MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY Vol.14 No.2 W[arch 1996 特集論文/解 首J学とコンピュータ Computer Utilization and the lnternet in Acadeェ Hc Activities Haruyuki TATSUMI*1'米 2 Abstract Trivial deskwork,associated with research and education,could be reduced by using computer workstations connected to the lnternet.This enables us to accelerate computer‐ ized and information― oriented society. The lnternet has both elements in mass and “ ■lini''communications.Thus,there are many exceptions or possibillties in the lnternet in terms of conventional common sense.Taking these characteristics of the lnternet into account,I,an anatornist,dissect the lnternet into personal computing and interpersonal communication, discussing the aspects of the ne、 v communication tools. In addition, I elucidate the metaphysical issues behind the lnternet in search of the solutions and introduce our trials in JapaneSe Association of Anatonlists. Introduction ln anatomy, by dissecting the body into small componets, we elucidate the functional roles and relationships of the components.That is an easiest way to understand complicated structures.Now,the ling and complicated thatitis hard to understand.In this paper,based on lny experience lnternet is so boo■ in taking advantage of computers and the lnternet in research and acadenlic activities,I will dissect the modern conveniences and analyze the lnetaphysical issues as a hyper一 end user〔 7,8〕. 1. Backgrounds in computerization Though computers are so priHlitive as compared with human brai五 , the development of computers managed to catch up、 vith that of human.Therefore,it is high tirne to use computers for enhancement of our intellectual activites.I state the evidences comparing the developmental history of human with that of computer in terms of intelligence,and analyze the background issues on computerization in our society. 辛 l Departrnent of・ Anatomy, Sapporo WIedical University School of ヽ 仁 edicine, Sl W17, Chuo― ku, Sapporo 060,」 apan.E rnail i [email protected] accept i」anuary 29,1996. 中 2 A member of the database committee of JapaneSe Association of Anatomists 1,2,3〕 Manager of」 apan Committee for Research Networks(JCRN)〔 A member of the steering committee of Japan Network lnformation Center(JPNIC)〔 4,5〕 6〕 Representative of Network Organization of ResearCh and Technology in Hokkaido(NORTH)〔 Key words i Computer literacy,Internet,Information service,Japanese Association of AnatonlistS, Hyper―end user arch 1996 MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY Vol.14 No.2 M【 1) A comparison betweem mankind and computer in the developmental history Human History: 1. Mankind created language.One could begin to coHlrnunicate with the other persons. 11. Mankind devised characters and paper.Ideas and events could be recorded and passed on to the next generation. 111. Mankind invented IIlovable type printing.′ ア rite lnore and more legible and rhis enabled us to、 、 eventually led to the creativity of books,one of rnan's greatest feats.The beginning of the spread Of civilization. iv. Mankind developed message delivering system.For exmaple,postal service,telecornlnunication and computer networks. Computer H[istory:Silnilar developmental processes are observed in the history of computer. 1. Mankind created computer languages and operating systerrLS(OS).This enabled us to conllnuni‐ c a t e w i t h c o m p u t e r s b y u s i n g w o r d s ( n o t w i t h l a n d O ) . ii. Mankind devised ASCII(AIlllerican Standaed Code for lnformation lnterexchange)and IIlany kinds of recording media for digital data。 い江agnetic tapes and floppy,hard and optical disks. These are being substituted for paper and pencils. ilio Mankind invented word processors and desk top publishing software.Our idea or concept can be processed and printed by using computers. iv. Mankind developed a computer network,the lnternet. Follo、 ving the sirnilar human developmental processes,computers are changing their pictures from a simple calculator to various tools for intellectual activities,corning close to us and accelerating much more our intellectual development. 2)Many aspects of computers lmages for computers in our rninds are totally different fronl each other,because they serve as various machines according to software.This sometilnes causes us to be in disagreement when we are discussing computer utilization,I will name some of the images for computers in our■ ・“Fami com"in」 apanese(A dedicated computer for TV games) linds. ・TV games on personal computers ・“Wor― pro"in Japanese(All― in―one dedicated computer with printer for word processing and printing) 。