April 1966 T. Matsuno False Reflection Due to the of Waves Use (Manuscript at of Finite By Geophysical 145 T. Boundary Differences* Matsuno Institute, received 14 February the Tokyo University, 1966, Tokyo in revised form 5 March 1966) Abstract The boundary errors in numerical integrations of hydrodynamical equations are discussed. If the advective type equation is solved on an open domain, adopting centered difference scheme, an extra boundary condition is needed at the outflow point and it brings some errors. It is shown that these errors result from the false reflection of a computational mode wave, synchronized with the incident physical wave. By assuming the situation that `in a semi -infinite domain , the incident physical wave and the reflected suprious wave are in balanced state, the rate of reflection of the computational mode is estimated. It was found that if the quantity at the outflow boundary point is extrapolated from the interior of the domain with l-th order continuity, the reflection rate is tan (l+1)(p/2), +where p is the wave number of the incident wave measured in grid unit. The same method of analysis is applied to the examination of boundary conditions of primitive equations. It was revealed that adopting some boundary conditions, the reflection rates of computational mode of gravity wave exceed unity, while a certain condition does not bring artificial reflection at all. Discussions are made about the differences between the Platzman's analyses (1954) and the present results. 1. Introduction In numerical studies of meteorological problems the computational scheme is very important, and many efforts have been devoted to performing stable and accurate computations. A lot of works were done about the designs of finite difference computations and the discussions on their stabilities. But relatively few works appeared about the treatment of boundaries when an equation is solved on a finite domain. In most of the discussions on stability of computational scheme, they assumed implicitly infinite domain or equivalently periodicity in space coordinates. When one examines the computational stability, he assumes the solution of the form ei(mp+nq)for the value of variable at (m, n) 'th grid point. And as to the wave numbers p and q, they are usually considered to be arbitrary real number ranging from 0 to *, whereas they should be determined as * Division of Meteorology, Contribution No . 148. descrete eigenvalues satisfying the given boundary conditions. Platzman (1954) discussed about this point for the case of advective type equations. He treated the problem in a complete manner, i, e., calculating eigenvalues of finite difference operator including boundary conditions, he examined stability of the whole scheme. According to his conclusion the computational scheme using centered difference method both in space and time is stable only when the outflow boundary condition is specified ab intio. Otherwise, some eigenvalues of finite difference operator becomes complex number and amplifying roots exist. It seems that some confusions were brought by this discussion. For many people considered that values at the outflow boundary point must be determined depending on those in the interior of the domain. Because the outflow boundary condition is an artificial one, which was introduced by adopting centered difference in place of the space derivative. Moreover in practical numerical weather 146 Journal of the Meteorological prediction on the bases of vorticity equation they had not encountered catastrophic instabilities, though they used such boundary conditions those are to be unstable according to the Platzman's analysis. Nitta (1962) conducted a series of numerical test of boundary conditions and found that in the case of advective equations of constant velocity, no instability occurred even the value of boundary point is determined from the quantities at interior points. On the contrary if the quantity at the outflow point is specified at internal points, independent very large from errors those were produced, though they did not show instabilities (exponential growth with time). These results seem to contradict with Platzman's analyses. In the same paper Nitta pointed out that the error produced at the outflow point moved backward nearly with the velocity of given adverting flow. Concerning this phenomenon, Platzman (1959) .had claimed that if we treat adverting type equations by use of centered differences both in space and time, it is equivalent with to solve a wave equation which is a second order differential equation and consequently we may have retrogressive waves. His explanation might be correct in rough sense, but the author considers that it does not give us a complete answer to this problem. Wurtele (1961) discussed the truncation errors due to finite differencing in space, by use of differential-difference system. He showed that if we treat a sharp gradient with finite differences, there will appear suprious waves in the behind of that sharp gradient and they move backward against the given flow. As he pointed out in the same paper, the existence of retrogressive waves has nothing to do with adopting centered differences in time, but it comes from using centered differences in space. In this article the present author intends to discuss those points mentioned above from the view point of false dispersion and reflection of waves due to the use of finite differences in space. 