目 次 1. - Amazon Web Services

解 答・全 訳
1. ⑴When Darwin died, the idea of female choice all but died with him and, like Sleeping Beauty,
remained essentially unconscious for one hundred years.
The person who planted the
awakening intellectual kiss and roused the whole field of sexual selection to new heights was
behavioral ecologist Malte Andersson of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. He conducted
⑵an elegant experiment that involved shortening and elongating (using scissors and superglue)
the tail feathers of long-tailed widowbirds, and showed that females preferred the long-tailed
males. Female choice was alive and flying and, in later research, was shown to be widespread
throughout the animal kingdom.
⑴ 下線部⑴を日本語に訳せ。
⑵ 下線部⑵とその後の研究でわかったことを 30 字以内の日本語で簡潔に説明せよ。ただし,句読点
Some, like George, have given up a career that was demanding too much ( ⑴ ) them.
Others couldn’t stand the pressure and the competition. A thirty-five-year-old woman, who had
a high position in her company, decided to leave when she found herself suffering from allergies
that made her life miserable. She had two children and no savings; but ⑵even her anxiety
about the future couldn’t spoil her feeling of relief and her new peace of mind. Her health
improved. She may never work again; if she does, she says that she will take small temporary
⑴ ( ⑴ )に入る語としてもっともふさわしいものを下記から選び,番号で答えなさい。
① with
② from
③ at
④ in
⑤ on
⑵ 下線部⑵を日本語に訳しなさい。
When I was young, he was brave to the point of recklessness, burning with excited energy,
refusing to ever compromise. In fact, while we’re on the subject of bridges, he once got into a
fight with a Military Policeman while crossing one in Berlin shortly after the war ― it ended
when my father threw him into the Spree river. Oh yes, he was a tough character back then,
well able to stand up for himself. But, as he grew older, something hiding inside that he’d kept
away for so long by sheer willpower, some dark and twisted thing, grew stronger, began to destroy
his spirit.
⑴ 下線部を日本語に訳しなさい。
2 .時 制・受 動 態
4. Unfortunately, ⑴there is still a need for a Battersea Dogs & Cats Home more than 150 years
after it first opened. Even now, some people continue to treat their pets badly. A lot of pets are
also left abandoned on the street because they are more expensive to look after and more difficult
to handle than their owners realized. At the same time, however, the situation at Battersea has
changed considerably over the years since 1860. An increasing number of people now take their
pets there voluntarily because of changing personal circumstances in their lives. For example, a
young couple may have a new baby, or an elderly couple may have to move into a nursing home.
They can therefore no longer provide their pets with the best home possible. As for Boo Boo, ⑵
no one has yet chosen to take him home as their pet, but until someone does, he seems perfectly
happy there.
⑴ 下線部⑴の理由を日本語で答えよ。
⑵ 下線部⑵を日本語に訳せ。
Kimani was a remarkable man who fought against British colonial rule in Kenya. Despite
helping Kenya achieve its independence, Kimani was unable to benefit from the most basic of
rights: the right to an education. Even though access to primary education expanded after
independence, those living in poverty were still denied their right. It did not take long for the
World Bank and the IMF to convince the new government of Kenya that they could not afford to
educate all their citizens ― and that “cost-sharing” policies were the only option ― basically
charging children to go to even the most basic primary school.
[注] Kimani (Maruge) : a man who at the age of 84 became the world’s oldest primary school student in 2004
colonial : relating to a country or countries controlled by another powerful country
IMF : the International Monetary Fund, an organization that is supposed to help poorer countries
develop economically
⑴ 下線部を日本語に訳しなさい。
Many museums post their collections online, but the Rijksmuseum here has taken the unusual
step of offering downloads of high-resolution images at no cost, encouraging the public to copy and
transform its artworks ( ⑴ ) stationery, T-shirts, tattoos, plates or even toilet paper.
