Renewal Plan of Computer System and Telecommunication Facilities at MeteorologicalSatellite Center* System Engineering Division** Meteorological SatelliteC enter Abstract The current computer March 1987. The new system computer check-out for six months northern hemisphere at DPC will be replaced by a new will be quit in a few renewal basis imaging in the telecommunication facilities at CDAS ones in March 1988. Stretched VISSR observations will start at this time, and HR-FAX The renewal in will start at this time. ・ will be replaced with new all VISSR system system is being installed in order to be used for system before it begins routine operation. Hourly Following the computer replacement, DPC computer month after March dissemination for transmission through satellite 1988. plan of the DPC computer system, plan of the telecommunication and ground which is going on, and the coming facilitiesare described in this article with the following three chapters : I. New computer II. Renewal Ⅲ. Future system and products of Meteorological Satellite Center, plan of the ground schedule of VISSR Chapter l. New telecommunication observation and FAX Computer System facilities,and dissemination. and Prpducts of Meteorological Satellite Center*** 1。 Introduction The new The stalled at MSC computer system being used at Mete- orological SatelliteCenter (MSC) shows the general concept computer system are to be done to validate the performance Fig. II of the new computer system with inter- of the current being used at MSC. * System Engineering Division, Meteorological Satellite Center 3-235 Nakakiyoto, Kiyose, Tokyo 204, Japan. **Thisarticle was edited by T. Hamada, Engineering System -4 Engineering system is 1987. The conceptual illuscomputer system is shown in Fig. 1-2. 2. New The and Ta- Computer new computer main frames. Division - Åヅ.j 心− System until full operation of the new computer started in March staffs at System Engineering Division and Facilities Division, MSC, and Office of Mete- daaki Hamada, mittence of VISSR observations, tration of the new Division in cooperation with other orological Satellite Planning, JMA. ***Hideyuki Hasegawa, Takashi Oshima system is to be in- in September 1986, and then various kinds of check-out of the system at present was established in April 1977. computer 1 − System system consists of four They are primary satellite X-I ’≫U 一 パ︶SW JO uisisXs J35nduio3 ^aajjno aqj jo suisqos iBindaauoo 2 − 1987 MARCH Nal5 NOTE TECHNICAL CENTER SATELLITE METEOROLOGICAL 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第15号 1987年3月 It14IIIII自11− ● 申 ● ● ● I ● −・ ・− l 心 t 1 Fig. 1-2 Conceptual scheme of the new computer system. Acronym ●ゆ ・・ SDC : TSS : ・e MMC 一一 HCCP IPC φ・ DCP FS GOC 一巻 CDAS D/A Automatic Data Editing and Switching System Communication Control Processor Command and Data AquisitionStation Digitalto Analogue Data CollectionPlatform Frame Synchronizer GMS Operating Console High speed Communication Control Processor Image Processing Console Mass Memory Controller ScheDuIe operationConsole Time Sharing System - ADESS: CCP : 3 − METEOROLOGICAL control SATELLITE and operation system, CENTER a secondary and satellite control and operation system, primary image a secondary data processing image data TECHNICAL a system・ processing mass accessed storage systems and cation equipment commonly new and can data inter-system be primary The communi- data of Satellite The consists of 4 the and computer displays Operation System of the Principal 2 tape are drivers, primary satellite copy