〔自由英作文 【1】2013 秋田大学 2/25,前期日程 教育文化 補充問題〕 医 昨年(2012 年)は英国ロンドンでオリンピック(Olympic Games)が開催された。現在,次々回(2020 年)の開催にむけ, 東京都が誘致(invitation)に乗り出している。この誘致に賛成か反対か,あなた自身の考えを 80~100 語程度の英語で 書け。書く際にはまず賛成か反対かを明確にし,その上で具体的な理由を 2 つ以上述べること。 【2】2013 茨城大学 2/25,前期日程 教育 次の英文を読んで,後の問いに答えなさい。 Should Students Be Memorizing Poetry? How much value is there in memorizing poetry? Britain’s education secretary*, Michael Gove, apparently thinks there’s a pretty significant amount. He’s requiring all of the UK’s primary school children to memorize and recite poems as part of a new, more rigorous national curriculum. The Guardian* summarized some of Gove’s plans: From Year 1, at the age of five, children will be read poems by their teacher as well as starting to learn simple poems by heart and to practice recitals. The program of study for Year 2 will state that pupils should continue “to build up a repertoire* of poems learnt by heart and recite some of these, with appropriate intonation to make the meaning clear.” I don’t believe that memorization is common practice in the American education system. At least, I don’t remember ever being asked to memorize a poem in school. I think it’s significant, though, that the only strong memory I have of studying poetry before college is having to engage with a poem: to reorder some of T.S. Eliot’s* lines to create a “new” poem. (John Lundberg, “Should Students Be Memorizing Poetry?” Huffington Post, June 17, 2012 から,一部変更. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-lundberg/should-students-be-memori_b_159878...) 〔注〕 *secretary:イギリスの(国務)大臣 *The Guardian:イギリスの新聞名 *repertoire:a collection of songs, jokes, stories, etc. that a performer is prepared to perform *T.S. Eliot:one of the most important British poets in the early 20th century 問 上記の英文はイギリスの小学校のカリキュラム変更について述べたものである。もし同様の提案が日本の小学校 1 -2 年生の国語教育において日本語の poetry(詩歌)に関してなされたら,あなたはその提案に賛成か反対か,複数の 理由をあげて,述べなさい。150 語程度の英文で書くこと。 文書 1 1/7 【3】2013 岩手大学 2/25,前期日程 人文社会科 次の設問に答えよ。 (1) 次の言葉について,それぞれ 20 語(words)程度の英語で説明せよ。 (a) 寿 司 (b) 折り紙 (2) 次の(a)と(b)の文章を英語に訳せ。 (a) 2 ヶ月前,私の父は医者から,太りすぎていて血圧も高いと診断されました。そこで父は,体重を減らすために, 食べ過ぎを控え,毎朝 30 分間ジョギングをするようになりました。そのおかげで,今では医者が驚くほどの健康体 です。 (b) 海外の大学に留学する日本人学生の数は,1980 年代に急激に増えましたが,2004 年以降は減少傾向が続いてい ます。以前よりも若者が野心を抱かなくなったからだと言う人がいます。しかし,私は,長引く不況が大きな原因 だと思っています。 【4】2013 宇都宮大学 2/25,前期日程 国際 教育 農 OECD (経済協力開発機構)の調査結果に関する以下の英文を読み,あなたの意見や感想を,自らの経験を踏まえて, 150 語程度の英文で書きなさい。(カンマ,ピリオドおよびその他の各種符号は語数には入れません。解答欄末尾のカ ッコ内に語数を記入しなさい。) The OECD reported that Japan ranked 21st among 36 countries in the “Your Better Life Index” survey. Japan’s position in the index fell two places from last year with poor scores in the areas of balancing work and family life and people’s satisfaction with their lives. The OECD survey, started only last year, covers 11 areas to measure people’s happiness and perceptions of their living conditions in 34 member countries plus Russia and Brazil. Japan came in 34th on balancing work and family life due to a high percentage of people who work more than 50 hours a week and take little time for meals, sleep and leisure. The country ranked 27th in terms of satisfaction with life. Meanwhile, the country scored the highest in safety this year again and took second place in education because people’s academic achievements and the literacy rate showed high marks. (Kyodo “Japan ranks just 21st in quality of life, two notches down from last year.” <The Japan Times 2012/05/24>) 文書 1 2/7 【5】2013 高知大学 2/25,前期日程 教育 下記の意見に対して,賛成か,反対か,あなたの立場を明らかにし,その理由と共に 100 語以内の英語で書きなさ い。総語数を最後の( )に書き入れなさい。ただし,句読点は語数に含まれません。 “Top high school students should be allowed to enter university a year early.” 【6】2013 神戸大学 2/25,前期日程 文 国際文化 発達科 法 経済 経営 理 医 工 農 海事科 次の文章を読んで,問 1 と問 2 に答えなさい。 子どもは人生の意味について問うことはない。しかし青春期に達すると,愛とは何か,死とは何か,自己の未来は ことごと どうあるべきか,神の有無等々さまざまの問いが浮かんでくる。大切なことは,これらすべての問いの 悉 くが難問 ですぐ答えが出てこないということだ。そして解き難い問いを発するところにこそ精神とよばれるものの核心が形成 されるということである。不可解なものが我々を育てる。青春とは,はじめて秘密(秘めごと)を持つ日だと言ってもよ い。必ずしも恋愛のみに限らない。