PROSPECTUS FOR INTERNATIONAL GFIADUATEi PROGRAM 2015 NAGOYA INSTITUTE OF TEiiCHNOLOGY 1.General I㎡ormation Nagoya Institute of Technology(heTeinaf靴er refeぎred to as NI“ch)pTovides In七emational Graduate Prog℃ams fbr studying advanced theories and technologies in七he Department of Materials Science and Engineering,七he Department of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Industrial Managenlen七 Enginee地g, the DepaTtment of Frontier Materials, and七he Depa罫tment of Scientiflc and Engineering Simulation. The lectuオes and seminars in these programs are genera11y given in English, so that qualified apphcan七s are accepted even with httle or no Japanese liteオacy The applicants are not required to go七〇七he p主epara七〇ry Japanese classes, unhke the conventional gTadua七e programs. However, the accepted students are strongly recommended to study Japanese during their pos七gradua七e studies, since Japanese is essen七ial fbr daily life in Japan and fbr finding employment in Japan after completion of their postgraduate studies. NITech 茎)rovides Japanese language classes, in addition to the respec七ive specialized courses.、 2.Programs The MTech hternational Graduate Programs include七he Mas七eT’s Degree Program and the Doctoral Degree Program in the Depar七ment of Materials Science and Engineering, the Department of Arch輌tec七ure, Civil Engineering alld Industrial Management Enginee地g, the Department of Fron七ier Materials, and the DepartmLent of Scien七if]c and Engineering Silnulation. The applicants are requested to choose either of the programs according to the application procedure. The lectures, seminars, and individual advices are gene苦ally given in English in both the programs, though some may be given in Japanese with the advancemen七〇f the student’s Japanese competence. (1)Master’s Degree Program The Master’s Degree Pmgオam is provided fbオthe fbur departmen七s and i吾ves lectures and seminars on advanced theories and technologies in the respective flelds. The s七udent must subm輌t a rnaster’s degree thesis and pass the final examination fk)r obtaining a mas七er’s degree in his/heオselected field. For evaluating the student’s cornpetency in the field, the presentation of his/her reseaτch in an international conference is recommended. 1)Mate主ials・Science and Engineering The student selec七s one of the丘ve 6elds:Organic Ma七erials, Inorganic 一1一 MateTials, Chemical Process, Materials Funct輌on and Design, and Li£e Function. The prospective advisers and lectures in the respective£輌elds are shown in Tables 1−1 and 1−2. 2)Archi七ecture, Civil Engineering and IndustTial Management Engineering The student selec七s one of七he fbur登elds:Human Space, Civil Engineering, Environm、en七a1嚢】ngineering and Disaster Prevention, and Managelnent Engineering. The prospective advisers and lectures m the respective f]elds are shown in Tables 2−1 and 2−2. 3)Frontier Materials The student selects one of the three flelds:Environmental Ceramic Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, and Molecular Li£e Science and Nanotechnology「The prospective advisers and lectures in七he respec七ive 丘elds are shown in Tables 3ユarld 3−2. 4)Scien七if]c and EIlgineering Simulation The studen七selects one of the three fields:Computa七ional Apphed Sciences, Computer Science and Systern Engineering, and Simulation in Civil Engineering and Architectural Sys七ems. The prospective advisers and lectures in the respective貸elds are shown in Tables 44 and 4−2. (2)Doctoral Degree Progτam The Doctoral Degree P望ogram is provided£or the fbur departments and gives specialized advices fbr 七he s七uden七’s progress and training by a supervisor and an advisory group in each field. The doctoral degree is o££ered based on the student‘s doctora1七hesis and the result of a£inal exam輌nation. In order七〇acquire the expertise and the comprehensive insight, the internship in some en七eオprise or academic organization is recommended in this program. It is neceSsary七〇eam 10 credits. Further detail will be mailed out to successful candidates. 