英 文 参考和文 List of the Plants Subject to Phytosanitary Measures 検疫措置(精密検定)に関する輸出国への要求事項 be carried out in Exporting Countries (Newly added countries, plants, quarantine pests and condition in 新たに追加された国、植物、検疫有害動物及び要求事項には下線を付 list are underlined. Newly deleted countries, plants and quarantine した。また、新たに削除された国、植物及び検疫有害動植物は取り消 pests are struck through. These underlined and strike-through parts し線を付した。なお、下線部分及び取り消し線部分については、2014 will take effect on 24 August 2014) 年 8 月 24 日から効力を発する。 (24February 2014) Areas (2014 年 2 月 24 日) Plants Condition 英 文 参考和文 1. [Europe] Ireland, United Kingdom (Great Plant materials for using of The plant materials must be heat treated at 植物資材は輸出前に 71℃以上で 75 分間以 Britain and Northern Ireland, hereinafter planting or mulch (fallen leaves, 71ºC or higher for at least 75 continuous 上の熱処理を行い、Phytophthora kernoviae referred to as "United Kingdom") leaf mold, humus and etc.) minutes before export and be found to be に侵されていないこと。(※)複数の熱処 [Oceania] New Zealand originated from the following free from Phytophthora kernoviae. An 理方法がある場合は、同等の効果又はそれ plants: alternative heat treatment schedule may be 以上であることが保障されることを条件に Aesculus hippocastanum, Annona accepted if the same effect or greater is 受け入れることができる。 cherimola, Castanea sativa, Hedera secured*. helix (ivy), Ilex aquifolium, 輸出国の NPPO は、熱処理が完了し、植物 Leucothoe fontanesiana, Lomatia NPPOs of the exporting country must myricoides, Podocarpus salignus, confirm the completion of the treatment and 資材が Phytophthora kernoviae に侵されて 1 Prunus laurocerasus (cherry laurel), absence of Phytophthora kernoviae in the Sequoiadendron giganteum, いないことを確認しなければいけない。こ plant materials. Additional declaration about れらの確認は、植物検疫証明書に追記しな Vaccinium myrtillus, Drimys, these confirmations is required on the Fagus, Gevuina, Liriodendron, Phytosanitary Certificate. ければいけない。 Magnolia, Michelia, Pieris, Quercus and Rhododendron * A technical consultation between the (※)輸出国の NPPO と日本との技術的協 NPPO of an exporting country and the 議は、事前に行うこと。 NPPO of Japan is required in advance. Phytosanitary certificate must be endorsed 植物検疫証明書には、次に例示する追記が with the following additional declarations: 記載されていなければいけない。 "This is to further certify that the growing 「さらに、栽培用資材及び/又は根回りの media and/or the mulch materials of plant 被覆用に供する当該植物資材が、証明書の origin were disinfected by heat treatment 第Ⅲ項に記載された熱処理を受けて、 specified in section III of the certificate and Phytophthora kernoviae に侵されていない found to be free from Phytophthora ことが確認されたものであることを証明す kernoviae." る。」 In addition, in the section III of the 加えて、植物検疫証明書の第Ⅲ項(駆除及 phytosanitary certificate (Disinfestation び/又は消毒の処理)に、当該栽培用資材 and/or Disinfection Treatments) it should be 及び/又は植物資材は 71℃以上で 75 分間 stated that the growing media and/or the 以上熱処理を受けたのであることが、処理 mulch materials were disinfected by heat した日付けとともに記載されていなければ treatment at 71 degrees Celsius or higher for ならない。 75 consecutive minutes or longer, with 2 the date of the treatment stated. 2. [Europe] Belgium, Channel Islands, Plant materials for using of The plant materials must be heat treated at 植物資材は輸出前に 71℃以上で 75 分間以 Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, planting or mulch (fallen leaves, 71ºC or higher for at least 75 continuous 上の熱処理を行い、Phytophthora ramorum Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, leaf mold, humus and etc.) minutes before export and be found to be に侵されていないこと。