2011 年 4 月 - the Ovid Resource Center

2011 年 4 月
Ovid のコンテンツ、ツール、サービスに関する月刊ニュースをお届けします。
Ovid content + tools + services update
Ovid の c+t+s update ニュースレター 2011 年 4 月号へようこそ。このニュースレターで
は、Ovid の新しい電子ジャーナルや電子ブック、データベース等のコンテンツに関する情報
と共に、OvidSP および Nursing@Ovid の検索、探索および管理プラットフォームに関する
ブックにもご注目ください。カスタマーサポート・チームが OvidSP の使用に関する役立つ
Ovid Resource Center には、OvidSP と
Nursing@Ovid に関するすべての情報が掲
最新のウェブキャスト「The Joanna Briggs
新たに出版パートナーとなった People’s
Medical Publishing House (中国)、そして
LWW, Springer Publishing 、 Clinical
Publishing および Jones & Bartlett の新刊
110 冊が Books@Ovid に登場しました。
さらに、LWW の新版 1 冊も加わりました。
Institute:Bringing the Evidence to
Health Care」(ジョアンナ・ブリッグス研
究所:根拠を活かしたヘルスケア) および
「Aproveche Ovid al máximo trabajando
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新着ジャーナル 5 誌 (うち 2 誌は新しい出版
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OvidSP 上で利用できます。
Neural Regeneration Research
『Neural Regeneration Research』 (NRR) は、
A Practical Guide to Joint and Soft
Tissue Injection and Aspiration, 2nd
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Doody’s Star Rating:4 つ星、スコア:
92、Doody’s Core Titles (健康科学分野 地域医療):2.3
Doody’s Review Service™ のレビューからの
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20/4/2554 17:13:30
下をご覧ください。110 冊以上が追加され
Clinician’s Guide to Psychodrama,
A; Leveton, Eva; Springer Publishing,
3rd edition; 209 pages, ISBN-10:
0826122639, ISBN-13: 9780826122636
In this update of a popular text,
Leveton draws from the works of
Moreno, Erickson, Satir, and Perls. She
fashions a psychodramatic approach
that will help therapists practice
more effective group work. New to
this edition is material on drama
therapy and supervision in institutional
Electronic Endoscopic
Ultrasonography: Diagnostic
Imaging; Sun, Si-yu; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2008); 348 pages; ISBN-13:
This book concentrates primarily on
EUS with electronic scanning echoendoscopes, presenting an introduction
into the basic knowledge, the imaging
diagnosis, and the EUS-guided
Color Atlas and Synopsis of Blistering
& Pustular Diseases; Jin, Peiying;
People’s Medical Publishing House
(China), 1st edition (2007); 240 pages;
ISBN-13: 9787117091749
This comprehensive atlas deals with
more than 80 different hereditary,
autoimmune, and infective blistering
diseases and blistering and pustular
eruptions occasionally seen in other
臨床医学分野:内科学分野 - 心臓病学
Cardiac Pacing and Defibrillation:
Principle and Practice; Fei, Lü;
Benditt, David G.; People’s Medical
Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2007); 720 pages; ISBN-13:
This book was developed with the
objective of providing a relatively
easy-to-read text that can serve as
a handy reference on the principles
and practice of cardiac pacing and
Clinical Challenges in Heart Failure;
Mehra, MR; Clinical Publishing,
1st edition; 256 pages, ISBN-10:
1846920442, ISBN-13: 9781846920448
An innovative approach to the
identification and management of
heart failure - geared to specialists in
cardiology and internal medicine, as
well as general physicians and hospital
pharmacists. It presents treatment
options for specific patient groups;
describes and evaluates alternative
management strategies; and includes
hypothetical scenarios with regards to
best practice recommendations.
Clinical Challenges in Hypertension
II; Toth, PP and Sica, DD; Clinical
Publishing, 1st edition; 150 pages,
ISBN-10: 1846920698, ISBN-13:
An innovative new approach to
therapeutic decision-making, providing
answers to a range of questions that
the busy clinician faces on a daily
basis. It addresses practical questions
not covered in current guidelines;
provides treatment recommendations
based on hands-on clinical experience
at major centers of excellence; and
aids the physician in prescribing for
the hypertensive patient presenting
with challenging conditions.
Year in Lipid Disorders, The: Volume
2; Toth, PP; Clinical Publishing,
1st edition; 304 pages, ISBN-10:
1846920612, ISBN-13: 9781846920615
Geared to general physicians,
cardiologists, diabetologists,
nephrologists, and doctors in training,
this volume includes an overview
of the latest developments in this
complex field by reviewing the most
significant papers published in the
medical journals on lipid disorders
over the last eighteen months.
臨床医学分野:内科学分野 - 感染病
Atlas of Differential Diagnosis in
HIV/AIDS; Li, Hong-jun; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2007); 288 pages; ISBN-13:
This atlas is essential to improve
diagnosis and therapeutic efficacy
in AIDS and its related diseases and
臨床医学分野:内科学分野 - 腫瘍学
100 Questions & Answers About
Lymphoma; Holman, Peter, MD, and
Garrett, Jodi, RN; Jones & Bartlett,
2nd edition; 202 pages, ISBN-10:
0763744999 ISBN-13: 9780763744991
Now in its second edition, this newly
updated text includes key information
on cutting-edge treatments and
medication, Hodgkin’s and NonHodgkin’s lymphoma, natural
killer cells, T-cell lymphoma,
autoimmune diseases, and much
more. Comprehensive, insightful,
and compact, it’s an essential guide
for anyone coping with the disease’s
physical and emotional turmoil.
Hemorrhagic Stroke: an Atlas of
Investigation and Treatment;
Silverman, IE and Rymer, MM; Clinical
Publishing, 1st edition; 148 pages,
ISBN-10: 1846920396, ISBN-13:
A new guide to vascular neurology
offering a richly illustrated and
practical guide to assist in the complex
management and clinical decisionmaking involved in this fast-moving
Color Atlas for the Surgical
Treatment of Pituitary Adenomas;
Wang, Ren-zhi; People’s Medical
Publishing House (China), 1st
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edition (2008); 220 pages; ISBN-13:
In this atlas readers will find
summaries our many years’
experiences in pituitary operations.
