bmJob. u Am¡Úmo{JH$, jo{Ì`, ì`mdgm{`H$ qH$dm à`moJ emioVrb à{ejU gdmªZm Amdí`H$ amhrb. hm H$mog© {dÚmnrR>mV g|Q>a \$m°a ìhmoHo$eZb ñQ>S>rO `oWo KoVbm OmB©b. àdoe nÕVr :- A°ßQ>rQ>çyS> Q>oñQ> _Ü`o {_imboë`m JwUmZwgma àdoe j_Vm :- àË`oH$ ì`mdgm{`H$ Aä`mgH«$_mg 12 (12 X 6= 72) AmajU :- emgH$s` {dÚmnrR>mÀ`m {Z`_mà_mUo AmajU ewëH$ :- Q>çyeZ ewëH$ é. 20.000/- Am{U BVa ewëH$ 5,000/- (EHy$U ê$. 25,000/-) Aä`mgH«$_mMr ^mfm :- B§J«Or 48 narjm nÕVr :- gmVË`mZo _yë`m§H$Z H$aÊ`mV `odyZ Ë`mZwgma {dÚmnrR>mÀ`m {Z`_mZwgma J«oS> nm°BªQ> {Xbo OmVrb. gd© J«oS> nm°BªQ> EH$Ì H$ê$Z SGPA H$mT>Ê`mV `oB©b. (`m ~Ôb g{dñVa _m{hVr {dÚnrR>mÀ`m `m g§Ho$VñWimda CnbãY Amho) 15) E_.Eñgr. n`md©aUemñÌ àW_ dfmg © mR>r àde o KÊo`mgmR>r ~r.Eñgr, ~r.B.©{gìhrb B{§O{ZAatJ, ~r.Eñgr. H$¥fr nXdr àmßV d ~r.Eñgr _Ü`o n`md©aUemñÌ hm {df` Agcc o o {dÚmWu `m Aä`mgH$«_mcm àde o KÊo`mgmR>r nmÌ AgVrc. 16) E_.E./ E_.Eñgr. g§ » `m emñÌ àW_ dfm© b m ~r.E./~r.Eñgr.(J{UV AWdm g§ » `memñÌ) EopÀN>H$ {df`mÀ`m {dÚmÏ`mªZm àdoe KoVm `oB©b. na§Vw g§»`memñÌ {df` EopÀN>H$ AgUmè`m {dÚmÏ`mªZm àW_ àmYmÝ` XoÊ`mV `oB©b. 17) Z°Zmo Q>oŠZm°bm°OrgmR>r àdoe KoVm§Zm A) {dÚmWu ~r.Eñgr., B§{O{ZAatJ, ~r.Q>oH$. AWdm ~r. \$m_©gr Pmbobm Agmdm. ~) 12drg J{UV {df` CÎmrU© AgUmè`m {dÚmÏ`m©g àmYmÝ` XoÊ`mV `oB©b. H$) ~r.Eñgr., B{§O{ZAatJ, ~r.Q>Ho$. AWdm ~r. \$m_g © r {df`mV {H$_mZ 50% JU w (amIrd àdJmg © mR>r 45% JwU Amdí`H$) VgMo AmS°>rZÝg H$«_mH§$ 848, 849, 850, 851, 852, 853, 854 d 855 Zg w ma àde o XÊo`mV `Bob © . 18) emgZmÀ`m {ZX}emZwgma ñdm_r am_mZ§X VrW© _amR>dmS>m {dÚmnrR>mV CncãY Zgcoë`m Aä`mgH«$_mgmR>r Ë`m {dÚmnrR>mV {ejU KoVcoë`m {dÚmÏ`mªgmR>r àdoe j_Vonojm 5% n`ªVÀ`m A{YH$ OmJm XoÊ`mV `oVrc. {ZYm©[aV àdoe j_VoÀ`m 10% A{YH$ OmJm AÝ` {dÚmnrR>mVrc {dÚmWu, AÝ` {df`mVrc {dÚmÏ`mªgmR>r AgVrc. 19) àdoe j_Vonojm A{YH$À`m àdoemMo {Z`_ {dÚmnrR>mÀ`m {d{dY {df`m§À`m àdoe j_Vm {ZpíMV Ho$coë`m AmhoV. Varhr {ZpíMV àdoe j_Vonojm Imcrc àdJm©Vrc àdoe AO© Agë`mg àdoe j_Vonojm A{YH$ àdoe Imcrc à_mUo XoVm `oVrc. `m àdoem§Zm _m. Hw$cJwé `m§Mr _mÝ`Vm KoUo Amdí`H$ Amho. ho àdoe Ë`m Ë`m àdJm©Vrc JwUdÎmm H«$_mZo Úmd`mMo AmhoV. A) ñdmV§Í` g¡{ZH$/g¡{ZH$/ _mOr g¡{ZH$ `m§À`m _wcm§gmR>r XmoZ OmJm amIrd AmhoV. ~) amÁ` Am{U H|$Ð emgZmÀ`m godoVrc H$_©Mmar/amï´>r`H¥$V ~±H$/g§ajU ImË`m§Vrc H$_©Mmar/g¡Ý`mVrc _mOr H$_©Mmar/gaH$mar _hm_§S>i (Public Corporation) godoVrc H$_©Mmar `m§Mr BVa {dÚmnrR> H$joVyZ `m H$) S>) {dÚmnrR>mÀ`m H$m`©joÌmV ~Xcr Pmcr Agë`mg Ë`m§À`m _wcm§gmR>r XmoZ OmJm amIrd AmhoV. naXoemVrc {dÚmÏ`mªgmR>r EHw$U OmJoÀ`m 20% A{V[aŠV OmJm amIrd. amï´>r` nmVirdarc H«$sS>m ñnY}V / dmX{ddmX ñnY}V / `wdH$ _hmoËgd qH$dm AÝ` amï´>r` nmVirdarc ñnY}V `m {dÚmnrR>mMo à{V{Z{YËd Ho$co Agë`mg Aem {dÚmÏ`mªgmR>r EH$ OmJm amIrd amhrc. E-Library 49 B) \$) 20) 21) 22) A) ~) A) ~) H$) S) H$maJrc `wÕmVrc hþVmË_m Pmcoë`m g¡{ZH$m§À`m / A{YH$mè`m§À`m nmë`m§gmR>r EH$ OmJm amhrc. `mVrc àmYmÝ`H«$_ _amR>dmS>çmVrc,_hmamîQ´>mVrc BVa amÁ`mVrc ehrX OdmZm§Mo nmë` `m H«$_mZo amhrc. àdoe j_Vo_Yrc VrZ Q>¸o$ OmJm An§Jm§gmR>r amIrd amhVrc. _mÌ `m OmJm Ë`m Ë`m àdJm©VyZ ^aë`m OmVrc. E_².H$m°_., E_nr.ES>. , EcEc.E_, J«§Wmc` d _m{hVremñÌ, d¥ÎmnÌ{dÚm, ZmQ>çemñÌ `m Aä`mgH«$_mgmR>rMo àdoe nXdr narjoÀ`m gamgar JwUmYmao Ho$co OmVrc. OZg§dmX d¥ÎmnÌ{dÚm (~°Mca Am°\$ OZm©{cP_), E_.ES>., ZmQ>çemñÌ nXdr, n`©Q>Z ì`dñWmnZemñÌ, E_.Eñgr., agm`ZemñÌ, E_.E\$.E. (AmQ>©g²) `m Aä`mgH«$_mgmR>rMo àdoe KoD$ BpÀN>Umè`m§Zm àdoenyd© narjm Úmdr cmJoc. àdoenyd© narjoMm {XZm§H$ g§~§{YV {d^mJmÛmao H$iy eHo$c. AÜ`mXoe 473 AÝd`o H$cm Am{U gm_m{OH$emñÌo A§VJ©V `oUmè`m {df`m§gmR>r nX²ì`wÎma àW_ dfm©gmR>r àdoemMo {Z`_ Imcrc à_mUo amhVrc. àdoemWuZo g§~§{YV {dÚmemIoVrc nXdr narjm qH$dm g_H$j narjm `m {dÚmnrR>m_YyZ qH$dm BVa _mÝ`Vm àmßV {dÚmnrR>m_YyZ CÎmrU© Ho$cocr Agmdr. Ë`mgmo~VM Á`m {df`mg nXì`wÎma àW_ dfmªgmR>r àdoe ¿`md`mMm Amho. Vmo {df` nXdr narjog KoVcocm Agmdm. CnamŠoV {ZX{}eV {Z`_m{edm` nXì`Îwma àW_ dfmÀª`m àde o mg~§Y§r Imcrc à_mUo {Z`_ AmhVo. ~r.H$m°_. qH$dm ~r.Eñgr. (H¥$fr) qH$dm ~r.Eñgr. nXdr CÎmrU© Ho$coë`m§Zm E_.E. (AW©emñÌ) àW_ dfmªg àdoe KoVm `oB©c. H$moUVrhr nXdr narjm CÎmrU© Ho$coë`m§Zm E_.E. (_mZgemñÌ) àW_ dfm©g àdoe KoVm `oB©c. _mÌ àdoe j_VoÀ`m 30% OmJo_YyZ 10 Q>ŠŠ`m§nojm A{YH$ àdoe XoVm `oUma ZmhrV. `m 10 Q>ŠŠ`m_YZy H$cm, gm_m{OH$emñÌ,o {dkmZ `m {dÚmemIÀo`m nXdrYamM§m g_mde o AgUma Zmhr. ~m¡Ó{^»Iy Agcoë`m H$moUË`mhr {dÚm emIoÀ`m nXdr CÎmrU© Ho$coë`m§Zm qH$dm nmcr, g§ñH¥$V, àmH¥$V, B{Vhmg, àmMrZ ^maVmMm B{Vhmg Am{U E{e`Z ñQ>S>rO, VÎdkmZ, _mZgemñÌ, amÁ`emñÌ, g_mOemñÌ, ^mfmemñÌ Am{U H$moUË`mhr AmYw{ZH$ ^maVr` ^mfm `mn¡H$s EH$ {df` EopÀN>H$ KoD$Z qH$dm ~r.E. (Am°Zg©) 40% JwUmgh AgUmè`m§Zm E_. E. (nmcr Am{U ~wÕrP_) àW_ dfmªgmR>r àdoe KoVm `oB©c. H$moUVrhr nXdr narjm CÎmrU© Ho$coë`m§Zm Ë`m§À`m A{Zdm`© ^mfm {df`mV qH$dm {ÛVr` ^mfm {df`mV E_².E. àW_ dfmªg àdoe nmÌ g_OÊ`mg `oB©c. _mÌ Aemdoir nXdr narjoV EopÀN>H$ {df` åhUyZ ^mfm {df` AgUmè`m§Zm àmYmÝ` {Xco OmB©c. `mZ§Vahr àdoemgmR>r OmJm {e„H$ Agë`mg ^mfm {df` qH$dm {ÛVr` ^mfm KoD$Z nXdr CÎmrU© H$aUmè`m§Mm {dMma JwUdÎmoZwgma Ho$cm OmB©c. B) ~r.Eg.S>ãë`y. narjm CÎmrU© AgUmè`m§Zm E_.E. (g_mOemñÌ) àW_ dfm©gmR>r àdoe nmÌ g_OÊ`mg `oB©b. \$) ~r.E\$.E. narjm B{Vhmg {df`mgh CÎmrU© AgUmè`m§Zm E_. E. (B{Vhmg) àW_ dfm©gmR>r àdoemg nmÌ g_OÊ`mg `oB©b. ^) ~r.E. nXdr narjm amÁ`emñÌ {df`mgh AgUmè`m§ Z m E_.E. (bmo H $àemgZ) àW_ df© àdoemgmR>r nmÌ g_OÊ`mg `oB©b. h) H$b_ 483(1) Zwgma E_.Eñgr. dZñnVremñÌ {df`mgmR>r 2 OmJm øm ~r.Eñgr. A°J«rH$ëMa {dÚmÏ`mªgmR>r amIrd AmhoV. 