tape graphic unit, control trol and of unit displays of a. Reception b. image is FACOM M-380S. primary system of commands (HCCP), satellite of the system primary image data are ; data satellites, data of polar orbiting Calculation of calibration as temperatufe and and pararrieters albedo, FAX(low resolution facsimile) and HR- a FAX etc. con- (high resolution facsimile) data, Preparation of pre-processed image data set of VISSR and HRPT the telemetry data and data, signal 2 tape are ; GMS telemetry of the sys- c. Generation and transmission of LR- (GDs), (CCP), for purpose of which is to transform original raw into a more form Generation and transmission c. Support System of the primary system duties such with a line printer, processor the operation CDΛS Processing HRPT d. duties jobs. a. Reception of GMS VISSR b. equipments a magnetic communication Main computer as possible and system's Data as a a line printer and a high-speed Main FACOM peripheral 4 color a color hard as soon and its place peripheral equipments processing Control system take etc. character control and operation system is M-360R. to communication control processor on. host system Image host drivers, and controlled by the Schedule and DCP Operating Console A. to some tern are a magnetic tape unit with all four computer sys- terns can be monitored so due exchange. prosecutions and is processing Principal (SDC)which 1987 gets down the primary B. Primary The state of resource assignments and job MARCH system system to succeed from any of the four enables operation operation system. which Nal5 failure, the secondary satellite control and The new computer system has a very large NOTE of teleGMS of satellite housekeeping feasible for direct access in the secondary image operation, data the data processing system, etc. In the primary image data processing and system, almost all jobs are carried out auto- analysis, matically d. Reception of tri-Iateral range and ranging rate satellite orbit data to be used for the of S/DB f. of various trieved meteorological ADESS system Whenever the in primary JMA, data information, kinds of information system to to make the primary control C. 4 Whenever system or the the secondary image processing as short − to a schedule. system jobs of the primary re- etc. satellite according failure happens in the system gets down, determination, e. Transmission Transmission some system is to succeed as a new the discontinuity the primary of jobs in image data processing system as possible. Secondary Image Data Processing System 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第15号 1987年3月 The host computer other FACOM of the system M-380S. equipments are a magnetic tape two 4 tape drivers, machine interactive image data GDs, equipments called IPC Console), ture and water vapor using TOYS unit data with f. 2 sets of man- magnetic tape up to 10 at one system By time, means of IPC, processing derivation, analysis are ; b. Cloud c. Clear d. motion wind amount distribution radiation Surface derivation, retrieval, temperature field retrieval, e. Vertical profile retrieval of tempera- ∩に七 Memory images from on high 匹 .〃 j y て \ equipment | か resolution IPC U下回ヤ 二八 ≒≫ 上」と β 帽 h \ ノ 乙\ \ ゛レ サ U上几 X T`4、│ N ``心こ)、X I / / \\ ロ λ 犬Zプフ F11.1-3 Format of four-sectorized LR-FAX 一 上! β 5 − picture of cloud is also j ≒ン use color display  ̄W / F 「 β etc, are can be provided ∩ ̄∩ ≒≫ wind called MMC Controller) animation up to 24images dots)of IPC. 