一 1f65 一 The@ Guardian@ of@the@Text: Humanistic@ PHlology@and@ Authority@ @@ Bel Ⅰ rmi o Osvaldo Cavallar For@ Roberto@ Bellarmino@ (1542-1621) , the@ years@ between@ 1923@ and 1931@brought@more@radical@changes@in@his@position@in@the@extraterrestrial hi rarchy@ than@ all@the@ three@ hundred@years@that@ had@ Capsed@ death@ in@ 1621:@ beatification@was@ followed@ by@ canonization whole@ process@ consequences@ Hs@iconograp theo Ⅰ , and@ the was@ concluded@ by@ honoring@ him@ as@ a@ Doctor@ According@ Church , Snce@ his to@ the@ microhistorian@ of@ th@@ post , mortem@ Ⅱ cal@representati Pietro@ Redondi , promo n@as@well Ⅰ , on@was@ a@ Bellarmi one@ of@ the of@ the radi al@ change@ in o@was@the@offici 8an@of@the@Roman@church@during@the@pontificate@of@Clement@VIII and@Pa@@ V , a@"protagonist@of@the@p of@Hs@time , "@ and@tWce@ Ⅱ a@canddate@ nCpal@poi for@ the@pap8@ role , states@ Redondi , in@ which@ portr3t , the@expression@on@his@face . His@sguardo cardinal , one@who@ he@ appeared@ tion , tRs@ sgnardo@ disappeared;@ in@ his@ That@was@the pre , canonization , was@worthy@of@a@great , impressive@ character , the@ power@ ecstasy" ,, an@"expresSon His@ eyes@ lost@ their to@ pierce@ the@ heart@ of@ the , and@they@now@seem@"to@wander@along@the@walls@of@the@rooms of@the@ Holy@office" , But@after@the@canoniza its@place@was@taken@by@ of@ meek@ spirituality@ and@ absentminded@ spectator ti ra , "had@ sailed@through@ all@the@ Roman@Congregations" and@of@a@"great@politician@of@European@stature" former@ i 3@ and@reli ious@cases ." Yet》he”istory{f》he『ritten}ortraits‥oes]ot’ollow》he}attern 一 1f66 一 described@ by@ Redon4 Here@ the@ different@ sguardi@ appear@ ・ result@ of@ the@ peculiar@ interests@ of@ the@ biographers to@ be@ the , and@ their@ basic alteration@ well@ preceded@ his@ beatification@ and@ canonization Avviso@ (obituary@ Roman@ announcement)@ descri es@Hm@as@"a@brilliant@man of@ Bellarmino , an@outstandi g@theo ate@ defender@ of@ the@ Catholic@ faith , a@ hammer@ accordance@with@the@usu@@ criter@@ of@laudatory@adectiveS@ to@the@ "equ3@@ pi us , pher , Gacomo@ of@ heretics" , prudent Ⅰ , s@ death 8an , a@passion , of@humanist@biography @@ the@ Hghest@ degree Ⅰ,2'@ BC poor@ Ⅰ Then , in , it@adds@a@list , humble , and@generous rmino , s@ fi st@ Jes ℡ t@ Uogra Ful i tti, also@ in@ deference@ to@ Ren3ssance@ standards , opened@wi h@ a@typi ally@humanis , s@ family@name;@ honor@of@his@hero The , Ⅰ literary c@commonplace@about@the he@carefully@supported@his@theses@by references@to@ the@considerable@body@ of@material@ gathered@on@ the@ occa- sion@of@the@preliminary@inquiry@for@an@eventual@process@of@beatification including@ Bellarmino pher , Arcangelo@ , s@ own@last@will . 3'@ The@eighteenth Arcangeli , approached@ view@ of@ "what@can@be@ , , century@biogra him@ solely@ from@ the@ point@ of useful@ to@ the@ soul@ of@the@ reader" . He@ thus@ put asi e@ most@ of@ the@ historic3@ research@ done@ by@ Hs@ predecessors@ "spiritual@ gifts", The@ "worth"@ of changed@the@humanistic@virtues@into@ tHs@bi appoi graphy@was@noted@by@the@first@ ted@ to@ re Ⅴ ew@ it "This@ garden@ full@of@ fowers@ ・ and work of@the@two@ecclesi , "@ the@ censor@ wrote sti @@ censors , "is@ a@ fie Ⅰ , a and@ fruits,@ where@ every@ person,@ eccl siastics@ in particular ,,,, can@learn@maxims@of@piety@and@doctrine@to@enrich@his@own soul@and@that@of@his@neighbor , "41@ Bellarmino , s@twentieth , century@biogra- pher , James@ Brodrick , who@ also@ wrote@biographies@of@other@prominent Jesuits , sought@to@ strike@ a@balance@between@his@hero his@sanctity . Yet , as@Brodrick@ himself@put@ , s@ scholarship@ and it, he@"flaunted@his@love@for his@hero"@in@a@way@that@Bellarmino@himself@"would@have@found@distress 一 167m ing" . He@"hardly@admitted@to@a@single@spot@in@his@sun concerned , "he@seemed@to@be@addicted@ of@almost@every@noun , "@and , as@style@was ... to@putting@adjectives@in@front , "@Even@in@1961 , when@he@published@an@abridged@and revised@ version@ of@ his@ biography , upgrading@ the@ title@ of@ "blessed"@ to "saint" , he@ left@the@ image@he@had@ created@ in@the@ first@ edition@basically unaltered ・ 5' Meanwhile Bellarmino , in@ the@ atemporal@ field@ of@ post-Tridentine@ theology , , s@position@remained@immovable@and@unchallenged i g@to@the@seventeenth , century@schol . Accord r@Jacques@Bossuet,@@@ was@identi 3 with@the@unchanging@tradition@of@the@Roman@Church@itself , This@identifi- cati n@was@still@accepted@@@ the@ te@ni eteenth century Ⅰ , when@Ignaz@von ・ DOllinger@ recognized@ in@ the@ definition@ of@ the@ First@ Vatican@ Council (1869-1870)@ of@ papal@ infallibility@ little@more@ than@ a@ restatement@ Bellarmi o , [email protected]'@ , Bellarmino ever research , Cabora Ⅰ longevity on@ . 7'@ At@the@begi ning@of@the@twenti , the@theologian@at@last The@ hi to Ⅱ an@ , became@the@o of@ dogmas@ two@ others , Pontien@ mos Ⅰ of th@century , how , Ⅰ ect@of@historical Joseph@ TurmC@ of@ a@ posi ive@ theology,@ albe@@ Then@ , i quired@ i to@ hi y@ to@ Polman@ demonstrate@ and@ E. A . is Ryan , examined@his@historical@scholarship;@ the@former@considered@it@within@the context@of@the@sixteenth-century@theological@controversies,@the@latter@in the@context@ of@his@ other@writings . 8' Bellarmino , s@involvement@ in@Galileo , s@affair , on@the@other@hand long@elicited@the@interest@of@historians@of@science , Pierre@Duhem , has , at@the beginning@of@this@century,@elevated@Bellarmino@to@the@rank@of@forerunner of@ the@ epistemology@ of@ modern@ that@was@well@expressed@in@his@i science-an@ Ⅰ . 9'@ Out@ of@ deference@for@Duhem , he@ stated , unction@to@Galileo@to@treat@the@Coper nican@system@as@a@scientific@hypothesis world epistemology , not@as@a@description@of@the@real , s@view , Brodrick , too , presented , 一 168 一 him@ scientist@ with@a@ defensible@cosmological@ as@ a@ Morpurgo@ Tagliabue@ theory , 10)@and@ Guido has@ also@ reasserted@ the@ soundness@ of@ his@ epis temol gc@@ position , '"@ On@ the@ other@ hand , those@ who@ 4sagree@ Duhem , s@ views@ have@ presented@ an@ image@ "meek@spi i u3i y@and@absentmi Wth of@ Bellarmino@ expressing ded@ecstasy" . Such , for@instance , was the@way@Giorgio@de@Santillana@described@him@in@his@book@on@Galileo:@ "an o , Pagued@with@ill-hea man Ⅰ Ⅰ h , harassed@wih@work , who@found@escape from@ it@only@ in@prayer@ and@ in@sighing@ for@ the@ consolation@ of@ the@ other worl , "@ And@ @@ support@ writings, parHcuIaHy co 励笏み dg, sわe of@ this@ image hisDg , he@ cited@ BC のcg ん切 0 れぞ 移と色サ恭レ ルあ 0 移 o 妨Cわ移c 笏移 , stahng Dg rmino Ⅰ が 笏 , s@ sPritua and Dg 彫移ヶ励 thatthiswasindeedwhathe in erested in.'2) was Ⅰ The malo schoars@ て effect was@ not@ send@them@to@their@ of beatification and canonization to@ force@ them@ to@ change@ Bel own@archives , Ⅰ rmino , s@ image , but@ to Their@labor@had@the@merit@ ing@a@considerable@body@of@hitherto@untapped@sources BachCet@ puDished@ Bellarmino a@ substanti3@ , s@curial@ activity. aspects@of@BClarmi of@ documents@ n@ , Xavier@Marie@Le . cti Ⅰ of@uncover re Ⅰ ted@ to Sebastian@Tromp@edited@his@sermons@and other@theological@writings@as@well sever3@ co Jesuit on . 13'@ This@documentation@has@revealed o , s@acti ity@that@nCther@i onographers@nor biographers,@ neither@ hi torians@ of@ sci nce@ nor@ theologians,@ had@ ever noticed@or@taken@into@due@consideration:@ his@work@as@a@biblical@philologist , The@first@of@these@documents@is@the@so phy , In@ 1613 , at@ the@ request@ ・ of@ Mut@@ Ⅴ tC general@superior@of@the@Society@of@Jesus sketched@an@outline@of@Hs@life a@ biography@ than@ an@ Ⅰ scH , an@ , Claudio@Aquaviva , 14'@ In@form autobiography called@Bellarmino@ . Autobiogra assistant@ to@ the , Bellarmino , tHs@piece@appears@to@be@more It@was@written@ at@the@bequest@ of 一 169 一 Francesco@Sacchini@(d Society Indeed . , 1626) , who@was@the@semiofficial@biographer@of@the , @@ the@order@of@its@presentation@it@fo naire@ provided@ by@ Sacchini@ himself . It@ conforms@ biographical@ pattern@long@before@worked@ to@ a@ humanistic out@ and@tested@ in@the@biogra phies@Sacchini@had@inserted@in@his@history@of@the@Society in@ the@ third@ person@ himself " Ⅰ屯 ": as anecdotes born was , such@as@the@Floren , s@weak@ of@his@sermons@that@he@wou Ⅰ in nor@ e Ⅰ 七 ne@epi , 15'@It@is@written . ." It is rep@ete year. ode@of@the@old@lady@who , wor w 什h ed Ⅱ , prayed@throughout@ one get@to@the@end@of@it@safe Ⅰ.161@It@puts@also Ⅰ , s@versatile@mind:@"His@talents@were vated , but@ suitab Ⅰ he physical@constitution considerable@emphasis@on@the@author nCther@ subt ・ and , to@ disguise@ the@ referent , the@ author@ refers@ to "N. about@ Bellarmino n ws@the@questi Ⅰ to@ any@ task@ Ⅰ so@ much@ that@ he could@ take@up@ any@field@ indifferently, "@ Similarly , the@ Additiones@ to@ the autobiographyemphasizeonceagainthisversati@ity; buttheyidentify it as a gift for comprehending and exp@aining " 裾 0 んぴ御し ナカci ガんバク ぱ 0% 後妨 c磁 わん あ ク matter: The autobiography commitments , a@so presents gave@ ・ denial" Ⅱ 笏クガどク れ目 は ".17) of the author,s his@family , the@Society@of It@stresses@the@piety@of@his@parents,@particularly Ⅴ ng , prayers , contempl tion , , It@introduces@the@Society@of@Jesus@in@the@person , one@of@the@first@nine@companions@of@Ignace@of@Loyola the@ Spiritual@ Exercises@ to@ Bellarmino presents@the@author desc ・ , who@was@"devoted@to@3msgi of@Paschal@Broet who@ sort of subject It@begins@with@a@description@of@the@elements@Bellarmino Jesus,@ and@the@papacy fasting , and@self ピサ other aspects thought@important@for@understanding@his@life:@ of@his@mother every , s@particu r@rCation@wi Ⅰ bes@@@ one@whose@intel reflected@ Bellarmino Ⅰ ctu3@ accompli , s@ mother h@the@papacy uncle . 18' , Finally , it , The@pope@i hments@as@a@humanist@a , s@ lifelong@ideals:@ Marcello@Cervini@ was@ indeed@his@compatriot@and@his@ , Ⅰ (d . 1555) , who o -- 170 一 The@ second@ thesis@ the@ biography@ advances@ Bellarmino , s@own@versatility , The@chief@manifestation@of@this@adaptabil- ity@ was@his@capacity@for@mediating , Indeed , much@ realm@ of@ theology@ were@ directed@ toward@ apparent derives@ directly@ from of@his@efforts@in@the the@ task@ of@ reconciling@ two contradctory@roes@he@had@chosen@for@ Ⅰ theologian@and@that@of@the@pastor The@modC@ on@whi . Hmself:@ that@ of@the Of@these@two@he@preferred@the@latter h@he@patterned@h@@ , at@ sermons ast@untl@he@created Ⅰ his@ own@ style@ (or@ thought@ he@ had) , was@ that@ of@ Cornelio@ Musso@ (1511- 1574) , the@ renowned@ at@ the preacher@ who@ the@ gave@ ope Ⅰ ng@ sermon@ Council@ of@ Trent@ and@ whose@ preaching@ style@ was@ "based@ on@ ideas , not images"@ and@ "clear@ and@ certain , not@ dubious" was@ preacher@ that@ he@ often@ portrays@ himself . it@ is@ as@ a 19'@ And@ ・ However , he@ always was@ careful@to@stress@that@he@preached@only@in@obedience@to@a@command@of@his superiors 正 ery ぬぱゐ with or ofCamaldo crc サ八/. their permission. During Ⅱ, it was してん also preached Be@laTmino wished is that of the@ Tridentine@ norms@ on@ monas- " 名んⅠ 挽クの ひひ ぬ 0 iれ SS 尭 , ぴ # Jo㎡ i77iれド "; and "ク g打 c co 乙 cサれS to convey demands@of@his@superiors brief visit to the local abbotwho 0 Ⅰ 脇わ 0%9 御乙 ガク晩ヰ 彫s Mondov@he implemented@ the a ぽ sM クり Ⅰ i0 ⅠⅠ わ a re Ⅱ gious preaching . wh Ⅱe he れ ド "."0@ The who image fo Ⅱ owed Yet , thanks@ in was and to@ the , he@had@the@opportunity@to@exert@himself@in@the field of theology More@important@s upon@ Bellarmino love@poetry Ⅰ ll, the@autobi , s@ humanistic@ formation , Ⅰ emphasi In@ his@ youth , he@ learned@ , and , after@spending@more@than@one@night@reading@Virgil learned@to@ versify@ in@such@ poemsbut graphy@puts@conSderab one Greek@ by@ HmsCf a@ , when@he@ , he fashion@that@nothing@could@be@found@ " ひ e めぴ笏 ㎡笘ヶお援れぴ 笏 " after the other.2'@ was@ asSgned@ in@his He mastered to@ teach@ Demosthenes@ college@of@Mondovi . He@barely@knew@the@alphabet to at@ the , when@he@began@the 一 171 course ・ bas@@ ru He@ therefore@ told@the@ students@that@he@ wanted@ to@start@Wth@ the s@ Ⅰ "mastered@ of@ and@ work@ grammar@ day@ by@ day@ that@ wHch@ to@ the@ text . up@ he@ was@ goi g@ to@ In@ th@@ later@ in@ Louvain , 22'@ Similarly , when@ he@ was@ ordered@ to@ teach@ Hebrew resorted@to@the@same@device , , he But,@ with@increased@confidence@in@h@@ , he way@ teach@ next@ to@ Hs pupils";@ and@he@ended@the@course@reading@Isocrates@as@well years@ 一一 own didactic@capabilities, he@assured@the@students@willing@to@follow@him@that in@eight@days@they@would@be@ able@to@read@ and@understand@ the@ sole@ help@ of@ a@ dictionary ・ Hebrew@with Indeed , he@ learned@ the@ language@ by himself , for@ he@ discovered@ that@ the@ traditional@ organization@ of@ the material@ usually@ adopted@ by@ Jewish@ teachers@ and@ other@ compilers@ of Hebrew@ manuals@ colleges did@ not@ meet@ the@ pedagogical@ standards@ of@ Jesuit . 23' Equ3 Wth@ the@ huma consonant@ Ⅰ stic@ trai i Ⅰ g@ is@ Bel Ⅰ rmi o, s expression@ of@ dissatisfaction@with@ the@ various@ brands@ of@ scholastic philosophy , in@which@his@early@philosophical@ had@ s ll@been@bound , Ⅰ He@ deemphasi logic@ at@ the@ Collegio@ Romano that@ Ⅰ me ed@ his@ studi s@ of@ phi Ⅰ sophy@ and , observing@ that@ he@ was@sick@ for@most@ of , 24*@ He@ponted@out@that@professors@at@the@UDverSty@of@Padua did@ little@but@ read@ printed@ manuals answer@the@ques biography and@theological@ formation Ⅰ ons@ , he@was@thus and@ theologian , and@ they@ did@ not@ even@ posed@by@[email protected]'@ According@to@ , or@wished@to@appear@as deign@ to the@ auto , , a@self , taught@humanist , but@ one@who@applied@his@humanistic@training@and@learn , ing@specifically@ to@ the@realm@ of@theology The@ autobiography@ furthermore@ sojourn@in@Louvain@marked@a@turning@point@ points@ out@ that@ Bellarmino in@his@career ・ ,s It@was@there that@he@was@ordained@priest@and@that@he@took@the@fourth@solemn@vow@of obedience@to@ the@ pope , thus@becoming@a@ full@member@of@the@ Society@ of 一 172 一 Jesus , It@ was@ there@ that@ he@ changed@ defi iti e@@ the@ subject@ of@ his teaching@ from@ the@ rhetorical@ arts@to@ theology . 