複数の熱処理方法 Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Serbia, originated from the following free from Phytophthora ramorum (Sudden がある場合は、同等の効果又はそれ以上で Spain, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, plants: oak death). An alternative heat treatment あることが保障されることを条件に受け入 United Kingdom Corylopsis spicata (Spike witch schedule may be accepted if the same effect れることができる。 [North America] Canada, United States hazel), Hydrangea seemannii, or greater is secured*. of America (excluding Hawaiian Islands, Abies, Acer, Adiantum, Aesculus, hereinafter referred to as "United States Alnus, Andromeda, Annona, NPPOs of the exporting country must of America") Arbutus, Arctostaphylos, Ardisia, confirm the completion of the treatment and 資材が Phytophthora ramorum に侵されて Berberis, Betula, Calluna, absence of Phytophthora ramorum (Sudden いないことを確認しなければいけない。こ Calycanthus, Camellia, Carpinus, oak death) in the plant materials. Additional Castanea, Castanopsis, Ceanothus, declaration about these confirmations is Ceratonia, Cercis, Chamaecyparis, 輸出国の NPPO は、熱処理が完了し、植物 れらの確認は、植物検疫証明書に追記しな ければいけない。 required on the Phytosanitary Certificate. Chimaphila, Choisya, Cinnamomum, Cistus, Clematis, * A technical consultation between the (※)輸出国の NPPO と日本との技術的協 Clintonia, Cornus, Corylus, NPPO of an exporting country and the 議は、事前に行うこと。 Cotoneaster, Daphniphyllum, NPPO of Japan is required in advance. Distylium, Drimys, Dryopteris, Empetrum, Erica, Eucalyptus, Phytosanitary certificate must be endorsed 植物検疫証明書には、次に例示する追記が Euonymus, Fagus, Frangula with the following additional declarations: 記載されていなければいけない。 Garrya, Gaultheria, Gevuina, "This is to further certify that the growing 「さらに、栽培用資材及び/又は根回りの Griselinia, Hamamelis, Hedera, media and/or the mulch materials of plan 被覆用に供する当該植物資材が、証明書の (Rhamnus), Fraxinus, Fuchsia, 3 Heteromeles, Ilex, Kalmia, Larix, origin were disinfected by heat treatment 第Ⅲ項に記載された熱処理を受けて、 Laurus, Leucothoe, Linnaea, specified in section III of the certificate and Phytophthora ramorum に侵されていない Liriodendron, Lithocarpus, Lonicera, found to be free from Phytophthora Loropetalum, Magnolia, Mahonia, ramorum. " ことが確認されたものであることを証明す る。」 Maianthemum, Malus, Manglietia, Michelia, Nerium, Nothofagus, Olea, In addition, in the section III of the Osmanthus, Osmorhiza, phytosanitary certificate (Disinfestation 加えて、植物検疫証明書の第Ⅲ項(駆除及 び/又は消毒の処理)に、当該栽培用資材 Parakmeria, Parrotia, Physocarpus, and/or Disinfection Treatments) it should be 及び/又は植物資材は 71℃以上で 75 分間 Photinia, Picea, Pieris, Pinus, stated that the growing media and/or the 以上熱処理を受けたのであることが、処理 Pistacia, Pittosporum, Populus, mulch materials were disinfected by heat した日付けとともに記載されていなければ Prunus, Pseudotsuga, Pyracantha, treatment at 71 degrees Celsius or higher for ならない。 Quercus (Cyclobalanopsis), 75 consecutive minutes or longer, with the Rhododendron, Ribes, Rosa, date of the treatment stated. Rubus, Salix, Sambucus, Schima, Sequoia, Smilax, Symphoricarpus, Syringa, Taxus, Tilia, Torreya, Toxicodendron (Rhus), Trachelospermum, Trientalis, Tsuga, Ulmus, Umbellularia, Vaccinium, Vancouveria, Viburnum and Zenobia 3. [Asia] China (excluding Hong Kong), Seeds for planting of the following The plants must be tested by the 当 該 植 物 は 、輸 出 前 に RT-PCR 法等の India plants: appropriate genetic method such as 適切な遺伝子的手法による検定を行って、 [Middle East] Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Petunia (petunia) RT-PCR assay before export and found to Potato spindle tuber viroid に侵されていない be free from Potato spindle tuber viroid. こと。 