2. Computational modes of solutions of an advective equation and their retrogression If we use the centered difference method Society of Japan Vol. 44, No. 2 for approximating first order derivatives, the original first order differential equation is transformed into a second order difference equation. As a consequence we have the extra degrees of freedom and corresponding modes of solutions that behave in a curious manner. These modes of solutions are introduced by finite differencing and have no counterparts in the solutions of the original differential equations. Therefore, they are to be called *computational modes" of solutions. The computational mode is usually recognized in relation to the use of centered difference scheme in time (Platzman ; 1954, Miyakoda, 1962). The appearance of the computational mode, however, is essentially originated in raising the order of differencing higher than the order of differentiation and related to the use of the centered differences for first order derivatives. Here we shall pay attentions to the behaviors of computational modes that result from the finite differencing in space. For discussing the errors due to the use of finite differences in space, it is a useful and convenient way to treat the problem as a system of simultaneous differential equations, applying finite differences only to the space coordinate, and retaining the variables as continuous functions of time. We shall treat the problem by use of such semi-discrete system after Platzman (1954) or differentialdifference system according to the nomenclature by Wurtele (1961). We shall consider the one dimensional advective equation with constant velocity ; (1) By using centered differential-difference equation turns to be difference method the version of the above (2) where ** denotes grid point At first form and *x is the grid distance. we shall find the solutions the variable at the of n-th the April 1966 T. Matsuno where * is the frequency and the same symbol ** is used for the amplitude at the n-th point. Then inserting the above relation into (2) we have (3) The solution of the above difference equation is obtained by putting *n*einp. Inserting this form into (3) we have a relation between p and *, as follows (4) For the time being we shall consider the domain is infinite. Then we have no restriction o1i p, i. e., we may take arbitrary value between 0 and * r as p. The relation between and p is shown in Fig. 1. * 147 Since the is expressed exact as relation between * and p (6) the first term in the brackets in (5) is the approximate solution of the differential equation, while the second term has no counterpart in the solution of the original differential equation. It seems adequate to take it as computational mode of the solution arising from the use of finite differences in space. Here it should be remarked that the *computational mode" is defined in somewhat different way in most of the papers that concern with the numerical analysis of the meteorological problem. If we apply the centered difference method both in space and time coordinates, the solution of the finite difference version of the advection equation (1) turns to be (7) where * proximated stands for the time frequency * level. is given The ap- by (8) Fig. 1. The relationship between the frequency and the wave number for *differential (in time)-difference (in pc : The wave number tional mode. space) system". of the computa- As observed from the figure, we have two roots of p for a single value of *. They are complementary angle to each other. If we denote the smaller root (smaller than */2) by p the monochromatic solution of (2) (the solution with a single frequency) is written as : (5) In the above discussions, the wave number p is a given value and from the equation (8), we have two roots for * for a single value of p. Then we have two components, the one is the approximate form of the exact solution, and the other is the computational mode, which has the same wave number but moves in the opposite direction, alternating its sign from one time step to another. The appearance of the retrogressive waves seems to be explained in terms of the computational mode, the second term in (7). However, as Wurtele (1961) showed, the retrogression of suprious waves occur even in the differential-difference system. He showed that the pulse-like distribution of advected quantity given at the initial moment moves downstream-ward decreasing its magnitude, but at the same time suprious short waves appear in the rear of the peak, and they propagate in the opposite direction. 