ཎᏊ᰾ᛂ䝕䞊䝍䝧䞊䝇◊✲㛤Ⓨ䝉䞁䝍䞊 (JCPRG) 2011 ᖺᗘ➨ 1 ᅇ䝉䞁䝍䞊㆟㆟㘓 1. 2011 ᖺ 11 ᭶ 29 ᪥ 14:30~ ฟᖍ⪅ ຍ⸨䚸ྜᕝ䚸ྂ❧(᭩グ)䚸ᒣᮏ䚸Odsuren䚸Vidya䚸ᳺཎ䚸ྜྷ⏣ 2. ሗ࿌ 1) 䠷ྜᕝ䠹 x x ⌮◊䝭䝙䝽䞊䜽䝅䝵䝑䝥䛻䛴䛔䛶 ï 䝥䝻䜾䝷䝮䛜䜋䜌ᅛ䜎䛳䛯䚹 ï ㏆᪥୰䛻ෆ䜢䝯䞊䝸䞁䜾䝸䝇䝖䛻ᢞ✏䛩䜛䚹 ሗ䜈䛾グᢞ✏䛻䛴䛔䛶 ï x x 㛤ᡤᘧ䛸䝽䞊䜽䝅䝵䝑䝥䛻䛴䛔䛶䛾グ䜢ᢞ✏䛧䛯䚹 ᇶ┙䝉䞁䝍䞊䛾䝃䞊䝞䛻䛴䛔䛶 ï 11/30 䛻ᪧ fox216䠄䝞䝑䜽䜰䝑䝥䝃䞊䝞䠅䜢䝅䝱䝑䝖䝎䜴䞁䛩䜛䚹 ï 䝞䝑䜽䜰䝑䝥䛿᪂ fox216 䛷⾜䛖䚹 ï ᮶ᖺᗘ௨㝆䛾⏝ᩱᨭᡶ䛔䛻㛵䛧䛶䚸ྜᕝ䜢ᨭᡶ㈐௵⪅䛸䛧䛶Ⓩ㘓䛩䜛䚹 ᑠᕝẶ䛛䜙䛾᥇㘓౫㢗䜈䛾ᑐᛂ䛻䛴䛔䛶 ï Dupont Ặ(NEA)䛸 Hlavac Ặ(NNDC)䛻㐃⤡䛧䛯䚹 ï Dupont Ặ䛿ඹྠ䛷䛾䜶䞁䝖䝸䞊సᡂ䛻ྠព䛧䛯䛾䛷䚸JCPRG 䛷ୗグㄽᩥ䛾䜶䞁 䝖䝸䞊ⲡ✏䜢సᡂ䛩䜛䚹 x x 2) Phys. Rev. C 70, 014902 (2004) Nucl. Phys. A662, 207 (2000) Nucl. Phys. A707, 513 (2002) JANIS 䝏䞊䝮䛻䜘䜛䜶䝷䞊䝏䜵䝑䜽䛻䛴䛔䛶 ï 䝸䝇䝖䛾 22 䜶䞁䝖䝸䞊䜢 Trans.E068 䛸䛧䛶䛿䛹䛖䛛䠛 ï ሯẶ䛻䜘䜛䛸⌧ᅾ 93 䞄ᡤ䛾せゞṇ䛜䛒䜛䚹 E2356 䛻䛴䛔䛶 ï E2287 䛾ヲ⣽䛺ᐇ㦂ෆᐜ䛸ゎᯒ䛰䛜䝕䞊䝍⮬య䛿ྠ୍䛷䛒䜛䚹 ï E2287 䛻ሗ䜢ຍ䛧䛶䛿䛹䛖䛛䠛 䠷ᳺཎ䠹 x XML 䝣䜷䞊䝬䝑䝖䛻䛴䛔䛶 ï EXFOR䞉NRDF 䛾 XML 䝣䜷䞊䝬䝑䝖䜢సᡂ䛩䜛䛣䛸䜢┠ᶆ䛸䛩䜛䚹 ï NRDF 䛛䜙䛾⮬↛䛺ᣑᙇ䞉ᩚ⌮䛾⤖ᯝ䚸ᵓ㐀䝕䞊䝍䜢᥇㘓ྍ⬟䛻䛩䜛䚹 ï ⌮◊䛻䛚䛡䜛Ᏻᐃ᰾䝡䞊䝮䜢⏝䛔䛯ᐇ㦂䛻ᑐᛂ䛩䜛䚹 - 105 - ï ᐇ㦂␒ྕ䛾䝁䞊䝕䜱䞁䜾䛺䛹䚸๓ᅇ䛾⌮◊䝭䝙䝽䞊䜽䝅䝵䝑䝥䛷♧၀䛥䜜䛯䛣䛸 䜢ྲྀ䜚ධ䜜䜛ணᐃ䛷䛒䜛䚹 x ï 䜎䛛䛺䝤䝻䝑䜽ศ䛡䛿䛧䛶䛔䜛䚹 ï Intelligent(Idea) Pad 䜢⏝䛔䛯㛤Ⓨ䛻㛵䛧䛶䛿ᮍᐃ䛷䛒䜛䚹 ᖺሗ䛻䛴䛔䛶 ï 3) 䠷ᒣᮏ䠹 x 4) ᥇㘓䛻䛴䛔䛶 ï D2323䠖᥇㘓⤊(䝏䜵䝑䜽῭) ï D2326䠖䝏䜵䝑䜽⤊ ï D2352䠖ᥦ౪䛥䜜䛯ᩘ್䝕䞊䝍䛾ධຊ⤊ 䠷ྂ❧䠹 x ⌮◊䝕䞊䝍䛾⤫ィ䛻䛴䛔䛶 ï x ⌮◊䝕䞊䝍䛾⤫ィ䛻䛴䛔䛶 ï ᥇㘓䛻䛴䛔䛶 ï x E2355䠖ಟṇ୰ ⌮◊䝕䞊䝍䛾⤫ィ䛻䛴䛔䛶 ï ศᢸศ䛾సᴗ䜢ᐇ䛧䛯䚹 䠷ྜྷ⏣䠹 x NRDF 䝽䞊䜽䝅䝵䝑䝥䠄12/26~27䠅䛻䛴䛔䛶 ï 8) ศᢸศ䛾సᴗ䜢ᐇ䛧䛯䚹 䠷Devi䠹 x 7) ㏆᪥୰䛻 E067 䛾㏦ಙ䜢ணᐃ䛧䛶䛔䜛䚹 䠷Odsuren䠹 x 6) ⤫ィ䜢సᡂ୰䛷䛒䜛䚹 ᥇㘓䛻䛴䛔䛶 ï 5) ༳ๅ䛜䛧䛯䛾䛷䚸㏆᪥୰䛻㛵ಀྛ䛻㓄ᕸ䜢ணᐃ䛧䛶䛔䜛䚹 ᠓ぶ䠄12/26䠅䛾ሙ䜢Ỵᐃ䛧䛯䚹 䠷ຍ⸨䠹 x ཎ◊䛾ㅮᖌὴ㐵䛻䛴䛔䛶 ï x ῝ᇼẶ䛸ㄪᩚ䜢⾜䛖䚹 ᮶ᐈணᐃ䛻䛴䛔䛶 ï 1/23~28 䛾᪥⛬䛷䚸䝰䞁䝂䝹䛛䜙 S. Davaa Ặ䛸 G. Khuukhenkhuu Ặ䛜᮶ᮐ䜢ணᐃ 䛧䛶䛔䜛䚹 - 106 - 3. ㆟㢟 1) 2) 䝉䞁䝍䞊㆟䛾ෆᐜ䛻䛴䛔䛶 x ୍䛛᭶䛾ᴗົෆᐜ䛻䛴䛔䛶䜎䛸䜑䛯ᩥ᭩䜢సᡂ䛩䜛䚹 x ྛே䛜ྛ䚻䛾ᢸᙜ䠄᥇㘓䚸NRDF/A䚸XML)䛻䛴䛔䛶ሗ࿌䛩䜛䚹 䝉䞁䝍䞊సᴗ㒊䚸䝉䞁䝍䞊㆟䛾㆟㛗䛻䛴䛔䛶 x 3) ཎ◊䛾ㅮᖌὴ㐵䛻䛴䛔䛶 x 4) 6) 4. ῝ᇼẶ䛻ୗグ䛾᪥⛬䛷౫㢗䛩䜛䚹 ï 2/6-10 䛾㛫䛷 1 Ἡ 2 ᪥⛬ᗘ ï ྍ⬟䛷䛒䜜䜀 2/10 䛻䝉䝭䝘䞊䜢౫㢗䛩䜛䚹 PHITS ㅮ⩦᪥⛬䛻䛴䛔䛶 x 5) ྜᕝ䛜ᢸᙜ䛩䜛䚹 2/17 䛷ㄪᩚ䛩䜛䚹 ᮐᖠ NRDF 䝽䞊䜽䝅䝵䝑䝥䛻䛴䛔䛶 x ୡヰே䠖ྂ❧䚸ຍ⸨䚸ྜᕝ x ᠓ぶ䠖12/26䚸17:00 䛒䜛䛔䛿 17:30 䛛䜙 2 㛫 Web 䝨䞊䝆䛾᭦᪂䛻䛴䛔䛶 x AASPP 䝽䞊䜽䝅䝵䝑䝥䛾ሗ䜢බ㛤䛩䜛䚹 x ᮇ Web 䝃䜲䝖䛾ᢸᙜ⪅䛸䛧䛶ୗグ 2 ྡ䛜ཧຍ䛩䜛䚹 ï Odsuren ï Vidya 䝇䜿䝆䝳䞊䝹 12/13~14 ᰾䝕䞊䝍䝭䝙䝽䞊䜽䝅䝵䝑䝥 ⌮◊䠄ග䠅 12/26, 14:00~15:00 ሯẶ(IAEA)䝉䝭䝘䞊 䠄ᮐᖠ䠅 12/26~27 ᮐᖠ NRDF 䝽䞊䜽䝅䝵䝑䝥 䠄ᮐᖠ䠅 3/6~9 EXFOR 䝁䞁䝃䝹䝍䞁䝖䝭䞊䝔䜱䞁䜾 IAEA䠄䜴䜱䞊䞁䠅 4/16~19 NRDC2012 NEA DB䠄䝟䝸䠅 - 107 - 5. ḟᅇணᐃ 2011/12/07, 16:00~ సᴗ㒊 2011/12/27 䝉䞁䝍䞊㆟ - 108 - Nuclear Reaction Data Centre (JCPRG) Minutes on 2nd Center Meeting in FY2011 1. 