Color Vision Examination Plates; Yu,
Zi-ping; Cao, Kai; Cao, Yu; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China) , 1st
edition (2007); 96 pages; ISBN-13:
These are the first pseudoisochromatic plates in China.
Color Vision Test Plates; Wang,
Ke-Chang; Wang, Xin-yu; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2007); 96 pages; ISBN-13:
Qualitatively and quasi-quantitatively
testing of color vision defects.
Digital Stereoscopic Test Plates; Yan,
Shao-ming; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition (2009); 48
pages; ISBN-13: 9787117090865
The Random-dot Stereogram (RDS) is a
state-of-arts method of the stereopsis
Harborview Illustrated Tips and
Tricks in Fracture Surgery; Gardner,
Michael J.; Dunbar, Robert; Henley,
M.; and Nork, Sean; Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, 1st edition (2010);
456 pages, 924 illustrations; ISBN-13:
Presents techniques developed by
orthopaedic surgeons at the University
of Washington Harborview Hospital,
the leading orthopaedic trauma
center in the world. The book focuses
exclusively on detailed descriptions of
technical tips and tricks for fracture
reduction and fixation, implant
management, implant placement, and
patient positioning. The easy-to-follow
format features succinct bulleted text
and hundreds of illustrations.
Photographic Manual of Regional
Orthopaedic and Neurologic Tests;
Cipriano, Joseph J.; Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, 5th edition (2010);
544 pages, 870 illustrations; ISBN-13:
Describes in step-by-step fashion
how to perform these tests. Each
chapter begins with a decision tree
of the orthopedic examination of an
anatomic area, followed by a brief
description of the anatomic area,
usually with an accompanying drawing.
The presentation of each test begins
with a clinical description and a box of
clinical signs and symptoms, followed
by a brief description of the procedure
with a photograph demonstrating
the position of the clinician and the
patient. The author then presents
a brief rationale for the test and
suggests diagnostic imaging procedures
where appropriate.
Therapeutic Strategies in
Schizophrenia; Mortimer, AM and
McKenna, PJ; Clinical Publishing,
1st edition; 256 pages, ISBN-10:
1846920353, ISBN-13: 9781846920356
Ideal for Psychiatrists, Psychologists,
Hospital pharmacists, and Trainees,
this book updates the reader on the
therapeutic options available for the
management of schizophrenia.
Atlas of Oral & Maxillofacial Medical
Imaging; Ma, Xu-chen; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China),
1st edition; 362 pages; ISBN-10:
7117091924, ISBN-13: 9787117116732
This clinical reference book provides
the knowledge and experience of oral
and maxillofacial imaging diagnosis
for dental students, postgraduates,
young doctors, and also for clinicians
in the fields of oral and maxillofacial
radiology, oral and maxillofacial
surgery, head and neck oncology, as
well as ENT.
Color Atlas of Microsurgical
Anatomy: Surgical Flaps of the
Limbs; Zheng, He-ping; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2007); 376 pages; ISBN-13:
This atlas illustrates the clinical
prosthetic procedures from the
prospective of the microsurgical
Color Atlas of Microsurgical
Anatomy: Vasculature of Skin
Flaps; Zheng, He-ping; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2007); 264 pages; ISBN-13:
This comprehensive atlas includes over
200 illustrations that demonstrate fine
specimens, explicit structures and
natural color of skin flaps based on
surgical anatomy.
Head and Neck Diagnostic Pathology:
A Color Atlas Handbook; Liu, Honggang; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition; 278
pages; ISBN-10: 711710578, ISBN-13:
Ideal for students and clinicians, this
book offers pathologists information
on the pattern of differential diagnosis
and pathological changes of the head
and neck diseases.
Imaging of Interventional
Neuroradiology; Ling, Feng; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China),
1st edition; 444 pages; ISBN-10:
7117090367, ISBN-13: 9787117090360
Written by acknowledged experts in
this field, this book provides state-ofthe-art descriptions of the theoretical
background and the practical aspects
of the interventional neuroradiology.
Replantation and Reconstruction of
Fingers; Cheng, Guo-Liang; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China),
1st edition; 848 pages; ISBN-10:
7117092521, ISBN-13: 9787117092524
Geared to surgeons in Orthopedics,
Hand Surgery and Plastic Surgery,
this book is based on the experiences
of authors in clinical practice and
presents more than 4,000 cases of
amputated finger replantation and
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nearly 1,100 cases of reconstruction of
thumb and fingers.
precaution, storage, and the strength
for each drug.
Pharmacopoeia of The People’s
Republic of China: Vol. III; State
Pharmacopoeia Commission of the
PRC; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition; 429 pages;
ISBN-10: 7117069848, ISBN-13:
The third volume in an official and
authoritative compendium of drugs
focuses on biological products. The
3-volume series covers most traditional
Chinese medicines, most western
medicines and preparations, giving
information on the standards of purity,
description, test, dosage, precaution,
storage, and the strength for each
Infusion Nursing Standards of
Practice; Infusion Nursing Society,
3rd edition (2011); ISBN-13:
INS’ most recognized publication, the
Infusion Nursing Standards of Practice
has long provided the framework that
guides clinical practice.
Pharmacopoeia of The People’s
Republic of China: Vol. I; State
Pharmacopoeia Commission of the
PRC; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition; 946 pages;
ISBN-10: 7117069821, ISBN-13:
The first volume in an official and
authoritative compendium of drugs
includes monographs of Chinese
materia medica and prepared slice,
vegetable oil/fat and extracts, Chinese
traditional patent medicines, and
single ingredients of Chinese crude
drug preparations. The 3-volume series
covers 3,214 drugs, including most
traditional Chinese medicines, most
western medicines and preparations,
giving information on the standards
of purity, description, test, dosage,
precaution, storage, and the strength
for each drug.