妬 l’ nephanalysis, //べ・りてや レレハ\\ぺ l匯∩\バ旅 リIUづ\旅 U匹辻礼 ≒ ≫ 川壷岫 心 the of image motion operationally. Making memory (1024×1024 穴// 四 只///レレ /// いいダ X 爪//工⑤'/ 1 1 京/い∧則 of center location and intensity (Mass the kinds as cloud of typhoons, of refresh field retrieval, various such to be performed a. Cloud and prediction satellite's orbit and attitude. and so on. data processing on the video type Main jobs performed in the secondary data and intensity method, g. Determination a line printer, etc. image series satellites, center location Dvorak's a cassette magnetic tape unit TV of NOAA Typhoon estimation analysis based processing (Image Processing which controls and drives cassette is an- Main peripheral screen to be ’?IS、`ぃぷ訟 METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CENTER TECHNICAL NOTE N(λ15 MARCH 1987 used for non-operational works such as and J(enhanced infrared), research and development changed works. : These only sectorized 3. Principal new A. product computer Primary changes on Data the Processing stereograph System area image uous sea. The system are as follows. graphic (1)LR-FAx The formats including of FAX image are changed (2) Basic Japan format histogram is a new a. Current data are calculated seven-sectorized pictures are replaced by ized pictures. for infrared four-sector- and Far contig- of polar-stereo- is shown in Fig・ I-3. pictures, H(infrared), image product. in Fig. 1-4. or visible data from 60°N to 60°S and The histogram basic source I(visible) data data - 6 − Basic histogram from VISSR in 0.25°-latitude by Processed area is from are 80°E to 160°W. to be for cloud amount Fig. I-4 Format of polar-stereographic picture over the Far East area surrounding Japan. Scale : 1/30-million data three hourly 0.25°-longitude boxes. The format of four- sectorized pictures Partial are covering pictures is shown This b. Japan They image as follows. LR-FAX covering ic projection East processing images changed to the images with polar- Principal changes in the new primary data are currently and contiguous sea area. system Image will be images used as a retrieval. 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第15号 1987年3月 clear radiance retrieval, surface temperature ing image latitude by retrieval, etc. in the secondary processing B. data system. Secondary surface Image Data Primary changes processing the basic histogram Processing in the system System secondary data temperature data the clear radiance data correction which ative are as follows. data for each 0.25°-longitude box. method transfer 0.25°- And then are retrieved from with new air mass incorporates model using radi- objectively ana- lyzed vertical temperature and humidity (1)CloudMotion Wind Estimation (CWES) profile data received from numerical pre- Basically the method for low-level cloud diction division of JMA. motion wind derivation is not changed, surface is, the calculation is carried of level cloud done by high-level wind. motion wind the method The calculation shown High-level, highwill be are produced in used, to choose cirrus level pacloud In system motion wind at 06z and a day. coverage, winds upon (5) 18z in the northern hemimethod that is, the low-level (2) Surface In the new radiance and computer field data are retrieved (infrared system it is carried on both infrared and data are to be main The results will be distributed for intensity after the and obser- time. Chart) products are new one improved from real-time. This chart will contain the cloud depending area information which is added automati- cally and/or man-machine interactively. Estimation system, computer use of IPC contour