``Paso― tsuu"in JapaneSe(PersOnal computer cornlnunication networks) 。Database ・Attultivariate statistical analysis,scientific calculation and solution of arithmetic problem. ・Expert systenl,artificial intelligence and neural nets. ・Data processing (signals,numerals,characters,images and sb on) There exists so many usages as computer programs are developed,ho、 vever,someone imagines only a TV game or a sirnple calculator on discussing computerization,These kinds of■ lisunderstandings and preiudiCes inhibit the computerization in organizations and the development of human beings. 2. Issues in computer utilization What is the best computer P Is the crucial point the speed,the number of functions or the easy user― Anyway,simple is the best,of course,but there is a pitfall. interface P It is up to thc userS・ 1) Abuse of dedicated IBrlachines in Japan vith their jObs,they would like to use computers to save their tirne.They have Since workers are busy、 MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY Vol.14 No.2 March 1996 to make tirne to read thick manuals,so they have little tilne to do extra things,1.e.studying computer hard、vare,OS and programrning. Japanese companies noticed the business chances,giving thern much convenience with the specialized computers.Therefore,``wor一 pro"and``off一 corn(office computers)"are thriving in Japan,ThiS is a good thing in the short run,but a nllschance in the long run.The users lost a lot of chances to study computers and software under pressure of necessity. 2) Difficult and easy to use vith personal computers, Computers are originally calculators,ho、 vever,it is very difficult to calculate、 vorkstations or main frames.Do you think so P These computers need special programs for calculation. 、 As for the workstation,we must start up the machine with the OS(UNIX),login the system,and run the Xヽ Vindo、v Systen■,a window manager and a calculator program.There are so many complicated steps, 「 、 、 hich deter us from using computers.But once、 ve set the procedures in a progranl,it is very easy to use. Therefore,we had better learn sort of prograHllning to some extent.As a byproduct of``Do lt WIyself", ve are not controlled by the computer,but we could this gives us a superior feeling to the computers that、 質 aking someone set up the procedures control the machine,eventually providing us、 vith a peaceful rnind.帥 vill,because it is very hard to rnodify the prograrn unless vith ease but not at、 in a progranl,you can use it、 you kno、v how to set up. Computers have grも at potential,changing into assistant tools for intellectual activity.Their value much depends on the soft、vare and much more on the software's soft、 vare in our rnind,1,e.our way to use the vare.Therefore,we have to cultivate the ability to use software.In a sense,the dedicated computers soft、 spoil us,because they are less flexible,Dedicated computers have specific uses,therefore average people buying computers slould be aware of this and buy computers that offer more versatile use with more useful software. 3) Another point of view for computerization ln terms of what we can do、 vith computers,the critical point is quite different between engineering and medical fields.I asked some of the professors of engineering about some programs, ``Can you make?" い ve can,of course."Itヽ vas a very kind of them.I immediately begged them They would often say,て Fes夕、 to use it.They were usually at a loss to make an excuse.They said,“ It is certainly possible if we try to make it.But,we haven't tried yet.It takes several months or so.I anl sorry."I have noticed that their vant to use it now. sense of tirne and possibillity is different frolrn ours in rnedical field.If it is posSible,I、 re,in lnedical field,cannot wait so long.For example,a patient with abdorninal pain is t。 ld that the pain ヽ ヽ 、 vill disappear.At that tilne,the patient expects that the pain、 vill disappear soon if he gets a medical treatrnent.If it takes several rnonths to dissipatelhe pain、vith the treatrnent,he can be impatient with great anger at the doctor's statement.