Newsletter February 2013 Vol.8 賛助会員の皆様への活動状況報告 Activity Report for TAIST - Tokyo Tech Supporting Members 東京工業大学 TAIST 運営委員会 TAIST Steering Committee, Tokyo Institute of Technology Five Important Events of TAIST-Tokyo Tech on 28 August, 2012 2012 年 8 月 28 日に 5 つの記念行事を実施 1) The Second Phase Inauguration 第 2 フェーズ開始式 His Excellency Mr. Seiji Kojima, Ambassador of Japan, Dr. Somchai Tiamboonprasert, Science and Technology Counselor, Ministry of Science and Technology Thailand, the executives from Tokyo Institute of Technology and the Thai partner universities joined the Second Phase Inauguration of TAIST-Tokyo Tech held at Sirindhorn Science Home, National Science and Technology Development Agency. 在タイ日本国大使館から小島誠二特命全権大使、タイ国科学技術省からソムチャイ・テ ィアンブーンプラサート科学技術参事官、そして東工大及びタイのパートナー大学からの ゲストにご参加頂き、NSTDA 内シリントン・サイエンス・ホームにて TAIST- Tokyo Tech 第 2 フェーズ開始式を開催しました。 -1- HE Mr.Seiji Kojima Ambassador of Japan Prof.Dr.Mishima & Dr.Thaweesak **************** exchange MOU VIP Guests ******************************************************************************* 2) The Launch of the new Program on “Advanced and Sustainable Environmental Engineering” 新プログラム”Advanced and Sustainable Environmental Engineering”(環境工学) 開設 Prof. Dr. Masaaki Suzuki, VIP Guests Tokyo Tech Asst. Prof. Dr. Prompilai Buasuwan, Kasetsart University TAIST-Tokyo Tech completed the First Phase of five years during 2007-2011 with two interesting programs; ―Automotive Engineering (AE)‖ and ―Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems (ICTES)‖. In 2012 TAIST-Tokyo Tech launched a new program in ―Advanced and Sustainable Environmental Engineering (EnvE)‖ as an additional part of the Second Phase. Kasetsart University (KU), Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology,Thammasat University (SIIT) will take charge of this program. TAIST- Tokyo Tech は、AE(自動車工学)プログラム、ICTES(組込情報システム)プ ログラムの第 1 フェーズ(2007 年度‐2011 年度)の第 1 フェーズに続き、第 2 フェーズ には新たなプログラムとなる EnvE(環境工学)プログラムを開設。カセサート大学、タ マサート大学シリントーン国際工学部がこのプログラムを担当します。 ******************************************************************************* 3) Graduation Ceremony 2011 Academic Year. 2011 年度修了式 -2- This is the fourth graduation ceremony held during the first phase of TAIST-Tokyo Tech. There were 33 students graduating in 2012: 15 graduates from the Automotive Engineering (AE) program and 18 graduates from the Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems (ICTES) program. Five graduates have already completed their Japan on scholarship and two other graduates are preparing to fly to Japan. TAIST- Tokyo Tech の第 4 年目の今年度修了式を開催しました。AE プログラムから 15 名、 ICTES プログラムから 18 名が卒業しました。この中で、既に 5 名が奨学金を得て日本で の博士課程に進学しており、また 2 名が日本への渡航準備中です。 Prof.Dr.Mishima Y. Tokyo Tech Assoc.Prof.Dr.Thanaruk T. SIIT, TU Assoc.Prof.Dr.Anantawat K. KMITL Asst.Prof.Dr.Prompilai B. KU Representatives from each of the participating universities offered their congratulations to the graduates and wished them success in whichever career path they chose to follow. They expressed their commitment to the program and said how honored they were to be part of TAIST-Tokyo Tech program and play a role in producing many talented, capable and knowledgeable graduates. 各大学は卒業生に向けの祝辞で、「どのような進路を選んでもそれぞれの道での成功、明 るい未来を掴むこと」を願いました。また、各大学とも TAIST- Tokyo Tech の一員である ことを誇りに思い、多くの優秀な、知識に長けた卒業生を送り出していることを誇りに思 っていることを強調しています。 Junior’s performance on stage Besides granting of certificate to all new graduates, TAIST Juniors gave a surprise performance on stage. They sang a song titled ―To the brave dreamer‖ with musical accompaniment. 全修了生に修了証を授与したあと、TAIST の後輩たちはひそかに準備していたパフォーマ ンスを修了生に手向けました。後輩たちは、「To the brave dreamer」という曲を楽器を弾 きながら歌い、更に代表者からは祝福のスピーチが送られました。 ******************************************************************************* -3- 4) JOB FAIR 2012 ジョブフェアー2012 TAIST-Tokyo Tech organized a JOB FAIR for the second year in a row. Dr. Omjai Saimek, NSTDA Vice President presided over the event as Chairman. The JOB FAIR had the support of five companies and was attended not only TAIST graduates but also by students from outside NSTDA. There were more than 60 participants in the JOB Fair 今年、TAIST- Tokyo Tech は 2 回目となるジョブフェアーを開催。NSTDA 副長官であるオ ムチャイ氏のあいさつにより幕を開けました。今年は 5 社の賛助会員企業の皆様にご参加 いただき、TAIST 修了生だけでなく、NSTDA 外からも学生が参加し、60 名以上の参加者 となりました。ご参加頂いた企業の皆様には心よりお礼申し上げます。 Companies supporting the JOB FAIR: 1. Akebono Brake Co., Ltd 2. The ISUZU Group Foundation 3. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 4. Nissan Motor Asia Pacific Co. Ltd. (NMAP) 5. PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited (PTTGC) -4- Background on new graduates will be provided to participating companies in the future. ―TAIST-Tokyo Tech still continued to provide qualified graduates for all supporting companies.‖ ******************************************************************************* 5) Advanced and Sustainable Environment Seminar 環境工学プログラム開講セミナー This seminar marked the launch of a new program of TAIST-Tokyo Tech. and attracted more than 70 participants. TAIST-Tokyo Tech would like to express its sincere thanks to Asst. Prof. Jukkrit Mahujchariyawong, Prof. Dr. Masaaki Suzuki, Dr. Kittinan Annanon, Dr. Lily Eurwilaichitr, Dr.cSornthep Vannarat and Dr. Kajornsak Faungnawakij who participated as key experts representing KU, Tokyo Tech, MTEC, BIOTEC, NECTEC, NANOTEC respectively. このセミナーは TAIST- Tokyo Tech の新たなプログラムの開講を 記念として行われました。また、環境に関する貴重な研究情報を関 連機関と共有することも目的としています。 TAIST- Tokyo Tech 環境工学プログラムの学生及び緑土に興味のある研究者など 70 名以 上が参加。セミナーで講演してくださった、皆様に感謝いたします。 ******************************************************************************* -5- Congratulations to the 2012 Graduates ! 