148 Journal of the Meteorological We cannot explain this phenomenon in terms of the computational mode, that is brought owing to the use of centered difference method in time. It seems adequate to explain this phenomenon in terms of (false) dispersion of waves, inferred in (4). Namely the approximated value of propagation velocity of waves is given as Society of Japan Vol. 44, No. 2 consisting of very short waves Fig. 3. The envelope modulating as shown in short waves movement (9) and the group velocity is given by 3. Schematic illustration sion of a wave packet short (10) The phase city ug are Fig. velocity u and the group veloshown in Fig. 2 as functions of of the envelopes of the retrogrescomposed of very waves. is assumed to be rather smooth and we shall consider the movement of the envelope. Since either (the upper or lower) envelope is expressed as ; inserting this expression into the equations (2), we have the equations which describe the behaviour of the envelope as follows ; (11) Wave length in grid unit Fig. 2. The apparent phase velocity (u) and the group velocity (ug) as function of the wave number. In unit of the exact advection velocity. The above equations are just the same as (2) but the sign of the flow velocity is opposite. Since the envelopes are rather smooth, we expect that the solution of (11) is not so different from that of the corresponding differential equation, i. e., we may consider that the envelopes are advected upstreamward. On the contrary the change of at each grid point is such that the phase *n of individual wave moves downstream. Next we shall show that the dispersion characteristics expressed by (10) agrees well with the behaviour of a pulse, given by Wurtele (1961). The fundamental solution of the equation (2) is ; (12) wave number. As observed from the figure, the group of very short waves, that have wave length shorter than 4 grids, will move in the opposite direction against the flow. This circumstance is explained schematically as follows ; Consider a wave packet where Jn is the Bessel function of the n-th order. The above solution describes the process, how the unit pulse given at the initial moment at n=0 disperses away with the lapse April 1966 T. Matsuno of time. The distribution of * at (L/*x) t= 0, 5,10 are shown in Fig. 4. We can observe (therefore wave lengths of computational mode are less than 4 in grid unit). The computational mode moves always upstreamward as a wave packet, though the individual wave moves downstream-ward. The retrogression of suprious waves in finite-difference calculations may be attributed to the computational mode of this kind. The use of finite-difference for time derivative is not responsible to this phenomenon, under usual conditions. 3. Fig. 4. Time evolution of a pulse-like distribu- tion of the advected quantity. Note that the dispersion characteristics shown in Fig. 2 are observed. that the waves of different wave length move with the corresponding group velocity given as (10). So far as we discuss the truncation errors in terms of reduction of phase velocity, we cannot expect retrogression of waves. In the actual situations, however, the waves exist as a wave packet, not as an infinite wave train. Therefore, we may consider that those waves which have wave length shorter than 4 grid, the computational modes, always move upstream-ward against the flow. Summerizing the discussions in this section, it is concluded as follows : By use of the centered difference method for the space derivative, we have computational modes of solutions. The physical mode of solutions, which has wave number less than */2, has the corresponding computational mode of the same frequency, and wave number of the latter is complementary angle to the former 149 The false reflection of waves outflow boundary in numerical tions of an advective equation at the integra- The boundary errors found in the numerical integrations of advective type equation, for instance the vorticity equation, on an open domain, have very similar feature as that of the computational mode described in the previous section. Nitta (1962) conducted numerical integrations of the advective equation of constant velocity and tested the boundary conditions at the outflow point. He gave simple harmonic waves as initial conditions. Then with the increase of time steps, irregularities appeared near the outflow point and they invaded into the interior of the domain. From the figures presented in his paper it is observed that the zig-zag distribution of the advected quantity is a composition of the true solution and the error