Pharmacopoeia of The People’s
Republic of China: Vol. II; State
Pharmacopoeia Commission of the
PRC; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition; 1,183
pages; ISBN-10: 711706983X, ISBN-13:
The second volume in an official and
authoritative compendium of drugs
contains monographs of chemical
drugs, antibiotics, biochemical
preparations, radiopharmaceuticals,
and excipients for pharmaceutical
use. The 3-volume series covers most
traditional Chinese medicines, most
western medicines and preparations,
giving information on the standards
of purity, description, test, dosage,
Social Work Practice and
Psychopharmacology: a Personin-Environment Approach;
Dziegielewski, Sophia; Springer
Publishing, 2nd edition; 552 pages,
ISBN-10: 0826102174, ISBN-13:
This comprehensive text discusses
the major medications used to treat
common mental health conditions and
offers guidelines on how to best serve
clients who are using them.
2006 Year Book of Health in the
People’s Republic of China; Gao,
Qiang; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition (2007); 544
pages; ISBN-13: 9787117092395
The 2006 Year Book of Health in the
People’s Republic of China is the
23th volume containing the latest
information up to the end of 2005.
2007 Year Book of Health in the
People’s Republic of China; Gao,
Qiang, People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition (2008); 404
pages; ISBN-13: 9787117106290
The 2007 yearbook (the 25th in the
series) provides important information
on Chinese health fields.
2008 Year Book of Health in the
People’s Republic of China; Chen,
Zhu; People’s Medical Publishing House
(China), 1st edition (2009); 507 pages;
ISBN-13: 9787117113557
This volume contains the latest
information on Chinese health fields.
Epidemiological Research Cases in
China; Li, Li-ming; Zhan, Si-yan;
People’s Medical Publishing House
(China), 1st edition(2007); 248 pages;
ISBN-13: 9787117090438
We hope this book will increase
awareness of foreign colleagues
to Chinese epidemiologists and
strengthen the communication and
cooperation between Chinese and
international epidemiologists.
Acupuncture for Musculoskeletal
Injury; Lu, Shao-jie; People’s Medical
Publishing House, 2nd edition (2008);
296 pages; ISBN-13: 9787117102025
The book introduces the etiology and
pathogenesis, diagnostic highlights,
syndrome differentiation and
treatment, selection of acupuncture
points and therapeutic methods for 69
kinds of musculoskeletal injuries with
commentary, acupuncture points and
clinical explanations.
Anatomical Illustration of
Acupuncture Points: Study Cards;
Guo, Chang-qing; People’s Medical
Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2009); 470 pages; ISBN-13:
These study cards are an essential
clinical and academic guide to master
the art of acupuncture point location
and functions.
Case Studies from Chinese
Acupuncture Experts; Wang, Hongcai; People’s Medical Publishing House
(China), 1st edition (2009); 300 pages;
ISBN-13: 9787117118088
Unlike the usual textbook, which
contains a wealth of theory, but is
short on real life clinical use, this book
is a collection of experienced clinical
practitioners who bring the practice of
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acupuncture to life!
Chinese Medicine Study Guide:
Acupuncture and Moxibustion; Zhao,
Ji-ping; Wang, Yan-ping; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2007); 400 pages; ISBN-13:
This book includes a general
introduction to channels and
collaterals and acupuncture points,
and acupuncture and moxibustion
techniques, and treatment.
Chinese Plum Blossom Needle; Zhong,
Mei-quan; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 3rd edition (2007); 224
pages; ISBN-13: 9787117085519
This is Professor Zhong Mei-quan’s
translation of the Chinese revised third
edition of this valuable historical and
clinical experience of Chinese plum
blossom needle technique.
Clinical Moxibustion Therapy; Li,
Guan-rong; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition (2007); 300
pages; ISBN-13: 9787117090605
This compilation of moxibustion
therapy is based on over 30 years of
clinical practice as well as clinical
Clinical Research and Application
of Acupuncture and Tui Na; Jiang,
Song-he; Yang, Guan-hu; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2008); 360 pages; ISBN-13:
This textbook is a complete and
practical reference for all body and
ear acupuncture point location.
Dermal Needling Therapy; Zhang,
Xue; Liu, Ying; People’s Medical
Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2008); 350 pages; ISBN-13:
This book introduces the fundamentals
of dermal needling therapy, such
as the principles of treatment,
characteristics, indications,
management of and precautions with
accidents during treatment.
From Toe to Head Chinese Style Foot
Massage for Common Illnesses; Wang,
Fu-chun; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition (2007); 276
pages; ISBN-13: 9787117090926
The text describes step-by-step
treatment methods to treat over 33
commonly seen diseases.
Illustration of Acupuncture Points;
Guo, Chang-qing; People’s Medical
Publishing House (China), 1st edition;
568 pages; ISBN-10: 7117089903, ISBN13: 9787117089906
With full-photos and illustrations,
this extensive text book provides
precise location points for an accurate
practice of acupuncture.
Practical Handbook of Acupuncture
Points, A; Jin, Shi-ying; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China), 1stt
edition (2008); 204 pages; ISBN-13:
This book is an essential clinical and
academic guide to master the art of
acupuncture point location.
Practical Handbook of Auricular
Acupuncture Points, A; Jin, Shi-yin;
Jin, Wan-cheng; Jin, Pu; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2008); 96 pages; ISBN-13:
This comprehensive, simple and
practical handbook gives the history
and theory of scalp acupuncture, with
scalp lines overlaid, surface anatomy
and corresponding motor and sensory
regions of the brain.
Practical Handbook on Scalp
Acupuncture, A; Jin, Shi-yin;
Jin, Wan-cheng; Jin, Pu; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2007); 80 pages; ISBN 13:
This comprehensive, simple and
practical handbook gives the history
and theory of scalp acupuncture, with
scalp lines overlaid, surface anatomy
and corresponding motor and sensory
regions of the brain.
Scalp Acupuncture Therapy; Wang,
Fu-chun; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition; 396 pages;
ISBN-10: 7117092041, ISBN-13:
This general introduction touches on
the origin and development of scalp
acupuncture, head anatomy, channels,
collaterals and points on the head,
different schools of scalp acupuncture,
treatment methods, contraindications
and precautions.
