プレスリリース 2011 年 10 月 24 日 不確実性の高まりが保険業界の課題 欧州債務危機、米債務問題、長引く低金利や自然災害による多額の保険金支払いは、保険・再保 険会社に大きな課題を突きつけている。ミュンヘン再保険はこうしたリスクの複合性を分析し、地 域・産業における集積リスクを洗い出している。 保険業界が最も影響を受けているのは長引く低金利。しかし、当社取締役ルドガー・アーノルドゥッ センは「当社の慎重な資産運用戦略は効果を発揮。分散投資の重要性はこれまで以上に高まって いる」と述べる。しかし運用収益の低下分は、特にロング・テール種目での保険料率に反映していか なければならない。「来る契約更改でも最大の課題となる」(アーノルドゥッセン)。金融市場安定化 は各国政府の重要課題であるということを、現在の危機は示している。「金融規制を強化するべき。 欧州保険業界はソルベンシーⅡによって “正しい道”を歩んでいる」(アーノルドゥッセン) 一方、保険・再保険業界に大きな課題を突きつけているのは金融危機という単一リスクだけではな い。複合的なリスクだ。特にグローバルに網羅したサプライチェーンを持つ半導体や自動車部品製 造会社は、構外利益損失にさらされている(サプライチェーン寸断などによる事業中断)。これは企 業にとって非常に危機的状況だ。日本や台湾の部品製造工場が台風による影響を受けている一方 で、米北・中西部の完成品工場は地震による損失を被るといった具合だ。「この点に関して元受保 険会社と明確な話し合いを持ち、サプライチェーン寸断リスクに関する情報の透明性を高めてもらう ことを強くお願いする。情報の透明性のみが双方の解決策を見い出すだろう」(アーノルドゥッセン) 2012 年 1 月 1 日再保険契約更改 2011 年は大規模自然災害により、保険損害は過去最大となった。多額の保険金支払いは今年度 これまでに実施した契約更改に影響を与えてきたとは言え、市場での再保険料が同じ動きを見せて いるわけではない。それでも「当社のポートフォリオの質が改善し、保険料収入は増加」(アーノルド ゥッセン)。 自然災害による保険金支払いがあった地域の 2011 年度更改では、保険料が大幅に上昇」(アーノ ルドゥッセン)。たとえば豪州やニュージーランドでは平均 40~50%上昇。また米国や中南米の自 然災害分野でも平均 10%上昇。この外の分野では横ばいだった。 1|P a g e 当社では今年度末の損害再保険契約更改でも同様の傾向が続くと見ている。「(影響を受けた)市 場はハード化(価格が上昇)している一方で、全般的に価格は横ばい」(アーノルドゥッセン)。「特に 現在のような不確実な状況下では、十分な収益確保に注視することがこれまでにも増して重要」とし、 当社はこれを念頭に、契約更改に向けた話し合いに臨む構えだと述べた。 ※バーデンバーデンで行った再保険会議での、当社取締役 ルドガー・アーノルドゥッセンのプレゼ ン資料は当リリースの最後をご覧ください。 ※当リリースに関するお問い合わせ先 ミュンヘン再保険 広報 栗橋 [email protected] 03-5251-6852 Munich Re stands for exceptional solution-based expertise, consistent risk management, financial stability and client proximity. Munich Re creates value for clients, shareholders and staff alike. In the financial year 2010, the Group – which pursues an integrated business model consisting of insurance and reinsurance – achieved a profit of €2.4bn on premium income of around €46bn. It operates in all lines of insurance, with around 47,000 employees throughout the world. With premium income of around €24bn from reinsurance alone, it is one of the world’s eading reinsurers. Especially when clients require solutions for complex risks, Munich Re is a much sought-after risk carrier. Our primary insurance operations are concentrated mainly in the ERGO Insurance Group. With premium income of over €20bn, ERGO is one of the largest insurance groups in Europe and Germany. It is the market leader in Europe in health and legal protection insurance. More than 40 million clients in over 30 countries place their trust in the services and security it provides. In international healthcare business, Munich Re pools its insurance and reinsurance operations, as well as related services, under the Munich Health brand. Munich Re’s global investments amounting to €193bn are managed by MEAG, which also makes its competence available to private and institutional investors outside the Group. Disclaimer This press release contains forward-looking statements that are based on current assumptions and forecasts of the management of Munich Re. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could lead to material differences between the forward2|P a g e looking statements given here and the actual development, in particular the results, financial situation and performance of our Company. The Company assumes no liability to update these forward-looking statements or to conform them to future events or developments. Munich, 24 October 2011 Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München Media Relations Königinstrasse 107 80802 München Germany 3|P a g e BADEN-BADEN 2011 IS THE MARKET READY TO CHANGE? 24 October 2011 Ludger Arnoldussen Key topics and challenging issues for the insurance business High natural catastrophe losses Low-interest-rate environment Euro crisis/Turbulence in the financial markets Increasing accumulation risks Global economic networking Emerging risks Political uncertainty Changing regulatory framework Is the market ready to change? / Ludger Arnoldussen 24.10.2011 2 Generally low-interest environment – Crisis signalled by sharply falling yields throughout the year Yields on ten-year government bonds Falling interest rates have a positive effect on the capital base of insurers, but an adverse effect on future investment income. 4,5 4 3,5 3 UK 2,5 USA 2 1,5 1 0,5 Deutschland Low-interest-rate environment has to be reflected in the pricing, esp. in long-tail business. Substantial international differences despite generally low-interestrate environment. 0 Jan. 11Feb. 11Mrz. 11 Apr. 11 Mai. 11 Jun. 11 Jul. 11 Aug. 11Sep. 11Okt. 11 Source: Bloomberg Is the market ready to change? / Ludger Arnoldussen 24.10.2011 3 Low-interest-rate environment: Shock or opportunity for the industry? Reduced investment income Capital relief measures may be necessary Low interest rates also have a salutary effect on the non-life market (cash-flowunderwriting opportunities are limited) Reinsurers have to reflect the low-interest-rate environment in their pricing Solvency II – the insurance industry in Europe is on the right track Low interest rates make price increases necessary, especially in the case of long-tail risks. Is the market ready to change? / Ludger Arnoldussen 24.10.2011 4 Euro debt crisis: Present situation Current bywords – Maastricht treaty and eurobonds: Amending the Maastricht treaty to address future challenges Sanctions and regulations to ensure the success of the treaty Fiscal union