HEEP YUNN SCHOOL Application for Form 1 (2015-2016) Please read all the points carefully before filling in the Application Form. The School is a Direct Subsidy Scheme School. The current school fees is $30,000 per year for Forms 1 to 3, and $33,000 per year for Forms 4 to 6. Qualified students will not be denied admission to Heep Yunn School due to financial reasons. The School has an extensive fee remission scheme for students with economic concerns. Needy students, including those from families receiving the CSSA and students receiving financial assistance provided by the SFAA may apply for fee remission through their parents or legal guardians. More details of the fee remission scheme can be found in the school prospectus and the enclosed leaflets. 協恩中學 中一入學申請(2015-2016) 申請人在填寫表格前,請仔細閱讀下列各項要點。 本校是一所直接資助計劃學校。現時,中一至中三年級學 費為每年 30,000 元,中四至中六年級學費為每年 33,000 元。 為確保取錄的學生不因家庭財務狀況而放棄學額,學校設 有學費減免計劃,為有需要的學生提供援助。有經濟需要 的學生,包括申領綜合社會保障援助或獲學生資助辦事處 提供經濟援助者,可透過家長或合法監護人申請學費減 免。有關申請學費減免的方法,可參考學校概覽及附件。 Places available for 2015-2016 school year Non-Heep Yunn Primary School students: 96 2015– 2016 學年的學額 非協恩中學附屬小學學生: 96 Application Procedures and Required Items Please submit the following items IN PERSON to the school office during the application period: 1. Application Form (FORM A), completed and affixed with 1 photograph 2. The Declaration (found at the upper part of FORM B), completed and affixed with a photocopy of the Applicant’s Hong Kong ID card. 3. Identification Form for Interview (found at the lower part of FORM B), completed and affixed with 1 photograph. (Parents/Guardians should retain the Identification Form for Interview which will be used for admittance to the first interview.) 4. A completed Personal Information Form for Student Athletes (FORM C) (Optional) 5. Photocopy of Birth Certificate 6. Photocopies of P.4, P.5 and P.6 report cards (P.6 report cards, when they become available, should be submitted to the school by mail, quoting the Applicant’s Form No. for reference.) 7. Applicant’s Portfolio (No more than 8 single-sided A4 or 4 double-sided A4 pages – excluding the report cards mentioned in point 6 above, but inclusive of the supporting documents of Part E of the Application Form (FORM A)) 8. Three stamped self-addressed envelopes, with the Applicant’s English full name clearly marked on each. 9. Entrance Examination Fee ($50) 申請程序及申請所需文件 請攜同下列各項文件,親身交回本校校務處辦理申請。 1. 填妥之申請表 (FORM A)(連同相片乙張) 2. 填妥之個人聲明表 (FORM B 上半截)(連同香港身分 證影印本) 3. 填妥之面試證 (FORM B 下半截)(連同相片乙張)。 考生參加第一次面試時,須攜帶面試證(FORM B 下半 截),請妥善保管之。 4. 運動員學生資料表 (FORM C) (如適用) 5. 香港出生證明書影印本 6. 小四、小五及小六成績報告書影印本(若申請人需後 補小六成績報告,可以郵寄至本校。請於成績報告影 印本上列明申請表編號以玆識別。) 7. 個人簡歷表(包括申請表(FORM A) E 部所要求的文 件,但不包括第六點所列的成績報告書影印本;總頁 數不多於 8 頁單面 A4 紙或 4 張雙面 A4 紙) 8. 已貼妥郵票及填寫上申請學生的英文全名之回郵信 封3個 9. 報名費 50 元 本校會保存所有提交的文件/附件,直至收生程序完成為 止。收生程序完成後,文件/附件一律會被銷毀,不予奉還, 敬請留意。 All items submitted will not be returned and will be retained by the school until the admission process has been completed. All documents will be destroyed after the completion of the admission process. Application Period 27 October 2014 – 22 November 2014 申請日期及時間 申請日期:2014 年 10 月 27 日 至 2014 年 11 月 22 日 Office Hours: 辦公時間:上午 9 時至下午 5 時(星期一至星期五) 上午 9 時至中午 12 時(星期六) 公眾假期休息 *申請人士請注意:截止交表日期為星期六。 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday) 9:00 a.m. – 12 noon (Saturday) Public holidays closed *Please note that the last date for submitting the application is a Saturday. Please submit the Application Form and other required items IN PERSON to the school office during the application period. Late submissions will not be entertained. 請填妥申請表,連同上述各項申請所需文件,於 2014 年 11 月 22 日中午 12 時前,親身交回本校校務處,逾期概不 受理。 Selection Procedures All applicants shall undergo a first interview and shortlisted applicants and their parents will be invited to a second interview. 面試程序 所有申請學生將獲安排進行第一次面試。