wave, which alternates its sign from one point to another. At the same time the amplitude of this very short wave is modulated by a harmonic wave of the same wave length as that of the true solution. It seems adequate to consider that this phenomenon is the false reflection of the waves of computational modes, caused by imposing artificial boundary conditions. Since the waves of computational mode have negative group velocity, their propagations toward the upstream side are quite natural. Based on the above considerations, we shall examine how the amplitude of reflected computational wave depend upon the boundary conditions. Let us consider that the differential-difference version of the advective equation, (2) is solved on the semi-infinite domain {n; n <*0}. At the end of the domain, n=0, a boundary 150 condition There Journal is imposed. are many methods of the Meteorological Society ;reflected to determine the quantity at the outflow point, but most of them are identical with extrapolations from the interior if we ignore the variety of finite difference schemes in time. For instance we shall consider the condition : (13) of Japan Vol. computational state is reached. scribes this situation wave The is and solution 44, No. 2 a steady which de- (17) where the amplitude of reflected wave is denoted by r and that of the incident wave is taken unity. Demanding that the relation (15) holds we can get the reflection rate as following The above equation implies that the boundary value is calculated by use of the upcurrent difference. This condition is written as (14) (18) (19) Here the equation (18) was derived making use of (16). The absolute value of reflection rates various values of l are drawn in Fig. 5. by for Clearly the condition (14) states that the virtual quantity *1 is calculated by the linear extrapolation. In this way the most of the conditions commonly applied are reduced to the extrapolation or the continuity condition. So at first we shall confine our discussions to the continuity conditions. Here the continuity of the l-th order implies that the difference of the (l+1)th degree should vanish ; namely zero-th order and so forth. vanishing of written ; In general the condition l-th order difference of *'s of are Wave (15) Fig. where 1+lCk is the k-th coefficient of the binomial of l-th order. The above condition is identical with (16) if we replace k-th power of x by *k ; xk**k* Now in order to estimate the amplitude of the reflected wave, we shall consider that the physical incident wave of a single component (coming from - *) is coexisting with the 5. Reflection length rates modes, l indicates order continuity. in grid of the the unit computational condition of l-th As observed from the figure, the reflection rate |r| decreases with the increase of l in the domain 0<p<*2.At the point p=*/2, the value of |r| is kept unity independent from l. However, we may consider that the reflection of wave of p=*/2 has little significance. Because the group velocity of this wave is 0. Therefore the reflected wave will April 1966 T. Matsuno not invade the interior of the domain. Next we shall examine the other boundary condition which is not included in general form (15). The condition is to prescribe the boundary value independent from the quantities of the internal points, i. e., (20) According to Platzman (1954) the differencedifference system of the advection equation is stable only when the condition (20) is adopted. Incorporating the above condition with the equation (2), we find that the solutions consist of two components, one is the particular solution which satisfies the inhomogeneous boundary condition (20), and the other is the solution of (2) with a homogeneous boundary condition ; (21) 151 From the figures presented in the Nitta's paper (1962) we see that the estimation of boundary errors in terms of reflection rates given (19) and (22) agree very well with the results of the actual numerical calculations. It is interesting that the main part of error waves seems to propagate with the group velocity, though the precurser moves more fast. By the way, we shall consider the boundary errors in another scheme. If one applies the finite difference scheme using more than three points, more computational boundary conditions are needed. The errors due to such boundary conditions might be estimated in the same manner as done in this paper. It is noteworthy that if we use 5-point method (for instance, Miyakoda (1962) ), the wave becomes more dispersive in the shortest wave part. By using the 5- point finite difference, the advection equation is written as ; The reflection rate is derived for the condition (21). Inserting this condition into (17), we obtain r=-1 (22) In this case all waves yield the retrogressive error waves of the same amplitude as that of the incident wave. This phenomenon is observed in the example given