太陽熱発電の世界の有力企業と CSP 商業プラントの 最新状況(報告書) 平成 23 年 11 月 9 日 東京工業大学 教授 理工学研究科 玉浦裕 1 ドイツの有力 CSP 会社 (8 社) ・Ferrostaal AG ・Flagsol GmbH ・M+W Group ・Mithras Holding GmbH & Co. KG ・Solar Millennium AG ・Solar Power Group GmbH ・Solarlite GmbH ・Schott 世界の有力 CSP 企業(9 社) ・Brightsource Energy(アメリカ) タワー型(ブライトソース方式) ・eSolar(アメリカ) タワー型(イーソーラー方式) ・SolarReserve(アメリカ) タワー型(ソーラーリザーブ様方式; 溶融塩蓄熱型) ・Schott(ドイツ) トラフ型のレシーバー供給 ・Solar Millennium(ドイツ) トラフ型 ・Siemens (ドイツ) トラフ・タワー・発電機(サプライヤー) ・Abengoa(スペイン) トラフ・タワー型(PS 方式) ・Senner (スペイン) タワー(GemaSolar 24 時間溶融塩蓄熱型)・トラフ型 ・Acciona Energy (スペイン)トラフ型 ・AREVA Solar(フランス-----Ausra を買収)線形フレネル型 以下、世界有力 CSP 企業による CSP 商業プラントの概要を示します。 (Schott、Siemens はプラント製造メーカーではないので、省略しています ) 2 ・Brightsource Energy(アメリカ) BrightSource Energy’s proprietary LPT solar thermal energy system is engineered to produce predictable, reliable and cost-competitive clean energy when needed most. タワー型(ブライトソース方式) IVANPAH プロジェクト(建設中) BrightSource’s LPT solar thermal system is currently being deployed at the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System (ISEGS) in California’s Mojave Desert. Ivanpah, which started construction in October 2010, is the first project that will deliver power to serve the company’s signed contracts with PG&E and Southern California Edison. The project - which counts NRG Solar, Google and BrightSource as equity investors - is currently the largest solar plant under construction in the world. The project is being constructed by Bechtel. Ivanpah is also designed to maximize the economic benefits for California’s High Desert community. In December 2009, BrightSource Energy’s engineering partner, Bechtel, signed a project labor agreement with the State Building and Construction Trades Council of California (SBCTC), and the Building & Construction Trades Council of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties to provide qualified, skilled craft workers for the Ivanpah project. In addition to providing good jobs, the project will also result in significant state and local tax revenues. A 392 megawatt (gross) solar complex using mirrors to focus the power of the sun on solar receivers atop power towers. The complex is comprised of three separate plants to be built in phases between 2010 and 2013, and will use BrightSource Energy’s LPT solar thermal technology. 3 The electricity generated by all three plants is enough to serve more than 140,000 homes in California during the peak hours of the day. The project will provide power to Southern California Edison and Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Tiers 1-4 in position at the Unit 1 Power Tower The first steel is placed for the Unit 2 Power Tower Foundation work begins for the Unit 3 Power Block In the Common Area, work in the Heliostat Assembly Building and the Pad Bonding Buildings continue to progress. We continue to ramp-up for production and assembly of the heliostats before they are placed on the pylons in the solar field. The commissioning of machinery is almost complete and we hope to install HIDDEN HILLS プロジェクト(建設中) thousands of heliostats this fall. Location; Hidden Hills, Inyo Country, California Size; 3,280 acres (privately owned land) Power Production; 500MW nominal (540MW gross) Homes served annually; 178,000 Expected completion date; 2015 State and local tax benefies; approx.. $290 Million COALINGA プロジエクト(稼働中) 4 Chevron/Brightsource Solar-to-Steam Demonstration FacilityChevron Technology Ventures and BrightSource have partnered to build the world’s largest solar thermal enhanced oil recovery demonstration facility. The 29 megawatts thermal solar-to-steam facility will support enhanced oil recovery efforts at Chevron’s oil field in Coalinga, California. The solar facility demonstrates solar thermal technology’s ability to cleanly and cost-effectively support enhanced oil recovery efforts in California and around the world. BrightSource’s LPT technology was selected through a competitive process and the project began construction in 2009. Extracting heavy-oil reserves, like the ones found at Coalinga, is a global challenge. According to a recent report by SBI, conventional oil recovery methods are only able to extract about 10% - 30% of the original oil from any given reservoir, leaving nearly 70% 90% of the reservoir’s oil untouched. The report estimates that an additional 241.7 billion barrels of oil could be added to worldwide proven reserves with the implementation of enhanced oil recovery methods. Location: Coalinga, CA – approx. 