50 I) H$mí_ra {dñWm{nVm§À`m nmë`m§gmR>r gdbVr (1) g§~{YV Aä`mgH«$_m§Mm {H$_mZ nmÌVm _`m©XoV 10%Zr gdbV. (2) g§~{YV Aä`mgH«$_m§Mm 5% {dÚmÏ`mªZm A{V[aº$ gdbVr. (3) Vm§{ÌH$ ì`mdgm{`H$ g§ñWm AWdm {d^mJmV JwUdÎmm`mXrV {H$_mZ 1 OmJm. J) H$moUË`mhr {dÚmemIoVrb nX{dYmaH$mg àdoe narjm CÎmrU©H$éZ E_.E. {b~ab AmQ>©g² Aä`mgH«$_mg àdoe KoVm `oB©b. 23) b{bV H$bm {dÚmemIm A. ~. E_.E\$.E. (AßbmB© S > AmQ>© g ² ) ao I m d ao I mH$bm Am{U E_.E\$.E. Cn`mo { OV H$bm `m Aä`mgH«$_mgmR>r àdoe KoUmè`m {dÚmÏ`mªZr ~r.E\$.E.Mr nXdr narjm `m {dÚmnrR>mVyZ CÎmrU© Ho$bobr AgUo Amdí`H$ AmhoV. àdoe j_VoVrb OmJm [aŠV am{hë`mg _hmamï´>mVrb BVa {dÚmnrR>mVrb ~r.E\$.E. nXdr narjm CÎmrU© AgUmè`m§Zm JwUdÎmoZwgma àdoe XoÊ`mV `oVrb. àdoemWug Á`m {df`mV nX²ì`wÎma Aä`mgH«$_mÀ`m àW_ dfm©gmR>r àdoe ¿`md`mMm Amho Vmo {df` ~r.E\$.E. nXdr narjog KoVbobm Agmdm. 24) ì`dñWmnZ {dkmZ {dÚmemIm A. nmoñQ> J«°Á`wEQ> {S>ßbmo_m BZ hoëW gpìh©gog `m Aä`mgH«$_mg àdoe KoUmè`m {dÚmÏ`mªZr 1. d¡ÚH$s` emIoVrb H$moUVrhr nXdr àmßV Ho$bobr Agmdr. 2. qH$dm BVa {dÚmemIoVrb nXdr àmßV Ho$bobr Agmdr. qH$dm VËg_ joÌmVrb 5 dfm©Mm AZw^d Agmdm. 3. qH$dm {dÚmÏ`m©Zo E_.~r.E. hm H$mog© Ho$ë`mZ§Va d¡ÚH$s` joÌmVrb qH$dm VËg_ joÌmVrb EH$ dfm©Mm H$m_mMm AZw^d KoVbobm Agmdm. ~. nmoñQ> J«°Á`wEQ> {S>ßbmo_m BZ Qw>arP_ _°ZoO_oÝQ> `m Aä`mgH«$_mg àdoe KoUmè`m {dÚmÏ`mªZr `m {dÚmnrR>mMr qH$dm _mÝ`Vm àmßV BVa {dÚmnrR>mMr nXdr narjm {ÛVr` loUr_Ü`o CÎmrU© Ho$bobr Agmdr. àdoe KoUmè`m {dÚmÏ`mªMr àdoe narjm (Common Entrance Test) KoVbr OmB©b. 25) {dkmZ {dÚmemIm 1. nX{dH$m aoer_emñÌ (VwVr) (DMS) `m Aä`mgH«$_mg àdoe KoÊ`mgmR>r {dkmZemIoMr nXdr Imbrb n¡H$s H$moUVmhr EH$ _w»` {df` åhUyZ àmUremñÌ, dZñnVremñÌ, eoVH$semñÌ, n`m©daUemñÌ KoD$Z CÎmrU© Pmbobm Agmdm. (`m Aä`mgH«$_mgmR>r e¡j{UH$ ewëH$ ê$. 1800+narjm ewëH$) 2. à_mUnÌ aoer_emñÌ (VwVr) `m Aä`mgH«$_mgmR>r àdoe KoUmè`m {dÚmÏ`mªZo Hw$R>ë`mhr emIoVrb 12 drMr narjm CÎmrU© Ho$bobr Agmdr.(`m Aä`mgH«$_mgmR>r e¡j{UH$ ewëH$ é. 1200 + narjm ewëH$) 3. {d[hV Aä`mgH«$_mÀ`m à{dï> {dÚmÏ`mªMr `mXr g§~§{YV {d^mJmV bmdÊ`mV `oB©b. `m g§~§{YV doimnÌH$ {dÚmnrR>mÀ`m gd© {d^mJmV bmdbo OmVrb. 26) VmËH$mi àdoe :- Ÿ(Spot Admission) VmËH$mi àdoemgmR>r Kmo{fV (n[anÌH$mÛmao) {XZm§H$mg 11 Vo 2 `m doimV g§~§{YV {d^mJ à_wImnwT>o CnpñWV Agë`mMm AO© Úmdm. Ë`mZ§Va CnpñWVm§_Yrc AO©Xmam§g JwUdÎmoZwgma Am{U g§~§{YV àdJm©Vrc [aŠV OmJoda àdoe {Xcm OmB©c. `m àdoemMr `mXr {d^mJ à_wI Ë`mM {Xder Xwnmar 4 dmOon`ªV gyMZm \$cH$mda cmdVrc. VmËH$mi àdoe à{H«$`m nyU© Pmë`mZ§Va g§nyU© àdoe à{H«$`m nyU© Pmcocr Agoc. Ë`mZ§Va àdoe {_iUma Zmhr. 51 27) àdoe à{H«$`oZ§Va AÜ`mnZ gwé Pmë`mnmgyZ 10 {XdgmÀ`m AmV {dÚmÏ`mªZr Vm{gH$m§gmR>r CnpñWV Z am{hë`mg Ë`mMm àdoe H$moUVrhr coIr nyd© gyMZm Z XoVm aÔ H$aÊ`mV `oB©c. 28) àdoe KoVë`mZ§Va àdoe 10 {Xdgm§À`m AmV aÔ Ho$ë`mg EHy$U e¡j{UH$ ewëH$mÀ`m 10% ewëH$ ^amdo bmJob. Ë`m Z§Va àdoe aÔ Ho$ë`mg AY} e¡j{UH$ ewëH$ Va àW_ gÌ g_mßVrZ§Va nyU© e¡j{UH$ ewëH ^amdo bmJob d Ago {dÚmWu {eî`d¥ËVr / gdbVrg nmÌ amhUma ZmhrV. 29) àË`oH$ gÌmV {H$_mZ 75% CnpñWVr A{Zdm`© Amho. Zgë`mg Ë`m {dÚmÏ`mªg àmË`{jH$ / coIr / gÌm§V narjog ~gVm `oUma Zmhr. 30) àdoem ~m~V H$mhr AS>MU Amë`mg g§~§{YV {d^mJ à_wI / CnHw$cg{Md nX²ì`wÎma {d^mJ `m§À`mer g§nH©$ gmYmdm. 31) {d^mJmV àdo{eV naH$s` {dÚmWm©§Zr FSIS AO© ^aë`mMr {d^mJ à_wIm§Zr ImÌr H$ê$Z ¿`mdr AWdm naH$s` {dÚmWu H$jmer g§nH©$ gmYmdm. - a°qJJ à{V~§YH$ H$m`Xm {dÚmnrR> AZwXmZ Am`moJmÀ`m 11 ì`m {dH$mg AmamIS>çmV a°qJJda {Z~ªY bmXÊ`mMm à`ËZ H$aÊ`mV Ambm Amho.a°qJJ `m eãXmMr g_mZmWu ì`m»`m H$aUo åhUOo ""embo` OrdZmV BVam§À`m OmUyZ ~wOyZ ImoS>çm H$aUo, Ë`m§Zm AmV§[H$V H$aUo, VgoM N>idUyH , {^Vr, emar[aH$ VWm _mZ{gH$ Ìmg XoUo hmo`.'' Voìhm H$moUVmhr {dÚmWu darbà_mUo H¥$Vr H$aVm§Zm AmT>ië`mg Ë`mda {dÚmnrR> AZwXmZ Am`moJ a°[J§J {Z`m_H$mZwgma a°qJJ_Ü`o gh^mJr Agë`mMo AmT>iUmè`m {dÚmÏ`m©{dê$Õ H$S>H$ H$m`©dmhr H$ê$Z X§S> R>moR>{dÊ`mV `oB©b. VgoM _hmamï´> a°qJJ à{V~§YH$ H$m`Xm 1999 à_mUo Imbrb à_mUo {dÚmWu {ejog nmÌ amhrb. 1) 10hOma ê$n`mn`ªV X§S> 2) XmoZ df© H$mamdmg. 3) XmoZ qH$dm nmM dfmªgmR>r {H$§dm H$m`_ ñdê$nr g§ñWoVyZ / _hm{dÚmb`mVyZ / {dÚmnrR>mVyZ {Zb§~Z 4) e¡j{UH$ gmo`r gw{dYm H$mTy>Z KoUo, dg{VJ¥hm~mhoa hH$mbnÅ>r, Zm_m§H$Z aÔ H$aUo Am{U {ZYm©arV H$mbmdYrgmR>r AÝ` H$moUË`mhr g§ñWoV àdoe {_iÊ`mda ~§Xr KmbUo B. VaVwXtMm g_mdoe Amho. dg{VJ¥h {dÚmnrR>m_Ü`o {ejU KoUmè`m {dÚmÏ`mªgmR>r Am{U {dÚm{W©ZtgmR>r dg{VJ¥hmV {d^mJ {Zhm` JwUdÎmm Am{U amIrd OmJm {ZH$fmda àdoe {Xcm OmVmo. àdoe Pmë`mZ§Va dg{VJ¥hmgmR>rMm àdoe AO© A{YjH$, dg{VJ¥h `m§À`mH$S>o gmXa H$amdm. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. H«$m§Vr Á`moVr gm{dÌr~mB© \w$co _wctMo dg{VJ¥h H«$_m§H$ 1 àdoe j_Vm 75 _mVmolr {OOmD$ _wctMo dg{VJ¥h H«$_m§H$ 2 àdoe j_Vm 100 {à`Xe©Zr _wctMo dg{VJ¥h àdoe j_Vm 100 lr. N>ÌnVr {edmOr _hmamO _wcm§Mo dg{VJ¥h H«$_m§H$1 àdoe j_Vm 200 {gÕmW© g§emoYZ N>mÌ _wcm§Mo dg{VJ¥h H«$_m§H$ 2 àdoe j_Vm 55 (nrEM².S>r. g§emoYH$ {dÚmÏ`mªgmR>r) 6. H$_©dra ^mD$amd nmQ>rc _wcm§Mo dg{VJ¥h H«$_m§H$ 3 àdoe j_Vm 55 ("H$_dm Am{U {eH$m' `moOZoVrc {dÚmÏ`mªgmR>r) 7. _hfu© {dÇ>c am_Or qeXo _wcm§Mo dg{VJ¥h H«$_m§H$ 4 àdoe j_Vm 52 8. e{hX ^JVqgJ _b w mM§o dgVrJh¥ H$«_mH§$ 5 (E_.