2012 年度卒業生 祝・卒業 Automotive Engineering (AE) Program: 15 graduates: 14 graduates from King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang and 1 graduate from KMUTT 自動車工学(AE)プログラム: 修了生 15 名:KMITL14 名、KMUTT1 名 Name : Mr.Chavalit Jaroenrat Class : First entering AE class, KMITL Personal message: I’m very glad to graduate from the TAIST program. I didn’t expect to graduate within 2 years because of the challenge of studying while continuing to work full time. . Fortunately, I received great support from my professors (Prof. Hanamura and Assoc. Prof. Pongjet). They gave me the guidance which allowed me to overcome many obstacles. I would like to say thank you very much to my professors and everybody in the TAIST program. Research topic: Transient thermal characteristics of automotive coil spring in walking beam type heating furnace. Name : Mr. Tiwagorn Pudpong Class : First entering AE class, KMITL Personal message: I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Surat Areerat, Dr. Wuttipong Rungseesuntivanon, Prof. Isao Satoh and Assoc.Prof. Takushi Saito for their helpful guidance, suggestion, and encouragement throughout this study. I really appreciate the TAIST program which provided me with a full scholarship for studying in the Masters program. Furthermore, I would like to thank CH. Radiators and CH. Industry Companies for providing financial support for my research. Finally I would like to thank all of my teachers, colleagues and others whose names are not mentioned here, for their help and kindness. A special word of thanks goes to the staff at, Tokyo Tech. Thank you very much indeed. Research topic: Instruction media of digital Circuit Simulation by Circuit maker. -6- Name : Mr. Jenwit Soparat Class : First entering AE class, KMITL Personal message: TAIST Tokyo-Tech Program provided me not only knowledge but also experience and inspiration. Research topic: Development of Liquid Cooling System for an Induction Motor. Name : Mr.Wittawat Imerb Class : First entering AE class, KMITL Personal message: First of all I would like to thank those responsible for creating this program Thailand and for the cooperation of NSTDA, Tokyo tech and KMITL who provided a wonderful opportunity, excellent lecturers and support. This program allowed me to gain valuable knowledge and practical experience in automotive manufacturing from a major automotive production base, an opportunity that would be difficult to find elsewhere. Research topic : Cold Start Characteristics of an Ethanol Engine Name : Mr.Winit Jaiboon Class : First entering AE class, KMITL Personal message: First, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my advisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jarruwat Charoensuk and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seiji Okawa who have supported me throughout my thesis. I attribute the level of my master degree to their encouragement and effort and without their support, my thesis would not have been completed. I really appreciate the TAIST program which provided me with a full scholarship for studying in the Masters program. Furthermore, I am very thankful to CH. Watanayont. Co., Ltd. and CH. Auto Parts. Co., Ltd. for providing financial support for my research. My sincere thanks go to all of my teachers, colleagues and others whose names are not mentioned here, for their help and kindness. A special thanks to the staff at, Tokyo Tech. Research topic : Numerical Investigation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Louver-Fin Radiator Name : Mr.Patin Pongkacha Class : First entering AE class, KMITL Personal message: I was extremely pleased that I graduated from the Automotive Program of TAIST-Tokyo Tech. This program allowed me to gain advanced knowledge, particularly about new automotive technologies being developed in Japan which was provided by my Japanese lecturers. In addition, I also met with very friendly staff and had great support from outstanding I feel confident that this program will help m achieve great success in the future. Research topic : Knock Control For Diesel Dual Fuel Engine -7- Name : Mr. Khemmachat Rungsawat Class : First entering AE class, KMITL Personal message: This thesis could not be completed without the assistance of many people to whom I would like to express my sincere appreciation. First, I would like to sincerely thank my advisor, Dr. Subongkoj Topaiboul and Dr. Nuwong Chollacoop, Bioenergy Laboratory at MTEC, who gave me many helpful suggestions, useful advice and fruitful discussions during the undertaken research. I would also like to sincerely thank Asst. Prof. Dr. Chinda Charoenphonphanich and Dr. Preechar Karin, KMITL, for their kind advice and assistance, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kunio Takahashi for suggestions regarding test conditions. Moreover, I would like to express my gratitude to the National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC), especially the Bioenergy Laboratory for providing the laboratory equipment and instruments as well as financial support. I am grateful to NSTDA for providing me with a full scholarship for studying this Masters program. Special thanks go to MTEC Bioenergy Laboratory’s members and other MTEC staffs for helping me during the experiment. Finally, I am very grateful to my family for all of their love, caring, understanding and motivation throughout my life. Research topic: Study of use NGV for boat vehicle Name : Mr. Nattawut Nakkaew Class : First entering AE class, KMITL Personal message: Many people and institutions have been a great inspiration and help to me. First, I would like to thank the professors from Tokyo-Tech and KMITL who were so generous in sharing their extensive knowledge about the automotive field. I would also like to thank my Japanese and Thai advisors for guiding me through research. In addition, I would express my appreciation to the researchers at NSTDA for not only providing a work place but also for providing suggestions while I was studying in the Masters program.. Finally, I extend a special thanks to the Tokyo-Tech office staff and KMITL staff for their support. Research topic : Performance