60 miles SW of Fresno, CA or 200 miles NW of Los Angeles Facility Size: 100 acres Steam Production: 29 MWt (megawatts thermal) Electrical Output Equivalent: Approx. 13 MWe (megawatts electric) Tower Height: 327 feet Number of Heliostats / Mirrors: 3,822 heliostats; 7,644 mirrors 5 ・eSolar(アメリカ) eSolar has developed a cost-effective utility-scale CSP power plant that is based on mass-manufactured components and designed for rapid construction, uniform modularity, and unlimited scalability. The eSolar approach marries a low-impact, pre-fabricated design with patent-pending computer software and elegant engineering solutions to provide solar electricity ranging from 46 MW to over 500 MW. The eSolar® solution delivers cost-competitive solar energy in response to growing worldwide energy demands Location; Southern california Size; 20 acres, 2 towers, 265-ton natural recirculation thermal receivers 24,000 mirrors reflecting ther power of 20,000 suns, 5MW of clean energy supplied to 4,000 Southern California Edison households through a power purchase agreement 6 ・SolarReserve (アメリカ) SolarReserve was formed to solve two of the fundamental barriers of renewable energy: scalability and storage. Unlike hydroelectric, geothermal, biomass, and other renewable energy technologies that use limited renewable fuel sources, SolarReserve's power plants draw their heat from the sun - earth's ultimate source of clean energy. And unlike wind and photovoltaics, SolarReserve's power plants can deliver power whenever it is needed, either 24 hours per day or only during "peak" demand. By overcoming these two key barriers, SolarReserve enables utility-scale, clean, renewable electricity generation Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project プロジエクト(not yet approved) SolarReserve is currently developing the Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project near Tonopah, Nevada. Once constructed, it will power up to 75,000 homes during peak electricity periods. The project site is located approximately 10 miles nowthwest of Tonopah, Nevada. The project will utilize SolarReseve`s innovative concentrating solar power technology with storage, and have the capability to produce approximately 110 megawatts (MW) of energy. Rice Solar Energy Project プロジエクト(2011,9 月建設開始) The Rice Solar Energy Project is a solar power project proposed to be located in a remote region of eastern Riverside County, CA. This site is previously disturbed and is on private land. The project will utilize SolarReserve’s innovative concentrating solar power technology with storage, and have the capability to produce a nominal 150 megawatts (MW) of energy. If all permits are received by December 2010, the plant would be available for operation 7 in 2013. The project will help meet the increasing demand for clean, renewable electrical energy in the US and help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and associated greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, the Rice solar plant will help meet the state’s Executive Order S-14-08, which is a goal to increase California’s Renewable Portfolio Standards to 33% of its electricity coming from renewable sources by 2020 • 150 MW solar thermal power project utilizing the advanced molten salt system technology from United Technologies Corporation •When completed, the facility will supply approximately 450,000 megawatt hours annually – enough to power up to 68,000 homes during peak electricity periods • The California Energy Commission approved the project in December 2010 – just 14 months after the approval was submitted. • Scheduled construction release – September 2011 8 ・Solar Millennium(ドイツ) As Europe's first ever parabolic trough power plants, Andasol 1 and 2 are in operation since 2008 and 2009 on the Guadix plateau in the province of Granada. Flagsol GmbH, Solar Millennium AG's technology subsidiary, supplied engineering services for the solar field, i.e. planning, design and construction supervision as well as the control. Upon completion of the power plants, all the stakes in the power plant companies were sold (to ACS/Cobra) in accordance with the business model. According to ACS Andasol 1 provides 175 gigawatt hours per year, exceeding the expectations. In the immediate vicinity Andasol 3 was built, which is essentially identical to Andasol 1 and 2. The plant, which was realized by Solar Millennium