SP 046-03 TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Ver. Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts 05 Date 07/03/2014 Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori . Sommario Table Of Contents 1 Scopo Purpose ........................................................................... 2 2 Campo di Applicazione Application ...................................................................... 2 3 Acronimi e definizioni Acronym and Definitions ............................................... 2 4 Riferimenti References ...................................................................... 2 5 Requisiti per gli acciai Steel Requirements ........................................................ 3 5.1 Lista acciai raccomandati List of recommended steels ....................................................... 3 5.1.1 Certificazione da presentare 5.1.2 Scheda Materiale Certification Requirements.................................................................... 3 Material Sheet ...................................................................................... 5 5.2 Processo di fabbricazione Manufacturing Process .............................................................. 6 5.2.1 Flusso di processo 5.2.2 Piano dei controlli 5.2.3 Disegno grezzo e pre-lavorato Process Flow ........................................................................................ 6 Control Plan.......................................................................................... 6 Raw and semi-finished part Drawing..................................................... 6 5.3 Certificato 3.1 del materiale 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 5.3.7 5.3.8 5.3.9 Material Certificate 3.1 ............................................................... 7 Certificato originale dell’acciaieria Composizione Chimica e impurità Grano Austenitico Temprabilità Rapporto di riduzione Proprietà Meccaniche Inclusioni non-metalliche Difetti interni Internal Difetti superficiali Original mill certificate........................................................................... 7 Chemical Composition and contaminants ............................................. 7 Grain Size ............................................................................................. 8 Hardenability ........................................................................................ 8 Reduction Rate ..................................................................................... 9 Mechanical Properties ........................................................................ 10 Non metallic inclusions ....................................................................... 11 Soundness check, NDT ...................................................................... 11 Surface defects check, NDT ............................................................... 11 5.4 Certificato Trattamento Termico 5.5 Certificato Dimensionale 5.6 Altro HT Certificate........................................................................... 12 Dimensional Report ................................................................. 13 Other ....................................................................................... 13 5.6.1 Identificazione e Imballaggio 5.6.2 Barrotti Identification and Packaging ............................................................... 13 Sample Bars ....................................................................................... 13 6 ANNEX A – DESIGNATION AND ALTERNATIVE STEELS ............................................................................. 14 7 ANNEX B – HARDENABILITY ........................................................................................ 16 8 ANNEX C – INCLUSION TEST ........................................................................................ 17 9 ANNEX D – SAMPLE FOR MECHANICAL TEST ........................................................................................ 20 10 ANNEX E – BANDED GRADE EXAMINATION ........................................................................................ 21 11 ANNEX F EXAMPLE OF CERTIFICATE ........................................................................................ 22 Distribution List (DL) – Lista Distribuzione R&D MAINTENANCE SALES VALUE ANALISYS PLANT QUALITY AFTER SALES PROCESS ENGINEERING QUALITY ASSURANCE CUSTOMERS MACHINING PROCUREMENT SUPPLIERS ASSEMBLY LOGISTIC Revision Index (RI) – Indice delle revisioni Version Date 05 2014/03/07 Marco Busacchi Reviewed by Reviewed section 5.4 Reason 04 2013/01/10 Marco Casarotto Added 36CrMn5, notes on HT 03 2012/06/18 Marco Casarotto Modified Hardenability / drawing. 02 2012/04/16 Marco Casarotto Modified RR. 01 2011/09/14 Marco Casarotto SP043V03 2011/02/24 Donato Stefanati Limited to 4 steel types. Technical Requirement F1829. Added details and appendixes. SP043 and SP039 are replaced by SP046-03 Le precedenti SP043 – SP039 sono sostituite da SP046-03. Document Version (DV) – Versione del documento ID Status SP046-03 RELEASED Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 Version 05 Release Date 2014/03/07 Review Approve TRD QAM Sergio Artioli Marco Busacchi FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc Page 1 of 22 TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts SP 046-03 Ver. 05 Date 07/03/2014 . Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori 1 Scopo Purpose Questa specifica indica i requisiti per la fornitura a Brevini Power Transmission di acciaio legato per ingranaggi, alberi ed altri elementi coinvolti nella trasmissione del moto. Allo scopo di ottenere i migliori risultati qualitativi Brevini Power Transmission richiede delle caratteristiche più restrittive rispetto agli standard internazionali (EN10083 / EN10084), queste richieste ulteriori sono descritte in questa specifica. 