of Heavy Duty Engine: Case Study on Control of Starting of Fuel Delivery Timing Name : Mr.Worawat Parasil Class : Fourth entering AE class, KMUTT Personal message: In my opinion, TAIST-Tokyo Tech is not only an academic program but source of intellectual inspiration on friendship. I received a very high quality degree while working with some wonderful colleagues. Research topic: Influence of casting parameters and heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of THIXOCAST components. -8- Name : Mr.Prasit Wattanawongsakun Class : First entering AE class, KMITL Personal message: Everyone in TAIST and NSTDA have given me great support helpful (Professor, Adviser, Co-adviser, MTEC Laboratory’s Staff, TAIST’s Staff and friend). This course provided the full scholarship for studying and good work opportunities. This is a great course. Research topic : Effects of biodiesel combustion product on engine wear performance of lubricant Name : Mr.Mongkon Kananont Class : First entering AE class, KMITL Personal message: Since I have studied in this program, TAIST Tokyo Tech, I found that it is a good program that I can get more knowledge. For the staffs, they are very friendly and made me feel comfortable. Although I sometimes had to go to study at Ladkrabang but that was not too difficult to go there because my friends helped me about that. For the professors, they gave me well both suggestions and knowledge that made me feels better for studying here. For doing research, here there are whole set of instruments and the instruments are modern that is an advantage for doing research well. Finally, TAIST Tokyo Tech is the program that helped me grow up and be strong in the academic field and work. Because of that reasons, I feel appreciative and would like to show gratitude all of people who supported this good program. Thank you very much. Research topic : Effect of Biodiesel fuel on direct injection diesel engine Name : Mr.Piyabootr Ornman Class : Second entering AE class, KMITL Personal message: This program is very interesting for me. Not only the technical knowledge but also the learning culture. It has also giving me the chance to develop my technical practice and research skills with great encouragement, support and kind advice from my Japanese Professors. From this program I have learn that every problem can be solved easily and more exciting if it is investigated in accordance with the right research methodology. That makes me happy and leads me to pursue further information and knowledge. In my experiences during this program, I had a great opportunity to propose my work in Japan (JSAE conference). At that time, it’s very exciting and impressing for me. More novel technology and excellent investigation method are very attractive and I also had a good chance to exchange experiences. Research topic : Experimental investigation in combustion characteristics of Ethanol – Gasoline blends for stratified charge engine via constant volume combustion chamber -9- Name : Mr.Teerawut Reungkiattikul Class : First entering AE class, KMITL Personal message: I am deeply indebted to Asst. Prof. Dr. Monsak Pimsarn and Prof. Kajiwara Itsuro and I would like to give my special thanks for all teachers’ help, stimulating suggestions and encouragement enabled me to complete this study. I am also bound to Tokyo tech staff that supports me along the way. I have further more to thank Automotive Engineering class at King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang for valued data in field of my study. I would like to acknowledge CH. Autopart Co.,Ltd. and all my colleague who have provided the support and equipment I have needed to produce and complete study, moreover, TAIST program which furnished the full scholarship to study in Master Degree. I attribute the level of my Master Degree to all those who gave me the possibility to complete this study together with who are not mention here. Especially thanks for unequivocal support throughout, as always, for which my mere expression of thanks likewise dose not suffice. Research topic : Topology and Topography optimization of a lower control arm Name : Mr.Ratchaphon Tangnopphapaton Class : Second entering AE class, KMITL Personal message: I am proud to graduate from Automobile Engineering program at TAIST-Tokyo Tech. This program is great because of the excellent professors from Japan and Thailand and also because of the access I had to good lab facilities. All professors were friendly and give advice to me for research. Finally, I would like to thank NSTDA for their financial support, all professors who helped me to succeed in my Master’s thesis and TAIST-Tokyo Tech for providing the excellent program in Automotive Engineering. Research topic : Absorption Refrigeration cycle Name : Mr. Jittrabhanu Lamlerttham Class : Third entering AE class, KMITL Personal message: First, I would like to sincerely thank the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) for providing me with a full scholarship to study in the Masters program. I would also like to thank you to TAIST Tokyo Tech for giving me the opportunity to join this program. I have enjoyed studying and learning from this course. This program gives me many good skills and useful knowledge. I gained a great experience from studying with Japanese professors. I also obtained important knowledge and experience through my research. Moreover, I appreciate the kind support from the staffs who gave so much of their time, and I am grateful to my advisors and laboratory’s members for their kindness and kindly suggestions. Finally I would like to thank my seniors, juniors and dear friends for their warm friendship and understanding. Research topic : Tungsten Injection Molding for Automotive Application - 10 - Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems (ICTES) Program; 18 graduates students: 11 graduates