第一次面試後, 本校將發信邀請表現優異的學生及其父母出席第二次面 試。 First Interview Date: 6 December 2014 (Saturday) Language: English and Chinese (Cantonese or Putonghua) Format: Individual and group interviews. No written tests shall be conducted. 第一次面試 日期:2014 年 12 月 6 日(星期六) 語言:英語及中文(粵語或普通話) 形式:個人及小組面試;不設筆試。 出席面試的學生均須攜帶下列文件: Each applicant should bring along the following items on the first interview day: - Hong Kong identity card - Identification Form for Interview - 香港身分證 面試通知書 Suitable applicants will be notified between 12 January 2015 and 17 March 2015 to attend second interviews. 合適學生將會於 2015 年 1 月 12 日至 3 月 17 日期間獲通知 參加第二次面試。 Second Interview Date: 22 January 2015 to 22 March 2015 Language: English and Chinese (Cantonese and Putonghua) Format: Shortlisted applicants and their parents will be interviewed by the Principal, Vice-Principal, Assistant Principals or senior teachers. 第二次面試 日期:2015 年 1 月 22 日至 3 月 22 日期間。 語言:英語及中文(粵語及普通話) 形式:第一次面試表現優異的學生及其父母將獲邀出席第 二次面試,會見校長、副校長、助理校長或資深老 師。 Admission Criteria 評核準則 Assessed Items a. Interview performance b. Academic ranking c. Extra-curricular activities and awards d. Conduct / Attitude Weighting % 30 30 20 20 評分項目 a. 面試表現 b. 學業成績 c. 課外活動表現 d. 操行 / 態度 比重 30 30 20 20 Notification of Application Results 申請結果 Successful applicants and applicants on the waiting list will be notified of their application status no later than 20 April 2015. Parents/Guardians of successful applicants will be invited to register by signing an undertaking with the school and submitting the Primary Six Student Record Form of their child/ward on or before 22 April 2015. 成功獲本校取錄及候補名單的學生將會於 2015 年 4 月 20 日或之前收到通知。獲本校取錄的學生家長或監護人須於 2015 年 4 月 20 日或之前進行註冊,屆時需遞交小六學生 資料表及簽署承諾書。 其他申請學生將會於 2015 年 4 月 30 日或之前獲通知其申 請結果。 Unsuccessful applicants will be notified of their status on or before 30 April 2015. Note to Parents 1. To ensure complete fairness and objectivity in the admission procedures, applicants and their parents are reminded not to offer any advantages to school staff in connection with their applications. 2. 家長須知 1. 為確保申請過程公平、客觀,申請學生及其家長不可 提供任何利益予本校員工。 2. 申請表格內所提供的個人資料及所遞交的文件只作 收生用途。 All personal data collected will be used for this application procedure only. Contact information General Enquiries (Form 1 Admissions): Tel: 2711 0862 Office Hours: Monday to Friday – 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday – 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon 查詢 「中一入學」申請查詢: 電話:2711 0862 辦公時間:星期一至星期五-上午九時至下午五時; 星期六 - 上午九時至中午十二時 General Enquiries (Fee Remission Scheme): Miss Doreen Wong Tel: 2711 0862 Office Hours: Monday to Friday – 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Email: [email protected] 「學費減免計畫」查詢: 黃凱穎小姐 電話:2711 0862 辦公時間:星期一至星期五 -上午九時至下午五時 電郵:[email protected] Form A Form No. ____________ (Office Use Only) HEEP YUNN SCHOOL 1 Farm Road, Kowloon Application for Form One (2015-2016) Part A Personal Information (*Please delete as appropriate) Student Reference Number (STRN): (as issued by the Education Bureau) Name of Applicant: (in English)__________________________________ (in Chinese)_____________ Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy): __________________ Place of Birth:______________________ Passport No. / HK I.D. Card No.*: __________________________ Photo of Nationality: ____________________________ Applicant Home Address: Religion: ____________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Telephone number: (Home)________________________ (Mobile)_____________________ Part B1 Primary Education Name of Primary School (in English) Part B2 Year Attended Class Attended 20__ - 20__ P. __ to P. __ 20__ - 20__ P. __ to P. __ 20__ - 20__ P. __ to P. __ Academic Performance Position in Form/Total No. of students in Form Position in Class/Total No. of students in Class / / / / / / / / / / P.6 Term 1 P.5 Term 2 P.5 Term 1 P.4 