Japan Club of New Orleans ニューオリンズ日本人会 ニューオリンズ日本人会会報 第三十六巻 第 286 号 May 2011 Year 2011 Board Members 会長:マイク・ダン President: Mike Dunn ([email protected]) 日本語の副会長: 有村 勝子 Japanese Vice President: Katie Arimura ([email protected]) 英語の副会長: ボブ・ターナー English Vice Presidednt: Robert A. Turner ( [email protected]) 書記:中 篤行 Secretary: Atsuyuki Naka ([email protected]) 会計:若林 征子 Treasurer: Masako Lastrapes ([email protected] ) 編集:早苗・カイザー Editor: Sanae Keyser ([email protected]) Japan Club of New Orleans P.O. BOX 8501 Metairie, LA 70011 www.japanclubofneworleans.org 春のピクニックのお知らせ 日時 五月十五日(日曜日) 12時~4時 場所 ベルチェイス海空軍基地 にて 恒例のルイジアナ名物ザリガニとバーベキューな どを食べる春のピクニックが行われます。ザリガニ、 バーベキュー、飲み物等は、会の方から用意されますが、 このピクニックでみんなが楽しめるご自慢の食べ物、好 きな食べ物一品を持ってきてくださるようお願いします。 又、ラフル・チケットを買われた方のための賞品 も用意していますので、お誘い合わせ上、是非参加して 下さい。このピクニックは、12歳未満のお子様は無料 です。 費用 Fees for Spring Picnic Individual: $15.00 Family: $25.00 There is no charge for children under 12 years old. Page 1 Spring Picnic crawfish boil & barbecue Sunday, May 15th, 2011 12:00 pm ~ 4:00 pm Belle Chasse Naval Air Station Please bring your favorite dish to share with our members. Japan Club will provide crawfish, barbecue, drinks, etc. We will also have raffle tickets for sale. Please invite your friends to come along. We are welcoming new members at this event. There are no admission fees for new members for this event. New members in 2011 are: Hideki Fujioka, Shannon Noda, Mitsuko Yamaguchi. 2010 Donation to the Club 2011 Annual Meeting of the Ambassador, Consuls General and Japanese American Leaders It is belated but thank you so much for your generous donation to the Club in the year 2010. It is great help for the club which is operating with a tight budget. Your continuous support is greatly appreciated. Mr. & Mrs. Yatsu $20 Dr. Nakamoto $500 Mrs. Arimura $100 Mr. & Mrs. Tokuyama $20 Mr $ Mrs G. Hirabayashi $5 Mr.Grason $50 Thank you again. Masako Wakabayashi Lastrapes Tresurer Japan Club of New Orleans Horinoya Restaurant & Sushi Bar 920 Poydras Street, New Orleans Mon-Fri Lunch 11:30am-2:30pm Mon-Sat Dinner 5:00pm-9:30pm (Till 10pm on Fri and Sat) Close on Sunday Charlotte Lawson This year, I had the privilege of attending the "2011 Annual Meeting of the Ambassador, Consuls General and Japanese American Leaders" which was held February 12th in Washington, D.C. Dr. Nakamoto recommended me to represent this area, and I want to thank him for the opportunity to do so. Here is an excerpt from the minutes of the meeting: " This year's meeting brought together 33 Japanese American leaders, 17 Consuls General, Consuls and Acting Consuls General, Ambassador Ichiro Fujisaki, Senator Daniel D. Inouye, 10 representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, executives from the Japan Foundation and Washington, DC Japanese business executives. U.S.-Japan Council President Irene Hirano Inouye and Deputy Chief of Mission Hidekazu Ishikawa served as this year's cochairs. The purpose of the meeting is to bring leadership together from both sides of the Pacific to discuss how to collaboratively work together to ensure a stronger U.S.-Japan relationship. Discussions focused on areas identified by both the U.S. and Japan as areas with high potential for collaboration including high speed rail, clean & green technology, fostering quality educational exchange and language education, and building legislative networks to support U.S.-Japan Page 2 relations." 私たちの家族の一員です」ご夫婦の嬉しそうな様 子を見て私は繪を描くことが出来てよかったと痛 I appreciate having been given the opportunity 感した。その時の喜びと感激は忘れられない。 to be exposed to such important topics related to the Japanese American community. Kyoto 2 繪と私 Japanese Restaurant 5608 Citrus Blvd. Harahan, La 70123 Tel: (504) 818-0228 Fax: (504) 818-0944 Part 2 of 2 有村勝子 引き続き自分の繪の評価をしてもらう為に 私はあちこちの展覧会へ出品している。