from KU and 7 graduates from SIIT 組込情報システム(ICTES)プログラム: 修了生 18 名:KU11 名、SIIT7名 Name: Mr.Pairoj Kajoijilertsakul Class: second entering ICTES class, KU Personal message: I very much appreciate that TAIST-Tokyo Tech provided me an opportunity to participate in this program. I now have a much wider view and have gained some excellent experience and knowledge with the support of my Japanese professors. Research topic: Modeling an Existing 500kv Transmission Line Based on PSCAB/EMTDC for Numerical Fault Calculation, Detection and Classification Name : Mr.Techaniti Chantakien Class : Second entering ICTES class, KU Personal message: Thank you for the educational opportunities which will ultimately benefit me and society as a whole. Research topic : Automatic X-Y Position Controlled by Microcontroller Name : Mr.Tossaporn Srisooksai Class : Second entering ICTES class, KU Personal message: For me, TAIST Tokyo Tech was never about the academic institution providing a master's degree. It was a guidance point, an experience in my scientific research which I will use to adjust my long-term trajectory, to learn about myself and discover what is important to me as a future researcher. Research topic : The study of ultrasonic wave for non destructive inspection on metal welds Name : Mr.Panithan Ballungpattama Class : Second entering ICTES class, SIIT Personal message: Finally, I have finished the Masters Degree. Thank you everyone who has spent time with me during the last few years. To those who have read this message, hold your goal tightly, be strong and keep going. You will eventually reach it no matter how long it takes or how difficult it will be. Research topic : A Consonant-only Thai Input Method for Smart phones - 11 - Name : Mr.Suthum Keerativittayanun Class : Second entering ICTES class, SIIT Personal message: Team work, friendship, sociality and many good things that I enjoyed as part of the TAIST program. Thank you to our professors, the kindly friends and the TAIST environment. It is one of the great moments in my life. Research topic: 3D Scan of a color object using a color structured light pattern. Name : Mr.Thanin Amnuaiphon Class : Second entering ICTES class, SIIT Research topic : Estimation of Tatal air Charge into Engine Manifold using Artificial Neural Networks Name : Ms.Pimolluck Jirakunkanok Class : Second entering ICTES class, SIIT Personal message: I think this has been a very good experience to be able to pursue courses from both Japanese professors and Thai professors who come from renowned universities. I gratefully thank all my professors for sharing their experience and knowledge. I would also like to extend my thanks to all of the staff for their help. Research topic : A Study on Preprocessing and Recognition Technique for Online Thai Cursive Handwriting Recognition Name : Ms.Pimnapa Atsawintrangkul Class : Third entering ICTES class, SIIT Personal message: I think it was very wonderful to me to study in this program. I have gained huge knowledge in many fields from both Thai and Japanese professors. Thus, I would like to express my gratitude to all professors for sharing their knowledge and I would like to extend my thanks to all of staff for their very kind support. Research topic : A statistical- and rule-based method for chunking verbal units in Thai text - 12 - Name : Mr.Parinya Siritawawan Class : Third entering ICTES class, SIIT Personal message: Research is subtle and requires an enormous effort to achieve breakthroughs, where no one has been before. With the great support from the top universities and research institutes, this program is a great crucible of sharpening your knowledge and creativity. It is my pleasure of graduating this program and having a chance to continue my professional research in Japan. If you want to broaden your chance in professional career, this program is highly recommended. Research topic : A Real-time Object Tracking Approach Name : Ms.Thitiya Phanchaipetch Class : Third entering ICTES class, SIIT Personal message: This program is really good. We learned many things from this program and all professors and lecturers are experts. New technologies about embedded systems in Thailand and Japan were introduced in this program. We also learned about Japanese culture from Japanese professors. Moreover, it’s a good opportunity to continue on to a Ph.D. Last but not least, I would like to thank my advisor, co-advisor, thesis committee, my seniors and my friends (ICTES #3) for their encouragement, insightful comments and their important support throughout the past 2 years. Research topic : Area Attraction Recommendation System on Smart phones Name : Mr.Phiranuphon Meksiarun Class : Third entering ICTES class, KU Personal message: The past 2 years I spent in ICTES program was such a great experience in my life. It is almost impossible to express my feelings in words since there are too many of them. Anyway, these few words of mine may represent how I really feel; complicated/ nervous/ panic/ stressful/ drunk/ excited/ friend/bizzarre/jolly/amazed/astonishing/helpful/supportive/compassionate/memo rable. To anyone reading this, if you still cannot make up your mind, don’t hesitate to grab the application form, fill it all and prepare for the experience that you won't regret. Research topic : The determination of glucose concentration by using Near Infrared spectroscopy - 13 - Name : Mr.Piti Auearunyawat Class : Third entering ICTES class, KU Personal message: Two years in this program is my precious moment. I have gained new knowledge and new friends. Thanks all advisors for a lot of good advice. Research topic : Nitrogen Estimation in Sugarcane Leaf Using Image Processing Techniques Name : Ms.Surangrak Sutiworawan Class : Third entering ICTES class, KU Personal message: Thanks for everything! Research topic : Automatic System Configuration Management System