The museum, whose collection includes masterpieces by Rembrandt, Vermeer, Mondrian and
van Gogh, has already made images of 125,000 of its works available through Rijksstudio, an
interactive section of its Web site. ⑵The staff ’s goal is to add 40,000 images a year until the
entire collection of one million artworks spanning eight centuries is available, said Taco Dibbits,
the director of collections at the Rijksmuseum.
[注] post : インターネットで掲示する
Rijksmuseum : アムステルダムにあるオランダ国立美術館
download : ダウンロードされたファイル
high-resolution : 高解像度の
Vermeer : フェルメール。オランダの画家(1632―1675)。“Milkmaid”(「牛乳を注ぐ女」)の作者
interactive : 双方向の,対話式の
⑴ 空欄に入る前置詞を英語で記入しなさい。
⑵ 下線部を日本語に訳しなさい。
7. ⑴In our endeavours to come to terms with the problems of day-to-day living, we are heavily
dependent upon experience and authority. However, as ⑵tools for uncovering ultimate truth
they have definite limitations.
The limitations of personal experience in the form of
common-sense knowing, for instance, can quickly be exposed when compared with features of the
scientific approach to problem-solving. Consider, for example, the striking differences in the way
in which theories are used. Laypeople base them on haphazard events and use them in a loose
and uncritical manner. When they are required to test them, ⑶they do so in a selective fashion,
often choosing only that evidence that is consistent with their initial guesses and ignoring that
which is counter to them.
Scientists, by contrast, construct their theories carefully and
systematically. Whatever hypotheses they formulate have to be tested empirically so that their
explanations have a firm basis in fact.
⑴ Translate the part into Japanese.
⑵ Find ONE WORD in the paragraph whose meaning is approximately the same as the
underlined part.
⑶ Explain the underlined part in Japanese especially by making it clear what “they” and “so”
refer to.
One team sport that seems resistant to violence is the increasingly popular Ultimate, formerly
known as Ultimate Frisbee. Played with a flying disk, and containing elements of soccer, football
and rugby, Ultimate is known for its commitment to the “spirit of the game,” to demonstrations of
skill in technique and playing style rather than ability in ( ⑴ ) your opponents. A key feature
is that there are no referees; instead, players decide themselves if a rule has been broken. It is
up to the player who commits a foul or a violation to speak up and admit ⑵it.
Having players take responsibility for admitting their own mistakes and resolving disputes
among themselves helps create an atmosphere of honesty and respect on the playing field. ⑶
This shift in responsibility has benefits beyond reducing violent incidents. When there are no
third-party judges, players learn how to work and play together to avoid unnecessary conflicts
that will affect everyone’s enjoyment of the game. It’s not that Ultimate players lack the will to
win or are uncompetitive; rather, because players have to look at each other face to face instead of
turning to a neutral authority figure when there is a dispute, ⑷both sides have a powerful
incentive to play fairly and to keep tempers under control.
⑴ ( ⑴ )に入れるのに最も適切な単語を次の①~⑤のうちから1つ選び,その番号を答えよ。
① attacking
② competing
③ exercising
④ respecting
⑤ sacrificing
⑵ 下線部⑵は何を指すか。英語で答えよ。
⑶ 下線部⑶が意味することがらと一致しないものを下の①~④の中から1つ選び,その番号を答えよ。
① avoiding unnecessary conflicts affecting the enjoyment of team sports
② removing neutral authority figures for conflict resolution in sports
③ self-refereeing of youth team sports by the players themselves
④ team players rather than third-party judges resolving disputes
⑷ 下線部⑷を日本語に直せ。
《動詞+O+to 不定詞》
In order to see an apple fall from a tree the tree must be within one’s line of sight; in order to
hear an apple land on the ground its falling must occur within earshot. Technology enables us to
overcome these limitations to some degree ― mirrors allow us to see objects that are behind us
and microphones allow us to hear events that occur in remote locations ― but even when such
factors have been taken into account perception is still dependent on the environment in a way
that thought is not. One can think about an object even when it is shrouded in mist or hidden in
a soundproof room.