chart, and are disseminated in quasi- the latitudes. Temperature and Intensity the present nephanalysis chart and the TBB and the high-level cloud motion the season clear SatelliteClond Information Chart This cloud fixed level, to 200, 250, 300, 0r 400 mb Location (Advanced TBB Contour There at first clear are two kinds ol products ; one covers vicinity of Japan area, and the other Far by analyz- East - 850 mb, vation out 4 times 12Z in whole motion winds are assigned to the 30 minutes for center location 50 minutes In the sphere. Steering level assignment is not changed, within estimation it is to be carried using as to make daytime and nighttime analyses compatible). per day ; at 00Z and and the new visible images by of IPC. is being carried out twice new : like LF method by man but cloud way between above. out making b. Man-machine interactive procedure Currently are determined same values Analysis targets. means the but threshold (4)TyphoonCenter calculation with change of just low-level and total cloud method used in the low-level cloud motion rameters Retrieval radiance data and vertical profile data : almost the method as the current wind accurate is expected. Distribution currently described same retrieval amounts the levels as follows ; a. Automatical procedure temperature (3)CloudAmount method is no longer used for the calculation more out automati- cally. In the new system the LF(Loop Film) Thus that 7 area including Western Pacific area, METEOROLOGICAL which are SATELLITE CENTER called“ Vicinity of Japan Area Chart ” and “ Far East (FE) TECHNICAL NOTE to JMA Nal5 (VJ) time Area line (Fig. 1-5)。 1987 local stations by using land Chart ” respectively. The The the aviation fieldforecaster is disseminated VJ area chart designed to support FE MARCH area chart designed to support the local field forecaster is disseminated within 50 minutes within time. 45 minutes Fie, I-5 An vation lines thin cloud example 3-hourly 1986. TBB of −10°C and −30°C are full line. top levels point TBBs val. Letters shapes symbols. Areas oblique are and surrounded cloud A, B, and cloud contour presented by Chart Minimum/maximum area without The by thick tick mark for vicinity of Japan full line, and lines are with TBBs contours those thin within are also in the significant cloud from those colder presented portions area (VJchart). Obser- of −20°C and −40°C than −50°C. are shown by numerics line, thick short with of cloud are indicated by 8 by Categorized in numerics. Grid equal systems. several Fog areas which are detected by man-machine interaction are presented by the line. 3-hourly map − 10°C to −50°C. Contour short line, thin long contours C indicate the developing/decaying features line/streaks after each analysis area covers from the interval is 10 degrees presented by the shading line. in the map of Satellite Cloud Information time is 0300Z 7 May, line, and dashed after each interCloud kinds of 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第15号 1987年3月 Fifir.I-6 An tion Categorized Minimum equator This example time is of Satellite cloud 0300Z 7 May, cloud TBB cloud are 1986. top levels presented to 60°N and from product will be TBB are on each Information contour given by Most-high Chart Chapter local II. Renewal East area (FE chart). Observa- are the same shaded patterns level 90°E to 170°w. disseminated to for Far intervals cloud 30 degrees from − 10°C to −70°C. as shown in Fig. 1. area. aviation stations of JMA by using land line (Fig. 1-6). Plan of the Ground telecommunication Facilities* Following