Shi Xuemin’s Comprehensive
Textbook of Acupuncture and
Moxibustion; Shi, Xue-min; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China),
1st edition; 1,228 pages; ISBN-10:
7117086998, ISBN-13: 9787117086998
This is the first English edition of
traditional and modern TCM techniques
by the legendary Chinese doctor Shi
Xue-min. It serves as an academic and
practical reference for the serious
student and senior practitioner alike.
Single-Point Acupuncture and
Moxibustion Therapy; Liu, Zhao and
Zhou, Chen-hua; People’s Medical
Publishing House (China), 1st edition;
324 pages; ISBN-10: 7117080418, ISBN13: 9787117080415
A compilation of ten years of study
and clinical practice that discusses
meridian theory, syndromedifferentiation, therapeutic principles
and a myriad of case studies to
illustrate the scope of healing utilizing
a single acupuncture point.
中医学分野:中医学分野 - 基礎理論
Brief Introduction to Chinese
Medicine for Medical Practitioners,
A; Hao, Ya-ning; People’s Medical
Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2006); 452 pages; ISBN-13:
This title relays the fundamentals of
Chinese medical theory in a way that
can be easily understood by physicians
with a western medical background.
Chinese Medicine Study Guide:
Fundamentals; Zhou, Xue-sheng;
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People’s Medical Publishing House
(China), 1st edition (2007); 360 pages;
ISBN-13: 9787117092401
This book describes the fundamentals
of TCM with a systematic explanation
and content that incorporates
descriptive charts and figures
Clinical Reasoning in Chinese
Medicine; Hu, Zhen; Dong, Fei-xia;
People’s Medical Publishing House
(China), 1st edition (2008); 217 pages;
ISBN-13: 9787117102056
This book was compiled to provide
depth to the understanding and
application of the fundamental
principles of diagnosis and treatment
in Chinese medicine.
Collateral Disease Theory in
Practice; Wu, Yi-ling; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2009); 476 pages; ISBN-13:
This text can benefit practitioners who
wish to deepen their understanding of
intractable diseases.
International Standard ChineseEnglish: Basic Nomenclature of
Chinese Medicine; World Federation
of Chinese Medicine Societies; Li,
Zhen-ji; He, Xin-dong; and Wang
Kui; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition; 790 pages;
ISBN-10: 7117093560, ISBN-13:
The standard text for 174 World
Federation of Chinese Medicine
Societies (WFCMS) member societies in
55 countries includes 6,526 terms.
Understanding the Ji Gui Yao Lue:
A Comprehensive Textbook; Song,
Xu-ming; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition; 726 pages,
ISBN-13: 9787117114059
Discusses the pathomechanisms
and associated formulas for more
than forty internal diseases, with
each chapter providing the clearest
translation to date of the most
essential statements followed by
representative case studies and
analyses. Students can formulate and
assess treatments by using the Clinical
Strategies presented in this text.
中医学分野:中医学分野 - 漢方医学および
This book is an invaluable tool for
those attending Chinese medicine
schools or those merely interested in
understanding formulae.
Applications of Chinese Formula
Compatibility; Li, Fei; Chai, RuiJi; Fan, Qiao-Ling; People’s Medical
Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2008); 520 pages; ISBN-13:
This manual provides a detailed
explanation of the combination rules
of various herbal formulas, their
effects, and clinical applications.
Chinese Medicine Study Guide:
Materia Medica; Zhong, Gan-sheng;
People’s Medical Publishing House
(China); 1st edition (2009); 600 pages;
ISBN-13: 9787117106405
In this book, 475 of the most
commonly used medicinals are
introduced and divided into 21
categories, according to their different
actions and indications.
Applications of Chinese Herbal
Compatibility; He, Xiu-chuan;
People’s Medical Publishing House
(China), 1st edition (2008); 392 pages;
ISBN-13: 9787117092081
This manual provides a detailed
explanation on the combining of 120
compatible herb groups in combination
with the analysis of their function,
application and compatibility.
Clinical Applications of Eight
Essential Classical Formulae; Zheng,
Wei-da; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition (2008); 424
pages; ISBN-13: 9787117092050
This great clinical textbook
enumerates a concise number of
essential formulas which are highly
Chinese Herbal Legends: 50 Stories
for Understanding Chinese Herbs;
Zhu, Zhong-bao; People’s Medical
Publishing House (China), 1st
edition, (2006); 256 pages; ISBN-13:
Unlike most other English versions,
Chinese Herbal Legends not only
introduces basic knowledge, but also
presents vivid Chinese folk stories
about one hundred Chinese medicinal
Chinese Medicine Study Guide:
Diagnostics; Chen, Jia-xu; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2007); 264 pages; ISBN-13:
The Diagnostics serves as an important
reference book for TCM teachers and
students, as well as clinical staff.
Chinese Medicine Study Guide:
Formulae; Li, Qing-ye; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2009); 385 pages; ISBN-13
Clinical Application of Shang Han
Lun Formulas, The; Chen, Ruichun; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition; 800 pages,
ISBN-10: 7117114045, ISBN-13:
The Shang Han Lun is widely regarded
as one of the most important books in
Chinese medicine; yet it is considered
extremely difficult to master. This
book presents nearly 50 classical
formulas with an abundance of
case studies, elucidating key points
bringing the formulas out of the cloud
of mystery and into the daylight of
clinical practice.
Clinical Guide to Identifying
Chinese Medicinal Herbs, A; Yan,
Wen-mei; Li, Fang-yao; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2008); 492 pages; ISBN-13:
This book is an extremely useful,
hands-on guide to the sometimes
bewildering variety of raw herbs.
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Illustrated Guide to Health
Cultivation with Tibetan Medicine,
An; Huang, Fu-kai; People’s Medical
Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2008); 400 pages, ISBN-13:
This book is full of practical knowledge
which can be applied in daily life.
Integrated Clinical Approach with
Chinese Medicine, An: Alleviating the
Side Effects of Cancer Treatment;
Zhang, Dai-zhao; People’s Medical
Publishing House (China), 2nd
edition (2007); 556 pages; ISBN-13:
The focus of this book is on how to
use modern diagnostic methods and
Chinese medical treatment to address
this problem.
