英語 - 常葉学園短期大学

平成24年度 常葉学園短期大学 特待生入学試験 『 英 語 』
(60分・100点) 注 意 事 項 1.試験開始の合図があるまで、問題用紙・解答用紙の中を見てはいけません。 2.この表紙以外に、問題用紙が5枚(p.1
10)・解答用紙が1枚あります。 試験中に問題用紙・解答用紙の印刷不鮮明・枚数の不足・汚れ等に気付いた 場合は、手を挙げて監督者に知らせなさい。 3.解答用紙には解答欄以外に次の記入欄があるので、監督者の指示に従って、 それぞれ正しく記入しなさい。 ① 受 験 番 号 欄 受験番号を算用数字で記入。 ② 氏 名 欄 氏名を楷書で記入。 4.解答は、すべて解答用紙に記入しなさい。 5.問題用紙の余白等は適宜利用してもかまいません。 6.試験終了後、この表紙と問題用紙は持ち帰ってもかまいません。 7.問1∼問5 全科共通問題(ただし、問1の(16)
(20)については、英語 英文科の受験者は解答しなくてよい。) 問6 リスニング問題(英語英文科の受験者のみ解答) 8.英語英文科の受験者は問6のリスニング問題を最初に放送しますので、 試験開始後すぐに問6の問題ページを開け、まず設問を読みなさい。 問1. 次の(1) ∼ (20)の空所に入れるのに最も適切なものをア ∼ エの中から1つ選び、その
記号を記しなさい。なお、英語英文科の受験者は(16)以下は解答しなくてよい。 (1) When Nate saw a young woman fall into the river, he jumped in and (
ア. produced
イ. rescued
ウ. created
エ. accepted
(2) Nancy works at a hotel. She carries bags and (
ア. opens
イ. makes
ウ. lends
(3) If you need (
ア. further
(4) Tom (
) her.
) guests to their rooms.
エ. shows
) information about the company, you can contact them anytime.
イ. pleasant
ウ. tight
エ. rude
) gets a chance to eat out, so he was excited when his parents took him to an
Italian restaurant for his birthday.
ア. bravely
イ. frankly
ウ. rarely
エ. precisely
(5) When Mr. Johnson retired, the president thanked him for the great (
) he had made
to the company over the years.
ア. judgment
(6) She (
ア. gained
イ. hesitation
ウ. confidence
エ. contribution
) a large amount of money by producing new computer programs.
イ. proved
ウ. attached
(7) My friends and I were discussing (
エ. applied
) it would be better to go on a tour or travel
around the city by ourselves when we visit Kyoto on vacation.
ア. though
イ. unless
ウ. while
エ. whether
(8) Betty goes swimming every day (
ア. over
イ. except
) Sunday. The pool is closed that day.
ウ. among
エ. upon
(9) It was cold and rainy all weekend, but the sun finally (
ア. worked
イ. found
ウ. came
(10) On a clear day, the tower is (
ア. definite
イ. possible
) out on Monday.
エ. hold
) from over 100 kilometers away.
ウ. remote
エ. visible
(11) I think your suit looks great, but that tie doesn’t really (
ア. pass by
イ. take after
ウ. go with
(12) The (
) it.
エ. look like
) to this math problem is on the next page, but don’t look at it until you have
found the answer for yourself.
ア. objection
イ. edition
ウ. relation
エ. solution
(13) Alice (
) her mother. She has the same brown hair, blue eyes, and charming smile.
ア. looks after
イ. takes after
ウ. looks into
エ. takes over
(14) Make (
ア. out
) that the doors and windows are locked before you go out.
イ. it
ウ. off
エ. sure
(15) Since Jack started reading a book about Japan, he has talked of nothing (
Japanese history.
ア. and
イ. but
※ ここから以下(16)
ウ. for
エ. as
(20)については、英語英文科の受験者は解答しなくてよい。 (16) We have to do something to (
ア. pick
イ. get
) rid of the cockroaches.