²\$sb {dÚmÏ`mg ª mR>r) àdoe j_Vm 40 9. {dÚmWu {dlm_J¥h àdoe j_Vm 55 10. _wbtMo dgVrJ¥h H«$_m§H$ 3 (ZdrZ) àdoe j_Vm 100 (E_².\$sb., nrEM².S>r. {dÚm{W©ZrgmR>r) {dÚmnrR>mVrb gd© {dÚmWu d {dÚmWrªZr dg[VJ¥h n«doemgmR>rMm AO© d {Z`_mdbr online CnbãY Amho. 52 H$_dm Am[U {eH$m 1. 2. 3. 4. {dÚmnrR>mVrc {dÚmWu H$ë`mU {d^mJmÛmao Jar~ Am{U hmoVH$é {dÚmÏ`mªgmR>r "H$_dm Am{U {eH$m `moOZm' {dÚmnrR> n[agamV am~{dÊ`mV `oVo. `m `moOZo A§VJ©V {dÚmÏ`mªÀ`m l_mVyZ {dÚmnrR> n[agamV ñdÀN>Vm, Poam°Šg, ñQ>oeZar, Eg.Q>r.S>r. /, godm nmH$sQ>o d \$mB©ëg ~Z{dUo, eoVr H$m_, PmS>o cmdUo, BË`m{X CnH«$_ Mmc{dÊ`mV `oVmV. `m l_mÀ`m _mo~Xë`mVyZ {_iUmè`m Am[W©H$ ghmæ`m_wio Jar~ {dÚmÏ`mªZm nX²ì`wÎma Aä`mgH«$_ nyU© H$aUo eŠ` hmoVo. `m `moOZoV 400 {dÚmÏ`mªMm g_mdoe H$aÊ`mV `oB©c. `m n¡H$s 40 {dÚmWu E_.\$sc. d nrEM.S>r.Mo AgVrc. `m `moOZoV {Z`[_VVm ~miJUmao, Jar~, hmoVH$é d JwUdÎmmYmaH$ {dÚmÏ`mªMm g_mdoe H$aÊ`mV `oVmo. {d^mJà_wI àË`oH$ {d^mJmVrc dJm©Zwgma àdo[eV EHy$U {dÚmÏ`mªÀ`m 10% {dÚmÏ`mªMr _wcmIVrÛmao `m `moOZoV {dÚmÏ`mªMm g_mdoe H$aÊ`mgmR>r {e\$mag H$aVmV. Z§Va {ZdS> g{_VrÛmao A§{V_ `mXr V`ma H$aÊ`mV `oVo. XaamoO gH$mir 7 Vo 9 H$m_mMr doi AgVo. Am{W©H$ÑîQ>çm _mJmg {dÚmÏ`mªgmR>r (E.B.C.) gdcV 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Am{W©H$ÑîQ>çm _mJmgdJm©Vrc {dÚmÏ`mªgmR>r _hmamîQ´> emgZmÀ`m dVrZo hr gdcV {Xcr OmVo. `mgmR>r Imcrc ~m~tMr nyV©Vm H$aUo Amdí`H$ Amho. dS>rc/AmB© qH$dm g§`wº$ Hw$Qw>§~mMo dm{f©H$ CËnÞ 1,00,000/- ê$n`m§nojm H$_r AgUmè`m§ZmM hr gdcV {_iVo. dS>rc h`mV Zgë`mg AmB©À`m CËnÞmÀ`m à_mUnÌmgmo~V d{S>cm§Mo _¥Ë`y à_mUnÌ AOm©gmo~V OmoS>Uo Amdí`H$ Amho. {d{hV Z_wÝ`mVrc AmdoXnÌ XmoZ àVrV nyU© H$éZ g§~§{YV {d^mJmV XmIc H$amdo. {dÚmÏ`mªZr {deof X§S>m{YH$mar `m§Zr {Xcobm CËnÞmMm XmIcm Ë`m§À`m ghr {eŠŠ`m{Zer AmdoXZnÌmgmo~V gmXa H$amdm. àdoe KoVë`mZ§Va AmdoXZ nÌ n§Yam {XdgmÀ`m AmV g§~§{YV {d^mJmV XmIc H$amdo. 53 6. 7. ~mhoaÀ`m _hm{dÚmc`mVyZ àdoe KoVcoë`m {dÚmÏ`mªZr _§Owar H«$_m§H$ AmUUo Amdí`H$ Amho. ì`mdgm{`H$ Aä`mgH«$_mg gdcV cmJy Zmhr. àmW{_H$ {ejH$m§À`m nmë`mgmR>r gdcV (P.S.T.) àmW{_H$ {ejH$m§À`m nmë`m§Zr AÜ``Z ewëH$mV gdcV {_i{dÊ`mgmR>r {dhrV Z_wÝ`mVrc AO© g§nyU© _m{hVrgh g§~§[YV {d^mJmV XmIc H$amdm. AmdoXZ nÌmgmo~V AmB© / dS>rc Á`m emioV {ejH$ AmhoV Ë`m _w»`mÜ`mnH$m§À`m Am{U JQ> {ejU A{YH$mar `m§À`m ghr {eŠŠ`mgh AgUmao à_mUnÌ XoUo Amdí`H$ Amho. _mÜ`{_H$ {ejH$m§À`m nmë`mgmR>r gdcV (S.S.T.) _mÜ`{_H$ {ejH$m§À`m nmë`m§Zr AÜ``Z ewëH$mV gdcV {_i{dÊ`mgmR>r {d{hV Z_wÝ`mVrc g§nyU© _m{hVrgh g§~§[YV {d^mJmV XmIc H$amdm. _mOr g¡{ZH$ / ñdmV§Í` g¡{ZH$m§À`m nmë`mgmR>r gdcV _mOr g¡{ZH$ / ñdmV§Í` g¡{ZH$m§À`m nmë`m§Zm e¡j{UH$ gdcV {_i{dÊ`mgmR>r {d{hV Z_wÝ`mVrc AO© g§nyU© _m{hVrgh d {Oëhm g¡{ZH$ H$ë`mU ~moS>m©À`m ghr {eŠŠ`mgh g§~§{YV {d^mJmV XmIc H$amdm. gdcVrMo AO©, àmW{_H$ {ejH$m§À`m nmë`m§À`m gdcVrMo AO©, _mÜ`{_H$ {ejH$m§À`m nmë`m§gmR>r gdcVrMo AO© {dÚmÏ`mªZr g§~§[YV {d^mJmV Z_yX Ho$coë`m VmaIoÀ`m AmV gmXa H$aUo Amdí`H$ Amho. Z_yX Ho$coë`m VmaIoZ§Va àmßV hmoUmao AO© H$moUË`mhr g~~rImcr ñdrH$maco OmUma Zmhr. Am{W©H$ÑîQ>çm _mJmgdJm©Vrc (E.B.C.) {dÚmÏ`mªgmR>r VgoM àmW{_H$ / _mÜ`{_H$ {ejH$m§À`m nmë`mgmR>r (P.S.T. / S.S.T.) AmdoXZnÌ à{H«$`oMo doimnÌH$ `mà_mUo amhrc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. AmdoXZnÌ XmIc H$aÊ`mMm {XZm§H$ (AmdoXZnÌ g§~§[YV {d^mJmV ÚmdrV) AmdoXZnÌ N>mZZr H$aÊ`mMm {XZm§H$ AmdoXZnÌmVrc ÌwQ>tMr nyV©Vm H$aÊ`mMm {XZm§H$ AmdoXZnÌmZwgma dJ©{Zhm` `mXr H$aÊ`mMm A§{V_ {XZm§H$ _mÝ`VogmR>r g§~§[YVmg gmXa H$aÊ`mMm {XZm§H$ 8 Am°JñQ> 2014 5 gßQ>|~a 2014 23 gßQ>|~a 2014 30 gßQ>|~a 2014 4 Am°ŠQ>mo~a 2014 * EBC, PST, SST e¡j{UH$ gdcV {dZm AZwXm{ZV Aä`mgH«$_mg AZwko` Zmhr. {eî`d¥Îmr : ^maV gaH$ma (G.O.I.) {eî`d¥Îmr {dÚmnrR>mV {ejU KoUmè`m _mJmgdJu` {dÚmÏ`mªZm ^maV gaH$maÀ`m dVrZo {eî`d¥Îmr {Xcr OmVo. `m {eî`d¥ÎmrgmR>r {d{hV Z_wÝ`mVrc Am°ZbmB©Z AO© Ho$di {dÚmnrR>mÀ`m nXì`wÎma {d^mJmVM (n«doe {d^mJ) Imcrc H$mJXnÌm§gh Z_wX Ho$coë`m VmaIoÀ`m AmV XmIc H$aUo Amdí`H$ Amho. Z_yX Ho$coë`m VmaIoZ§Va C[eam àmßV hmoUmao AO© ñdrH$maë`m OmUma ZmhrV. gXa AO© {dÚmÏ`mªZo Amnë`m {d^mJmV Z XoVm gmjm§{H$V àVrgh Ho$di nX²ì`wÎma {d^mJmVM XmIb H$amdo. `m {eî`d¥ÎmrgmR>r {dÚmnrR> n[agamVrb _hmamï´> ~±Ho$VM ImVo CKS>Uo Amdí`H$ Amho. AmYma H$mS>© Z§~a XoUo Amdí`H$ Amho. 54 A. ~. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. ZdrZ {eî`d¥Îmr AmdoXZnÌmda {dÚmÏ`mªMo nmgnmoQ>© AmH$mamMo N>m`m{MÌ cmdyZ Ë`mda àm{YH¥$V A[YH$mè`mMr ñdmjar Amdí`H$ Amho. AmdoXZ nÌmgmo~V Imcrc à_mUnÌmÀ`m N>m`m§{H$V àVr gmjm§{H$V H$éZ OmoS>Uo Amdí`H$ Amho. ñWcm§Va à_mUnÌ (_yi Q> N>m`m§{H$V àV) OmVrMo à_mUnÌ d[S>cm§Mo / nmcH$m§Mo CËnÞmMo à_mUnÌ (_yiàV). (VhgrcXmam§Zr àXmZ Ho$coco.) dS>rc h`mV Zgë`mg _¥Ë`y à_mUnÌmMr gË`àV AmB©-dS>rc godoV Agë`mMo Ë`m§Mo _mM© _{hÝ`mMo doVZ à_mUnÌ {dÚm{W©ZrZo {ddm[hV Agë`mg {VZo {VÀ`m nVrMo CËnÞmMo à_mUnÌ Úmdo. BVa {Oëô`mVyZ {ejUmgmR>r Amcoë`m {dÚmÏ`mªZr {Oëhm~XcrMo à_mUnÌ Úmdo. ñWcm§Va à_mUnÌmMr Xwæ`_ àV {Xë`mg H$moUVrhr gdcV/{eî`d¥Îmr {_iUma Zmhr. Aem {dÚmÏ`mªZm nyU© ewëH$ ^amdo cmJoc. {eî`d¥ÎmrMr a¸$_ KoVm§Zm {dÚmÏ`mªMr CnpñWVr 75% AgUo Amdí`H Amho. {eî`d¥ÎmrgmR>r {dÚmÏ`mªÀ`m nmcH$mMo CËnÞ 65,290/- ê$n`m§nojm H$_r AgUo Amdí`H$ Amho. {dÚmÏ`m©§Mr OmV emgZmZo _mÝ` Ho$coë`m _mJmgdJu` `mXr_Ü`o (AZwgy{MV OmVr, AZwgy{MV O_mVr, {d_wº$ OmVr Am{U ^Q>Š`m {Z_ ^Q>Š`m O_mVr, BVa _mJmgdJu` / {deof _mJmg àdJ©) g_m{dï> Agmd`mg hdr. ndyul_rMm AZg w {yMV OmVrÀ`m {dÚmÏ`mZªr