Tibetan Herbal Legends; Zhong,
Ge-jia and Zhang Wei; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China),
1st edition; 184 pages; ISBN-10:
7117092165, ISBN-13: 9787117092166
This book introduces 31 categories
of Tibetan Medicine, including the
medicinal materials and patents
including their names, nature and
flavor, channels entered, actions and
indications with vivid and interesting
illustrations of the Thangkha,
medicinal materials, and their folk
tales, history, legends and paintings.
Zhang Zhon-jing’s Clinical
Application of 50 Medicinals; Huang,
Huang; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition; 592 pages,
ISBN-10: 7117092076, ISBN-13:
This book discusses the clinical
applications and indications for 50
medicinals that were frequently used
by Zhang Zhong-jing, a Han Dynasty
physician who contributed greatly to
the development of Traditional Chinese
中医学分野:中医学分野 - 臨床医学
Arthritis: Help From Chinese
Medicine; Wang, Hai-long; Stimson,
Carl; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition (2008); 156
pages; ISBN-13: 9787117105484
This patient education series brings
valuable instructions on having the
most appropriate lifestyle, diet,
exercise, and home therapies when
diagnosed with an ailment.
modern-day renowned physicians and
enables the practitioner to become
more adept at using Chinese medicine
in the diagnosis and treatment of
a range of diseases. This volume
focuses on the skin disorders Acne and
Asthma: Help from Chinese Medicine;
Zheng, Shu-mei; Stimson, Carl;
People’s Medical Publishing House
(China), 1st edition (2008) 144 pages;
ISBN-13: 9787117101356
This patient education series brings
valuable instructions on having the
most appropriate lifestyle, diet,
exercise, and home therapies when
diagnosed with an ailment.
Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine, The: Chloasma & Vitiligo;
Xuan, Guo-wei; People’s Medical
Publishing House (China), 1st edition;
176 pages; ISBN-10: 7117092416, ISBN13: 9787117092418
Part of the Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine series, which offers the
clinical experience of ancient and
modern-day renowned physicians and
enables the practitioner to become
more adept at using Chinese medicine
in the diagnosis and treatment of
a range of diseases. This volume
focuses on the refractory conditions of
pigmentary skin disorders Chloasma &
Atlas of Tongue Diagnosis; Ding,
Cheng-hua; Sun, Xiao-gang, People’s
Medical Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2008); 149 pages; ISBN-13:
This book provides over 200
color pictures of tongues along
with descriptions and disease
Atlas of Tongue Diagnosis for
AIDS Patients; Peng, Bo; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2006); 412 pages; ISBN-13:
Tongue diagnosis has a long and
important history. Chinese medicine
considers the tongue the external
reflection, or mirror, of the zang and
fu organs, which objectively reveals
the real condition of patients. It plays
a significant part in the evaluation
of all disease conditions, choosing
treatment direction and prognosis.
Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine, The: Acne & Alopecia;
Fan, Rui-qiang and Xuan, Guo-wei;
People’s Medical Publishing House
(China), 1st edition; 264 pages;
ISBN-10: 7117098880, ISBN-13:
Part of the Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine series, which offers the
clinical experience of ancient and
Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine, The: Chronic Gastritis &
Irritable Bowel Syndrome; Luo, Yunjian and Huang, Sui-ping; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China),
1st edition; 276 pages; ISBN-10:
7117106379, ISBN-13: 9787117106375
Part of the Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine series, which offers the
clinical experience of ancient and
modern-day renowned physicians and
enables the practitioner to become
more adept at using Chinese medicine
in the diagnosis and treatment of a
range of diseases. This volume focuses
on Chronic Gastritis and IBS.
Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine, The: COPD and Asthma;
Liu, Wei-sheng and Lin, Lin; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China),
1st edition; 444 pages; ISBN-10:
7117091126, ISBN-13: 9787117091121
A part of the Clinical Practice of
Chinese Medicine series, this book
aims to guide the reader through the
complexity of clinical practice. Inside
are detailed discussions on the clinical
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experience of renowned physicians
from ancient and modern times that
will enable the practitioner to become
more adept at accurately diagnosing
and effectively treating COPD and
bronchial asthma.
Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine, The: Eczema & Atopic
Dermatitis; Chen, Da-can and
Lu, Chuan-jian; People’s Medical
Publishing House (China), 1st edition;
240 pages; ISBN-10: 7117085320, ISBN13: 9787117085328
Part of the Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine series, which offers the
clinical experience of ancient and
modern-day renowned physicians and
enables the practitioner to become
more adept at using Chinese medicine
in the diagnosis and treatment of a
range of diseases. This volume focuses
on Eczema & Atopic Dermatitis.
Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine, The: Endometriosis &
Uterine Fibroids; Yi, Si-tu and Cai,
Li-xing; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition; 340 pages;
ISBN-10: 711710208X, ISBN-13:
Part of the Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine series, which offers the
clinical experience of ancient and
modern-day renowned physicians and
enables the practitioner to become
more adept at using Chinese medicine
in the diagnosis and treatment of a
range of diseases. This volume focuses
on Endometriosis & Uterine Fibroids.
Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine, The: Gout & Rheumatoid
Arthritis; Deng, Zhao-zi; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China),
1st edition; 392 pages; ISBN-10:
7117094850, ISBN-13: 9787117094856
Part of the Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine series, which offers the
clinical experience of ancient and
modern-day renowned physicians and
enables the practitioner to become
more adept at using Chinese medicine
in the diagnosis and treatment of a
range of diseases. This volume focuses
on Gout and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine, The: Herpes Zoster &
Fungal Skin Infections; Xuan, Guowei and Fan, Rui-qiang; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China),
1st edition; 192 pages; ISBN-10:
7117106700, ISBN-13: 9787117106702
Part of the Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine series, which offers the
clinical experience of ancient and
modern-day renowned physicians and
enables the practitioner to become
more adept at using Chinese medicine
in the diagnosis and treatment of a
range of diseases. This volume focuses
on Herpes Zoster and other fungal skin
Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine, The: Lupus Erythematosus;
Chen, Da-can and Xu, Guo-wei;
People’s Medical Publishing House
(China), 1st edition; 212 pages;
ISBN-10: 7117091649, ISBN-13:
Part of the Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine series, which offers the
clinical experience of ancient and
modern-day renowned physicians and
enables the practitioner to become
more adept at using Chinese medicine
in the diagnosis and treatment of a
range of diseases. This volume focuses
on Lupus Erythematosus.
Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine, The: Menstrual Disorders
I: Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
& Amenorrhea; Yi, Si-tu and Wang
Xiao-yun; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition; 420 pages;
ISBN-10: 7117088206, ISBN-13:
Part of the Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine series, which offers the
clinical experience of ancient and
modern-day renowned physicians and
enables the practitioner to become
more adept at using Chinese medicine
in the diagnosis and treatment of
a range of diseases. This volume
in the renowned series focuses on
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding &
Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine, The: Menstrual Disorders
II: Premenstrual Syndrome,
Dysmenorrhea & Perimenopause; Yi,
Si-tu and Wang Xiao-yun; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China),
1st edition; 508 pages; ISBN-10:
7117098929, ISBN-13: 9787117098922
Part of the Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine series, which offers the
clinical experience of ancient and
modern-day renowned physicians and
enables the practitioner to become
more adept at using Chinese medicine
in the diagnosis and treatment of
a range of diseases. This volume
in the renowned series focuses on
Premenstrual Syndrome, Dysmenorrhea
& Perimenopause.
Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine, The: Pelvic Inflammatory
Disease & Miscarriage; Huang, Jianling and Liang, Xue-fang; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China),
1st edition; 336 pages; ISBN-10:
7117080604, ISBN-13: 9787117080606
Part of the Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine series, which offers the
clinical experience of ancient and
modern-day renowned physicians and
enables the practitioner to become
more adept at using Chinese medicine
in the diagnosis and treatment of a
range of diseases. This volume in the
renowned series focuses on Pelvic
Inflammatory Disease and miscarriages.
Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine, The: Postpartum
Hypogalactia & Breast Hyperplasia
Disease; Lin, Yi; People’s Medical
Publishing House (China), 1st edition;
412 pages; ISBN-10: 7117087846, ISBN13: 9787117087841
Part of the Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine series, which offers the
clinical experience of ancient and
modern-day renowned physicians and
enables the practitioner to become
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more adept at using Chinese medicine
in the diagnosis and treatment of a
range of diseases. This volume focuses
on Postpartum Hypogalactia and Breast
Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine, The: Psoriasis &
Cutaneous Pruritis; Lu, Chuan-jian;
Xuan, Guo-wei; People’s Medical
Publishing House (China), 1st edition;
188 pages; ISBN-10: 7117091622, ISBN13: 9787117092425
Part of the Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine series, the intention of
this book is to introduce overseas
readers to the Chinese medical
experience, while offering a variety of
complementary treatment methods for
Psoriasis & Cutaneous Pruritis.
Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine, The: Scleroderma &
Dermatomyositis; Chen, Da-can
and Xu, Guo-wei; People’s Medical
Publishing House (China), 1st edition;
188 pages; ISBN-10: 7117092424, ISBN13: 9787117091626
Part of the Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine series, this book discusses,
in detail, the clinical experience of
ancient and modern-day renowned
physicians and enables the practitioner
to become more adept at using
Chinese medicine in the diagnosis
and treatment of scleroderma and
Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine, The: Stroke & Parkinson’s
Disease; Huang, Pei-xin and Liu,
Mao-cai; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition; 392 pages;
ISBN-10: 7117091916, ISBN-13:
Part of the Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine series, the intention of
this book is to introduce overseas
readers to the Chinese medical
experience, while offering a variety of
complementary treatment methods for
both stroke and Parkinson’s disease.
It provides an overall understanding
of Chinese diagnosis and treatment
methods, as well as providing specific
therapeutic approaches for patients
suffering from stroke and Parkinson’s
Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine, The: Urticaria; Lu, Chuanjian and Chen, Da-can; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China),
1st edition; 184 pages; ISBN-10:
7117085339, ISBN-13: 9787117085335
Part of the Clinical Practice of Chinese
Medicine series, a comprehensive
series characterized by important
diseases and providing detailed
western disease information and
Chinese clinical treatment effective
for each specific disease. This volume
addresses methodologies to cure
Urticaria, or hives.
Endometriosis: Help from Chinese
Medicine; Wang, Qing; Stimson, Carl;
People’s Medical Publishing House
(China), 1st edition (2008); 168 pages;
ISBN-13: 9787117097710
This patient education series brings
valuable instructions on having the
most appropriate lifestyle, diet,
exercise, and home therapies when
diagnosed with an ailment.
Mirror of Health: Tongue Diagnosis
in Chinese Medicine; Fei, Zhao-fu and
Gu, Yi-di; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition; 214 pages;
ISBN-10: 7117085967, ISBN-13:
One of the main diagnostic instruments
in the hand of the practitioner of
Chinese medicine is tongue diagnosis.
This book contains clear-colored
photographs to illustrate 34 tongue
conditions, in conjunction with a
detailed description, diagnosis and
treatment, case studies and patient
guidelines for lifestyle approaches to
improve health.
Pictorial Guide to Clinical
Observation in Chinese Medicine;
Chen, Jia-xu and Song, Tian-bin;
People’s Medical Publishing House
(China), 1st edition; 245 pages;
ISBN-10: 7117079975, ISBN-13:
Provides an excellent study guide
to the Chinese medical examination
method of inspection - the first
of what is known as the “four
Qian Bo-xuan: Case Studies in
Gynecology; Qian, Bo-xuan; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China),
1st edition; 588 pages; ISBN-10:
7117080310, ISBN-13: 9787117080316
This volume in the renowned Masters
of Chinese Medicine series presents
selected studies from the case files of
an expert in women’s disorders.
Qian Bo-xuan: Patterns and
Treatment in Gynecology and
Obstetrics; Qian, Bo-xuan; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China),
1st edition; 196 pages; ISBN-10:
7117113510, ISBN-13: 9787117113519
Another volume by one of China’s
leading figures in gynecology and
obstetrical disease, this book discusses
54 of the most common female
disorders and presents their etiologies,
signs and symptoms, treatment
principles, formulas, and formula
analyses in a clear and concise manner.