ウ. take
エ. make
(17) My brother will spend five years in New York. His main (
) for going is to study
Broadway musicals there.
ア. behavior
(18) (
イ. accident
エ. subject
) the newspaper, there was a big earthquake in Turkey yesterday.
ア. Thanks to
イ. According to
(19) The park always reminds Jill (
ア. upon
ウ. reason
イ. from
(20) The street near the station is so (
ア. deep
イ. low
ウ. Such as
エ. Up to
) her childhood, when she played there nearly every
ウ. of
エ. through
) that trucks aren’t able to use it.
ウ. narrow
エ. wide
問2. 次の(1) ∼ (5)の各対話において、空所に入れるのに最も適切なものをそれぞれア ∼ エ
(1) A: Dad, I’m going to send Grandmother a thank-you card for the birthday present.
B: That’s a good idea. (
A: No. I’ll make one myself and draw a picture on it.
B: Great. She will love it.
ア. What will you do with the card?
イ. Are you going to buy the card?
ウ. Do you know how to make the card?
エ. Will you make your own card?
(2) A: Hello, Mary. I was just watching TV, and I saw you on the news!
B: Yes. On my way to work this morning, a reporter asked me some questions about the
A: You looked very relaxed, and you spoke well. (
B: Thank you, Jim. That’s not a bad idea.
ア. I was surprised that your answers were wonderful.
イ. That was great experience, wasn’t it?
ウ. You must answer the questions.
エ. You should be a reporter.
(3) A: Excuse me. Where is the principal’s office?
B: It’s three doors down on the right. (
A: Yes, it’s at four. I’m Ellen Adam.
B: I see. Please wait a moment. I’ll tell him that you’re here.
ア. Do you have an appointment?
イ. Do you understand where it is?
ウ. Do you know what time it is?
エ. Do you have time?
(4) A: Hi, I’m checking in for the flight to Japan. My name is Nancy Brown.
B: OK, Ms. Brown. May I see your passport, please?
A: Sure. Here it is. And (
), if possible.
B: I’m sorry. Special requests need to be made at least two days in advance.
ア. I want to change my flight
イ. I ordered a special meal three days ago
ウ. I’d like to order a vegetarian meal
エ. I need to make a reservation
(5) A: There is nothing in the kitchen to make dinner with. Let’s get some takeout tonight.
B: OK, I’ll go to get something. (
A: How about Chinese food? We haven’t had that for a long time.
B: That sounds good.
ア. What do you feel like eating?
イ. What food did you get?
ウ. Where do you want to go?
エ. What do you think?
問3. 次の各文(1)∼(5)において、それぞれ下の①∼⑤の語句を並べ替えて空所を補い、文を完
(1) Even though Sandra’s project was due last Friday, ( ※ )(
)( ※ )(
( ※ ). She said that she needs another two weeks.
① far
② finished
④ being
⑤ it is
(2) Martha ( ※ )(
)( ※ )(
③ from
)( ※ ) with her. I already had plans, so she went
with her mother instead.
① I would
② whether
④ asked
⑤ me
③ go shopping
(3) Sandra was planning to have a barbecue party last weekend. But when she found it was
going to rain both Saturday and Sunday, she ( ※ )(
)( ※ )(
)( ※ )
① put
② until
④ this
⑤ it
③ off
(4) A: Are you really going to pay that much for a purse?
B: It ( ※ )(
)( ※ )(
)( ※ ) it costs. It is exactly the purse I’ve been
looking for!
① much
② me
④ matter to
⑤ how
③ doesn't
(5) A: Do you really think this CD will help me improve my French?