い 江any things are theoretically possible with lomputers,but it is usually difficult to do ilnlnediately. Dedicated software engineers can and often、 vill create the necessary software to do and solve most problems within the scope of their scientific knowledge if the task is properly specified;therefore if vho can write the medical doctors are able tO describe their need,there are competent software engineerも 、 necessary soft、vare―some tirnes to their o、vn surprise, they shock themselves. To describe our need properly,we had better kno、 v about cOmputers and programs. vare should be improved.If prograHllners can make it in a few■ Productivity of the soft、 linutes,they 、 vould do it for me.Because it takes substantial days or man一 hours,they would not accept my entreaty. In addition,much more important things are motive power、 vhich let them overcome the crucial point between``to do"and``not to doル .There is an episode:Atty friend had rnade up his lnind to buy a computer. MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY Vol.14 No.2 W[arch 1996 Butit took two years to buy it without any reason.I can not think he had decided.He had been hesitating and procrastinating for two yearsi ln order to meet the users' demands, cOmputer programs consist of so many functions that it is v all ofthemo We can not apply the computer to ourjob unless we know a little ilnpossible for users to kno、 bit about the computer and the prograrn in advance.It is very difficult to learn them practically unless we possess either of themo Somehow,we have to take a chance to introduce computers.This is the case with the lnternet,which was popular only in the linlited number of disciplines.Nowadays the lnternet is indispensable and so widely and rapidly spreading out to become an environment.If you do not have any connectivity to the lnternet,it is hard to understand the usefulness of the lnternet environment. 4) Computer literacy:literacy for the next generation Literacy means abilities to read and write.In Japan,from old days,silnilar standard abilities learned in a “terakoya (temple school in old days)"have been ``yonll(reading), kaki(writing)and soroban (calculation)." Besides so一called literacy,calculation had been a standard requirement in Japan. I am vas a step proud of the fact,inasmuch as Japan iS far behind the United States in computer utilization but、 ahead in old days in terms of a standard requirement. At first,computers played the part of calculation.Then,due to the advent of、 vord processors and so on,computers come to be used for the literacy parto So the ability to utilize computers is the literacy for the next generation〔 3〕.The computers and networks are of extensive use.We had better cultivate the abillity to use thenl as soon as possible.There are,ho、vever,still lnisunderstandings about computers as a simple calculator or a playing machine. Therefore in part, quite a fe、 v people hesitate to make themselves master of the new literacy.In research field,I think that computer literacy must be prerequi‐ site and should promote computerization in order to accelerate sciences and human development. 5) Other issues in computer utilization l name some of the issues,which l do no refer to in detall here. ・Paper― less or―more with computer utilization?Paperwork is very important.No job is finished till the paper、vork is done! ・E)istinct purpose to use computer is needed. ・Front end processor for Japanese should be improved very much. ・Shortage in computer technologists having a special line other than computer fields. P English proficiency is very important i Scanty of manuals and documentations in」 apanese, 。What is the best computer i many functions or a silnple operation? ,IIow to dealヽ Vith computer― dependent syndrome. 3. Some of the solutions for the issues lsolated computers and fragmented networks are being integrated into one and only 、 vorldwide network, the lnternet. Thus, human progress is much more accelerated by computer utilization and integration.Therefbre,we had better to take advantage of thern,even to solve the computer problems themselves.First we have to use computer for our purposes,1.e.personal computing〔 9,10〕. 1) Personal computing in academic activities For what can researchers use computersP Except the specialists in computer science, most of the researchers are not professlonal in computers.As l described above,computers are under査 Oing rnetamor‐ phosis into intellectual tools and information processing machine.Therefore,computers come to have lots of possibilities in many fields.Then,ho、v can personal computing assist out activiry P On the contrary, TECHNOLOGY Vol.14 No.2 March 1996 MEDICAL IMAGING vhat is it that we need in common P 、 ・Integrated information system. 一 Acquisition of information 一M a n a g e m e n t ( R e u s e ) o f i n f o r m a t i o n ― Exchange of information ・Data processing and analyzing system. ・Publishing system. 