26'@ It@was@ there@ that@ he faced@Hs@first@ch3 Short easy . means@ enge@as@a@theologan leading@ members@ , and@responding@to@it@was@by@no before@ Hs@ arriv3 , the@ challenge@ of@ one@ of@ the Ⅰ of@ that@ faculty , Michael@ 1589) , had@been@so@ that@ it@had@been@ strong@ B3us@paid@no@attenton@to@the@i Ⅰ unc Baius@ (Michel@ de@ Bay , d condemned@by@ on@of@si Ⅰ Ⅰ Rome , But nce@imposed@upon@him He@ started@ once@ again@ to@ discuss@ his@ theses@ openly@ and@ to@ publish@ a defense@ of@ them , Upon@ his@ arrival, Bellarmino@ found@ the@ university students@ in@ tumult@ and@ themselves the@ professors@ sharply@ divided@ among , 27' Bellarmino@was@not@immediately@involved@in@the@dispute assigned@to@teach@at@the@local@Jesuit@college Baius@ questions@ on@ of@ grace , i, e . , how@ whethe て the concept of ん o 移o zれウひ ted , Baius@considered@the@status@of@ Holy@ Spirit@ necessary@ mi o@ maintai of@ the@ Ho Ⅰ Spirit , , on@one@side on@ the@ relationship ん S れ ク とれ 勿ねあ 硲 should be , admlt- rectitude@ and@the@indwelling@of@the of@ human@ possi ility@ of@ dsti nature g℡ , Bellar shing@ between , and@the@rectitudo@and@the@indwelling the@ other , teleologic3@ conception@ of@ human@ concept@ to@ conceive@ for@ the@ completeness@ ed@ the@ theoretic3@ human@nature@in@itself He@4sagreed@Wth , , in@the@terminology@of@that@period between@natural@and@supernatural@or on . But@he@could@not@avoid@it; s , s@chief@adversary and@i deed@he@soon@became@Bai , for@he@was In@ short , wHle@ Bai being@ and@ consequent of@ "pure@ natural" , Bellarmino@ stressed@ an@ s@ Ⅰ stressed@ a rejected@ the ontological@ under standing@ of@human@ being-one@ that@required@ the@distinction@between natural@ and@ supernatural , 28'@ Stripped@ of@ its@ theological@ cloak , this dispute@foreshadows@the@recent@debate@on@"nurture"@vs the@theological@stomach@is@squeamish , "nature"-or , at@least@ this@recent@debate@ , if may 一 173 一 furnish@ to@ approach@that@controversy a@ way@ . It@mi ht , therefore , appear@as@@@ the@ro p mary@subject@of@a@theologi of@grace@was@once@again@the Ⅰ al@controversy Ⅱ , Yet@a@diverse@understand- ing@of@the@proper@method@of@theological@ inquiry@was@what@also@ divided Bellar ㎝ no@and@Baius . of@ methodology:@ Bellar ㎝ no@agreed@with@Baius@upon@one@element the@ importance@ accepted@ Baius , s@appreCati of@ patristic@ argument n@of@poSti He@ also , e@theol gy@@@ contrast@to@ scho lastic, for@that@was@the@counsel@Ignace@gave@in@his@Exercitia@and@codified @@ the@ Constitutiones reliance@ . 29 、1@ He@ 4sagreed@ Augustine@ on@ and@ thought@ that@ Augustine@ grace@and@the@best@ on@ with@ Baius , s@ amost@ his@ manner@ Ⅰ ゐⅠ じ Cじ尼 5ぬ ・ weapon@against@the@"heretics"@ て eXp て essed thlsconfldence M は #0 Ⅰれ物 on AM ぎ絡わ免 て mlno, ch Fathe て s,G eek aswe@ the othe て of@the@ decrees@ of@ the@ councils , precedence@ over@ the@ position@ of@ the@ whole ln themotto: をⅠⅡ は万じひひ壌移 た Cぴ笏ク0 後れ ア托タパリ しね Augustinus@ Hstoric3@ 亡 lncludlng a Ⅱ the Indeed@ the@ councils , in@ his@ mind , took , including@ Augustine 七 , If@ a in@agreement@with@Augustine moreover to be employed hatcouldbenon.Au thattimewerejusttheoppos agains A ど庵われ 硲 stood forthelncluslon The@ decrees@ of@ the@ councils , theheresiesof Ⅰ Latln. Healso the@ Fathers@ themselves histo ㎡ cals 吐 uaUon 一 alanguage " ひあ upon furnishing the theological language to 封 gh of@his@time, He@was for@ him , because@ the@ Holy@ Spirit@ was@ surely@ councils , Baius hand, lnslsted Ⅰ as 0 definition@of@a@council@ seemed@not@to@be@ worse@ si e could@ provide@ a@ support@ for@ his@ theology@ of . " Be@a ひ Zひピ彫 Chu he Ⅰ of@ interpreting@him , also@ confident@ that@ Augustine@ represented@ Church,and exc on@ , the@ side@ of@ the , had@ the@ function@ of in that particular 靱lsUnian,because 辻 eofthoseAugusHnehad (初刀 ね拘笏ナ招援o 乙 co 免ぬ携 rie れ放 co れサ 御ヴ び俊ル尻硲 agebat) . 30 、1@ In@interpreting@Augustine@he@paid@attention@to@the context@of@his@writings , And@Wth@the@support@of@the@"consen 一 l74 一 S郷戸㏄ヰ物 ぴ笏 ", he became convlnced thathls antl.Pelaglan w Ⅱ 珪 lngsdld not@reflect@his@long-term@theological@ views@nor@those@of@the@rest@ of@the equ3 autho Ⅰ Ⅱ Although@ tati e@Church@ the@ modern@ Fathers editor@ of@ Bellarmino , s@ refutation@ of@ Baius stresses@that@this@debate@hCps@ to@ understand@the@relatonship@between natural@and@supernatural-a@relationship , s@condemnation@ of@Baius Lon-in@rea Ⅰ , he@asserts , that@since@the@time (1567)@has@not@found@a@definitive@systematiza ty,@i s@importance@ Ⅰ es@more@in@BClarmino's@ Ⅰ rst@adop Ⅰ on of@the@criteria@established@by@the@Council@of@Trent@concerning@the@proper method@ of@theological@inquiry . 31' An@even@more@important@consequence@of@the@dispute@with@Bai s@was that@it@brought@Bellarmino@into@contact@with@the@post-Erasmian@theolog ical@world@of@the@University@of@Louvain first@time, made@Hm@f Hebrew a@ part@ assemb ly@aware@of@the@importance@of@the@knowledge@of of@a@ wider@commentary@on@Aquinas the@ mate Ⅰ Ⅱ So@invo , aside@ the@ comP The@ main@ ti n@ of@ this@ purpose@ purpose@ noti ed@workS@ Ⅰ a@ Roman@ authoriti , Bellarmino@ grammar Sc ㎡ pture.W4@ asatisfacto iん放0, めだぴ仇御召れ物 て y manne Ⅰ until@ his s , 33' is@extremely 辻 p ㎡ ma ㎡ ly f0r the the elementary 一 " ㎡ ん 0 んクと けち c脇W 也 e% ゆピ彫力0㏄が. "35@ s@ states@ in@ his@ auto He meant des 什 ed to master Hebrew this@proj ct@that@he@put from@ his@ conviction@ that@ "Hebrew@ self.taught studentwho he@ began@to of@ a@ systemat@@ treatise@ against@ Bai useful for understanding ce/fg hard requested@by@the@ , stemmed@ thatlanguagein , s@ Summa@than@ ed , i deed , did@he@become@@@ Ⅰ Ⅰ for@one@of@h@@ 3@ form3@@ n@was@ biography , for@the In@fact , no@sooner@had@he@completed@his@refutation@of@Baius@as . grammar opi i ㍽ . 321@ And@those@contacts W structure co どん ifio 笏 6%, Ⅱ h this didactical in@mind,@ he@divided@ i s@content@in@two@partS@ a@framework@ general@ rules@ and@ an@ exercise@ in@ gramma Ⅰ of cal@ analysis@ on@ of the@ thi ty- 一 175 一 tHrd@psam , He@organzed@the@content@of@the@first@secti structure@he@was@most@familiar@with-namely a eady@ used@ dong@ under@ the@ gui sis@of@ the@ text@ word@by@ more@ word ・ on@ , 36' what@ students@ of@ any@ teacher@ of@ gramma e@ Ⅰ Ⅰ wi g@the Ⅰ , that@of@Latin@grammar Similarly , he@ patterned@ the@ second@ section@ ana n@fo Moreover were an Ⅱ , to@ render@ the@ exerCse useful , he@ filled@ it@with@ references@ to@ the@ grammatical@ indicating@not@only@the@page@but@even@the@exact@location@(top section , , middle , or bottom)@on@each@page@where@he@had@explained@the@pertinent@grammatical@rule , 37'@ Notwithstanding@his@emphasis@on@clarity@and@simplicity , he did@not@neglect@to@observe@the@humanistic@standard@of@accuracy text@of@the@psalm@he@presented@matches@that@ few@mi ably@successful:@ ments of@a@modern@edition takes@that@crept@in@seem@due@more@to@the@p . 38'@ This@work to@Bellarmino@himself , and@the Ⅱ ntng@process@than , first@printed@in@1578 it@ran@through@several@editions , The , was@consider , revisions , and@enlarge ・ , and@it@was@used@through@the@middle@of@the@seventeenth@century , 39' To@ this@ period@ of@ studying@ and@ lecturing@ at@ Louvain@ belongs@ still another@ work,@ described@ by@ Brodrick@ as@ "partly@ a@ kind@ of@ Hebrew exercise , book , and@ part a@ commentary@ Ⅰ ably@wrote@for@the@sake@of@some@pupi Hebrew example@ , A of@ Bellarmino fondness@ for@ harmoni published . Moreover ly@ annotated Ⅰ gc3@ , "@ which@ eager@to@do@further@exerci ・ es@in Brodrick , th@@ work@ presents@ a@good , s@ independence@ of@judgment@ as@ ing@ interpreta ons,@ con he@ prob Ⅰ i tng@ , in@the@same@period Ⅰ well@ @@ of@ his as@ was@ never , he@seems@to@have@conspicuous- , partly@ in@ Hebrew/a@ Latin@ Bible , but@unfortunately@ text@has@perished Bellarmino Ⅰ hough , accor4ng@to@ Ⅰ on@ Genesis this , 40' , s@progressive@acquaintance@with@the@contemporary@theo literature@ ch3 Ⅰ nged@ Hs@ commitment@ engendered@a@conflict@Wth@the@ to@ 6blic3@ pH Ⅰ Ⅰ i terpretati n@of@the@55ical@decrees@of gy , 一 17f 一 the@CounCl@ of@ Trent , and@compC tion@of@those@decrees of@ whether@ , or@ not@ i terpreta , In@short , he@had@to@find@an@answer@to@the@question his@ humanistic@ training@ theological@ statements@ compati d@Hm@to@advance@a@new@ Ⅰ was@ compatible@ with@ the of@ the@ Tridentine@ Council , 41'@ In@ his@ quest@ for ility@he@focused@Hs@attention@on@three@topics:@the@positi n@and the@reli Llity@of@the@Hebrew@text;@ Septuagint;@ the@3leged@unty@of@authorsh@@ of@the and , finally , the@meaning@of@the@definition@of@the@authentic ity@of@the@Latin@Vulgate , Beyond@these@issues@and@the@contingent@variety of@the@ languages , there@ is@a@single@and@unifying@question:@how@can@one be@sure@of@the@authority@of@a@text@when@its@materiality42'@is@indisputably liable@ to@ errors?@ Then reader:@ the@ a6lity@ , in@ the@ case@ of@ a@ translation of@the@trans Ⅰ tor , judgement@ of@the@ reader?@ In@ contrast@ theol 8ans , Bellarmi case@ o , s@ pH@ study , for@he@ had@the@ ments@of of@phi@ Ⅰ gi extratextu8@ acti 3@ Approximately@ ose@confi since@ the@ popes@ urati n@of@the@ Lands@ body@politic , indeed@a@principate i y@ consti Ⅰ even@ gy@was@not@al if@it@was@ g achi ve , application ne@@@ its@quest@to only@ that@ of@ a@ text returned@ to@ Rome@ of@St , of utes@ an@engagi , the@humanists gy@to@Scri ture , 43'@Yet , pHlo , or@ the tools@ to@ understand@the@ , and@assess@the@charges@pressed@by Ⅰ authority the to@ the@ preceding@generations@ i tClectu8@ redefine@ and@ challenge@ authority , Ⅰ an@ , what@ assures@ from@ Avignon Peter@became@ a@hi h Ⅰ , the Ⅴ si Ⅰ , and@the@role@of@its@regent@also@required redefinition@not@only@in@relation@to@the@Papal@State@but@also@in@relation to@ the@ modern@ autonomy , 44'@ And his theory of the States@ progressively@ asserting@ their@ , tellingly , Bellarmino@is@present@in@this@field ク o た SヵS universal@ monarchy@and@ absolute own@ , too , with iれ切花Cね of the Pope 一 a ba@ance between the@denial@ of@any@ temporal@ In@focusing@his@attention@on@the@Hebrew@text power . 45' , one@of@the@preliminary questions@Bellarmino@had@to@face@was@that@of@the@philological@reliability 一 177 一 of@ the@ transmitted@ He@ readi@@ text , admitted@ that@ the@ manuscri ts ts cont3ned@the@usual@kind@of@errors@due@to@the@negligence@of@the@copyi He@was@more@embarrassed , however,@by@the@thesis,@recently@rediscover ed@and@reappropriated@by@several@theologians the@ Old@ Testament@ unreliable , that@the@Hebrew@text@of was@ doctored@ by@ Jewish@ scholars@ and@ thus@ made , 46'@ In@the@highest@theological@pronouncements@of@his@age decrees@of@the@Council@of@Trent that@ argument to@ counter@ . , the , he@found@nothing@that@could@be@helpful For@ the@ Council@ in@ con$de ng@ Ⅱ the@ recent developments@in@the@field@of@biblical@studies@paid@attention@only@to@their pastoral@ or@canonical@dimension , not@to@ their@philological@implications , The@only@positive@indication@he@could@derive@from@that@debate@was@that of@ the@ fathers@ at@ the@ Council@ had@ i deed@ manifested@ the@ desire@ to some@ have@an@edition@of@the@Bible@that@was@free@of@errors rary@theological@debate of the au た . 47'@ In@the@contempo , on@the@other@hand henhc 什 y of the " ひ % 硲乙 , he@found@that@the@declaration ひひ ㎏切物 " was one of the strongest arguments@against@the@need@of@learning@and@going@back@to@the@ Hebrew @@ an@ argument@ nience , Why@ that@ took@ the@ form@ of@ an@ objection@ based@ take@ the@ trouble@ of@ mastering@ that@ language@ when@ the Latin@text@was@so@opportunely@declared@to@be@exempt@from@errors?@ was@ precisely@ the@ fear@ of@ Gerolamo@ superi r@of@the@Eremitans@and@pap@@ Council , when@ he@ opposed@ a@ reality. Spani h@Domi In@ fact , i an@Me Ⅰ This Seripando@ (d . 1563) , the@ erudite gate@dur* g@the@ Ⅰ st@phase@of@the Ⅰ the@ plan@ for@ a@ too@ hasty@ edition@ of@ the vulgata , @@ Yet , what@for@Seripando@was@still@only@a@fear became@ , on@ conve no@ , for@Bellarmi o less@ prestigious@ a@ theologian@ than@ the hi r@Cano@thought@he@had@so@well@demonstrated the@ reli bility@ of@ the@ vulgata@ that , at@ least@ temporar ㎡ need@to@ check@ it@against@the@ Hebrew . y, there@ was@ no In@ addition , Cano@ asserted@ that the@Jewish@scholars@had@tampered@with@the@Hebrew@text , and , in@accor 一 17@ dance@with@the@Tri enti e@criter@@ for@theo 8c3@ Ⅰ . 49'@ When@ he@buttressed ry , , as@wCl@as@pH Hs@thesis@Wth@a@full@array@of@patristic@quotations arguments qⅦ i ⅠⅠ gc3 the@ first@ prefect@ of@ the@ Congregation@ for@ the Council , cardinal@ Gianpietro@ Carafa , then@ Paul@ IV , stated@that@the@best way@to@safeguard@the@positi n@of@the@vulgata@ of@its@authority ⅠⅠ gc3@ , not@@@ a@pH position@ of@ the@ Hebrew@ precari y@@@ a@sweepi Ⅰ g@extensi n comparison@with@the@ori text@ and@ Hebrew@ i 3s , the studies@ became@ even@ us . iio) In@ focusi confront@ Hs@ attenti g@ the@ n@ on@ Septuagnt text@generally@surrounded@by@neglect a@ BC , translation@and@ thus@ one@ Ⅰ rmi tors . 51'@ The@Tri o@ , for@ it@was@ step@below@ the@ original@ Hebrew was@thought@to@have@been@corrupted@by@the@Jews wCl@as@trans Ⅰ a@ mere , and@ its@text , at@ Ⅰ ast@i iti l , further Ⅰ weakened@its@position@by@adding@their@own@parochial@concerns:@ hing@T to , who@also@did@not@score enti e@Fathers important@passages@used@in@establi had@ Renaissance@biblical . philologists@considered@ it@of@ secondary@ importance Ⅱ it@lacked ni a Ⅱ an@and@Ch Ⅱ stoogi al and , since@it@was@also@the@official@text@of@the@orthodox@Church dogmas;@ i s@ use@ would@ scHsmati be@ too@ big@ of@ , 521@ However studies , Guglieimo@ tion@ between@ taking more 什 concesSon@ a@ , especia Ⅰ , to@ a@ church@ regarded@ after@the@erudte@scho Sirleto@ (d . 1585) , pointed@ as r@of@patristi Ⅰ out@ to@ Cervini@ the@ connec the@ Apostolic@ Church@ and@ the@ Septuagint@ and@ suggested asthemodellfora uniqueand normativeedition the@general@attitude@of@the@Fathers@changed ofthe vぴ ㎏クぬ , . 53'@ In@the@final@formulation of@the@decree@on@Scripture,@the@bishops@removed@any@reference@to@it@and limi ed@ the@@ concerns@to@ the@ La Ⅰ n@tranSa Ⅰ on@ 3one , 54'@ Thus,@ even@ this@case, Bellarmino@found@no@help@for@solving@his@problems@connected with@ its@alleged@unity@of@authorship . To@ a@ scholar@ familiar@ with@ both@ Greek@ and@ Hebrew@ and@ endowed in Wth@ a@ keen@ percepti n@ for@ subtle@ stYistic@ vari ti ns , the@ text@ of@ the Septuagint@had@something@unconvinCn8@ vary@ Ⅰ 一 179 the@sty and@the@phraseo Ⅰ gy Ⅰ too@ widely@ from@ one@ book@ to@ the@ other@ to@ substantiate@ the@ tradi on3@ assump Ⅰ translators , on@ regardng@ the@ uni achi ved@ among@ those@ seventy For@ instance , the@ translator@ of@ the@ book@ of@ Job@ had@ remarkable@command@of@Greek sed@ by@ modern@ Solomon@ y@ a , but@not@of@Hebrew-a@view@also@endor scholarship55'- excelled@ in@Hebrew@but@ , while@ the@ translator@ of@ the@ book@ of not@ in@Greek , The@ conclusion@derived from@philological@ analysis@was@cogent:@the@unity@allegedly@achieved@by the@translators@crumbled Epiphanius , the@authority@of@the@text@was@endangered , and , s@ description@ of@his@visit@ to@ the@ cells@ where@ the@ translation had@ been@ made@ was@ also@ bereft@ of@ credibility-in@ other@ words , the authority@ of@ the@ authorities@who@ supported@ the@ text@ was@ also@ slowly being@under Ⅲ ned , On@the@third@topic@he@was@interested@in@(the@meaning@of@the@definition of@the@authenticity@of@the@Vulgate)@Bellarmino@found@a@precise@definition ofan elus@ve teXt:'6) the " ノクナ郷クナひ ぴ盾 ク 地切 砺0"sh0uld be the@ authentic@ version@ for@ the@ Roman@ soon@ Church . 