B: Yes. The more you listen to it, ( ※ )(
)( ※ )(
)( ※ ) what people are
① the
② will be
④ it
⑤ easier
③ to understand
問4. 次の文章を読み、空所(1)∼(5)に入れるのに最も適切なものを、それぞれ下のア ∼ エか
Sea Turtles and Light
Each summer, female sea turtles come to the beaches in Sarasota County, Florida, to lay their
eggs in the sand. Between 50 and 60 days later, thousands of tiny baby turtles, called
hatchlings, make their way from their nests back to the sea. Reaching the sea quickly is
( 1 ) for the survival of these hatchlings.
The hatchlings are born at night and automatically head for the brightest thing they can see.
Because it reflects light, water is brighter than land. Under ( 2 ) conditions, therefore,
the hatchlings move straight to the sea. Nowadays, however, more and more electric lights
are being used near beaches, and so the hatchlings often move toward streetlights or houses
instead of the sea. As a result, many of them weaken and die or are killed by cars on nearby
Artificial lights can also affect the mother turtles.
Like hatchlings, females
attempting to return to the sea after laying their eggs can become ( 3 ) and start traveling
in the wrong direction.
In order to solve this problem, Sarasota County has started a program to control the amount
of artificial light. The program has two aims. One is to lessen the amount of ( 4 )
lighting by turning off streetlights during the nesting and hatching season. The other is to
educate people about other ways to help sea turtles. There are many things that can be
done by individuals. These include turning off beachfront lighting during the nesting and
hatching season, lowering the lights in their houses, and shutting curtains after dark.
The results have been ( 5 ). The darkened beaches have allowed both female and
hatchling sea turtles to return quickly and safely to the sea. Now, many other communities
in Florida have introduced their own sea turtle protection programs. Working together,
individuals and local governments can make a big difference in the sea turtles’ chances of
(1) ア. grateful
イ. famous
ウ. essential
エ. unnecessary
(2) ア. favorite
イ. artificial
ウ. natural
エ. uncomfortable
(3) ア. wounded
イ. confused
ウ. involved
エ. recommended
(4) ア. main
イ. similar
ウ. public
エ. efficient
(5) ア. puzzling
イ. relaxing
ウ. damaging エ. promising
問 5. 次の英文を読み、次ページの(1)
A Man Who Changed the World
In October 2011, a man passed away at the age of 56. Newspapers and magazines around
the world changed their headlines and many TV stations interrupted their regular programs
to announce the story, something that usually happens only for a president or other political
leader. This man was neither of those. He was a charismatic American businessman who
revolutionized the way we think about and use personal computers, and his name was
Steven Paul “Steve” Jobs.
Though Steve would grow to be very well known, most people do not know that he was raised
by adoptive parents. He met his “birth parents”, but never referred to them as his “real
parents”. He was extremely close to his adoptive*1 father, who taught him how to work well
with his hands, and his adoptive mother, who taught him to read before he entered school.
He credits his adoptive parents with his success in school and in his later life. When Steve
Jobs became CEO*2 of Apple, he famously took only $1 a year for his salary. Of course he
owned 5 million Apple shares*3, as well as 138 million shares in Disney, so Forbes magazine
estimated his wealth at $8.3 billion in 2010, making him the 42nd wealthiest American.
Apple Inc. is what most people think of when they think of Steve Jobs. He and his partner,
Steve Wozniak, were co-founders of this now famous company in the 1970’s.
Jobs left
Apple in 1985 and began another computer company called NeXT. He also became involved
in a company called Pixar Animation, which produced such hit movies as Toy Story and
Wall-E. When Apple company bought NeXT, Jobs came back to the company he co-founded,
serving as a temporary CEO from 1997, then becoming permanent CEO from 2000, onwards,
leading the company in their production of the iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, and iPad.