一― Tools for writing dictionary, thesaurus, lexicon, spell checker, grammar checker, idea processor, outline processor, reference maker,etc. ′ 一― r。。ls for visualization (lmage,graph,schema,figure,etc.) 一 Tools for printing(DTP:Desk Top Publishing) vith each other and connected For comfortable personal computing,various tools must be integrated、 tO the lnternet with high data一 compatibility。 lrhis is important not only for the personal computing but also for the interpersonal communication.Nowadays,some of the scientific data should be subrnitted as computer readable data,which save tilne and money to input and correct the data.If you use computers mail. connected、 vith the lnternet in order to make the data,it is very easy to send the data via e一 2) Interpersonal conllllunication i activities of acadeHlic societies Though research activities are principally based on personal activity,the interpersonal cornlnunication has a great influence on research activities.In addition,the result of the research should be published and reused by others,The personal computing assists the personal activity as well as facilitates the interper, sonal coHllnuniCation. Reversely, the enhanced interpersonal cornlnunication will solve some of the problems in personal computing. To get such a comfortable environment, the following points are recommended as countermeasures. ・Use the same software. ・Unify the user interface of soft、vare, ・Develop the network community、 vhere we study and teach each other. ・Fully一computerize acadelnic societies. One ofthe answersis GNU(Free Software Foundation)software,which is distributed over the ln without any charge.In the GNU manifesto,the general public license is intended to give everyone the right to share GNU's software.To make sure that we get the rights they、 vant us to have,they need to make Copyleft''against``Copyright." restrictions that forbid anyone to deny us these ritthtS,This is referred as“ GNU software facilitate both the personal computing and the interpersonal cornlnunication,contributing tO the evolution of the lnternet. The software is an outcome of the intellectual activities,and intellectual treasures for human being, which we should share.So is the scientific paper and various data.Though authorized information is valuable and must be paid some money,the data will be made free to access with as low price as we can in order to accelerate the development of sciences.Therefore,the cost of data collection and maintenance should be reduced. Consequently, the lnternet is the best choice for the acadernic actiVities, if every researcher is master of computer and lnternet literacy. 4. Backgrounds in the lnternet an environment.''For example,we do nottake care of the air. ve are not usually aware of“ ln general,、 MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY Vol.14 No.2 M[arch 1996 If the air pollution had happened or the air had disappeared,we would puzzle and■ otice that the air、 vas very important,We do not find the environment is important until we lose ito Since the environment itself is not so useful,it is difficult to do it justice.But it becomes indispensable once we get accustomed to it. The lnternet in Japan has not been an environment for everyone yet.We are just at the very begi of the lnternet as an environment. 1) The lnternet i an environment Good research environments are not optional,but a standard of living in colleges and universities.As an infrastructure of acade■lies,cOmputer and network systems should be installed like electric or water supplies. Local area network (LAN)is not useful in fact if there is no connection with outside. The network should be interconnected with local,regional and wide area networks,In Japan,campus LANs are being installed in many universities and colleges. In this、vay, the lnternet in Japan Started from research fields. F Networks must be installed on a large scale,1lke the lnternё t,、 vhich is alFnOSt On an environment level. Localized computerization and fragmented networks are not so powerful.Under threshold,it is allnost nothing by the all―or一nOne low. Half、vay is bad. Since the NII(National lnformation lnfrastructure) project in the United States is big,it is worth while executing.Though Japan is far behind the United States in the computerization,」 apanese government is going to execute a sirnilar project in a shorter period as compared with the United States.Before that,we need a revolution in our rnind and have to be able to deal with the lnternet. 