18:00~, Jan. 31, 2012 Participants Kato, Kimura, Chiba, Katayama, Aikawa, Furutachi, Makinaga, Odsuren, Vidya, Yamamoto, Yoshida 2. Report 1) [Compilation] (Furutachi) x Trans.E067 and R025 have been prepared, and will be submitted on Jan. 31. x Prelim.E068 has been prepared. ï E068 consists of approximately 30 files. The most of them are modified files according to the JANIS error log. x Preparation of Prelim.K011 has been progressed. ï x K011 consists of 8 files. Current status is as follows: ï Finished files: D/E 2360, 2355, 2364, 2326 ï Under checking: D/E 2316, 2359, 2357, 2351 ï Papers requested by a Japanese user are being compiled in collaboration with NEA 2) 3) [CINDA] (Tsubakihara and Yamamoto) x Compilation from the Japanese articles (May - Dec., 2011) has been finished. x Another compilation for a cross check is going on. x The availability of previous compilation on the IAEA website should be confirmed. [New format/XML] (Tsubakihara) x The new format has been presented and proposed in RIKEN mini-Workshop in Dec. 2011. x Discussion about a new editor using Webble will be held. - 109 - 4) [RIKEN Collaboration] (Furutachi, Aikawa, and Kato) x Seminar ï Aikawa reported JCPRG activities in the 129th RIKEN RIBF Nuclear Physics Seminar on Dec. 13. x mini-WS ï The JCPRG current status has been reported and future development of collaboration with RIKEN has been discussed in the RIBF ULIC mini-Workshop on Dec. 13-14. x Summary Report ï A brief summary of collaboration from Jan. 2010 to Dec. 2012 has been submitted. The future plan should be modified. x Progress Report ï 5) 6) The manuscript is to be submitted on Jan. 31. [Steering Committee] (Aikawa and Kato) x The term of members will be finished at the end of Mar. x The candidates of the next Committee member from Apr. 2012 are shown below. ï Prof. Yuzuru TANAKA (Meme Media Lab.) ï Prof. Hiroki SHIRATO (Graduate School of Medicine) ï Prof. Takashi KAMIYAMA (Faculty of Engineering) ï Prof. Yoshiharu HIRABAYASHI (Information Initiative Center) ï Prof. Masaaki KIMURA (Faculty of Science) ï Prof. Masayuki AIKAWA (Faculty of Science) [Annual Report] (Aikawa) x Editor ï x x Aikawa and Tsubakihara Reviewer ï Progress report: (Mainly) members outside of the WG members ï Participation report: (Mainly) members inside of the WG members Schedule ï 1st Draft: Feb. 29 ï Review of 1st Draft: Within 2 weeks ï Final Draft: Mar. 23 ï Publication: Mar. 31 - 110 - 7) [Others] (Aikawa) x Nuclear Data News ï x The report on AASPP WS in Beijing on Sep. 6-9 has been submitted. Hokkaido University News ï The report on the Opening Ceremony and Workshop on Nov. 10-12 has been published in Hokkaido University News. x Sapporo NRDF Workshop ï x EXFOR Consultants' Meeting ï x Kato and Aikawa will join the meeting from Mar. 6 to 9. Medical physicist course ï x The workshop has been held in Dec. 26-27. The new course for master and doctor course students is being prepared. Seminar ï Dr. Kuwahara had a seminar about "Webble". ï Prof. Fukahori (JAEA) will have a lecture at 10:00 on Feb. 10. ï Assist. Prof. Kurokawa (Juntendo Univ.) will have a seminar at 14:00 on Feb. 16. 