Santa Fe JIN Newsletter June 2014 Summer Casual Events to Replace Monthly Meetings Contents Summer Casual Events June Board Meeting Recipient for Japan Aid Johnson Street Experience Summer Picnic Ramen Bar at Shohko Café We Are the ONE 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 Mission 私たちサンタフェ JIN の活動目的 は、ここサンタフェで、日本独自の 文化を紹介し、興味のある方たちが 楽しく、また教育的な観点から日本 文化への理解を深め、経験していた だく機会をつくり、さらに文化交流 を応援することです。日本とメン バーをつなぐ架け橋になりたいと願 っております。 Our purpose is to introduce the unique culture of Japan and provide opportunities for those who wish to experience the cultural diversity of Santa Fe. We aim to promote the understanding of Japanese traditions and practices through fun and educational programs, as well as by encouraging cultural exchange. It is our pleasure to serve as a cultural bridge to our members in this global world. イベントの多い夏期は、JINの ミーティングをランダムに開催する イベントに代えさせていただきま す。6月はお休みして、7月は 12日に ピクニックを予定していますので、 どうぞご参加ください。ボードミー ティングは、平日(主に第三水曜 日、変更の可能性有り)の夕方に予 定しています。一般メンバーも参加 自由ですので、どうぞお気軽にお出 かけください。 Since we have a lot of interesting events on weekends during summer, JIN will be having casual events such as the Japan Activity Room in place of general meeting. As usual, the JAR will be on the first Sunday of the month, and other events will be irregularly held. These events will be announced through the mailing list and the monthly newsletter. The board will meet on the third Wednesday evening of every month from 6 to 8 PM at Whole Foods Community Room for a casual potluck unless otherwise notified. Any members are welcome at the board meeting. Recipient Found for Japan Aid 東北震災への援助を目的としたジャ パンエイドですが、寄付金の送付先 などをもっと具体的で身近なグルー プに決定したい、とのメンバーから の要望の声を受け、このたびボード メンバーは、岩手県盛岡市を中心に 活動する、「ガバチョプロジェク The board members have been searching for the right group to receive our support in the Tohoku area in Japan, where people are still suffering from the aftermath of the tsunami and earthquake. We are happy to announce that we have Board Meeting Wednesday, June 18 from 6 to 8 PM Whole Foods Community Room (Subject to change) ト」の活動をサポートすることに決 定しました。この件に関しては、次 号で詳しくお伝えします。 found an NPO in Morioka, Iwate Prefecture (The Gabacho Project) to connect and work with through music. We will have an article featuring this on July's newsletter. In the meantime, see for more information. Shohko Café and Smokin' Bachi at Johnson Street Experience ださい。 ショーコカフェが参加する、ジョン ソンストリートのフェアに、サンタ フェJINも招待していただきまし た。ファンドレーザーのため、出店 します。スモーキングバチの太鼓演 奏もあります、ぜひ足を伸ばしてく On Saturday, June 21, 2014 from 12 noon to 5:00 PM, awesome restaurants and businesses in the Johnson Street neighborhood are hosting a party on one of Santa Fe’s oldest and most historic streets, just 2 blocks west of the Santa Fe Plaza. The Johnson Street Experience offers worldclass museums, fabulous restaurants, art galleries, cooking schools, art schools, doggie grooming and much more! Some of the activities that will cb taking place include: free treats at all the restaurants and businesses up and down the street; taiko drumming performed by Smokin’ Bachi Taiko in the Shohko Café parking lot from 1:00 to Participating businesses in the John2:00 PM; a Santa Fe JIN promotional son Street Festival (from the top of the table at Shohko Café selling T-shirts street to the bottom): and posters while Shohko Café offers • Andrew Smith Photography complimentary refreshments; saké Gallery • Georgia O’Keeffe Museum tasting and tutorials; wheel throwing • Georgia Restaurant (newly demonstrations at Heidi Loewen Poropened by the owner of Geronicelain; street juggling; art