qH$dm Ë`mÀ§`m nmcH$mZ§r ~mÜ¡X Y_© ñdrH$macm Agoc Va Ë`m§Zm {eî`d¥Îmrg nmÌ g_OÊ`mg `oB©c. H$cm, dm{UÁ` d {dkmZ {ejUH$«_ (nXdr/nX[dH$m) nU y © H$éZ qH$dm Zmnmg hmD o $Z EImXm {dÚmWu Oa ì`mdgm{`H$ nXdr/nX{dH$m à_mUnÌ {ejU KoV Agoc Va Ë`mg hr {eî`d¥Îmr {_iy eHo$c, na§Vw Aem {dÚmWmªZm Ë`m§À`m Aä`mgH«$_mV nwÝhm ~Xc H$aVm `oUma Zmhr. EH$Xm ì`mdgm{`H$ {ejUmgmR>r {eî`d¥Îmr ñdrH$maë`mZ§Va nwÝhm Ë`m§Zm ì`mdgm{`H$ {ejUmgmR>r {eî`d¥Îmr {_iUma Zmhr. {dÚmWu nyU©H$mcrZ ZmoH$ar H$arV Agë`mg {eî`d¥Îmrg nmÌ R>aUma Zmhr. na§Vw {dZm doVZ aOm KoD$Z {eH$Umè`m {dÚmÏ`m©g {eî`d¥Îmr {_ioc. EH$mM Hw$Qw>§~mVrc XmoZnojm A{YH$ _wcm§Zm {eî`d¥Îmr {_iUma Zmhr. {Vgè`m ^md§S>mg {eî`d¥Îmr {_iUma Zmhr. nU _wct~m~V hm {Z~ªY cmJy Zmhr. {dÚmÏ`mªZo àW_ àdoe KoVcm Agoc Va Ë`mZo ZdrZ {eî`d¥Îmr AmdoXZnÌ ^amdo. {ÛVr` dfm©À`m {dÚmÏ`mªZr ZwVZrH$aUmMm AO© ^amdm. I§S> nS>cocm Agoc Va ZdrZ AmdoXZ nÌ ^amdo. _mJmgdJu` {dÚmÏ`mªZr {eî`d¥Îmr AmdoXZnÌo Amdí`H$ Ë`m à_mUn§Ìmgh d nwamì`m§gh Vm~S>Vmo~ XmIc H$aUo AË`§V Amdí`H$ Amho. gXa AmdoXZnÌo nXì`wÎma {d^mJmV gmXa H$amdrV. EH$m {dÚmÏ`m©g EH$M Aä`mgH«$_ nyU© H$aon`ªV hr {eî`d¥Îmr cmJy amhrc. CXm. 11 dr 12 dr H$cm, 55 ~r.E.,E_.E., E_.\$sc., nrEM.S>r. na§Vw EH$mM {dÚmÏ`m©Zo nXdr (~r.E./~r.H$m°_./~r.Eñgr.) Z§Va ~r.ES>. nyU© Ho$ë`mZ§Va Ë`m§Zo nXì`wÎma Aä`mgH«$_mgmR>r (E_.E./E_.H$m°_./E_.Eñgr.) gmR>r àdoe KoVcm Va Ë`m nXì`wÎma Aä`mgH«$_mgmR>r Ë`mg {eî`d¥ËVr _§Oya hmoUma Zmhr. ~r.ES>. Z§Va E_.~r.E. cm àdoe KoVcm Va E_. E. Aä`mgH«$_mgmR>r Ë`mg {eî`d¥Îmr _§Oya hmoUma Zmhr. ~r.ES>. Z§Va E_.~r.E. cm àdoe KoVë`mg Vmo ì`mdgm{`H$ nXì`wÎma Aä`mgH«$_ Agë`m_wio Ë`mg {eî`d¥Îmr _§Oya H$aVm `oB©c. EH$m {dÚmÏ`m©g XmoZ ì`mdgm{`H$ Aä`mgH«$_mgmR>r hr {eî`d¥Îmr AZwko` Agoc. _mJmgdJu` {dÚmÏ`mªZr Oa ~r.ES>. nyU© Ho$co Agoc Va Ë`m§Zm \$s _m\$sMm ñQ>oQ>_|Q> "E' Mm \$m°_© ^aVm `oB©c. Ë`§mZr {eî`d¥Îmr AmdoXZ nÌo ^é Z`o. ^maV gaH$maÀ`m {eî`d¥Îmr AmdoXZnÌ (GOI) XmIc H$aÊ`mMm Am{U Ë`mMr à{H«$`m `m g§~§YrMo doimnÌH$ Imcrc à_mUo amhrc. 1. AmdoXZnÌ XmIc H$aÊ`mMm {XZm§H$ 12 Am°JñQ> 2014 2. AmdoXZnÌ N>mZZr H$aÊ`mMm {XZm§H$ 19 gßQ>|~a 2014 3. AmdoXZnÌmVrc ÌwQ>tMr nyV©Vm H$aÊ`mMm {XZm§H$ 30 gßQ>|~a 2014 4. AmdoXZnÌmZwgma dJ©{Zhm` d g§dJ©{Zhm` `mXr V`ma H$aÊ`mMm A§[V_ {XZm§H$ 20 Am°ŠQ>mo~a 2014 5. AZwgy{MV OmVrÀ`m {eî`d¥Îmrg _m. Hw$cg{Md `m§Mr _mÝ`Vm 27 Am°ŠQ>mo~a 2014 6. AZwgy{MV OmVrÀ`m {eî`d¥Îmrg _mÝ`VogmR>r g§~§[YV A{YH$mè`m§Zm gmXa 27 Am°ŠQ>mo~a 2014 7. ^Q>Š`m OmVr, O_mVr Am{U BVa _mJmgdJu` {eî`d¥Îmr _mÝ`VogmR>r g§~§[YV A{YH$mè`m§Zm gmXa 27 Am°ŠQ>mo~a 2014 {eî`d¥ËVr / gdbVr~m~V _hËdmMo : 1. 2. ^maV gaH$ma {eî`d¥Îmr, Am{W©H$ÑîQ>çm _mJmgboë`m g§dJmªVrb gdbV (E.B.C., P.S.T., S.S.T.) _mOr g¡{ZH, ñdmV§Í` g¡{ZH$, VgoM emgZmÀ`m BVa {eî`d¥ËVr /gdbV KoVë`mda {dÚmÏ`mªZm narjm XoUo Amdí`H$ Amho. narjm Z {Xë`mg ^maV gaH$ma {eî`d¥Îmr / BVa gdbVr {_iUma ZmhrV d g§~§{YV Aä`mgH«$ _mMo nyU© e¡j{UH$ ewëH$ ^amdo cmJoc. à_mUnÌ Aä`mgH«$_ d nX{dH$m Aä`mgH«$_mg {eî`d¥Îmr {_iUma Zmhr. 56 {dÚmdoVZ 1. 2. {d^mJmV àdoe KoVë`mZ§Va 15 {XdgmÀ`m AmV {dÚmdoVZmMo AmdoXZnÌ nXì`wÎma {d^mJmV XmIc H$amdoV. {dÚmdoVZ ho AZwgy{MV OmVr, AZwgy{MV O_mVr (Eg. gr., Eg.Q>r.), EZ.Q>r. dJm©Vrc ì`mdgm{`H$ Aä`mgH«$_mg àdoe KoUmè`m {dÚmÏ`m©cmM {_iVo. AZwgy{MV O_mVrÀ`m (Eg.Q>r.) {dÚmÏ`mªZm {eî`d¥Îmr \$m°_©~amo~a d¡YVm à_mUnÌ OmoS>Uo Amdí`H$ Amho, VgoM dg{VJ¥hmV amhV Agë`mg dg{VJ¥hmMo à_mUnÌ OmoS>mdo. AÝ` {eî`d¥Îmr `m {dÚmnrR>mV {ejU KoUmè`m {dÚmÏ`mªZm _hmamï´> emgZ Am{U {dÚmnrR> `m§À`m dVrZo Imcrc {eî`d¥Îmr XoÊ`mV `oVmV. 1. EH$cì` Am{W©H$ gmhmæ` 2. amï´>r` JwUdÎmm {eî`d¥Îmr 3. {dÚmnrR>r` {d^mJ {eî`d¥Îmr 4. A{hÝXr ^m{fH$ {eî`d¥Îmr 5. amOrd Jm§Yr amîQ´>r` \o$cmo{en (AZwgy{MV OmVr d AZwgy{MV O_mVrÀ`m {dÚmÏ`mªH$[aVm) E_. \$sc./nrEM.S>r. g§emoYH$ {dÚmÏ`mªgmR>r. 6. Aëng§»`mH$ g_mOmVrc {dÚmÏ`mªZm {eî`d¥Îmr. 7. `w{Zìh{g©Q>r ñH$m°ba \o$bmo{en (JmoëS>Z Á`w~br ñH$m°ba{en) EH$cì` Am{W©H$ gmhmæ`mgmR>r {dÚmÏ`m©Zo nXdr narjoV 60% Va {dkmZ nXdr narjoV 70% JwU àmßV Ho$co nm{hOoV. {d{hV Z_wÝ`mVrc AmdoXZnÌ XmIc Ho$ë`mZ§Va g§MmcH$, _hmamï´> emgZ, nwUo `m§À`mH$Sy>Z EH$cì` Am{W©H$ gmhmæ` _mÝ` hmoVo. `mgmR>r AmdoXZnÌ XmIc H$aUmè`m nmë`m§À`m nmcH$mMo dm{f©H$ CËnÞ 35,000/- ê$n`m§nojm H$_r Agco nm{hOo. _wbm§Mo dg{VJ¥h _wbtMo dg{VJ¥h 57 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. amîQ´>r` JwUdÎmm {eî`d¥Îmr `mgmR>r {dÚmÏ`m©Zo nXdr narjoV 60% JwU {_idyZ {d{hV Z_wÝ`mVrc AmdoXZnÌ XmIc Ho$co nm{hOo. gXa {eî`d¥Îmr g§MmcH$ (Cƒ {ejU), _hmamï´> amÁ` `m§À`m _m\©$V _mÝ`Vm Amë`mZ§Va àXmZ Ho$cr OmVo. {dÚmnrR>r` {d^mJ {eî`d¥Îmr {dÚmnrR>mMr àdoe à{H«$`m nyU© Pmë`mZ§Va àË`oH$ {df`mVrc à{dï> {dÚmÏ`mªn¡H$s JwUdÎmoZwgma àW_ Am{U {ÛVr` Agcoë`m {dÚmÏ`m©g hr {eî`d¥Îmr {Xcr OmVo. E_².\$sc. gmR>r àË`oH$ {df`mVrc JwUdÎmoZwgma VrZ {dÚmÏ`mªZm {eî`d¥Îmr {Xcr OmVo. A{hÝXr ^m{fH$mg § mR>r {eî`dÎ¥mr A{hÝXr ^m{fH$ AgUmè`m {hÝXr ^mfMom Aä`mgH$«_ H$aUmè`m {dÚmÏ`mZªm {Xbr OmV.o A{hÝXr ^m{fH$ N>mÌd¥ÎmrgmR>r {d{hV Z_wÝ`mVrc AmdoXZnÌ XmIc H$aVm `oVo. A{hÝXr ^m{fH$ N>mÌd¥Îmr Mma {dÚmÏ`mªZm XoÊ`mV `oVo. EH$m {dÚmÏ`mªg H$moUVrhr EH$M {eî`d¥Îmr KoVm `oB©c. EH$mdoir XmoZ {eî`d¥Îmr KoUmè`m {dÚmÏ`mª{déÕ H$m`Xoera H$madmB© Ho$cr OmB©c. {eî`d¥ÎmrgmR>r doioÀ`m AmV AmdoXZnÌ XmIc H$aUo ~§YZH$maH$ Amho. {eî`d¥ Î mr _mÝ` Pmë`mZ§ V a Am{U {eî`d¥ Î mrMr a¸$_ {dÚmnrR>mg àmßV Pmë`mZ§ V aM {eî`d¥ÎmrMr aŠH$_ {Xcr OmB©c. doionydu Z XmIc Ho$coco AmdoXZnÌ, AnyU© _m{hVr {Xcoco Am{U AnyU© H$mJX nÌmgh Ho$cocr AmdoXZnÌ {eî`d¥ÎmrgmR>r {dMmamV KoVco OmUma ZmhrV. Aem AmdoXZnÌmMr g§nyU© O~m~Xmar {dÚmÏ`mªda amhrc. amOrd Jm§Yr amï´>r` \o$cmoern. gXa {eî`d¥Îmr AZwgy{MV OmVr d AZwgy{MV O_mVrÀ`m (, Eg.Q>r.), g§emoYZ H$aUmè`m E_².