3. Discussion 1) Compilation x 2) EXFOR Consultants' Meeting x 3) Compilation of area K should be obligatory. Kato will report on Sapporo NRDF Workshop. Software Development x Maintenance of GSYS and HENDEL should be considered. x Other possibilities, such as replacement of the present digitizer and editor, will be discussed. - 111 - 4. Event Schedule 2012 Feb. 10 Seminar by Dr. T. Fukahori (JAEA) Nuclear Theory Lab. Feb. 16 Seminar by Dr. C. Kurokawa (Juntendo U) Nuclear Theory Lab. Feb. 17 Hokudai Simulation Salon 5-301, School Science, HU 5. Mar. 6-9 EXFOR Consultants Meeting IAEA, Vienna Mar. 12-17 Dr. Naik's visit Apr. 16-19 2012 NRDC Meeting NEA DB, Paris 14:00, Feb. 7 Working Group Meeting JCPRG 18:00, Feb. 28 Centre Meeting NTL Next Meetings - 112 - of Nuclear Reaction Data Centre (JCPRG) Minutes on 3rd Center Meeting in FY2011 1. 18:00~, Feb. 28, 2012 Participants Kato, Chiba, Katayama, Noto, Aikawa, Furutachi, Makinaga, Tsubakihara, Vidya, Aiganym, Takibayeva, Yoshida 2. Report 1) [Compilation] (Furutachi) x x Compilation ï Finished: D/E 2301, 2359, 2361, 2364, 2365, 2366, 2367 ï Under checking: D/E 2344, 2368, 2369 Transmission ï E068: approximately 30 modified files ï 2) To be submitted in this week. K011: 8 new files Preparation has been progressed. D/K 2315, 2318, 2342, and 2348 have been rechecked. [CINDA] (Tsubakihara and Yamamoto) x SAP012: Finalized thanks to Dr. Otsuka (IAEA) and to be sent x SAP013: Finalized by combining results of two compilers (Tsubakihara and Yamamoto) and to be checked after submission and acceptance of SAP012 x 3) [New format/XML] (Tsubakihara) x 4) A draft of the report on CINDA for the annual report 2011 is being prepared. A draft for the annual report 2011 is being prepared. [RIKEN Collaboration] (Furutachi and Aikawa) x RIKEN Nishina Center News ï A proposal of the article about JCPRG compilation activity for monthly submission was prepared. The contents are being discussed in the RIKEN group. x Summary Report ï The 2nd version has been submitted. - 113 - 5) [JAEA Collaboration] (Kato) x The agreement of research collaboration between JAEA and Hokkaido University is being discussed. 