JCI Quarterly 100 YEARS: Moneta, Compton, Gardena, and JCI Gakuen Anniversary Update The JCI has established a planning committee to help promote and celebrate 100 years of Japanese language schools—JCI's early beginnings from Moneta Gakuen in 1912. Among the activities being planned is a public program looking at Japanese language schools and a Celebration luncheon on Saturday, November 10, 2012. SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, November 10, 2012 100 Years: Moneta, Compton, Gardena, and JCI Gakuen Anniversary Celebration Luncheon 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. - JCI Hall As part of our planning process, we are attempting to collect photos, artifacts and stories from former students of not only Moneta Gakuen, but also of Compton, Gardena and the JCI language schools. All of these programs are part of the history of the current JCI language school and the celebration is inclusive of all who participated in the 100 years of commitment to preservation of the Japanese language in the Nikkei community. A “Collection Day” has been scheduled for Saturday, January 21 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the JCI Nisei Veterans Hall. During the event, we can scan documents, photograph artifacts and interview former students. If you have anything related to the histories of all four schools: Moneta, Compton, Gardena and JCI, please bring them by on January 21. A designated email account for the 100 Years Anniversary project has also been set up. If you know of anyone who should be included in our database of former students, please email the information (partial info. OK) to [email protected]. Thank you. 2012 JCI CALENDAR The annual JCI Calendar is in production. Thank you for the advertisements and donations given by businesses, community organizations, and individuals. This project is made possible through your support. Complimentary copies of the 2012 calendar will be mailed in December to JCI donors, ad purchasers, and well-wishers. It will also be distributed to the members of the JCI supporting organizations that meet here for their weekly activities. Additional copies can be obtained through the JCI office while supply lasts. Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute Alison Kochiyama Executive Director FALL 2011 TOMO NO KAI CORNER Tomo No Kai’s annual Christmas Party will be held on Saturday, December 3 at 11 am-2 pm, $10 Bento. 2012 Tomo No Kai membership dues of $10.00 begins January 2012. Membership dues can be paid in any of the Tomo No Kai classes or in the JCI Office. Monthly Senior Birthday Luncheons are usually held on the last Fridays of each month. Senior bento lunch box is accompanied by great entertainment featuring Tomo No Kai karaoke, ‘ukulele, hula, line dance class performers. In 2011, guest performers also join the program, which included William Christopher Ford, Okinawan Taiko Group, and Karaoke Japanese Dancers. In September, we had a special program with legendary Hawaiian entertainer Poncie Ponce and company, who drew over 100 people to his comedic and lively program. Donations: 3rd Quarter ’11 program fees and donations to JCI of $10,000, and $850 for 2012 JCI Calendar ad. GVJCI Tomo No Kai or Senior Friendship Club was established in 1979 to promote and support programs at the JCI for the senior community, as well as, to provide recreational and social activities, such as, the monthly senior birthday luncheon, and the annual Spring and Christmas parties. Your membership dues, class participation fees, and donations support the senior programs and GVJCI facility operations. Thank you very much for your participation and support! E-NEWS AVAILABLE You can view our newsletter on the JCI website www.jci-gardena.org. For those who would rather go paperless, please email us at [email protected] to let us know. Due to increasing printing and mailing costs, we will continue to mail our quarterly newsletters and other mailings to our donors and activity members & participants, community organizations, and interested readers. We will be removing names that have no activity for the last 3 year period. If you would like to be removed from our mailing or have any corrections, please contact the JCI Office (310) 324-6611 or email [email protected]. JCI Quarterly Page 2 ANOTHER VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE by Debbie Mochidome In August, our thoughts naturally turn to vacations and the exotic places we want to see, but how many of us actually bike in the Alps or people-watch in front of some Paris café? Well, for us staycationers, it was a real treat when Setsuko Owan, who has been there, done that, visited the JCI, on Aug. 28. Setsuko came to discuss her book, Maboroshi no Tabiji, and share her travel photos with a rapt audience of about forty people. Her talk was the Bridge's first Japanese-language event, and she very generously donated the proceeds from the sales of her book and her photo prints to the Nanka Miyagi Kenjinkai's tsunami relief fund. My Japanese is really bad, so the following is based on what little I could understand and on what Bill Yamanoha, our moderator, so kindly imparted to me. But, judging by the audience's reactions to her heartfelt and earnest accounts of her life and experiences, Setsuko's talk was very interesting indeed. Maboroshi no Tabiji is a labor of love, 30 years in the making. The book is based on her first 17 years of European travel, and the text is illustrated with her delicate, and often whimsical, photos. But, Setsuko's primary focus was on her colorful life and the lessons she has learned along the way. I guess we can say, in order to understand an artist's work, we need to understand the artist first. Setsuko discussed her early life as a budding musician turned writer; her family life—both in Japan and here—with special emphasis on her insights into the ways parents and their children can learn to deal with each other's differences; and her experiences while self-publishing Maboroshi no Tabiji. As for her photos, Setsuko said that they are her way of showing that human connections are of the utmost importance to her and that her interest in other cultures has led her to the conclusion that we are all more alike than different. Very wise and very true. Next, autumn arrived, and that meant it was time again for "Autumn Classics II Dance," Beverly Toyama's, Mike Watanabe’s, and Hideki Obayashi's fabulous fundraising extravaganza benefiting the Bridge. On Oct. 8, about 80 people danced the night away to the sounds of Steve Kikuchi’s High Resolution and indulged themselves with Hideki's scrumptious goodies. The crowd this year seemed a little smaller, but it didn't matter—they partied just as hard and showed us just as much love as a crowd twice its size. Judging by the little whoops of delight coming from the dance floor, people loved Steve's playlist! This time around, the music was largely 70's and 80's old-school stuff (War, the Commodores, the Gap Band, etc.)—with some doo-wop and swing thrown in, music for those who are (ahem!) more worldly. On another note (no pun intended), there seemed to be a lot more slow dances than last year. Usually when something like "Always and Forever" comes on, people clear the floor in a hurry except for a few isolated couples who A. are dancin' machines, B. don't get off the floor fast enough, or C. want an excuse to smoosh. This year, people were getting up close and real personal with their partners, and some…well…this is a family newsletter, so I can't say much more except, next time, get a room! During the intermission, the audience got a lesson in theoretical physics—the fun way! First, they learned that gravity doesn't exist. The Wreckin' Crew, the JCI's own bodacious b-boys— Tatsuya Kohrogi, Rick Nakashita, Cary Oba, Chris Oba, and Bren Yamaguchi with guest performer Justin Murobayashi— spun, flipped, leapt, and hovered in the air like way bigger—and way cooler—hummingbirds. It was amazing! Next, the dulcet tones of the 4 Satins (that's 80% of the 5 Satins!) and their timetraveling, spirit-channeling avatars, the Spinoffs (of the Spinners), aka. Steve Kumagai, Hideki Obayashi, Beverly Toyama, and Janet Watanabe, proved that time can be bent into any shape we want, in this case, a boomerang. "What the #@*!?" you ask. Well, if you consider that they took us back to 1956 for their rendition of "In the Still of the Night," bounced forward to 1975 (Continued on page 3) Look for The Bridge: JCI Heritage Center facebook page to