57'@ Yet@ て ega 丁 ded as after@ the Council@ its@interpreters@divided@into@two@groups@of@sharply@contrasting views:@ on@ one@ side , those@ who@ interpreted@it@in@ a@ dogmatic@ claimed@ that@ authenticity@ meant@ verbal@ accuracy;@ those@ who@ construed@ it@as@ a@ disciplinary@measure@ authentiCty@meant@absence@of@errors@@@ For@the@former@group respect@ of@ the@ usage@ and@ maintained@ that matters@of@f3th@and@mor8s Ⅰ , 58' respect tter,@ it@guarantees@ to@ the@ user@ i or@ the@ way@ the@ text@ has@ been@ used , instance , the@Franciscan@theologian@Andreas@de@Vega@(d of@ the@ first@ attempts@ and on@ the@ other@ side, , the@authentiCty@guarantees@to@the@user@@@ of@the@ qu8ity@ of@ the@ text;@ for@ the@ sense@ to@ i terpret@ that@ defi iti When , for , 1556)@made@one n@ by@ poi ti g@ out@ the 一 180 一 presence@of@errors@@@ the@Vugate@and@the@need@to@resort@to@the@o by@vi wi g@the@authenti conSde ng@ Ⅱ i y@as@a@Sgn@or@expresSon@of@deference the@ occaSonal@ of@ Roman@ ion , Phiip@ approbation Still , it@ was@ Carafa@ , MCanchthon , John@ , 6Q)@ Hence getic@co Ⅰ rati , the@ whole@ a@ very@ C3vin attacked@ the@ definition@ for@ what@ narrowness , , and@by agreed , although@ with@ the dismissed@ that@ whole@ interpretation@ as@ addi 8nals character@ of@ that@ deci ion,@ the@ Portuguese theologian@ Diego@ de@ Paya@ de@ Andreada@ caveat@ Ⅱ they@ debate@ , (d , 1559)@ who bold@ position , 59'@ In and@ Mar thought@ was@ received@ an@ z Chemni n@ Ⅰ its@ myopic additional@ apolo , n, More@ important , however , was@ that@ the@ Tridentine@ decrees@ also implied@a@positive@step:@the@production@of@a@text@(the@Vulgate)@"with@the 一 (4% 移クW 何 % ぬ㎡笏e).6,) Although fewestpossibleerr0rs" al@work@began@during@the@first@phase@of@the@Council , it@was@not@complet ed@ until@ the@ last@ decade@ of@ the@ century enthusiasm@ guided@ these@ efforts, stalled@the@editorial@ commission@ Subor4na Ⅰ ng@ph Ⅰ In@ 1569 , when@ Pius@ V@ formally@ in for@ the@ Vulgate , of@cardinals@and@the@other@of@scholars modifications THs@procedure changed@ phase@ began Ⅱ Ⅱ ty , Pius , one@composed , The@task@of@the@latter@group@was to@ point@ out@ i correct@ readi gs@ and@ suggest@ , These@ findings@ cardi als , who@ had@to@deci text . a@ new@ c terion@of@autho divided@the@labor@of@the@commission@among@two@groups proper@ e@ wHch@readi , first@for@contrasti and@ then@ for@ the@ deCsi , , 62'@ In@ the@ beginning , Cervini , s logy@to@the@extratextu@@ strictly@ pHlolo8cal:@ the editori n@ to@ were@ then@ examined@ by@ the g@sho ℡ d@ enter@ i to@ the@new g@opi i ns@on@what@should@be edt@ the@ text@ of@ the@ Septuagi turned@ out@ to@ be@ slow@ and@ irksome Since@Sirleto , with@whom@Bellarmino@was@acquainted@from@the@time of@his@studies@at@the@Collegio@ Romano the , was@one@of@the@members@of@the t, 一 lSl 一 editori3@ commissi n@for@the@Vu the@expert@to@be@profitab Ⅰ ate , BC consulted Ⅰ less@ than@ behalf-no@ a@ o@resol ed@that@he@was , 631@ He@wavered of@ his@ confreres@ also@ wanted@ some@ rmi Ⅰ , however him@ to@ submit@ confutation@ , but@since a@ request@ their on@ of@ the@ writings@ of@ the@ biblical scholars@ who@ dared@to@ disparage@the@Vulgate-he@ overcame@his@initial His@first@question@was@on@the@meaning@of@authenticity , reserve not@be@a@definition@of@philological@nature . It@could , he@thought , for@he@had@plenty of@evidence@that@ the@translators@of@the@Vulgate@sometimes@nodded@ and departed@from@the@meaning@of@the@o Ⅱ gina Ⅰ. H@@ second@one@centered@on the@reliability@of@the@Hebrew@text@of@the@Bible:@ was@it@truly@so@doctored that@no@ authority@ at@ all@could@be@granted@except@in@case@of@a@complete agreement@between@all@the@codices?@ His@final@question@was@on@the@unity of@the@Septuagint , The@only@solution@he@could@think@of@was@to@consider 珪 sorlglnal teXt lostoreX he ascrlbed to lt a classlcal quotatlononorlglnalsln: 4 S0 %e, ㌃と 尹包ク staunch mucH@ c Ⅰ ク笘ノ defender @@ any@ 七Ⅰ 77%2S %ぴ ニS 6S Ⅰワ ofthe emelyco Ⅰ て ぴケ侮務多俺とテ Septuaglnt case@he@d@@ not@ ruPted,soco 形 ひ 肋6 Ⅰ て uPted,lnfact,that れク毎 S ぴアヶビ Ⅰ Ⅰ 0 ケア犠 毎 , in@a@section@opportunely@titled@De@ he@ declared@ that@ the@ Hebrew@ form . 66'@ In@ compliance@ argumentation a て gllment"d ed@by@Justine@and@Augustine God , s@ providence@ has@ falsi ica Ⅰ Ⅰ on,@for@Sc 七 o0 of@ the verbo@ Dei . Frst@of@all , text@ had@ survi ed@ @@ an@ unadulterated Ⅰ im@by@refer クのひ 訊6% Ⅰ . サ肋 Ⅱ ",which ng@to@a@patristic@thesis wasaI て surely@ preserved@ it@ from@ however,@ requi pture@was@entrusted@to@the@Church@as@i es@ , eady eIaborat. Granted@the@importance@of@the@Scripture on , 671@ Divine@ providence,@ Ⅱ a て with@ the@ Tridentine@ criteria@ of@ theological , he@supported@his@c in thiscase,the Fo , 65' Bellarmino@ presented@ his@ own@ solution@ in@ the@ first@ volume@ Controversiae ケ色しナ多パ p 戸 obably o , s@questions Bellarmi ナナ色ぴ アルア パ乙 ナナ . "64) @ke Slrleto thlswas answer@ ピ any@ , substantial human@ coopera- s@foremost@treasure 一 182 一 @@ pmecipuum@ thought@ thesaurum Th@@ . of@ his@ contemporary@ some@ ative , lacked@due@care preci Cy@ the@ pont@ was@ fellow@ theologians@ , and@mishandled@a@ where@ were@ precious@treasure he uncooper In@fact , he . did@not@understand@how@they@could@state@that@the@sources@did@not@deserve any@ trust;@ how@they@ originals;@ and , could@argue@ codices@ in@ total@ agreement explanation@ disregard@ the , how@ they@ could@ maintain@ that@ only@ moreover version@ survived@ uncorrupted@ unadulterated@ that@it@was@possible@to@ when@ there@ one two@ Latin were@ not@ even@ , 681@ If@ the@ thesis@ that@ the@ text@ survived is@accepted,@argued@ Be Ⅰ armino,@ the@only@point@requiring is@the@ role@ of@ Esdras@ in@ the@ post , exilic@ restoration@ of@ the Law , 69@ First,@ he@ considered@ the@ theory@ that@ heT4@ that@ the@ Scripture perished@ at@ the@ time@ of@ the@ BabYoHan@ restored@it@ authori upon@4ctati scho a Ⅰ ve@ Ⅰ n@ of@the@ HOy@ r@ than@ capti Ⅴ ty , but@ then@ Esdras SPrit;@ Ⅵ ty , no@ as wrote@ under@ inspiration,@he@ should@ have@ rewritten@ the@ whole@ Testament@in@Aramaic theo y" (0 ウ He@ then@ 4smissed@ ・ theory an Ⅱ て Ⅰ 後 0 Ⅰ ヶ冤タ托ゐ はあ 正ア 祇 S)because, , for@that@ was@his@mother@tongue@and tHs i Esdras Ⅰ Old , indeed language@in@which@he@wrote@the@book@that@bears@his@name , , the Bellarmino a o@regarded@as@highly@improbab@@ the@oPnion@that@du the@copies@of@the@Scripture@perished , even@those@in@the@hands@of@private Ⅰ Ⅱ citizens , But@to@dismiss@the@opinion@of@a@Church@Father more@powerful@argument . so@ bibli al@hi tory . 70'@Consequen eⅠ tors ・ Ⅰ 3l , he@needed@a@far was@ not@ those@ deCared@ among@ it@was@ not@ the@ best@ kind@ of@ source@ that@Esdras@acted@as@an@e ng@the@exi And@he@found@it@in@the@decrees@of@the@Council of@ Trent:@ Esdras , s@ fourth@ book@ canonical@ and@ ss BaSl@ had@ proposed@ and@ supported@ @@ wi h data@ drawn@ from@ the@ fourth@ book@ of@ Esdras "un Ⅱ kely for , @@ anti Ⅰ y , he@regarded@ to@ reconstruct @@ more@re3i Ⅰ tor , the@same@as@any@of@the@si to@ be t@@ to@hold teenth-century 一 183 一 In@his@insistence@upon@adherence@to@the@Hebrew@text Wlli g@to@make@excepti Taki ns , scholars@ (for@ example g@a@cauti , the@ Dominican@ us@ , Bellarmino@was attitude@ toward@ those translator@ and@ editor@ Sante , he@admit- Pagnini)71'@who@overestimated@the@purity@of@the@Hebrew@text ted@ the@ presence@ gence@ of@ errors@ "that@ crept@ in@ partly@ because@ of@ the@ negli , ignorance@ of@ the@ librarians or@ ignorance@ of@the@rabbis@who@ ti n , "@ Yet@ to@ the@ i norance@ Ⅰ of@errors@ imputaLe@ schoars@ the of of@punctua of@ punctuation@ occaSon , @@ was@not@unlikely@that@ was@ belonged@ more@ Ⅰ in@ wHch@ added@ to@ the@ text , to@ Christians@ could@ have@ been@ introduced , the On@ that a@reading@less@favorable On@ grounds@ that@ these to@ the@ history@ of@ the@ Jewish@ people , he suggested@ignoring@altogether@the@Massoretic@system@of@punctuation this@ what@was@bothering@scholars was@ , to@ the@copYsts to@ the@ moment@ Massoretic@ system@ circumstances@ because tters@of@Smilar@shape,@ and@those@imputab of@ JeWsh@ , he@granted partly added@ the@ Massoretic@ system@ he@limited@the@spectrum@ to@the@confuSon@between@ and , if , 72' The@other@exception@Bellarmino@was@willing@to@make@was@to@admit those@passages@that@appeared@to@him@to@have@the@support@of@a@liturgical tradti was n@or@whose@deletion@was@i , for@instance In@ antiquty , Ⅴ sa5e@for@pastoral@reasons , the@case@of@the@thirteenth@psalm has@Cght@verses@less@than@@@ codces ad , which@in@the@Hebrew the@Septuagint@and@in@the@mao , Ori en@ and@ Jerome@ on@ a@ stri tly@ philo n 8ca , s@authority they@ crept@ first@ into@ the@ Septuagint@ and@ subsequently@ back@ into@ the , but@he@feared@that@their@removal might@ di turb@ and@scand3ize@the@common@bCi persuaded@ Ⅰ Ⅰ to@ them , these verses@were@a@collection@from@different@psalms@and@on@Paul , He@accepted@this@explanation ty@of@La Ⅱ ground@ had@ already@ solved@ this@ difficulty. According@ Vulgate This , ver , by@ and@ eaSly@ agree@ wi h@ the@ arguments@ who@ would@not@be of@ phi Ⅰ logy . In 一 184 addition, these verseshad they fellunder 七 the Church."@ 亡 here for a Tridentine heT て Indeed, he Ⅰ was サ 0i long per@od oftime,and a forau メ携挽 S6c ぴ rema@@ Ⅰ た henticity: thelong Ⅰ Ⅰ 七 8% ク 0 托ヶみヶノ匂 76 0 Ⅰ ぴ 脇路 ぴヶんゆ S位 @@ thCr@tra ・ ti Ⅰ ヶ後ナ 8cc Pace n3@ hey Ⅰ o expand じ theSs , quo Ⅰ useby had been j echoesthe S Ⅰ ". In this ア the The@ pastor3 , s@practice@both@of@correcting@some@of@the that@ crept@ into@ the@ text@ and@ of@ tolerating@ others . rCnforced@th@@ hus later in his Dg, eタ肋n れ ic んぱ ガれ 携りぴ ㎏乙妬 on Here@he@referred@to@the@Church errors@ 七 , even@for@ , after@ all, part@ of@ the@ Scri ture . were た て て definit@on "70 れ 90 reasons fo e Bella mino,s eXpression "since @ong time" (c ぴ瑠 i0免妊 0 that@ they@ reason@ て identinecriter@on , these@ verses@cou way been)the ng@Jerome He@ then , who@expressed@concern@about@not hurting@ people , s@ feelings@ with@ his@ textual@ revision , and@ also@ reporting the@ case@ of@ the@ ancient@ Roman@ Church , which@ persisted@ in@ using@ the translation@of@ the@ ps3ms@ on@ had@made@availab h@@ Ⅰ based@ the@ Septuagi , more@fai new@one t@ even@ after@ Jerome hful@to@the@origin@@ and@more elegant . 74'@ And@ this@ was@ done , he@ argued , not@ out@ of@ disregard@ for Jerome a Ⅰ liti , s@ popular@upheaval The who posihon た 一 but was て he knowledge みぴ後 hy matter demonstrate@ sure hatthese produced that@the@ text@cou after@Christ . They@ 3so@ Ⅰ 土石 弩 ranted, whether 一 " 免 gscio 七 falsi ed by q ぴアぷピ燭み 0 れ ぴ挽 一 "z をⅠ ぴ撹 equally not ar ど uments or た intentions ofthe adulterated as of hese scholars,he f." Worststillwas weighty of@ avoi purpose@ of reliability also ruled out the objechon regarded the teXt p aisewor , but@ for@ the@ i g@ a . 75' declarahon Jews. The translator s@ as@ a@ dictated by " in his own cked@some@ know to ignore Jerome, Ⅰ wo arguing with Sc ぬれ サ肋挽 scholarsseemed not@have@been@ he malice of the mightbe were は れ㏄し びんはぴ挽 by Origen, Ⅰ they 亡 of those and て ds full ... co ん屋 nた otally the Augushne to f3sifi d@ Cther@before@or dge@of@the@respect , to@the 一 185 一 point@of@verging@on@superstition , the@Jews@had@for@Scripture . Tampering with@the@text@would@hardly@be@the@action@of@the@same@people@who@called for@a@few@days@of@fasting@if on@the@floor . 76'@ But@in@this@case a@ better@ weapon . they@ had@ done@ a@ with@ tamper@ , even@by@accident any@ , they@dropped@their@scrolls , Bellarmino@thought , philology@could@be If@the@ Jewish@ scribes@ had@ tried@ to@ falsify@ Scripture , rather@ poor@job . As@ of@ fact , they@ did@ not a@ matter@ specific@ messianic@ prophecy;@ and , Hebrew@ text@ at hand , he@pointed@out@that@in@Ps@2@ and@in@Is@53@the@messianic@prophecies were@much@more@explicit@in@the@origin3@ than@in@the@Latin@tranSaLon To@the@argument@that@there@is@a@contradicti . 771 n@between@the@Hebrew@and , he@pointed@out@that@some@codices@and@printed the@Latin@text@in@Gn@8:7-8 g , But@he@also@attempted@to@accom e4tions@supported@the@Latin@readi modate@the@Hebrew@reading@to@that@of@the@Vulgate@by@simply@changing the@place@were@the@raven@returned , which@was , after@all , not@specified@by the@ text 78' ・ Similarly , he@ruled@ out@the@ objections@of@those@ who@ referred@to@ the Church@ Fathers@ as@ witnesses@ of@ the@ textual@ alterations, In@ this@case@ he went@back@ to@their@originals , examined@the@context@of@their@quotations , and , lo , that@ position@turned@out@to@be@based@not@upon@the@Hebrew@but , 79'@To@the@authority@of@writings@of@the the@Greek@text@of@the@Septuagint Fathers@ he@ also@ appealed@ when@he@ from the Tareum. whose@ Thiswasthe had@ to@ answer@ caseoftheso-calIed textual@ interventions@ were@ sometimes@ . "f 屋ぴ W considered@ proof,@ and@one@gven@by@the@Jews@themsCves,@ med@by@their@doctors objection@ drawn an@ of@the@a Ⅰ as@ an@instance@ of@corrupti n@ of@the@text "。 as@ a@ patent Ⅰ ons@perfor , Yet@he@considered@these@interventions@as@a@ of@the@editorial@activity@of@Esdras@and@other@"prophets"@after@the@exile not@ era So ゆ乃 ryW part , . Even@when@he@was@entrusted@with@the@task@of@checking@the@writings 一 186 一 of@ the@ Jews , 80'@BC rmi Ⅰ o@ acted@ as@ "censor"@ g Ⅱ ded@by@ a@humaDsti a@ understanding@of@history@and@philology , defending@the@historicity@of@the Old@Testament@against@what@he@thought@to@be@an@explanation@overload . @ 、1@ In@parti ed@Wth@fabHae @@ f grant@ contra ℡ ar@he@chastised@those@references@that@were cti n@Wth@ Ⅰ the@ "factu8"@ meani tive:@ the@ story@ that@ the@ patriarch@Jacob@ king@David@did@ g@of@bi li 3@ narra ・ was@ still@alive , the@ story@ that not@sin@ in@committing@adultery , and@ the@belief@ that@ the creation@of@the@Law@took@place@thousands@of@years@before@the@beginning of@the@wor , Smi Ⅰ r Ⅰ Ⅰ , thefabZa@connected@Wth@the@Septua8nt@itself , that@from@the@moment@of@its@completion@darkness@covered@the@earth@for three@ days@ as@ divine@ punishment Flavius@ Josephus@ mentioned@ teachi mor3@ g@par@excC Ⅰ nce , had@ to@ go@ because@ neither@ Philo@ nor it, 82'@ For@ him@ history@ , Thus@unedfYng@epi semi of@the@women@brought@to@Samson@to@be@i was@ a@ source@ of odes , such@as@that ated , had@to@be@r Ⅱ ed@out , because@they@polluted@the@sanctity@of@Scripture@and@did@not@inspire@youth Wth@ hi h@@ mor8@ i e3s , 83'@ For@ the@ very@ same@ , the@ satirist reason Martial@was@expurgated@before@being@used@to@teach@pupils@Latin@in@the Jesuit@ colleges . Bellarmino , s@ position@ regarding@ those@ parts@ of@ the@ Old@ Testament that@survived@ only@in@Aramaic@was@exactly@the@same@as@that@regarding the@ Hebrew:@ they@had@ the@same@unquestioned@authority to@consider@the@position@ esteemed@ of@the@Aramaic@ Targum . , This@led@him Since@ it@was@highly by@ the@ Jews , he@ regarded@ it@as@ useful@ even@ for@ Christians , Although@he@contested@its@interpretation@of@the@messianic@prophecies@in a@collective@sense@and@its@presentation@of@unreliable@details-such@as@the made@of@sapphire-following@the@editors@of@the tables@of@the@decalogue@ ComPutensian@ par Ⅰ culaTy@ POygot , he@ va for@ an@understanding@of@ Ⅰ ed@ it@as@ an@ appropriate@ the@ Pentateuch , 84' i strument , 一 187 一 Even@when@he@was@entrusted@with@the@task@of@censuring@the@Aramaic trans c3@ ti n@of@the@Ps3ms Ⅰ consideraLons , BC True . rmi Ⅰ o@based@ , he@dd@not@accept@the@i existence@and@validity@of@that@text l@@ i serti Ⅹ departing@from@the@ with@the@following@ Concerni ea@of@an@independent and@fidelity@to@the@ Hebrew In@ Ps@ 50:13@ he@ noted@ the@ presence@ , also@ presented@a@ was@ , besi es reading@not@ reconcilable . 