Tongue Diagnosis for Warm Diseases;
Zhang, Zhi-wen and Liu, Bi-qing;
People’s Medical Publishing House
(China), 1st edition; 156 pages;
ISBN-10: 7117099151, ISBN-13:
Here’s an excellent introduction
to warm disease pathology and its
affect on the tongue. As an important
diagnostic method in febrile disease,
tongue inspection has been highly
valued by doctors throughout the
ages. With over 100 photographs to
illustrate the various changes and
commonly seen patterns and formula
recommendations, this book is a
useful reference tool for students and
practitioners alike.
Treatment of PTSD with Chinese
Medicine, The: An Integrative
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Approach; Chang, Joe; Wang, WeiDong; and Jiang, Yong; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China),
1st edition; 175 pages; ISBN-10:
7117123583, ISBN-13: 9787117123587
The book features case studies and
research treatment protocols from
the US Army PTSD treatment program
for returning soldiers from the Iraq
and Afghanistan conflicts. To contrast,
Dr Wang and Dr Jiang will provide
information on CM and Integrative
treatments provided for of survivors of
the Sichuan earthquake.
Yue Meizhong: Collected Case
Studies; Chinese Academy of TCM;
People’s Medical Publishing House
(China), 1st edition; 276 pages,
ISBN-10: 7117091576, ISBN-13:
Part of the Masters of Chinese Medicine
Series, this book has been compiled by
the China Academy of Chinese Medical
Science and consists of 88 sections
on Dr. Yue’s clinical experience in
treating various stubborn diseases,
including chronic nephritis and uremia,
as well as acute and chronic infectious
Zhao Xi-wu: Experience in Pattern
Differentiation; Chinese Academy
of TCM; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition; 280 pages,
ISBN-10: 711710225X, ISBN-13:
Part of the Masters of Chinese
Medicine Series, a collection of
translated medical texts for serious
Traditional Chinese Medicine students
and practitioners alike. This volume
includes detailed analyses of the
clinical experiences of China’s most
distinguished TCM masters and
describes complex clinical cases
and treatment methods for various
stubborn and chronic diseases.
中医学分野:中医学分野 - 内科学
Depression: Help from Chinese
Medicine; Chen, Yun-hui; Stimson,
Carl; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition (2009);240
pages; ISBN-13: 9787117114721
This patient education series brings
valuable instructions on having the
most appropriate lifestyle, diet,
exercise, and home therapies when
diagnosed with an ailment.
Herpes Zoster: Help from Chinese
Medicine; Ye, Xiao and Stimson,
Carl; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition; 132 pages;
ISBN-10: 7117097493, ISBN-13:
An introductory and illustrated book,
part of the Patient Education series,
on how Chinese Medicine can help
sufferers of Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
through acupuncture, herbs, exercise,
and diet.
How Can Chinese Medicine Help My
Diabetes?; Li, Xiao-li and Stimson,
Carl; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition; 8 pages;
ISBN-10: 7117092157, ISBN-13:
This concise resource provides
Informational tips to Diabetes patients
about various Chinese medical
treatment methods for diabetes
including: acupuncture, herbs, diet and
Chinese exercises like Taiji and Qigong.
How Can Chinese Medicine Help My
Diabetes?: An Illustrated Guide; Li,
Xiao-li and Stimson, Carl; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China),
1st edition; 180 pages; ISBN-10:
7117091193, ISBN-13: 9787117091190
This clear and thorough book,
especially designed for diabetes
patients, introduces the basics of
Chinese medicine treatment by
describing helpful dietary advice and
exercise, and provides step-by-step
Chinese treatment methods. Topics
range from prevention through diet,
exercise, acupuncture, herbs, tui na
massage, and more.
Insomnia: Help from Chinese
Medicine; Wu, Yuan-yuan; Wang
Dong; and Stimson, Carl; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China),
1st edition; 144 pages; ISBN-10:
7117112050, ISBN-13: 9787117112055
An introductory book, part of the
Patient Education series, on how
Chinese Medicine can help insomnia
sufferers through acupuncture, herbs,
exercise, and diet.
Menopausal Syndrome: Help From
Chinese Medicine; Jiang, Qian and
Stimson, Carl; People’s Medical
Publishing House (China), 1st edition;
168 pages; ISBN-10: 711712010X, ISBN13: 9787117120104
An introductory book, part of the
Patient Education series, on how
Chinese Medicine can help women
address conditions related to
menopause through acupuncture,
herbs, exercise, and diet.
Migraines: Help from Chinese
Medicine; Wang, Lei and Stimson,
Carl; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition; 168 pages;
ISBN-10: 7117105054, ISBN-13:
An introductory book, part of Patient
Education series, on how Chinese
Medicine can help migraine sufferers
through acupuncture, herbs, exercise,
and diet.
Urinary Tract Infections: Help from
Chinese Medicine; Li, Guo-hua and
Stimson, Carl; People’s Medical
Publishing House (China), 1st edition;
156 pages, ISBN-10: 7117112042, ISBN13: 9787117112048
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a
common disease and learning to
manage it naturally is usually an
attractive approach for patients. This
patient education book brings valuable
instructions on having an appropriate
lifestyle, diet, exercise, and using
home therapies when suffering from
UTI. It explain the basics of Chinese
medical theory clearly and gives
a step by step guide to Chinese
medicine treatments as well such as
acupuncture, herbal medicine, tui na
(massage) as well as others forms of
practical therapies for UTI.
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中医学分野:中医学分野 - 予防療法
Illustrated Atlas of the Commonly
Used Chinese Materia Medica, An:
Volume I; Qian, Xin-zhong; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2007); 448 pages; ISBN-13:
This beautiful collector’s set combines
full-color plates of 555 Chinese
medicinals with detailed scientific
descriptions of the medicinal’s source
plant, mineral or animal.