by Phillips (1960) and some cases of Nitta's computation (1962). It is suspected that in this case the solution of the difference equation does not converge to the solution of the original equation, even we make dx infinitesimally small. In the other cases we can reduce the amplitude of the reflected wave as little as we desire, within some prescribed limit of errors. Because by reducing *x the incident wave can be expressed by the composition of waves of small wave number, that have small reflection rates. Namely the main part of the spectrum of the incident wave could be shifted to the small wave number part by reducing dx. The skirt of the spectrum in large wave number part could be reduced to any small magnitude. Since the reflection rate is less than unity the amplitude of the resultant error wave can be made within a given limit. The phase turn to velocity and the group velocity From the above relation we see that the accuracy of the phase velocity is improved near p=0, but the group velocity of very short waves becomes larger (in magnitude) than in the case of the 3 point method, i. e., for example, At the Electronic Computation Center of the Japan Meteorological Agency they found that large boundary errors were produced when they applied the 5-point differences for solving the advection equation for water vapor (Y. Okochi, private communication). The appearance of anomalous boundary errors might partly be attributed to the rapid retrogression of the error waves. 152 4. Journal The false reflections in the numerical of the of gravity integration Meteorological waves of the primitive equations So far we have discussed the boundary errors in the integrations of an advective equation. In this section we shall examine the errors produced condition by imposing the extra boundary in the numerical integ.rations of the primitive equations. city, we shall treat gravity equations waves ; For the sake of simplithe one-dimensional long described by the following (23) Here u is the velocity in the x direction, is the small deviation of the geopotential * height of the top surface of the fluid. c2(=gH) is the velocity of propagation of long gravity waves. The correct (necessary and sufficient) boundary condition to solve (23) is to specify either u or *, or their normal derivatives along the boundary enclosing the domain. The alternative has no essential meaning in our problem, and we shall assume that the velocity u is given at the boundary. Furthermore we shall treat the semi-infinite domain (-*, 0] and the rigid boundary at x=0 i. e., (24) We shall treat the problem as we have done in the previous section. Namely we shall consider the system of equations which are derived by approximating the space derivatives with centered differences but retaining all variables as continuous functions of time. Then the differential-difference versions of (23) turn to be (25) where the quantities at the n-th grid points are labelled by subscripts n. The space grid size *x is taken as the unit of length and Society of Japan Vol. 44, No. 2 *x/c is taken as the unit of time. From (5.3) we see that the following two groups of variables are separated from each other, i. e., (A) {un;n:even} and {*n;n:odd} (B) {un:n:odd} and {*n;n:even} Interactions occur between the pair of variables in each group but no interaction exist between the two groups. The two groups may be coupled with each other only by the boundary conditions. If we take only one group of the two, either (A) or (B) and put aside the other, we have the so-called sttagard net. For instance, for the net (A), u, the velocity is specified only at the grid point labelled by an even number and *, the geopotential height is specified only at the grid point labelled by an odd number. If the boundary condition (24) is imposed at the grid point at which u is put, the original boundary condition (24) to the differential equations is sufficient to the difference equations, too. We need not extra-boundary conditions, in this case. The computational boundary conditions are needed only for the finite-difference system of the coexistence of the two nets. It seems that the troubles due to computational boundary conditions can be avoided. But in practice, the double net is commonly used because it is the most straight-forward form of approximating the original differential equations, and it is more convenient than the single net if we incorporate the advection terms and the Coriolis force terms which are neglected in our simplified equations. From the above reason, we shall discuss the errors due to the computational boundary conditions. When double net is treated, i. e., the finite difference equations for u and * are applied at every grid point, an extra boundary condition other than (24) is needed. Namely we need the boundary condition not only for u but for *. As the boundary condition for *, the