and its partners, is owned by Solar Millennium, Ferrostaal, RWE Innogy, RheinEnergie and Stadtwerke München (50%). The plant was inaugurated officially in september 2011. Andasol Power Plants プロジエクト(稼働中) Solar Millennium developed with Andasol 1 - 3 the first parabolic trough power plants in Europe. With a collector surface area of over 1.5 million square meters - equal to 210 soccer pitches - they are the largest solar power plants in the world. The three Andasol-plants together provide approximately half a million people in southern Spain with environmentally friendly solar electricity. They will also contribute to Spain's supply reliability and, in particular, cover the demand peaks in the Spanish electricity grid during the summer months. The increased electricity demand is primarily caused by the high energy consumption of air-conditioning units. Each power plant has an electricity output of 50 megawatts and operates with thermal storage. A full thermal reservoir can continue to run the turbines for about 7.5 hours at full-load, even if it rains or long after the sun has set. The heat reservoirs each comprise of two tanks measuring 14 m in height and 36 m in diameter and contain liquid salt. Each provides 28,500 tons of storage medium. As Europe's first ever parabolic trough power plants, Andasol 1 and 2 are in operation since 2008 and 2009 on the Guadix plateau in the province of Granada. Flagsol GmbH, Solar Millennium AG's technology subsidiary, supplied engineering services for the solar field, i.e. planning, design and construction supervision as well as the control. Upon completion of the power plants, all the stakes in the power plant companies were sold (to ACS/Cobra) in accordance with the business model. According to ACS Andasol 1 provides 175 gigawatt hours per year, exceeding the expectations. 9 In the immediate vicinity Andasol 3 was built, which is essentially identical to Andasol 1 and 2. The plant, which was realized by Solar Millennium and its partners, is owned by Solar Millennium, Ferrostaal, RWE Innogy, RheinEnergie and Stadtwerke München (50%). The plant was inaugurated officially in september 2011. On July 18th, 2011, RWE Innogy GmbH (Hamburg, Germany) announced that the Andasol 3 concentrating solar power (CSP) plant in Granada, Spain has produced solar-generated steam for the first time during a test phase. RWE states that this test is a step on the way to completing and commissioning the 50MW plant, which is scheduled to being commercial operation in October 2011. The Andasol 3 plant uses a parabolic trough design, comprised of more than 200,000 parabolic mirrors. The plant includes a molten salt thermal storage system which developers say will enable the plant to generate electricity for up to eight hours after the sun has gone down. The Andasol 3 CSP plant The Andasol 3 is the third in the Andasol series of plants in Southern Spain. The 10MW Andasol 1 was Europe's first commercial parabolic trough CSP plant when commissioned in March 2009. 10 ・Abengoa(スペイン) Abengoa Solar is a global company which designs, owns and operates solar power plants with proven and mature experience utilizing concentrating solar power and photovoltaic technology. Currently, Abengoa Solar has 393 MW in commercial operation, 1010 MW under construction and several thousands of MW more in development. 既存商業プラント スペイン(1) Solúcar Complex プロジェクト(稼働中) The Solucar Complex is the largest solar complex in Europe. Located just outside of Sanlúcar la Mayor, Seville, this solar thermal and photovoltaic installation complex currently has 183 megawatts (MW) in operation. It will have about 300 MW capacity, using towers, parabolic trough collectors, and photovoltaic technology. Currently, the complex supplies clean electricity to approximately 94,000 households, while eliminating 114,000 tons of CO2 emissions each year. This project, with an investment of 1.2 billion euros, takes up over 2,471 acres (1,000 hectares) and will create 1,000 jobs during the manufacturing and construction phase. It will provide nearly 300 plant operation jobs and another 50 for research and development. Since construction began in 2004, this plant has been boosting local industry and services, and has been a catalyst for technological investment in the region. In addition, PS10, PS20, Solnova, Sevilla PV and Casaquemada PV have generated tourism in the region. Also, the Complex features a research and development