1)Mat斑als Science and EngineeTing The student has苦esearch七raining丘)r advanced theories and technologies in one specialized貨eld selec七ed among Organic Materia夏s, Inorganic MateTials, Chemical Process, Materials Function and Design, and Lifb Func七idn. The research speci丘cally fbcuses on developm.en七〇f new materials with superior funcもions, properties, and characte驚is七ics in a wide range of chemical flelds. The prospective supe翌visors and advisors are shown in Table 1.1. .2. 2)Architecture, Civil Engineering and Industrial Management Engineering The student has research七raining£or advanced theories and technologies in one speciahzed fleld selected arnong Human Space, Civil Engineering, EnviTonmenもal Engineering and Disaster P罫evention, and Managem飽t Engineαing. The main objective of research is to attain the human一飽endly and environmen七一fr輌endly social spaces and in£rastruc七uTes by the 七echnologies rela七ed to architecture, civ輌1 engineering and industTial nlanagement. The prospective supervisors and advisors are s}10wn in Table 2.1. 3)Fron七ier Materials The student has research training fbr advanced theories and technologies in皿e specialized fleld selected among Environmental Ceramic Ma七erials, Advanced Energy Materials, and Molecular Life Sci飽ce and Nanotechnology. The resea墾ch speciflcally fbcuses on developmen七 〇f environm飽七一friendly high−perfbrmance frontier ∼ materials in the wide range of chemical and physical f]elds relating七〇 chemical conversion, energy conversion, nanotechnolog蕩and hfb science. The prospec七ive supervisors and advisors are shown in Table 3−1. , 4)Scientific and Engineering Simulation The student has research training fk)r advanced theories and 七echnologies 輌n one specialized fleld selected among Computational ApPhed 』Sciences, Conlputer Science and System Engineering, Simulation in Civil Engineering and Architectural Systems. The research objectives include(1)solving the fundamental and cha11位ging problems in science and engineering with、high−per£o翌mance computers and advanced software,(2)developing七he design methods and tools fbr computer−controlled systems, infbオmation network systems, and in£orrnation media systems, and(3)designing七he complex sys七ems丘)T urban planlling, civil engineer輌ng, disasteT protection, and environmental problems. The prospective supervisors and advisors are shown in Table 4−1. 3. / Scholarship Applicants with excellerlt academic records are en七itled to apply fbr七he Nagoya Institute of Technology(NI罷ch)Scholarship Foundation.The detai1.will be mailed out separately to the applicants. 一3一 4.QuaH血cations (1)The apphcant fbr the Master’s Degree Program must satisfy one of the£0110wing qualifications: 1) graduated a universi七y or a college; 2) completed 16 years of school education abroad; 3) completed 16 years of school education in an international school or equivalent educational institu七ion in Japan; 4) the app1輌cant who has not satis且ed any of the above three qualifications but has submitted academic papers and docじ[ments must fUlfill the £0110wing condition and is to be deemed by the gradua七e school of engineering in NI股ch to possess the academic ability at least equivalen七to七he university gTadua七e in Japan: i)be 22 years old or older as of SeptembeT 30,2015 Note:The applican七who is under category 4)is required to contact the In七ernational Studen七Affairs Of五ce in NITech be£ore submitting an aPPlication. (2)The applican七fbr the Doc七〇ral Degree Program must satis£y one of the fbllowing quahfications: 1) ob七ained a mas七er’s degτee f加m a university or a college in Japan or abroad; 2) obtained a degTee equivalent to a masteピs degTee£rom a ullive塑sity or a college in Japan or abroad;alld 3) obtained a degree equivalent to a master’s de離ee f㌔℃m. an inte∫na七ional school or educational institution in Japan. 