Turkey 4 [Europe] Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Live plants and plant parts being Czech Republic, France, Germany, capable of planting for cultivation NPPOs of exporting country must confirm 輸出国の NPPO は、RT-PCR 法等の適切な Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, (excluding seed and fruit) of the the completion of the test and absence of 遺伝子的手法による検定を行って、Potato Russia, Slovenia, Ukraine, United following plants: Potato spindle tuber viroid in the plants. spindle tuber viroid に侵されていないことを Kingdom Capsicum annuum, Solanum Additional declaration about these 確認しなければいけない。この確認は、植 [Africa] Egypt, Nigeria muricatum (pepino), Persea confirmations is required on Phytosanitary 物検疫証明書に追記しなければいけない。 [North America] United States of America americana (Avocado), Physalis Certificate. [Latin America] Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, peruviana, Solanum Venezuela [Oceania] New Zealand jasminoides, Solanum Phytosanitary certificate must be endorsed 植物検疫証明書には、次に例示する追記が pseudocapsicum, Solanum with the following additional declarations: 記載されていなければいけない。 jamesoni, Brugmansia, For seeds of Petunia ペチュニア属種子について Calibrachoa, Cestrum, Dahlia "This is to further certify that the parent 「さらに、採種用の母本について、Potato (dahlia), Petunia (petunia) plants were grown on a farm(s) where spindle tuber viroid の発生が知られていな Potato spindle tuber viroid has not been いほ場で栽培され、当該母本又当該母本か recorded, and the parent plants or seeds ら採種された種子について、RT-PCR 法等 produced from these plants were tested by の適切な遺伝子的手法による検定を行って an appropriate genetic method(s) such as 上記有害植物に侵されていないことが確認さ rantonnetii, Streptosolen RT-PCR assay and found to be free from the れたものであることを証明する。」 pest mentioned above. " For live plants 生植物について "This is to further certify that the plants were 「さらに、Potato spindle tuber viroid の発 born from seeds or parent plants that have 生が知られていないほ場で栽培され、本ウ not been infected with Potato spindle tuber イロイドに感染していない母本植物又は種 viroid and that have been cultivated in a 子から生産され、生育期中又は輸出検査時 5 farm(s) where the pest has not been に RT-PCR 法等の適切な遺伝子的手法によ recorded. These plants were tested by an る検定を行って上記有害植物に侵されてい appropriate genetic method(s), such as ないことが確認されたものであることを証 RT-PCR assay during the growing season or 明する。」 during export inspection and found to be free from the pest mentioned above. " Note: "A farm(s) where Potato spindle tuber 注意:"Potato spindle tuber viroid の発生が viroid has not been recorded" includes a 知られていないほ場”には、かつて発生し farm(s) where the pest was recorded ていたが、現在は根絶されているほ場が含 previously, but has been eradicated. まれる。 4. [Asia] China (excluding Hong Kong) Live plants and plant parts being The plants must be tested by an 当 該 植 物 は 、輸 出 前 に ELISA 法等の適 [Middle East] Syria capable of planting for cultivation appropriate serological diagnosis method 切な血清学的方法又は RT-PCR 法等の適切 (excluding seeds and fruit) of the such as ELISA or an appropriate genetic な遺伝子的手法による検定を行って、 Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, following plants: method such as RT-PCR assay before Pepino mosaic virus に侵されていないこと。 Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Bassia scoparia, Calendula export and found to be free from Pepino Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, arvensis, Calystegia sepium, mosaic virus. Poland, Spain, Chenopodium murale, [Europe] Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom Chrysanthemum segetum, Conyza NPPOs of exporting country must confirm 輸出国の NPPO は、検定を行って、Pepino [Africa] Republic of South Africa albida, Datura innoxia, Diplotaxis the completion of the test and absence of mosaic virus に侵されていないことを確認 [North America] Canada, United States of erucoides, Echium creticum, Pepino mosaic virus in the plants. しなければいけない。