2)The genesis of JCRN and JPNIC The lnternet is so nOvel that it is hard to forecast the future.It has extra一 ordinal potential and problems at the same tilne.In Japan,sOme ofthe ad■linistrativё 、 vork for the lnternet is carried out by volunteers, making an effort to elirninate the volunteer work to facilitate the development of the lnternet. With the rapid growth of the lnternet in Japan, many people needs correct information about the lnternet.MIoreover,most important things are official assignment and regiStration for domain names and network numbers (IP address), which are guaranteed to be unique all over the world. Without the adrninistrative work,、 vhich、vas carried out by voluntary gr6up,the lnternet could not have survived in Japan. As I Inentioned above,the lnternet is so useful especially in research fieldd that the retardation of the development of the lnternet is a stumbling block to the progress of the scences.In order to coordinate various issues concerned with research networks,the」 apan Committee for Research Networks(JCRN〔 1, 2,3〕 )was established on October 16,1990.The airn is stated in a document(anonymOus jcrn/RULE.txt,。 JCRN consists of the delegates from scientific societies and associations and research networks,which have a concern in cOmputer communication.In JCRN,the necessity of a network inforrnatiOn center for Japanese computer networks was discussed. For outgrowth fronl the conventional voluntary system of volunteers of each net、 vork organizatiOn to a systenl for fair and rapid processing by the coOperation of each network project,the Japan Net、 vork lnforrnation Center(JNIC)was inaugurated in December 1991 under JCRN,and JNIC has kept activity for about one and half years, In consequence, a1location and adlninistration of net、 vork addresses, a syste■l for providing the network information and estilnation of work quantity have become possible. Besides,JNIC has been used as a service though nOt satisfactory. However,organizatiottal foundation, especially financial foundation, could hardly be improved. Therefore, it is hard to establish a system sufficient for supporting the development of computer networks and tO corresond to commercialinternets. MEDICAL IMACING TECHNOLOGY Vol.14 No.2 March 1996 157 Under these circumstances,the Japan Network lnformation Center was newly established as an indepen‐ dent organization from JCRN.The new Japan Network lnformation Center is abbreviated as JPNIC 4,5〕 〔 ,for relations with other countries, 5 。J P N I C ・Main Functions 一 JP Domain Name Allocation 一 IP Address Allocation 一 DNS(Domain Name Server)Maintenence 一 JPNIC Database 一 Information Services related Networks 一 Domestic Liaison 一 International Liaison defined by the rules rule.txt(http://w、 ・Rules i See anonymous― of the Japan Network lnformation Center this center was established as a voluntary organization.The corrmittee is planning to incorporate JPNIC. ・Secretariat i Mansui Building 3F 2-9-18,Kanda Surugadai,Chiyoda一 ・Establishment Data:NIarch 10,1993 Ku,Tokyo l13 Japan 6。 Computer and lnternet utilization for acadelllic societies l have been considering the way to use computers itt order tO take advantage of them in my research 11-15〕 field〔 ,and spent a lot of tilne for learning computers and setting up the lnternet conn l use computers and the lnternet rnore,I realize that these modern conveniences are extraordinary useful and get an intuition that there is a high possibility to do a good research by using them. Interdisciplinary research is very important,necessitating us to communicate with each other.Coopera‐ tive research increases desk、vork for communication and previous arrangement.These laborious work, vould like to reduce it, unrelated with the essential research,is inevitable.With computer utiliZation,we、 however,it is impossible until the whole system is computerized. ' 1)ImpOrtance of systematic computerization The lnternet is so useful that we may put off the deadline of rnanuscript and can send it at once via the hours to input the characters of the lnanuscriptinto computer when l rnake lnternet.But it will take extra― the manuscript by handwriting.The attempt of writing with computer gets nowhere if the editOrial board has no e一 mail address,Thus,without systematic and integrated computerization in both Sides,there is little hope in advanced utilization of the modern conveniences in acadenlic avtivities. 