\$rb., nrEM².S>r. {dÚmÏ`mªgmR>r {Xcr OmVo. Aëng§»`m§H$ g_mOmVrc {dÚmWu {eî`d¥Îmr. hr {eî`d¥Îmr _wpñc_ {eI, nmaer, {¼íMZ, ~m¡Õ g_mOmVrc {dÚmÏ`mªgmR>r {Xcr OmVo. nrEM.S>r. H$aUmè`m {dÚmÏ`m©g {Z`_mZwgma gXarb {eî`d¥Îmr AZwko` amhrb. e¡j{UH$ ewëH$m~m~V :nwT>rb nmZm§da gd© {df`m§Mo e¡j{UH$ ewëH$, EHy$U ewëH$ {Xbo AgyZ 1. Vmam§{H$V ewëH$ bdH$aM H$i{dÊ`mV `oB©b. 2. {dXoer {dÚmÏ`mªMo e¡j{UH$ ewëH$ ho Ë`m {df`mMo e¡j{UH$ ewëH$ 8,000/- qH$dm Ë`mnojm H$_r Agë`mg 5 nQ> d 8,000/- ê$. nojm OmñV Agë`mg 3 nQ> AmH$maÊ`mV `oB©b. 3. narjm ewëH$ narjm {d^mJm_m\©$V gy{MV H$aÊ`mV `oB©b. 4. go{_ñQ>a nÕVrÛmao ewëH$ AmH$mabo OmUmè`m {df`m§Mo Ho$di e¡j{UH$ ewëH$M dfm©VyZ XmoZ doim (Double) ^amdo bmJob. BVa ewëH$ naV ^ê$ Z`o. 5. {eî`d¥ËVr / gdbV YmaH$ {dÚmÏ`mªZr e¡j[UH$ ewëH$ ^abo Agë`mg Ë`m§Zm e¡j[UH$ ewëH$ narjm g§në`mZ§VaM {eî`d¥ËVr / gdbVrg _mÝ`Vm Amë`mda naV (Refund) H$aÊ`mV `oB©b. 6. H$mhr {df`mÀ`m e¡j{UH$ ewëH$mV ~Xb hmody eH$Vmo. `mà_mUoM e¡j{UH$ ewëH$ ^amdo bmJob. 7. {dÚmÏ`mªZr e¡j{UH$ ewëH$ ^aë`mZ§Va n¡go ^aboë`m nmdVrMr nX²ì`wÎma {d^mJmÀ`m g§JUH$m_Ü`o VgoM a{OñQ>a_Ü`o Zm|X KoUo Amdí`H$ Amho. 58 59 50 50 50 Five year Integrated Master of M.Voc. 15 Diploma in Sericulture 50 M.Sc. Bio Informatics 14 17 50 M.Sc. Bio Technology 13 50 50 M.Sc. Micro Biology 12 Certificate course in Sericulture 25 50 M.Sc. Bio Chemistry 11 16 25 50 M.Sc. Nano Technology Sem I & II / Sem. III & IV 10 200 200 50 M.Sc. Information Technology Sem I & II / M.Sc. Sem. III & IV 9 200 100 M.Sc. Computer Science Sem I & II / M.Sc. Sem. III & IV 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 100 5 5 100 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 50 50 50 50 50 50 5000 174 50 50 500 50 50 50 50 5000 10000 10000 10000 10000 3000 5850 1250 300 300 300 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 25 25 10 10 5 5 10 10 50 50 12 12 50 50 2 2 10 10 3 3 CERTIFICATE / DEPLOMA IN SCIENCE FACULTY 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Note for Comp. Sci., and Inf. Tech. Students:- Only Tuition Fees and Lab. Fees paid double for Semester wise students. 25 25 25 25 25 50 50 50 7 50 M.Sc. Applied Mathematics / M.Sc. Industrial Mathematics Sem I & II / M.Sc. Sem. III & IV 50 50 25 M.Sc. Mathematics / M.Sc. Statistics Sem I & II / M.Sc. Sem. III & IV 250 6 5 M.Sc. Sem I & II / M.Sc. Sem. III & IV M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry Sem I & II / M.Sc. Sem. III & IV 50 P.C.C. Diploma in Russian/ German / Adv. Dip. In Rassian/German/Chines 3 4 25 50 M.A. Sanskrit Sem I & II / Sem. III & IV 25 25 50 M.A. Sem I & II / Sem. III & IV 1 2 5000 5000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 50000 20000 3500 5000 1000 30000 1000 566 2400 1000 5231 5231 25231 30231 30231 30231 30231 53431 31231 5450 5531 1231 31301 1531 797 2731 1231 Yearly Fees Yearly Fees NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED Yearly Fees NONGRANTED Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees PER SEM. PER SEM. PER SEM. Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED 60 50 18000 5000 2000 100 Rs. 25150/- 25 School of Liberal Arts. 27 M.A. Lifelong learning and Extension P.G. Diploma in Women Studies 26 28 M. A. / M. Sc. Home Science I & II Year 25 50 50 50 25 Women's Studies I & II Year 24 25 25 25 25 25 50 M.Lib. Science Sem I & II / Sem. III & IV 23 50 25 50 25 50 M.A. Geography Sem I & II / Sem. III & IV 25 50 M.A. Music Sem I & II / Sem. III & IV 25 50 22 M.A. Sem I & II / M.A. Sem. III & IV M.A. Psychology Sem I & II / Sem. III & IV 21 20 19 Admission Fees Tuuition Fees Laboratory Fees Other Fees Eligibility Fees Total 1 2 3 4 5 50 00 00 00 100 Rs. 150/- 50 23000 5000 2000 100 Rs. 30150/- Sponsored 50 18000 5000 2000 100 Rs. 25050/- 50 00 00 00 00 Rs. 50/- SC, ST Open Category OBC, VJ/NT, SBC 50 7500 5000 2000 100 Rs. 14650/- Open Category SC, ST Second Semester First Semester OBC, VJ/NT, SBC 50 7500 5000 2000 00 Rs. 14550/- 50 23000 5000 2000 00 Rs. 30050/- Sponso red 10 10 5 5 10 10 5 5 10 10 10 5 10 5 10 10 5 5 10 5 For Students Rs. 500 /- 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 500 10000 500 300 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 50 50 2 2 For other Rs. 1000 /- 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4200 3000 12000 3000 1000 5000 6000 2500 1000 4431 3731 22256 3256 1731 5231 6231 3031 1231 Yearly Fees Yearly Fees NONGRANTED NONGRANTED Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees NONGRANTED NONGRANTED Yearly Fees NONGRANTED Yearly Fees Yearly Fees NONGRANTED Yearly Fees NONGRANTED Note- For all backward class candidates, total fees as mentioned above are to be paid at the time of admission. However, these candidates will have to submit undertaking mentioning that if fees are not reimbursed by the Social Justice and Tribunal Welfare Department, the candidates will pay the total fees accordingly, failing which his/her admission will be cancelled. Fees Head