5.Apphcation A.Preliminary Selecti皿0)ocumentary Examination) The applican七is required丘rst to contact a prospective adviser and ob七ain the approval on his/her study in masterls degree program or the doctoral degree P「09「am・ Afteオthe approval of the prospec七ive supervisor,七he applican七is required to submi七 the fbllowing docum位ts to the Intemational Student Affairs Of五ce in NITech(the postal addxess is given in Aオticle 9)by Decem、ber 12,2014. (1)Application丘)rm with attachmen七〇f two photos taken within七he past 6 months (6,cm×4 cm)to ANNEX I and ANNEX II (2)Certificate of citizenship (3)Of五cial transcriP七〇f acadernic record 一4一 (4)0伍cial trarLscript of gTaduation certificate (5)Recommendati皿letter丘om the head of the depaτtment Please use the recommendation fbrm attached to the apPlication負)rm. (6)TOEFL score taken wiもhin the past two yeaオs (7)Sulnmary of七hesis fbr Masterls Course Program, oオMasterls thesis fb#Doctoral Course Program. (8)Copy of passport with the name and pho七〇 The apphcant will be no七i伍ed of the宴esult of the prelinlinary selection by e−mail on January 9,2015. In the event of failedオeception of the noti£ication e−mail by the expected date, please contact the International Student Affaixs O£6ce in NITech (the postal address is−given in Article 9)imnlediatel)た B.Final Selection The applicant f≧om one of the universi七ies in七he intemaもional acade凶c exchange agreements with NI罷ch(Beijing University of Chemical Technology and Tbng眞 University)has an inteオview given in七he university by the representa七ive of the supervisors from NI恥ch. 〇七herwise the applicant to】㎝aster’s or doctoTal degree program is subject to a f誼al examination perfbrmed in NI亜ch on January 30,2015 (1)MateTials Science and Eng輌neering Oral examinatim and interview(i.e., graduation thesis) (2)Architecture, Civil Engineering and Industxial Management Engineering Afternoon Session:OTal Examination (3)Fr皿tieT Ma七斑als Moming Session:Dissertation, Aftemoon Session:Oral interview (4)Scientif]c and EngineeTing Simula七ion Moming Sess輌on:Oral Exa磁nation 6. Not近cation of Admission NITech will notify the apphcant of the result of admission by e−mail by』 10,2015. In the event of faiUng to receive the notification e−mail by七he expected date, please contact the International S七uden七Affairs Of6ce in NITbch (七he postal address is given in Ar七icle 9)immediately. 7.Entrance Examination Fee, Admission Fee, and Tuition The entrance exam垣ation fee, the admission fee, and the七uition fbr 2015 are: (1)Examination Fee:30,000(JPY) (2)Admission Fee:282,000(JPY) (3)Tuition:535,800(JPY) 一5. 8.Accommodation NITech has a dormitory called“ln七ernational House”fbr overseas students in the main campus. Although the do∫miもory has only a limited numbemf rooms, most graduate students are accepted in the dormitory fbr 6 months or a yea払 9.Contact Address InteTnational Student Affairs O£6ce Nagoya Institute of Tbchnology Gokiso, Showa, Nagoya, Aichi 466・.8555, Japan Tel:+81−52−735−5074 Fax:+81−52−735−5080 E−mai1:in七emationa1@adm.n輌七 一6一 Table 1−1:Advisers in Deparセment of Materials Science andεngineering Field of Organic Materials Professors Associate Pr◎fessors KatSUhirO InOmata Shigeru Okam◎t◎ Masahito Suzuki Hideki Sugimoto* Masahiro Higuchi K(8i Takagi Atsushi Yoshimura Ke句i Nagata** Assistant professor Katsuhir◎Yamamoto Hideo Yoshizato Hiroaki Yoshimizu Field of Inorganic Materials Professors Associate Profess◎rs Ken−ichi Kakimoto Isao Kagomiya** Koichiro Fukuda Masanobu Nakayama Assistant pr◎fessor Shinobuトlashimoto Toru Asaka Field of Chemicai Process Professors Ass◎ciate Pr◎fessors Assistant profess◎r Yoshihito Kato Shuichi Iwata** Takeyoshi Yagyu** Shinji Kawasaki Masakazu Ohkita Takashi Yasui** Hideki Mori Jun−ichi Oku** Noriyuki Sonoyama Kazutake Takada Tsunehisa Hirash辻a Ield of Materials Function and Design F’ Professors Associate Professors Toshiyuki Koyama Naoki Ide** Osamu Yoshinari** Fumio Iwatsu** Assistant professor Keりi Okumura Noriaki Kurita Yasushi Hamanaka Field of Life Function Professors Ass◎ciate Pr◎fessors Atsushi Aoki Hiroshi Itoh 殉ime Ohtani }〈atsuhiko Ono Toshihisa Mizun◎** Ke蓼iro Taga** Shinya Kitagawa Yasushi Yamamot◎** Isao Nakan◎ Akihiro Yoshino** Atsus昂Miyagawa** Ke‖i