日本でも Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11:00-2:30 pm 国立美術館での展覧会に数回出品し一度賞を頂い Sat. 12:00-4:00pm た。主人が亡くなった時奉職していた大学から薦 Dinner Mon. -Thurs. 5:00-9:30 pm められて主人の肖像画を寄附した。その一枚は図 Fri.-Sat. 5:00-10:00pm 書室に飾られている.孫や嫁からも繪の注文があ Sun. Close り彼らの喜ぶ顔を見るのは楽しい。またよく親し い友達に繪を差し上げる。昨年は随分前に贈った 一枚が国際学会のプログラムの表紙になって驚い た。私は何枚かの繪を当地と日本の病院へ寄附し た。私の繪が患者さんに前向きのメッセージを送 Painting and Me り励ましとなることを祈っている。 Part 2 of 2 今年の春、当地のある展覧会で思いがけない事が あった。見慣れぬ若いご夫婦が私の所にやって来 Katie Arimura て「あなたはコミッションで繪を描きますか と聞いた。私は「コミッションで繪を描いたこと Over the years, I submitted my paintings to はありませんが、なんでしょうか。 various competitive exhibitions all over US. I 彼らは数ヶ月前、最愛の独り息子を不慮の submitted my painting for a couple of times to the 事故で亡くした。ついては彼の思い出の繪を描い exhibitions held at the National Museum in Tokyo and て欲しいというのであった。私はそんな事でお役 won a prize. When my husband passed, I donated his 2 に立つならとその方のお申し出を引き受ける事に portraits to Tulane by the Chairman's suggestion. I have した。それから間もなく奥さんがやって来て「息 presented some paintings to my friends. To my surprise one of such paintings was used as the program cover for 子が一番好きだった景色です」と一枚の写真を差 the internationaI symposium last year. I have donated し出した。それは美しい山の写真であった。私は some to hospitals in the city, as well as in Japan. They その写真を眺めているうちに不思議な気持になっ hang on the hospital wall for all to see. I hope that my た。写真の真ん中に寂れて不思議な白い小屋があ paintings will convey positive messages and り息子さんがその小屋へ向かって歩いているのだ。encouragement for patients. 私はその暗示的な景色を眺めている内に心の奥ま This past spring, an unexpected thing happened でジーンとして来た。これはいい加減には描けな at one of the art shows in town. A young couple い繪だ。私は何とかご夫婦を慰めることができる approached me and asked, “Do you take commission?” ような繪になります様にと一筆一筆に祈りを込め I have never taken commission before, so I asked them てその繪を描き上げた。ご夫婦は「この繪は食堂 what the request is for. They told me that few months ago, they lost their only son to an accident, and they に飾ります、私たちが毎日息子に会う事が出来る were looking for a painter who could paint a picture in ように。それから Katie さん、あなたは今日から his memory. I felt that if I could be of any help to them, Page 3 it would be an honor. So, I decided to accept. Within a few days, Mrs. X visited my studio. She brought along a photo that she showed me, explaining, “This is the location my son loved.” It was a beautiful mountain view with full of flowers in the foreground and foggy mountains in the background. While I was looking at the photo, I felt something very strange. There was a small weathered white shack in the center of the photo, and their son was walking towards the shack. The suggestive image was telling me that I couldn’t paint this in an ordinary way. This painting must comfort the parents. It must be done from my heart. I painted it with my paryer. Upon completion, I had the couple inspect the completed work. They looked at the painting and were immensely pleased. They said, “We will hang this painting in our dinning room so that we can see him every day. Katie you are now a part of my family.” Their happy face conveyed their gratitude, a most wonderful feeling. Indeed, I shall forever cherish that very special moment. event. Members who performed the Japanese folk dance at the event are: Sugai Barker, Sanae Keyser, Sayumi Magyar, Kaori Keyser, Hana Keyser Members who attended to support the dancers are: Mike Dunn, Charlotte Lawson, Jack Barker, Archie Keyser, Teruko von Bargen Minyo Group the Best Ethnic Dance Performance in 2010 by the Gambit On Febrary 7, 2011 the Gambit invited several metro-New Orleans performing art groups for the 17 th Annual Tribute to the Classical Arts at the Monteleone Members at the table for Japan Club of New Orleans Hotel. The Japan Club of New Orleans Minyo Group