Sr. No M. Tech. (Computer Science & Engg.) 61 Bachelor of Dance B.F.A. (Bridge Course) 37 38 40 M.F.A. (Painting /Applied Arts) Sem I & II / Sem. III & IV M.F.A. (Painting /Applied Arts) Sem I & II / Sem. III & IV 25 100 M.P.A. Dramatics 39 25 200 B.P.A. 34 35 36 100 100 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 M.I.B. Sem I & II / Sem. III & IV 50 D.B.M. 33 25 25 25 25 32 50 50 30 M.Commerce Sem I & II / Sem. III & IV 500 Bachelor of Printing Technology & Graphic Arts (BPT & GA) 31 500 Advance Dip. In Printing Technology & Graphic Arts (ADPT & GA) 29 10 10 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1000 1000 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 25000 20000 15000 20000 1000 642 25281 20281 15281 20431 1231 873 5231 30231 5000 10231 30000 1231 19681 11681 10000 1000 18000 10000 Yearly fees NONGRANTED Yearly fees Yearly fees NONGRANTED Yearly fees Yearly fees NONGRANTED NONGRANTED Yearly fees Yearly fees Yearly fees Yearly fees NONGRANTED Yearly fees PER SEM. PER SEM. NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED 62 M.B.A. (Executive) M.C.A. Sem I & II / Sem. III & IV / Sem. V & VI M.Ed. M.P.Ed. I & II Year 46 47 48 49 10 10 10 5 10 5 5 50 50 500 1000 1000 12 12 12 50 50 50 2 2 2 25 25 25 25 25 25 10 10 25 10 5 5 5 5 50 10 10 10 10 10 100 50 50 50 50 50 200 5000 10000 12 12 12 12 12 12 50 50 50 50 50 50 2 2 2 2 2 2 17 17 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1000 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2200 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 18078 40000 40000 60000 45000 45000 5000 10000 10000 22019 40186 45231 60231 45231 60231 5000 11231 11831 Yearly Fees NONGRANTED Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees NONGRANTED NONGRANTED Yearly Fees NONGRANTED Yearly Fees Yearly Fees NONGRANTED NONGRANTED Yearly Fees Note : For the foreign students of M.P.Ed - Part I and Part II the total tution fees is Rs. 100000/- 250 50 50 M.B.A. (Duel) 45 50 50 M.B.A. (Regular) Sem I & II / Sem. III & IV 44 5000 25 200 M.T.A. Sem I & II / Sem. III & IV 43 10 10 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE 25 25 50 LL.M. Sem. III & IV 200 LL.M. Sem I & II 41 42 63 51 M.Phil. Urdu 58 50 50 50 50 50 50 M.Phil. Computer Sci. M.Phil. Journalism M.Phil. Management Science P.G. Diploma in Business Management P.G. Diploma in Health Service Management P.G.D.H.A.M.- Hospital Management Diploma in Retail Management P.G. Diploma in Human Resource Management 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 50 25 25 25 25 25 50 M.Phil. Physical Education 1000 25 50 M.Phil. Education 61 62 25 25 25 25 50 M.Phil. Lib. & Inf. Science 60 50 25 50 50 M.Phil. Pali & Buddhism 59 25 25 25 25 50 M.Phil. Commerce ` 57 ` 50 M.Phil. M.A. 1000 1000 56 500 500 2000 M.A.M.C.J. Sem. Sem. III & IV M.A.M.C.J. Sem. I & II 2000 1000 1000 500 1000 1000 500 55 54 53 B.A. (Journalism) International Course For foreign Students Only. B.A. (Journalism) International Course For Indian Students Only. B.A. (M.C.J. Sem. V & VIB.A. (M.C.J. Sem. I & II / Sem. III & IV / Sem. 52 B.A. (M.C.J. Sem. I & II / Sem. III & IV / Sem. 50 10 10 10 10 10 25 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 10 10 10 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 10 5 10 25 25 25 25 25 25 10 10 10 10 25 10 25 10 10 25 25 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 500 500 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Dept. LIB Fees 500 500 500 500 50 50 500 1000 1000 Dept. Lib Fees 12 12 12 12 12 200 200 500 500 200 200 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 50 50 50 50 50 12 12 12 12 12 12 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 2 2 2 2 2 50 50 50 50 50 50 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 JOURNALISM (YEARLY FEES) 10 10 10 10 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 4 4 4 4 4 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 20231 20231 20231 20231 20231 25000 15000 45000 21000 30000 30000 21000 21000 750 750 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees NONGRANTED 1 1/2 Year Fees 1 1/2 Year Fees Yearly Fees NONGRANTED NONGRANTED Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees 9891 9391 36691 56691 19441 18941 1 1/2 Year Fees 5000 5000 30000 50000 15000 15000 NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED 500 500 500 500 Placement NONGRANTED 25231 23500 45231 21231 30231 30231 21231 21231 1481 981 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 4 3 2000 4 3 3 3 Study Tour 64 25 25 50 50 200 200 50 Vyayharik Marathi Pramanpatra Certificate Course in Communication Skill in English (Three Months) Certificate Course in Modi Studies Diploma in Modi Studies Post Graduate Diploma in Psychological Counselling (Psychology Dept.) 73 74 75 76 77 25 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Dip in Air Hostess & Cabin Crew Training P.G. Diploma in Tourism Administration Diploma in Front Office Management Diploma in House Keeping Management Diploma in Cabin Crew Diploma in Ground Staff Management Diploma in Airport Management Certificate Course in Museum P.G.D in Adult Continuing Education and Extension (Vocational) P.G.D. in Psychological Counseling 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 Post Graduate Diploma in Psychological Counselling (Adult Education) 78 25 25 25 25 25 50 Madham Lekhan Padvika (Hindi) 25 72 50 Anuwad Padvika (Hindi) 71 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 5 5 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10231 5231 2781 1581 3731 10000 3900 1500 95000 45000 20000 20000 10000 10231 4131 1731 95231 45231 20231 20231 10231 100000 100231 10000 5000 2400 1200 3500 Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED Yearly Fees NONGRANTED NONGRANTED Yearly Fees Yearly Fees NONGRANTED NONGRANTED Yearly Fees NONGRANTED Yearly Fees NONGRANTED Three Months Yearly Fees NONGRANTED NONGRANTED Yearly Fees NONGRANTED 65 50 50 50 50 Certificate course in Folk Theatre Certificate course in Modeling Certificate course in Faison Designing Certificate course in Film Appreciation Urdu Short term Course 92 93 94 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 50 Certificate course in Children Theatre 91 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ** 2790 2000 2790 1000 5000 2769 49769 ** 3021 2231 3021 1231 5231 3000 50000 Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees 45 Days NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED 25 25 50 50 3D Animation Corel Draw 25 200 Web Graphics Design 25 25 50 50 2D Animation CERTIFICATE COURSE IN “COMMUNAL HARMONY AND SOCIAL PEACE” M.ABUL KALAM AZAD CHAIR 5 10 50 12 50 2 10 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 10 5 5 50 50 50 50 12 12 12 12 50 50 50 50 2 2 2 2 10 10 10 10 3 3 3 3 DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATES IN FINE ARTS 10 4 4 4 4 4 3231 50000 50000 40000 250 3231 50231 50381 40231 481 Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees NONGRANTED NONGRANTED NONGRANTED Three Months NONGRANTED NONGRANTED CERTIFICATE COURSE IN “COMMUNAL HARMONY AND SOCIAL PEACE” M.ABUL KALAM AZAD CHAIR 50 50 Diploma in Yoga 90 50 Diploma in TV Production and Basic in Film Making 89 DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATES IN DRAMATICS 66 2 Admission Fees Tuition fees Other Fees Eligibility Fees 1 1 2 3 4 00 100 5250 100 150 00 15000 20400 50 4 50 3 10275 100 2625 7500 50 5 5400 100 5250 00 50 6 20400 00 5250 15000 50 7 50 19800 00 4750 15000 8 Open Category OBC PST, HST, SST Second Year EBC, Ex-Sericeman Freeship Open Category SC, ST, VJ/NT, SBC First Year 50 00 00 00 50 9 SC, ST, VJ/NT, SBC 9675 00 2125 7500 50 10 OBC 4800 00 4750 00 50 11 EBC, Ex-Sericeman Freeship 19800 00 4750 15000 50 12 PST, HST, SST 4000 : : : 24150 Development Fees Other Fees Eligibility Fees@ Total Fees 500 Library & Laboratory Caution Moeny Deposit (Refundable. To be paid only and not every year.) Internet & Email Facilities Fee Annual Social Gathering & Other Cultural Activities Fees Laboratory Fees 4. 5. 6. 7. Total 500 Library Fee 3. 4000 1600 125 75 700 Training & Placement Fee 2. 500 Gymkhana Fee (Identity Card, Magazines, Medical etc.) 1. *One time but divided in four instalment in Rs. 1250/ Semester. #Rs. 500/- Library & Laboratory Caution Money Deposit (Refundable. To be pald only once and not every year.) @One time only for First year Admission Detail of Other Fees 100 5000 : Tuition fees 50 : : 15000 Admission Fees Open Category gyMZm : Hw$R>ë`mhr _mJmgdJu` {dÚmÏ`mªZm EH$mdoiog EH$M àH$maÀ`m emgZ_mÝ` \$s gdbV / {eî`d¥ËVr KoVm `oVo. Vr Hw$R>br ¿`m`Mr hr {ZdS> H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma {dÚmÏ`m©Mm Agob. Total Fees Head Sr No. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad Department of chemical Technology Fee Structure for the M. Tech. (Chemical) Degree Course For B.Tech. Academic Year 2014-2015 67 00 100 24781 100 Other Fees Eligibility Fees 3 4 150 20040 100 12390 7500 50 5 OBC 24931 100 24781 00 50 6 Ex-Sericeman 39931 100 24781 15000 50 7 PST, HST, SST 49931 100 24781 25000 50 8 Sponsored for all catefory 50 39081 00 24031 15000 9 50 00 00 00 50 10 19565 00 12015 7500 50 11 24081 00 24031 00 50 12 39081 00 24031 15000 50 13 49081 00 24031 25000 50 14 Second Year (Second Semester) to Final Year (Third & Final Semester ) Sponsored Open SC, ST, PST, Ex-Sericeman for all Category VJ/NT, HST, OBC catefory SBC SST gyMZm : Hw$R>ë`mhr _mJmgdJu` {dÚmÏ`mªZm EH$mdoiog EH$M àH$maÀ`m emgZ_mÝ` \$s gdbV / {eî`d¥ËVr KoVm `oVo. Vr Hw$R>br ¿`m`Mr hr {ZdS> H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma {dÚmÏ`m©Mm Agob. 39931 00 15000 Tuition fees 2 Total 50 50 Admission Fees 1 4 3 2 1 SC, ST, VJ/NT, SBC Fees Head Open Category First Year(First Semister) Sr No. For Academic Year 2014-15 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad Department of chemical Technology Fee Structure for the M. Tech. (Chemical) Post Graduate Course 68 5 10 50 50 M.B.A. (Regular) Sem I & II / Sem. III & IV M. C. A. M.Ed. 2 3 4 5000 233 10 10 25 10 50 25 25 50 Medi. Exam. 10 5 5 300 Lab. Fees 12 12 Ashwam edh & SSI 50 50 E-Service 2 2 10 10 Sport 50 50 Lib. Fees 10000 10000 Lab. Fees 12 12 Ashwam edh & SSI 2 2 50 10 10 Avishakar Apatkalin Nidhi N Nidhi 50 E-Service 10 10 Avishakar Apatkalin Nidhi N Nidhi 10 10 10 50 Sport 50 50 