Name : Ms.Rattikar Punviset Class : Third entering ICTES class, KU Personal message: In my opinion, I am very happy in this program. ICTES program allowed me to learn about embedded systems and provided me with new experience. Research topic : The positioning system by using mobile phone Name : Mr.Garn Wungkobkiat Class : Third entering ICTES class, KU Personal message: Not only new experience, new friends, new colleagues and new gang. Everything we do together made us more than that. I have found new family here. Research topic : Paper-based Electrocardiogram Classification Algorithm Name : Mr.Vichao Seanghiranwathana Class : Third entering ICTES class, KU Research topic: Robust Feature-Based Video Stabilization With Panning Movement Support - 14 - Name : Mr.Ratchawit Sirisommai Class : Third entering ICTES class, KU Personal message: Just like they say, time sure flies. Overwhelmed by many challenges I never encountered before, two years of my study at ICTES Program finally passed with success. Beside unquestionable quality of education offered by this program, what I value most are those time spent with my friends here. Through thick or thin, I find myself being able to move forward because of the positive support from my friends and advisors. I’m pretty sure I’ll be missing fond memories of the time I spent here for the rest of my life. Research topic : ICT E-Dress Code System Name : Mr.Sakharin Buachan Class : Third entering ICTES class, KU Personal message: That day seems like yesterday, the day I decided to join this program. I still wonder how two years in the program has made for so many memories. Kindness of sensei, generosity of professors, heedfulness of staffs and friendship from students are benefits we never found from others. I would like to thank you all for the very best experience in both the education and support. Two years is not just the normal time like it has been before, but it is the inspiration to use these earnings for a better future. Research topic: Background Subtraction using an Active Contour Model. Congratulations on your graduation! ******************************************************************************* - 15 - Automotive Engineering Program (10 students from KMITL, 5 students from KMUTT) 自動車工学プログラム (KMITL 所属 10 名、KMUTT 所属 5 名) Sixth AE class Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems Program (11 students from KU, 13 students from SIIT, TU) 組込情報システムプログラム (KU 所属 11 名、SIIT 所属 13 名) Fifth ICTES class - 16 - Advanced and Sustainable Environmental Engineering Program (25 students from KU) 環境工学プログラム (KU 所属 25 名) First EnvE class ******************************************************************************* TAIST-Tokyo Tech laboratory visit 1) BEC laboratory visit On 7 September 2012, EnvE students from the 1st batch visited the Biochemical Engineering and Pilot Plant Research and Development Unit (BEC), under the cooperative program between the National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), NSTDA and King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT). The Unit serves as a center for research and development in biochemical engineering and pilot plant design, with a strong emphasis on applications suitable to local industrial needs. 2012 年 9 月 7 日、環境工学プログラム第 1 期生は、The Biochemical Engineering and Pilot Plant Research and Development Unit (BEC)を訪問しました。この BEC は、NSTDA の The National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC)及び KMUTT との共 同プログラムの指揮下にあります。このユニットは、様々な研究を自国産業ニーズに合わ せた応用に強く着目し、生物化学工学やパイロットプラントデザインの研究開発の中心と して機能しています。 - 17 - For more information, please visit the website: The Biochemical Engineering and Pilot Plant Research and Development Unit (BEC) Contact person: Dr. Sunun Siriraksophon E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +662 4707 544 ******************************************************************************* 2) Cassava and Starch Technology Research Unit Visit On 19 September 2012, Cassava and Starch Technology Research Unit welcomed a visit of EnvE students led by Assoc. Prof. Thongchai Srinophakun, Director of Advanced and Sustainable Environmental Engineering Program. 2012 年 9 月 19 日、キャッサバ・スターチ技術研究ユニットに、Thongchai 准教授(環境 工学プログラム長)率いる環境工学プログラムの学生による訪問を歓迎頂きました。 Assoc. Prof. Klanarong Sriroth, Director of the Cassava and Starch Technology Research Unit together with Dr. Kuakoon Piyachomkwan, Dr.Sunee Chotineeranat and Dr. Jackapon Sunthornvarabhas explained the research work and gave a tour of Cassava and Starch Technology Research Unit research facilities. The Cassava and Starch Technology Research Unit was established in 1995 through the cooperation of various government agencies, including the National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), Kasetsart University and private sector bodies such as the Thai Tapioca Development Institute (TTDI). The unit is located at the Kasetsart Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Product Improvement Institute (KAPI), Kasetsart University (Bangkaen) - 18 - キャッサバ・スターチ技術研究ユニット長である Klanarong Sriroth 准教授は、Dr. Kuakoon Piyachomkwan, Dr.Sunee Chotineeranat や Dr. Jackapon Sunthornvarabhas と共に研究 活動について説明するとともに、ユニット施設の見学ツアーを実施してくださいました。 このユニットは BIOTEC を初めとする様々な政府機関、カセサート大学や Thai Tapioca Development Institute (TTDI)などの企業との連携を通じて設立されました。 Research Activities The unit has four research areas categorized as follows: 1) Characterization of Cassava and Starch Properties 2) Technology Improvements in the Starch Manufacturing Process 3) Development of Starch Modification 4) Industrial Application of Cassava and Starch In addition, The Cassava and Starch Technology Research Unit is collaborating with CIRAD (Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement), a French research center working with developing countries to tackle international agricultural and development issues. Dr.Thierry TRAN, Food processing & Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) team explained the research work and discussed with EnvE students. また、キャッサバ・スターチ技術研究ユニットは途上国と共に国際的な農業、開発問題 に取り組むフランスの研究センターCIRAD と協力しています。