making and mo) refreshments in the Georgia O’Keeffe • Sweet Lily Bakery & School • Companions Grooming & DownMuseum courtyard; sculpting demontown Doggie Daycare strations behind the Eldorado Hotel; • Eldorado Hotel wine flights and light appetizers at • Terra Cotta Wine Bistro Georgia; rosé wine flights and light ap• Asian Adobe • Santa Fe School of Cooking petizers at Terra Cotta Wine Bistro; • Heidi Loewen Porcelain Gallery & Southwestern fare and Duel Brewery School Belgian beers at Santa Fe School of • Shohko Café Cooking; and many music performances throughout Johnson Street. Summer Picnic Ramen Bar Now Open at Shohko Café 昨年は火事の都合でキャンセルにな りましたが、毎年恒例のサンタフェ JINピクニックが 7月 12日(日)に 決定しました。詳しくは追ってお知 らせします。ぜひご参加ください。 ショーコカフェが店内に、ラーメン バーを開設したそうです。 Earlier this year, Hiro Fukuda (Shohko’s husband) and one of his Japan- specially trained chefs craft two kinds of handmade ramen broth from the freshest ingredients. Enjoy the deep, umami-rich, satisfying flavor of slowcooked broth with one of three ramen noodle varieties. Then add fun, fresh toppings in different textures and temperatures ranging from jalapeños to braised bamboo shoots. The Ramen Bar is open only for lunch at Shohko Café, Monday through Friday from 11:30 to 2:00 p.m. Call 982-9708 for more information. The JIN annual summer picnic will be held on Saturday, July 12, 2014 at Hyde Park picnic area 3. More details will be sent out once the final plans are made. ese chefs (Ken Arciaga) apprenticed for weeks under master ramen chefs in Los Angeles and Las Vegas, learning the art of making ramen by hand. Hiro and Ken returned to Santa Fe with a passion to share their fresh, homemade ramen with the people of New Mexico. Fortunately for us, Shohko Café has now established an authentic ramen bar inside the restaurant! Shohko’s Musical Offering by We Are the ONE 6 月 8 日IAIAのホーガンにて、 マディとティムのコーラスグループ We Are the ONEが歌の奉納をしまし た。招待のメールが出せず、申し訳 ありませんでしたが、これからもJ We regret that this newsletter was not distributed in time to announce the inaugural season-ending musical offering of the We Are the ONE Choir of Song and Poetry. The offer- ing was held at 4 PM on Sunday, June 8 at the Hogan of the Institute of American Indian Arts. We will do our best to continue supporting We Are the ONE. INは彼らの活動を応援します。 Donations Welcome Request for Articles サンタフェ人は、NPOです。イベ ントや活動のための資金は、すべて イベント収益と寄付金、JINメン バーの年会費によって賄われます。 ぜひ、寄付にご協力ください。 このニュースレターは、サンタ フェJINみんなのコミュニケー ションツールです。日本の文化に関 係するお知らせがある方は、自由に 投稿してください。紙面は限られて いますが、できるだけ掲載していき ます! The Santa Fe JIN is a non-profit organization. In order to hold exciting events and function as a group, we need to raise funds throughout the year. Your donations, fundraising, and membership fees are a major source of funding for us. Donations and contributions are always welcome. Santa Fe JIN PO Box 29903 Santa Fe, NM 87592 [email protected] Please make checks payable to Santa Fe JIN. Mail checks to the address at left or contact our treasurer, Gloria Kratz, at [email protected] for alternate payment options, such as credit card. If there is an article you would like to see included in next month's newsletter, please send it to Matthew Schauer at [email protected]. News need not be directly related to Santa Fe JIN. Note: We are currently working on redesigning our newsletter. Please bear with us while we work out issues with the new format. If you have any feedback or suggestions concerning the formatting of this newsletter, please let Matthew Schauer know.
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