85' verse g@the@Syri c@text@of@the@od@Testament , Bel that@it@did@not@have@the@same@authority@as@the@Hebrew books@ In , of@ an@ obvious n , and@@@ Ps@110:1@he@remarked@that@the@text Hebrew , , he@pointed@out@their@departure@from the@case@of@Ps@54:10@and@Ps@87:4-5 post-e g ⅡⅠⅠ , but@he@criticized@it@mostly@from@the point@of@view@of@its@internal@coherence@ all@the@ other@ texts , Ⅱ s@judgment@on@p Ⅰ rmi o@stated , since@none@of@its originally@ written@ in@ that@ language , 861@ Nevertheless , he valued@it@for@its@antiquity@and@the@support@it@lent@to@no@less@controversial a@topic@than@the@soundness@of@certain@Catho chapter@ headi gs@he@ found@va of@fasting ab Ⅰ Ⅰ Ⅰ , the@veneration@of@the@cross c@prac ces . In@i s@ⅠⅠ es@and Ⅰ references@to@support@ the@practi , prayers@for@the@dead , and@other similar@devotions@that@came@under@fire@by@humanists@and@ Reformers Still@ @@ the@ first@secti n@of@ the@ Controversiae , BC his@position@on@the@Septuagint perceptive@philological@ i e@ nature@ rmi o@ . 87' presented . He@apparently@put@aside@what@his@erher considerations@had@thought@him@on@the@compos of@ th@@ tranSa opinions@of@the@Church@ Ⅰ and@ reconSdered@ on@ Fathers , he@ accepted@as@the@best@date@ . . Following@Epiphanius , s@authority , of@ its@trans ti n@the@seventeenth@year@of Ⅰ Against@Flavius Justine , Clemens@of@Alexandria @@ according@ to@ the He@thus@began@to@gather@texts@with@a view@to@number@rather@than@to@value Ptolemy@Philadelphus Ⅰ e , Irenaeus , Philo , and@Jerome , Epiphanius , but@quoting , and@Eusebius maintained@ that@ the@ original@ translation@ contained@ the@ whole@ , he Old 一 188 一 Testament , doubts@ to@ its@ miraculous@ as@ In@spite@ of@the@authoritative@opinion@of@Jerome origin , , he@had@no He@ asserted: Vere[iraculum’uit〈uod》ot”omines《imul…onferendo , tarn|revi tempore potue Ⅱ nt conveni Ubi@enim@est@multitude But@ most@ probably@ expeTlence w W Vulgate. Ⅱ 辻 in@ th@@ and kept Ⅰ was@not@ against@ た佛 always@ complex@ more@ such 七 Ⅰ。S(i 乃 ね めれと him . of the editing of the Latin 姥ア各 For@his@ he %9 ぬ ゐ挽 icは g@ ). However,Je ㎎わ肋S". one;@ have@accepted@a@ He errors@ an 什 prophets noted , was inferred@ from@ his did, after a Ⅱ, emend its itself, only Ⅰ text@ that@was@less@than@a@very@good@rendering more@ having@ that@ cor , gnal@translaLon@was than@ a@ thousand@ wo ℡ d@not . 89'@ But , it@assembled@such@a@large of@errors@that@a@ revision@ became@indispensable,@ believe@ that@ ve oome,sauthority for@the@learned@li rari ns@of@Alexandr@@ if , in@its@first@three@hundred@years@of@existence new@ commonly@ Ⅰ inspired@ text@is@subjected, is@a@ byproduct@ of h@ PHlo@ and@Jerome@he@held@that@the@o a@very@fathf@@ number@ て attitude , Bellarmino@ one@ nega he considered its@textual@ rCi 5lity , Bellarmino@ recogHzed@ ruption , to@ which@even@an@ Wi that against Jerome by@ h@@ crept@ in , 88* In@assessi . mo Ⅰ vated@ ones Ⅰ also@ , and@he@also@did@not@blame@the@translation@ the@errors@that@ me as cepta . , vel caIIing those seventy bilingual Jews anslato to Latin@translation Ⅰ and was@ and@ subtle@ than@ the@ "back motto: ni i@post@longas@di non@ he@ h teamwork, クア nゅん e e),nott に vC@ 什 h Augustine nspired text transferendi sentent@ , diversitas@judiciorum@evitari@non@potest conveniunt,@ numquam@ Sngul@ in e years@ it@was@hard@to could@ have@ elapsed@ without crept@ in . Stil@ in@the@same@sec Ⅰ on@of@the@ Controversiae,@Be Ⅰ armino@presented 一 189Hs@ parti l@answer@ to@ the@ thrd@ question , Although@ the@ nature@ of@ the work@ led@ him@ to@ consider@ the@ objections@raised@by@ the@ Protestants , he cast@Hs@whole@confutati n@into@the@frame@of@a@Hstoric3@ , He argument presented@first@a@detailed@description@of@the@history@of@the@Vulgate i entifi ation@of@ the@ contri uti n@ of@ its@di erse@ trans , with tors , 90'@ He@ then Ⅰ examined@ its@position@from@ the@time@of@Jerome@ and@ Augustine@ to@ the council@of@Trent taLve , and@il strated@the@reasons@why@it@became@so@authori Ⅰ In@accordance@wih@ . a@commonp ce@ Ⅰ of@humanis Ⅰ c@ histo ogra Ⅱ phy , he@pointed@out@that@the@Middle@Ages@witnessed@a@general@decline@of learning , with@a@ concomitant@shortage@of@Hebrew@and@Greek@scholars; under@ such@ circumstances@ counCl,@for@examp Ⅰ it@would@ be@ unrealistic@to@ pretend@ that@ ,@would@invi e@some@Jewi interpretation@of@Scripture viable@alternative had@sanc a@theo Ⅰ Ⅰ be@wrong , h@doctors@to@give@the@ ght Ⅱ , Hence@the@use@of@a@Latin@text@was@the@only In@this@way , he@concluded oned@was@a@century gc3@ presumpti a , long@prac H@ Ⅰ the@Church , what@the@council@of@Trent ce,@but@a@prac Ⅰ ce@that@entai d Ⅰ , s@use@of@the@Scri ture@could@not , 91' For@ Bellarmino@ the@ Tridentine@ definition@ aimed@ also@ at@ reassuring believers@that@in@matters@of@faith@and@morals@the@Vulgate@contained@no . errors Against@Chemnitz@and@Calvin , he@refuted@their@allegations@that the@ Council@ had@ absolutized@ one@ version@ to@ the@ disadvantage@ of@ the ori i as , and@that@it@d@@ attri ute@the@errors@of@the@copYst@to@the@Ho Spirit , 92'@ To@the@translator@of@the@Vulgate , although@with@hesitation , he denied@ the@ gift@ of@ inspiration, not@ in@ the@ least@ because@ Jerome@ open Ⅰ di C3med@ translators@to@errors it@even@ for@ HmsCf , Yet , wH , he@thought@it@correct@to@assert@that fact,they dld noterrln thetranslat@on Ⅰ 笏をcどル 5% had he@ suDected@ the , as@a@matter@of accepted by theChurch イ ?cz 均郷れ 0 れ ピア z晩 Xり 勿が 妨ひ6%zo れ e, 40% Ⅰ 一 " 肋笏りれ 0めゆ托み d ㎡f. り 93) 一 190 一 Cognizant@ of@ the@ p Ⅰ of@ errors , Bellarmino@ listed@ and@ presence@ , exem fied@ the@ cases@ in@ which@ he@ thought@ it@was@ correct@ to@ resort@ to@ the originals. An@evident@ error@ of@the@ copyist@ required@ such@ was the ㎡ひ ひ勿, " instead of "ad 0bserved, Mo て because 214) ひ oJ ぴ免ぬ ' クみ De ぴ招 力竹tg招 aHty between wi ぬ the 打 ル勿" was naturally て the presence se ofambiguities eXp inv 什 ed.94@ elegantt It@was , however て ん oW Ⅰ 免 Ⅰ あ 硲 ・ A Ⅰ W Ⅰ移しあ 硲あ 0 後ク りひ 0 ・ Ca anslatlon, too, senthlm て e fo back て p て 0pe て て Ⅰ 傍 0f va ㎡ ety also requ 廿 ed consultaU0n amblgulty 0f" 抄笏んoW ク篠, n0t 。 。 加乃姥卸 " ession 。 。 sifiひねク免 て て " modlfles place,he "乃 rfg 例 " and c0uld be solved by consultlng the G eek, whe サバ slon and Ⅱ began ve the 0rlglnals. Thusthe (Lk had ・ the reading 。 70 readings and the old text De ぴ勿乃庇移ひずひ ひ移 " The err0rto0k of the sim since the eover, 勿忽 " of Ps 41:3, where case This a@ step , 0f れ免肋ナ岱 " e '。 み 0 免 ほと ty of eXp て es. to the orlglnal.95) , @@ Hs@ De@ editione@ Latino@ Vulgata@that@ BC Ⅰ rmi o presented@systematically@the@gist@and@the@ implications@of@the@decree@on the@Vulgate . The@ main@thesis@he@supported@here@was@that@authenticity is@a@theological@concept , not@a@philological@one . He@structured@his@proof in@three@ stages:@ a@ presentation@ of@ the@ common@position@ of@ the@ theolo gians@ who@ interpreted@ the@ decree , the@ conclusion@ he@ thought@ could legitimately@ be@ drawn , and@ translation a@ list@of@ errors@ contained@ in@ the@ Latin , 96' The@ authenticity@of@ the@ Vulgate , he@ emphasized derives@only@from@the@long@use@of@that@text@by@the@Church , is@theological@and . No@philologi , cal@conclusion@on@the@superiority@of@the@Latin@to@the@Greek@and@Hebrew can@ therefore@be@ inferred@from@that@ definition. At@ the@ same@ time , the presence@of@errors@can@be@inferred@from@its@long@use,@and@this@point@was eⅤ dent@ from@ the@ writi gs@ of@ the@ Church@ Fathers , who@ attested@ to@ the practice@of@consulting@the@originals , 97'@Similarly , his@views@on@the@nature 一 191 一 of@ the@ object@ of@ a@ conciliar@ definition@ led@ him@ to@ the@ same@ conclusion , Since@its@object@is@disciplinary@or@theological , the@sufficient@condition@for its@soundness@is@the@absence@of@errors@in@matters@of@faith@and@morals , by , word@fide a@perfect@correspondence@or@a@word to@the@ori i 3s ・ He@supported@t Ⅱ s@position to@ be@ the@ i tri sic@ limitations@ of@ pH ty@of@the@translation Ⅰ , adduci logy . Ⅰ , not g@what@he@thought The@ too@ and numerous@ disparate@variant@readings@of@the@manuscripts@made@it@extremely@awk ward , if@not@impossible , to@reconstruct@a@unique@and@definitive@text , The text@ itself, in@ its@continuous@ perfectibility, could@ not@ be@ the@ absolute warranty@of@the@truth@of@a@statement , hence@he@thought@it@was@the@role of@ the@ Church@to@ supply@ the@ certainty@ the@ text@ did@not@ possess , 98'@ An additional@ dimension@ of@ this@ position@ is@ the@ theory , not@ peculiar@ to Bellarmino@ alone@but@also@held@by@other@sixteenth , century@theologians , of@the@"obscurity"@of@the@text:@the@text@is@a@game@that@requires@interpre , tation , In@ the@ same@ treatise@ Bellarmino@ defined@ the@ authenticity@ as@ the " ㎡どれ れ 附 d む c彫ナ 肋が 移 " ofone teXt among many. The Vulgate required such@a@definition@because@it@was@a@translation, whereas@the@ Hebrew@and Greek@ text@ were@ already@ authentic@ in@ themselves@ and@ prior@ to@ any conciliar@ definition. Consequently translations , not@ the@ originals, , the@ Vulgate@ stood@ out@ among@ He@ supported@ this@ interpretation@ by poin ng@out@the@absence@in@the@CounCl's@deci Ⅰ positions@ of@ the@ originals-a@ insider-Cervini ion@of@any@reference@to@the position , he@ said , that@ had@ already@ been stressed@ and@ formulated@ in@ canon@ objections , he@quoted@no@ the law . 99'@ Then , to@ forestall@ further less@ a@reliable@ interpretation@than@that@ , who@in@a@note@to@Vega of@ an , had@partly@anticipated@his@own thesis , loo) At@the@time@of@his@letter@to@Sirleto , Bellarmino@did@not@seem@to@have 一 192 一 been@ concerned@ ment Wth@ the@ critico textu3@ As@devCoped@by@the@humani , pro5ems@ ・ authorship@ and@ canonici of@ the@ New@ Testa , ts , these@problems@centered@around y. In@ no@ Lme@ they@ become@ so@ controverS3 that@ they@were@ among@the@first@ topics@discussed@at@the@Council , 101'@To eradicate@ all@doubts , the@ bishops@ listed@ all@the@ books@ that@ the@ Roman Church@ regarded@ attri uti n , 102)@It@was@perhaps@this@unambi as@ canonical@ and@ books@ and@ the@unenlightened@ uous@listing@of@the@canoDc3 decision@in@matter@ Bellarmino@to@treat@these@critico Hs@ Contraversiae restated@ their@ traditional of@authorship@that@ led , textual@ problems@for@the@first@time@in . To@ limit@ the@ treatment@here@ e , BC suffi iently@representati to@ the@ Epistle@ to@ the@ Hebrew Ⅰ rmi , for@ it@is o@knew@that@Erasmus@doubted@its authorship@and,@more@importantly,@he@was@aware@of@the@development@of these@doubts@into@a@rejection@of@its@traditional@authorship@by@the@general of@ the@ Dominicans , Cardinal@ Tommaso@ de@ Vio@ Cajetan , 103'@ He@ also@ knew@ of@ the@ argument@ (d . advanced@ 1534) , called by@ the@ Centur iators@of@Magdeburg:@a@flagrant@contradiction@between@the@description of@ Paul , s@ conversi n@ @@ Heb@ 2:3-4@ (taught@by@ the@ apostles)@ and@ that@ i Gal@ 1:11-19@ (revelation@by@ God) . To@ be@ he@ sure , was@ convinced@ that truth@preceded@error,@orthodoxy@heresy,@and@good@evi;@ for@this@was@the pattern@established@from@the@creation@of@the@world@and@described@in@the ear Ⅰ chapters@of@Genesis , 104'@ Thus , he@co ℡ d@not@understand@why@there coNd@still@be@room@for@doubts@when@such@early@Wtnesses@as@Cement@of A xand Ⅰ Ⅱ a@ and@ Di nySus , allege4y@ recognized@the@ some@ epistle@ as@ Pauline . a@ di Cp Ⅰ of@ Pa ℡ HmsCf , had He@ also@ could@not@ understand@why scholars@ still@insisted@ on@ sowing@ doubts@ when@ the@ Church@ had accepted@the@epistle@ as@genuine , even@having@it@read@during@the@solemn mass@ of@ Christmas ・ For@ him@ these@ scholars@ displayed@ bad@ taste@ for 一 193 一 bringing@up@"a@ It@was@ a@ sense@ olim@ sopita), 10@ of@ duty@ that@ led@ Bellarmino@ to@ consider@ these@ argu- To@ solve@ the@ stylistic@ oUections@ of@ Erasmus@ . ments question@already@settled"@(qnaestio@ supposed@ and@ Cajetan@ he that@ the@ epistle@ could@have@ been@ written@ with@ the@ help@ of@ a secretary@or@that@it@was@first@written@@@ Hebrew@and@then@trans Greek And@ of@these@two@equally@probable@solutions@he@chose@the@first . for@ @@ ted@into Ⅰ was@ simpler@ and@ quicker ancies@this@was@the@greatest@ , For@ solving@ the@ phiological@ discrep ・ concession@that@ a@ post , Tridentine@ biblical scholar@could@make@without@ignoring@the@decree@on@the@canonical@books In@advancing@such@ a@solution , Bellarmino@was@not@alone Ⅲ, 106'@To@rebut@the@argument@advanced@by@the had@already@preceded@hi Centuriators@of@Magdeburg talking of "con ガア W は fioんり was 笏尻i0 んとタ gr , he@resorted@to@a@harmonistic@interpretation of@ Paul , s@ conversion , of@ the@ two@ accounts@ observed, み ocf ㎡免は移 ", he could reckon , for@Seripando himself as wasthe among Paul@ in@ Heb@ 2:3-4 , he かⅠ 瑠Ⅰ 粍cぴ劫 case those who ", not of "co ん刀 た in Gal l Ⅱ 1-1g, and therefore received the fa 辻 h from the Apostles.l07) ln obedience to the letter of the decree on denied@one@of@the@achievements@of@the@huma matter@of@authorshi Ⅰ Schpture, Be@armino stic@bi lic3@ phi logy@i Ⅰ , Although@he@wanted@to@preserve@the@canonicity@of the@ePstle , he@readi@@ established@beyond@doubt granted@that@the@ traditi nal@ attri ution@was@not . Whoever@ its@author@may@be , he@argued , the only@important@ point@ is@that@it@should@ not@be@ stripped@of@its@apostolic authority . He@ singled@ out@ Barnabas@ probable@candidates@for@the@authorsh@@ and@ Clement , two@ of@ the@ most of@the@ePstle , as@"viri@apostolici" @@the@nearest@position@to@that@of@a@neo-testamentarian@writer@he@could find ・ Still@ applying@ a@ patristic@ criterion, Bellarmino@ passed@ over@ such 一 194 一 debated@ topics@ as@ that@ of@ the@ original@ language@ of@ some@ New@Testament@ (Matthew , Mark parts@ of@ the , and@the@Letter@to@the@Hebrews) . By , and some@humanist@scholars@Syrian@was@supposed@to@be@that@language its@status@ was@further@enhanced@by@the@belief@that@ it@was@the@ language spoken@by@Jesus@himself ・ 108'@Bellarmino , instead@ of@entering@ into@that debate , simply@ pointed@ out@ that@ the@ problem@ had@ already@been@ solved when@ the@ Fathers@ accepted@ Greek@ as@ the@ language@ of@ the@ New@ ment , Testa Thus@ even@ an@ eventual@ discovery@ of@ the@ original@ Syrian@ text would@not@alter@that@decision , Similarly , he@confined@to@the@realm@of@"so they@believe"@ the@claim@of@the@Syrian@church@that@its@translation@of@the New@ Testament@ could@Tnd@no@ was@the@work@ of@the@evangelist@ patristic@evidence@to@support@such@ On@ the@ value@ of@ the@ Greek@ New@ "9 仇ね0 の osfo ん Mark@ himself 、 for@he a@Caim Testament@ . 