2)Mass and“ mini''communicatttons,and academic societies mini"communications〔 The lnternet has Lioth elements in the media of mass and“ 16〕.As for the mass communication,which has a great influence on the general public,the contents are carefully selected and revised by the editorial board, eaも1ly making the readers believe the information with less suspicion. system about the correctness and Unlike the maSS COmmunication,the lnternet has no reliable check― righteousness of the inf9rmation, though it has a world一 wide and much more broader coverage as compared with the mass communication. In the case of ``Ininiル coHllnuniCation, such as booklet or something like private publishing,we can express anything that we wanttO Say,but the coverage is lnuch MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY Vol.14 No.2 W[arch 1996 lirnited and the influence to the world is almost negligible. In a sense, the lnternet looks like “rnini" cornlnunication in terms of the freedom of private publishing,however,、 ve can open any information to the、vorld by using the lnternet.Therefore,we should take advantage of the merit of the ne、 v media, paying attention to the demerit at the same tilne.As a countermeasure to the demerit,itrnay be important to foster a community for the lnternet users to evaluate the contents. As for the scientific data and information, one of the roles of acadernic societies is to provide the authorized,reliable or、vell― established information,which、 vill give authority to the acadernic societies in turn.Acade■ lic societies should also contribute to providing the systematic basic information of sciences, too. To put it into practice,some inhibiting factors, e.go scanty of money and manpower, should be removed.Besides,a series前 laborious procedures in the acade■lic activities should be all systematically computerized to reduce the operational expenses and inconveniences. 7. To facilitate research activities As rnankinds'treasures,the fruits of the intellectual activities, scientific paper and data,should be provided as cheap as possible for the following researchers and someone who needs it.In addition,public institutes should actively support the information exchange. Though copyrights, patents and making― money are important,we could not do research at will if the restrains、 vould be unnecessarily severe. Adrnitting the data collection,rnanagement and maintenance cost very much,I,as a resercher,want to vould like to spend rny budget to buy get a lot of scientific data and basic information free of charge and、 anatomy proper devices and chernical agents.In order to attain my dreanl,I proposed an experirllental systelrn for data― sub■litting,collecting and providing by using the lnternet,It sho、 vs a good cost―perfor‐ mance ratio,though these is nothing so special in thё system itself.I combined some useful tools(GNU and GNU equivalent software)and programmed shell and perl scripts for UNIX machines.If the cost could be reduced by using this kind of systenl,the data would be provided with cheaper price.To make database on the proceedings of the acade■ lic meeting,rnost of the acadernic societies c61lect written data by conventional mail,and put thern into computer by using manpo、 ver and a lot of money、 vith Hliss spellings.Even if such databases could be provided via the lnternet、 vith computer一retrieved systenl,the scientists,who subrnitted their data by using conventional mail,have less chance to use to lnternet and the database.If they are accustomed to the modern conveniences,it is easy to sub■ lit and retrieve the scientific data. 1) Database development From my experience working atthe JCRN and JPNIC,no database is bullt unless someone,who wants to use it, daterrnines to make it. I had a little expectation that JCRN 、 vould make database for the acadernic societies,or something like database systern for acadelnic activities,but in vain.JCRN, consisting of volunteer、vork and having neither money nor manpo、 ver, can only provide a chance to discuss the computer communication frorn the higher point of vie、v,eventually enunciate its opinion to the NIC frorn the discussion.As a member of the JCRN,it is also p u b l i c . I n f a c t , J C R N g a v e b i r t h t oP」 valuable to do an experirnent on the computerization for the data一 collecting and providing systenl using the lnternet. We are no、 v attempting to take advantage of the merit of the lnternet for the activities in Japanese Association of Anatomists(」 AA),without spending a lot of manpower and expenses.Therefore we