2 Campo di Applicazione This specification provides requirements for the supply to Brevini Power Transmission of alloyed steels for gears, shaft and other torque transmitting elements. In order to improve quality and performances Brevini Power Transmission request superior characteristic respect to international standards (EN10083 / EN10084), the additional requirements are described in this specification. Application Si applica agli acciai da cementazione (EN10084) ed agli Applies to Case-Hardening steels (EN10084) acciai da bonifica (EN10083). Quenching and Tempering Steel (EN10083). Deve essere applicata da: Must be applied by: Fornitori di acciaio (barre, forgiati, rullati, etc.) Suppliers of steel (bars, forging, rolling, etc.) Fornitori di parti in acciaio usate nella trasmissione del moto (ingranaggi, alberi, giunti, etc.) Fornitori di trattamenti preliminari (Normalizzazione, Ricottura Isotermica, Bonifica, etc…) I requisiti in questa specifica sono parte integrante dell’ordine di acquisto. All’interno della specifica sono indicati con questo simbolo alcuni requisiti che si applicano solo alla consegna di prodotti semilavorati ad alcuni plant. PRELAVORATI PER BPT REGGIO Se un requisito è specifico per uno stabilimento oppure per una condizione di fornitura questo verrà riportata in una nota designata da questo simbolo. 3 Acronimi e definizioni 4 Riferimenti torque in the gearbox (gears, shaft, couplings, etc.) Suppliers of preliminary HT (Normalizing, Annealing, Quenching and Tempering, etc.) Requirements in this TPS are integral part of the purchase order. In this TPS some requirements apply only to parts delivered to a specific plant, the following symbol will be used. PREMACHINED PART FOR BPT REGGIO When a requirement is specific for a plant / material status then the requirement will be marked with this symbol. FP = Isothermal annealing (Treated to Ferrite-Perlite) QT = Quenching and Tempering QTN = Pre-nitriding Quenching and Tempering CHT = Case Hardening and Tempering NT = Nitriding IF = Induction Hardened PPAP = Production Part Approval SERIE = Deliveries after initial approval References EN 10083:2006 – Acciai da bonifica EN 10084:2008 – Acciai da cementazione EN 10204:2005 – Tipi di documenti di controllo EN ISO 148 - Materiali metallici: Prova di resilienza Charpy EN 10247:2007 - Contenuto delle inclusioni non metalliche EN 10228-3 – Controllo con ultrasuoni EN 10228-1 – Controllo con magnetoscopio ISO 643-11 – Acciai cementati lavorati UNI 8449:1983 - Classificazione della struttura a bande ISO 18265 - Conversione dei valori di durezza Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 Suppliers of steel parts used in the transmission of Acronym and Definitions FP = Ricottura Isotermica (Stato ferrite-perlite) QT = Tempra e Rinvenimento (Bonifica) QTN = Tempra e Rinvenimento per nitrurazione (Bonifica pre-niturarazione) CHT = Cementazione, Tempra e Rinvenimento NT = Nitrurazione IF = Temprato ad Induzione PPAP = Approvazione iniziale del prodotto SERIE = Produzione di serie and EN 10083:2006 - Quenching and tempering steels EN 10084:2008 - Case hardening steels EN 10204:2005 - Types of inspection documents EN ISO 148 Metallic materials - Charpy impact test EN 10247:2007 – Non-metallic inclusions content EN 10228-3 - Ultrasonic Testing EN 10228-1 – Magnetic Particle Testing ISO 643-11 - Wrought case-hardening steels UNI 8449:1983 – Classification of banded structure ISO 18265 - Conversion of Hardness Values FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc Page 2 of 22 SP 046-03 TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Ver. Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts 05 Date 07/03/2014 . Requisiti per gli acciai Steel Requirements 5.1 Lista acciai raccomandati In tabella 1 è presentato l’elenco dei materiali normalmente richiesti da Brevini Power Transmission. Altre notazioni sono possibili, si veda ANNEX A per l’interpretazione dei disegni e per materiali equivalenti. List of recommended steels The table 1 below represents the preferred material requested by Brevini Power Transmission. Indication on drawings may differ from Table 1, see ANNEX A for drawing references and alternative materials. Table 1: Acciai Raccomandati - Recommended Steels EN10084 B02 17NiCrMo6-4 +HH EN10084 B21 20MnCr5 +HH EN10084 B40 36CrMn5 +HH UNI 78742 * B41 42CrMo4 +HH EN10083 * 1 Denominazione per riferimento. Le caratteristiche indicate in questa specifica sono più restrittive. 1 The international code is only for reference, Brevini Power Transmission request superior characteristics. 2 Pending introduction in EN10083 – In attesa di introduzione in EN10083. HUB 18CrNiMo7-6 +HH RING GEAR B01 +IF STANDARD STEEL NAME CARRIER PIN SHAFT USED FOR GEAR +QT +NT +CHT FINAL HT 1 CODE 1 +QT PRELIMI NARY HT +FP Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori 5 * * IF = tempra a Induzione è raramente utilizzato / IF = Induction Hardening only for few codes 5.1.1 Certificazione da presentare Certification Requirements Le caratteristiche dell’acciaio devono essere certificate dal Brevini Power Transmission requires that characteristics Fornitore, basandosi sui documenti d’origine are certified by Suppliers and eventually rechecked. dell’acciaieria, supportati da opportuni ricontrolli. Records should exist for at least 5 years at Supplier’s E’ richiesta conservazione a cura dal Fornitore per 5 anni, premises, available in 10 working days. disponibile in max. 5 giorni lavorativi in caso di Raw, semifinished or complete parts must arrive to Brevini contestazioni / problemi. Power Transmission: Il materiale, sia esso grezzo, semifinito o lavorato deve Complete with certificate EN10204 type 3.1. pervenire a Brevini Power Transmission: Separated by cast. Completo di certificato secondo EN10204 tipo 3.1. See Table 2 for a list of required certifications in two Differenziato per colata. situations: Si veda la tabella 2 per un elenco dei documenti da fornire PPAP (sampling / first supply / claims / modifications, nelle due situazioni: see SP042) PPAP (campionature / prime forniture / contestazioni / Serie (mass production supplies) modifiche, vedere SP042) Serie (forniture successive) Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc Page 3 of 22 SP 046-03 TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts Ver. 05 Date 07/03/2014 . Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori Table 2: Certificazioni da fornire – Certification to submit SUBMIT DOCS § REQUIREMENT 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2 REMARKS / NOTE MANUFACTURING PROCESS - PROCESSO DI PRODUZIONE Define sub-Suppliers (steel, HT, machining) and main processes Process Flow Definire i subFornitori (acciaio, trattamenti, lavorazioni) ed i principali Flusso del processo processi. Control Plan Control plan, with control type / frequency Piano fabbricazione e controllo Piano dei controlli Forging Drawing Disegno Grezzo Drawing of forging, with tolerances Disegno del forgiato, con tolleranze PPAP SERIE X - X - X - MATERIAL CERTIFICATE 3.1 - CERTIFICATO MATERIALI 3.1 5.3.1 Original Mill Certificate Certificato Acciaieria Cast number must be present Con riferimento al n°colata Y - 5.3.2 Chemical Analisys Analisi di colata According EN10083-EN10084 Secondo EN10083-EN10084 X Y 5.3.3 Grain Size Grano Austenitico Grain growth elements (AL / Ti), Test Mc-Quaid-Ehn. Affinatori del grano (Al / Ti), Test Mc-Quaid-Ehn Grade >= 5 Grado >= 5 Y Y 5.3.4 Hardenability Temprabilità +HH, with restriction +HH, con limitazioni Table 4 Tabella 4 Y Y 0 Reduction Rate Rapporto di riduzione Banded structure inspection. Ratio 6:1 or better. Rispetto del grado bandatura. Riduzione 6:1 o migliore. Table 5 Tabella 5 X Y 5.3.6 Mechanical Properties Proprietà meccaniche Tensile Test (Re, Rm, A, Z) + Impact test (KV at +20°C) Table 6 Prova Trazione (Re, Rm, A, Z) + Impact test (KV a +20°C) Tabella 6 Y Y 5.3.7 Inclusion Level Livello di inclusioni According ISO4967, EN10247 or similar Secondo ISO4967, EN10247 o simili Table 7 Tabella 7 X Y 5.3.8 Internal Integrity NDT Integrità Volumetrica PND Ultrasonic test on bars (EN10308 level 3) Verifica a ultrasuoni sulle barre (EN10308 level 3) RR X Y 5.3.9 Surface Integrity NDT Difetti Superficiali PND Surface test on bars (EN10221 level B) Integrità superficiale barre (EN10221 level B) Max 1% Max 1% X Y +FP (Isotermal annealing) + QTN (Quenching+Tempering) Table 8 +FP (Ricottura Isotermica) +QTN (Bonifica prenitrurazione) Tabella 8 X Y Dimensional Report with all drawing measures Report dimensionale comprendente tutte le quote X 5.4 PRELIMINARY HEAT TREATMENT - TRATTAMENTO PRELIMINARE 5.4 Heat Treatment Trattamento Preliminare 5.5 MACHINING - LAVORAZIONI 5.5 Dimensional Report Report Dimensionale PPAP = prima fornitura / first supply ; SERIE = forniture successive / next supplies Y = SUBMIT = send to Brevini - inviare a Brevini X = SUBMIT, CROSS CHECKED = Cross check required, submit to Brevini – Controllo incrociato, inviare a Brevini - = RETAIN = 5 years filed by Supplier, available in 10 working days - 5 anni presso il Fornitore, disponibile in 10 giorni lavorativi PRODOTTI PER ITALY-REGGIO Si veda SP042 per maggiori dettagli sul PPAP. Le certificazioni devono essere inviate con le modalità indicate in SP041. Eventuali deviazioni devono essere richieste tramite modello F0410 – RERA (Richiesta di deroga/revisione tecnica) ed il materiale corrispondente deve essere identificato con un TAG identificativo F0413 – LOTTO SPECIALE che riporti le differenze rispetto a questo standard. Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc PRODUCTS FOR BPT-ITALY-REGGIO See SP042 for more details on PPAP. When requested, the certification should be submitted according SP041 – certificate management. Deviations toward this standard must be requested with model F0410 – RERA (Request of Engineering Review and Approval) the not-conforming material must be identified with SPECIAL BATCH TAG F0413. Page 4 of 22 TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts SP 046-03 Ver. 05 Date 07/03/2014 Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori . 5.1.2 Scheda Materiale Material Sheet Tutti i requisiti sono “riassunti” in schede di materiale Requirements and acceptance criteria are given in the F1829 che vengono messe a disposizione da Brevini following paragraphs and summarized in material Power Transmission per ogni combinazione di materiale / specification sheets F1829 that are available for each trattamento preliminare. combination of material / preliminary HT. Figura 1: Scheda Materiale F1829 (esempio) Figure 1: Material Specification Sheet F1829 (example) MATERIAL REFERENCE Tipo di materiale HEAT TREATMENT Material type See § 5.4 Vedere § 5.4 ALTERNATIVE STANDARD See ANNEX A Vedere allegato A CHEMICAL COMPOSITION HARDENABILITY See § 5.3.2 – Vedere § 5.3.2 See § 5.3.2 – Vedere § 5.3.2 CONTAMINANTS REDUCTION RATIO See § 5.3.2 – Vedere § 5.3.2 See § 5.3.5 – Vedere § 5.3.5 CLEANINESS See § 5.3.7 – Vedere § 5.3.7 GRAIN SIZE See § 5.3.3 – Vedere § 5.3.3 MECHANICAL TEST See § 5.3.6 – Vedere § 5.3.6 NDT TEST See § 5.3.8, 5.3.9 HEAT TREATMENT Vedere § 5.3.8, 5.3.9 See § 5.4– Vedere § 5.4 REFERENCE STRUCTURES See § 5.4 – Vedere § 5.4 Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc Page 5 of 22 TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts SP 046-03 Ver. 05 Date 07/03/2014 Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori . 5.2 Processo di fabbricazione Manufacturing Process Il Fornitore è responsabile per tutte le fasi del processo, Supplier is responsible for entire routing, including material incluso l’approvvigionamento di materiale, stoccaggio, procurement, warehousing, machining, heat treatment, lavorazioni meccaniche, trattamenti termici, imballaggio e packaging and shipping. spedizione. Casts should not be mixed in the warehouse/process and Le colate non devono essere mescolate durante lo traceability must be guaranteed during process and stoccaggio/processo e la tracciabilità del prodotto deve shipment to Brevini Power Transmission. essere garantita lungo tutto il processo e nella consegna a Brevini Power Transmission . 