さきに述べたような,人生に関するさまざまの問いが,すでに秘めごとなのであ る。なぜなら,それまで親や師や知人から導かれるままに歩んできたのが,この問いを境として,今度は自ら道を求 めて行かなくてはならない。自己の未来,自己の生き方については,いかなる名著にも書いていない。親も師も無力 である。自分で一歩一歩を生きてみなければならない。 (亀井勝一郎『青春論』[一部改変]) 問 1 下線部を英語に訳しなさい。 問 2 上の文章を読んで,あなたが青春期に大切だと考えることがらについて,理由や例を挙げて 40 語程度の英語で 書きなさい。 文書 1 3/7 【7】2013 静岡大学 3/12,後期日程 情報 現在,インターネットは社会や文化,生活の様々な面に影響を与えている。その「影響」が人間にとって好ましい ものか好ましくないものか,具体例を交え,自分の意見を 120 語程度の英語で書きなさい。 【8】2013 長崎大学 2/25,前期日程 教育 経済-昼 医 歯 薬 環境科 次の問いに,150 語程度の英語で答えなさい。 As shown in the figure below, fewer Japanese students are studying abroad recently. Why do you think this is happening? Give two or more reasons to support your answer. 【9】2013 宮崎大学 2/25,前期日程 医 Give an English example of how you would respond in each of the following situations. About one long or two short sentences should be enough (maximum 20 words each). a.You’re a doctor. A patient you’ve never seen before stops you in the hallway and says, “Why didn’t you save my brother?” b.In a foreign country, someone says to you, “So what’s the political situation in China like now?” c.Someone calls after you on the street saying, “Excuse me. You dropped your umbrella.” But you weren’t carrying an umbrella. d.You want to talk to Cathy Trump, Sales Manager at Sympho Corporation, on the telephone. A secretary answers the phone saying, “Good morning. Sympho.” 文書 1 4/7 【解答1】2013 秋田大学 2/25,前期日程 教育文化 医 (解答例) (賛成) I think it is a good idea to invite the Olympic Games to Tokyo for the following two reasons. First, hosting the event in Tokyo will help provide Japanese people with an opportunity to unite under the same goal, which is important in the process of recovering from the Great East Japan Earthquake. Second, the event will give people in other countries an impression that Japan is recovering from the damage caused by the disaster. This impression, in my opinion, will help increase the number of tourists from abroad, which will bring money into our country. (反対) I don’t agree with the idea of inviting the Olympic Games to Tokyo. First, to host the Games a large amount of money will be needed for advertising and building many facilities. Second, once built, these facilities will generate maintenance expenses for security, lighting and cleaning. This will continue for many years. Unfortunately, the facilities will not be used often after the Games, as is the case with some stadiums built for the World Cup in 2002. Considering these costs, hosting the Olympics is not a good idea, especially when many are still suffering from the damage caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake. 【解答2】2013 茨城大学 2/25,前期日程 教育 I am completely in favor of this idea. I have three reasons to support this. First, by learning poems by heart, children can train their brain to remember things. It is said that the brain is a muscle that can be made stronger. Thus, memorizing poetry can be a very effective way to strengthen the brain. Second, by so doing, children can learn language skills. It is pointed out that in our country there has been a decline in the Japanese language ability. Memorizing poetry can be a great step toward improving the situation. Third, children can refine their sensitivity. Poems are so full of feelings that touch your heart that children can be more sensitive to the things and persons around them. For the reasons mentioned above, I think that first and second graders should be required to memorize Japanese poetry at school. 《 出 典 》 John Lundberg "Should Students Be Memorizing Poetry?"