22Y-03 第 14 回弥生研究会:放射線効果の解明と応用 主催者: 申請者: 開催日: 場 所: 勝村庸介(東大院工) 工藤久明(東大院工) 2011 年 3 月 9-10 日 東京大学弥生講堂一条ホール 1. 概要 平成 22 年度弥生研究会を平成 23 年 3 月 9-10 日に東大弥生講堂にて開催した。今回で 14 回目の開催となる。東大 GCOE プログラムの協力も得て「International Workshop on Radiation Effects in Nuclear Technology(日本語名:ワークショップ・原子力における放射線効果」と 題して開催した。原子力には必ず放射線が伴うことから原子炉や再処理システムに様々な 放射線効果が生じる。これらの放射線効果は多くの場合、システムの性能や健全性に悪影 響を与えることから、放射線効果に注意を払わねばならない。従って、放射線の誘起する 現象の理解は施設の健全性維持には欠くことのできない重要な課題である。このことから 原子力における放射線化学の責任、特に、将来どんな課題に寄与できるかを検討すること が重要となる。現在、どんな問題が議論されており、どんな実験成果が得られてきている か、講演と議論を通じて、この分野の将来について検討する機会とすることを目的とした。 2. 発表内容とプログラムは以下に示す。 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------研究会プログラム March 9, 2011 9:00-9:20【Opening】Prof. Yosuke Katsumura (Univ. of Tokyo) 9:20-11:00【Session 1: Radiation Chemistry relevant to Water Chemistry】 S1-1 Dr. Yoichi Wada (Hitachi) “Water radiolysis and its effect on structural materials integrity in boiling water reactors” S1-2 Dr. Mingzhang Lin (JAEA, Tokai) “Pulse radiolysis studies on water at elevated temperatures and supercritical water” S1-3 Dr. Yusa Muroya (Univ. of Tokyo) “Fast spur reaction processes of water radiolysis at high temperature / pressure conditions” S1-4 Dr. Gérard Baldacchino (CEA, Saclay) “Pulse radiolysis at elevated temperature, pressure and LET” 11:20-12:00【Plenary Talk】Emeritus Prof. Yoshihiko Hatano (Tokyo Institute of Tech.) “Charged particle and photon interactions with matter” 12:00-13:40【Lunch and Poster session 1】 13:40-15:40【Session 2: Radiation Chemistry relevant to Reprocessing】 S2-1 Dr. Ryuji Nagaishi (JAEA, Tokai) “Reaction model of radiolysis of aqueous nitric acid solution for actinide chemistry” S2-2 Prof. Mehran Mostafavi (Univ. of Paris-South) “Direct radiolytic effect in highly concentrated aqueous solutions” S2-3 Dr. Yumi Sugo (JAEA, Takasaki) “Radiolysis of amidic extractants for the separation of actinides” S2-4 Dr. Hui He (China Institute of Atomic Energy) “The radiolysis of two salt-free reductants in the reprocessing process: N, N-dimethylhydroxylamine and 1,1-methylhydrazine” S2-5 Prof. Jing Peng (Peking Univ.) “Gamma radiation effects of ionic liquids used as solvent in nuclear fuel cycle” 16:00-17:40【Session 3: Radiation Chemistry of Polymers in Nuclear Technology】 S3-1 Dr. Xavier Colin (ARTS ET METIERS ParisTech) “Methodology for lifetime prediction of polymeric materials in radiation environment” S3-2 Prof. Shu Seki (Osaka Univ.) “Non-destructive inspection method of insulation properties of polymers used in NPPs: the mechanism of interactions” S3-3 Prof. Takeyoshi Sunagawa (Fukui University of Technology) “Ageing study of cable insulation by means of microwave absorption method” S3-4 Dr. Yoshinori Kobayashi (AIST) “Improvement of radiation resistance of polymers by inorganic coating” March 10, 2011 9:00-10:40【Session 4: Radiation Chemistry at Surfaces】 S4-1 Prof. Jay A. LaVerne (Univ. of Notre Dame) “Radiolytic H2O2 production and reaction in water” S4-2 Prof. Mats Jonsson (Royal Institute of Technology) “Radiation induced dissolution of spent nuclear fuel under deep repository conditions” S4-3 Dr. Yuta Kumagai (JAEA, Tokai) “Transient kinetics of hydroxyl radical and hydrated electron in aqueous solution containing colloidal silica” S4-4 Prof. Simon M. Pimblott (Manchester Univ.) “Radiation science research at the University of Manchester Dalton Cumbrian Facility” 11:00-12:20【Session 5: Radiation Chemistry relevant to Corrosion】 S5-1 Prof. J. Clara Wren (University of Western Ontario) “Radiation-induced aqueous chemistry and materials degradation in nuclear reactor environments” S5-2 Prof. Hiroshi Hidaka (Hiroshima Univ.) “Geochemical evidence for the radiolysis of water in the Oklo natural fission reactors” S5-3 Dr. Makoto Yamaguchi (JAEA, Tokai) “Effect of gamma radiation on corrosion of carbon steel in compacted bentonite” 12:20-13:40【Lunch and Poster session 2】 13:40-15:40【Session 6: Radiation Chemistry relevant to Medicine and Others】 S6-1 Emeritus Prof. Tsuneki Ichikawa (Hokkaido University) “Possibility of radiation-induced degradation of concrete by alkali-silica reaction of aggregates” S6-2 Dr. Mitsumasa Taguchi (JAEA, Takasaki) “Observation of transient species in water under pulsed heavy ion irradiation” S6-3 Dr. Takuya Maeyama (Univ. of Tokyo) “The OH yield near the Bragg peak of therapeutic carbon ion beam” S6-4 Prof. Lembit Sihver (Chalmers Univ.) “Particle and heavy ion transport codes and some applications in radiation therapy” S6-5 Dr. Narongchai Autsavapromporn (Univ. of Sherbrooke) “Targeted and non-targeted biological effects of ionizing radiation” 16:00-16:40【Summary】Dr. David Wren (Director, ACR Technology Development, AECLretired) and Prof. J. Clara Wren (University of Western Ontario) また、ポスターセッションにおいては計 30 件の発表があった。 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------尚、本研究会の詳細については以下のホームページに掲載する。 www.nuclear.jp/~rent
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