was also recognized for actively participating at local events such as Bon Odori and Japan Fest. According to a Gambit representative, it is difficult to find locally established performing art groups. They were happy to find out that our group consists of local members and practices at local facilities. Five members from the Minyo Group performed one of the traditional Japanese folk dance called Kawachi Otoko Bushi. The performance was well received by the audience with a big round of applause. All of the Japan Club members who were presented anxiously waited for the announcement by Mrs. Angela Hill, the TV anchor at WWL TV Channel 4. We found out that we just won the best ethnic dance performance award in 2010. At the 5 o'clock evening news on WWLTV Japan Club's performance was shown Mrs. Angela Hill and the dancers as Mrs. Angela Hill informed about the Big Easy Entertainment Award. There were ten members who attended the Page 4 が自分が病気であるという自覚のないジャッ クは苛立ち怒るのは道理です。ただジャック の場合は他の人よりもその怒り方が過剰なも の だったのです。数日過ぎると徐々に自分の 辺見 講子 名前も私のこともぼんやりとではあっても思 3月15日いよいよ施設に入所する日 い出したようです。そんな日々の一日、私が です。この朝私は首から背中にかけて凝りが 訪問するとジャックは浴室に いてシャワーを ひどくジャックにさすってくれと頼むほどで、浴びているようでした。タオルをもらいに看 ジャックは一生懸命 にさすってくれました。 護婦の一人に言うと、お湯は出ないというの そして、しばらくしてジャックを施設に送っ です。自分でシャワーを浴びることが出来な て行きました。施設に着くとジャックはそこ い人が多い 高齢者棟に浴室のお湯は出ないよ が介護施設だと分かり家に帰りたがりました。うにしてあったのです。いつも寒いからシャ アルツハイマー病 ジャックの例 第3 Part 2 そういうジャックを目にしている間、私はジ ャックを家に連れて帰ろうかと思いましたが、 自分の精神と健康状態を思うとそれにいつか はこの日が来るのだと考 えると思い切るしか ありませんでした。施設の担当者と話してい る間に怒りだし、私はどうにか帰ってきたも のの施設の人たちも動転したジャックが手に 負えな いほどになり再び強制的に病院に送っ たと後で電話がありました。病院からジャッ クという人がここの救急科に来ているけれど、 どうすればいいのかと聞いてきたことに、施 設の対応の悪さには驚くばかりでした。事情 を話し高齢者棟に入れて もらいました。何も 分からずに一人で救急科に放り出された79 歳のジャックです。なんとも言えない惨めな 思いでした。 その病院はある街が経営する公営のも ので、最初の病院よりは全てにおいて緩やか な感じのするところでした。ここでもジャッ クは薬のために最初は 自分が誰であるか分か らないほど朦朧とした状態ですこし動くこと も大変そうでした。私のことはもちろん自分 が誰であるかも分かりませんでした。気だる さや眠気、吐き気や頭痛などの薬の副作用に 苦しんでいました。しかし、2,3日すると、ワーを浴びるのは嫌だと拒むジャックだった 高齢者棟という限られた空間の中に閉じ込め のですが、粗相をして衣服を汚してしまい自 られていることが我慢ならず、ドアを打った 分で体を洗おうとしたのです。まだ3月の半 りして外に出たがることが続いたようです。 ばで寒い日が続いていました。薬の副作用で 誰でも閉じ込められたら嫌なものです。それ 朦朧とした状態でもジャックの羞恥心と自尊 Page 5 心を保とうとする精 神力の強さに、再び感心 went to his room to visit him, Jack was in the bathroom and I heard him having a shower. I went to see a nurse させられる出来事でした。 (続く) to get a towel, and she said there was no hot water in his bathroom. Jack was shivering naked washing his clothes Alzheimer - Jack’s case 3 in the bathtub with cold water. In those days, Jack hated Part 2 having a shower but he had a mishap and tried to wash himself, too, but he never got hot water. It was middle Koko Hemmi of March and we still had cold days. I was very much impressed by Jack’s strong will trying to keep his On March 15, 2010 Jack was going to the dignity and sense of shame, again. (to be continued) retirement center. In the morning I had terrible stiff shoulders and back. I felt very ill and asked Jack to rub my back. Jack did it very well. After a while, I took Jack Mr. Cecil J. Murphy, Jr. will receive to the facility. As soon as he saw the facility, he the 2011 Liberty Bell Award understood that he was put into a institution, and wanted to back home. I explained him that I did not feel well so that he should stay there for a few days. But while I was LANCE E. HARWELL talking with a person in charge in her office Jack was getting mad. I came home with help of other staff. I am very pleased to announce that Mr. However, Jack got mad and was out of control at the facility after I left, they sent him to a hospital. Someone Cecil J. Murphy, Jr. has been selected to receive the prestigious 2011 Liberty Bell Award from the from the hospital called me that Jack was brought to their emergency room and they did not know what to do