109' he@ was@ certain:@ the ca" had the highest autho ㎡ ty. He recog ㎡ zed the integ. rity of the codices, butwarned tha they were Ⅰ not Ⅴひ % ぬ S クひたむ蕊笏俸 ". HeilIustratedhisthesisbygivingafew eXamplesofthebetterreadings ofthe Laun codices: heshortending ofthe Lord,sprayer; 七 lIwherethe Launhad SovXevovrev; "Do 笏Ⅰ移の㏄㈹われ サ ㏄"instead RomansI2: oftheGreek ガ折 p あ , and@ 1@ Cor@ 15: 7.@ In@ tHs@ last@ case@ he@ ventured@ even@ to quote@the@opinion@of@his@archrival , Calvin , as@an@example@of@a@scholar who@ supported@the@reading@of@the@Latin@codices Bellarmino . 1101 , s@ theological@ and@ philological@knowledge@ qualified@ him for@a@more@personal@form@of@involvement@in@the@program@of@actualizing the@ Tridentine@ biblical@ decrees@ by@ participating@ in@ the@ labors@ of@ the commission@ for@ the@ edition@ of@ the@ Vulgate . pontificate@ of@ Gregory@ commission (1585-1590) At@ the@ beginning@ of@ the XIV@ (1590-1591) , he@ was@ appointed@ to@ that , His@task@was@to@clear@up@the@mess@left@behind@by@Sixtus@V , Sixtus , s@editorial@ activity , to@borrow@ Bellarmino , s@termi 一 195 一 nology , revealed@ "zeium"@ more@ patient@ pH ⅠⅠ gcal@ acumen than@ "scientia", ruthlessness@ than His@ e4ti . of@ Ambrose n@ rehearsal@for@the@upcoming@edition@of@the@Vulgate as@ one@ of@ the@ worst@ i serti n@of@spuri made ever@ us@works also chashsed 什 , 11@@ Yet@ Si tus@ wanted@ whole@ Church , LudWg@Pastor editor@ of@ Ambrose , for 辻 s ed 吐 or worked suum" of , is@generally@regarded n@ of@the@popes regarded@ it@ as@ "disastrous , "@ The@ modern@ Schekel, Knd@ a@ Bellarmino@ himself@ criticized@ it@for@ its ・ A@Hstori , , , , Karl mostly " はガ乙グ 6% んね笏 it@to@ be@ the@ normati e@ edti n@ for@ the Sixtus , frustrated@by@the@slowness112'@of@the@work@on@the@Vulgata@but flattered@by@the@success@and@speedy@edition@of@the@Septuagint@(published in@1587) , and@confident@of@the@divine@assistance@on@which@he@believed@he could@rely@even@in@matters@of@textual@criticism of@the@Vulgate@ in@his@own@hands his@ pontificate , Yet , , took@the@editorial@work , dedicating@to@ it@the@ last@two@ years@of as@ soon@ as@ the@ first@ copies@ were@ distributed, he began@to@patch@up@the@text@by@sending@out@corrections , After@his@death , the@ reaction@ to@ his@ editorial@ labors@was@ as@violent@ as@his@ intervention@in the@ field@ of@ textual@ criticism@ Gregory lt was XIV to clearup thatmessby for thisnewly his short treaUse De treahse reveals Ⅰ hathe was@ authoritarian , appoinung a new appointed commission 移ガ0 打 じ commissi0n.l@ tha Bellarmino Ⅰ ㏄㈹ほ れぬ 庖 B 巧ガぬ regarded methodology It@ was@ the@ task@ of co/ んぎ 瞬 wro 亡 e gれ d ゐ . u4@ This as a matter ofeXtreme importance;@for@a@general@agreement@on@methodology@would@solve@most of@ the@ previous@ editorial@ difficulties@ and@ also@ would@ have@ forestalled future@oUections , To@that@end@it@sought@the@broadest@consensus@on@the methodological@rules@and@procedures@to@be@employed@in@the@edition was@not@ intended@to@focus@ on@the@approbation@ was@ running@ short , this@ consensus@ of@ the@text . . It Since@ time could@ be@ sought@ right@ there@ in@ the -196 一 cosmopolitan@world@of@Rome The@syndic@of@the@theological@faculty@of ・ Paris , who@was@then@sojourning@in@Rome , could@be@profitably@consulted , and@the@same@could@be@done@with@other@scholars@who@also@were@residing in@ Rome Then , to@ shield@ their@ labors@ from@ obnoxious@ , critiCsm@ that@ could@ endanger@ rⅥ es@shou the@ authority@ of@ the@ papacy be@submitted@to@the@pope@for@hs@approbati Ⅰ criticism, a , the@ set@ of n. pri ted@text@with@the@rules@could@be@forwarded@to@the@theo Ⅰ Fn3l , the 8ans@at@the universities@so@that@they@might@form@their@own@judgment@regarding@both of@ them ・ 115' The@ treatise@ goes@ on@ presenting@ the@ advantages@ of@ this@ plan , It points@out@that@the@commission@would@be@able@to@show@the@rationale@for editing@ the@ text@ in@ a@ particu unaccountable@ suLectivity form@ emendation@could@ Ⅰ rather@ than@ rCyi r@ manner,@ It@stresses@ that@ , be@ produced a@ on@ an truly@ coherent@ and@ uni It@indicates, , g@ moreover , that@ the adoption@of@a@clear@methodology@could@expedite@their@labors@by@avoiding a@futile@dragging@out@caused@by@ the@diversiy@of@opinions@ among@those who@wanted@to@keep@the@text@unaltered and@those@who@chose@ a@ , those@who@wanted@to@change@all middle@position , 1161 Bellarmino@ based@ his@ methodology@ four@main@texts@of@Scripture , i. , on@ the@ agreement@ e ,, Hebrew , Aramaic , Greek between@ the , and@Latin Already@from@the@beginning@he@ruled@out@some@of@the@combinations;@ for example , there@was@ no@ question@ about@changing@ with@the@Hebrew@agai based@ on@ a@ combinations@ st@Greek@and@Aram3c translation@ from@ Hebrew by@ considering@ , because@the@Vu Ⅰ vocal@reading,@and@when@@@ first@ questi n@ was Ⅰ He@ further@ narrowed@ two@ main@ instances:@ presents@a@u without@vari ・ the@ Latin@ if@it@agreed presents@va Ⅱ ate@was these when@ the@ Latin ant@readngs . Hi , therefore , what@ should@be@ done@ when@ the@ Vulgate , nts , departed@from@the@Hebrew , Aram3c , and@Greek . His 一 197 一 second@one@was@what@should@be@done@when@the@Vulgate@had@the@support of@ the@ Greek@ but@ was@ opposed@to@ the@ Hebrew@ repeated@the@same@two@ variants . minor@va nor@ questions@ but@considering@now@the@presence@of ants@that@would@have@neiher@a Ⅱ it@more@ The@ nature@ obscure ・ of@ Bellarmino to@ the@ rest , aiming@ was@ questions . Ryan@speculated@ He@ recognized "more@ at@ was@ rmi Ⅰ o , s@ Greek. Here Greek suppose@ Vulgate Ⅰ have Latin "6 ナ Ⅰ on@ gist examples@ no@ Gn@ 8:21 , he@ exemplified@ Sぴ 0 . " Since , that@is@corrupted exemplified@an@instance@ the the 戸 e were textu3 the@ case@ in and Hebrew no and reasons , In@his@remarks@on@Gn@38:12 old@manuscripts@ varlant て eadlngs, ',0 御後 respectfor the Hebrew,he 8S Ⅰ o 援 zc6S dld n0tstop 。 , he to@ the@ Hebrew , supporting@ the@ Hebrew were@found,@and@the@erroneous@reading@became@even@more@manifest yet@another@annotation@he@remarked@that 七 , it@is@the@ reading@ of@ the in@which@the@Latin@is@opposed@ but@ after@ a@ long@ search@ some@ no of to@ the@ Hebrew@ " 尻ク打切はとね 行 り, " whereas has れれヶれど 0z は Ⅰ , he@concluded Ⅰ manner@a@specimen@of@h@@ kind@ of@ alteration@in@the@ sources any@ ・ critical@ edition@ of@ the ate , Wth@ no@ vari nts , is@ opposed@ the what@ Bellar み仇0 れを L クガれク V ぴ ㎏ほ屋 hasindicati0nsthat In@ his@ observations@ the@ Vu a@ De@ ratione@ servanda@ presents@ permit@us@to@reconstruct@in@a@plausib wHch@ than@ , that@ be@counterchecked@by@any@philo Ⅰ teXtualemendahons,hisDeg criticism. , however , s@object@was@clear:@ a@revision@of@the@text based@upon@the@sources@that@cou Bel that@ Bellar , negatively@ to@ the@ first@ two@ questions@ and Vulgate" . 118'@Yet@ Bellarmino Athough@ ered@the@meaning@of@the@text , s@ edition@ of@ the@ Vulgate@ depends@ on@ the mino@ would@ have@ answered@ affirmatively@ Ⅰ "7' answer@to@his@methodological@ the He@ then , To@ further@ simplify@ the@ work,@ he@ suggested@ disregarding made@ mino@ and@ Aramaic , In , although@the@Vulgate@presents co れ Se 打ぱ ぴ後 even when z z免 ピア アり形 . り faced wlth In hls Jer0me's 一 198 一 rendltlon. In Gn 24:32, Jerome cク笏ぢ 0 竹れ移裾ヮ 0 れ 移,ワぴ ひ ちんとれ切れ ク ピイり s ⅠⅠ Ⅰ と suggesting speculat@onson Ⅰ ar the@ water@ Ⅰ was@ Ⅰ thepuzzllng the feet of the camels. c translated: " イと み れクqz Yet for@ the@ came cぴ移と0,, 一 a ナ custom Bellarmlno Ⅰ ク移 passage anslatlon er , s@ feet , not@ wash the Hebrew, and for@ the@ camCs , 119' text , from@ 1@ Chr@ 4:22@ he deleted , without@losing@any@of@his@admiration@for@the@miracle anti,Copernican 七て ofglvlng waterto @ooked up Still@ because@ of@ Hs@ esteem@ for@ the@ Hebrew@ りガ肋ひクんノう 5 , a@potential 一 " リヴ㎡トル花ルじわ S0 旭川" 一certainly unaware that@ it@ could@ be@ very@ convenient , say , in@ the@ case@ of@ a@ stubborn Galileo , 120' The@members@of@the@commission@ignored@Bellarmino , s@memo decided@ instead@ to@ redo@ what@ Sixtus@had@undone suppressed , suppress@what@he@had@added ged , and@ revise@ the@ punctuation . They , restore@ what@ he@ had , reconsider@what@he@had@chan They@ also@ established@ that@ nothing , should@ be@ altered@ without@ real@ necessity:@ variations@ of@ small@ impor tance@could@be@neglected;@ variations@of@importance set ed@by@recourse@to@anci nt@manuscFpts@@@ Ⅰ , however accordance@wi laid@down@by@Augustine@and@other@Church@Fathers , should@be h@the@ru , 121'@ The@only@sugges tion@ they@ accepted@was@that@of@not@proscribing@the@ of , At@the@moment@of@pri standards@of@text@edti one@co , Sixtine@edition , but as@ quickly@ as@ possible@ to@ revise@ and@ reedit@ it, still@under@ the@ name@ Sixtus s Ⅰ ℡ ti g@the@text, @@ comPi g, BC Ⅰ rmi o@ i sisted@ on@the@i serti n@of@what d@cal@a@sort@of@"critic@@apparatus" taken@ from@ ancients@manuscripts handy@library@in@one@single@volume nce@Wth@Ren3ssance . 122)@A@selecti n@of@vari nts , he@observed , would@be@like@having@a , and@readers@would@be@more@prone@to buy@such@ an@edition , He@reported@the@authoritative@opinion@of@Jerome who@ advised@ to@ note@ on@ the@ margins@ , the@ cases@ in@ which@ the@ Latin departed@ from@ the@ Hebrew , and@ that@ of@ Augustine -199 一 , who@ esteemed@ the variants@for@the@understanding@they@provided@of@the@diverse@meanings@of the@text an@ Finally . apologetic@ "herehcs" no た it@ would@ furnish@ reasoH@ attacked avail: " ぴサこク , he@noted@that@the@apparatus@was@convenient@even@for Ⅰ he teXtof he d て ecUve encoded Ⅱ Cガ 0 れを S name@ in the "P 彫ルガ 0 ほぱ正と wasof cAo 解移" 一 namely, 俗解Ⅰ れヶ笏 りほみれ 0 サ とれ サぴ Ⅰリ After this futile appeaI, the on@y thing he to draftthe preface, where was of@ Sixtus@ as@ he@ maintai Controversiae,@despi サリスニ Ⅰ to do for thisediHon second@ line@ of@ defense@ if he Vulgate. Hisargumentation ほ げ笏はx留 免ピ移ゆSⅠ ぴ S ひぱググクと ー retained 吐 s full force.l23@ had 七 a@ ed@ it@@@ the@ dedicati e@their@bCng@shelved@tempora ⅡⅠ n@ he kept the of@Hs@ text@ of@ the by@the@Congrega- tion@ of@ the@ Index , 124' Ithasnotbeen h 什 herto noted,butthe SiXUne an@illustrious@precedent:@Justi ian , the@promu civil ぬ , who, ordered@ in the opening constitutlon of the "that@no@one into@ Greek@ ばん 0 Ⅰ and@ the@ composition@ ねん 励r"has ator@of@the@Corpus@ iuris D はesf (const. OWne , of@those@who@are@skilled@in@the@law@ to@append@any@commentary@to@these@ 移 ), , .. may@dare ws" , save@for@liter3@trans ti Ⅰ of@ explanatory@ notes@ on@ n difficult (paratitia), 12@@ That@ stern@ Sixtine@ "dictate"@ not@ only@brushed passages@ aSde@ Ⅰ " れ 8% a@ pat Ⅱ stic@ but@ a o@disregarded@ counsC@ the@creative@ Ⅰ prac of ce@ Ⅰ the@Middle@Ages@by@which@countless@scholars@with@their@interlinear@and marginal name@ gl0sses created 七 ha 七 remarkable system known under he of@ "ins@ commune"}2@ In@ h@@ Ⅰ te@ years@ BC Ⅰ rmino@ writings , for@his@daily@involvement@ was@ wCl@ known@ for@ h@@ spiritu3 in@the@ affairs@ of@the@ Roman@ Curia , and@ for@his@ role@ in@Galileo@Galilei, s@troubles@with@the@ Roman@tribunal@ the@ Inquisition. Greek た New He@ is@not@ equally@ known@ Testament. True,Copernicus,sDe of for@ Hs@ attempt@ to@ edt@ the 托ひ 07M お 0 打 妨ぴ s,Ga Ⅲeo,s 一 200 一 celestial@discoveries Bible@ Yethe working@ was@ the@ best@ manual@ was@ not@ concerns. , and@Antonio@Foscarini wasequally , s@ attempt@to@show@that@the for@ astronomy@ 「 emoved of@ his@ main were@ none@ a " 勿㏄クはサ肋庵 ぬお. "Forhe 什om to@ realize@ one@ of@ the@ still@unfulfilled@desiderata@ of@ the Council@ of@ Trent:@ the@ edition@ of@ the@ Greek@ New@ Testament . Quite@probably@Bellarmino@began@to@think@ about@ editing@the@Greek New@Testament@during@his@Capuan@exile@(1603) to@run@through@the@cF Ⅰ co , textual@ , when@he@had@the@leisure annota of@his@old@acquaintances@from@Louvain just@ sent@him ons@on@the@Vulgate@that@one Ⅰ , Francis@Lukas@of@Bourges If@that@reading@strengthened@ , Bellarmino , had , s@awareness@of the@insufTCenCes@of@the@Vulgate,@@@ also@got@Lukas@to@pursue@wih@more determi ati n@Hs@task@ as@a@philoogst . Then@@@ another@ proof@ of@his@ philological@abilities , readings ofthe va ㎡ ant ofa fourGospels, edition and remarked new involved: " ㎡㎡ ル /0 that for the 辻 had namely@Venice@and@its@interdict a@ consummate@ free@ from@ Domini 七 庖珂 e ば o he had to se pressing a more . 127'@ It@ was@ Cacciniwent te "クれり eⅩ o れ eK はガ 0 後 eS%e Ⅰ じ 0 後 Sじヶ of the commission Greek Testament.l28@ To cho0se readi Rega@(the@pol 例ぴカ バ, gs@ was@ idea problem, urgent apparently a@ year@ Bellarmi got@of@Antwerp) 七 o to@the@Roman@ Rome 七 o 七 entrus 七 ed with the task a teXtupon o , s@ first@ step . on putBe こ刮 which Ⅰ thesame Ⅱ a Ⅰ m@n0 of editing the [o c0llate He@ sCected@ , Then , duri g@the@ear of@ St inqui i ion estify eれ f 9,"thatPaulV at the head variant@ he idea aside that 七 and in@ 1615 , ."@Ni co@@ LoFni,@ denounced@Galileo@ New 乙わ cが抗ク o㏄e , when@ the@ self , styled@ "white@ and@ black@ dog@ and hisconfrereDomenico ma 七 , which@required@all@the@abilities@of@such controversialist care of@ annotations@ on@the wasperhapsHmetogetthepope ぬズ 励が 挽ゆ Sぴ珂 ce れo pope a@ set@ BelIarmino reconsidered 仮 S暖れ 確c携み 0 Sぴ笏珂 0 ク 0 れサ旅 ci." But temporari@y, 1606 , when@Lukas@sent 七 the@ BLi summer@of@the he 一 201 一 same for the collatjona@ work year, bring outofthe four Vatican others from hbrary the Va Ⅱ six very ancientcodicesand ・ pe nmission confreresto co Ⅱhateitw 叶 h thetextofthe クだ巳 for to the ピ s.s とれw れタ乙だ ぴ援 ど た移 ssos he asked In 亡 codex ea て ly ofthe ofhislocal one Biblia Regia and to send him the "va わぬ lgciioれ es." By thattime,however, the collatIonal work, Ⅰ therewasa 6% ほ笏 6箱 携ル se ガめ物 , " Ⅰ れ os 肋nt8 e nan KKed. was て thatin one library ofAugsburg Gospels " 庖クと窩免稗篠れ抄 borrowed celiana Library.'29@ On July 25, "no ワぴ携なァぬ アクア り妨た in 免召 o ce れ Sぴれ Ⅰ " the 1617,knowing he requested papal permission to hehad almostcompleted confrere he notified " 笏 os ル御 same ?鋒しc.ro 解wd 携免は乙りは わ w ん 8 Ⅳ@0ひ Ⅰ Ⅰ 屋 s肋約6打 h ・ G 托eci."130) Although completed, Be Ⅱ Earmlno'sedltlon wasneverpublished,forlt dld not recelve the flnal approbatlon 田打わ妃タ 9/ 助ひg/e Eudaem0n, a member inqui て ひ oな e y rema 打タ肋㏄ヰ勿は佛ん0 of Bellarmino,s fo thebeatification,sp て Ⅰ ocess," 打切お㏄ 乙 肋 S肋勿力 &." 、 3l) TheJesu Ⅰ account 丘 Jean@M of Paul V. "。 