and a common budgetary policy are a precondition of eurobonds Effective mechanisms for taking action at European level Is the market ready to change? / Ludger Arnoldussen 24.10.2011 5 Contingent business interruption (CBI) The problem 2nd-tier suppliers 2nd-tier suppliers Insured business 1st-tier supplier 1st-tier supplier Customer Claim Incident Utility Is the market ready to change? / Ludger Arnoldussen 24.10.2011 6 CBI: Critical supply industries Definition of critical supply industries: Industries that produce parts on which other industries are highly dependent and whose failure could lead to a material CBI loss in those industries Critical supply industries identified in the context of the CBI underwriting strategy: Automotive suppliers Semiconductor production Is the market ready to change? / Ludger Arnoldussen 24.10.2011 7 CBI: Critical scenarios Combination of country/region, accumulation hazard and the particular supply industry Semiconductor production Automotive suppliers Japan earthquake Japan earthquake Japan typhoon Japan typhoon Taiwan earthquake US Midwest earthquake Taiwan typhoon US LA/California earthquake US Pacific Northwest earthquake Is the market ready to change? / Ludger Arnoldussen 24.10.2011 8 Natural catastrophes January–September 2011 Wildfires Canada, 14–22 May Severe weather, tornadoes USA, 20–27 May Hurricane Irene USA, Caribbean 22 Aug.–2 Sept. Floods India, June–Aug. Floods USA, April–May Severe weather, tornadoes USA, 22–28 April Drought USA, ongoing Floods, landslides Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Aug.–Sept. Wildfires USA, April/Sept. Landslides, flash floods Brazil, 12/16 Jan Earthquake, tsunami Japan, 11 March Floods Pakistan Aug.–Sept. Drought Somalia ongoing Cyclone Yasi Australia, 2 Feb. Earthquake Floods, New Zealand, 22 Feb. flash floods Earthquake Australia New Zealand, 13 Dec. 2010–Jan. 2011 June Number of events: 550 Natural catastrophes Geophysical events (Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions) Hydrological events (Floods, mass movements) Selection of major loss events (see table) Meteorological events (Windstorms) Climatological events (Temperature extremes, droughts, wildfires) © 2011 Munich Reinsurance Company, Geo Risks Research, NatCatSERVICE Is the market ready to change? / Ludger Arnoldussen 24.10.2011 9 Natural hazards in Europe Munich Re’s own models are regularly checked and optimised using all available information: Our own analysis results Studies like the GDV’s “Scenarios for Germany – Impacts of climate change on the loss situation in the insurance industry” Findings produced by external models Conclusion: Windstorm modelling has improved thanks to new data on current storms and revised historical data. The updating of Munich Re’s Storm Europe model results overall (including in Germany) in an increase in the burning cost From the insurers’ perspective, the reinsurance structure may need adjustment to maintain the present level of protection. Munich Re will continue to make available its previous high capacity provided technically adequate prices are achieved. Is the market ready to change? / Ludger Arnoldussen 24.10.2011 10 Renewals 2011 – First evidence of improved prospects Factors putting upward pressure on pricing Renewals 2011 – Munich Re's portfolio Prolonged low-interest rate environment – Quite likely scenario Reserve releases drying out – Redundancies largely exhausted Introduction of RMS11 – Impact to become increasingly visible Reduced capacity – Result of large losses, but still artificially inflated industry capital % 100 €m 10,596 –15.8 84.2 5.1 15.1 104.3 1,678 8,918 540 1,595 11,052 Change in premium: Thereof price movement: Thereof change in exposure for our share: +4.3% +1.0% +3.3% Fragmentation of p-c reinsurance market Examples US casualty Proportional business Stable Examples Loss-affected segments Nat cat business Large commercial business Specific motor markets Expected price change Increasing Total Cancelled Renewed renewable Increase New Estimated on business outcome renewable Munich Re actively managing the reinsurance cycle – Overall improving prospects with differing characteristics depending on business line and area Is the market ready to change? / Ludger Arnoldussen 24.10.2011 11 Future prospects Reinsurance and primary insurance market further affected by capital market fluctuations, primarily due to debt crisis and low-interest-rate environment Reinsurance markets remain fragmented Cycles flatten out Strict focus on profitability is more vital than ever in times of major uncertainty. Is the market ready to change? / Ludger Arnoldussen 24.10.2011 12 Disclaimer This presentation contains forward-looking statements that are based on current assumptions and forecasts of the management of Munich Re. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could lead to material differences between the forward-looking statements given here and the actual development, in particular the results, financial situation and performance of our Company. The Company assumes no liability to update these forward-looking statements or to conform them to future events or developments. Is the market ready to change? / Ludger Arnoldussen 24.10.2011 13
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