Yamashita** Tomohiko Inomata** Hatsuo Yamamura *:Doctoral Degree Program only **:Maste〆s Degree Program only Assistant prof『essor Table]−2:Lectures and Seminars in Department of Materials Sci飴ce and Engineering Field of Organic Materials Lectures and Seminars Lecturer Advanced Polymer Synthesis Masahito Suzuki Advanced Molecular Designs of Polyrneric Materials K句iTakagi Polymeric Materials Hiroaki Yoshirnizu Advanced Functional Polymers Ke司i Nagata Advanced Polymer Physical Chemistry Masahiro卜{iguchi Advanced Lecture of Polymer Structure Katsuhiro Yamamoto Advanced Polymer Composite Materials Katsuhiro inomata Physical Properties of Polymers Shigeru Okamoto Histochemistry and Molecular l31010gy Atsushi Yoshimura Advanced Characterization oξFunctional Molecular Systems 捕deo Yoshizato Organic Materials Seminar 1 A目Sta秤 Organic Materials Seminar 2 All Staf千 Organic Materials Seminar 3 A‖Sta秤 Organic Materia{s Seminar 4 All Sta秤 Organic Materiais Seminar 5* All Sta秤 Organic Materials Semmar 6* A‖StaW Organic Materials Seminar 7* A‖Sta秤 Organic Materiais Sem治ar 8* A‖Staf千 Organic Materials Serninar 9* A目Staf千 Organic Materials Seminar 10* All Staff *:Doctoral Degree Pr◎grarn only Field of Inorganic Matereials Lectures and Semi陥rs Lecturer 茎norganic Stuctural Chemistry Masanobu Nakayama ドunctional Properヒies of Ceramics Ken−ichi Kakimoto Advanced Fabrication of Ceramics Isao Kagomiya Advanced Ceramics in l三lectronic App目cations Koichiro Fしlkuda Advanced Ceramlcsぞor Energy Conversion Shinobu Hashimoto Advanced Thin F‖m Technology Manabu Gomi Inorganic Structural Physics Toru Asaka Inorganic Materials Seminar 1 A‖Sta仔 Inorganic Materials Seminar 2 All Sta什 Inorganic Materials Seminar 3 A目Staff Inorganic Materials Seminar 4 All Staf千 In◎rganic Materials Seminar 5* A‖S匂ff In◎rganic Materials Se痛nar 6* A|lSta秤 Inorganic Materials Semlnar 7* All Sta秤 Inorganic Materials Seminar 8* All Staf千 Inorganic Materials Seminar 9* All Sta仔 Inorganic Materials Semi陥r 1◎* All Sta粁 *:D6ctoral Degree Program only Field of Chemical Pro◎ess Lectures and Seminars Lecturer Advanced Electroanalytical Chemistry Kazutake Takada Advanced Sセuctural Crganic Chαnistry Masakazu Ohkita Advarlced Chemica{Reaction Engineering Yutaka Tada Transport Phenomena Yoshihito Kato Advanced Unit Operations Hideki Mori Industrial【ヨectrochemistry Shir刊Kawasaki Advanced Organic Chemistry−Reactions Shuki Araki, Jun−ichi Oku Advanced Inorganic Reaction Chemistry Noriyuki Sonoyama Chemical Process Serwinar 1 A‖Staf千 Cherwical Process Seminar 2 All Staff Chemical Process Seminar 3 All Sta秤 Chernical Pr◎cess Seminar 4 A‖Staf予 Chemical Pr◎cess Seminar 5* All Sta什 Chemical Process Seminar 6* A‖StafF Chemical Process Seminar 7* All Sta仔 Chemica|Process Seminar 8* All Sta秤 Chemical Process Semir、ar 9* A‖Sta秤 Chemical Process Semlnar 10* A目Sta秤 *:Doct◎ral Degree Program only Field of Materials Functbn and Design Lectures and Semirlars Lecturer Thermal Prope汁ies of Materials Ke6i Okumura Solid State Ionics 卜茎oriaki Kurita Physical Properties◎f Materials Osamu Yoshinari Structure of Materials Toshiyuki Koyama Analysis of Material Properties Takao Kozakai Optoelectronics Materials Yasushi Hamanaka Advanced Materia【s Function and Processing Naoki Ide Materials Function and Design Sem治ar 1 A‖Staf:f Materials Function and Design Seminar 2 All Staf千 Materials Functbn and Design Seminar 3 All Sta秤 Materials Function and Design Semmar 4 A‖Sta仔 Materials Function and Design Seminar 5* A目StafF Materials Function and Design Seminar 6* All Sta秤 Materia{s Function and Design Seminar 7* All Sta秤 Materials Function and Design Seminar 8* All Sta秤 Materials Fur毒ction and Design Seminar 9* All Staff Materials Function and Design Seminar|0* A‖Sta什 *:D◎ctoral Degree Program o吋y Field of Life Function Lectures and Seminars Lecturer Analytical Methodology for Liデe Science H司ime Ohtani, Shinya Kiセagawa Advanced 8iophysicai Chemistry Akihiro Yoshino Bioorganic Chemistry Hatsじo Yamamura, Tsじnehisa Hirashita Advanced Protein