学生募集要項 Applicaton Guide 孃 伏 酒 嫗 俳 持 乞 増 推 悪 インターカルト日本語学校 1 Entrance Qualifications ・An applicant must be more than a high school graduates or holding those of qualifications. ・An applicant planning seeking qualification in Japanese for further education in Japan must have completed 12 years or more educational curriculum. ・An applicant who have passed the 4th level of the Japanese language proficiency test or holding those of equal qualifications. ・An applicant is qualified to apply within the range of 3 years after the latest graduation. Courses and study terms Admission 2 Preparatory Course 【Shinanomachi-school】 General Course 【Koenji-school】 3 Courses Admission Courses April one year/two years course October One and a half year course July one year and nine month course January one year and three month course Application accepted September 1 ~the end of September January 1~the end of January March 1~the end of March July 1~the end of July Admission in April Admission in July Admission in October Admission in January *Please confirm the deadline. 4 Schedule of classes Monday through Friday (5days a week) 1class=50 minutes Morning (Advanced and Intermediate classes) Afternoon (Intermediate and Beginner’s classes) 5 Tuition Fee and Other Costs The due date Screening fee Admission fee Activity fee Facility Maintenance fee Student Society Entrance fee First half of Tuition fee Second half of Tuition fee Activity fee Facility Maintenance fee Student Society Entrance fee First half of Tuition fee Second half of Tuition fee Total Class schedule 09:20~13:05 13:25~17:10 (except textbook) 1 year Course 1 year 3 month course 1 year 6 month course 1 year 9 month course 2 year Course \20,000 \50,000 \20,000 \50,000 \20,000 \50,000 \20,000 \50,000 \20,000 \50,000 \30,000 \40,000 \15,000 \30,000 \30,000 \20,000 \25,000 \10,000 \20,000 \20,000 Upon Certificate of Eligibility Issuance \8,000 \11,600 \11,600 \8,000 \8,000 Upon Certificate of Eligibility Issuance \282,000 \282,000 \282,000 \282,000 \282,000 \282,000 \282,000 \282,000 \282,000 --- --- \30,000 \30,000 \30,000 --- --- \20,000 \15,000 \20,000 Prior to start of second year --- --- --- \8,000 \8,000 Prior to start of second year --- \141,000 \282,000 \282,000 \282,000 Prior to start of next term. --- --- --- \141,000 \282,000 \851,600 \1.002,600 \1,168,000 \1,314,000 Upon Application Upon Application Upon Certificate of Eligibility Issuance Upon Certificate of Eligibility Issuance Upon Certificate of Eligibility Issuance prior to start of next term. Prior to start of second year Prior to start of second year \692,000 \282,000 ・If an applicant is qualified for the one year and nine month course, the second due date for the tuition fee is the next year July (the second July). ・The above fees do not include textbooks. ・Under the Japanese law, unless all students are required to participate in international student cooperative societies, all students must join the National Health Insurance System. 6 Education and Immigration Application Costs (a) Upon Application At time of application, please pay Admission fee; and Screening fee. (b) Upon Certificate of Eligibility Issuance by Japanese Immigration At time Certificate of Eligibility Issuance by Japanese Immigration, please pay a 6 months school Tuition fee; Activity fee; Facility Maintenance fee; and Student Society Entrance fee. • In the event of the Certificate of Eligibility not being issued, the Admission fee will be refunded. • In the event of the Visa application not being accepted by Foreign Embassies, the Admission fee; the 6 months school Tuition fee; the Activity fee; the Facility Maintenance fee and Student Society Entrance fee will all be refunded. Note that the Screening fee will not be refunded. Please note