get the latest program announcements and posts on Bridge’s activities. Become a Friend of the Bridge by visiting this page or our website: www.jci-gardena.org Page 3 (Continued from page 2) and "Games People Play" (impressive "12:45," Steve—Pervis Jackson's got nothing on you!) and finally landed back in 2011, I'd say that this hypothesis works. Finally, we should acknowledge everyone who made Setsuko's event so successful and Autumn Classics the musical, magical night it was—a HUGE thank you to all! We couldn't have done anything without the generosity of the good folks who came out to support the Bridge, the very bounteous donations of treats and services— both edible and non-edible—from Setsuko, Beverly, Mike, Janet, Hideki and Steve, and all the volunteers, Bridgesters and otherwise. YOU were responsible for helping Setsuko gather the relief funds to aid the people of Miyagi Prefecture and for the over $1,700 we took in from Autumn Classics. For that and much more, we'll keep bringing you the programs and services you so richly deserve. Many thanks, love, and blessings to you all! Enjoy the rest of 2011! JCI Quarterly ANNOUNCEMENTS EQUIPMENT TESTERS NEEDED! California Telephone Access Program (CTAP), is currently seeking equipment testers. CTAP is a state program funded by a surcharge on your phone bill and provides free telephone and adaptive equipment to individuals having difficulty with hearing, vision, mobility, speech and cognitive abilities. To qualify, you must meet the following requirements: 1) Be currently a customer in our program. 2) Be certified for either VISION, MOBILITY, SPEECH or COGNITIVE difficulties. 3) Request the Equipment Testing Letter of Intent by calling: CTAP, Theresa Tong, (818) 237-9277. If chosen, please be aware that the equipment tested may not be added to the program even if you give it a favorable rating, and all equipment must be returned once the testing duration has been completed. To become a customer of our program, please go to our website and download an application form. www.californiaphones.org, or call 1-800-806-1191 to request one. Thank you for your interest and participation! We look forward to working with you! KAZUKO Contemporary Ballet KAZUKO Ballet classes continue at the JCI. KAZUKO has taught ballet to children and adults at JCI for over 30 years. She was a leading dancer, choreographer and director of the Homura-Tomoi Modern Ballet Company in Japan. She has performed extensively throughout Japan and the United States, including the Los Angeles Music Center. Students will be featured in annual student dance recitals. Children (5 to 12) Wednesdays 3:30-4:00pm Beginning Children 3:30-4:15pm Intermediate Children Adults (13 and up) Wednesdays 4:15-5:00pm Tuition: $52/4 weeks Beginning Children $60/4 weeks Intermediate Children & Adults (Continued on page 6) Page 4 JCI Quarterly DISKOVERY JCI WINTER 2011/2012 CLASS SCHEDULE Register for DISKovery JCI courses and workshops at the JCI Office (registration must be made in person). Discounted fees and free public access hours are available to GVJCI Tomo No Kai members ($10 annual membership fee). DISKovery JCI always welcomes volunteers. If you are interested in teaching computer classes, monitoring the lab, assisting in the classes, or just being around computers, please contact us at the JCI Office (310) 324-6611. COURSES The fee for courses that are 4 weeks, 8 session are $45 for Tomo No Kai members/ $55 for non-members. The fee for courses that are 2 weeks, 4 session are $30 for Tomo No Kai members/ $40 for non-members. Note: Courses may be subject to cancellation if minimum enrollment is not met. すべてのコースは4週間、8回で、受講料は友の会会員が45 ドル、非会員が55ドルです。注:定員に満たない場合はコース がキャンセルされることがあります。 WORKSHOPS All single session 2-hour workshops are $15 for Tomo No Kai members/ $25 for non-members. Double session 4-hour workshops are $20 for Tomo No Kai members/ $30 for non-members. Note: Workshops may be subject to cancellation if minimum enrollment is not met. すべてのワークショップは1回のみで、受講料は友の会会員が 15ドル、非会員が25ドルです。注:定員に満たない場合は ワークショップがキャンセルされることがあります。 