5.2.1 Flusso di processo Il Fornitore deve indicare le fasi del processo di produzione, a partire dal ricevimento fino alla spedizione. Il Fornitore deve predisporre un elenco di acciaierie di riferimento preventivamente qualificate, tenendo conto che l’acciaio deve: essere deossidato, raffinato nella siviera, e degasato sotto vuoto. essere protetto da riossidazione durante la fuoriuscita dalla siviera alla lingottiera avere un rapporto di riduzione conforme a quanto indicato nel paragrafo 5.3.5. ispezionato per difetti superficiali e interni al 100% (paragrafi 5.3.8 e 5.3.9) Se i trattamenti termici o le lavorazioni meccaniche sono eseguite esternamente il Fornitore deve sottomettere l’elenco dei sub-Fornitori qualificati e garantire che gli stessi siano in grado di rispettare i requisiti descritti in queste TPS. 5.2.2 Piano dei controlli Il Fornitore deve predisporre un piano che indichi: Tipo e frequenza dei controlli eseguiti Criteri di accettabilità Piano di reazione in caso di NC I controlli devono essere eseguiti da personale qualificato ed addestrato, in conformità ai principi di EN473 o simili normative internazionali. La strumentazione deve essere adeguata ai tipi di controllo richiesti. Il rispetto del piano di controllo verrà periodicamente verificato da Brevini Power Transmission. 5.2.3 Disegno grezzo e pre-lavorato Prima di campionare inviare il disegno del grezzo (forgiato, stampato, rullato) e del semilavorato a Brevini Power Transmission per accettazione. Brevini Power Transmission archivierà il disegno con stampigliato “accettato da Brevini Power Transmission il _____”. L’invio di disegni a Brevini Power Transmission non garantisce che vengano effettuati controlli di correttezza di nessun tipo. Per richiedere una verifica utilizzare il formato “Richiesta di deroga / revisione tecnica” (RERA – F0410) indicando chiaramente le caratteristiche da verificare. Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 Process Flow Supplier shall indicate the process flow from raw material incoming to shipment. A short-list of qualified steel mills should be indicated considering that this requirements apply: The steel must be deoxidized, refined in the ladle, and vacuum degassed. The steel must be protected from reoxidation during the pouring from the ladle to the mold. Mill reduction ratio should be in conformity to requirement on chapter 5.3.5, NDT tested (both internal and surface integrity, see 5.3.8 e 5.3.9) If heat treatment or machining is performed externally then the Supplier must indicate the sub-Supplier list and guarantee that they can fulfill the requirements in this TPS. Control Plan Supplier must prepare a control plan that states: Type and frequency of controls Acceptance Criteria Reaction Plan Controls must be performed by trained personnel, in accordance to EN473 or similar standards. Equipment should be adequate to the type of control requested. Verification of the actual practice will be periodically assessed by Brevini Power Transmission. Raw and semi-finished part Drawing Before sampling provide the drawing of raw material (forged or rolled) and premachined part for acceptance to Brevini Power Transmission. Brevini Power Transmission will archive the drawing and provide a copy marked with “accepted by Brevini Power Transmission on ___” . The submittal of the drawing to Brevini Power Transmission and optional acceptance does not guarantee any check performed by Brevini Power Transmission. In order to request an engineering review use the Request of Engineering Review (RERA – F0410) form, indicating which characteristics need a review. FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc Page 6 of 22 SP 046-03 TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts Ver. 05 Date 07/03/2014 Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori . 5.3 Certificato 3.1 del materiale Material Certificate 3.1 Nei paragrafi seguenti sono espressi i contenuti richiesti Certification content and acceptance criteria are given in nel certificato del materiale e relativi criteri. the following paragraphs and summarized material Tutti i requisiti sono “riassunti” nelle schede di materiale specification sheets F1829. F1829 che vengono messe a disposizione da Brevini Brevini Power Transmission reserves the right to perform Power Transmission per ogni tipologia di materiale. cross check on the material, in case of serious Brevini Power Transmission si riserva il diritto di effettuare discrepancies the cost of control should be borne by controlli incrociati, con addebito dei costi di controllo in Supplier. caso di evidenti anomalie. 5.3.1 Certificato originale dell’acciaieria Original mill certificate In alcuni casi il certificato originale dell’acciaieria deve In some situations the original mill certificate is requested. essere fornito. When not requested a transcription on the Supplier format Nei casi in cui l’originale non sia richiesto è accettata (see for example F1831 – ANNEX F) can also be anche una trascrizione sui modelli in uso presso il accepted. Fornitore o nel modello F1831 (vedere ANNEX F). Cast number must be stated for traceability. In ogni caso il numero di colata deve essere riportato per Denomination of steel may be different due to naming eventuale rintracciabilità del documento originale. convention of different standards. Sul certificato originale può essere indicato un materiale See ANNEX A for difference in notation. differente, secondo quanto indicato in ANNEX A. 5.3.2 Composizione Chimica e impurità Chemical Composition and contaminants Gli elementi di colata devono essere confrontati con gli Chemical composition must comply with the international standard di riferimento, che sono anche riportati nelle standards, which are also reported in the specification rispettive schede del materiale F1829. sheets F1829. Gli elementi affinatori del grano devono essere indicati (ad Preventing grain size growth elements (eg Al > 0,018%) esempio Al > 0,018%). must be indicated. In fase di accettazione di colata si raccomanda di fare un Is recommended that Supplier make a cross-check of the controllo incrociato. Steel Mill certificate. Le