Food processing & Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)チームの Thierry TRAN 博士は研究について説明し、学生との意見交 換をしてくださいました。 This visit was intended to introduce some of BIOTEC’s research activities to the students in order to help them select their laboratory and research topic. For more information, please visit the website: The Cassava and Starch Technology Research Unit Contact person: Dr.Sunee Chotineeranat E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +662 9405 634 ******************************************************************************* - 19 - 3)Thai Microelectronics Center (TMEC) TAIST students (ICTES) visited TMEC On 3 December 2012, TAIST students visit TMEC to learn more the research they are doing. 2012 年 12 月 3 日、TAIST の学生は TMEC(Thai Microelectronics Center)に、TMEC が行って いる研究とは何かを勉強するため、訪問しました。 About TMEC The Thai Microelectronics Center (TMEC) was approved by the Thai government on October 3, 1995 as an Integrated Circuit (IC) Fabrication R&D center. At first, the project of TMEC consists of clean room construction, IC fabrication line, and utilities. After the infrastructure was completed, TMEC was graciously opened by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn on April the 27th, 2004. TMEC は、集積回路製造の研究開発センターとして 1995 年 10 月 3 日に政府により認証さ れました。初めは、TMEC のプロジェクトはクリーンルーム建設、集積回路製造ラインや その他の設備の準備からプログラムが成り立っていました。こうしたインフラが整うと、 シリントーン皇女殿下が寛大にも 2004 年 4 月 27 日にオープンしてくださいました。 Currently, TMEC carries out research and development to create prototypes that can be commercialized such as, MEMS( Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) sensors and the integration of MEMS and sensors with CMOS IC. It also collaborates with local universities and organizations in microelectronic research activities. Apart from promoting Thailand’s electronic industry through research and development in all fields of microelectronics including nanotechnology, TMEC supports educational institutions and industries in microelectronics human resource development. Furthermore, TMEC aims to develop local microelectronic prototypes for industrial mass production and supports local IC designers, resulting in emerging IC design industries in Thailand. - 20 - 近年、TMEC は MEMS や MEMS センサー、CMOS IC を使用したセンサーといった商用 になりうるものの試作品制作、開発研究を実施しています。TMEC はまた、ミクロ電子工 学の研究活動において、地元の大学や機関とも協力しています。ナノテクノロジーを含む 全てのミクロ電子工学分野における研究開発を通じ、タイの電子産業を発展させることと は別に、TMEC は教育機関やミクロ電子工学に関連する産業の人材育成にも協力していま す。加えて、TMEC はタイにおける IC デザイン産業の向上のため、工業製品の国産ミク ロ電子工学プロトタイプや国内 IC デザイナーの開発を目的としています。 TMEC has the capability to carry out surface-micromachining and all standard IC processing with the minimum resolution of 0.5 m. TMEC foundry was originally designed for research and development purposes; it is small and versatile. This means that the customers will not be limited to pre-defined fabrication technologies and guarantees that process development is tailored for specific design requirements. On the other hand, the facility has more than enough capacity to produce a number of Si wafer lots annually, ensuring that TMEC will meet its customers’ small volume manufacturing demands. Furthermore, the team at TMEC has the expertise and a wide range of tools for measurement, testing, and analysis. This allows TMEC to conduct extensive studies on design/process technology choices as well as to identify and to overcome technical challenges normally encountered in device prototyping. TMEC Research Topics 1. Semiconductor processing technologies 2. MEMS technologies 3. Sensor technologies Contact information Thai Microelectronics Center (TMEC) E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +66(0)38 857 100-9 Website : ******************************************************************************* - 21 - 4) Seagate Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Group Photo at Seagate Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Mr.Wichak Phijaisanit, Senior Engineering Director, from Seagate Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (Middle) welcomed scholars from TAIST-Tokyo Tech program dated 17 October 2012. Seagate Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd のシニア・エンジニアリング・ディレクターであ る Mr. Wichak は、2012 年 10 月 17 日に TAIST 学生の訪問を受け入れてくださいました。 Global & Thailand Specific Operations Founded in 1979, Seagate is the leading provider of hard drives and storage solutions. From the videos, music and documents we share with friends and family on social networks, to servers that form the backbone of enterprise data centers and cloud-based computing, to desktop and notebook computers that fuel our personal productivity, Seagate products help more people store, share and protect their valuable digital content. Seagate’s Thailand operations include over 16,000 employees, with investments since 1989 in two locations, Teparuk and Korat. These two teams contribute to Seagate’s vertically integrated disc drive operations model and include head gimbal and head stack assembly, slider fabrication and drive operations. In the fiscal year which ended in June 2012, Seagate's Thailand operations registered export sales of U.S$ 3.4 billion. For more information, please visit This article was provided by Seagate Technology (Thailand) Ltd. Korat plant ******************************************************************************* - 22 - TAIST-Tokyo Tech Supporting Members (In order of membership application date) Nissan Technical Center South East Asia Co., Ltd. (NTCSEA) Fujikura Electronics (Thailand) Ltd. (FETL) ISUZU Group Foundation Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. (AGC) Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Akebono Brake Industry Co. Ltd. Toyota Motor Thailand Co., Ltd. IRPC Public Co., Ltd. PTT Global Chemical PCL. Theppratarn Kanrae