Engineering 了oshiki Tanaka Advanced Supramolecular Chemistry Ke苗ro Taga, Katsuhiko Ono Metabolism of Biobgical Molecules 捕roshi Itoh Advanced Biomembrane Engineering Atsus栢Aoki Advanced Biochemical Engineering Yutaka Tada Life Function Seminar 1 All Staf千 Life Functbn Seminar 2 A‖Sta汗 Life Functbn Seminar 3 A‖Sta汗 Life Function Seminar 4 A洞Staf千 Life Function Seminar 5* All Sta仔 UデeFunction Seminar 6* All Sta秤 Ufe Function Seminar 7* All Staff Life Functbn Seminar 8* A目Sta秤 Life Functbn Seminar 9* A‖Sta仔 Life Function Seminar 10* All Staff *:Doctoral Degree Program only Other Lectures and Seminars Lecturer Special Lec加re in Materials Sci旬ce and Engineering{ undecided(part−time teacher) Spe◎ial Lecture in Materials Science and Engineering 2 undecided(part−time teacher) Special Lecture in Materials Science and Engineering 3, undecided(part−tirne teacher) Special Lectじre in Materials Science and Engineering 4 undeclded(part−time teacher) Table 2−1:Advisers in Depa7てrnent of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Industrial Manageme就 Field◎f Human Space Professors Associate Professors Yuka Ishikawa TakeyosぴIshimatsu Toshikatsu Ichinose \ Takanori Ito** Hideki Idota Hisashi Umemura** Masahiro Inoue** Y◎sh治◎ri Komatsu** Assistant professor Tohru Ohnuki** Katsuhir◎Kawata** Shirゼi Kawabe Yasuyuki Nagafuchi Nobuk◎FしUioka** Kazuy◎shi Fumoto N◎riko Kawahashi Field of Civil Engineering Professors Assoclate Professors Makoto Obata Takumi Uehara Masahisa Seguchi Kazutoshi Nagata** Assistant profess◎r Eiz◎Hideshima Field of Management Engineering Professors 臼 Masahiro Arakawa Koji Kanda** Ichiro Kosh瞳ima Mitsutoshパ1(オirna** Katsunori Sumi Junichi Y◎koyama `ssociate Professors Assistant professor Koichi Nakade Ke句i Wata陥be εnvironmentalふg. and Disaster Prevention Professors Associate Professors Aki揃ro Tominaga Toshikazu Kitano Ke而chi Maeda 1〈atsuya Sako** Michiko Masuda *:Doct◎ral Degree Program only **:Master’s Degree Program only Assistant pr◎fessor Table 2−2:Lectures and Seminars in Department of Architecture, Civil Engineering and lndustria| Management Fi剖d of Human Space Lectures and Seminars Lecturer Theory of Space Design Takanori Ito Space Design Theory Naqji Matsumoto Problems on Space Perception Nobuko F匂lioka Architectural Style Kazuyoshi Fumoto Urban Formatiα、 Katsじhiro Kawata StructLlral Mechanics and Design Toshikatsu Ichinose L」fe Cycb of 8uilding Materials Shirji Kawabe Structural System Hideki Idota Analysis of Vibration h Structures Hisashi u汀1emura Building Production Theory undecided Basic Principles of Urban[…nvironmental Design Noriko Koresawa Environmental Design in Architecture Takeyoshi Ishimatsu Theory of Product Design undecided Advanced Social Erlgineering in繍storical Context Isao Takagi Studies of Cultural Representatbn Toru Ohnuki Kanse卜Sociology Practical Architectural Design Tatsuya Takeda undecided Practical[)esign fbr Structure Systems undecided Urban lnformatiCS Toshiyuki Kaneda Human Space Seminar 1 All Staff Human Space Seminar 2 A‖Staf干 Human Space Seminar 3 A薩Sta汗 Human Space Seminar 4 A目Sta仔 Human Space Seminar 5* All Staf千 Hurnan Space Serninar 6* All Staf千 Hurnan Space Seminar 7* All StafF Human Space Seminar 8* A‖Sta秤 Human Space Seminar 9* A目Sta秤 F{uman Space Serninar 10* A‖Sta秤 *:Doctoral Degree Program only Field of Civil Er、gineering Lectures and Seminars Lecturer Theory of App|ied Mechanics Structural Analysis Makoto Obata undecided τheory of Social Infrastructure ・ 日zo Hideshiぎwa Structじral Stability Kazutoshi Nagata Design of Compound Materials Takumi Uehara Ethics in Socb−Engineering Masahisa Seguchi CMI Engineering Seminar 1 All Staff Civil≡…ngineering Serninar 2 All Staff Civ‖Engineering Seminar 3 、 A‖Sta秤 Civil Engineering Seminar 4 A目Sta秤 Civil Engineering Seminar 5* A摘Sta仔 Civ目Engineering Seminar 6* All Sta仔 CMI Engineering Seminar 7* All Sta仔 CMI Engi随ering、 Seminar 8* A‖StafF Civil Engineering Seminar 9* A目Sta秤 Civil Engineering Seminar 10* A‖Sta仔 *:Doctoral Degree Program only Field