E 傍 7ぬ Sヵ別ク a," household, Ⅰ 「 乙れば M.n epo 「 sn俊 ノうみ a ted And 「 eas at the preliminary タを Ⅰ ん 0 箱 So cんじ 砲ナaco7 府... れ 0移 辻 histo ㎡ an Trompaccep 亡 edthat , and@on@the@reason@for@the@sudden@suspension@of@this@project@he ked laconlca Ⅱ y, " 箸れ 0 用笏郷 クサ 箸れ 0 托施移郷. "Theblbllcalschola Ⅱ , Voste@argued@plausibly@that@the@reason@for@not@publishing@it@was the@fear@of@repeating@the@bitter@experience@of@the@Sixtine@Vulgate . popularity@ and@ the@immediate@ pastoral@utility@ of@the@Vulgate@ perhaps@ complementary@ the@ Greek@ Voste@ reasons@ New@Testament@ a Ⅰ o@ pope the@ cri ical@ quali An@edition@of@the@New@Testament a@ , he@remarked y@ were , s@ diminished@ interest@ in and@its@ultimate@suspension questoned@ could@ be@ done@ in@ such@ for@ the@ The , of@ BClarmino's@ edi ion . , was@not@something@that short@ period@ of@ time , and@ therefore@ Paul@ V prudently@refrained@from@giving@his@approbation@to@a@critica y@impaired Ⅰ 一 202 一 text@that@could@have@dishonored@the@papacy Yet@Hs@views@reflect@more , the@knowledge@of@a@modern@biblical@scholar@than@Renaissance@philologistandards , The@amount@ c3@ of@ time@ BC Ⅰ rmi on@the@ text@was o@spent@ no@shorter@than@that@of@any@other@Renaissance@edi The@Compluten or , San@team@prepared@it@in@a@period@of@two@years,@and@Erasmus@in@just@less than@ two , 132'@ Robert@ Estienne@ published@ three@ editions@ in@ four@ years (1546 , 1549 , and@ 1550);@ in@ his@first@two@he@used@the@Complutensian@and Erasmian@ texts , in@ his@ third@ he@ added@ only@ a@ well-developed@ apparatus was@ , Moreover and@ informed@ secure@ ancient@manuscripts B@(Cod , Bel Ⅰ rmino , s@choce@of@codices by@ the@ huma Ⅰ , though@not@broad stic@ refra@@ Nicolaus@of@Cusa , vat . gr . 354) , written@in@the@year@949;@ , 133'@ Unfortunately Vallicelliana@Library@cannot@be@so@ The@ e Bellarmino borati Ⅰ n@ of@ a@ set@ of@ rules@ was@ a@ characteristic@ of He@ did@ it@for@ the@ edition@ of@ the New@ Testament them@ in@ the@ Ⅰ tter@ instance . 134'@ According@ s@ He@ , would@have@been@i point@ out@ that@ one@ was Ⅰ to to@ Ryan , these , for@"the@text . ,,,had Ⅰ ured@by@a@criterion@entirely@extrinsic@to the@edition@of@a@Greek@text":@the@authority@of@the@Vulgate Ⅰ . in@ the@ former@ case,@ but@ he@ hoped@ he@ would@ be@ ab rules@reveal@a@grave@limitation@of@his@methodology it@appeared that@ belonged@ to precisely@identified ate@ and@ 3so@ for@ that@ of@ the@ Greek@ imPement@ and , the@codices@he@borrowed@from@the , s@ policy@ for@ text@ editing . unsuccessful@ ru g@ to , vat . gr , 1209) , which@was@used@to@edit@the@text@of@the@Septuagint; another@ codex@ of@ the@ Gospels@ with@ a@ commentary@ Ⅰ "accordi , , "@ He@sCected,@in@fact,@the@famous@Codex@vatcanus a@codex@of@the@Gospels@(Cod Vu critical of@ h@@ constant@ . Indeed , these points@ of@ reference@ was@ the Vulgate , and@ one@ of@ his@ objects@ was@ to@ give@ the@ broadest@ philological support@ to@ the@ readings@ of@the@ Vulgate . His@ fourth@ rule , for@ instance , states@that@an@agreement@of@a@Greek@manuscript@with@the@readings@of@the 一 203 一 Vulgate@ should@ be@ pointed@ out@ in@ the@ critical@ apparatus Moreover . , some@kind@of@reference@to@the@Vulgate@appears@in@four@of@the@six@rules To@be@sure , Bellarmino@never@concealed@his@satisfaction@when@the@Greek text@ supported@ the@ Vulgate Augsburg "q ぴ 0 ガ In@ writing@ to@ . of@ his@ confreres@ in one@ , he@ reported@the@discovery@of@an@agreement@ Yetfo んり うんひ援 A花ク功ピ ㍑ 完 ""5@ ・ that@a@ ful@ex9anati n@shou@@ て any be@8ven@@@ と eX 亡 and@ commented ualchange the@apparatus he て equired Moreover . , i is@only@in@the@third@rule@that@he@introduces@a@noticeable@limitation@in@his edtori l@criteri . It@permits@a@change@to@be@i w 辻 h little and mostly negaUve Ⅱ㍑㎏ ほ ぬれ 0 れ解力也 臼は f%r," co ん加 リバク㏄ f " 乙 附目or R 笘ね: 珂ひた脇 Ⅰ R 笘妬 " F0r ・ the rest, the Latin isused some@contemporary@edi a@better@under , the@ case@ "When@words@ . "@ In@ Mt@ 4:10 , he@ observed , the@expression@ the@similarity@with@Mt@ lack@ of@ manuscript@ support to . Most@of@these@examples@refer@to the@ text@ from@ another@ sacred@ author@ no@ attenti introduced@because@of@ 税し ん osc パ Pfo ル用 P 援 ys of@the@ Regia@permit@ , s@methodology his@ sixth@ rule , which@considers@ them " の(0 箱 ガ 0 in favor ofcertain readings. A@few@ examples@of@corrections@ standing@of@Bellarmino the@Greek@text evidence in the codices: 吐 states, shiftthe balance of weight troduced@@@ n@ have@ crept@ into shou "oxicrui@ be@ pa@@ to Ⅰ IJ. OV"@ 16:23.@ He@then@noted@its , its@omission@ by@ the@ Church@ Fathers@ and ors,@and@a o@is@absence@in@the@Vulgate Ⅰ case@of@Mt@6:18@he@argued@in@a@similar@manner had@ been , In@the , He@styled@the@expression "ev@ TW@ (fxxvepcS"@ an@unwarranted@explanatory@clause@and@ concluded "foJ 功励r."ln Mt l0:l2he refused thereading " 入色 yoW which@ also@ had@ the@ support@ of@ the@ Vulgate , critic3@ mark@of@Louvai parallel@pericope@of@Luke examp Ⅰ s@ serve@ , s@Bi Ⅰ , whi ㏄ ダ oftheRegia, He@ then@ referred@ to@ the h@i di ated@a@borrowi , and@ruled@out@the@verbal@form to@ reveal@ his@ respect@ for@ the@ manusc g@from@the . 1361@ These@few Ⅱ pt@ tradi ion-a 一 204 一 respect@more@e dent@in@the@practi Ⅴ cal@ formulation@ e@of@text@edti g@than@@@ the@theoreti- of@editorial@principles More@ importantly,@ these@ rules@ manifest@ BClarmino's@ Ⅰ anaccompanylngcrltlcaIappa commands@the@fifth@rue て , "ad@finem@ satus: uniuscuinsque Ⅱ ・ theneedfo 携 免れ emphaSs@ on 0 % わ 0 ん S 万傍れ f, 六 ク リ capitis , "@ In@Hs@mi d they@served@to@give@the@rationale@beyond@the@text@as@well@as@to@illustrate the@soundness@of@the@Vulgate from@ the@ negati , They@also@mark@a@remarkable@departure e@ attitude@ toward@ critic3@ apparatus@ that@ emerged during@the@preparatory@work@for@the@Vulgate@edition@and@was@emphas ized@in@the@plain@edition@of@the@Vulgate@itself . When@Niccolo@Majorano @@ the@ classical@ scholar plementing@the@ on@ , bishop Ⅰ victim@ Tridentine@decree@on@bishops the@ variants@ of@ the@ Codex@ usefu , and@ ess@of@puUishi Francesco@Torres a@ discussion@ . On@that@occasion , one@of@the@collaborators@of@Sirleto thought@ such@divulgation@perilous , s@ zeal@ in@ im , , residence-was@working Vaticanus@ B , g@such@a@work of@ Carafa arose@ on@ the , the@opiHon@of , prevailed . 1371@ He , for@he@feared@that@these@notes@could be@used@by@"heretics"@to@persevere@in@their@own@errors@or@to@attack@the Church , On@ the@ other@ hand , Sirleto@ distinguished@ between@ variants@ and@ their@ elaboration , Accordingly the@ sole , he@ placed@ Majorano work@ under@ an@ official@ ban@ but@ let@the@ classical@ scholar@ Andrea@ have@a@collation@of@the@sole@variants@of@the@Codex consistent@ in@ h@@ poS Ⅰ on,@ and@ indeed@ , 138'@He@was so@ ,s Masio , however , consistent@ that@ he@ avoded publishing@his@own@critical@annotations@on@the@New@Testament . 139'@ It@is likely , therefore , that@when@Bellarmino@insisted@on@the@necessity@of@the critical@apparatus to@ overcome , , he@had@in@mind@this@negative@attitude@that@he@wanted In@ tHs@regard ti ns@and@its@apologetic@nature to@ Renaissance@ standards , Hs@critic@@ apparatus , desPte@ its@ limita , , would@have@brought@the@whoe@work@up 一 205In@ sPte@ of@ the@ theo Ⅰ 8c3@ pri ci "ecclesia@ semper@ Ⅰ those@ecclesiastical@personalities@whose@primary@ reformanda task@ is@to@ check@ that the@principle@operates@in@reality@easily@grow@tired@of@reform to@ what@ happened@ in@ the@ field@ of@ the@ humanities , Contrary , where@ the@ ideals@ of classical@antiquity@could@be@imitated@or@even@surpassed , in@the@theologi cal@ realm@ the@ high@ ideal@ set@ by@ the@ Council@ of@ Trent-the@ Fathers-could@ be@ imitated , never@ ," surpassed Age@ of@ the Humanist@ , , biblical scholars , in@ their@ efforts@ to@ restore@ the@ text@ of@ the@ Scripture@ to@ its pristine@integrity , endeavored@to@bridge@the@gap@between@themselves@and the@Apostolic@Church pHloogc3@ 5Li @@ , At@the@beginning@of@the@seventeenth@century@their efforts@seemed@to@have@acHeved@that@particu scho Ⅰ rsHp@came@to@a@standsLll his@ approbation@ Marcanton@@ Co , s@ Greek@ of@ Bellarmino Ⅰ nna , s@ , not@o r@end , Thus Ⅰ y@when@Paul@V@Wi Ⅰ New@ Testament@ attempt@ to@ e4t@ the@ Hebrew@ O ワぴ 0 ん初棚 claimed Testament , but@also@when@the in@ the@ preface@ of@ its@ edition@ of@ the@ New 。 。 f笏動移 し怨 0 %め ㏄,後㍑ 免c 携あ oW 免わゐ移 Cゆ励移, 庖 ヶ笏移ぴ肋脇笏移尻coryuzpp 励移あ 移硲 " When, canonist Francisco ・ Pena, recommended himself to be the censor ly@over All@these@ i stances@may@ to Pau@ V in l609, the nobody of the perfectly Tridentine work cristianello" (BellCarmino,s Co reform@was@certai when e@monastery of@St . Giovanni@in@Verdara1401@(if@not@with@his@death) Testament or@ Ⅰ ended@Wth@Hs@request@to@borrow@the@co4ces@of@the@Patavi Elzevir@ Press@ of@ Leyden@ hhCd んサ櫛 vgrs 肋e), the age else but of "auesto of the Tridentine . """ wCl@exemPi y@the@progresSve@wihdraw3 of@the@post , Tridentine@Church@from@the@field@of@active@cultural@produc- tion-here@the@emblematic@case@of@Galileo@should@be@mentio one@of@the@best@known@instances@of@this@disengagement of@biblical@ philology@ the@long-term@ consequences@ , 142'@ For@the@field of@this@withdrawal 一 206 一 were@not@totally@negative The@task@of@text@edting , , after@a@parentheti- cal@ interlude@ such@ as@ was@ seen@ in@ the@ authoritarian@ edition@ of@ the Vulgate@ phi Ⅰ by@ Sixtus , was@ then@ returned@ to@ the@ hands@ of@ specialized gi ts , where@ it@had@ started@ 3most@ Ⅱ and@ Erasmus The more@ a@ century@ ea Ⅱ ier@ with@ V3la , " 勿は わ肋ね移ク 0 物移 " and that a papacy Ⅰ was 寮 owing and m0re into@ a@ visible@ body@ poli ic@ placed@ Bellarmino@ in@ the@ pos@ ion@ of being@ regarded@ as@ the@ chief@ ideologist@ of@ the@ Tridentine@ Reform Considering@ the@ challenges@ he@ had@ to@ face , from@ Baius@ to@ Protestant theologians , from@ Dominicans@ the@ controversy@ to@ the@ Venetian@ controversy@on@the@ on@ this@ juncture , where@ autho Ⅱ Ⅰ gy@seems@backward@looKng , In philology@ shattered@ a@ long@ cherished@ view@ of attempted@ ty@and@philol of@the h@he@was@engaged,@his@acceptance@of@most@of tative@texts,@such@as@Scripture@and@the@Corpus@ versatile@ mind@ Jesuits@ and interdict, from@ Galileo , s@ affair@ to@ the the@achievements@of@Ren3ssance@philo Ⅱ between@ "potestas"@ of@the@pope , just@to@mention@a@few@ m3or@controversies@in@whi autho grace@ gy , iuris@ canonici,@hi to@ reconcile@ the@ conflicting@ demands@ By@ advancing@the@theory@of@the@"obscu Ⅰ of ty@of the@text"@ he@thought@ to@ settle@ the@upheaval@ philology@ had@ started@and ended@ up@ placing@ a@ "guardian"@ (which@ hardly@ allowed@ emancipation) beside@an@"underage"@text , Yet , even@under@the@unpredictable@mantle@of "obscuritas"@there@seems@to@be@one@possibility:@ let@scholars@live@with@the contingent,@ yet@ perfectible,@results@ of@ philological@research , Naive medieval@scholars@thought@and@taught@that@"textus"@came@from@"texere" ( oweave)and 亡 increase) " の ぴ cfo アリ, andltscogna 七 e Ⅱの ぴ cfo ガ%アド り, fⅠ om . 143'@ It@is@not@to@ be@doubted@that@the@invention@and@dffusi pri ting@ has@ 3tered@ " ク Ⅰ僻9%', (to n@of our@ perception@ of@ the@ text , fi i g@ it@to@ benefit diffusion@and@forestall@manipulation , Bereft@of@its@"augere , "@the@concep 一 207 一 tion@of@the@author@also@has@changed:@ authors@became@the@fathers@of@the text . The@locus@of@authority , too , changed:@ from@the@multijurisdictional world@of@the@Middle@Ages@to@the@unijurisdictional@world@of@the@"absolute state" , With@this@specter@looming@large@on@the@horizon surprise@ that@ BC rmino@put@ Ⅰ a@ , it@comes@as@no "guardian"@beside@the@text Notes 1@)@ P . Redondi wo ノ て 0 2% k by 羽口 f れク , Galileo@ eretico@ (Torino , 1983) , pp . 5-7;@ also@ see@ a@ review@ of@ this V. Fe o/ Mo Ⅱ rone みじ Ⅰ れ and M. H む fo7T "vi 低み imus,hae て elemosinarius etico て umma Ⅰれ o Bella mi no@ (Rome 士 o Mic Ⅰ ohis orian 鏑 " 士 i . . . 7ヵ fic りタ Ⅱ 2れ ぴ化れ SC ガクぬ (Leodh, 1626), Ⅱ b. VII,cap. ac fidei Catholicae p eus." and"aequepius. て udens.hum . I1l: propugnato Ⅱ Ⅰ is,acsumme " ・ Ⅱ と ぅ Ⅱ ク77 ㏄Ⅰ れ れ C劫 eminentissimus Ⅱ てて 3) Ibid., P 托/し C Rn う ほめ は れ C# 携は S ガひ e打 アリム乙ア乙鰯 ガ尭 c@a issimus, theologus Ⅱ ace じ Inquisitors 刀ぬ R0 8れiB8% QuotedfromG.Fu@giatti, L Ⅰわれ Fi Ⅱ po, "From 58 @1986): 485-524. h. I, cap. 卸7% n屯 o Ⅰ (Rome. 七 Ⅱ 1687); b. II,cap. lV; andD. Barto Ⅱ. DpJ 伍ノ ㎡, Ⅰ ;アぬ裾 o Ro ルん P. Tacchi.Ventu れク ノア o B乙 篠 Ⅰ , 1923) ・ Ⅱ劫は凌ひ e.後と れbi ル cは rr 竹り ル Ro 鹿れ o B めぬ rrmzi 免 0 . . . ば ㏄ ウ五肋 o (Rome, 1743). pp. 216-331, and the p eface. 5) J. Brod Ⅰ ck, デヵ z L 塊乙れメ姥 %0 柁 o/ BJ ㏄ se ガ Ro eれ E/ ぼれ ぬ C はァはァ免乙 7 4) A. Arcangeli, ノア みⅠ ぴれガ肪 ofo カリ緩勿 ㏄ ァ緩 て ク Bが 竹がれ ぬグ S 携ヶんク 6 う OnD (London, り れば ㎝Ⅱ nger,seeWa@te 7) J.Turme@,H 8) H 後攻 硲乃 (Gembloux, (Louvain 9・ 1961), pp. B て andm 廿 @@er, なれ Ⅰ Ⅰ ん れ Be 沖り /7れ 肪 9, iX-X. 篠ノo箱 D 刃 ziれ 白 e Ⅰ 切り物れ 9 れれ 7 カ れ ナ切 0ん (St. お tnわ e ルぬ Ⅰ the [email protected]. see his R0% c.olo9 ぎわク 0s.ifn ひりイゆぴぬ は笏ノ 0低う e免イみ eS Ott Ⅱ ien, 1977). ㍗ nnigi庵とノ硲ワひ ち び Co クづ Wれ ci7ie e は (Paris , 1904) P. Po@man, position て SC ん o肋 / (Westminster, f. Ⅱ ク わん 卯Ⅰ 笏條. Trente@ 1928); to う L 切e用 とれナカ む fo バイ ぴク 1932); E. A. Ryan, , 1936) . pp . 133-147 み田れ 5 アル , gives@ an@ ぬ Co れ 廿のひⅠパク H ん tta㎡ 倣I evaluation@ 彫 7管 わ硲 とみ ぴ ⅩⅡ 7り Sigc H が 肋 けれ Sc ん oぬ俺肋 P oⅠ of@ Turmel , s@ and@ Polman 「 e ヶれク ,s . P . Duhem , The Theory of Physical Reality (1st‘d . Paris . 1909; New York , --?.nS-- 1952) . Brodrick じ はか 8% , Robert (F@orence. 13 , pp . 332-378 pp. Tagliabue U ル7 , note・ eめ㏄ ガ P. c.ガ Ⅰ G 援 lhim0 e. グクウぬ柁 れ m ni0 ま ァは (Rome, 1981), 71 cu@tural pr0per は わ /eo (Chicag0 , 1955), in which these manuals conteXt pp. l01-102. F0rthe of piety pr0@iferated, see E. /脇ゆ : 7530- J6 コ 0 . ed. by J. Kir 由ner (L0nd0nandNeW Cochrane, York, 1988). 192-193. 0附め 13) Be@larmino, 0 り 8% Le , "@ in Noo ㎡ 妬 2㏄-㏄5 , / ウル Ⅰ㏄㎡㎡ 12) G. De Sant Ⅲ ana, Ⅰ乃 c C ㎡ 卸 8 が G pp. , par㎡ cularly}p. 365-366 del@ cardinale@ Bellarmino 1984), 11)@ G . Morpurgo@ pp Bellarmine 、 "L astronomia@ ・ Baldini Bachelet, ぢが肋卸んゲれ れれク 0sf れ移 0 , ed. S. Tromp (R0me, 1942 円945 円Ⅹ. M. A り けれわれ 招 B が 肋 Ⅰ 笏庖ぬれれ 笏 . SM クタ 修笏 gれ f a鵜 OeMor (Paris, 1913); id., B 凌肋 /W わ 後クひ携れ f So れ Cは /はレほ肋 カリ ㏄ C は X成れれ f, J542-J598. 並0後ん携後し 8 とり0 び移 9後お (Paris, 1911); id., Be/ 肋 れれ i後乙肋 B 巧ル S% わー ㎡み れ gれ fi 後 9 めぴ 79 9 は 0し び用 9れ付 れ綾 は /於 (Paris, 1911). 14) D6l Ⅱ nger-Reusch, D ル S ゆん たせと S K Bg/ 肋 用ヶれ ,灼ぬ i乃公 Cんぴれ ガ ルぴぬ Ⅰ ん れ m れど ㏄ Cん わん f//c 乃 と %E パ乙ぴル 御後身 8打 (B0nn, 1887); S. Merk@e,"Grunds zⅡ cheundmeth0dologische E 6 e ungenzur Be Ⅱ a minf0 schung," Zg ァお Cん 7% カガ /. K わり ん cw をeSc ん わん ル 8 (1926); Ryan, T 乃 e H C携 J S ん 0 ク , pp. 194-198. The teXtof hisautobiographywasalso pub は shedby Brodrick, in 7 梶 L 之はれは廿ん 9 Co クアマ し 才 ゲ とⅠ わし Ⅰ ゎァりどァは クハはァれ援 Ⅰ Ⅰ 哲七 Ⅰ Ⅰ士 Ⅰ Ⅰ Ⅰ ぬたりアサ Ⅰ ム ケアドん毛 七 Ⅲ0%. こバ 目 1: 460 481 (hereafter abbreviated as A ぴ f0 ゎケリぽ挽 ク勧 ). Sacchini asanhistorian,seeE.Cochrane, H お f0 は然援れガ H 恭 0 0は /はゆんノ /れ妨9 7f 7加乃 Rg れ ば尽 sはれ Cg (Chicago and London, 1981), pp. 449-457, 463- 471. 