⑴ 下線部を日本語に訳しなさい。
10. Baboons provide an interesting case. In the social life of monkeys there is a delicate balance to
be maintained between being able to detect another’s gaze and making sure your own gazing isn’t
misunderstood, and the brown sclerae help to maintain this balance. Adult males can get very
excited suddenly; the degree to which they will tolerate another individual close to them,
especially while they are feeding, is not predictable. If young juvenile baboons have to walk past
an adult male and ①put themselves in arm’s reach, ⑴they monitor the eyes of the adult male
closely and are careful not to let him catch them in the act in case their own gaze is interpreted as
a challenge. The slightest shift of a male’s gaze toward them, even in the absence of any head
movement, leads juveniles to ②jump right out of the adult’s way.
[注] baboon : ヒヒ
sclera (複数形: sclerae) : 強膜(眼球の外層を形成する膜)
juvenile : 若年の;若年のもの
⑴ 下線部⑴を日本語に訳せ。they と him が示すものと the act の内容を明らかにすること。
⑵ 下線部①②が表す内容として最も適切なものをそれぞれ下のア~エのうちから1つずつ選べ。
① ア. be under the adult’s protection
ウ. keep a close relationship with the adult
② ア. be much surprised at the adult’s behavior
ウ. move aside quickly from the adult
イ. get permission from the adult
エ. get very close to the adult
イ. escape away from the adult’s control
エ. show a courageous attitude toward the adult
11. The first clue to how vervets communicate this information came from observations that the
biologist Thomas Struhsaker made on vervets in Kenya’s Amboseli National Park. He noted
that three types of predators triggered different defensive measures by vervets, and also triggered
alarm calls sufficiently distinct for Struhsaker to hear the differences even without making any
sophisticated electronic analysis. When vervets encounter a leopard or other species of large
wild cat, male monkeys give a loud series of barks, females give a high-pitched chirp, and all
monkeys within hearing range may run up a tree. The sight of a martial or crowned eagle
soaring overhead causes vervets to give a short cough of two syllables, which makes listening
monkeys look up into the air or run into a bush. A monkey who spots a python or other
dangerous snake gives a “chuttering” call, and that stimulates other vervets in the area to stand
erect on their hind legs and look down (to see where the snake is).
[注] vervets : サバンナザル
predator : 捕食動物
martial eagle : ゴマバラワシ[家畜をも襲う大型ワシ]
syllables : 音節
⑴ 下線部を和訳せよ。(人名はアルファベットを用いて表記すればよい。)
12. Boo Boo looks at me with deep brown eyes and a curious expression on his face. The relaxing
sounds of violin music can be heard and the smell of flowers is in the air. Boo Boo normally likes
to bark at visitors, but he has just had breakfast and is feeling happy. Every morning he is
taken for a walk, and is sometimes given a special ice cream made from frozen dog food. It is not
such a bad life for a homeless dog. However, Boo Boo, a one-year-old Akita dog, is now living at
London’s Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, perhaps the best-known animal home in the world. In
⑴this comfortable environment, dogs like Boo Boo tend to stay around 28 days before they are
matched up with a new owner. “⑵There is no shortage of people walking through our doors
wanting a new pet. British people tend to have a soft spot for animals, whether they are cats,
dogs, or hamsters,” says the Home’s director, Claire Horton.
⑴ 下線部⑴の具体的な内容を日本語で答えよ。
⑵ 下線部⑵を日本語に訳せ。
13. ⑴Sexual selection accounts for many of the differences between males and females and Darwin
saw it operating through two processes: competition between members of the same sex ―
usually males competing for females ― and choice by one sex of some members of the other ―
usually females choosing among males. Competition between males for females accounted for
the evolution of weapons such as teeth, spurs, and antlers, while choice of males by females
accounted for otherwise useless ornaments such as plumes, wattles, and perfumes. ( ⑵ )
selection is about differential reproductive success ― the more attractive or competitive
individuals are, the more descendants they will leave.