impurità sono indesiderate e devono essere contenute, Contaminants must be limited, see table below for ci si riferisca alla tabella sottostante. Una certificato di reference, generic process verification (EN10204 2.2) can processo (EN10204 tipo 2.2) può essere fornito per be issued for the presence of contaminants. dimostrare il rispetto del livello di contaminanti. Table 3: Livello di contaminanti – Accepted contaminants ELEMENT LIMITS S 0,010 % to 0,035% (*) Al < 0,050 % Ti < 0,050 % Si < 0,400 % P < 0,025% Cu < 0,300 % Ca < 15 ppm O2 < 25 ppm H2 < 3 ppm N2 < 200 ppm Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 REMARKS / NOTE Sulfur added after degasing. (*) Limit increased to 0,040% when S is mentioned on drawing (example: 42CrMoS4) Addizionato dopo il degassaggio. (*) Tollerato fino a 0,040% se S è esplicitamente previsto nel disegno (esempio: 42CrMoS4) Usage >0,018% is recommend for grain growth prevention. Uso > 0,018% per ridurre il grano austenitico. Up to 0,11% allowed but must be stated in the material name (ex: 20MnCrTiH) Fino a 0,11% ammesso se incluso nel nome del materiale (ex: 20MnCrTiH) As stated in ISO6336-5 Si veda per rif.ISO6336-5 As stated in ISO6336-5 Si veda per rif.ISO6336-5 FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc Page 7 of 22 SP 046-03 TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Ver. Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts 05 Date 07/03/2014 Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori . 5.3.3 Grano Austenitico Da riportare secondo ISO 643 (Mc-Quaid-Ehn). Grado 5 o più fine. Grain Size Should be reported in the certificate, according the McQuaid-Ehn method (ISO 643). Grade 5 or finer is requested. 5.3.4 Temprabilità Hardenability Valori ricavati come in ISO642 (Jominy). Test according ISO642 (Jominy). Valori di riferimento come da EN10083; EN10084; Values as indicated in norm EN10083; EN10084; UNI7874 UNI7874 in fascia di temprabilità +HH. Restricted hardenability +HH is normally required except Indicazioni differenti riguarda alla temprabilità possono different indications in the drawing. essere fornite a livello di singolo disegno. Table 4: Temprabilità richiesta – Required Hardenability (reference: EN10083-EN10084 +HH) CODE STEEL NAME J5 (5mm) J7 (7mm) J9 (9mm) J11 (11mm) J25 (25mm) HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC B01 18CrNiMo7-6 MAX MIN 48 42 48 41 47 40 47 40 43 35 B02 17NiCrMo6-4 MAX MIN 47 40 46 38 45 35 44 33 36 27 B21 20MnCr5 MAX MIN 48 40 46 37 43 34 42 33 35 26 B40 36CrMn5 MAX MIN 57 49 56 47 55 44 54 41 48 32 B41 42CrMo4 MAX MIN 61 55 60 54 60 52 59 48 53 39 (*) SEMILAVORATI PER ITALY-REGGIO Per semilavorati destinati allo stabilimento di Reggio Emilia, il Fornitore, prima della campionatura, deve sottoporre disegno del grezzo o semilavorato per accettazione (vedere paragrafo 5.2.3). In tale disegno deve essere riportata l’indicazione della fascia di temprabilità (+HH, +HL o altro) e l’utilizzo di eventuali materiali alternativi. Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc (*) SEMI-FINISHED FOR ITALY-REGGIO For semi-finished products that will be delivered to Reggio Emilia plants the Supplier, before sampling, must deliver the raw material or premachined drawing (see paragraph 5.2.3). On the drawing there should be indication of hardenability band (+HH, +HL or other) and eventual possibility of alternative materials. Page 8 of 22 SP 046-03 TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts Ver. 05 Date 07/03/2014 Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori . 5.3.5 Rapporto di riduzione Il rapporto di riduzione totale (RR) è il rapporto tra prodotto siderurgico prima e dopo la laminazione. Nel RR sono considerati: - laminazione in barre (dal lingotto/billetta a barra) - rullatura a caldo (dal forgiato ad anello) In tabella 5 sono presentati i valori accettati a seconda dei vari processi di fornitura. Nei certificati devono essere indicati la sezione di partenza e di arrivo (ad esempio: laminato Ø100mm ottenuto a partire da blumo 240x240, RR = 7,3) Reduction Rate Total Reduction Rate (RR) is expressed as the ratio between the between sections in condition “as cast” and “laminated”. Total Reduction Ratio is including: - steel mill lamination (from ingot / billet to bars) - ring hot-rolling (from forged to rings) Unless otherwise approved the total reduction ratio is to be at least what indicated on table 5 below. In certificates indicate the start and final section (ex: rolled bar Ø100mm obtained from bloom 240x240, RR = 7,3) Table 5: Grado di riduzione richiesto – Required Reduction Ratio 2 REFERENCE DIMENSION [mm] MILL PROCESS 1 PROCESS D < 40 40 ≤ D < 100 100 ≤ D < 160 D 160 NR 3 NR 3 4:1 4:1 9:1 7:1 6:1 6:1 9:1 7:1 6:1 6:1 11 : 1 7:1 6:1 NR 4 FORGING + ISOTHERMAL ANNEALING (+FP) INGOTS. Lingotti. Forgia, seguita da ricottura isotermica (+FP) FORGING+QT (+QT, +QTN) Forgia, seguita da bonifica (+QT, +QTN) FORGING AND ISOTHERMAL ANNEALING (+FP) Forgia, seguita da ricottura isotermica (+FP) FORGING+QT (+QT, +QTN) Forgia, seguita da bonifica (+QT, +QTN) BARS - Rough turning + Annealing (+FP) CONTINUOUS CASTING Colata continua - Rough turning + Normalizing (+N) - Rough turning + QT (+QT) Lavorazione di Barre - Sgrossato + ricottura ISO (+FP) - Sgrossato + Normalizzato (+N) - Sgrossato e poi bonificato (+QT) OTHER CASES BARS - Only turning process (+A, +S) - QT Bars for shafts (+QT) Altri casi per le barre - Tornitura di barra ricotta o cesoiabile (+A, +S) - Tornitura di barra bonificata (+ QT) 1 Vacuum Degassed and then laminated to bars / squares. / Degassaggio sotto vuoto e laminazione in barre / quadri Diameter or Max Dimension as delivered by steelmaker / Diametro barra o max dimensione lineare 3 For D < 100mm this process is not recommended // Per D < 100 processo non raccomandato 4 For D > 160mm rough turn and then HT // Per partenza con D > 160mm sgrossare e poi trattare termicamente 2 Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc Page 9 of 22 SP 046-03 TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Ver. Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts 05 Date 07/03/2014 Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori . 5.3.6 Proprietà Meccaniche Le proprietà meccaniche da certificare e i valori di accettabilità sono indicati in tabella 6. Valori riportati da EN10083, ISO683-11, UNI7846. Preparazione come da EN ISO 377 (vedere ANNEX D) Per la resilienza si richiede prova con metodo KV ISO148:2011 (indicare tutti e tre i valori + la media) alla temperatura ambiente + 25°C +/- 5°C, se non diversamente specificato nel disegno o nell’ordine. Mechanical Properties Mechanical properties to be tested are indicated in table 6 below. Values are from EN10083, ISO683-11,UNI7846. Samples as per EN ISO 377 (vedere ANNEX D) Impact test according ISO148:2011, KV method (report 3 values and average). Test temperature for KV = + 25°C +/5°C (room temperature). Special requirements may be indicated on drawing or purchase order. Table 6: Proprietà meccaniche – Mechanical Properties Test executed on a test bar Ø 11mm after HT MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 1 Temperi ng T (°C) Rm (N/mm2) MIN MAX Re (N/mm2) A% KV [J] (+25°C) B01 18CrNiMo7-6 190 °C 1230 1520 980 7 45 B02 17NiCrMo6-4 190 °C 1230 1520 980 9 42 B21 20MnCr5 190 °C 1230 1570 930 7 27 B40 36CrMn5 600 °C 880 1030 735 12 30 B41 42CrMo4 600 °C 1080 1300 880 10 42 For impact test refer to Annex D. Si veda Annex D per impact test. Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc Page 10 of 22 SP 046-03 TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Ver. Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts 05 Date 07/03/2014 Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori . 5.3.7 Inclusioni non-metalliche Non metallic inclusions EN10247 (method K) is the recommended method for Utilizzare il metodo K (EN10247 – UNI3244) con i valori checking inclusions values as per table 6. indicate in tabella 6. I Solfuri possono essere esclusi dal conteggio K ammesso Sulfides can be excluded from K-count provided that ASulfides, Thick are less than level 1,5. che il livello di Sulfidi – Tipo A- Heavy sia inferiore a 1,5. ISO 4967, ASTM E-45 can also be used. In alternativa è possibile anche utilizzare il metodo Cross checking is requested when sampling parts. ISO4967 o ASTM E-45 con i valori indicati in tabella 6. See ANNEX B for reference pictures from ISO4967 are Nelle campionature è richiesto un controllo incrociato. given. Nell’ANNEX B sono riportate le immagini tipo ISO4967. CLEANINESS Ø 40 mm 40 mm < Ø 100 mm 100 mm < Ø 200 mm Ø > 200 mm Inclusions level (EN 10247) K3 30 K4 25 K4 30 K4 35 Alternative method according ISO4967 ASTM E-45 TYPE Thi n Sul fi des - A 1,5 1,5 1,0 1,0 2,0 2,0 1,0 1,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,5 3,0 2,5 2,0 2,0 0,5 1,0 0,5 0,5 1,0 1,0 0,5 1,0 1,0 1,5 1,0 1,0 1,0 2,0 1,0 1,5 Al l umi na - B Si l i ca tes - C Gl obe Ox - D Hea vy Thi n Hea vy Thi n Hea vy Thi n Hea vy Table 7: Livello Inclusioni – Inclusion Level 5.3.8 Difetti interni Internal Soundness check, NDT L’assenza di difetti interni (fessurazioni, macroinclusioni) Internal soundness must be certified with ultrasonic testing deve essere certificata con il controllo ad ultrasuoni (UT) in (UT) in process on the bars, acceptability is: linea con criterio di accettabilità sulle barre: EN10308, level 3. UNI EN10308 classe 3 Other type of internal soundness inspection shall be Altre forme di ispezione dei difetti interni devono essere approved by Brevini Power Transmission. approvate da Brevini Power Transmission. On following cases a re-testing on semi-finished material Solo nei seguenti casi è richiesta un’ulteriore verifica sul (Ra < 12,5m) must be performed: materiale pre-lavorato (Ra < 12,5m): RR < 7:1 and steel mill didn’t certify the UT on bars RR < 7:1 e manca certificato UT acciaieria Requested on drawing Indicazione sul disegno Richieste in fase di validazione (PPAP) Criterio di accettabilità sul forgiato o semilavorato: UNI EN 10228-3, classe 3 5.3.9 Difetti superficiali L’assenza dei difetti superficiali deve essere garantita sulle barre tramite controlli di processo dell’acciaieria, criterio EN10221 level B. Un controllo deve essere previsto anche dopo la forgia utilizzando uno di questi metodi: MT (Magnetoscopio) EN10228-1 classe 3 Controllo Visivo MT è necessario in fase di campionatura. Criterio di accettabilità sul forgiato o semilavorato: UNI EN 10228-1, classe 3 Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 Request for validation (PPAP) Acceptance criteria on forged or semi-finished part: EN 10228-3, level 3 Surface defects check, NDT Shall be certified on the bars by steelmaker in process, with criteria: EN10221 level B After forging a verification of surface defect must be carried out, use one of this methods: MT (Magnetic Particle Testing) EN10228-1 level 3 Visual Inspection Only MT is accepted when sampling (PPAP). Acceptance criteria on forged or semi-finished part: EN 10228-1, level 3 FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc Page 11 of 22 SP 046-03 TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Ver. Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts 05 Date 07/03/2014 Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori . 5.4 Certificato Trattamento Termico Particolari ricavati da barre allo stato +A (ricotto lavorabile) o +S (cesoiabile) sono ammessi alle condizioni che siano rispettati questi requisiti: Rapporto Riduzione come tabella 5 Ø barra inferiore ai 160mm HT Certificate Parts that can be obtained directly from bars delivered in condition +A (Annealed) or +S (Shearable) can be delivered if the following requirements are checked: Reduction Ratio as table 5 Ø bar less than 160mm Negli altri casi si richiede di effettuare trattamento termico dopo taglio o sgrossatura. Dopo forgia, rullatura o stampaggio i semilavorati dovranno subire un trattamento termico preliminare con lo scopo di ottenere le strutture adeguate, migliorare la lavorabilità e prevenire successive deformazioni. Possono essere richiesti questi tipi di trattamento preliminare: +FP: Alberi, giunti, ingranaggi a dentatura esterna (solari, satelliti, pignoni) che saranno cementati e temprati devono essere trattati con ricottura isotermica. +N: Se richiesto sui disegni o nel ciclo si utilizzerà il trattamento di Normalizzazione. +QT: quando richiesto dal disegno si richiederà un processo di bonifica. Si veda SP022-05. +QTN: Per le corone, mozzi dentate e altre parti che saranno nitrurate si utilizza una bonifica particolare con le caratteristiche di descritte in SP022-09. Le linee guida per i trattamenti preliminari sono presentate in tabella 8. Per conversioni riferirsi a ISO 18265. Nel caso di fornitura di parti cementate è richiesto un certificato per il trattamento di Cementazione Tempra e Rinvenimento, riferirsi a SP022-02 per i dettagli. Per parti nitrurate ci si riferisca a UNI5831 In other cases HT is requested after cutting or rough turning. After stamping, forging or rolling all semi-finished parts must be heat treated to refine the structure, improve machinability and prevent deformations. Different preliminary HT can be requested: +FP: Shafts, couplings, external gears (solar, satellite, pinion) that will be case hardened and tempered must undergo Isothermal Annealing. +N: When requested on drawing the semi-finished parts can be Normalized. +QT: When requested on drawing or clearly indicated in the purchase order different type of Hardening and Tempering process can be used to improve some characteristics. Refer to SP022-05. +QTN: Ring gears, hubs and other parts that will be subject to nitriding must be hardened and tempered as described in SP022-09. Guidelines for preliminary HT are presented in table 8. For conversions use ISO 18265. When supplying case hardened parts a CHT certificate is requested, refer to Brevini Power Transmission SP02202. When supplying Nitrided parts a certification is needed according UNI 5831 Table 8: Trattamenti Preliminari – Preliminary Heat Treatments +FP +QT +QTN ISOTHERMAL ANNEALING HARDENING AND TEMPERING PRE-NITRIDING HARDENING AND TEMPERING RICOTTURA ISOTERMICA BONIFICA BONIFICA PRE-NITRURAZIONE HB MICRO STRUCTURES 18CrNiMo7-6 160 - 210 Ferrite + Perlite B02 17NiCrMo6-4 160 – 210 Ferrite + Perlite B21 20MnCr5 160 – 210 Ferrite + Perlite B40 36MnCr5 Drawing Uniform Sorbite B41 42CrMo4 Drawing Uniform Sorbite ID STEEL B01 HB MICRO STRUCTURES HB MICRO STRUCTURES Drawing Martensite + Sorbite Drawing Uniform Sorbite + FP = With austenitizing temperature > 940°C. Garantire Temperatura Austenitizzazione > 940°C. + QT = Hardening and Tempering. Bonifica. + QTN = Si veda SP022-09: Dopo la tempra il rinvenimento è da eseguire a T > 580°C. See SP022-09: After quenching tempering at T > 580°C Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc Page 12 of 22 TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts SP 046-03 Ver. 05 Date 07/03/2014 Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori . 5.5 Certificato Dimensionale In fase di campionature è richiesta verifica di tutte le dimensioni presenti nei disegni. Dei grezzi (forgiati, stampati, rullati) Dei prelavorati 5.6 Dimensional Report During sampling the check of all dimensions on the drawing is requested: For raw parts (forged,rolled) For semi-finished parts Altro Other 5.6.1 Identificazione e Imballaggio Ove praticabile i prodotti devono essere identificati con una sigla che permetta di identificare la colata di provenienza. I particolari devono essere spediti in contenitori idonei e separati per colata. Si veda a proposito SP029. Identification and Packaging Whenever feasible the parts should be marked with characters that allow traceability to the original cast / certificate. Packaging as per SP029. 5.6.2 Barrotti Sample Bars Quando richiesto dall’ordine è necessario allegare alla When requested on the purchase order test bars must be spedizione delle barre da utilizzare per futuri test. supplied with the parts. Queste barre avranno dimensioni riportate nell’ordine e Bars will have shape as agreed on the order and must dovranno subire gli stessi trattamenti dei particolari oggetto undergo all treatments of the parts. di fornitura. Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc Page 13 of 22 TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts SP 046-03 Ver. 05 Date 07/03/2014 . Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori 6 ANNEX A – DESIGNATION AND ALTERNATIVE STEELS I materiali sono indicati nei disegni, con o senza riferimento a questa TPS, con o senza possibilità di utilizzare materiali alternativi, si veda tabella 9. Nel caso ci siano riferimenti a normative internazionali obsolete si utilizzi la tabella 10 qui sotto per conversione. Nelle schede di materiali sono identificati materiali alternativi con le seguenti diciture: EQUIVALENT: in genere solo una nomenclatura differente, ma identiche proprietà. Sempre accettato. ALLOWED: proprietà simili o superiori. Di norma accettato, a meno che la modifica non sia vietata nei disegni. Il materiale deve essere identificato col TAG F0413, indicando le differenze dallo standard. RESTRICTED: proprietà simili, ma è necessaria un’approvazione del servizio Engineering da sottomettere tramite modulo RERA F0410 a QC di Brevini Power Transmission. La tabella 11 presenta una guida sintetica delle possibili situazioni. Materials are specified on drawings, with or without reference to this standard and with or without usage of alternative materials allowed, see table 9. When an obsolete international standard is referred on drawing refer to table 10 for conversion. In material specification sheet the alternative materials are listed, with different usage: EQUIVALENT: only different naming convention, very similar or identical properties. Always accepted. ALLOWED: similar or superior properties. Normally accepted if not forbidden on drawing. Material should be identified with F0413 TAG reporting differences with standard. RESTRICTED: similar properties, but require approval by Engineering dept., submit request with RERA format F0410 to QC Brevini Power Transmission. Table 11 summarize frequent possible situation. Table 9: indicazioni sui disegni - indication on drawing 2 6 Legenda: 1 – codice particolare 2 – indice modifica 3 – trattamento termico 4 – stato 5 – tipo materiale 6 – specifica materiale 7 – codice in specifica 8 – alternative permesse 9 – caratteristiche meccaniche 8 5 4 7 3 9 1 2 8 5 4 Definitions: 1 – PN 2 – revision index 3 – heat treatment 4 – state 5 – material type 6 – material specification 7 – code in specification 8 – alternative material allowed 9 – mechanical characteristics 3 9 1 Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc Page 14 of 22 SP 046-03 TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Ver. Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts Date 07/03/2014 . --> CONVERT IN NEW MATERIAL - SP046-03 18NiCrMo5 UNI 7846 – UNI 8550 17NiCrMo6-4 EN10084 16CrNi4 UNI 7846 – UNI 8550 NOT USED, CONTACT BREVINI 16MnCr5 UNI 7846 – UNI 8550 20MnCr5 EN10084 20MnCr5 UNI 7846 – UNI 8550 20MnCr5 EN10084 18CrMo4 UNI 7846 – UNI 8550 NOT USED, CONTACT BREVINI 20MoCr4 DIN std. NOT USED, CONTACT BREVINI 17CrNiMo6 DIN std. 18CrNiMo7-6 EN10084 42CrMo4 UNI7845 42CrMo4 EN10083 36CrMn5 UNI7845 STILL IN USE 41Cr4 EN10083 STILL IN USE Drawing Status Table 11: Regole per materiali alternativi - Rules for alternative materials Material Sheet Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori Table 10: Conversione da vecchie normative – Old designation conversion OLD DESIGNATION Material Type Alternative according NPI31 or SP046-03 Equivalent Allowed Restricted Remarks EN10084 / EN10083 OLD DESIGNATION EN10084 / EN10083 OLD DESIGNATION ALTERNATIVE ALLOWED ALTERNATIVE ALLOWED ALTERNATIVE NOT ALLOWED ALTERNATIVE NOT ALLOWED OK OK OK OK OK + TAG OK + TAG NO NO RERA + TAG RERA + TAG NO NO TABLE 9 TO CONVERT OLD--> NEW IN CASE OF DOUBT REQUEST WITH RERA TABLE 9 TO CONVERT OLD--> NEW ALL MATERIAL MUST RESPECT MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND REDUCTION RATIO. IF NOT THEN NEED SUBMIT RERA + TAG. TUTTI I MATERIALI DEVONO ESSERE CONFORMI PER PROPRIETA' MECCANICHE E RAPPORTO DI RIDUZIONE, ALTRIMENTI INVIARE RERA + TAG Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc 05 Page 15 of 22 Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts 7 Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc SP 046-03 Ver. . ANNEX B - HARDENABILITY For reference purpose only. Page 16 of 22 05 Date 07/03/2014 Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts 8 Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc SP 046-03 Ver. . ANNEX C – INCLUSION TEST For reference purpose only Comparison of standards Area to be controlled is 0,71 x 0,71mm = 0,50 mm . Here the area is represented at 100x, for reference. 2 Page 17 of 22 05 Date 07/03/2014 Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION TYPE A Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 MAGNIFICATION 50x APPROX. (SULFIDE) FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc SP 046-03 Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts Ver. . TYPE B (ALUMINATE) Page 18 of 22 05 Date 07/03/2014 Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION TYPE C Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 MAGNIFICATION 50x APPROX. (SILICATE) FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc SP 046-03 Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts Ver. . (GLOBULAR TYPE) TYPE D Page 19 of 22 05 Date 07/03/2014 TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts SP 046-03 Ver. 05 Date 07/03/2014 . Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori 9 ANNEX D – SAMPLE FOR MECHANICAL TEST For reference purpose only. Le prove meccaniche si intendono condotte su quattro provini Ø11mm* che sono ricavati dalle barre originali. Detti provini Ø11 dovranno essere temprati e rinvenuti a 190°C (acciai da cementazione) oppure 600°C (acciai da bonifica). Dalle barre dovranno essere ricavate quattro provini per 1 prova di trazione (EN 10002, fig.1) + 3 prove di resilienza (ISO 148, fig.2). Prova di resilienza con il metodo KV, longitudinale, a temperatura ambiente, tre valori e la media. I risultati sono da confrontare con quelli indicati nella scheda materiale F1829. Mechanical test should be conducted on bars Ø11mm. Ø11mm* bars should be hardened and tempered at 190°C (case hardening steels) or 600°C (quenching steels). From such bars create 4 specimen for tensile test (EN10002 Fig.1) and 3 impact test (ISO 148, fig.2). Impact test KV type, longitudinal, at room temperature, three values and average. Results to be compared with material specification F1829. *si accetta anche prova su16mm *16 mm also allowed Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc Page 20 of 22 Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc SP 046-03 Ver. . 10 ANNEX E – BANDED GRADE EXAMINATION For reference purpose only. Generic certification of max.grade = IV must be collected from Steelmakers. From UNI 8449, 100x. Page 21 of 22 05 Date 07/03/2014 Confidentiality Agreement: This documentation is Proprietary Information of Brevini Power Transmission SpA and shall not be disclosed to any third party (including persons, firm or corporation) without express written permission of Brevini Power Transmission SpA. The receiving party shall take all necessary precautions to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of such Information. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information; if you suspect that you received this document(s) by mistake please destroy them and immediately inform the sender. Confidence Level: Supplier and sub-Suppliers ONLY, Permesso ai Fornitori e sub-Fornitori TPS - TECHNICAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION Alloyed Steel for Gears and Shafts Form: F1807_R02_2010.09.02 FileName: SP046-03_R05_2014_03_07.doc SP 046-03 Ver. . 11 ANNEX F EXAMPLE OF CERTIFICATE For reference purpose only – ask for F1831 model. Page 22 of 22 05 Date 07/03/2014
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