55 200 200 500 500 50 Lab. Fees Lib. Fees 10000 2000 Development Fund 12 12 12 12 Ashwamedh & SSI 50 50 50 50 2 2 2 2 10 10 10 10 E-Service Avishkar Apatkalin Nidhi Nidhi 3 3 3 3 Avan Nidhi 3 3 4 4 Indradhan usha Nidhi 4 4 Indradhan usha Nidhi 4 4 4 81 Indradhanusha Nidhi Avan Nidhi 3 3 Avan Nidhi 40000 45000 45000 1000 Tuition Fees 20000 20000 Tuition Fees 1000 1000 Tuition Fees 40241 45431 60431 4641 Total Fees 30231 30231 Total Fees 1531 1231 Total Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Yearly Fees NONGRANTED NONGRANTED Yearly Fees Remarks Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Remarks Yearly Fees Yearly Fees Remarks NONGRANTED NON-GRANTED Course Status NON GRANTED NON GRANTED Course Status GRANTED GRANTED Course Status *for MMS - Tech. field visit Rs. 500 + field training Rs. 500/- 4. The student will have to pay the fees, if revised, at the revised rate, 3. If Scholarship holder student paid his/ her tuition fees, it will be refunded after his/her completion of even semester 2. Examination Fees will be notified by the Examination Section. 1. Tuition fees for Foreign students is five time, if his/her tuition fee is less than 8,000/- Rs. And if their free is more than 8,000/-, his/her fee will be 3 times. ABOUT TUITION FEES:- 50 M.M.S. 50 50 Lib. Fees ART, SCIENCE FACULTY (Non Aided) 10 10 Sport MANAGEMENT / EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 5 Medi. Exam. 5 5 Medi. Exam. 10 Stu. W.F. 10 10 Stu. W.F. 50 25 25 Gym. Fees 25 25 Gym. Fees Gym. Stu. W.F. Fees - - Admn. Fees / Other Ch. - - Admn. Fees / Other Ch. Reg. Other Fees charges 1 Class 50 M.Sc. Biotechnology - I & II 2 Sr. No. 50 M.Sc. Microbiology - I & II Reg. Fees 1 Class 50 M.Sc. Sem I & II / M.Sc. Sem. III & IV 2 Sr. No. 50 M.A. Sem I & II / Sem. III & IV 1 Reg. Fees Class Sr. No. ART, SCIENCE FACULTY (Aided) Dr. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR MARATHWADA UNIVERSITY, SUB-CAMPUS, OSMANABAD. 69 70 71 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad/Sub Campus, Osmanabad. Photo APPLICATION FORM FOR REGISTRATION For Academic Year 2014-2015 Admission for Subject:- Semester Marks Obtained Class Maximum marks Percentage Total Marks Secured in the subject applied at U.G. Level (for Ex B.A., B.Sc. B.Com. LL.B. etc.) Total Marks Secured. at U.G. Level (for ExB.A.,B.Sc B.Com. etc,). (Total of Three Year) Marks/Grade Secured at Previous P.G. Level Examination Department Remarks (Number of attempts) Corrected Mark's Official Remarks of P.G. Section/ Admission Category MKCL PRN NO- ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-2015 Name of the Student (In Capital Letters) Gender :- Male / Female Title : Mr. / Miss / Mrs. Surname Name Father's/ Husband's Name Mother's Name Nationality:CASTE :-SC State : ST Sub Caste : Date of Birth : Birth Place : Physical Handicap : DN T NT-1 NT3 NT-2 SBC Minority : Yes-No Passport No. (Foreign Student) D D M M Y Y Y Y Visa No. (Foreign Student) Yes / No Last degree obtained : Date of Passing Aadhaar Card No. (Indian Student) : D D M M Y Y Y Y Scholarship Received : Any Professional Course Completed : Yes/ NO Last College / Institute Name : Last University Name : Last Education from which State : Correspondence address. Permanent address H.No. Tq. District State Mob. No. E-Mail H.No. Tq. District State Mob. No. E-Mail OBC OPEN Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad/Sub Campus, Osmanabad. APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION To, The Director, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad /Sub Campus, Osmanabad. Subject :- Application for the subject ------------------------------------for sem. ----------------------- in department of --------------for Academic year 2014-2015. Sir, I am applying for admission as a regular student as above mentioned subject. Through this form I declare that, the information given is true to the best of my knowledge. In case I am finally admitted to the said course, I undertake the responsibility to submit all required documents in original, along with testimonials there of immediately, I shall also appear to any academic test that will be prescribed by the university. I am assure that I will strictly observe the university rules of discipline and required by me as student. I am aware that the university is free to initiate suitable action deemed fit, if any false information is found in my form or I fail to observe the rules. I agree if I fail to attend 75% of the periods conducted in department, I should not be allowed to appear for the semester examination. Place :- Your's faithfully, Date :Signature --------------------------------Name ------------------------------------- Attested photo copies to be submitted along with this form. 1.Photo copies of Degree Marks Memos. 2.Domicile Certificate attested photo copy 3.Caste Certificate attested photo copy 4.Physical Handicap attested photo copy 5.Transfer Certificate original copy & photo copy 6.Eligibility Certificate original (if candidate migrating from other university / Board) 7.Other necessary documents (which are necessary for admission.)
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