New Orleans Bar Association. The Liberty Bell with him. I was shocked and angry with the facility’s Award is given to honor outstanding citizens within unkind treatment of Jack. Jack never knew what the local community. The award recognizes happened to him, left alone in a strange place with outstanding service performed by a non-lawyer strangers. Jack was 79 years old with Alzheimer’s citizen who has given of his or her time and energy disease. I felt so miserable I had never experienced to strengthen the effectiveness of the American before. That was a public hospital managed by a city system of freedom under law, in keeping with the and was a bit spacious. After a few days when I went to spirit of our Constitution. see Jack, he was sitting on his bed and did not know The award will be given to Mr. Murphy who he was nor me because of heavy dosage of drugs. on Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 11:50 a.m. in the He looked so hard to move even a little. He had been courtroom of Judge Jay Zainey in the U.S. District suffering from side effects; dizziness, drowsiness, Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, 500 tiredness, unsteadiness, headache and so on. He said “I am tired. I am beaten.” It was not easy to see him like Camp St. that. Jack had been very strong and it was very rare he It is probably fair to say that we all love and became ill. But after 4,5 days, Jack was getting fine and respect Mr. Murphy for the work he has done in the frustrated being confined in a limited area, the senior Japanese community, Asian-American community unit. He started making trouble hitting the door to get and the New Orleans community at large. If there out. Nobody likes being confined. It is understanding is any way you can make it to the presentation of that Jack, who was not aware of his illness, wanted to this award to show your support and appreciation get out. But his fury was too much more than others. However, Jack was remembering his name and me after for Mr. Murphy's lifetime of service, please make an effort to attend. a few days for my relief In one of these days when I クラブ俳壇 Haiku 若き日の友に 五十余年ぶりの 便りかな 便りしても 夢かとも思えるなり Page 6 春日和 昔の思い出 淡くなりけり 手入れしない庭に 紅きバラ樹のようよ 色どるなり 春の夜 蛙の声が グワッグワッと 聴こえてくる 手入れしないプール 蛙の住まいと なりしかな 惨事でも 静かに列ぶ被害者は 日本人なり 苦境にありても 川崎 さと Sato Kawasaki 菅井 バーカー 一人泣く 日本の惨事 身に沁みて 苦境にあえぐ 祖国の人達 Sugai Barker Little Tokyo Restaurant Inc. www.littletokyonola.com E-mail: [email protected] 1521 N. Causeway, Metairie: 831-6788 310 N. Carrollton, New Orleans: 485-5658 1340 S. Carrollton, New Orleans: 861-6088 13371 Hwy 90, Boutte: 985-331-0887 Asian Gourmet Market: 466-0077 編集部より 今回号には、いろんな方々の記事をお届けすることができてよかったと思います。 時間をかけて送って頂いたたくさんの記事、報告など本当に有難うございました。皆さんにお 届けすることの責任を重く感じながら編集しています。皆様の意見、提案などを待っていますのでい つでも連絡して下さい。 Page 7 From the Editor I want to thank everyone for taking your time to send me information, articles, etc. I'm feeling a heavy responsibility to deliver to you. Please give me your feedback, etc. anytime. Thank you everyone for any help you provided to create the newsletter. S.K. Deadline Date 次号の締め切りは、六月二十五日です。 The deadline for the next issue is June 25th. E-mail の使える方は、どうぞ日本語と英語で原稿を送って下さい。 Please send your articles in Japanese and English by e-mails. My e-mail address: [email protected] E-mailの使えない方は原稿を下記に郵送して下さい。 If you have problem with e-mails, please mail your articles to: Sanae or Archie Keyser 420 Yenni Drive Kenner, LA 70065 Send your donations, messages to the board members, etc. to: Japan Club of New Orleans P.O. BOX 8501 Metairie, LA 70011 You can view Japan Club of New Orleans newsletters anytime at www.japanclubofneworleans.org Page 8
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