that proof of the Embassy’s non-acceptance of your visa is required in this outcome. In the event of a withdraw of entry to the school for personal reasons before you come to Japan – even if you have received your visa from the Embassy – the 6 months school Tuition fee; the Facility Maintenance fee and Student Society Entrance fee will all be refunded. Note that the Admission fee and Screening fee will not be refunded. Please note that proof of your visa cancellation is required in this outcome. (c) Upon Arrival in Japan • For the first six months after you arrive in Japan, the following fees are non refundable in any circumstances (e.g. returning home, change of visa conditions) should you wish to resign from the school: 6 months school Tuition fee; Activity fee; Facility Maintenance fee; and Student Society Entrance fee. • After the first six months after, should you wish to resign from the school under certain circumstances (e.g. returning home, change of visa conditions), please consult with local staff concerning refund of the 6 months school tuition fee • Once the school term has started the following annual fees are not refunded: Activity fee; Facility Maintenance fee; and Student Society Entrance fee. 7 National Health Insurance System Under the Japanese law, a person who stays in Japan more than one year must join the National Health Insurance System. This insurance covers 70% of the medical fees, assuming the participant pays the remaining 30% of the medical fees. After you have completed the Certificate of Eligibility, you can complete the Alien Registration process at your local City Hall. Also, you can complete the National Health Insurance System application at local City Hall. In addition, please note that you are required to join a Student Society while you are a student of our school. This society will provide precautions against unexpected events during your attendance of our school. 8 1. 2. 3. 4. Notes This school does not accept direct mail applications from overseas. Students must have a local guarantor who is a resident of Japan and who can support the applicant once they come to Japan. Please ask your guarantor to complete this application procedure. Overseas issued documentation must be accompanied by a Japanese language translation. Also, if the original documentation is not in English, Chinese or Korean, then an English language translation must be provided. All submitted documentation would not be returned to the applicant. However, an original graduation certification will be returned once the application for Certificate of Eligibility has been completed. Each of the aforementioned fees is subject to change, so please confirm the fees directly with the school in advance. 5. Students who wish to undertake part-time employment while they are in Japan should obtain approval from the Immigration Office. Accepted applicants can work four hours per day, although there are a limited number of job types available. 9 The Procedures for entering this school ① ② Inter-Cultural Instituted of Japan Local Guarantor Or Overseas ⑥ ⑤ Applicant Application for status of ⑧ ⑦ Residence as a student ④ Japanese Embassy Tokyo Immigration Office ③ Documents to be submitted 10 1. Documents which an applicant prepares Necessary documents Notes ① 8 photographs 4 ×3 cm, which were taken within the last 6 months ② Personal history You (an applicant) must fill in the specified form by yourself. (You must write all your educational background and work experiences. Please write so, if you prepared for an entrance examination for a while or served in the army.) ③ Certificate of graduation You (an applicant) must prepare a certificate of graduation Oran original diploma of the final school. If you are an under-graduate (or under leave of absence from school), or leave college before graduation, you must prepare a certificate of graduation or an original diploma of the high school. ◎Please have your elementary school documents such as eligibility and graduation evidence ready if the date you entered the elementary school does not correspond to your own country educational system. ④Japanese proficiency certificate For those who have passed the 4th level of Japanese Language Proficiency Test or hold a similar qualification, you have to at least completed 150 hours of Japanese study in order to be qualified upon the date of issuing the document. Also, you have to pass the 4th level of Japanese Language Proficiency Tests even though you have satisfied the 150 hours minimum requirement. ⑤ Residential Status Record If you are the People Republic of China passport holders; copies of Resideentail Status Record issued by the Chinese Police Department is required. The copies need to clearly record the applicant educational background and occupational status. ⑥ Certificate of occupation Applicant who graduated more than 5 years will be carefully screened. ⑦ The copy of passport The copy of your passport if you already possess a passport ⑧ Other documents Others (if you are requested to submit from the Immigration Bureau) 2. Documents concerning a payer who pays school and living expenses for an applicant (Please choose one case among A and B) A. In case a payer lives in a country other than Japan, a payer prepares the following. Necessary documents ① Letter of guarantee to pay expenses ② Relationship certification Notes A payer should write by himself/herself in the form prescribed by the Immigration Office. An applicant must submit the relationship certificate with the sponsor. (notary public) ③Residential Status Record If you are the Peoples’ Republic of China passport holders; The copies need to clearly record of financial sponsor’s educational background and occupa tional status. ④Certificate of the balance of a do A clearly stated banking record and bank account number is required. cument It is important that the amount recorded on your bank statement is sufficient enough to support your living costs in Japan. It has to be enough to support the entire duration of your learning time in Japan. ⑤ Fixed Deposit Receipt in Foreign Currency For the Peoples’ Republic of China passport holders, you must submit c opies of your banking and money depositing records to provide financial e vidence. ⑥The copy of a passbook Copies of applicant’ banking and money deposit records are required in order to prove that you have normal financial activities such as money deposits or withdrawals from your host bank. ⑦ Certificate of occupation Employment and income related documents have to show the nature of continuity and stability. In other words, an applicant cannot have a jobless h istory for any long period of time. ・A letter of employment is required from your employer. ・A self-employed financial sponsor needs to submit his/her business certificate or license. ⑧ Certificate of income Please submit the most recent income report up to the past 3 years. A salary report issued by the applicant’ employer is required. If the amount of the applicant’ actual salary does not match his/her bank deposits record, the application will not be accepted. ⑨ Certificate of local taxation All income related documents have to be issued by the Revenue Service and associated officials. ◎ An income tax certificate is required from applicant’s employer. ◎ Self-employed applicants need to have an income tax report and receipt i ssued by the Revenue Service in order to be recognized. ⑩ Other documents Others (if you are requested to submit from the Immigration Bureau) B. In