of Environmental Eng. and Disaster Prevention Lectures ar、d Semirlars Lecturer Hydrobgic E…nvironrwent Akihir◎Tominaga Coastal Einvironments Wataru Kioka Geo−disaster System Engineering 臼 Kenichi Maeda City Environment Pianning Yoshinori Komatsu Human−Erlvironment Systems Akio Mizutani Environmental Statistics Toshikazu Kitano Environmental Control E…ngineering Michiko Masuda Environrwental Systems of Chernical Resources 1 Katsuya Sako Environmental Systems of Chernical Resources 2 Katsuya Sako Environmental Engineering and Disaster Prevention Seminar 1 A目Sta秤 Einvironmental Engineering and Disaster Prevention Serwinar 2 A‖Sta仔 Environmental Engineering and Disaster Preventiorヨ Seminar 3 All Staff Environmental Engineering and Disaster Prevention Seminar 4 All Staff Enviror、rnental Er|gineering and Disaster Prever辻brl Seminar 5* A‖StafF . Environmental Engineering and Disaster Preventi◎n Seminar 6* A目Sta秤 Environmentalεngineering and Disaster Preventbn Seminar 7* A‖Sta什 Environmental Engineering and Disaster Preventior|Serwinar 8* All StafF Environmental Engineering and Disaster Preventior、 Seminar 9* All Sta秤・ Environmental Engineering and Disaster Prevention Seminar 1◎* A‖Staf千 *:Doctoral Degree Program o川y Reld of Manageme戚Engineering Lectures and Sem治ars Lecturer Advanced Prqject Management Ichiro KoshUima Advanced Systerns Management and}三ngineering Junichi Yokoyama Prqject Systems Engineering Yoshihiro lrlashirnoto Ea沈hqじake Disaster Risk Management Ker項Watanabe Advanced Production Management Masahiro Arakawa Advanced Quality Management Ken Nishi陥 Advanced Operations Research Koichi Nakade Trends in Huma∼r F「actors Kqj米anda Advanced Management Psychology Katsunori Sumi Advanced Pro刊tability Analysis Mitsutoshi K(りima Management l三ngineering Seminar 1 All Sta仔 Management Engineering Seminar 2 All Sta仔 Management Engineering Seminar 3 All Sta仔 Manager聡ent Engineering Seminar 4 A‖Staff Management Engineering Seminar 5* A引Staf千 Management Engineering Seminar 6* A‖Sta仔 Management Engineering Seminar 7* All Sta秤 Management Engineering Seminar 8* A‖Sta仔 Marlagement Eirlgineering Seminar 9* A‖Sta秤 Managementεngineering Seminar 10* A縫Staf千 *:Doctoral Degree Program only Other Lectures and Seminars Lecturer Special Lecture in Architecture, Civ目Engineering and Industrial Management 1 undecided(part−time teacher) Special Lecture in Architecture, Civil Engineering and韮ndustrial Managernent 2 undecided(part−time teacher) Special Lecture in Architecture, Civil Engineering and lndustrial Management 3 undecided(part−time teacher) Table 3−1:Advisers in Departme就of Frontier Materials Field of Envir◎nmental Ceramic Materials Professors Associate Professors Assistant professor Y山iIwamoto Nobuyasu Adachi Akiko Obata** sosぴtaka Ota** sakashi Shirai xusuke Daiko** soshi揃r◎Kasuga lasaki Tanemura lasayoshi F司i Field of Advanced Energy Materials Professors Associate Proξessors Assistant pr◎fessor τakasぴIda Masaki Haneda Naoki Kisぴ** setsuo Soga som◎katsu Hayakawa xoichi Nishir|o sakehiko Hihara 日eld oξMolecular Life Science and Nanotechnology Pr◎fessors Ass◎ciate Professors Assistant pr◎fessor Yoshihito Inai Tomohiro Ozawa** Keiichi Inoue** gideki l〈andori `kin◎ri Takasu satsuya Iwata** morio Shibata** sakehisa Dewa** lasay◎shi Tanaka** rhuicぴNakamura xoshiteru Hanai** **:Master’s Degree Program only Table 3−2:Lectures and Seminars irl Deparセment of Frontier Materials Fiぷd of Environmental Ceramic Materials Lectures and Seminars Lecturer Ceramic Materials fbr Environmental卜{armony Y則’iIwarnoto, Toshihiro Kasuga Advanced Characterization of Nano−Materia{s Masakiτanemura Microstructure oξGerarnics Toshitaka Ota, Nobuyasu Adachi Evaluation Methodobgy fbr Cera而cs Masayoshi Fqji Environmental Ceramic Materials Se耐nar| A目Sta仔 rEnvironmental Ceramic Materbls Seminar 2 All Staf千 εnvironmental Ceramic Materials Seminar 3 A‖Staf干 Environmental Ceramic Materials Seminar 4 A目Sta仔 Environrnental Ceramic Materials Semmar 5* All Staf千 Environmental Ceramic Materials Serninar 