eludes the renewal plan of DPC of Meteorological Satellite Center in March, telecommunication This paper explains the renewal system ground will be partially renewed in March,1988. schedule of the ground is shown in *TakaoSuzuki Shinya telecommunication plan of the facilities. The renewal 1. Ground telecommunication facilities facilities at p resent Fig. II-l. The and computer system already described in the Chapter l. 1987, the GMS ground GMS figure also in- of JMA Ueda - system (MSC) the replacement of the computer 9 − ground telecommunication facilities consist of the CDAS system and METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CENTER TECHNICAL 1986 NOTE No.15 MARCH 1987 1987 1988 Item 7 8 9 10 11 12 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. DPC Computer (1) Present System OperationService (2) New System I I System Check Operation Installation Out & Adjustments 2. CDAS Service System (1) PresentSystem Operation (2) New Service System Equipment & Design Manufacturing Installation ・System Check Operation & Adjustments out with DPC Service Computers ・Total System Check out with DPC and GMS-3 ・Off Service Operation Test 3. StretchedVISSR Operation Service Fig. II 1 Renewal DPC (MSC) The new system system as shown schedule of telecommunication a. S-VISSR in Fig. II-2. will be improved ground signal Received in the facilities. VISSR generation signals are demodulat- present system and enable it to perform ed, following functions : The data are calibrated, then stored in the line The raw data a. to transmit digitaレformed Stretched VISSR signal to MDUS's via GMS-3 insteado f current HR-FAX VISSR transmis- produced. data and are the other for transmis- sion to DPC. system, and on VISSR and memories. is for direct broadcasting via satellite, and b. to be operated almost automatically c. to record FAX images One resampled buffer are reformatted two types of stretched sion, usingcomputer decoded and sent to the processor. film for b. Monitor and Control archiving. ● ● The ground system is controlledand monitored on CRT The concept of the new computer con- displaysand keyboards interfaced with the computer system. trolledtelecommunication system is shown in Figs. II-3 and II-4. 3. DPC System Major functions of the improved DPC 2. CDAS・ System telecommunication system are as follows. Major function ofthe improved CDAS system are as follows. a. VISSR Interface 10 − 一 い●Z パ3da P”^ SVQ3 5^ i≪3?sAS uonBomnuiaioosisj ︶U9SdJd jo uibjSbiq べ svao ︶ ⋮⋮⋮ iwwJinbg Z-II ’≫U IIIISII n− I I I I JaA!a≫a/-rai1 !BSUBJX SAeMOJOiy [qj ド 一い﹁一﹂一 旧 囲 回 ㈲ 門 .判 1割 00 マ /ド ︵Ql︶⋮⋮⋮⋮⋮⋮ JSpJODON arog jssin ﹄371U0JI}3Ui︵c aueja pan yin a. Ξj / ぺ / 』 : −− ヽ │ 1 − JJ c)mi Jnino puc'puciinKy︶'i︵j)omioi / poDCfdoJ :m│ p│iioi│s ip│i│M wan ; II自III一一liiIIII●IゆII自 jainduio^ 噛抑(S 一 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第15号 1987年3月 sJo︶v\npoiKin sjo^einpoij 'SVGO ︶^ ui9︶sAs uope3iunuiuio3di3︶ M3a jo uiBJSeiQ ^usmdjiibn ino-)│D310禰31SAC g-II ’U - DdO ≪OJJ/0i FJ / ド ‰ − 12 1987 Ndl5 MARCH NOTE TECHNICAL CENTER SATELLITE METEOROLOGICAL 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第15号 1987年3月 Fig. II-4 Diagram of new telecommunication system at DPC. S-VISSR data chronized, decoded main computer from and system CDAS monitored are bit-syn- transferred and switched as necessary, (2)The signals to JMA head office to the are monitored of DPC. and controlled, and (3)The system equipments are conb. Centralized control and monitor console trolled and The equipments have the following c. Image functions: HR-FAX (1)The signals to/from CDAS and DPC main computer system the HQ are recorded monitored. recorders to be used and LR-FAX in images DPC and JMA are automatically on films for archiving. Chapter III. Present and Future Schedule of VISSR observation and FAX Dissemination* The computer system operated at the and Stretched VISSR Data will begin Processing Center (DPC), Meteorologi- rS. V.) at this time. The dissemination transition cal SatelliteCenter, will be replaced by a the VISSR observation and dissemination new schedule is briefly summarized in Table computer system in March thermore, the new 1987. telecommunication facilitieswill be introduced Fur- III-l。 ground in March 1988 After introduction of the new system, FAX Hamada and Hideyuki Hasegawa dissemination according 一 * Tadaaki of 13− schedule to three phases, will be changed 1.11 and III. After METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE φ∽ jl l 4 ね ぶ3 :1 Cz.,Cヽ、l 心 i 乙 CENTER TECHNICAL NOTE Nal5 MARCH 1987 | /゛へ j 債 弓 l ぶ ぞ 召 ロ] j o 加●●●│ j l 斐 | 。C; ? 白 ; 四哺 1 iS C/つ U bi) に JI ・arnpauos uonBuiuiassip puB uoqeAJdsqo 辞 Cぬ .日口 11 | 1 ㎜4 j●四● ●s・4 』 や−41 伽●●・● ゛□ ロ § j ●●・4 j j a □.4 4 ; ? JJ l 』 J Z; 1・4 1 J J JISSIA § v-4 ●●・崎 4) J=! Z W I 2.2 ニゴ ぶ回 を回 1 I toCO jド1 j5 IJ{ .Q ͡͡・͡ 町群 μ、 四●●4 1 ぞμ CliCQCs] ;工; 1 § 2 JI・ AaBuiuiliy X-III 9iq≪X l ●・・4 1 吟 l 11 H 指 図 ? E≡∃ 。i`a bo に V)CO w HI ぴ9なツ 11 昔 必 に CO い μ、 1 < 4o -l 』 C/5.S なりt〃ミ一 v a> <u 日Eヨ日 ⊇` 八 宍 瓦詣 ? P ? 白 1 tx) | 心 j p 豆 y l Q3 4μ 4・a oocり 啼 加一’・ 七 ;Σ:; ͡͡・͡ 際限 l`j § Z モり 1 S 4J § H マ E≡1 & t`s ●・●4 μ。, 封 ぎ1 ll .Q lj l i a, 1 召 lk り 私4 白 iOi ン・ ジ 1 1 徊 ぶ J§・ C/) 一 14 °゛4 4.a s.s 同 出 M 喘 μ4 g:g ;Σ; X ご i QQμ、 boo §C/52 4) Q螢 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第15号 1987年3月 Phase n, all VISSR observation data will be transmitted in the form Hourly basis; at each hour except of Stretched VISSR for regular observation. (S.V.) on real time basis. (3) Special observation ―Limited area around 1. Present The schedule VISSR Australia Hourly basis; at each hour except observation has been currently for regular observation. performed on three hourly basis. Three images are additionally taken at around 2.2. Facsimile dissemination 00z and 12z each satellite derivation. transmission for cloud motion wind The current observation and The schedule is shown seminated in Fig. III-l. throusrh following facsimile images are disduring the Phase l period. (1)HR-FAX 2. Phase After duced kept l ―Fulldisk image the new computer system is intro- the three hourly basis will‘ for full disk observation. observation for the northern sphere will be performed, due but to system ―Mercator's projection around hemi- sometimes 21Z. (VIS); 00, 03 & 06Z. Additionally hourly will be missing (IR);00, 03,…& be still equator(IR); 00, 06, 12 & 18Z. it (2)LR-FAX maintenance, ―4-sectorizedf ulldisk etc. (Fig. III-2). (IR);00,03,…& 21Z. 2.1. VISSR The observation VISSR Polarstereographic projection observation times are as fol- lows. The observation starting times at about 30 minutes before Image H (IR); Hourly are Image l (VIS) or J (enhanced IR); the observation Hourly except for 05,11, 17 & times. 