condition (26) is adopted which is compatible with (24). April 1966 T. Matsuno In order to simulate (24) and (26) by the finite difference system, we have some different methods. Let the boundary be located at the N-th grid point or very close to it, the following three formulas are considered as the finite difference versions of the boundary conditions ; (27) The conditions (II) are equivalent to demand that the normal velocity at the two grid points nearest to the boundary should vanish. These conditions are often used to eliminate the suprious inflow of various quanties by advection terms, and called double boundary conditions". * The case (III) correspond to the situation that the boundary is located at the midpoint of the two grid points N and N-l. We shall examine the reflection of waves due to the boundary conditions listed above, by use of the same procedure as adopted in the previous section for the examinations of boundary conditions for the advective equations. At first we shall seek for the elementary solutions of (24). Assuming that all quantities are proportional to eipn-i*t, we have the relation *and p as follows we see 153 that if the component eapn-i*t has positive group velocity, (-)neapn-i*t has positive group velocity, too, and the other two components have negative group velocity. We shall assume that the incident wave consists of a single component, the first term in (30). Then the succeeding two terms correspond to the reflected physical wave and the reflected computational wave, respectively. The last term has the group velocity in the same direction as the incident wave and we expect that it is not excited by the reflection. By taking the amplitude of the incident wave unity and denoting the rates of reflection of physical and computational waves by R and r, respectively, the steady state solutions are written ; (31) Inserting (21) into the boundary conditions (27), we can determine R and r. They are calculated for the three cases and listed below. As the position of the boundary, N=0 was assigned in (27). (28) The solutions for p which satisfy tion (28) for a given w, are the rela- (29) where *=sin po Hereafter we shall denote one of the four root by p and omit the supscript 0. Then the monochromatic solution of (25) is (30) From the discussion made in the Section 2, The absolute values of the reflection rates of the physical modes and the computational modes are shown in Fig. 6 a and in Fig. 6 b, respectively. Here we should remark that the wave number of the incident wave ranges from 0 to *, in contract to the case of an advection equation. In the case of primitive equations we have two waves propagating both in positive and negative directions which have the same wave number. Therefore even such a short wave, the wave number of which is larger than */2, has a positive group velocity, if it is the wave which has negative phase velocity. From the Figs. 6 a and 6 b, it is clear that the boundary condition (I) will bring instability, while (II) and (III) will be stable. 154 Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan Vol. 44, No . 2 reflected physical wave, e1p, is quite reasonable, if we remind that the condition (III) is just equivalent to put the boundary at the midpoint of n=0 and n= -1. If we use the boundary conditions (II), the calculations will be carried out stably. However, when gravity waves are reflected by the rigid wall part of the wave energy is transformed into that of the errorneous short waves. (a) 5. Discussions in Platzman's (b) Fig. 6. Reflection rates of physical (a) and computational (b) wave by a rigid wall. (I), (II), (III) refer to the various methods of finite-difference analogues to the boundary condition. Because tion ; both (II) and (III) satisfy comparison with the analyses As mentioned previously Platzman (1954) discussed the stabilities of various boundary conditions for the advective equation, and concluded that if the centered difference method is used both for space and time derivatives, the scheme becomes unstable unless the variable at the outflow point is prescribed ab initio. This conclusion seems to contradict to our results obtained in the Section 3. Platzman treated the stability properties of the difference operator incorporating the boundary conditions. In order to compare his results with the present analysis, his discussions will be reproduced below in more similar fashion to ours. The difference-difference system of an advection equation is written (32) where superscripts a is defined stand for time level, the rela- (33) The It means that no suprious energy generation occurs when waves are reflected at the boundary. On the contrary, if we adopt the boundary condition (I), the amplitude of the reflected computational wave will become larger than that of the incident wave, and consequently total energy will increase whenever reflections take