Co., Ltd. Thai Caprolactam Public Co., Ltd. (UBE) Showa Denko K.K. Hitachi, Ltd. Acknowledgement of our supporting members: Akebono's brakes are widely used in various applications, such as passenger and commercial vehicles, motorcycles, rail vehicles and industrial machinery. Akebono Group considers safety to be the highest priority theme in our development, which helped us to achieve approximately 40% share of Japanese OEM disc brake market. As brake experts, we consider it as our mission to provide safety and braking that has the right feel, no matters the circumstances are. Akebono develops and evaluates friction materials and brake components that meet the needs of our customers. We are aiming at creating the ultimate next-generation brakes by continuously conceptualizing, designing, testing and evaluating new products and systems. We have set up R&D center in Japan, North America and Europe, and also emphasis on Southeast Asia. Akebono provides international internship program. Our program is designed to promote enhanced vocational perspectives among - 23 - students from around the world, introduce the company to potential new recruits to meet the demands of the company's global expansion, and allow a hands-on learning experience in renowned Japanese business practices. Interns participate in a variety of fields, including manufacturing, production engineering, purchasing, R&D, sales, corporate brand management and HR. This article was provided by AKEBONO’Brakes. Nissan Technical Center South East Asia (NTCSEA) established the business as Nissan Research and Development company since 2003 by Nissan Motor Co., Ltd (Japan) and became a part of Nissan Motor Asia Pacific Co., Ltd as R&D division in July 2011, located on Bangna-trad Road km.22, Samutprakarn province, approximately 20 kilometers apart from Suwannaphoom Airport. The main role and responsibility is to develop vehicles for ASEAN 5 manufacturing countries which consisted of Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam and covering ASEAN market over 10 countries through 4 main activities that are Part Localization, Cost Reduction, Vehicle/Part Quality improvement and Market requirement investigation in order to ensure that all specifications meet local market requirements of each country and the standard of Nissan. With experiences and cooperated from Nissan Motor (Japan) and Nissan Motor (Thailand), Nissan Sales and Market share in Thailand and ASEAN are rapidly increasing both in Passenger and Commercial vehicle by the successful of our main products that offer in Thailand and ASEAN-Nissan Teana, Sylphy, Tiida, Almera, March, X-Trail,Navara,etc. Contribution to the future society, future automotive industry are one of our focusing area, we are continuously cooperating with the government authorities and universities and keep good relationship for further ASEAN Automotive growth. NTCSEA committed to providing customers with high quality vehicle, and continues to expand our engineering capability and facilities in order to maintain and emphasize customer satisfaction in Thailand & ASEAN Automotive industry. This article was provided by NTCSEA. “We will continue to introduce other supporting companies in the following volumes of the TAIST Newsletter. - 24 - Column Appreciation for Thailand and Thai people by Professor Takashi Kitahara, Tokyo Institute of Technology Managing Director, Tokyo Tech Thailand Office 25 years of Relations with Thailand Relation between Thailand and I started in 1987 when I wished to work abroad. Twenty five years have passed since I was first stationed in Thailand for three years at an automotive company. It was at the time that companies started selling pick-up trucks installed with Direct Injection Diesel engines which had good reputation for unrivaled fuel economy and reliability / durability. The company was very active at that time just after the full model change had been done successfully. It was a valuable three years of experience for me to do product planning work, directly connected with marketing and sales, and I gained experience I could not have acquired in Japan. . Contribution to the society as a leading company And it was at that time that I first started to consider what I could contribute to Thailand and Thai people as an employee of one of the leading companies in the country. I was inspired to know that perhaps the only thing I could do personally with confidence was to transfer my engineering knowledge and experience to young Thai students or engineers. As a result my company could not be labeled as one of those companies only interested in sending their profits back to their home country. I made decision to contribute to Thailand and repay the people as well. “Automotive Engineering lecture” at Thai universities I had giving a lecture entitled ―Special Lecture: Automotive Engineering‖ and then had continued lecturing for as long as 12 years, even after returning to Japan. My goal was to teach how important and interesting it is to plan and create things for students at the universities such as Chulalongkorn, KMITL, Thammasat, Prince of Songkla, Chiangmai, Konkaen, Naresuan, Suranaree, Ubonrachathani. Joining the “TAIST-Tokyo Tech” program When I retired in 2002, I started thinking about other things. For a time, lecturing at universities in Japan on ―Automotive Engineering‖, Robotics‖ or public symposium featured with ―Traffic safety—Safe driving‖ were my voluntary jobs. From 2006, I started working again at the Tokyo Institute of Technology as a professor in charge of enhancing an international program called ―Thai Advanced Institute of Science and Technology- 25 - Tokyo Tech: TAIST-Tokyo Tech‖ Masters course program. This is a cooperative program with the National Science and Technology Development Agency, Tokyo Institute of Technology and a number of Thai universities who joined