site, where a variety of new technology demonstration plants are under construction. PS20 PS10 Location: Solucar Complex, Seville, Spain Output: 11 MW Technology: Power Tower Location: Solucar Complex, Seville, Spain Output: 20 MW Technology: Power Tower 11 Location: Solucar Complex, Seville, Spain Output: 50 MW each Technology: Parabolic trough Solar field: 280 acres Household supplied with clean energy: 25,700 CO2 emissions eliminated each year: 31,400 tons Status: Commercial operation Solucar Complex ( Technology parabolic trough) スペイン(2) Écija Solar Complex プロジェクト(稼働中) Helioenergy 1 is one of the two identical 50 megawatt (MW) parabolic trough plants that make up the Ecija Solar Complex. It started commercial operation in September, 2011 and Helioenergy 2 is planned to come online later this year. Location: Ecija, Seville, Spain Output: 50 MW Technology: Parabolic trough Solar field: 280 acres Household supplied with clean energy: 26,000 CO2 emissions eliminated each year: 31,400 tons Status: In operation アルジェリア Integrated solar combined-cycle (ISCC) plant in Algeria The integrated solar combined-cycle (ISCC) plant in Hassi-R’mel, Algeria, has a total power output of 150 megawatts (MW), 20 MW of which are obtained from a parabolic trough field composed of 224 parabolic trough collectors. The plant has been in 12 operation since July 2011 Location: Hassi-R’mel, Algeria Output: 150 MW Technology: Integrated solar combined-cycle Solar Field: 1.94 million sq. ft. Status: Operation 13 建設中プロジェクト スペイン(1) Ecija Solar Complex プロジェクト(建設中) The Ecija Solar Complex is composed of two 50-megawatt (MW) parabolic trough plants. The Complex is presently under construction and is due to come online during the third quarter of 2011. Location: Ecija, Seville, Spain Output: Two 50-MW plants Technology: Parabolic trough Solar field: 280 acres Households supplied with clean energy: 25,700 CO2 emissions eliminated each year: 31,400 tons Status: Under construction スペイン(2) El Carpio Solar Complex プロジェクト(建設中) El Carpio Solar Complex is composed of two 50-megawatt (MW) parabolic trough plants. Both plants have been under construction since August 2010 and will begin commercial operation in 2012. Location: El Carpio, Córdoba, Spain Output: Two 50-MW plants Technology: Parabolic trough Solar field: 280 acres Households supplied with clean energy: 25,700 CO2 emissions eliminated each year: 31,400 tons Status: Under construction スペイン(3) Extremadura Solar Complex プロジェクト(建設中) The Extremadura Solar Complex is composed of four 50-megawatt (MW) parabolic 14 trough plants. Currently, two of the four plants are under construction and are expected to start commercial operation in 2012. . The other two plants are in the pre-construction phase (*) Location: Logrosán, Cáceres, Spain Output: Two 50-MW plants Technology: Parabolic trough Solar field: 280 acres Households supplied with clean energy: 25,700 CO2 emissions eliminated each year: 31,400 tons Status: Under construction スペイン(4) Castilla La Mancha Solar Complex プロジェクト(建設中) Castilla-La Mancha Solar Complex is located in Arenas de San Juan, Villarta de San Juan y Puerto Lápice, Castila-La Mancha. It is composed two-50 MW parabolic trough plants. The construction of these two plants began in the summer of 2010 and it is expected to start commercial operation in 2012 Location: Ciudad Real, Spain Output: Two 50-MW plants Technology: Parabolic trough Solar field: 280 acres Households supplied with clean energy: 25,700 CO2 emissions eliminated each year: 31,400 tons Status: Under construction アメリカ(1) Solana プロジェクト(建設中) [the largest solar power plant in the world] The largest solar power plant in the world Solana, one of the largest solar power plants in the world, is a 280 megawatt (MW) 15 parabolic trough plant with six hours of thermal storage. The plant will be located 70 miles southwest of Phoenix, near Gila Bend, Arizona. Construction began at the end of 2010 and Solana will begin operation in 2013. Location: Gila Bend, Arizona, U.S.A. Output: 28O MW Technology: Parabolic trough with storage Solar Field 1,920 acres Households supplied with clean energy: 70.000 CO2 emissions eliminated each year: 475.000 tons Status: Under construction アメリカ(2) Mojave Solar Project プロジェクト(建設中) Mojave Solar Project (MSP) is a 280 megawatt (MW) gross parabolic trough plant. The plant will be located 100 miles northeast of Los Angeles, near Barstow, California. Construction has begun