Term 2 P.4 Term 1 Part C (in Chinese) Conduct Family Information (*Please delete as appropriate) Name: (in English)_________________ (in Chinese)______________ Occupation:_________________ Father / Guardian* Company address: _____________________________________________________________________ Telephone number: (Mobile)___________________________ (Work)____________________________ Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Name: (in English)_________________ (in Chinese)______________ Occupation:_________________ Mother Guardian* / Company address: _____________________________________________________________________ Telephone number: (Mobile)___________________________ (Work)____________________________ Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Sister(s) or Relative(s) studying in or graduated from Heep Yunn School (if any) with year(s) of graduation/class attending: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Form A Part D Extra-curricular Activities or Services (e.g. Interest classes, Girl Guides, Clubs or Voluntary Service ) Organization Year of Participation Activities / Services Part E Achievements (Please provide supporting documents, which will be counted as part of the Applicants’portfolio.) 1. Academic Organization Award / Scholarship Year Awarded 2. Sports Type of Sports Level of Participation 1=School Team Member 2= School Team Captain 3 = Hong Kong Representative 4= External Sports Clubs Member 3. Music (*Please delete as appropriate) Choir member*? Yes / No Type*: Choir Member / Choir Leader / External Choir: __________________________ Type of Vocal / Instruments Hong Kong Ranking or Best Results (e.g. time/distance/height, etc) Member of Orchestra*? Yes / No Type*: Orchestra Member / Orchestra Leader / External Orchestra: _______________________________ Name of Examination (with grades) / Competition Results with Scores / Award 4. Other Achievements (e.g. Public Speaking, Drama, Visual Arts, Voluntary Service, other talents) Type of Achievement / Activity Award / Level of Achievement Personal data and information provided will be used in processing the application only. All documents and materials submitted will not be returned. Please do not submit original documents. Year Awarded Form B Declaration To: Principal Heep Yunn School 1 Farm Road Kowloon 1. I am the parent / guardian* of the Applicant. 2. 3. I understand that the personal data supplied will be used for processing this application only. I understand that the School may consult the primary school(s), institution(s) and organisation(s) provided in this application for the purpose of processing this application. To ensure fairness and objectivity, I understand that I am not to offer any advantages to school staff in connection with the application. If I know any of the staff, I am to provide written notification to the School as soon as possible. The contents of this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. 4. 5. Please affix the photocopy of the Applicant’s Hong Kong Identity Card in this box. Signature of Parent / Guardian *: ______________________________ Name of Parent / Guardian *:______________________________ Date: ______________________________ (*Please delete as appropriate) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Identification Form for Interview Form No.: ________________ Name of Applicant: (in English) (For Office Use) (in Chinese) Date of Interview: Time of Interview: Place: 6 December 2014 (Saturday) (To be filled by Admission Office) Photo of Applicant Heep Yunn School, 1 Farm Road, Kowloon This is your child’s admission slip to the interview. She should bring it along with her for identification purposes. Applicants who cannot produce this slip will not normally be interviewed.
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