16) A ぴ fo ㎡ 0ま ク% 伽, pp. 463- 464. Theuse0f 伍esiglum"N." canbeinterpretedas a "sign" of hum Ⅱ 什 y, but れ must be pointed out that on wo 0ther 0ccasi0ns Bel@armin0 res0rted t0 a similar device: a pseudonym. F 汁 st, under the pseudonym 0f "Franc 憶 cus R0mu@us" he pub@ished. in l587, his R %0 れ ㎡ 0 はぱ ク の Cゆ穏 Ⅰ ゆァ肋 A タ o/o 解 i彫り 穏8 % 尽 o c援姥 0ん ㏄ ヶ硲 Cパ施ぬ /一against Bel@0y,s 15) Fo Ⅰ アサ Ⅰ ァブ は 七 と A 戸 o/0 ま仮 the second pub Ⅱ 5shed, ln 1608. dme, under the pseud0nym D クク 。 fes hls とほⅠ e sぴ 移用 "一agalns Barclay,s Dg ク 0め s %f6 クの クれ c. 7 0 z0% ァはク勿 y. p. 461: "Ingenium habuit como a um ad 0mnla, ut equa Ⅱ er se habere 七 れⅠ "Matthaeus ク 0れ サ仮 し バ @ Tortus" @乃花 方ぴ S ル移ク he 0挺Ⅰ 妨硲 六 力 士 七 l]0n 七 subti@e et e@eva ad omnesdiscip Ⅱ 士 um, sed ac, niscapiendis.., Also see p. 478. 18) Ibld., p. 460: corporiscas Ⅱ addlc 七 a erat e@emosinis, o Ⅰ ati0ni et c0ntemplati0n@jejuniiset gauonis."Seea@soBrodrick. Cervini,s humanistic background, W. 7%e. Z,グレ V. Hudon, ほれは 才力 9 M 携 rcello Ⅲ0所, pp.l-ll. For Cegの ゲれ /, C ひ ん ほ Ⅰ ほれガ 一 209 一 Eク isc ゆ援 A イ笏施 Ⅰ付竹 for A れ ぬ ㎡ 0ど抑ゆ伽 , p.465: (DeKalb, 1992). "Accid 肚 au 1g) B 吐 ununi verbum, Episcopi, et Ⅱ ecitare non preaching, see his Dc Forpreaching sine magno クはわ in hecon 七 119-120 , 197. 七 emi@ , utfor elegeretconci0nesC0rne 七 inciperet c0nciones labo て e." Fo 0箱 ク乃推篠竹 は乙 e c0 箱 ㎡ 0れゐ, in efforts tob ㎡ ng humanist p eaching whilep eservingthe Franciscan H れれ ク 乃ね t 笘㏄めク篠は F 刑後 cis ㏄)? Ⅱ07M ㏄ : Co 篠ま庖 S% 超 9れ旭 Ce 免サぴゆ Ⅰ ぬゆ (Bern, 1998). on て て Ⅰ Bella で mino,s て sc ㎡ bere own A ひし肋わぴ緩 挽めi0 M 穏S0 Ⅰ 肋ゆ , pp. ㎡c 亡 o bear 下 E. Norman, でで ぱ篠は on , pp. 655-657. styleandrheto adition,seeCo ⅠⅠ ad views eXt0ftheThdentineReform.seeCochrane, On Mussos,s Ⅲ 七 ad eJus im 吐 ationem et P 化 は Cん C0f ん of わ ・ A ぴ f0670 どれ ゆ伽, 20) pathsticinsp Bellarmino@ as@ 464-466. In preaching, besides biblical f0undation pp. himself@duly@ noted U ん ㏄ iれ刀 め肋 % 笏㎎ 21) lbid.,p.461; forthecloselyrd,atedtopicofmusic,seeA.Bernier, んぴ笏 s 柁, れれぬ クヶれ t Ro liturgique@ (Montreal into@ the@ わり t B が 肋身れ Ⅰ novitiate@ and 、 thereafter (1556-1565)@ governo@ (Rome A 刀oが 0ま 附かり, p. 464: ァは 篠,ぱとぬ C 乙櫛ク 4どれ ゐルノゐu, , 1939) . For@Bellarmino , in@ the@ Sfo パロル 7肋 C07%Pa き れ ヶはイ i G ㏄カゲ 後 22) and Ⅱ ation,theconsentofasupehorauthorityshoulda@sobestressed, Ⅰ れと ク , s@early@training@up@to@his@entrance Collegio@ Romano 屋 fia, Ⅱ7. L,ゆ0㎝ イ M. , see@ Scaduto , i G 肋 Co 篠 o L ク i)?c乙 7J , 1964) , pp . 272-282. "quotidiediscebatquod 23)@ Ibid . , pp . 468-469:@ "applicavit@animum@ aliosdoceret." ad@ earn@ linguam@ discendam , et@ cum didi i set@ alphabetum@ ab@ aliquo@ peFto@ il@us@ linguae , et@ aliqua@ rudimenta grammaticae quam@ , confecit@ ipse@ sibi@ grammaticam@ Rabbini@ sol theologum J6.7 ロ 力椛ぴれば が 24) R めの刀 刑竹び り eれ Bacher,D H め拓ぬし 姥 (l甜 ed.1892),now C 抑抑ればバは篠 Co れ ぅ Ⅰ パうぴ九 ㍗ ゆ04 れちぱ A れ to が 0は のゆ勧 method hebraicam て ん e%6% ep ㎡ ntedinA e . p.463; intheconteXtofthe S クれメ 0れ 5 あ , faciliori@ methodo linguam@ hebrai tempore@ am@ , quantum s of 用Cんルぬ sc れ S勿ク斤ひ oれ jo. &ね zぴ竹 移付 9ん功用 S 脇刀㏄ 乙肪8 % 0ゅ For theg て amma Ⅱ んと fo りが L 庖 どれ 偲わ cSlV(1974),pp.133-235; Kukenheim, ん 乙う brevi@ et@ satisesse videtu 巧 et instituit Accademiam." thisperiod.seeW. an ガはね ant,@ H.Hirschfeld,Li L 窃わ 0% ク ゆん じぼ (London, f,んゐ foi れイ 9 肋 ル獲ゅは なめり 1926),pp.99 Ⅱ02; andL. 9 のれれ クバ ク 功わ箱 足形Ⅰ ワれ e, ちめ 屋 Re れれ む ㏄れ ce (Leiden, 1g5U. foraconcisepresentaUon T ㎡ denhne ofBellarmino,stheologica@ Reform, seeCochrane, fia ゆ , pp. l91- 193. 25) A れ f08i0 ど篠ゅ伽 , ph Ⅱ oSophy, important role in ㏄h0lasUc p.466. Incidenta Ⅱ y, 旺 mustbepointedoutthatthis particulaHy logic, unpalatable to humanists, the intellectual formation of Galileo; came on to this , see play an M . A. 一 210 一 Finocchia て C o. Ⅰ用 佗0 SoM 托 es: 冗ん c He 4れば 施 g A ㎡が Re M 功ん 0 L りまわ ほ れば Sし わん れc 使0免 4%ど : R ん村 oガ C移 / ⅠⅠ (Dordrecht, 1980); W.A.Wa@ace, ガ ガぬ臼e がナルCo7f 笘io R0 用の後 0 7% Ga 0れ S ぴ れ刀ほお G 移 7ifeo 4% ば が Hた んル 0 な Sc ね乃㏄ (Princeton, 1984). A ぴめ ㎡ 0ど 附か ゆ , pp. 467-469; Ryan, A ぴぬ施 0どのかゆ, p.468. Foranovera 26) 27) dogmatics,J. Pe@kan, 0/ Do はれ後 e. 丘 ちが 0Ⅰ 篠移九 L0nd0n, アル 祝 Sc ん oぬぽ乃ゅ , pp. 37-72. 土 heageofconfessional ひ Ⅰ 1984), 4: 374-385. う 七 Bgf 肋 / 物すれ 日 ve, see G. Ga@eota, れち メわ o わⅠ 冗ん e C んわ Sわほれ方竹 せヶわ 0れ : A H む fo ゅが施 e De ef ゆ援g打 f 0竹 o/ C んひんん 4% み DC ま化移位 3 ㏄ - Zり 0/ (Chicago and 28) FoTanevaluationof[hisdebateina す H 蕊0 viewofBaiusin Ⅱ o cf ぬ 777zi れ 加乃 (Rome, o co 後サ heologica@andanth の 3 り io ァ Lo ひ じ れ io. 乙 メ F. X.Jansen, 月田ぬ乙ル丘Ⅰ加乃公 笏 e(Louvain, al y pecado oⅡ ginal Soc わ超 fis ルsw. Mo Baio," en 2g) For lgnatius,s own c 屋 sfo イァぴれ 1966), pp. l00-164. ForBaiusingeneral,seeJ. H む fo ガe メひち の加乃ぬ 用 9 0ァル J,ルれ蕊e c M わんが Duchesne, opologicalperspec. Sf ぴガ io brand (Douay, B クヶぬ 1731 ㍉ 1927); andJ.Alfaro,"Sobrenatur. R ㏄六ぬ 9革4 0ぬルけ eo7Q ど ん ん ん ㏄e of positive theology. 後 ぴ卸クれ肋な 後枕加乃 a, B. l1/l, and Mo pp. 554; 12 (1952): 1-75. Mo 後 ぴクれ と カム fo わ C移 れぬ 後 ぴ 7% ち後肋 ん % わん ㏄ Mo れぴ 援クれ柘 ま 乃村加乃 a, I1I. Co れ S九 % ガ 0% ㏄, rIl, pp. 117-11g, c. 5: ㎝i Sc 乃 oz㏄fici Socie*は 尽 sfぴ ル化 イ eれむ and pp. l19-128, c. 6: Q ぴ 。 mん 0ガ o i援ひ efぴ / Sレoz ㏄fici ロ イん仏力C㎡妬佗 s ラクれとクみは た ce れけ㏄. 30) Galeota. Bcff477 tiれ o co 鈎沖 0 田㎡ o, p. 363, discusses he contrast between counc Ⅱ s and Augushne. For patrisHc scholarship du ㎡ ng the T ㎡ den Ⅱ ne Soc わ柘 fis %sw. De Ⅰ ぜ後 a, せ ocf7 クラ Ⅰ ク Reform, see Ⅰ Cochrane, W period. see A. D. B が ㍻ 庖o 3l) Ga № ota. 7fは か, pp. Ⅰ 32, 136-137; for the AugusUanism ㎡ ght, デル Co ぴ免 feた 化が 0多切れ 0れ (New ょ仲 co 何の B は io, p. 5. 32) For the inst 什 ution, after considerable Ⅰ初耳 Lo ぴ庇 opposition, of the "coff 琢ル川 ナガ 侭ぬゆ がⅠ如月 0刀 あガ 0れ化ガとぬ eR む g が 肪 eCof7% どぴ の グ, seeH.DeVocht,H デわ in this York, 1982), pp. 1-83. Ⅰ ひ囲 ねれ㏄ 仁 5Ⅰ ァ -1550 り , Humanistica fi%. ぬれ @ovaniensia l0-13 (Louvain, 1951-1955). 33) Galeota, B ヵ加乃れⅠ れ o co 何の B 布 o,pp.41-54; Brod Ⅱ ck, 丘 0柁れ B 乙切 れれⅠ れ e,pp 2S-50. 34) A 尻@ooAn 35) Ⅰれ付 it ぴ f.ftn 免 ㏄われ gwu は ec Heg う椴 ic は と 玖れ と Be Ⅱ Ⅰ はれゆんノ 拓わ 0れと 鹿 Rs り移ぴ笏 armino,s 1504, Conrad Heb Ⅰ , p. 4f68. fewe Ⅰ "A ぱ篠 0打 ifio び 0ゆガ卸 0 ⅩX ⅩⅢⅠ はガ ルし Ⅰ Pe Ⅲ kan, a Minorite Cammar(D り榔 0ガ 0 ワぴ nヴぴとクぴ Ctorで collecぬ 6. (LugdunH, 0化れ ". Ea て 1596); Ⅱ er in he 七 . . ぴれ a cぴ笏 the quotation centu て y, is from a ound l503; て from Alsace, had published a rudimentary 1笘と免み het i後 ね ff箸 りれ ノア He との 9ぴ坦 ),assertingthathe 一 211 一 had@mastered@ that@ language@ alone 36)@ In@contrast@to@the@sophisticated@cultural@operations@performed@by@the@Human ists, such Va as Ⅱ Ⅳ eachinghas a,sEz 琢複移お化 , md@enta scholarly attention; Floorg 笏ce ㎝hacaand ァ A ガ: is P. F. Geh@, A MOo ぬ/ the exceptions among G ぬ切佛れ r.,S0 ㎡ 6%, d れ d C 刃切れ肋 T 9.8c6れ to , n0t attracted much ぇ London, 1993), 82-106, where ぬe author describes the kind of exercises to which pupils weresubJect byteachersofgrammar. 37) For Latingrammar asa model for any other grammars, ㏄e R. A. Padley, G の笏笏乙は ㏄/ T んoわez.l1脇姥 ㏄ 拷榊E ばの 化,Ⅰ500-7%W (Cambridge, 1985). This mode@wasthenacceptedandfollowedbyJewish ㏄holars: Hir ㏄hfield,Uite抑ゆ pp. H な to ゆ , pp. g9-102. ぬ繭ルガ 0れ ㏄ ぱん汐仰 38) FortheHebrewtextofthepsalm.see Hge れneは e,pp.179- Ⅰ と 180. 39) C.SommervoBel , R 妨お 0施勿がりルぬCo れか 笘麓ぬ ルノ囚硲(Bruxe@@es,1890),vol. l, coll. 1115-1153. 40) Brodrick. 1,塊壌れ こ肪ク Ⅲ0訪, デ乃召 41) For the impactofhumanism pp. 45-46. bibIica@ studies, on ㏄eG. B ㎡ovuelle, "L,acces s垣 cle auX environs de l530 , " in 協れり 康め穏 zeS 招 mps. V0l. 5. ちク佗w2pS 召㏄ R 乙oW ㏄がぬ 協"&Je,ed. by G. Bedouel@e and B. Rou ㏄ 蕉 (Paris, 1989),pp.18 Ⅱ2l; L.B.Pa ㏄oe,"TheCounc Ⅱ 0fTrentandBib@e Stud@es: Humanism and Scripture," T 碗 Cb 肪 o庇 H 賄o㎡㎝Ⅰ 椛ひ ieの 52 (1966 18-38; andA. Vaccari, "Esegesi ed esegeti al Conc Ⅲo di Trento," 脇拓伽 27 a @a Bib@edu mileu du XVe ク Ⅱ 320-337. (1946% 42)@ Needless@to@say , the@invention@of@printing , the@mechanical@reproduction@of@a text , and@ the@ possibility@ of@ diffusing@ it@beyond@ the@ circle@ of@ those@ who@ could afford manuscripts acu 止 e 止 han befo Ⅰ . made》he}roblem of‖ normative and uniform text[ore e 43)@ Incidentally , humanistic@philology@also@threatened@canon@law than burni g the Corpus cononici, VGla iuris , With@less@eclat showed that Donati the of n Constantine@was@a@forgery@and@Antoine@Augustin@laid@down@the@groundwork@for a more reliable edition of that Corpus humanistic training, Bellarmino was not product@of@the@Tridentine@reform 1580. involved the keeping in his with preparation 刀 s0 ひ ぬ%0 ク 0何が ice. ひ %co 肱佛o%n は乏 ゐ西 勿加乃が 拓クわ笏 ほ % ほ笏0ル榊o (Bo@0gna, 1982), of りofeS ぬS 鹿田 ㏄加 ", seeJ.C. mineandtheIndirectP0wer," Yet , in of this . 44) Forthistransfomation.P.Prodi, 45) Ontheconcept in ァ Mu 庁ay, "St. ゆo e サ彫乙荻笏 pp. な l5-40 . Robert Be Ⅱ ar. T%eoio 坤㏄7S 肋援㏄ 9(1948): 491-535; and,forthe 一 212historical context "Compl xi which in Bellarmino i s@of@Context:@ elaborated this doctrine , F . Oakley , Gerson,@BClarmine,@Sarpi,@Richer,@and@the@Vene misleadi the@ 369-396.@ g@to@l ok@ at@Bellarmi o@as@if@he@was@mere@@ engaged@@@ "absolute"@ dimension@ of@ the@ thinkers@who@upheld@conciliarism AgeC0ncilia Edmund Ⅱ sm: modern@ StatC@ he@ . On@this@controversy Richer,sEnc0untersw an Ⅰ Interdict@ of@ 1606-1607"@ Catholic@ Historical@ Review@ 82@ (1996):@ [t@is a@debate@Wth al o@ engaged@ pol , see@F , Oakley cal Ⅰ , "Bronze 肚 hCaletanandBellarmine," 卍な to ゆ o/ Ro ガ九 Cク / Ⅰヵ 0㎎ん f 20 (1999): 65-86. 46) Le Bachelet. BeJ 渤卸れヶ後り 47) See C0 れ Cが ガ T わみ 6% andpp. new ヰ庇 i, AC め朋珂(Freiburg,1911),V/2: g1-92, f0rtheteXt teXt, 肋 励み ル , pp. 4-7. 104-105. 0fthetw0decrees0nSc of the Bible in thiscase. shouldbe"free s.im れオ , is not an entirely new medicine, medieval claim. Jurisprudence and atten. del copista," Ri ひお 拓 ずれ屋川 嫁in 竹り ル刀はずわば o see co 切れれ e6 A ゆe.Ahi e.Alnクのははガ aれ g linの㎡口れ <? i邪ヶ 後ク ecU た . ぬ- 援 ロサ to law carcer. azione ち regard F. P. W. Soetermeer. 'La texts; は ・ id., 佛ル篠仰ぴ w 辻h hedCbate; and university authorities paid much the p oduc 廿 on ofreliable 「 た ㎡ rethatthe (4 れ 4州 6%6% 0ferrors" Particularly onto 口 58-57.for Ⅱ pture. Thede (1995): 153-1189; D 召nln まれ ク力れ れり Ⅰれ ㏄何o (Milan. 1997), pp. 133-158. はゅ祝ム 後援 g裾 48) H.Jedin,P fhe CoMn お 7 が アのん, Ca 肋初刀 Gf (St. L0uis. 1947), pp.g5-98, 295-296. Seeals0Seripand0 printer of the Vulgate. ヶぬ の 屋榔 o Se/ゆク篠 do , slettert0theeventual , in A. Ceruti, ルは9)で万オん 6 Pa0l0 Manuzi0 7% 柘ル 7 secofo Sedic ㏄ ァ榔 0 (Milan, 1876), P. % な 0比 75. 49) M. Cano, De zoc ぬ施goJog わぬ, 1I, XII1. 50) For Carafa,s and Cano,s p0 ㎡Ⅱ 0n, see (B0l0gna, l904). commenti de Ⅱ a prima/seconda 30 (1953): 107-130 , (Pa ㎡ s, 1889), P. H 昧 fo ひ 0ダ D符 polemica て ク nei 牽と fiCぴ肋 月は M/ げ 73. EdiuonsandC0mmen %c Bibzc. V0l. 3. てんとⅢ㏄サ (Cambhdge, 1963), f0rn0t appreciaUngthe wou e anac ㎡ 67ic ん c Q ぬ gsfio れヶ p otestantico.catt0lica,"A% 228-272; and P. Bauf0l, ムり Ⅱク fi㏄れ 如月Ⅰ ぴ 7 Ⅱ7 5l) B. Ha Ⅲ "BibhcalScholarship: まe G. Bu0naccorsi. "Il decreto tridentin0 su Ⅱ a V0lgata l2-13; E. Emmi, pp. ァ pp. 38-93. Blaming Septuagint as Ⅰ 召 ahes," in R 顔07枠れれ o移 冗ん cC4% みわ d. fo 施と P れ wc 籠 f siXteenth-century biblical sch0lars a too@ t0g0bey0ndtheMassoreHcteXt onls lc. 52) For the p0siti0n 0f the participants 冗㌃㏄ 物 切れ 榔 (Freiburg, 1930), XII/l.pp. 53) F0r Cervini,s ボの附けん pos 吐 i0n, S 廿 ㎏ t0 , 5letterst0Cewini see Co れ ㎡Ⅰ 材 t0 the C0uncil, see Co 篠 CH ガ % わルれサ施 i, 509-511. T ㎡ル何Ⅰ 篠 i, A%o 撹卸 V/2, 0ntheSeptuagint, p. 27; E f0r see Co れ ci7ガ アわ ルク2fiれ i, ク isf0肋ァ 一 213 一 (Freiburg urn@ , 1916) , X/1 , pp . 934-939 A がo朋笏 V/2. 54) For the final decision, see Co れ田ガ アわ ルん施ち 55) Le Bachelet, S ゆ地徳ヶれサよ B めぬグア が れ乙肋 R Ⅰわ e ぢ o0 ゐ 0//0 ぅ ケ ラル. p. l05. pp. 65-66 Also G. Gerleman, (Lund, 1946),pp. 31, 75whe Ⅰ S 脇机㏄ 竹切ぢ ァ etheauth0rstates that@ "the@ Greek@ Book@ of@ Job@ is@a@ genuine@ Hellenistic@work . created@ by@ and famili r@ to@ circles@ comparati ely@ forei all@ exclusi e@@ JeWsh@ n@ to@ li es@ of see@ F. ." thought 56)@ For@ the@ fluctuatng@ meaning@ of@ the@ term@ "vulgata"@ @@ Jerome,@ even@ Stutcliffe , "The@ Name@ 。 Vulgate ,。 "@ Biblica@29@ (1948):@ 345-352;@ and@A . Allgeier, "Haec@vetus@et@vul ata@e4ti Pbel@ Tridentinum zur@ auf@dem@ . Neue@wort , und@begrieffgescHchtliche@Beitrage , "@ ibid . , pp . 353-390 teXt0fthedecree,see Co 穏 C棚ガエわ 加乃 サ脇 i, A むぬ朋笏 , pp. g]-92. The conundrum@stemming@from@the@identification@of@the@vulgata@with@a@precise@text @@ well@desc Ⅱ bed@by@ SeFpando@ @@ a@ l tter@to@Amulio . According@to@Se Ⅱ pando , the@Council@had@deci ed@that@for@preachi g , lecturi g , and@enga8ng@theol gcal 57) F0rthe controverSes@ a@ common@ text,@ the@ vulgata,@ should@ be@ used . exi ted@ on@"qual@fosse@questa@vulgata,@perche@qualunca@S@ be@ non@ star@ cost@ hora vulgata . "@ Furthermore , come@ era@ Ctato@ . establishng@ Yet@ uncertainty pigliasse,@S@ trovereb da@ uⅠ a@ a@normati padri@ sotto@ il@ titu@@ e@text@would@ Ⅴ dCl 0ate@the@pri ci pie@of@"freedom"@ attested@by@the@Greek@ and@Latin@church:@ "si@torrebbe@ancora quella@ liberta, quale@ 6@ sempre@ stata@ latina@ di@ poter@ leggersi@ et@ servirsi@ della@ sacra@ Scrittura , ancor@ adopton@ Ⅰ of@ a@ restFc lodata@ nella@ chiesa@ a@ buoni@ propositi@ che@ fossero@ Gudei@ ve@ poli y@ would@ vogliamo@ ligare@ et@ restringer@ 1, ingegni , tanto@ 59)@ B. Ermmi del@ decreto@sulla@Volgata 60) P. Melanchthon, 0%no A しね 笏 の@㏄ 0れ i, pp. Buonaccorsi, , "@pp . 107-130 わ ぢ 必用㏄ 27 (1946 月 7-74; 301-319 , 228-272;@ id . , "Senso@e@portata 。 "@ Angelicum@ 30@ (1953):@ 347-374 Cn れ ㎡ ぱ t Tn布ノレれガ箱 肋ガ 0れ肋硲 (s.@.,1546); J.Ca@vin,AcA in Co ゆ紙花 痒W 放 toW , the for@ "quanto@ piu pill@si@sciolgono@et@allargano . " al Conc Ⅲo di Trento," , "II@decreto@tridentino quanto et@ heretici@ ... "@ Fnal@ be@ counterproductve,@ 58) Le Bachelet, BeJ 屋 れれⅠれ れぬムめル. p. 104; and G. Vos 捷 . 毛 a Volgata tanto@ greca@ di@ tutte@ le@interpretationi XXXV, co Ⅱ. ヶは れれ o MD Ⅹん Ⅱ7 Cele う抑わ は Co れ C棚ガ Ⅰわ売ん脇 iM れロ 371-506; M. Chemnitz, Cぴ榔 ぴ れり cぴれ れん 妃0め , 協ね笏粥Co れ ci脇 Ⅰわ鹿れサ 庖i (Frankfurt, 1556-1573). つゐ D 磁化Ⅰ りe e田わ one め庵 れ 鍛C櫛襯用 窩笏,,㏄ レ0 % 移用 劫勿れ 臼ぴれ 7 % 椛佃窩 ㎎ (Freiburg, 1914); R. Draguet, "Le 61) F0r the decree, see A. Maichle, 7めの ma 止 re louvaniste Dreido. insp 廿 atuer du d M な ce7za 彫りんむヵ わ ㏄ 施ん0打 0花篠 奄 cret de Trent sur A めクれヶつ e M ゆぴ (Louvain @a Vulgate." in and BruXe Ⅱ es. 一 214 一 1946), pp. 836-854. 62) For Bellarmino,sroleintheed 九功 B 妨ル , ⅢonoftheVulgate,seeLeBachelet,Be 13-73; Brodrick. R0% pp. 0% ガ妨ク %0 椛, l, pp. 269-309; れル楠 Wれ 庖c, 肋 Wれ 庖 id 。 乃 g L ル pp. l12 Ⅰ20; C ㏄Ⅰ ん ic乃招ル/ 吻垣はぬ (Mainz, and F. Kaulen, 1868), pp. 379-496. 6の On S Ⅲeto, seeG. Denzel, 1966);@ Cochrane , Italy , p. Ka di 冤 / G 稚れが 加 o Sirzefo: J5J4-i585 Bell rmi o@and@Rs@cousi , Rcci Sirleto@for@the@first@time@four@days@after@their@arrival@in@Rome:@ ばz G は㏄ (Munich 。 ㌃ 189.@ rdo@Cervi , Scaduto i, met L ,epoca 笏0 Ⅰ , 0z% ㏄, p. 281 64) Le Bachelet, B 乙肋 7% B 妨ル , 肋勿肋 pp. 103-106 65)@ Brodrick@ maintains@that@Sirleto@answered@ indirectly@ by@sending@some@mate ri l@ to@ Peter@Ca Ⅰ 727. 789, where that Canisius serve to D 亡 s. si hat wrote defend 七 But@see@Hs@ 七 hat what he Mother and against ates 亡 he had received were 0fGod , 1936) , pp . 718, where Brod ㎡ ck s p. "ancient eX た 亡 s that may he herehcs." 