and the Mojave Solar Project will come online in 2014. Location: near Barstow, California Output: 28O MW (gross) Technology: Parabolic trough Solar Field 1,765 acres Households supplied with clean energy: 54,000 CO2 emissions eliminated each year: 350,000 tons Status: Under construction UAE(アブダビ) Shams-1 プロジェクト [the largest solar power plant in the Middle East] Shams-1, the largest solar power plant in the Middle East Shams-1 is a 100 megawatt (MW) parabolic trough plant, located in Madinat Zayed, approximately 75 miles southwest of Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates). Construction began in the summer of 2010 and it’s slated to go online in 2012. This project is a joint 16 venture of Masdar, Abengoa Solar and Total Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Output: 100 MW Technology: Parabolic trough Solar Field: 741 acres Status: Under construction メキシコ Hybrid solar-gas plant in Mexico (建設中) The new concentrating solar power plant in Agua Prieta, Mexico, will be the first hybrid solar-gas plant in Mexico, and the third that Abengoa has undertaken in the world. Location: Agua Prieta Output: 12 MW Technology: hybrid solar-gas Status: Under construction 17 ・Acciona Energy (スペイン) ACCIONA was the first Spanish company with an operational CSP plant with solar trough technology: the Nevada Solar One (NSO) facility in the Nevada desert (USA). ACCIONA has proprietary technology in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of CSP plants, the most consolidated renewable energy in the market. The technical team at Nevada Solar One - part of ACCIONA Solar Power - took an active part in the facilities previously installed in California and has a track record of experience in the field. In Spain, ACCIONA Energy plans to invest around 1,200 million euros in five 50 MW plants in the short term. The first was grid-connected in September 2009, two were completed in the last quarter of 2010, the forth was finished in July, 2011 and the fifth -already under construction- will be operational by 2012. .Acciona Energy has activated its new Palma del Río I solar thermal plant in Cordoba, Spain. The 50MW system is comprised of 792 solar collectors spanning 135 hectares and takes Acciona’s CSP portfolio in Spain to 200MW.The new system and its twin plant, Palma del Río II – which was connected to the grid in December 2010 – will generate enough electricity to meet the energy requirements of 70,000 homes in southern Spain. Around €500 million has been invested in the two plants Acciona Energy's Palma del Río II CSP system in Cordoba. 18 ・Sener 社(スペイン) GEMA Solar プロジェクト(稼働中) スペイン・セビリアにある当社主力の出力 19.9 メガワット(MW)集光型太陽熱発電(CSP) 所 Gemasolar の運転を開始した。トレソル・エナジーは、アブダビの大手未来エネルギー 企業マスダールと、スペインの大手エンジニアリング・建設企業セネルの合弁会社です。 この世界初の商用 CSP 発電所は、蓄熱機能を持つ中央タワー式集光器を備えており、スペ インのアンダルシア地方の 2 万 5000 世帯に電力供給を開始しました。この発電所により年 間 3 万トン以上の CO2 排出量を削減できる見通しです。 Gemasolar は、革新的な溶融塩熱伝導技術を採用しています。この技術は太陽光がないと きでも 15 時間発電可能なシステムを利用して、電力供給の変動を回避することができます。 これにより夜間や太陽光の乏しい冬場でさえ、1 年のうち何カ月間も 1 日 24 時間発電でき ます。 Gemasolar 発電所は約 185 ヘクタールに及ぶ 2650 基のヘリオスタット(反射鏡)から成 っています。このシステムでは、タワー上部に設置された中央集光器の温度が摂氏 900 度 を超えることができます。このタワー技術は熱伝達媒体として、摂氏 500 度以上に達する 溶融塩を使っています。パラボラ・トラフ技術と比べて、より高温・高圧の蒸気をタービ ンに送ることが可能なため、発電所全体の性能を大幅に向上させます。 セネル(Sener 社)が本技術の提供、詳細な設計、EPC の一部、発電所の運転開始を担当しま した。セネルが開発した技術には溶融塩貯蔵システムと集光器など、最新鋭のソリューシ ョンが含まれます。集光器は波長全体にわたって太陽光の放射エネルギーの 95%を吸収し、 そのエネルギーを集光器内で循環する溶融塩化合物に伝えて蒸気を発生させ、蒸気タービ ンを駆動します。 19 ・AREVA Solar(フランス) 線形フレネル型プロジェクト [Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector (CLFR)] フランスの原子力大手アレバ(AREVA)傘下のアレバ・ソーラー(AREVA Solar)は、オ ーストラリアで火力発電所への太陽熱発電施設の増設プロジェクトを獲得した(2011 年 04 月 15 日プレス発表) 。受注額は約 92 億円。2011 年上半期中に着工、2013 年の運転開始を 目指す。 オーストラリア・クイーンズランド(Queensland)州南西部で同州の電力会社 CS Energy が運営する石炭火力発電所「コーガン・クリーク(Kogan Creek)」に隣接する約 30 万平 方メートルの敷地に 44 メガワット規模の太陽熱発電施設を増設する。アレバの太陽熱発電 技術を使用した過去最大のプロジェクトになる。 発電施設ではアレバの小型線状フレネル反射器(Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector、CLFR) 技術を使用し、既存する発電所の蒸気発生システムを強化、燃費と電気出力の向上を図る。 アレバは生産施設の建設と運営を請け負う。 オーストラリア建設サイト (Kogan Creek 石炭火力発電所 に線 形フレネル集光システムを併設する) Kimberlina Solar Thermal Energy Plant (Areva solar) The concentrated solar thermal energy plant in Kimberlina (Bakersfield, California), is the first plant to be linked to the Californian network for 20 years. It depends on CLFR technology (Compact Linear Fresnel Reflection) that uses mirrors to concentrate the sun's rays and to produce steam. 20
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