utilized GNU and GNU equivalent software and the promptness of the lnternet,experilnentally providing information to the world by making the WWW(World Wide Web)home page ofJAA(URL http://www. MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY Vol.14 No.2 W[arch 1996 撚1艦 憾き嬰些ギロ 確 畑 h げs hh胡 間〕 〔 α岡闘 〕 t ad間 〕 〔 rsro,S",た 力:SJiS t EUC apa,θ se CoJe Co,И θ Expettmental Servicel」 〔 日本解剖学会 ホームページ Bttng to the place of the meettng ●データベース委員会 ・第100回全国学術集会:若き解割学者の集い'95 み ・百周年記念事業:ミニシンポジウム ・情報サービス: 軽 凱 鍋銚鍋 盤挽ド的<舎ェ ︲ i a M ︶ , E ● Vittble Embryo ProieCt at VISEhIBRYO.UCSF.EDU ndow Ⅶ o□NttwndoW CbSe e堕 記匝mョ 畳 □ き 襲田Stte ttm廼 匡国f舛 鶴 ●匹碁N研究そッ_LPェク連倉委員室 ミユ=Qあ 犯生世 JfttNヒ テーマ:インターネットの現状と利用法 日時 : 1995年 5月23日 13時 ∼17時 場所 : 日本教育会舘―ツ橋ホール _ DVi チ PS Data‐ oo‖ecⅢng system On line database seruce Fig.l An experirllental service of the homepage of Fig.2 Sublnission via c― mail. Japanese Association of Anatomists,which is accessed from the LAMIeN (Local Area MEdical Networks)server Of SapporO MIedi‐ cal University. (,1). 2) UtiliZation of e―mail for subllission of the data lic AA,the the` of acade■ With cooperation of the volunteer members of」 digital data of proceedings meeting(98th,99th,and 100th General ttleetings)was subnlitted via the lnternet.In this3,experiment〔 2).If you have campus LAN 17〕 ,all data which volunteers subnlitted was gathered via the lnternet(Fig。 (Local Area Net、vork)connected to the lnternet,you can send your proceedings from your rnachine with e―mall.If you do not have campus LAN,you can use through public telephone line the national public Research lnstitutPs of the Attinistry facilities for universities and research institutes(the University lnter― ー 部 省全 国共通利 用施設 大 型計算機 セ ンタ な ど),which are con‐ of Education,Science and Culture:文 nected with each other via SINET and then to the lnternet.If you do not have any account of the facllities, mall by using commercial computer networks(e.g.NIFTY,PC一VAN and so on),which you can send e― vho does not have 市as experilnentally connected to the lnternet at the beginning.In addition,for someone、 any environment of the lnternet at hand,we provided、vith the lnternet accessibility at the place of the m e e t i n g , w i t h t h e c o o p e r a t i o n o f N A C S I S ( N a t i o n a l C e n t e r f o r S c i e n c e l n f o r m a 部省学 tion Systems:文 ′ 術 情幸長セ ンター) a n d C A N O N I n c . T h e r e f o r e , a l l t h e m e m b e r s h i p c a n s u b m i t t h e i mr a id la t ia f v ti ha e ye ― are willing to do. r machine and litting systern was demonstrated using NeX′ Beside the place of the lneeting,an easy sub■ MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY Vol.14 No.2 M[arch 1996 確″ て開はわガム然圃 Make printable file with LaTeX system 虎P α ″ 容e C o t t ッ 鉢 C oわ ″ ″ I S F′S だ」C Dttaおprovmed wihIExperim叫 赳09P単:£ 雪J韓1(1993,1994,19均 上 斬 の の し て執 併は デ 夕 か ら の ぃ 牧 最 則 常 品ユ 腎 親 出 録 舞 勇 会下 動 い だ さ く 。 轟蒲野鼎纂龍笹 東 野旨 麟 □ 抄録助 a N u m t t r 解 cっ 卜d b - 0 峨 樗 卿 饒 入力して下さい を 台幽 ` Prescnted ADを byJ仝 【 巳本醒剖学会データベース委員ユ d elegtted CRN/delegtted to」 to」 PNIC i [H.TttSumt′ E―matt [email protected]〕 Sapmed,ac,jp P/jaadK〕 Fig。3 An easy submission system with DDT(Drag and Drop Tool). 国 1伸 統 匝 □ Rdoad ttett stteA品"亜 □ New Wndow Cbse Wndow Fig.5 Database search and printable file conversion with LaTeX. or a file rnade bv check button 東京大学医学部解削学第二H座 コン ピュ ー タ とに 脳論 養老/孟司 東 京大学 医学 部解 剖学 第 二 講座 計 算機 的機 能 が脳 機 能 を延長 した もの であ る こ とは明 らか だが 、 それが脳 機 能 の 一 部 であ るこ とは明 白 であ ろ う。 そ こ から、計算機自体を脳に近付けようとする試みが一方で生 里 じ、他方では計算機を人間がより利用しやすい形に発展させ 容 ようとする試みが生じる。前者は当然車門家がとりやすく、■ キュア とケア computer,anatomy,brain and gonome, Yuinou‐ Ron・mental acttvitv,cure and care The Uni資 ,sity of yo,Jl併 m【 1科 H'卓 ‖ t千 tl貯 ム 1'm Fig,4 A data― formatting and subrllission tool for e―mail. MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY Vol.14 No.2 March 1996 When the icon of the forrnatted data is dragged and DDT (Drag and Drop Tool)software(Fig.3)。 r by using mouse,a panelヽ vill appear.On the panel,there are several rnenus dropped on the icon of the DE)′ for the registration,help,test and question.By selecting one of the menu and pushing an OK button,the data will be se i m m e d i a t e l yA A s eD na tt a tb oa 」 server and l be a m ra ei pl l yw i el ― gotten in a Thus,by sending e一 mall,the data is automatically registered on the database,sending back the registered number to the author. The format of the data is automatically checked at the registration.When the sending. format is wrong,the data will be send back with suggestion and request of re一 The programmer(MIr.T Asakawa),who made the DDT,giving his approval t0 0ur activities,made mail(Fig。 