七 ㎎バ % Cん 廊ん後e カリ めほばひ 6俺硲 九ヵ 硲自ク 脱ク 07ぜs ん eア efic0s (hereafter abbrevia ed as Co れ 廿のひ C行 i化) in BellarTnino, のぼれ 0)後後 わ (Venice, 1721), 1: 34-35, Ⅱ b. Il, c. l: Os 加乃 は 劫 / 9はヶわ 0れ 笏 H とうりたり れ Mos S 乙 P ゆルぬ物色れれ用移の化 れ穏 ㏄. 67) Co の彫裕彦 e, p. 36, lib. II, c. 2: び サ物 仰 R あ用ica edifio s珪 c0/7 れ p 肋 . 66) 暖 ⑧クぴ肋わ 0んぴ櫛援 e Saint@ Peter@ Canisius@ (New@York ㎡ al is deschbed; mate co 後サ ル Ⅰ二 Ⅰ 止 ち Ⅰ 『 砿 ク れナ 68) Le Bachelet, B 乙屋 Wi れめ 肋召巧ル , p. 116. 69) Co れ伊 0 6% ぬ e, p. Testament, see Co ひ for B 目 larmino,s pos@0n 34; れサ の 彫ね肋 g, pp. 6-8, 70) For the definition of [he canonical books Dunker, "The of the Old canon of the Old Testament, of the Old Testament Canon the 0n 10-23. the Counc@ at Ca 比 of た Bi が ica7 Q れクれ e か 15 (1953): 277-299; and G. Bedoue@e, "Lecanon 『 ㍗ Ⅰ Ancient Testament dans la perspechve 且れ cic れ Ⅰ㏄ 脇 れと 免 f. 助力れれ りお Werme@nger (Geneve, 1984@ 7l) T.M.Centi,"L,attivit 荻 Ⅰ om conc Ⅱ 0れ勿 s0 れん ね toi托 , pp. edu Trent." in ed. by J. .D. ムと 刀乃 e de ㏄れ 0免ノク Kaestli and O. 253-282; letteraⅡ adiSantiPagnini(1470-1536)nelcampode@e レわぴれ /のナ拘卸ク 移り 仇㏄to 糊卸 15(1945): 6-5l. His 廿 ansla- scienzebibliche,"Ar tionf du P. G. see of Trent. 。 Ⅱとルァ六 % れ 0 e刃物, a尹ゆ のう クぬほ theoriginals, 月壊鯛後庖ぴ 卸れぴ笏ク 8r ノ 1527 (Florentine style). Antonio ア佗 sfほれ 8% ガれ 0 乙州挽後 Sfリ ガ 0 ク召 Ⅰ Bruci0li used this translation (Venice, 1532) and claimed ノ C ル用 とれ 拷 ⅡW, was tha 亡 published teXt hi5 rendering Sd れ C地色 at Lyon in for his vernacular was based on the originals. 72) Co 篤ナのひ クアド玖 %e, p. 37: "qui pa Ⅰ tim ir Ⅰ epse て unt negligentia. vel igno antia Ⅰ 一 215 一 hbra ㎡ orum 73) Co れサ ignoran 廿 a rabbinorum ‥.partim の e% qui addiderunt 74) Le Bachelet, 万が功用 れ Ⅰれ切 肋 B 乃ル , 75) F0r a classical deschption of such a popular Eク ぬサ ぴ肋 e,Ep. LXXl; p. 113. upheava@. ㏄e Augustine. forJerome,sfearsatthemomentofpresentinghi5revised seeh@sprefaceto teXt, theteXt of the Gospels in B朽 Ⅰ sは C抑ゲれてヵ ぬ 化wio 色 6%, ed. R. Weber (Stuttgart, 1983), 2: 15l5H516. 76) C0 んの㎎俺ぬ乙 p. 35-36. 77) Co んァ 0 %iae.pp. 36-37. Fortheinterpretationsofthepa Gaon, Salmon ben Yeruham, お 0加乃 53, ed. by Joseph 78) Co んの彫庵肋み 79)@ Confroversiae 80)@ K. R. CatholicAttitudes 81) Forthepos in@ Rome@ 82)@ For@ conce pp. 83)@ (1972): toward ud@@@ Me5Si0% 1553 , in@ the@ Lght@of@Si 鹿 , 1995-97) s@ Josephus ns.seeL. teenth BW4W0 坊を ヮ 彫 ぶH ぴ用り mis 用 e 乙 the Talmud,' 435-59 れ iionofthe]ewishRomancommun (Leiden Favi て see T レ 36; Cano, Dc foれ出 1/1I, c. 13. p. , "The@ Bur Ⅰ ng@ of@the@ Tal ㏄れ ㏄ 34 Re ればば and Yefet ben E Ⅱ, (Bern, 1998). , pp . 36-37. Stowe Century Alobiadi Ⅱぴ山 はぬ沖 ぉ age,inparticular ひ ク 0f Saadia puncta." ぬ e, p. 37. ノ 1, , vol . pp れ ly,seeK.R.Stowe, , s@ hstoriograpHc3 , politi ぴみわ s 乙 70s ゆん硲 , H. Feldman,Sf アカ e/69 緩 S . xxx-lvii 3 , rCi i us , and@ R りの 7ぜftゼ後 c℡ tur3 Bi ぅ /c(Leiden. 1998), 539-70 Le@Bachelet , Auctarium 、 pp . 658-660 insertae@expli aLoni@sacrarum@ insti uLon!@juventuLs@non@ 84) Co れ Ⅰの蛇行 わ e, 86) Co れサ 襯押. のひ 8ぼぬ e, 87) Around caused parum@ 38, Its 用 , pp.660-661,n. Ⅱ Jesus spoke. undermined Wh b. lI, c. 4: Dg was Ⅱ g援わ o色 e Sヴわね also enhanced e Reformersused hat the @anguage デ%e was by not Ⅰ ク 仁 ca. Testament and Hebrew he b皿 ef 由at it was た 辻 todethronetheVu@gate,the [hat it underst0od. 勘 Ⅰ加ルだ io色 S が 防り T 他郷附ぬ㎡ 0れし れ メエni ぬ れ 0終 g, pp. Ce れ S% の庖ひeは i0 れり 用 C んり iぱ ai ㏄ 什 s credib Ⅲ ty by 由owing version, see B. M. Metzger, 88) Co んの叱俗ぬ 103: ば. hopes that the o㎡ ginals of Matthew status 0pponents 0 れ吾レ , atem@Scripturarum,@et ," effCunt of the century, the Sy ㎡ ac teXt of the New @anguage 七 "Impudicae@narrationes@passi Ⅰ a stir and nurtured and 101:@ b. II, c. 練 Dc g仇ガ 0れ e C ん ノリた pp. 38-39, the middle could be found. claimed Ⅱ A 穏加われ 85) LeBachelet, Ps 乙 7%0 p. n. , lierarum,@quae@et@sancti was not as he 迂 "old" as On the history of this Ⅳりの Tgsf は移 eん: 冗拷 ei/ (OXford, 1977), pp. 48-63. 40-42, Ⅱ b. Il, c. 5: De 吻わぬ G 砲㏄ぬ gdifioれ巧ゐ ; c. 6: De 一 -216 庖 加ゆれ ぬガ oれ c Ⅹ 鰯wio 襯援. LX れサれ ㏄俗肋乙 p. 89) Co 42. 90) Cowf り彫俗肋 c, pp. 4㌻44, lib. II, c. 8: De edifion仙郷 L 乙は れ杖 44-46, Ⅱ b. ll, c g: 9I) awcfo 托ひれ ㎏Ⅰ 肋 e 切付 ion ぬ . De んの㎎庶ヶ化 Co , pp.46-48, 92) F0r the debate Fraenkel dent pp. 93) 色 Ⅰ Co ノぴ れナ 一 II,c. l0: Dc はれ 己 @aplaCedUS@ 「 0んぬ拷 L 乙わ久 ee あれ onis the canonica@ books on "Le@ debat@ entre@ Martin@ Chemniz@ ・ OCanonlaUeSet 2g3 Ⅱ b. with Chemnitz ひ wzg ひ肋 of Scripture, see I" et@ Robert@ Bellarmin@ sur@ les@ livres aClde," ln Z,e C4%0 鋒ノと /Ⅵ免 C形れ Ⅰ㏄ 肋笏 りれ f, 312 の ノりは後 c,pp.48- ㎏し ね卸 ⅠⅠ 49, Ⅱ b. lT,c. ll: a わ 死り 移 eみ汚 0免 6%, Sn/ ひひ ん ぴ Ⅰ Ⅰ see also pp. 47-48 ow¥fg.cれW.o れ fcs う fo Ⅰ Be@la Ⅰ ん g.r クマ Lzftco ア町移 Co m@no,sllstofe Ⅰ れナ紐 rors that@ Calvin@ and@ Chemnitz@ made@ in@ interpreting@the@ Tridentine@ decree@ on@ the Vul ate . For S は庖 サルの 笏 ク the % 3l vi wing@Jerome's@ro@@ of n Jerome as , the@dove trans@ a tor , see E, The change 1985), pp. 173- 19g. @@ made@evident@by@paintngs:@ iconographical@standards Jerome i sPrati ged 妨ク ㎏ wd 蕊4% ㏄ (Ba Ⅲmore. Rce , in in@contrast@to@Renai sance 。 symbol@of@the@Holy@Spirit , is@depicted@beside . 94) The teXt ㌧ぬて肋 viventem," but ひ see 95) Co 免ナの彫は肋乙 oれ e例 " Teads"s ひ ㎏ 携ル用化はダ als0 thec ㎡ tical apparatus Ⅲvitanima Deum mea f0rtem for theva ㎡ ants. 48-49; Cano, Dc iociS, II. c. 14. pp. B 乃尼 , 96) Le Bachelet, ムオ肋 れれ加功肋 pp. 107-112. 97) Ibid., pp. l12-113. 98) Ibid., p. 114. 99) mented》he‖bsence{f‖ny〉eference》o》he}ositi n In…ontrast , Seri ando〕 of@the@ originals;@ see@ his@letter@to@ Amulio l㎝ j B 巧尼 . LC Bachelet, B オルグリガ後 乙肋 , cited@ above , note@ n. 56 p. l15 In〉Caton》o》he…anon{f》he{ldゝestament,‖《ummary‖nd‖n‖nalySs{f this@debate@ pp P. G . is@provided@by@ Duncker , "The@Canon@ . 282-292.@ The@various@proposals@to@consider forum, the 0blecti0ns t0 b0oks whose ," of@the@old@ Testament , inside@ or@outside@ the@conciliar Ⅱ y was patern questioned, came t0 nothing. @02) Co see れサ の㎎俗ル, pp. 1- 6, 8 10 . J. H. Bentley, はれク脚れぬ おク For れば humanisHc biblical scholarship 姥 e Ro ゆ Ⅲん t (P ㎡ nceton, in general, 1983). l0D On his brand of biblical scholarship, see U. Horst, "Der Stre Ⅱ Sch ㎡ fts zwi ㏄hen Kardina@ u れば Caletan Ⅵり椛 なれば ぽぴ ㎎.A 俺尽 cんれ刀 A. F. von Gunten, und Ambrosius M わん乙なん 援は硲 'La contribution Cathahnus," um die hl. in Ⅲ乙ん橘勿廿 (Paderborn, 1967),pp.551-577; des l,H 奄 tbreaux 奇ソ ㏄ uvre ex 色 pgetique de 一 217 一 CaJetan," in Hisfoi招ル l,玖6ぎ ゑ ㏄ 0M T. A. Co Ⅲns, "Cardinal X Ⅴわ Si を Cル (Geneve, 1978), pp. 46-83; and Biblica@ Pr@ncipleS," z ん g CaJetan,s Fundamental Caf ん o/ic Bi67icは / 吻乙れ er か 17 (1955): 363-378. l04) Ryan, Ⅰん e H 幻oガ㏄7 Sc o肋庵んゆ , ん l05) Co 何の化待肋 g. pp. 2什27. Tridentine debate Ⅱ b. l. the canon, on pp. 63-80 , 103-126. 17: c. Dg H め移0s. ゆぬ fo ぬ複イ D げイはれ ow see A. Maichle, For [he ルr bi& 仏襯8れ B ガ Cカクグ れ村 イイ ㏄ Kn 色名 tr veiれエガ とれ t (Freibu ng, て 1929). See other theologians l07) Co eれ At れ l, , T 屋 C拓地 れ笏 Co れ ct7 わアわみ ・ l06J the on edti Syri the New c Albrecht@ Widmanstadt@ in@ 1555.@ mann@ Tremellinus ・ Testament was Instead@ of@ this@ text@ or@ the by 「 Johann humaDst the@ edition@ prepared@ by@ Immanuel professor@of@Hebrew@at@Heidelberg s@ an@ append@@ ・ and@printed@at@Geneve@in@1569 a@later@edition@of@Widmanstadt of@Syri c@ texts@comprisi , the@ forthedead. prayer ,s Lord For F. C. Burkitt. P%0c ㏄ 廉れ鱗 0グ肪e C Ⅰ 卸ぅ わ %e see Socie ゆ XI (1906), , , s@text@(1556?) g@the@ Sanctus creed. the Magnificat, and a a description of this edition, A れ fiq彫れクれ prepared fl st printed (1508-1559)@and@ printed@ in@ Venice@ by@ Michael@ Cyber the Athanasian prayer, of 73-76. pp. Bellarmino@ might@have@consulted@ that@ contai fo ァ theposition 38-39, lib. II, c. 4: De edtfiong Sノパ a㏄. The Ue 俺 iae, pp. of n 473-508, 25. 免 Ⅰの 此バ肋 e, p. l08) Ha Ⅱ, "Bib@ical Scholarship," l0g) Co れ 廿の , pp. 483-496, toplc. same Pp. 265-268. ㎝) Co れサ の 化は肋 e, pp. 42-43, Ⅱ b. lI, c. 7: De gd 協oれ e C の㏄ ほ T ㏄ 肋 援タゎ Ⅳ 0㎡. Ⅲ) Bellarmino, De ㏄わ り fo わヵぬち㏄ fesiぬficis. in の eの VIl 9㌻95; Ambrose,s work Bel@armino seems to with regard t0 prefer the Parisian edition of 1549. ee K. 3so@ L . Pastor , The@ History@ of@ the@ P0pes , XXI 、 210;@ Ambrosii@ opera , ed . by@ Schenkel , in@CSEL@XXXII@( where@the@ed@ Ⅴ en , 1897) , pp . ilia@a@ Felice@ cardinal!@ de@ Monte@ 112)@The@ slow@ 1569):@ sono Hopfl ・ i-l Ⅹ x, in a@ in@parRc libF@ Ⅰ ar@p . l xⅤ i latum@est@edi Alto , " i@progress!@ nostri@ nella@ correttione@della@ Bibbia@ pochissimi tutto un mese non”abbiamo "Beitrage@zur@Geschichte@der@Sixto fatto una congregazione , Klementinischen@Vulgate letter@ to@ correctone@va@ grand , opera Ⅲ) Brodrick. Seripando@ (10@ settembre@ 1561) , aired@ mol o@ lunga@et@ uno@ o@due@huomi , bisognando@ T ルり尼 vedere@moiti@ a.nwみ サル Ⅰ a@ similar@ complaint:@ possono@ testi ... ", ibid . , p. H. ... ", 、 "@ Biblische Studien@ 18/1@(1913):@ 1-339 , citation@at@pp, 308-309.@ Two@years@later@Amulio a@ ii, ione noted@ by@Carafa@ in@ a@ letter@to@ Salmeron@ (17@ giugno progress@was@ "quanto@ perche l xⅤ or@stateS@ "maximum@damnum@AmbroSi@ . in "la fare@poca@ cosa@ a@ S 305 姥0舵, pp. 269-309; Pastor, n ル打幻 0ひが 施ク 一 218 一 月リク 9s, 24: 222-226. F0r archival documents Bible (l590). Ⅲ) F0r compa で ㎡ son, see the note de Ⅱ a Qua 七 <@c砲肋れワぴ切切 S 後 ガれ lavcl れ the subm 什 ted in l576 by Giovanni 汁 e in Roma, faci №. et sicuro, di essequ e0 Ⅰ ァ ㏄nza T del C0nci Ⅱ o di ta Sessione p.m れ 6れ @at は ㎡ 解 p,t 甜ク ガ %4%r" 590.pp. that errors lnto the crept to "わはぴ We "佗れ e" had i S 加行ゆ afo わの d0esnotgo 6) Ibid., pp. 127-128. UnanlmoUS A. , see@ Vaccari ょ セ 00 ガわん 肋 . " Theph うリ a 比 uction 0f hemodel は 0logicalwork structurec0mp ofthestate of ㎡㎡ ng apparatuS. 「 eadlng 197-264. especia Ⅱ y understand@ Jerome , s@peculiar@construction Ⅱ insistence{n a クじガ by this reading, % ク H 移れ e@Vul ".ク eみ e?.spi 硲" E. K. Rand. "Dom 2 クァは 万 st@the Quentin,s eozo睦㏄f Ee ie緩 17 (1924 月 ひ 260-261. 施乙ね B わル , pp. l19-125. B 凌 物肋乙ぬ B 帝ル , ルク variety ate , agai ㏄切れ「 in 窩笏" tn see Ⅱa れ鹿 7㏄わ 0後 ㏄Ⅱぴぬ u鹿 Ⅰ,afi れ 0e (Rome 0ne, 囲) Le Bachelet, e@and@Clementi of the Vulgate," pp. 0) I,e Bachelet. ぢ目 肋 Ⅲ) C. Verce to@ OftheCodlCeS,emended" 廿 on the TeXt rum@ (Gen . 24 , 32) , " , "Ad@lavandos@pedes@camel , the@editors@of@the@Sixti For 0ther scholars puzzled of pp. l860). Ⅱ X 円 XXvi. 137-141, 142-145, f0r Be Ⅱ armin0 , s Latin》ranslations ofヾcripture. l23) This prohibition engendered a cav Ⅲne ought@to@be@permitted@at@the@bottom@of@the@page BiblicalP0ntificalCommissiononNovemberIg21.seeA debate on ㌦ガれ nぬ hone ダ, whether . The@matter@was@settled@by@the む肋 A ク o㏄0九 ㏄gSe メ尽 19 11. 124) Brodrick. Ro bnt ㎝en same りぱゐ to ガ ㏄1 S レ ho ぬねんめ , pp. 163-169 デあ of@tHs@sentence (1922): than six thousand and fearlng that the Bib7e. pp. 128-129. Biblica@7@ (1926):@ 439-443.@ Unable@ は ten,D 招 Ⅴ ぴ ㎏ ほぬ pp . 127-127. 119)@ On@ tHs@verse Memo Ⅱ 霞 al,andScripture,hefocused e&i ぢ B ㍑ ぬ 押箱 庖乙ぬ Ⅱ 「 援 援@fii" 0n 「 5) Le Bache 止 t, Ryan, the dina, ぴ z Sほ %八口 て 「 lntroduced more beyondthecons ㎡ ", "Co ル留 ", and "[ Ⅱ 117)@ I5d o ento, che 0n la Camera, of the Blb@e (and a@so lllustrat@nghls polnt text 止 ed 億 ingtheteXt ム俺 肪托 れれ Cagra gravar ㎏ d 珪 edbyBaumga couldhappentotheeditonofthebrevlary,theml "C ァ ln the edltlons of he conc@liar documents) 0nhow Sistine 590 141-150). Faultlngmoretheprintersthanthescribesfor with the c@alm that thls new errors Ⅰ ・ Dec 0fthe Ⅱぴ ㎏ ほぬ S 肋 fi箱 クひ 0箱 Sうぴ i7e (Munster, l911). 正Ⅴ 7tカガん ンれま ア 。 。 mod0 the publicau0n 0n Dル P. M. Baumgartner, see B はtc 85), 1: 503. B オ ぬ行 れ施 e, pp. 105-1lI; H. Reusch, D6% E 施 B 勿ぬ笘そ ur Ki /c.hEg.nzぴれ ガムル附加役㏄ c iC うりん 乃 eer. 「 ん ル Ⅰれみ㏄ ん ば eⅠⅤ ちⅠ te (Bonn, 1883- 一 219 一 l乃 Dig. prooem. Ⅰ O の れ り れ s 21. const. l26) On howmedieva@Juristsskirted theJushnianicprohibiUon Ⅰ れナ のばぴ zio 篠 0%7Jo Bが 肋ァ脚ァ篠 see R.Orestano, st ぴみ i0 メリ ノ ずん o9lossthe Ⅰ ば 0 の 緩は箆 o セ eXt, (Bologna, 1987),pp. 51-173. H7) Le Bachelet, Ro 緩乙後携 M 笏. 庖 ク e co/ 托が i0 乃公 % iれ Ⅰ刀お篠ぬ 70c は施s笘れ i0 托 c0名れわぬ, eひほれ 9e7i0 襯用 (Antwerp, 肋 or Ⅰ "De omp, commissione で 168-175. りぱ Francisco Luca Burgensi, ifio箱 ぬノぴ ㎏ ぽ劫とノ硲 Sぴ S 仮ガ y 正われ f. id.,Ⅳ0肋 Ⅲれ援イ (Antwerp,1603); クは ル Cん o免 れれ切れ裾継 (Antwerp, l28) S. T B め 屋, B 訪ねぬ 切畑 ひは れ ㏄ 佗 じば 0れ㏄ id., L 妨 977め祝ル/ co 篠ナ施り篠 l605); s 0乃公 1618). evisione teXtus G aeci N0vi て Testamenti pont 田cia circa l617 praeside S. R. Bellarmino," a facta Romae B 肪 た 0 22(1941): Ⅰ 303-306. 129)@L . M. Trident Voste , "De@ revisione@textus@Graeci@Novi@testamenti@ ad@votum@ Concilii . in;@ facta 。 "@ Biblka@ 24@ (1943):@ collection@of@canonical@texts Vat . Gr . 1159 , which@ 130)@ Tromp . Voste 304-307.@ The@ Cod , s@indication@should@ corresponds@to@ text@ a@ . Vat . Gr . be@read of@the@Gospels 1150@ , perhaps is@ a , Cod . , "@ p . 303 , "De@ revisione@textus@Graeci Ibid., p. 303 ℡) For a bhef New Testament, account see of Erasmus,s L. Bouyer, ㏄h0larship and his editions of the Greek "Erasmus in Relation totheMedievalBiblical g H お fo ゆ 0ア施6 % 肪ル , Vo@ . 2. エ刀 Ⅵ㏄Ⅰ 身0れ地 e 協 /か Raf ル庵ぬ妬 eR イoW 協わ 0れ (Camb Ⅱ dge,1969),pp.492-505; Hall."Biblical Scholarship," pp. 59-6l; and E. Rummel, E% 侭勿穏 ㏄ T ぬれ S肋 to/ が fhg CJ侭③㏄ (Toronto, 1985), pP. 85-102. The first hastened ( ツ托Cゆ iぬ地 用化 れぬ Tradition," in T勿 C Ⅰ 卸ぅバはど り ク quam@ editus")@edition , published@by@Froben 133) Forthedescription T ㏄加乃 ofthecodices, り何 (Berlin. 1902) 1/1 5g; R ㎝ 赤切れ刀 ㎝ , appeared@in@1516;@ seeH.vonSoden, the@fifth , in@1535 DieSc んれ刀 en メ es Neg 姥篠 KuM はまイ侭 sル ZAねルル とパ ec乃ぬ 切りれ K. Aland, Ⅰ ル.s Ⅳマ姥 箆ル s肋笏 後ぬ (Berlin, 1963); P. Canart and V. Pe ㎡ , B 乃ね 0% ㏄ⅡⅠわ cc 移り (Vatican ぬ乃 れ仏ま 附加功 B 妨 lhiotheque vaati ㏄n, ルS ㎡ り Ho 客用癖わ クリア ヶ櫛は舘 0s ㏄協ガ 名花㎡ガイ 肋 S 硲蕊仇 City, 1970 0れき in?㏄ 携 ㍉ and K. Devreesae, Paul V (Vatican City, 1965). 134) Le Bache に t, B がぬ 榊れ 初めた R 妨ル , p. 177; Ryan, Ⅰル H わ ぬ nゼc㎡ Sc o肋バんゆ , ん p. 170. Ⅲ 5) Tromp, "De revis@one textusGraeci," 136) Le Bachelet, ぢめ切 御初 が妬 旧 7) P. Paschini. "Guglielmo storia delta chiesa]el B 妨ル , p. pP. Sirleto phma cinquecento (Rome 305. 169-170. del cardinalato," in ア移ん cg だル sul 肋 , 1945) , pp . 198 、 210-212. 一 220 一 138)@ P. Paschini , "Un@ ellenista@ del@ cinquecento:@ cattolica (Rome 139)@These@ adnotaLons@have@been@studi Wil elm@ Srlets@ Annotati nen@ zum@ M . Voste Tridentini," A Ⅲ) Brodrick. reported. l4D "De@ ・ れどぽガ P08a れ cれ 2れ and H. d@ and@ publi hed@by@ Neuen@ . "@ in@ Cin Testament . Ene@ Hop , "Kardinal Ⅰ i ung@ Vertei Bibliae@ Hebraicae@ iuxta@ votum@ 18 (1941@ 387-394. B 刀肋 ) 笏 れ g, p. l10 , where also R. J. Blackwe@ Ⅲ e0 , scase,seeC0chrane, , G は fi790 Concilii Pe う a,s @etter to SiXtus Ⅰ , Bgff 乙 Ⅰ 笏 れ と は れ ば ず der , 2@Heft@(1908):@ 1-126 revisione@ F0ranevaluati0nof[heimpactofGa 283; Majorano . "@in@Biblische@Studien@13 Vulgata@gegen@Valla@und@Erasmus 140)@L . Niccolo@ 。 1958) . pp . 221-236 Ⅰ カリ Ⅰ V 椴ゆ . pp.282- Bi うル (N0treDame, 1991@ Ⅲ) A. J. Minnis, Mg 仇れ援 ℡ 90 ひ 0/ Awf Press, 1984), pp. 9-72. ん 0% んゆ (University 0f Pennsylvania is
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