case a payer lives in Japan, a payer prepares the following. Necessary documents Notes ① Letter of guarantee A payer should write by himself/herself in the form prescribed by the Immigration Office. (Please use a legal seal) to pay expenses ②Residential Status Record Resident’s card which shows a whole family or Certificate of Alien Registration. ③Relationship certification If you are the Peoples’ Republic of China passport holders; The copies of R esidential Status Record issued by the Chinese Police Department is re quired. ④Certificate of the balance of a do A clearly stated banking record and bank account number is required. cument is important that the amount recorded on your bank statement is sufficient enough to support your living costs in Japan. It has to be enough to support the entire duration of your learning time in Japan. ⑤ The copy of a passbook Applicants have to submit his/her bank account’ transaction history with in-and-out/deposit and withdrawal detail to support their application. ⑥ Certificate of occupation Employment and income related documents have to show continuity and stability. In other words, an applicant cannot have a jobless history for long periods of time. ・A letter of employment is required from your employer. Company Executives need to submit their business certificate. ・Self-employed applicants need to submit a duplicate of your business certificate. ⑦ Certificate of income Please submit the most recent total income report and income tax record up to 3 years (residential tax report). ⑧ Certificate of Seal Impression Please use a legal seal for the sealing column of a cost payment document. ⑨ Other documents Others (if you are requested to submit from the Immigration Bureau) 3. Letter of Agreement The person who is responsible to an applicant for living and studying in Japan must write this Letter of Agreement for our school. 11 School Map Ikebukuro Ueno JR Chuo・Sobu Line JR Sobu Line Shinjuku Chiba Akihabara Ochanomizu Nakano Shinanomach Koenji Shibuya Tokyo KOENJI SCHOOL for Mitaka Koenji Station JR Chuo Line for Shinjuku Tokyu Store South Exit Location : 4-44-6,koenji-nami, Suginami-ku,Tokyo (About 1 minute walk from Koenji Station) Chuo-Seminar Mitsui Sumito Bank Hikawa Shrine SHINANOMACHI SCHOOL Keio Unv.Hospital Shinanomachi Station For Yotsuya MINI STOP a barber shop Location : 12-2,Minami-motomachi, Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo (About 6 minutes' walk from Shinanomachi Station) Sen-nichidani kaido(Hall) A foot bridge Shinanomachi School Mejikinenkan a ticket barrier Mizuho Bank a ticket office Park Sennichizaka Slope in the directon Tokyoa telephone of Keio Mitsubishi Bank a fluit shop Entrance of Station building in the direction Vending of the School machine Newdays a taxi stand 希 望 す る 課 程( 校 舎 名 ) 総 合 進 学 課 程 進 学 課 程 □ General Course □ Preparatory Course (高円寺校 Koenji) 登録番号 授業開始日 0 20 1 月 PHOTO Malaysian Lee Ching Ho 氏名: ( Nationality ) 4cm×3cm sample 履 歴 書 ( PERSONAL RECORDS ) 1. 国籍: 年 (信濃町校 Shinanomachi) ( Name ) 氏名: ( Name Alphabet ) 19 81 年 2. 生年月日: ( Date of Birth ) ( Year ) 3. 現住所: 6 月 ( Month ) 4 日 性別: □ 男 ・ □女 ( Day ) ( Sex ) ( Male ) ( Female ) 電話番号: 888 Kampung Bharu, Selangor, Darul Ehsan, West Malaysia ( Present Address ) 603-123-4567 ( Telephone number ) ditto 4. 本籍地住所: ( Permanent Address ) 5. 配偶者の有無: ( Marital status ) □ 無 ・ □有 (配偶者氏名 ( Single ・ Married ) 出生地: Selangor, Darul Ehsan ( Place of Birth West Malaysia,Malaysia ) ( Name of spouse ) ※ 以下の6.7.については、初等教育入学から現在まで、空白の期間が一切無いよう、全て記入すること。 ※ The following 6. and 7. you should fill in up all the blanks from elementary school till now. 6. 