place. The boundary condition (III) seems to be the best, because by use of it no computational mode is generated. The phase difference between the incident wave and the and to the grid points n=1, 2, ..., N-1, and at both boundaries the following conditions imposed. above equations are applied the are (34) (I) (II) (35) (III) Here (35) are the computational boundary conditions at the outflow point, and typical three cases are treated. The solutions of (32) with the conditions April 1966 T. Matsuno (34) and (35) consist of the two components, the one is the particular solution which satisfies the inhomogeneous boundary conditions ; 0=*(t) (and *N=g (t) for case (I)), and the * solutions which satisfy homogeneous boundary conditions ; (34a) (I) (II) (III) (35a) Any solutions can be expressed as the superpositions of normal modes of the system of homogeneous boundary conditions. The amplitudes of these normal modes will be determined by the initial conditions, as in the problem of vibrations of a string. In general we expect that every mode will be excited more or less and therefore, if there is an amplifying mode, it will grow with the increase of the time and destroy the solution. The normal modes and their amplification rate are determined in the following way. The general solution of (32) is obtained by putting the equations to * and Z's turn given as ; (41) Since * * 1, * is real if a *1. This is the stability condition given by Courant-FriedrichsLewy. Hereafter we shall assume this condition is satisfied, i. e., a<1. Next we shall determine * by solving the equation (38) and the boundary conditions (34a) and (35a). Since this system is a linear homogeneous simultaneous algebraic equations for (Z1, Z2, •••, ZN-1), we have (N-1) eigenvalues and corresponding eigensolutions. If we put (42) to be (37) (43) (38) (44) Here (i*) is the separation constant and we must determine its value by solving (38) together with the boundary conditions. Before determining the values of (i*) we shall consider the equation (37) which expresses the relation between the amplification rate and the separation constant. The two roots of A that satisfy the equation (37) are given as ; (39) where time. It is marked that if the physical wave is damping, the associated computational wave is amplifying. Now the problem of stability is passed to determining * by solving (38) with the boundary conditions. At first we shall ignore the boundaries or equivalently we assume that the domain is infinite. In this case the solution of (38) is the condition (34a) is satisfied. Inserting (42) into (38)., we see that the equation (38) is satisfied, if (36) Then 155 (40) The first root *l corresponds to the solution of the differential equation, while the second root expresses the computational mode in The alternative in (43) and (44) is significant and hereafter we shall take former pair. The last requirement is the boundary dition at the point N. If we impose boundary condition (35a) for not the conthe (45) we get the following relations ; sin pN= 0 sin pN=i (I) sin p (N-1) sin pN=2i sin p (N-1) +sin p (N-2) (II) (46) (III) From (46) we get a set of the solution for p. Then we can determine * by (43) and finally * which determines the stability of the computational scheme. 156 Journal of the Meteorological It is remarked that we will get a set of discrete eigenvalues as solutions of(46), while we got a continuous spectrum for p and *, in the case of the infinite domain and also in the case of semi-infinite domain treated in the previous section. For the condition (46) (I), the solutions are easily obtained as ; (47) We have (N-1) eigenvalues of p and w. Clearly in this case the all eigenvalues of p and consequently corresponding values of * are real. Namely all normal modes are neutral oscillations and, therefore the scheme is stable. For the other two cases (46) is difficult to be dealt with. It is clear, however, that the eigenvalues of p that satisfy (46) (II) and (III) are complex numbers. Then we have complex numbers as the eigenvalues of *. In this situation the absolute value of either of the two roots, *l=ei* and *2= -e-i*0, becomes larger than unity, and we have amplifying oscillations as normal modes. According to Platzman the real part of (i*) is negative, therefore the latter root, *2= -e-i*, which corresponds to the computational mode of solutions, has the absolute value larger than unity. So it is concluded that, the scheme becomes unstable if the boundary condition (II) or (III) in (35) is used. The above discussions are the outline of the theory developed by Platzman (1954). In the previous section we treated the same system of equations and conditions as (38) and (35a), but we did not impose the inflow boundary condition, (34a). We considered that the domain was semi-infinite. As a consequence, the problem to determine p was trivial and we had