DECEMBER Shopping Online December 2, Fri., 10am - 12pm, 1 session Shopping online can be easy and fun if you know how to do it safely. Discover how to determine if a shopping site is safe or not. Learn what you need to know to get what you want at the right price. Using Your Computer to Make Cards and Signs DECEMBER Basic Windows December 5 to December 14, Mon. and Wed., 10am – 12pm (2 weeks, 4 sessions) Learn the basics of using the Windows operating system. Topics that will be covered include: copying, moving and deleting files with ease; installing and running programs like a pro; customizing Windows to look like you want it to look. JANUARY Internet Level 1 January 4 to January 18, Mon. and Wed., 10am - 12pm (2 weeks, 4 sessions) The Internet is full of useful information and applications. This course will start off with using web based email, and progress through other applications offered by Google. Internet Level 2 January 23 to February 1, Mon. and Wed., 10am - 12pm (2 weeks, 4 sessions) A continuation of our adventure though the Internet. We will explore the rich multimedia experience offered by the web, and how to find exactly what you are looking for in the vastness of the Internet. December 9, Fri., 10am - 12pm, 1 session Just in time for all your holiday planning! Learn to use your computer to make greetings cards, signs, posters and even banners. Your imagination is the only limiting factor! Windows Account 中級 ウインドウズのアカウント Intermediate December 8, Thur., 10am – 12pm, 1 session ウィンドウズでは、アカウントと言うものを作れます。 「そんなもの必要ない!」って?いえいえ、何人かで一つ のパソコンを使う場合でも、自分専用パソコンがある場合 でも、実は非常に重要な理由や用途がアカウントにはある んですよ。 12月8日木曜日の午後1時から3時まで(1回のみ) 講師:佐野明広 クラス定員:12名 Browsers中級 Firefoxって何? ブラウザっ て何? Intermediate December 15, Thur., 10am – 12pm, 1 session 「インターネットはFirefoxを使ってる」とか言うのを聞いたことはあ りませんか?「いえ先生、インターネットは見られるのでもう十分 です」と思っていませんか?コンピューターを守り、被害にあわな FEBRUARY Digital Photography February 6 to February 15, Mon. and Wed., 10am – 12pm (2 weeks, 4 sessions) Explore the world of digital photography. Learn how to compose your pictures, and then get them into your computer. Also learn basic photo editing and how to share your pictures. いようにするためにも、ブラウザについて学びましょう。 12月15日木曜日の午後1時から3時まで(1回のみ) 講師:佐野明広 クラス定員:12名 JANUARY Using Your Computer to Make Phone Calls JCI Quarterly Page 5 January 6, Fri., 10am - 12pm, 1 session Use your computer to make phone calls and even video phone chatting. Best of all, you will learn to make these calls very inexpensively, or even for free! Bring your questions and they will be answered. You will also walk away with tips and tricks to increase your computing effectiveness. Scanning Pictures into Your Computer January 13 and January 20, Fri., 10am - 12pm, 2 sessions Learn to use a scanner to get all your printed pictures into your computer. It is the best way to archive older pictures and keep them for a lifetime. February 17, Fri., 10am - 12pm, 1 session Gigabytes, gigahertz, dual-core, quad-core, USB, DVDRW, DDR3 – what do all these mean? This workshop will take some of the mystery out of all these term so you know what you are looking at in plain English. Q&A Q&A Buying a Computer January 27, Fri., 10am - 12pm, 1 session Bring your questions and they will be answered. You will also walk away with tips and tricks to increase your computing effectiveness. February 24, Fri., 10am - 12pm, 1 session Bring your questions and they will be answered. You will also walk away with tips and tricks to increase your computing effectiveness. Podcast中級 インターネットで日本語放送が たっぷり楽しめる!しかもパソコンがなくて も!?Intermediate Email Attachments中級 インターネットで写 真や書類を送るには? Intermediate January 5, Thur., 10am – 12pm, 1 session インターネットでは、テレビやラジオなどはもちろんのこ February 2, Thur., 10am – 12pm, 1 session Eメールには、写真や書類をくっつけて送る、「添付ファイル」と呼 ばれる機能があります。誰かから来たEメールに写真が付いてき と、個人で運営している放送も含めて、ニュース、朗読、 たのを見たことのある方、いったいどうやって写真や書類も一緒 トーク番組など、聴くことができるものが数えきれないく に送れるの?と思ったことはありませんか?それを説明します。 らい盛りだくさんにあります。それらの中でも、ポッド 2012年2月2日木曜日の午後1時から3時まで(1回 キャストと呼ばれるものはいつでもどこでも聴くことがで のみ) きます。それにはどうすればよいかを学びましょう。 講師:佐野明広 クラス定員:12名 2012年1月5日木曜日の午後1時から3時まで(1回 Internet Security中級 何が危ない? イン のみ) 講師:佐野明広 クラス定員:12名 Any Questionsこれが知りたい!ここがわから ない!No levels ターネット私にできること コIntermediate February 16, Thur., 10am – 12pm, 1 session インターネットの普及に伴い、近年では俗にアイデンティティー・ セフトと呼ばれる個人情報を盗み出す犯罪や、ホームページを January 19, Thur., 10am – 12pm, 1 session このクラスには議題はありません。生徒の皆さんのコン ピューターについての質問を講師がわかりやすく説明して 回答する、1回切りのクラスです。初級から中級程度です が、基本的にはどのような質問でもお答えします! 