6* Ψ A‖StafF Environmental Ceramic Materials Seminar 7* A猜Sta仔 Environmental Ceramic Materiab Semmar 8* All StafF Environmental Ceramic Materials Seminar 9* A‖StafF εnvironmental Ceramic Materials Serninar 10* A‖Sta仔 Introduction to Environmental Ceramic Materials All StafF *:Doctoral Degree Program only Field of Advanced Energy Materials Lectures and Seminars Lecturer Nano−Materials Prope戊ies for Energy and Functions Tomokatsu Hayakawa Einergy Conversion Materials Tetsuo Soga Advanced analysis of crystal structures Takashi Ida Energy Envir◎nmental Materials Synthesis Masaaki卜1aneda Nanomechanics and Physics of Materia{s Yoichi Nishino Advanced Analysis of Energy Materials Takehiko Hihara Advanced Energy Materbls Seminar 1 All Sta秤 Advanced Energy Materials Seminar 2 All SねfF Advanced Energy Materials Seminar 3 A目Sta秤 Advanced Energy Materials Seminar 4 All StafF Advanced Energy Materials Seminar 5* A‖Sta秤 Advanced[…nergy Materials Seminar 6* A‖Sta仔 Advanced Energy Materials Seminar 7* All Sねf千 Advanced Energy Materials Seminar 8* All StaξF Advanced Energy Materials Seminar 9* All Staf干 Advanced Energy Materials Seminar 10* A‖Staf千 Introduction to Advanced Energy Materials A‖Sta仔 *:Doctoral Degree Program only 有eld of Molecular Li掩Sci舗oe and Nanotechnology Lectures and Seminars Lecturer Physical Chemistry fbr Advanced Materials undecided Advanced Nano Reaction Chemistry Tomohiro Ozawa Advanced Syr辻hetic Organic Chemistry Norio Shibata Advanced Protein Science Hideki Kandori Chem治tW of Biomolecular Assembly Takehisa Dewa Cell Metabolism Yoshiteru Hanai Advances in Science of Biobgical Macromobcules Yoshihito Inai Developments in Design of 8bpolymers and Biomaterials Akinori Takasu Molecular Life Science and Nanotechnology Serninar 1 A‖Sta秤 Molecubr Life Science and Nanotechnology Seminar 2 All Sta秤 Mdecubr Life Science and Nanotechnology Seminar 3 All Staff Molecubr Li毎Science and Nanotechrlology Seminar 4 All Staf干 Mdecubr L総Science and Nanotechnology Seminar 5* A‖Sta冊 Molecular Lifb Science and Nanotechnology Seminar 6* A目StaW Molecular Life Science and Nanotechnobgy Seminar 7* All Sta響 Molecular Life Science and Nanotechndogy Semmar 8* All StaW Molecular Life Science and Nanotechnology Seminar 9* All StafF Molecular Life Science and Nanotechnology Seminar|0* All StafF Inセoduction to Molecular Life Science and Nanotechnology A目Sta秤 *:Doctoral Degree Program only Other Lectures and Seminars Lec知rer Special Lecture in Frontier Materials I undecided(pa淀一time teacher) Special Lecture in Frontier Materials∬ undecided(part−tirne teacher) Special Lecture in Frontier Materials I∬ undecided(part−tirne teacher) Special Lecture in Frontier Materials E7 undecided(paはづime teacher) Tabb 4−1:Advisers in Department of Scientげic and Engineering Simulation Field of Compuをational Applied Sciences Proデessors Associate Professors Shμji Ogata Normiro Shida** 丁◎shiyuki Gotoh Ichiro Takeuchi Akira Takahashi Feng wei** Assistant pr◎fessor Takeshi Watanabe Field of Computer Science and System Engineering Professors Associate Pr◎fessors Yt輌taka Ishibasぴ Susumu Kur◎yanagi** Keiichi Tokuda Tomoaki Tsumura** Hiroshi Matsu◎ Yos揃hiko Nankaku** Naoki Mizm◎ Akihiko Yoneya Assistant pr◎fessor Akinobu Lee Field oぞSimulatioMn C’lvil Engineering and Architectural Systems Professors Associate Proξessors Hidetaka Umehara Masami Iwamoto** Toshiyuki Kaneda Keisuke Kitagawa Cho Ho Atsushi Sato Motohiro FUjita K句iSuzuki Hossain Md. Shahin **:Master’s Degree Program only Assistant professor Table 4−2:Lectures and Seminars in Depa薩ment of Scie醜市c and Engineermg Simubtion Field of Computational Applied Sciences Lectures and Seminars Lecturer Advanced Methods of Statistical Physics W)rξingineers Masaru Sugiyama Advanced Cornputational Science for Fluid Dynamics Toshiyuki Gotoh Advanced Lecture on Neura日n薮)rrηation Processing lchiro Takeuchi Mathematics and Simulation of Cornplex System Fumb Ohi Simulation fbr Nanotechnobgy Sh碩Ogata Advanced System Simubti◎n Feng wei Advanced Computational