continuous spectrum ; 0 < p < *, and *=sin p. Our problem was to determine the eigensolution belonging to those *'s. In analogy with the mathematical treatment of the waves, we may consider that Platzman got the solutions of standing waves in a bounded medium, whereas we obtained the solutions of progressive waves and discussed their reflection at the one end of semi-infinite medium. Society of Japan Vol. 44, No. 2 In the actual numerical integrations, the domain is always bounded and it seems that we should treat the problem as Platzman did. In principle, any distributions of variables and their evolutions could be expressed as superpositions of the normal modes. In practical point of view, however, the description of the behaviours of boundary errors in terms of the normal modes seems to be inadequate. Because the process we are dealing with is the local and transient phenomenon confined near the boundary and taking place in a relatively short period in time. As demonstrated in the previous sections, the boundary errors are the waves of computational mode, which are excited at the outflow boundary and propagate back into the domain. Therefore, in a short integration period, in which the generated error waves do not invate the domain so far from the boundary point, we may treat the problem ignoring the effect of the finiteness of the domain. In this case the estimation of boundary errors in terms of reflection rate will be more adequate. If we carry out a very long term integration on the finite domain, the retrogressive error wave will reach the upstream boundary and the secondary reflection will occur. After some cycles of such repeated reflection between the two boundaries take place, the standing oscillation will develop. If we treat the problem under such conditions, the analyses in terms of normal mode oscillations will be significant. Acknowledgments The author expresses his sincere gratitudes to Prof. S. Syono, for his guidance and encouragements throughout this work. This work was accomplished as a part of the author's doctoral thesis under his guidance. The author is deeply indebted to Dr. K. Miyakoda, who gave him many valuable suggestions. Thanks are due to Dr. T. Nitta for his stimulative discussions and for giving the author many information on his results of numerical computations. Thanks are extended to Miss Onozuka and to Mr. Y. Fujiki for type-writing the manuscripts and for drawing the figures. April 1966 T. Matsuno References Miyakoda, K., 1662: Contribution to the numerical weather prediction-Computation with finite difference-Japanese Journ. Geophys. 3, No. 1, 76-190. Nitta, T., 1962: The outflow boundary condition in numerical time integration of advective equations. J. meteor. Soc. Japan, 40, 13-24. Phillips, N.A., 1960: Numerical weather prediction, Advances in computers edited by F.L. Alt, Vol. 157 1, Academic Press, New York, 43-91, pp. 316. Platzman, G.W., 1954: The computational stability of boundary conditions in numerical integration of the vorticity equation. Archiv fur Meteor. Geophys. Bioklim., A7, 29-40. 1958: The lattice structure , of the finitedifference primitive and vorticity equations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 86, 285-292. Wurtele, M.G., 1961: On the problem of truncation error. Tellus, 13, 379-391. 移 流 型 方 程 式 お よ び プ リ ミテ ィヴ 方 程 式 の 数 値 解 を 求 め る 際, 境 界 条 件 に よ って 生 ず る誤 差 松 野 太 郎 東京大学理学部地球物理学教 室 微 分 方 程 式 を 差分 近 似 で解 く際,一 階微 分 を 中央 差 分 で お きか え る と,差 分 方 程 式 と し て は 二 階 とな り余 分 の 自 由 度 を生 じ る。 この た め微 分 方 程 式 の 解 に 収 束 す る解 の 他 に,差 分 式 の場 合 に の み存 在 す る 解(computational modes) が現 わ れ る。 移流 型 方 程 式 や プ リ ミテ ィ ヴ方 程 式 に お い て,空 間 微 分 のみ を 中央 差分 近 似 を と った もの に つ い て,空 間 のcomputational modesに つ い て検 討 して み た。 れ らの方 程 式 の波 動 解 を 求 め る と一 定 の 振 動 数 に 対 し て本 来 は ひ とつ 決 ま るべ き波 数 が2つ 対 に な って存 在 し,互 に 補 角 を な す。 波 長 が4グ も たず,そ リッ ド以下 の 波 は 対 応 す る真 の解 を の伝 播 速 度 は 位 相 速 度 でみ る 限 りは,単 に値 が小 さ くな るだ け だ が,群 速 度 を と って み る と逆 向 き に な っ て い る。 した が って 移 流 型方 程 式 で は,4グ リッ ド以下 の 波 長 の波 は 流 れ に逆 らっ て動 く。 尚 従 来 の 議論 は 多 く時 間 微 分 を 中央 差 分 で近 似 した 時 の 問 題 に 向 け られ,そ れ に よ っ て逆 進 す る波 の存 在 と解 釈 し てい る が こ れ は 正 確 で な い。 移 流 型 方 程 式 と有 限 領域 で 積 分 す る時,流 出 点 で 計 算 上 の境 界 条 件 を課 す るが,こ れ に よ っ て 真 の 解 と同 じ振 動 数 の計 算上 の 解 が 励 起 され る。 これ は 波 束 と して は 流 れ に 逆 ら っ て動 くの で 流 出点 か ら内部 に伝 わ り誤 差 を 生 ず る。 この反 射 波 の 振 幅 とい ろい ろの 境 界 条 件 に つ い て吟 味 した 所,一 般 に1次 の外 挿 を す る と反 射率 は tan(l+1)p/2と る事 が 示 され る。(pは な 入 射 波 の波 数)。 次 に 同 様 に し て プ リ ミテ ィヴ方 程 式 に つ い て,重 力 波 が 固 体 壁 に あ た る過 程 を 差分 近 似 した 時 の 波 の 振 舞 を調 べ てみ た。 単 純 な 中 央 差 分 を と る とや は り余分 の境 界 条 件 が 必 要 と な り,こ の た め 物 理 的 反射 波 と共 に 計 算 上 の反 射 波 が で き る。 三 種 の代 表 的 境 界条 件 につ い て そ れ ぞ れ の 反 射 率 を 求 め た 所,或 界 条 件 に対 し て は計 算 上 の反 射 率 が1を い る結果 は Platzman (1954)に こえ るが,別 る境 の条 件 で は,計 算上 の反 射 波 は全 然生 じな い。本 論 で得 られ て よ っ て得 られ た 結 論 と一 見 矛 盾 す る点 を含 む の でそ の点 につ い て 考 察 した。
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