Steve Jobs was a perfectionist, and a demanding boss, but he succeeded in nearly everything
he did. One of his mottos was “Think Different” which became a catch-phrase for Apple’s
advertisements. Another motto was “Make it Great”. In September 2011, Steve Jobs was
ranked number 17 in a list of the World’s Most Powerful People. After he quit as Apple's
CEO because of his diagnosis*4 of cancer, Jobs was thought of as the Thomas Edison and
Henry Ford of his time. Like those great men, Jobs was a man whose ideas revolutionized
several fields. Computing, business, innovation, high-tech design, and animated movies
changed dramatically. Many people believe he changed the face of the modern world.
Dying at 56 years old is too young for anyone. For someone with so many new ideas to die at
such a young age makes us all wonder what he would have done had he lived longer. Our
hearts go out to his family, his wife, and the four children he left behind. At times, Steve
Jobs seemed to be able to see the future…and it seems unlikely that anyone will take his
place very soon.
【注】*1. adoptive 養子関係の
*3. share (企業の)株
*2. CEO 最高経営責任者
*4. diagnosis 診断結果
(1) TV programs were interrupted with the news of Steve Jobs’ death …
(2) He became the 42nd wealthiest man in America …
(3) Steve Jobs started a new company called NeXT…
(4) Many kinds of businesses were influenced by Steve Jobs…
(5) There is nobody who can replace Steve Jobs easily …
ア. because he was an important political leader.
イ. and quit NeXT in 1997.
ウ. because he owned a lot of shares in two companies.
エ. because he could “see” the future better than most people.
オ. so he resigned as CEO.
カ. because he changed the way people use computers.
キ. because his wife and children will miss him very much.
ク. after he left Apple in the mid ’80s.
ケ. so people compared him to other men who had changed the world.
コ. because he had a salary of $1 a year.
問6. 【リスニング問題:英語英文科の受験者のみ解答しなさい。
ただ今から対話文を放送します。その対話文について、下に(1) ∼ (5)の質問があります。
を、それぞれア ∼ エから1つ選び、その記号を記しなさい。なお、対話文は2回放送し
【注】 対話は、女性と男性による会話です。女性が最初に話します。
(1) Where is this conversation taking place?
ア. in a car wash
イ. at the woman's house
ウ. in a car rental office
エ. at a gas station
(2) What size car did the woman want?
ア. economy-size
イ. full-size
ウ. medium-size
エ. It does not say.
(3) Why doesn’t the woman like the windows in the first car?
ア. They don’t have a CD player.
イ. They are not “power” windows
ウ. She wants to clean them.
エ. It does not say.
(4) In the end, how much more money a day will the woman pay for her car?
ア. $5
イ. $21.99
ウ. $7
エ. It does not say.
(5) How does the woman feel about the man’s company?
ア. She is tired.
イ. She feels satisfied.
ウ. She wants their advertisement.
エ. She is unhappy with it.
平成 24 年度 特待生入学試験『英語』 問6リスニング問題スクリプト
A is a travel agent; B is Andrew
Perfect Travel. How may I help you?
Hi. My name’s Andrew Chao. I need to change my flight reservation.
OK. And what’s your flight number?
It’s Flight 035 from Quebec to Bermuda, on Friday the 18th.
OK. What would you like to change it to?
Well, I need to fly to Atlanta instead of Bermuda. Is that possible?
Yes, we do have a flight from Quebec to Atlanta.
Good. I’d also like to change the date to Sunday the 20th.
OK. That’s Flight 143 leaving at 2:35 pm. Please hold the line and I’ll
check availability. Thank you for waiting. I’m sorry but the only seats
available are in business class.
How much is a business class ticket?
That would be an extra $95. And I’m afraid there’s also a $30 charge
for changing the reservation.
Hmm, so that’s $95 for the ticket plus the $30 charge. So altogether an
extra $125.
That’s correct, sir.
Well… I have to be in Atlanta on Monday morning for a meeting, so I
don’t have much choice…OK. Go ahead and change my reservation,
Certainly, sir. And will you be paying by credit card?
Yes. I’d like to use my Visa card.
Certainly. Can I have your card number and expiration date, please?
OK, it’s 4486-1400-00……