この確認は、植物検 America Echium humile, Heliotropium Additional declaration about these 疫証明書に追記しなければいけない。 [Latin America] Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, europaeum, Lycopersicon confirmations is required on Phytosanitary Peru pimpinellifolium, Moricandia Certificate. 6 arvensis, Nicotiana glauca, Piptatherum multiflorum, Phytosanitary certificate must be endorsed 植物検疫証明書には、次に例示する追記が Sisymbrium irio, Solanum nigrum, with the following additional declarations: 記載されていなければいけない。 Taraxacum vulgare, Amaranthus, Onopordum, Convolvulus, "This is to further certify that the plants were 「さらに、Pepino mosaic virus の発生が知 Coronopus, Malva, Plantago, born from seeds or parent plants that have られていないほ場で栽培され、本ウイルス Rumex, Sonchus not been infected with Pepino mosaic virus に感染していない母本植物又は種子から生 and that have been cultivated in a farm(s) 産され、生育期中又は輸出検査時に ELISA where the pest has not been recorded. 法等の適切な血清学的方法又は RT-PCR 法 These plants were tested by an appropriate 等の適切な遺伝子的手法による検定を行っ serological diagnosis method(s) such as て、上記有害植物に侵されていないことが ELISA or an appropriate genetic diagnosis 確認されたものであることを証明する。」 method(s) such as RT-PCR assay during the growing season or during export inspection and found to be free from the pest mentioned above. " Note: "A farm(s) where Pepino mosaic virus 注意:"Pepino mosaic virus の発生が知ら has not been recorded" includes a farm(s) れていないほ場”には、かつて発生してい where the pest was recorded previously, but たが、現在は根絶されているほ場が含まれ has been eradicated. る。 5. [Europe] Denmark, France, Germany, Live plants and plant parts being The plants must be tested by the 当 該 植 物 は 、輸 出 前 に RT-PCR 法等の Italy, United Kingdom capable of planting for cultivation appropriate genetic method such as 適切な遺伝子的手法による検定を行って、 [North America] Canada, United States of (excluding seeds and fruit) of the RT-PCR assay before export and found to Columnea latent viroid に侵されていないこ America following plants: be free from Columnea latent viroid. と。 [Latin America] Costa Rica Columnea erythrophaea, Gloxinia 7 gymnostoma, Gloxinia NPPOs of exporting country must confirm 輸 出 国 の NPPO は 、 検 定 を 行 っ て 、 nematanthodes, Gloxinia the completion of the test and absence of Columnea latent viroid に侵されていないこ purpurascens, Nematanthus Columnea latent viroid in the plants. とを確認しなければいけない。この確認は、 wettsteini, Brunfelsia undulate Additional declaration about these 植物検疫証明書に追記しなければいけな confirmations is required on Phytosanitary い。 Certificate. Phytosanitary certificate must be endorsed 植物検疫証明書には、次に例示する追記が with the following additional declarations: 記載されていなければいけない。 "This is to further certify that the plants were 「さらに、Columnea latent viroid の発生が born from seeds or parent plants that have 知られていないほ場で栽培され、本ウイロ not been infected with Columnea latent イドに感染していない母本植物又は種子か viroid and that have been cultivated in a ら生産され、生育期中又は輸出検査時に farm(s) where the pest has not been RT-PCR 法等の適切な遺伝子的手法による recorded. These plants were tested by an 検定を行って、上記有害植物に侵されてい appropriate genetic diagnosis method(s) ないことが確認されたものであることを証 such as RT-PCR assay during the growing 明する。」 season or during export inspection and found to be free from the pest mentioned above. " Note: "A farm(s) where Columnea latent 注意:"Columnea latent viroid の発生が知ら viroid has not been recorded" includes a れていないほ場”には、かつて発生してい farm(s) where the pest was recorded たが、現在は根絶されているほ場が含まれ previously, but has been eradicated. る。 