23Z. (1) Regular ―Full observation 3 hourly basis ; 00, 03,…& Additional for For VIS wind 1100, ―Half 3. disk image 21Z. observations will be started, still keeping analogue HR-FAX dissemination. During covering and derivation same (06, 18Z); 2). facilities,the stretch- digital data the Phase northern II period, FAX disseminations During schedule the Phase the Phase facilities have covering northern hemisphere − 15 − VISSR will be the l period II period, to be observation disk image for all the VISSR observation dissemination as during stretched -Half tele- derivation (12,00Z); ceiving Semi-regular new calibration ; 16Z disk image ground of the ed VISSR 0500,0530,1700&1730Z. (2) introduction communication 1130,2300&2330Z. wind II observation hemisphere For Phase After the receiving ones. (Fig. Ill- MDUS re- replaced by METEOROLOGICAL GMT TECHNICAL NOTE Nal5 MARCH I H・I・A・B・c・D・E・F・G一n 3 2 ″ I T/M I → TP/MANAM 1 3 IR一MT O 勝之恋心.μぶふμ¥ご堡訟ぶV, V '^ ■'/'X.v-'-;'^''"''^'' -,-,/■■->丿■a-::'.'.'.tt;mii. 05_______ 18 21 03 I H・I・A・B・C・D・E・F・G−3 IR-DK 3 3 o4 Lぞ VS-DK 3 3 賜嶺皿衛鄙獅箭鵜順V6 s剪賜順路路諾認諾ふ 05 18 匹 I IR一DK 6 1 1 H・ 06 I ・A・B・C・D・E・F・G−6 o7リ VS-DK 6 10 11 ドフ=づ 1 31 56 08 09 1987  ̄ 8 21 I IR-DK O o1 Lそ ″ 05 CENTER J 10 20 30 40 a0 60 00 02 SATELLITE 1 R-MT S I 皿皿 0 4 1に 58 IR-DK 9 1 1 H・ IorJ・A・B・C・D・E・F・G−9 1 o二 26 31 56 皿皿 皿皿 Oに 26 31 56 皿皿W皿 皿皿 05 18 21 I IR一DK 12 1 1 H・J・A・B・C・D・E・F・G-12 12 13リ トフ=万々 14 15 1 3 IR-MT 12 皿VI 6 ’ 。隠顕尚鋤賜賑 05 18 21 l lR一DK 16 1 1 H・J・A・B・C・D・E・F・GTy16 16 〃 17 1 ̄ぞ 3 圖菊素顔瀕 V1 8 ’ 。 齢 05 18 21 I IR一DK 18 1 1 H・J・A・B・C・D・E・F・G八二 18 19」Uf 卜万m『岬 11 24 31 56 20 21 22 23 I R-MT 1 a 皿 訟滴繁磁 誕V?1端ー一心諭。順司篇 01 14 17 58 IR一DK 21 1 1 H・ lorJ・A・R・C・D・E・F・G-2 1 1 01 26 31 56 腸腸席順嘔4§脚部ミ四 皿皿 01 2S 31 56 皿皿 四§諾諾路W3郊腐夥齢鰐場柴腐諾器皿 ABBREVIATIONS VISSR OBSERVATION LR-FAX DISSEMINATION A∼G:7-SECTOR I ZED INFRARED FULL一DI SK H :INFRARED SECTOR OF JAPAN I :VIS IBLE SECTOR OF JAPAN J :ENHANCED INFRARED SECTOR vnn:VISSR OBSERVATION OF naZ Wnn:VISSR WIND OBSERVATION HR一FAX DISSEMINATION IR一DK : INFRARED FULL一DISK VS一DK :VISIBLE FULL一DISK IR一MT : INFRARED MERCATOR TP/MANAM:TEST PATTERN OR OF JAPAN T/M:TEST PATTERN/ MANUAL AMENDMENT MANUAL AMENDMENT TRRR:TRILATERATION RANGE AND RANGE RATE VISSR/FAX 一 Fig. nil Current 16 − schedule. 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第15号 1987年3月 GMT 0 1 1 1 00 01 02 03 04 05 J 20 30 40 む0 6a l l l l l l l l l ・ Uに 10 15 16 29 31 41 45 泡 Hり−0 AO IR-DK O 匹 I B・C・D-0 l OL 10 16 池31 41 45 57 H・I−1 VS-DK O 碕・4祠V?倆硲硲 に ̄匹 0に 10 21 四31 56 H・【−2 「(TRRR)¬ 臨梨端喘脇娑犀聯箭谷4V<. '■'"■^/・jjr'/mm'Ar'/rf'mrrff/>^,''*^'f^'j^.' o二 」 ー 15 16 S 31 41 45 こq H・f−3 A3 匹 I B・C・D−3 1 IR-DK 3 01 j0 16 3 06 Oに 10 15 H・I−6 07 Oに 10 16 3 H・I−7 Oに 10 21 3 08 09 10 11 12 31 41 45 57 H・I−4 VS-DK 3 I冒顎疆V5§雷雲l  ̄1 1 MANAM I 0 1 3 F  ̄7rr ̄ぞiL一石rぞ 扁謳。。 犀gv6’ 。謳詞。四騨鶏圖 s 匯w6端端篇 16 3  ̄n¬ 31 41 45 59 IR-DK 6 B・C・D−6 V7 g 31 41 45 57 VS-DK 6 g 8 「IRニMT ̄を ̄「 31 56 H・IorJ-8 [ ̄ΓΥ'RRR) . ’V9’ 。 oに ■) 15 16 3 31 41 45 59 A9 1 H・IorJ-9 IR-DK 9 B・C・D−9 賤V10, OL 10 24 49 54 59 H・J-1 0 .z v1 1 剱 斟1 ゛ 「HI1 一 際V12 鴎皿皿l l 皿皿 oに 10 15 H・J-1 2 16 29 31 41 45 59 A12 11 【R-DK 12 皿圖V13§皿嗣 B・C・D-1 13 o二 j) 31 41 45 回 H・J-1 3 §脇隋V14瑞賠腐j 「IRニMT 12 1 14 01 10 21 S3 H・J-1 4 15 01 10 16 29 I D_nw l H・J-1 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 I o二 26 31 56 2 56 匹 皿1皿皿 31 56 F; 皿皿 OL 10 28 31 41 H・J-1 6 A・B・c・D-1 6 箭av17,。陥 01 11 16 21 31 56 談議W1 8 1'扁§l r ̄ ̄可 ̄「7 ̄1 g z ,, 嘔VIR 能謳 ,s 賜 01 10 15 H・J-1 8 16 S A1 8 11 1R一DK 1 31 41 45 59 諭鎔宗V19塀皿1 B・C・D-1 H・J-20 01 10 15 匹 四 16 固31 ,11 45 S A21 11 1R一DK 21 裳癌一V?2 4荊陽1 8 8 01 10 31 41 45 57 H・J-1 9 皿頴VZO皿l 匹IR一MT 18 1 01 10 21 3 31 56 四 B・C・D-2 1 H・IorJ-2 1 01 10 24 49 54 59 H・I or J-2 2 。’謳 ・ 嘔∼− V23賜齢疾訟腐謳≒宅g l l H23 1 01 26 31 56 四四 四四 ABBREVIATIONS LR-FAX DISSEMINATION A∼D:4-SECTORIZED INFRARED VISSR OBSERVATION vnn:VISSR OBSERVATION OF nnZ Wnn:VISSR WIND OBSERVATION FULL一DISK H∼J:IR. VIS AND ENHANCED IR POLAR-STEREOGRAPH THE FAR EAST AREA MNM:MANUAL AMENDMENT WITH TEST PATTERN DISSEMINATION :INFRARED FULL一DISK :VISIBLE FULL-DISK :INFRARED MERCATOR :MANUAL AMENDMENT WITH TEST PATTERN TRRR : TR I LATERATI RANGE RATE Fig. III-2 VISSR/FAX 17 − IC COVER ON RANGE AND schedule during Phases l and II. 