Illustrated Atlas of the Commonly
Used Chinese Materia Medica, An:
Volume II; Qian, Xin-zhong; People’s
Medical Publishing House (China), 1st
edition (2007); 516 pages; ISBN-13:
This beautiful collector’s set combines
full-color plates of 555 Chinese
medicinals with detailed scientific
descriptions of the medicinal’s source
plant, mineral or animal.
Trim and Slim: Help from Chinese
Medicine; Wang, Shu-li and Stimson,
Carl; People’s Medical Publishing
House (China), 1st edition; 228 pages;
ISBN-10: 7117099151, ISBN-13:
Part of the Patient Education series,
this book is written for the average
patient, this book introduces various
ways to trim down, including diet,
exercise, acupuncture, and Chinese
medicinal herbs.
Genital Dermatology Atlas; Edwards,
Libby and Lynch, Peter J.; Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, 2nd edition (2010);
384 pages, 580 illustrations; ISBN-13:
New chapters cover diagnosis and
therapy and pain syndrome, among
other topics. Chapters have been fully
updated with new treatments; plus,
the book now includes more male
genital images/disorders.
Journals@Ovid に追加された新規ジャーナル
5 誌については、以下をご覧ください。
Psicothema; Colegio Oficial De
Psicologes De Asturias; ISSN: 02149915, e-ISSN: 1886-144X. Coverage:
Vol 1(#1) - present
International in scope, this quarterly
journal, which includes material
in both English and Spanish, covers
includes both basic and applied
research fields in all aspects of
臨床医学分野:内科学分野 - 感染病
HIV Therapy; Barker, Charlotte;
Future Medicine, Ltd., ISSN: 17584310, eISSN: 1758-4329; Coverage: Vol
3(#1) (2009) - Present
Keeps researchers up to date with the
significant advances that continue to
take place in therapeutic treatments
of patients with HIV. Article topics
include: the molecular basis of HIV
infection, virus–host interactions,
optimal therapeutic approaches,
potential future viral targets, and
Annals of Thoracic Surgery; Elsevier;
ISSN: 0003-4975, eISSN: 1552-6259;
Coverage: from 1998 Vol 65(#1) Present
This monthly publication provides
outstanding original coverage of recent
progress in chest and cardiovascular
surgery and related fields. As the
official journal of two of the largest
American associations in its specialty
(the Society of Thoracic Surgeons
and the Southern Thoracic Surgical
Association), this leading monthly
enjoys outstanding editorial leadership
and maintains rigorous selection
International Journal of
Biostatistics, The; J Jewell, Nicholas
P.; Carroll, Raymond; Robins, James;
and van der Laan, Mark; Berkeley
Press, ISSN: 1557-4679. Coverage:
Topics in this annual journal include
new biostatistical methods and
models, new statistical theory,
advances in biostatistics computing,
and original application of statistical
methods for important practical
problems in the biological, medical,
public health, and agricultural
Annals of Pediatric Surgery; LWW;
ISSN: 1687-4137, eISSN: 2090-5394;
Coverage: from 2011 Vol 7(#1) Present
Published in cooperation with the
Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education
and State Ministry for Scientific
Research (ENSTINET) this quarterly
journal focuses on clinical care,
technical innovation and clinical
research in pediatric surgery.
LWW Total Access Journal Collection
の 2011 年 4 月版が登場
四半期更新に伴い、2011 年 4 月版が登場
しました。American Heart Association
と共同で出版された以下の 6 誌もコレクシ
Circulation:Arrhythmia and
Circulation:Cardiovascular Genetics、
Circulation:Cardiovascular Imaging、
c+t+s update - 2011 年 4 月
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20/4/2554 17:13:33
Circulation:Cardiovascular Quality
and Outcomes、ISSN:1941-7713
Circulation:Heart Failure、
ジャーナルのタイトルおよび ISSN 変更
BMJ Publishing の『Quality and
Safety in Health Care』が最近、『BMJ
Quality and Safety』に変更されました。
それに伴い、本誌の ISSN が 2044-5415 に
The Joanna Briggs Institute:Bringing
the Evidence to Health Care
2011 年 4 月 19 日午前 9 時 (東部標準時)
アンナ・ブリッグス研究所 (JBI) から、
JBI 理事のアラン・ピアソン教授 ( AM 、
クレイグ・ロックウッド氏 (R N 、B N 、
GDip、ClinNurs、MNSc) がお届けします。
Embase に MEDLINE レコードが新しく
Embase のご契約者に朗報です。これから数
週間にわたって MEDLINE® 独自のレコードが
になります (Embase AutoAlerts で受け取る
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Miércoles 4 de Mayo: 13h- 14h hora
penínsular (11:00 UTC)
Únase a Mauro Castillo, Manager,
Technical Services - Europe, Middle
East & Africa, para asistir a una
WebCast, una conferencia web en
directo en español, que presentará
todas las personalizaciones, análisis de
datos y servicios disponibles para usted
como cliente de Ovid.
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世界の Ovid
Ovid が世界中で主催する以下のトレードショーや会議、イベントへぜひお越しください。
Special Libraries Association
Pharmaceutical & Health Technology
Division Spring Meeting
4 月 10∼12 日
American Association of Critical
Care Nurses and National Teaching
5 月 3∼5 日
Bibliosalud 2011 (公式スポンサー)
4 月 13∼15 日
Medical Library Association Annual
5 月 14∼17 日
American Organization of Nurse
4 月 14∼15 日
こちらをクリックして、Ovid の姉妹会社で
ある Lippincott Williams & Wilkins が参
INFORUM 2011:17th Annual
Conference on Professional
Information Resources Prague
2011 年 5 月 24∼26 日
A Practical Guide to Joint and Soft Tissue Injection and
Aspiration, 2nd Edition
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
第 2 版の出版にあたり、内容の充実と更新を図ったこの実用的な図解付き手引書では、関節および軟組
Doody’s Star Rating:4 つ星、スコア:92、Doody’s Core Titles (健康科学分野 - 地域医療):2.3
以下は、ユニフォームド・サービス健康科学大学のヴィンセント・カー氏 (DO、MSA、
FACC、FACP) による Doody’s Review Service (www.doody.com/drs) のレビューからの抜粋です
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