8 6. [North America] Canada Live plants and plant parts being The plants must be tested by the 当 該 植 物 は 、輸 出 前 に RT-PCR 法等の [Latin America] Mexico capable of planting for cultivation appropriate genetic method such as 適切な遺伝子的手法による検定を行って、 (excluding seeds and fruit) of the RT-PCR assay before export and found to Mexican papita viroid に侵されていないこ following plants: be free from Mexican papita viroid. と。 NPPOs of exporting country must confirm 輸出国の NPPO は、検定を行って、Mexican the completion of the test and absence of papita viroid に侵されていないことを確認し Mexican papita viroid in the plants. なければいけない。この確認は、植物検疫 Additional declaration about these 証明書に追記しなければいけない。 Solanum cardiophyllum confirmations is required on Phytosanitary Certificate. Phytosanitary certificate must be endorsed 植物検疫証明書には、次に例示する追記が with the following additional declarations: 記載されていなければいけない。 "This is to further certify that the plants were 「さらに、Mexican papita viroid の発生が born from seeds or parent plants that have 知られていないほ場で栽培され、本ウイロ not been infected with Mexican papita viroid イドに感染していない母本植物又は種子か and that have been cultivated in a farm(s) ら生産され、生育期中又は輸出検査時に where the pest has not been recorded. RT-PCR 法等の適切な遺伝子的手法による These plants were tested by an appropriate 検定を行って、上記有害植物に侵されてい genetic diagnosis method(s) such as ないことが確認されたものであることを証 RT-PCR assay during the growing season 明する。」 or during export inspection and found to be free from the pest mentioned above. " 9 Note: "A farm(s) where Mexicanpapita viroid 注意:"Mexicanpapita viroid の発生が知られ has not been recorded" includes a farm(s) ていないほ場”には、かつて発生していた where the pest was recorded previously, but が、現在は根絶されているほ場が含まれる。 has been eradicated. 7. [Asia] Indonesia Live plants and plant parts being The plants must be tested by the 当 該 植 物 は 、輸 出 前 に RT-PCR 法等の [Middle East] Israel capable of planting for cultivation appropriate genetic method such as 適切な遺伝子的手法による検定を行って、 [Europe] Austria, Belgium, France, (excluding seeds and fruit) of the RT-PCR assay before export and found to Tomato apical stunt viroid に侵されていない Finland, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, following plants: be free from Tomato apical stunt viroid. こと。 Slovenia Solanum jasminoides, Solanum [Africa] Cote d'Ivoire, Senegal, Tunisia pseudocapsicum, Solanum NPPOs of exporting country must confirm 輸出国の NPPO は、検定を行って、Tomato rantonnetii, Streptosolen jamesonii, the completion of the test and absence of apical stunt viroid に侵されていないことを Brugmansia, Cestrum Tomato apical stunt viroid in the plants. 確認しなければいけない。この確認は、植 Additional declaration about these 物検疫証明書に追記しなければいけない。 confirmations is required on Phytosanitary Certificate. Phytosanitary certificate must be endorsed 植物検疫証明書には、次に例示する追記が with the following additional declarations: 記載されていなければいけない。 "This is to further certify that the plants were 「さらに、Tomato apical stunt viroid の発 born from seeds or parent plants that have 生が知られていないほ場で栽培され、本ウ not been infected with Tomato apical stunt イロイドに感染していない母本植物又は種 viroid and that have been cultivated in a 子から生産され、生育期中又は輸出検査時 farm(s) where the pest has not been に RT-PCR 法等の適切な遺伝子的手法によ 10 recorded. These plants were tested by an る検定を行って、上記有害植物に侵されて appropriate genetic diagnosis method(s) いないことが確認されたものであることを such as RT-PCR assay during the growing 証明する。」 season or during export inspection and found to be free from the pest mentioned above. " Note: "A farm(s) where Tomato apical stunt 注意:"Tomato apical stunt viroid の発生が viroid has not been recorded" includes a 知られていないほ場”には、かつて発生し farm(s) where the pest was recorded ていたが、現在は根絶されているほ場が含 previously, but has been eradicated. まれる。 