学歴:(初等教育から順次最終学歴まで全て記載すること) Education Record : ( from an elementaly school to the last highest school attended ) 学 校 名 所 ( Name of School ) (3) (4) UNIVERSITY OF MALAYSIA (2) 地 修学期間 入学年・月 ( Address ) S.R.J.K. S.M.SERI GARING S.M.SERI GARING (1) 在 987 Kindang, Selangor 40299 Pawang, Selangor 40299 Pawang, Selangor 123 Central Road, K.L. (5) (temprary absence from school) ( Date of Admission ) Year Month 87 93 96 99 01 年 年 年 年 年 9 9 9 9 9 ( Period of Study ) 卒業年・月 ( Date of Graduated ) Year Month 月 ~ 月 ~ 月 ~ 月 ~ 月 ~ 93 96 99 04 04 年 年 年 年 年 7 7 7 7 7 月 月 月 月 月 (6) 年 月 ~ 年 月 (7) 年 月 ~ 年 月 7. 職歴、兵役等: Occupation History : ( Write experience of employment in order of date of employment ) 勤 務 先 名 職 種 所 在 地 就職年・月 ( Name of Company ) (1) ( Occupation ) CHONG TAK PO CO.LTD. ( Address ) 04 456 Southern Rd. K.L. Engineer 退職年・月 ( Date of Employment ) Year Month 年 8 ( Date of Resignation ) Year Month 月 ~ 年 月 (2) 年 月 ~ 年 月 (3) 年 月 ~ 年 月 (4) 年 月 ~ 年 月 8. 日本語学習歴: Experience in studying Japanese 学 校 名 所 ( Name of School ) 在 修学期間 入学年・月 地 ( Address ) (1) UNIVERSITY OF MALAYSIA (2) Fuji Japanese Sentre ( Date of Admission ) Year Month 99 04 123 Central Road, K.L. 456 Southern Road, K.L. (3) 年 年 年 9 9 ( Period of Study ) 卒業年・月 ( Date of Graduated ) Year Month 01 ~ 月 ~ 年 月 月 ~ 年 月 年 9. 日本語学校修了後の予定:My plan after graduation from this school ( ) Science University of Tokyo (Tokyo Rika Daigaku) 進学希望 進学希望先学校名 Go to university or college Name of school 希 望 科 目 Graduate school fo Engineering Industrial Chemistry Name of major subject ( ) 帰 国 □ 就業 □ 復学 □ その他 Return home ( ) そ の 他 Others Work Return to School Others 7 月 月 10.パスポートの有無および来日歴 Passport and Experience of visiting Japan sample パスポートの有無: □ 有 Yes ・ □ 無 No Do you have a passport? 987123 パスポート番号: 05 年 2 月 1 日 有効期限: 10 年 2 月 1 日 発行年月日 Passport No. Date of Issue 来 日 歴: □ 有 Yes 1 Year 回数 Times Month ・ Day Date of Experience Year Month Day □ 無 No Experience of visiting Japan 日本への入出国歴: (すべて記載すること)If you have experience in 入 国 年 月 日 出 国 年 月 日 ( Date of Entry ) Year (1) Day Year 3 月 15 日 ~ 年 在 留 資 格 ( Date of Leave ) Month 04 entering and leaving Japan, please write them below. 04 年 Month 入 国 目 的 ( Status of stay in Japan ) ( Purpose of entry ) Day 3 月 22 日 (2) 年 月 日~ 年 月 日 (3) 年 月 日~ 年 月 日 (4) 年 月 日~ 年 月 日 (5) 年 月 日~ 年 月 日 (6) 年 月 日~ 年 月 日 Temporary Visit Sightseeing 11.家族に関する事項 Family snd Relative Lee Kok Meon 父親氏名: Father's name 生年月日: 19 父親住所: Yeong Siu Hang 母親氏名: 生年月日: 19 3 月 27 日 Day Month 52 年 Year Date of birth 母親住所: 年 職業: economist Occupation 888 Kampung Bharu, Selangor, Darul Ehsan, West Malaysia Father's address Mother's name 50 Year Date of birth 5 月 8 日 Day month 職業: house wife Occupation 888 Kampung Bharu, Selangor, Darul Ehsan, West Malaysia Mother's address 兄弟姉妹の有無 有 Yes ・ 無 No ( Brother ) 氏名: Relationship ( Sister ) 氏名: Relationship ( Lee Tien Sang Name Lee Muoi Far Name ) 氏名: Relationship Name ) 氏名: ( Relationship 生年月日: 19 Name 85 生年月日: 19 88 生年月日: 19 年 4 年 生年月日: 19 月 日 Day 日 Day 職業: High School Student 職業: Occupation 月 日 Day month 職業: University Student Occupation 月 年 日 Occupation 1 月 month Year 9 Day month Year Date of birth 9 month Year Date of birth Date of birth 年 Year Date of birth 職業: Occupation 12 経費支弁者が父母以外の場合記入してください。 Fill in if your guarantee is not your parents 経費支弁者氏名: 生年月日: 19 Guarantee's name Father's birthday 経費支弁者住所 Guarantee's address 年 year 電話番号: Phone No. 月 month 日 day sample 13. 日本語学習理由:( 日本語を学ぶ目的を具体的かつ簡潔に述べること ) Purpose of Studying Japanese. Give the reason concreately and concisely. 申請者氏名: ( Name ) Lee Ching Ho 経 費 支 弁 書 Letter of guarantee to pay expenses sample 日本国法務大臣 殿 To the Minister of Justice 国 Malaysian 籍 ( Nationality ) Lee Ching Ho 学 生 氏 名 (Student Name ) 1981 生 年 月 日 ( Date of Birth ) 6 年 (Year ) 4 月 ( Month ) ( 男 女 ) ( Male Female ) 日 ( Day ) 私は、この度上記の者が日本国に 在留中/入国した場合 の経費支弁者になりましたので、下記のとおり経費支弁の 引受け経緯を説明するとともに、経費支弁について誓約します。 