⑴ 下線部⑴を日本語に訳せ。
⑵ ( ⑵ )に内容的に最もよく当てはまる語を本文から選んで答えよ。
14. I remember seeing the American TV comedy Friends, where in one episode two of the
characters were on a long-distance flight, and one of them drew a moustache on the other while
she was asleep. She wasn’t very pleased when she found out. But this is the kind of thing you
might expect in England or America. ⑴If someone sleeps in public there is a chance that they
will be teased or tricked, or, in the worst case, even have their things stolen. I would not sleep in
a train in England, partly because it is something which people do not do, but also partly because
I would not feel safe. In Japan, if the incredible numbers of people who do sleep in public are any
indication, people do feel safe, so maybe the common belief that Japan is a remarkably
law-abiding country is true. After all, to sleep in public, with your handbag or purse in full view,
with your telephone lightly grasped in one loose-fingered hand, and not to worry about theft must
show a marvelous trust in the people around you. Either ⑵that or people are extremely tired!
[注] moustache : a line of hair that a man allows to grow on his upper lip
law-abiding : obeying and respecting the law
⑴ 下線部⑴を日本語に訳しなさい。
⑵ 下線部⑵が表す内容を本文に即して日本語で述べなさい。
15. Japan’s lack of a free trade agreement (FTA) with the United States could make the export of
LNG more complicated. Additionally, some lawmakers from the U.S. Democratic Party have
voiced their opposition to any further exports, quoting environmental concerns or fears that
selling gas overseas would raise the cost of shale gas within the United States.
[注] LNG : 液化天然ガス
shale gas : シェールガス
⑴ 下線部を日本語に訳せ。
16. The well-traveled road effect has an odd consequence. When you estimate how long it takes to
travel a familiar route, typically you’ll underestimate it. Because of its familiarity the travelling
time feels ( ⑴ ) than it really is. This means that when you travel a familiar route, ( ⑵ ),
you’re more likely to be late.
Actually the well-traveled road effect is a specific example of the fact that we tend to
underestimate how long routine activities take. ⑶Or, put the other way around: time seems to
fly when we’re engaged in automatic, routine tasks.
[注] underestimate : estimate (something) to be smaller or less important than it really is
⑴ ( ⑴ )に入る最も適当な語を下から選び,番号で答えよ。
① longer
② shorter
⑵ ( ⑵ )に入る表現として最も適切なものを下から選び,番号で答えよ。
① as it is easy to adjust yourself to this effect
② in spite of not paying much attention to the scenery
③ unless you pay much attention to the scenery
④ unless you adjust for this effect
⑶ 下線部⑶を日本語に訳せ。
17. Nevertheless, ⑴it was not this way when the Home first opened in 1860. In those days, dogs
were certainly not kept as pets. In fact, people still regarded them as little more than useful
creatures that were good for pulling carts along the street. Homeless dogs were also regularly
killed because of the fear of disease. Over the past century, however, our relationship with
animals has changed.
Now, more and more of us are relying on animals to provide the
companionship we cannot get by other means. The reason for the rapid rise in the number of
pets in Western countries over the past 40 years may be partly due to the gradual breakdown of
traditional social support systems. ⑵There has been a large increase in people living alone,
combined with couples having fewer children, none at all. This means that we are allowing
animals to fill the gap in our lives. Increasingly, therefore, our pets have become just like family
⑴ 下線部⑴に関して,当時の状況を具体的に日本語で答えよ。
⑵ 下線部⑵を日本語に訳せ。
18. All the stargazers in the ancient world had put the earth at the centre. Remember Aristotle?
After him, the most influential Greek astronomer, Ptolemy, built on the careful noting of the
position of the stars night after night, season after season, and year after year. Looking at the
stars on a clear night is a magical experience, and being able to identify the groups, or
‘constellations’, of stars is great fun. The Plough and Orion’s belt are easy to trace across the sky
when there are no clouds. From the Plough you can find the North Star, and this helped sailors
at night to continue to sail in the right direction.