8. [Asia] India Live plants and plant parts being The plants must be tested by the 当 該 植 物 は 、輸 出 前 に RT-PCR 法等の [Europe] Czech Republic, Finland, capable of planting for cultivation appropriate genetic method such as 適切な遺伝子的手法による検定を行って、 France, Slovenia, United Kingdom (excluding seeds and fruit) of the RT-PCR assay before export and found to Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid に侵されてい be free from Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid. ないこと。 NPPOs of exporting country must confirm 輸出国の NPPO は、検定を行って、Tomato the completion of the test and absence of chlorotic dwarf viroid に侵されていないこと Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid in the plants. を確認しなければいけない。この確認は、 Additional declaration about these 植物検疫証明書に追記しなければいけな [North America] United States of America following plants: [Latin America] Mexico Pittosporum tobira, Vinca minor, Petunia, Verbena confirmations is required on Phytosanitary い。 Certificate. Phytosanitary certificate must be endorsed 植物検疫証明書には、次に例示する追記が with the following additional declarations: 記載されていなければいけない。 11 "This is to further certify that the plants were 「さらに、Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid の born from seeds or parent plants that have 発生が知られていないほ場で栽培され、本 not been infected with Tomato chlorotic ウイロイドに感染していない母本植物又は dwarf viroid and that have been cultivated in 種子から生産され、生育期中又は輸出検査 a farm(s) where the pest has not been 時に RT-PCR 法等の適切な遺伝子的手法に recorded. These plants were tested by an よる検定を行って、上記有害植物に侵され appropriate genetic diagnosis method(s) ていないことが確認されたものであること such as RT-PCR assay during the growing を証明する。」 season or during export inspection and found to be free from the pest mentioned above. " Note: "A farm(s) where Tomato chlorotic 注意:"Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid の発生 dwarf viroid has not been recorded" includes が知られていないほ場”には、かつて発生 a farm(s) where the pest was recorded していたが、現在は根絶されているほ場が previously, but has been eradicated. 含まれる。 英文 参考和文 Note: Example for two or more species are certified 注意:複数の検疫有害植物に関する検疫証明書の追記例 Potato spindle tuber viroid, Columnea latent viroid, Mexican papita viroid, Potato spindle tuber viroid, Columnea latent viroid, Mexican papita viroid, Tomato apical stunt viroid and Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid Tomato apical stunt viroid and Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid “This is to further certify that the plants were born from seeds or parent 「さらに、XXX の発生が知られていないほ場で栽培され、XXX に感染していな 12 plants that have not been infected with XXX and that have been cultivated in い母本植物又は種子から生産され、生育期中又は輸出検査時に RT-PCR 法等の適 a farm(s) where the pest has not been recorded. These plants were tested 切な遺伝子的手法による検定を行って上記有害植物に侵されていないことが確認さ by an appropriate genetic diagnosis method(s) such as RT-PCR assay れたものであることを証明する。」 during the growing season or during export inspection and found to be free from the pest mentioned above.” Replace the XXX with the scientific name of Potato spindle tuber viroid, XXX には、適宜、Potato spindle tuber viroid, Columnea latent viroid, Mexican papita Columnea latent viroid, Mexican papita viroid, Tomato apical stunt viroid viroid, Tomato apical stunt viroid 及び/又は Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid を記入 and/or Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid as appropriate. すること。 13
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