<http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-lundberg/should-students-be-memori_b_1598788.html,2012,Huf fington Post> 【解答3】2013 岩手大学 2/25,前期日程 人文社会科 (1) (a) a Japanese dish consisting of cold cooked rice flavored with vinegar, with other food, especially raw fish, on top or inside (b) the Japanese art of folding pieces of paper to make attractive objects for decoration such as birds and animals (2) (a) My father was told by the doctor two months ago that he was too overweight and had high blood pressure. Then, in order to lose weight, he decided to stop eating too much and to go jogging for 30 minutes every morning. Because of this, he has become so healthy that it surprises his doctor. (b) 文書 1 Japanese students studying at college abroad increased dramatically in number in the 1980s. 5/7 However, the number has been on the decrease since 2004. Some people say that this is because young people today are not as ambitious as they used to be. But I think the main reason is the lingering economic slump. 【解答4】2013 宇都宮大学 2/25,前期日程 国際 ≪採点基準≫ 教育 農 以下の諸点を勘案して総合的に評価,採点する。 1.語数制限に即していること。 2.与えられた文章の趣旨を正しく理解した上で書いていること。 3.英語の語彙及び文法,文体,句読法などを正しく運用していること。 4.文章の展開・構成が整然とまとめられていること。 5.解答者独自の視点や考え方などがわかりやすく論理的に示されていること。 《出典》Kyodo "Japan ranks just 21st in quality of life, two notches down from last year."<The Japan Times 2012/05/24,2012,The Japan Times> 【解答5】2013 高知大学 2/25,前期日程 教育 I am against the idea of allowing high school students to enter university a year early. The main reason is that our high school years are valuable socially as well as academically. Having three years together with our classmates and friends helps us to become adults. I worry that students entering university after only two years of high school would lose their chance for important personal growth. Also, the graduation ceremony would be a problem. It is a great memory to graduate with our friends and for those who leave early for university, graduation would be a lonely experience. 【解答6】2013 神戸大学 2/25,前期日程 文 問1 国際文化 発達科 法 経済 経営 理 医 工 農 海事科 What is important is that each of these questions is so difficult that you cannot find the answers easily. 問 2 As adolescents, we need to be adventurous. If one is conservative and accepts things as they are, there can be no progress in society. We should not be bound by biases and we must try many things without being afraid of making mistakes. 《出典》亀井勝一郎「青春論」 【解答7】<P779E23> 2013 静岡大学 3/12,後期日程 情報 (解答例) The Internet has changed our lives in many ways. For example, it allows us to have instant communication with anyone in the world, anytime we want. It is also convenient for finding various kinds of information. We can even shop through the Internet. These are good points. However, we can also say that maybe the Internet is in some ways too convenient. Someday soon we may never even have to leave our homes anymore. We will do everything through the Internet, and we will not have contact with real people anymore. If this happens, I think we will be in danger of losing our humanity. 文書 1 6/7 Loneliness will increase around the world. We should be careful how we use the Internet. 【解答8】<P813E15> 2013 長崎大学 2/25,前期日程 教育 経済-昼 医 歯 薬 環境科 In my opinion, Japanese students are studying abroad less frequently these days due to two main reasons. First, as Japan enjoys a reputation for being one of the safest countries in the world, many young people and their parents are scared off by the potential dangers of life outside Japan. These dangers include, among other things, unpredictable surroundings and higher rates of crime and substance abuse among young people. Japanese people are often exposed to portrayals of such dangers in the popular media. Second, in the current economic climate, parents simply cannot afford to send their children abroad for great lengths of time. Besides the enormous cost of tuition, parents would have to fork out large sums of money for their children’s room and board, books and recreational activities. Thus, as the reasons given above have shown, it is easy to understand why fewer Japanese are studying abroad these days. 【解答9】<P851E23> 2013 宮崎大学 2/25,前期日程 医 a.I don’t think I’ve met you before. You must be mistaking me for some other doctor. b.Well, I’m not Chinese but Japanese, so I have no idea about it. c.No, I didn’t. It’s not mine. d.Hello, can I speak to Cathy Trump, Sales Manager? 文書 1 7/7
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