together to develop human resource capacity in the country. I became involved because of my previous experience in Thailand including teaching at Thai universities so I had some understanding of how to get things done effectively. Objective is higher level human resource development The course is planned and arranged so that students are able to be ―Industry-ready engineers‖ who have mastered essential and fundamental qualities and more advanced concepts necessary for planning stage and development stage as well. The ―Automotive engineering (AE)‖ Master course started in 2007, and the ―Information, Communication Technology and Embedded System (ICTES)‖ followed in 2008. A program on ―Environmental Engineering‖ was added in 2012 which also marked the beginning of Phase 2 for another five years. For the ―AE‖ course, professors who are expert on their specialty in Tokyo Tech, Japan, visit Thailand to give lectures in the first year, and to advise and guide students’ thesis in the second year. The lectures of the ―AE‖ course are given in English, and students are expected to attend full time. All the students are supported by this program with scholarship in the first and second year, and in the second year, they will undertake research as Research Assistants at NSTDA laboratories that enable them to pay tuition for the program course. In bachelor level education on AE, ―Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology: TNI‖ and several other universities aim for the same direction, and I expect that excellent students join in the TAIST course after they complete their Bachelors degree. Visiting schools for the children of Mountain People I would now like to introduce some of what I have been doing in my own time. I am very fortunate to have good friends in Thailand who help me enjoy and appreciate Thai culture. Every year I have been encouraged to visit and support schools for mountain people, located deep in the mountains of Chiang Mai province. We have visited several schools operated by Thai Border Patrol Police. Every school is located in the mountain area where it takes 5-6 hours from Chiang Mai city, and can be quite difficult to reach. .We have to travel along narrow and steep mountainous roads that can only accommodate small vehicles. Support education for children I was convinced that educational support was one of the most effective ways to contribute to Thailand, and to support children who have no access to compulsory education. - 26 - I consulted with Prof. Phulporn, a friend of mine for 20 years, and she advised me that there was a NGO called PBF (Phichani Bodharamik Foundation for Children and Old Age) which had been organized by professors at Chulalongkorn University, led by Dr. Phichani As a result, I made my mind up to become more involved with PBF. Donation for educating children There are many mountain people who have no chance to get an education and don’t know how to earn money even now. The Thai Government is working to give these people Thai citizenship, and the Thai government Border Patrol Police runs the schools for children. The parents of these children have to pay 1000 Baht to cover annual school expenses. I had heard that many of them could not go to school because they were not able to cover these expenses. This brought back memories of my own situation 65 years ago in Japan following the war when my family left Tokyo to avoid the bombing and moved to the country side. Despite these hardships I still had an opportunity to attend school. By contrast I felt the situation for the mountain people in Thailand was most unfair since they could not study. PBF understood that they needed computer for administrative and educational purposes, so they sought donations not only for computer equipment but for scholarships, teacher training and maintenance of the vocational schools.. How reflectively and adequately arranged, I respect it! I will never forget the faces of children who were so pleased by the scholarships, educational material, computers and many other gifts. I think I will continue my small contribution as far as I can. Takashi Kitahara Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology Managing Director, Tokyo Tech Thailand Office - 27 - 情報/General Information TAIST-Tokyo Tech 拠点/ Offices of TAIST-Tokyo Tech タイ国科学技術開発庁:NSTDA TAIST Tokyo Tech Office, National Science and Technology Development Agency 111 Thailand Science Park, Phaholyothin Road, Klong 1, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120 Ms. Chayanan: [email protected] Phone: 66-2-564-8017 FAX: 66-2-564-8019 Ms. Natcha: [email protected] Phone: 66-2-564-8018 FAX: 66-2-564-8019 Or email: [email protected] 東京工業大学タイオフィス:Tokyo Tech Office (Thailand) P-205 Thailand Science Park, 111 Phaholyothin Rd., Klong 1, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120 Phone: 66-2-564-8016 to 8018 FAX: 66-2-564-8019 Ms. Krittaya: mailto:[email protected] Ms. Samanan: mailto:[email protected] TAIST プログラム運営委員会構成/ Steering Committee for TAIST in Tokyo Tech 東京工業大学 TAIST 運営委員会 委員長 Chairman, Steering Committee for TAIST 副委員長・AE プログラム長 Vice Chairman/Head, AE Program ICTES プログラム長 Head, ICTES Program EnvE プログラム長 Head, EnvE Program BIO プログラム長 Head, BIO Program 西原明法 Prof. Dr. 花村克悟 Prof. Dr. 國枝博昭 Prof. Dr. 鈴木正昭 Prof. Dr. 三原久和 Prof. Dr. 教授 Akinori Nishihara 教授 Katsunori Hanamura 教授 Hiroaki Kunieda 教授 Masaaki Suzuki 教授 Hisakazu Mihara ニューズレター発行責任者/Newsletter Publisher 東京工業大学 国際室 E-mail: [email protected] International Office, Tokyo Institute of Technology 編集者: TAIST 運営委員会 委員長 西原明法 教授 Editor in chief: Prof. Akinori Nishihara, Chairman, Steering Committee for TAIST at Tokyo Tech スタッフ: TAIST 事務室 寺内亜希子 Editors: Ms. Akiko Terauchi, TAIST Coordinator at Tokyo Tech Ms. Chayanan Lurdjarupong, TAIST-Tokyo Tech Program Officer, Tokyo Tech Office Thailand/NSTDA - 28 -
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