[注] Aristotle : アリストテレス
Ptolemy : プトレマイオス
⑴ 下線部を日本語に訳しなさい。
19. A final activity which can help deliver a fresh understanding is to put a problem or project out
of your mind for a while and to work on a simple activity that requires little thought. By
directing conscious attention away from a problem and letting your thoughts wander naturally,
the deeper levels of your mind are given a chance to contribute to solutions. ⑴When making
progress becomes difficult, taking a break allows the unconscious processes to operate. One
researcher suggests that, ( ⑵ ) than just sitting there, it is beneficial to take a walk, shower or
long run, or do some gardening or another relaxing activity.
⑴ 下線部⑴を日本語に直せ。
⑵ ( ⑵ )に入れるのに最も適切な語句を次の①~⑤のうちから1つ選び,その番号を答えよ。
① even though
② however
③ in turn
④ rather
⑤ so that
20. At the time of Sam’s death, George, his youngest son, was thirty-eight years old. A geologist,
he held a demanding and highly paid position with a company that built nuclear reactors. He
had to explore possible locations for new reactors and to study the ground to see if it was safe.
The job involved much traveling, but ⑴George didn’t seem to mind being away from his family
for long periods of time, and spending evenings on paperwork when he was back home. The
resulting break-up of his marriage saddened him without bringing any change in his own way of
Anyone who knew George would have described him as a hard-working, ambitious,
competitive man with a splendid future in the company.
Eleven months after his father’s death, George stopped ⑵working. He was not fired; he was
not pushed out by a rival; he simply quit. His friends could hardly believe the news at first.
When they tried to get an explanation, George told them that, after much reflection, he had
reached the conclusion that his beloved career was robbing him of his life.
⑴ 下線部⑴を日本語に訳しなさい。
⑵ 下線部⑵について,彼は地質学者としてどんな仕事をしていたか,日本語で説明しなさい。
21. However, in the last decade this situation has been changing dramatically. For the first time
information technology and the Internet have given members of the public direct access to the
database of medicine. ⑴These facilities, in the hands of a much more educated population living
in the consumer world, are altering the power dynamics of the doctor-patient relationship
towards the patient. For example, more people now want more involvement in clinical decisions
that are going to affect their lives; and they are more likely to want to know that their own doctors
(and nurses) are competent, and that they can be sure of the quality and safety of their healthcare
at the time they are using the service.
In response a new, more patient-centered form of professionalism has been evolving that
recognizes that patient autonomy is pre-eminent ― it is the patient who has the illness and who
has to manage and live with the consequences. ⑵This fundamental change is proving to be
quite a challenge to many doctors and professional institutions still used to thinking and acting
along traditional doctor-centered lines.
⑴ 下線部⑴[破線部を除いた,実線部のみ]のいわんとすることを,“These facilities” の指すものを明
⑵ 下線部⑵を和訳せよ。
1. 《答》⑴ 全訳下線部参照 ⑵ 雌は外見で雄を選んでいて,それは動物界全体に及ぶこと。(27 字)
のように,100 年間実質的に目を覚まさない状態のままだった。目を覚まさせるための知的なキスを
2. 《答》⑴ ② ⑵ 全訳下線部参照
たある人々はプレッシャーや競争に耐えられなかった。ある 35 歳の女性は,会社で高い地位にあっ
3. 《答》⑴ 全訳下線部参照
4. 《答》⑴ ペットをひどく扱ったり,道に捨てたりする人がいるから。また,個人的な生活状況の変
化でペットを飼えなくなる人々が連れて来るため。 ⑵ 全訳下線部参照
《訳》残念なことに,初めて開設されて 150 年以上経った今なお,バタシー犬猫収容所は必要とされて
しながら,その一方で,バタシーでの状況は,1860 年以降何年にもわたって随分変わってきた。ます