6) [Steering Committee] (Aikawa) x 7) The agreement of researcher acceptance in JCPRG could be agreed. [Annual Report] (Aikawa) x Editor ï x x 8) Aikawa and Tsubakihara Reviewer ï Progress report: (Mainly) members outside of the WG members ï Participation report: (Mainly) members inside of the WG members Schedule ï 1st Draft: Feb. 29 ï Review of 1st Draft: Within 2 weeks ï Final Draft: Mar. 23 ï Publication: Mar. 31 [Others] (Aikawa) x Visiting Professors ï Continuation of the visiting professors under cooperation with JAEA for the next FY is applied. x Prof. Satoshi CHIBA Prof. Tokio FUKAHORI Prof. Keiichi SHIBATA Medical physicist course ï The new course for master and doctor course students is being prepared in Graduate School of Science. ï The proposal to give permission to doctoral course students in Graduate School of Medicine to have lectures in Department of Physics, School of Science has been discussed and agreed in the faculty meeting of Department of Physics on Feb. 16. x Doctoral Course of Nuclear Data ï Ms. Meruert Takibayeva is applying to enter our doctoral course in the framework of the double degree program with Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. - 114 - x VBL Steering Committee ï x Aikawa will succeed a member position after Kato. Seminar ï Prof. Fukahori (JAEA) had lectures on Feb. 10. ï Assist. Prof. Kurokawa (Juntendo Univ.) had a seminar on Feb. 16. ï Tsubakihara and Aikawa presented talks in the 10th Hokudai Simulation Salon Workshop on Feb. 17. x Document Archive ï 3. Discussion 1) EXFOR dictionary code x 4. Scanning old printed documents was started by Ms. Jiavzankhand. Our proposal for the code of Hokkaido University should be "JPNHOK". Event Schedule 2012 Mar. 6-9 EXFOR Consultants Meeting IAEA, Vienna Aikawa: Mar. 5-11 Kato: Mar. 5-12 Mar. 12-16 Dr. Naik's visit Apr. 16-19 2012 NRDC Meeting NEA DB, Paris Aikawa: Apr. 15-21 5. Next Meetings 18:00, Mar. 29 Centre Meeting Nuclear Theory Lab. - 115 - Nuclear Reaction Data Centre (JCPRG) Minutes on 4th Center Meeting in FY2011 1. 