Quantum Chemistry Norihiro Shida Molecubr Co叩utatbnal Chemistry Yoshiaki Ozaki Optical physics Akira Takahashi Statistical Fluid Mechanics Takeshi Watanabe Computational ApPlied Scierlces Serninar 1 All Sta仔 Computational ApPlied Sciences Seminar 2 A‖Sta仔 Computational ApPlied Sciences Seminar 3 A目StafF Computational ApPlied Sciences Seminar 4 A‖StafF Computational Applied Sciences Seminar 5* All StafF Computational Applied Sciences Seminar 6* All Sta仔 Computatbnal Applied Sciences Seminar 7* All Sta仔 Computatbnal Applied Sciences Seminar 8* A目Staff Computational ApP|ied Sciences Serninar 9* All StafF Cornputational ApPlied Sciences Serninar 10* All Staf干 lntroduction to Computational ApPlied Sciences All StafF *:Doctoral Degree Program only 有eld of Computer Science and System Engineering Lectures and Seminars しec知rer Advanced Inforrnatlon Media Systems Akira lwata, Susumu Kuroyanagi Advanced Cornputer Control Akihiko Yoneya Advanced Lecture on Adapゼve Systems Naoki Mizuno Parallei and Distributed Processing Hiroshi Matsuo, Tomoaki Tsumura Patセern Recognition Keiichi Tokuda, Akinobu Lee Advanced Distributed Systerns Yutaka lshibashi Advanced Smart lT Takayuki lito Other Advanced Sma汁Network Akira lwata Other Computer Science and Systemεngineering Seminar 1 All Sta秤 Computer Science and Systemεngirleering Seminar 2 All Sta秤 Cornputer Science and System Engineering Seminar 3 A‖Sta仔 Computer Science and System Engineering Seminar 4 A目Sta仔 Compt底er Science and System Engineering Serwinar 5* A‖Staf千 Computer Science and Systerw Engineering Seminar 6* A‖StafF Computer Science and Systerw Eingineering Serwinar 7* A‖StafF *:Doctoral Degree Program only Field of Computer Science and System Eingineering Lectures and Seminars Lecturer Computer Science and Sy就em Engineering Serninar 8* All Sta秤 Computer Scierlce arld System[…ngineering Serninar 9* A‖StafF Cornputer Science and Systemεngineering Semina日0* A目Staff Introduction to Computer Science and System Engineering A‖Sta秤 *:Doctoral Degree Program only 目eld of Simubtion in Civil Eingineermg and Architectural Systems Lectures and Seminars Lecturer Urban Safety Design Hidetaka Umehara Theory and Simulatbn fbr Urban TranspoはPlaming Motohiro Fujita Construction oξUrban lnfrastructures with Environmentaぽ{armony Cho Ho Simulation in Structural Dynarnics and Earthquake Engineerir19 Masami Iwamoto Urban lnfrastructure Management K句iSuzuki Simulation of Geotechnical and Environrnental Engineering Problerns H◎ssain Md. Shahin Urban System Modeling Toshiyuki Kar、eda Infαmation/Space Theory Keisuke Kitagawa Environrnental Disaster}⊃reVention Atsushi Sato Practical Architectural Design undecided Practical Design for Struc加re Systems undecided Simubtion in Civil Engineering and Architectural Systerns Seminar 1 A‖Sta仔 Simulation in CMI Engineering and Architectural Systems Seminar 2 A‖Sta仔 Simulation in CMI Engineering and Architectura{Systems Seminar 3 All Staff Simula租on in CMI Engineering and Architectural Systems Seminar 4 All StafF Sinwlation in CMI Engineering and Architectural Systems Seminar 5* All Sta仔 Simulatbrl in Civ目Engineering and Architectural Systems Seminar 6* A‖Sta仔 Simulatbn in Civ目εingineering and Architecセural Systems Semmar 7* A‖Sta秤 Simulatbn in CMIεngineering and Architectural Systems Seminar 8* A‖Staf千 Simulation in Civil Engineering and Architectural Systerns Semirlar 9* All StafF Simulation in CMI Engineering and Architectural Systems Seminar 10* All Sta秤 lntroduction to Simulation m CMi Engineering and Architectural Systems A‖Sta秤 *:Doctoral Degree Program ody Other Lectures and Semihars Lecturer Specia|Lecture in Scientif〕c and Engineering Simubtion I undecided(part−tirne teacher) Special Lecture in Scienti6c and Engineering Simulation∬ undecided(par土一time teacher) Spec拍l Lecture in Scient市c and Engineering Simulation]肛 undecided(paはづime teacher) Special Lecture in Scient市c and…三ngineering Simulation IV undecided(paけ一time teacher)
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