I became guarantee to pay expenses for the above-mentioned person during his / her stay / enter in Japan. I hereby pledge that I will bear the expenses in following manner, with explanation of reason for being guarantee to pay 1. 経費支弁の引受け経緯(申請者の経費の支弁を引受けた経緯及び申請者との関係について具体的に記載してください。) Reason for being guarantee to pay expenses (Please write concretely, about the details to guarantee to pay applicant, and about relationship with the applicant.) I will bear all the expensese of school fees snd living costs in order that my son may devote himself to study Japanese in Japan. 2. 経費支弁内容 Contents to pay expenses 私は、上記の者の日本国滞在について、下記のとおり経費支弁することを誓約します。 また、上記の者が在留期間更新申請を行う際には、送金証明書又は本人名義の預金通帳(送金事実、経費支弁事実が記載さ れたもの)の写し等で、生活費等の支弁事実を明らかにする書類を提出します。 I hereby pledge that I will bear expenses of the above-mentioned person during his/her stay in Japan in the following manner. Moreover, when applying for extension of period of stay, documents to prove the ability of covering the living and other such as copy of the Certificate of Remittance or Bankbook in the name of the applicant himself / herself will be submitted. 記 (1)学 費(Tuition) 年 間 (Per year) 内 訳 Details (2)生活費(Living Expenses) 月 選 考 料 入 学 金 授 業 料 その他費用 (Screening fee) (Admission fee) (Tuition fee) (Others) 700,000 円 20,000 50,000 564,000 66,000 円 円 円 円 110,000 額 (Per Month) 円 * 資格外活動予定の有無 ( )有 ( )無 Do you intended to work part-time? Yes No 有の場合、資格外活動開始予定日 ( )入学直後 ( If yes, when do you plan to start 3 Immediately after coming course 予 定 収 入 金 額 ( 6 Expected income from part-time job )ヶ月後 months after )万円/月 yen/per month (3)支弁方法(送金・振込み等支弁方法を選んでください。複数選択可) How will you pay for the course? (Please choose from the following methods:) ( )申請者負担 ( )外国からの送金 Self ( )外国からの携行 Remittance from outside Japan Bring payment with you to Japan ( )資格外活動による収入 ( )奨学金 Income of part-time job Scholarship * 来日後の居住先 Place you are planning to live; ( )インターカルト日本語学校学生寮 ( )民間学生寮 ( )民間アパート(マンション) Dormitory for students Private company's Dormitor Apartment/Flat ( )友人宅( 名と同居) ( )在日親族宅 Friend's house Number of roommates Family or Relative's house 20 住 所 888 Kampung Bharu, Selangor, Darul Ehsan, West Malaysia ( Address ) 氏 名 ( Name ) 06 年 (Year ) 電話番号 7月 ( Month ) 010-8888-8888 ( Telephone Number ) Lee Tien Sang 実印 学生との関係 Father ( Stamp or Signature )( Relationship with the applicant ) 1 日 ( Day ) 就 学 同 意 書 ( AGREEMENT 昼俳疑税辞 ) sample インターカルト日本語学校校長 殿 Lee Ching Ho 学 生 氏 名 ( Student Name 俳持失誤 僥伏侖兆 ) 1981 年 生 年 月 日 ( Birth Day 持鰍杉析 伏晩 ) 国 4 日 6 月 ( Year 鰍 ) ( Month 杉 ) ( Day 析 ) Malaysian 籍 ( Nationality 厩旋 忽汐 ) 私は、上記学生が日本で就学することに同意します。また、私は上記の者が就学を許可さ れ、入学した後は、本人の日本における行動と金銭上の義務について、支弁者とともに一切 の責任を負います。 I agree to his/her going to Japan to study, I shall also assume any and all responsibilities for the above student for his /her behavior and financial obligations while he/she is in Japan, after he/she is admitted to the Inter-Cultural Institute of Japan. 沙昔精 雌奄 俳持戚 析沙拭辞 昼俳馬澗 依聖 疑税杯艦陥. 暁廃 沙昔精 雌奄 俳持戚 昼俳 買亜研 閤焼辞 脊俳廃 板 析沙拭辞 馬澗 楳疑引 榎穿旋昔 庚薦拭 企馬食 走災切人 敗臆 析端税 奪績聖 走畏柔艦陥. 厘揖吭貧峰僥伏壓晩云祥僥。 旺斤凪云繁函誼秘僥俯辛朔,壓晩云議僥楼豚寂坪,購豢侭嗤議倖繁佩葎才署熱貧 恂畠幡吶暦貧減匯俳夭販。 Lee Tien Sang 同意者氏名 ( Name of person who agrees. 疑税切失誤. 揖吭宀侖兆 ) 年 50 齢 歳 本人との関係 Father ( Age 尻敬 定槍 ) ( Relationship between the student and you. 沙昔引税 淫域 嚥僥伏購狼 ) 自宅住所 888 Kampung Bharu, Selangor, Darul Ehsan, West ( Adress 切澱爽社 徭姙廖峽 ) 010-8888-8888 自宅電話番号 ( Phone No. 切澱穿鉢腰硲 徭姙窮三催鷹 ) 職 economist 業 ( Occupation 送穣 岼匍 ) 勤務先名称 U.S.35000 年 収 (Annual Income 鰍呪脊 年収入) BIG WORLD COMPANY L.T.D., ( Place of work 悦巷坦誤暢 販岼巷望/汽了兆各 ) 勤務先住所 89 Pawang, Selangor, Darul Ehsan, West Malaysia ( Adress of working place 悦巷坦爽社 販岼巷望/汽了廖峽 ) 勤務先電話番号 010-4444-4444 ( Phone No.悦巷坦穿鉢腰硲 販岼巷望/汽了窮三催鷹 ) 日 付 ( Date 析獣 晩豚 ) 署 名 ( Name 辞誤 侖兆 ) 2006 年 7月 1 日 ( Year 鰍 ) ( Month 杉 ) ( Day 析 ) Lee Tien Sang 印 ( Signature 昔姶 固嫗 )
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