18:00~, Mar. 29, 2012 Participants Kato, Kimura, Hirabayashi, Aikawa, Furutachi, Makinaga, Odsuren, Tsubakihara, Vidya, Aiganym 2. Report 1) [Member] (Aikawa) x Member changes ï ï ï 2) Resignation Yamamoto: Staff at Niigata U. Yoshida Ashizawa New/Change Makinaga: Postdoc/Assist. Prof. at JCPRG (~ Mar. 2014) Kato: Researcher at JCPRG (~ Mar. 2013) Fujimoto: Researcher at JCPRG (~ Mar. 2013) Ichinkhorloo: Postdoc at Meme Media Lab. (~ Mar. 2013) Renewal/Continuation Furutachi: Postdoc at JCPRG (~ Mar. 2013) Odsuren: Postdoc at Meme Media Lab. (~ Mar. 2013) Tsubakihara: Postdoc at Meme Media Lab. (~ Mar. 2013) Vidya: Postdoc at Meme Media Lab. (~ Jun. 2013) Aikawa: Prof. at JCPRG (~ Mar. 2016) [Compilation] (Furutachi, Aikawa) x x Compilation ï Finished: D/E 2344, 2368, 2369 ï Checking: D/E 2313, 2319, 2321, 2363, 2370 Transmission ï Under preparation PRELIM.E068: approximately 30 modified files PRELIM.K011: 8 new files PRELIM.E069: new entries of RIKEN data, D/E 2360, 2364, 2368, 2369, and 2370, and Į - 116 - x New code ï A new code "JPNHOK" for Hokkaido University has been proposed in Memo CP-E/151. x Master files ï Master files in the JCPRG server have been updated. 3) [CINDA] (Tsubakihara, Aikawa) x IAEA-NDS suggests not compiling new data in the CINDA format in the future. ï 4) TRANS: 4155, A076, C112, C113, C114, D081, L017, O046 We agree IAEA-NDS's suggestion. [RIKEN Collaboration] (Furutachi, Aikawa) x RIKEN Nishina Center News ï Compilation status has been published on the news No.591 <12.03.13>. ï Compilation status of new articles will be submitted in the first week of every month. x Contract for the next FY ï 5) It is under construction and will be valid for 2 years. [Annual Report] (Aikawa) x Preparation of manuscripts and reviews are going on. x An ISSN number will be applied. 6) [Others] (Aikawa) x IAEA Consultants' Meeting ï Kato and Aikawa participated IAEA Consultants' Meeting on "Further Development of EXFOR" on Mar. 6-9. ï x x They summarized not to change the EXFOR format at present. NRDC Meeting ï The meeting will be held on Apr. 16-19, in Paris. ï Aikawa and Makinaga will join the meeting. ï The JCPRG Progress Report is being prepared. Asia-Africa Science Platform Program ï The plan in the next FY has been created. - 117 - x Server ï 3. The following servers in Information Initiative Center are available in the next FY. fox216: Backup fox242: Web, Mail (jcprg.org) fox265: Web, Mail (nucl.sci.hokudai.ac.jp) Event Schedule Mar. 29 Centre Meeting Nuclear Theory Lab. Apr. 3 Strategy Meeting JCPRG Apr. 16-19 2012 NRDC Meeting NEA DB, Paris Aikawa: Apr. 15-21 Makinaga: Apr. 15-21 4. Next Meetings 18:00, Mar. 29 Centre Meeting Nuclear Theory Lab. 14:00, Apr. 3 Strategy Meeting JCPRG - 118 -
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