見ているうちにコンピューターに細工をされて悪用されてしまうよ 2012年1月19日木曜日の午後1時から3時まで(1 回のみ) 回のみ) 講師:佐野明広 講師:佐野明広 クラス定員:12名 FEBRUARY Free Software for Anything you Need to Do February 3 and February 10, Fri., 10am - 12pm, 2 sessions うな事例が増えてきました。そういった魔の手から自分自身を守 ることができる方法のうち、誰にでもできることやあまり難しくな い方法を説明します。 2012年2月16日木曜日の午後1時から3時まで(1 クラス定員:12名 (Continued from page 3) SAGA ART CENTER Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute The Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute (JCI) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit community center housing various classes, services, and programs for seniors, non-senior adults, and youth in the South Bay area for over 40 years. Our mission is to serve the needs of the Japanese American community of the South Bay area through educational, cultural, and social programs, as well as the community at large, sharing the Japanese and Japanese American cultural heritage. Founded in 1969, Saga Art Center offers weekly art classes for children at the GVJCI teaching various art techniques and projects. Saga Art Center offers individualized art lessons according to student's ability. Wednesdays, 2:30pm - 6:30pm Saturdays, 1:30pm - 6:00pm Drop-in basis. Ages 3 ½ and up. Tuition: $75 to $80 per month for once a week class. We hope you enjoy the variety of activities, programs, and services offered. We are truly fortunate to have an active and well-utilized center serving people of all ages in the South Bay community. We thank you for your active participation and for your support through donations and volunteerism that enables JCI to continue to provide the services that we do. Commerce West Insurance Company Commerce West Insurance/ MAPFRE USA donated $27,994.86 to the GVJCI in September 2011 for the automobile insurance non-profit referral program. Please inform relatives and friends that by naming the Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute as their non-profit organization of choice, a donation is made to the GVJCI by the Commerce West Insurance Company and, they are receiving excellent auto insurance rates and services for themselves. 1964 West 162nd Street Gardena, California 90247 Phone: 310-324-6611 Fax: 310-324-3223 Email: [email protected] Website: www.jci-gardena.org Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute Board of Directors Charlie Oyagi, President Bob Horii, Vice President Marilyn Tsuge, Secretary Miles Akiyama, Treasurer George Ajioka Dan Ashimine Larry Hada Eiji Inouye Helen Kawagoe Paul Koshi Jeff Murakami Helen Nakano Ray Shibata Glenn Tachibana Terry Terauchi Office Staff Alison Kochiyama, Executive Director Debbie Oba, Office Manager Dale Inafuku, Programs & Technology Specialist Kevin Kaneshiro, Maintenance Custodian Bob Seki, Maintenance Custodian Japanese Language School Larry Hada, Principal Atsuko Vorreiter, Vice Principal & Teacher Shoko Agee, Teacher Kohei Baba, Teacher Kyoko Kawakita, Teacher & Adult Conversation Teacher Mikiko Neill, Teacher Naoko Okamoto, Adult Class Teacher Commerce West Insurance Company, formerly Western Pioneer (founded 50 years ago by a group of nisei to provide auto insurance) has a special discount program benefiting Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute (JCI) drivers and families. COSTA MESA MIYAZAKI INS. SVCS. (714) 979-8700 LOS ANGELES BUNA INSURANCE (213) 626-1547 MONTEREY PARK QUALITY INS. SERVICES (323) 727-7755 CULVER CITY TRUST INSURANCE (310) 839-3127 FRANK IWASAKI (213) 879-2184 PASADENA FIA INS. SVCS, INC. (626) 795-7059 GARDENA AHTKY INSURANCE (310) 516-0110 KAGAWA INSURANCE (213) 628-1800 MINATO INSURANCE (310) 836-7961 MATSUMOTO INS. (310) 327-0012 PIONEER INSURANCE (310) 515-3638 NAKAMURA AGENCY (310) 327-0717 RICHARD NISHIOKA (213) 623-1657 NISHISAKA AGENCY (310) 225-5673 SATO INSURANCE (213) 680-4190 HUNTINGTON BEACH MIZUNO INSURANCE (714) 964-7227 TATSUNO BUSINESS SVCS (213) 626-1954 LONG BEACH NORI MARUMOTO INS. (562) 595-4403 MONTEBELLO OGINO-AIZUMI, INC. (323) 728-7488 OTA INSURANCE (626) 795-6205 OR (213) 617-2057 SANTA MONICA AUTOLINE (800) 770-7978 TORRANCE DAIWA INSURANCE (310) 540-8595 KENNETH KAMIYA INS. (310) 781-2066 ISU TSUNEISHI INS. (310) 533-8877 LA PALMA THE J. MOREY INS. CO (714) 562-5910 TOLL FREE PHONE NUMBER FOR OTHERS NOT LISTED: 1-(800) 244-1545 EXT. 4587
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