End of Term Christmas Letter - Coppice Performing Arts School

December 2014
Dear Parent/Carer
As another busy term draws to a close, I write to keep you informed of our end of term and New Year arrangements,
with forthcoming dates for your diary.
STAFFING – I would like to take this opportunity to wish those staff who are leaving us the very best for the future.
We wish a fond farewell to, Mrs Towers (Formerly Miss Tremayne), Teacher of Science and Miss Postones,
Classroom/Resources Technician who are both leaving to take up positions at other schools. Mr Perager, steps down
as Curriculum Area Leader for Science after 7 years in the role, I’m delighted to confirm that Mr Perager will remain at
Coppice as a Teacher of Science.
Joining us in January will be Mrs Brackenridge, Assistant Headteacher, Director of Science, Miss Sheard, Assistant
Headteacher, Director of English and Literacy, Mrs Davis, KS4 Co-ordinator for Science, Mr Weaver, Teacher of
Science, Mr Warhurst, Teacher of Maths and Mr Griffiths, Teacher of Geography.
SEVERE WEATHER PROCEDURE – In the event of severe weather which would cause the school to be closed, the
quickest way to find out will be through the School Website:
All local radio stations are also informed via the Local Authority, and they then broadcast any school closures (usually
early morning). We will continue to make every attempt to keep school open and running as normal.
END OF TERM ARRANGEMENTS – Friday 19th December marks the last day of the Autumn Term and all students
will be dismissed at 12:50pm. A lunch provision will be available for any FSM students and will be available to collect
at break time.
JANUARY RETURN – School will re-open to staff & students at 8:50am on Monday 5th January 2015.
START & END OF SCHOOL DAY REQUEST – Please do not come onto site to drop off or pick your child up from
school. We are increasingly concerned about the safety of students at the school gates with the volume of traffic
combined with the volume of students arriving & leaving at the start/end of the day.
UNIFORM – If you wish your child to wear a jumper or cardigan under their blazer in the colder weather, please
ensure it is the school’s official grey and purple knitwear from Ron Flowers. No other knitwear is allowed. If you are
replacing items of uniform please make yourself familiar with our requirement for leather or leather effect footwear (not
boots or trainers) and tailored trousers and skirts. Piercings are not allowed and will have to be removed on return to
school. Hair colour must be natural. Failure to comply will result in your child being placed in isolation.
I would like to thank you for your continued support and wish you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year. Have a
peaceful holiday.
Yours sincerely
J Fletcher (Mrs)
Monday 5th
Thursday 8th
Monday 12th
Thursday 15th
Thursday 15th
Monday 19th
Monday 19th
Friday 23rd
Friday 23rd
Tuesday 27th
Thursday 29th
Spring Term begins for STUDENTS & STAFF
November Examination Results to students
Governors – Resources 4 Sub-Committee
House Council Meeting
Year 11 – Parent Partnership Evening (4:00 – 7:00pm)
PSHE 3 Morning
Drama Club Performance (5:00 – 7:00pm)
Year 12/13 Reports to Parents
Year 10 Leaver’s Booster Injection
Governors – Curriculum 2 Sub-Committee
Year 9 – Options Evening
Monday 2nd – Friday 6th
Tuesday 3rd
Monday 9th – Friday 13th
Monday 9th
Thursday 12th
Thursday 12th
Friday 13th
Health & Social Care – Creative & Therapeutic Day
Governors – Resources 5 Sub-Committee
Deadline for Year 9 Option Returns
Year 7 – Core Curriculum Evening
End of Spring 1st half- term
Monday 16th – Friday 20th
Monday 23rd
Wednesday 25th
Wednesday 25th
Thursday 26th
Spring Term 2nd half-term begins
House Council Meeting
Governors – OFSTED 2 Sub-Committee
Year 12/13 – Parent Partnership Evening (4:00 – 7:00pm)
MARCH 2015
Monday 2nd
Monday 2nd
Tuesday 3rd
Wednesday 4th
Wednesday 4th
Thursday 5th
Monday 9th – Wednesday 11th
Monday 9th
Tuesday 10th
Wednesday 11th
Thursday 12th – Friday 13th
Saturday 14th
Monday 16th
Wednesday 18th – Saturday 21st
Friday 20th
Wednesday 25th
Wednesday 25th
Thursday 26th
Thursday 26th
Friday 27th
Monday 30th – Friday 10th
School Council Meeting
AS Drama – Unit 2A Showcase
PSHE 4 Morning
Year 10 – Parent Partnership Evening (4:00 – 7:00pm)
Governors – Strategic 2 Sub-Committee
World Maths Day
Governors – Resources 6 Sub-Committee
Year 7 Learn to Learn Awards Afternoon
Year 11 – Leavers Photographs
‘Little Shop of Horrors’ Technical Rehearsal
‘Little Shop of Horrors’ Dress Rehearsal
‘Little Shop of Horrors’ – School Production
Comic Relief Non-Uniform Day
Full Governing Body 3 Meeting
Year 9 Reports to Parents
Global Cultural Day
End of Term
INSET DAY – School closed to all STUDENTS
APRIL 2015
Monday 13th
Summer Term begins for STUDENTS & STAFF