\ ' Dre B.Ro AMBEDKAR OPEN UNIVERSITY Prol G.Ram Reddy Marg,Road No.46,Jubilee Hills,Hyderabad‐ S″ de■′S″ ソたaF 500033 3″ α″cra Tel. Phone(O): 040-23680280 Dr.G.Laxma Reddy Director t r N&2?u.V/PG-Diplomas/20 I Dt22月 2o14 4 -20 1 5 Dear Student, We are happy to inform you that the Winter School (three days Theory and four days Computer PracticaGj for the students qf Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLISc, 2013-2014 Batch) will be held at our BLISo study centres as per the dates below: Location of the Study Hyderabad Centre riningS Dates Batch A&B 04-10‐ Batch C&D ll-10-2014 to 17‐ 2014 to 10‐ 10‐ 2014 10‐ 10.30 to 17.00 hrs 2014 10.30 to 17.00 hrs WarangJ,Vuayawada, Visakhapatnam&Tirupati 04-10‐ 2014 to 10‐ 10¨ 2014 10.30 to 17.00 hrs A list ofthe topics to be covered in the Winter Scho01 Sessions is enclosed herewith.You are advised to attend all the Sessions and get beneflt frorn the expert lectures and practical dasses.Pに ase note thtt Submission ofAssignments and FJl attendance tt the Winter Schoolヽ end exammttiOn.The year‐ end examhttion win be tO bC dttbtt tO attend the ye鉗 ― 中 conducted in the month ofNovember,2014.You may please collect the Examihation regiStration folllls lЮ tt the study centre and apply for the examination. No T.A.&D.A.will be paid to you for attending the Winter School and you have to make your own arrangements forlodging and boarding during the Winter School. 噛 午 嵩傷 笹錢為 c.ヽ Lg%・ ͡↓ DittC"′ .ぬ ‐ ,2■ .喘加 .2Sllg6 λ 18・ οtと し'λし D3 笠 資冒 l軍:笛 み ζ ヽ ソ 「 '3ヽ ヽ ヽ1111111111 1 %胤 楊硼暇躙腸棚攪】 「 Stady Centre.' District Centres Date/Doy sesi ioiTiiii-Tiil 蹴耀ИI BL鮮 ∝ TopiclShort@ け網1:: ___I_… ビ 菫咆 10_2014 6m“ O Qtt」 16.00_17.00 lTИ レ 翻 ∝ の り ・ 需 lll羅 お 〃 畳翌 12.30-13.30 Documenta」 Ⅱ 肌 渕 IB≒ 〕::.31∬ 併 鷹 (7, 10_l 9) 1 BLS‐ o5 1o.30‐ 12.30 Reference SOurces_Types with Examples(4‐ Sunday 腕 Legislation and Development k*:Y:y.ment, r ypes oI Lrbranes _ An overview (9, __』 _¨ 05‐ Medium; Librar) I施 腑 lN謂 :課 1甥 8) On ser宙 ces/PrOducts(9_13) iW嶋 山 Catiolls o “ °n schem∝ ヵ p″ Sped鳴 勁 udwe oつ J助 II BLS‐ 07 14.00‐ 17.00 Library classiflcatiOn Practice:DDc/cc 07'10'2014 Tuesday I BLS-07 10.30-13.30 Library Ⅱ BLS… 07 眈 憮 :ζ IBLゝ 猟瀾 盤 cc 14.00_17.00 Library ciassiflcatiOn Practice:DDC/CC 07Ю Ⅱ BLS‐ 08 crassification practice : DDC / .30‐ l■ 30 Hb餞 ヮ Gttdnctton Pmd∝ :DDC/CC 14.00_17.00 Library cataloguing Practice(AACR2)Print/NBM 141=BLS‐ 08 1o.30‐ 13.30 Hbrav ca回 Og」 ng Pracaceは ACR2)PH■ /NBM II BLS‐ 08 14.00‐ 17.00 Library cata10guing Practice(AACR2):Print/NBM Ittξ 2014 1 BLS‐ 08 1o.30‐ 13.30 Hbrav cattOglng Prattce(AACR2〉 ⅡBLゝ 04羊 PH威 /NBM 翻 Sm ‖冷 ::マ:轟 惚誦 ぶ1胤 ま どこ 鰐尉 夕 助 た li 合 晰郵 「出蹴 褥潔L8も ::ぶ “ 「夢品 轟 温 」 BM=Non‐ iJttdよ 1鴫 =ψ uvH, B00k Matcrial(cataloguinJ 絆 ェ l)
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