第 25 回 FD 開催のお知らせ - 北海道大学大学院医学研究科・医学部

第 25 回 FD 開催のお知らせ 北米における医科大学の認証制度の現状と、現在計画が進めら
生は日本語も堪能です。皆さま、ぜひご参加ください。 講演者:ジョイス・ピカリング先生 東京大学大学院医学系研究科 医学教育国際研究センター特任准教授 (平成 25 年度招聘 外国人客員教員) 演題:“Accreditation of Medical Schools in North America and
Reflections for Japan” 日時:平成 26 年 2 月 5 日(水)17:00~19:00 会場:学友会館「フラテ」ホール 講演内容: This presentation will focus on what steps a Japanese faculty of
medicine must take in order to move forward with accreditation. A brief
background will be given regarding the reason for accreditation of medical
schools in general, and the need for Japanese schools in particular to be
accredited. The ultimate aim of accreditation is to protect the public by
ensuring that physicians are trained to be safe and competent. The immediate
reason for accreditation is the requirement that for any medical graduate to
be eligible to do the United States Medical Licensing Examination
(USMLE) exams from 2023 on, they will need to have graduated from an
accredited medical school. Accreditation for any medical school must follow
the standards of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME). Each
region and/or country can individualize within these standards. 医学教育推進センター