一 HR-FAX IR-DK VS一DK IR一MT MANAM METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CENTER TECHNICAL NOTE N0.15 MARCH 1987 UiVll P I 1 0 I 2p . JI? , 41J , 5p , 6p 00 01^ 恥 16 s 31 &1 s F77 H−0 ^ c・D-nI 01 o二J 16 26 31 &l jl只 S H−1 匹 匹皿 「 ̄mT¬ 0ご(X5 24 S 31 56 H−2 「F二 ̄y¬ 四皿 oご(X5 16 S 31 ま4 4只 57 H−3 「匹 巨蔭S函7V4溢海端扁嗣 l l C・D−3 1 OL____(X; 16 21 24 49 54 59 H−4 「丁二 ̄4 ̄ ̄ ̄l mv5皿 | I H−5 1 O二 26 31 56 皿皿 皿皿 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 01 (X5 16 s 31 44 48 57 臨7 匹 oに (X5 16 21 31 44 48 56 H−7 「Tこ ̄7 ̄ ̄1 V8 .賜 「(TRRR)¬ o二(X5 16 21 31 56 H−8 「 ̄r ̄こi「1 .・勝一。。眼V9 oご(X5 16 29 31 44 48 F77 H−9 J・A・B−9 臨回顧巨 ̄V10 ̄謳皿『 ̄ ̄│ 「 ̄C ̄; ̄「」 ̄=i ̄ ̄ ̄1 H−6 10 01 06 16 21 24 49 54 s.q H−10 □ ̄二T百 ̄1 i VI 1腸賜腸皿皿g 「汀二Ti¬ 11 o二 26 31 56 12 13 14 15 皿皿四皿 01 (X5 16 S H-1 2 31 44 48 177 「CJ・A・B-1 2 s 詣縦訟VIR臨能頴臨 o二(X; 16 21 31 44 48 56 H−13 「丁こTrl 篇朧朧鮨vht装 篇裂 OL_____(X5 16 21 31 56 H−14 「丁二 ̄m 。s脳朧朧V15 朧朧朧 D-1 「(TR・ ̄拓 ̄ ̄ ̄1 0 3 H・J・A・B・C・D-1 5 臨協四順路濡幕v1皿 16 0 1 1 54 I H-16 1 F7'ri ̄iS g ゛sv17疆犯一篇誕嫉謳゛g諾 i!可二T了? 17 0 26 31 56 皿皿§皿糾謐御圖g 皿 18 Oに 06 16 S H−18 I・A・R- 19 20 21 22 23 2¬ 31 44 48 57 i V ^ Q忿怒2訟堡 「び七戸 ̄『F ̄1 OL______(X5 16 21 31 44 48 56 H−19 「丁二Tn 皿詣認諾V7n騒謡臨腐S m ̄m ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄1 1 R l OL____(X5 16 21 31 56 H−20 「丁二 ̄n ̄1 四四 O二(X5 16 S3 44 48 57 H-2 1 J・A・B-2 1 1 醤脂皺ぬV22編脇臨謳 Oに (X; 16 21 24 49 54 S H-22 「C・D−21 ̄1 「T ̄二T2l a ’ 深V23’前端頻頻剱謳論 ’ 「H23¬ 0 26 31 56 皿皿 皿皿 ABBREVIATIONS VISSR OBSERVATION vnn:VISSR OBSERVATION OF nn Wnn:VISSR WIND OBSERVATION LR-FAX DISSEMINATION A∼D:4-SECTORIZED INFRARED Z FULL-DISK H∼J:IR. VIS AND ENHANCED IR POLAR-STEREOGRAPH TRRR:TRILATERATION RANGE AND RANGE RATE THE FAR EAST AREA MNM:MANUAL AMENDMENT WITH TEST PATTERN - Fig. III-3 VISSR/FAX schedule during Phase III. 18 − I C COVER 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第15号 1987年3月 4. Phase Ill the Phase In Phase Ill, the analogue HR-FAX will Phase Ill is a almost l and II. The no longer be disseminated through the satel- full disk lite. Full disk VISSR out at 0500, 0530,1700 derivation around observation for wind at 06Z and 18Z will start the half disk in the Phase m (Fig. 1II-3) instead of half will be performed 4.1. VISSR The observation and as during difference is that will be carried 1730Z instead observation. satellite digital data dissemination The only LR-FAX will be disseminated for all observations on. in the Phase III. observation VISSR observation schedule during 気象衛星センター資料処理局用計算機と 通信系地上機器の更新計画* 気象衛星センター システム管理課 現在気象衛星センター資料処理局(DPC)で稼働しているデータ処理用計算機システム(F230-7 5×4台)は1987年3月に新計算機システム(富士通M360RX2台. M380SX 2台)に置換られる予 定で準備がすすめられている。新システムでは,準定常運用として毎時観測が行なわれることになっ ている。 1988年3月には,気象衛星通信所(CDAS)とDPCの通信系地上機器の更新が予定されている。こ の更新によって,すべての観測画像についてストレッチドVISSR(S.V.)データのリアルタイムの配 信が行なわれるようになる。 S. V.データ配信開始の数カ月後からは,現在配信している高分解能ファ クシミリ(HR-FAX)の配信は行なわない。 これらの機器の更新に伴なって,一部のプロダクトの内容の変更,機能の向上,新規プロダクトの 作成等を予定している。これらについての詳細な報告は,本技術報告その他気象衛星センターの出版 物として印刷されるものと考えられるが,今回は速報として次の3章に分けて簡単な報告を行なう。 第1章 気象衛星センター資料処理局の新計算機システムとプロダクト 第2章 地上通信機器の更新計画 第3章 VISSR観測とファクシミリ配信スケジュール * 本稿の執筆は,(第1章)長谷川秀行,大島隆,浜田忠昭,(第2章)鈴木孝雄,上田真也(第3 章)浜田忠昭,長谷川秀行による。全体を浜田忠昭がまとめた。 - of 4。2. Facsimile dissemination through disk observation in the Phase II. The stretched VISSR VISSR the same only 19 −
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