4).The prOgram another NeXT Step program for formatting the data and sending it as e― cOnsists of a panelヽ vith several switches and blank boxes,in which we put the data directly frona the keyboard,by``cut and paste"frorn another file on the display,or frorn a formatted data file.The data file can be also Checked with this soft、vare by incorporating into the panel.Thus collected data is immediately opened to the public via WWW server and Gopher server. Furthermore,we provide not only a search function by using、 also a printing function of the proceedings(Fig.5∼ vaisindex for the database(Fig.1)but 7)by using CGI(ConllnOn Gateway lnterface)of Wヽ V`内アserver.Based on the format of the database,the text file is converted into a LaTeX format,which is complled to make dvi(device independent)flle,then converting into a PostScript file.The tex,dvi,ps formatted files can be seen and obtained through WWW server(Fig.6).The printed form is according tO the conventional one recornlnended by JAA (Fig.7).In this case,all the rnembership do not have any LaTeX and dvi2ps programs.They only send data by e― mail and get the converted flles via the lnternet. Once the converted flle is downloaded onto your machine,the LaTeX source file can be modified as you like.If the authorities of acade■ lic societies provide this kind of service on the lnternet and all member‐ 百村ビ I M a k e u m 郊 D ∝ 防 側配 耐 阻 t t X b 乱 乱 研 〃 卿 性 S a p R e d .y 鍋 c ぶ 回 号 b i v A 航町 瞳球 伊 側 ー 晴久(東京大学大型計算機セ ンタ ) LaTeX source file,DVI nle and POstScript ttle佃 鷹醸褒l IL型 空こ 亦=織 ジ】 コンピュータに象徴される情報科学は、二、三年前まで ンが年間300万台も出荷され、職場でも家庭でも盛んに た ≧ion 2.99-jl.7e mO fOrnat prelbttedl 芦準 ぃえず、マルチメディア時代へ向けて、情報科学は脳 蕊ぎt早 寮丹cス MaY 1989> rsion 22409く 電 立舌 t舌 督 め sm内 伸 か 霞 登 繕署難推群(仰 舞 館路先 村 8登 2134 bytes). ・ 告 :itttn瑠 :せ !:せ :批 軽 gtte′ 鑑.蛤 回 回 =き てぃる。 さて、今後のことを考 えると、多 くの人 々 ユ ーザがいるパ ソコン通信の次の段階 としてのイ ンター ネ ッ ト (情報 ハ イウェイ)で ある。通 くにいる研究者 と えば、さまざまな情報 の大手や 自らの情報発信 が可能 □ □ 回 辮瑠u摺│シ評蕪霊鞄ロ や代 奪 ◆ 鍾 回囲 目畳 亘 を 堅 壺 塵国宇 SaVeAsmttNewWndgwlCttsettndowi Fig.6 Results of cOmpiling and converted LaTeX source,DVI and PS files. Fig.7 DVI file previewer(xdvi). few minutes MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY Vol,14 No。 2 March 1996 mail,this enables the authorities tO provide the data as cheap as possible in turn. ship send the data via e― This experilnental service of JAA,prOVided by an amateur with much help fron■ the lnternet people, is not an official service.Taking advantage of the lnternet,the drearn lnentioned above will come true. Anyway,it is necessary that as soon as possible,rnany researchers come into the lnternet and utilize it. As a result,our reserch activities are faclitated and will culrninate in good results,I hope. 8. The future in the lnternet Scientific research net、 vorks are the origin of the lnternet in Japan.As lnentioned abOve,」 CRN played a valuable role in the development of the lnternet,giving rise to the generation of JPNIC. Thereafter, JCRN is supposed to facilitate research activities through computer conllnunication in coniunctiOn with the A/1inistry of Education,Science and Culture,other organizations and so on. For the、vealthy and healthy development of the lnternet in the future,、 vhich is worth for not only research but also business fields,」 PNIC should be reinforced frorn all quarters.This is a basic part of the lnternet,on which the other information sevices of the lnternet are dependent.Therefore we need first such a stable infrastructure and then we can plle up our efforts and fruits for the future. From now on then,Inore and more of computers and net、 vorks、vill be installed in many places,We, users,have to be much more enlightened to adapt ourselves to the ne、v environment and have to develop new common sense and morals in the lnternet community. With infrastructures alone,we can not attain great achievements.い 江etaphysical things,such as soft― ware's soft、 vare and the integration of the systern,are important to build up on the infrastructure,Paying attension to the metaphysical part of the lnternet,I、 vould like to play a role in the healthy development of the lnternet as a hyper― end user. Note Some parts of this paper、 vere presented at the 6th lnternational Conferencc on Electronic Publishing (1994/6/ 17)〔5〕 ,the 2nd JCRN Seminar(1995/5/23),Computer Graphics Osaka'95(1995/6/23)and lnternational 10〕 Conference on Network Protocols(1995/11/7)〔 . 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