ENR 3.6.2-1 AIP - Italia ENR 3.6.2 Codice ICAO ICAO code ELENCO RADIOASSISTENZE E ROTTE/PROCEDURE ASSOCIATE RADIO NAVIGATION AIDS LIST AND RELEVANT ROUTES/ PROCEDURES Procedure di attesa Holding procedures MHA/MHL Turn (Destra/ Right) (Sinistra/ Left) 1 ABN NDB (Albenga) AEA VOR/DME (Alghero) AH-L (Alghero) Rotte ATS/procedure interessate Inbound track (MAG) 2 D/R 044° 7000 (2) D/R 044° 4000 (1) S/L 051° 4000 D/R 177° 3000 (1) (2) D/R 043° 4000 (1) D/R 043° (1) IAS MAX 210kt EA star EA sid EA ial (1) IAS MAX 210kt EA ial (1) IAS MAX 220kt (2) IAS MAX 280kt (2) Riservata al mancato avvicinamento Reserved to missed approach / L/UL5 L42 L/UL978 M/UM603 M/UM732 EA star EA sid EA ial (1) Riservata al mancato avvicinamento Reserved to missed approach / L/UL5 L42 L/UL978 M/UM603 M/UM732 EA star EA sid EA ial EO star EO sid (1) IAS MAX 210kt EA star EA sid EA ial D/R 177° 3000 (1) D/R 177° 4000 (2) D/R 043° 3000 (1) (2) D/R 043° 4000 (1) S/L 043° 3000 (1) (2) S/L 043° ANC NDB (Ancona) 5000 D/R 358° L/UL612 L/UL865 M/UM730 M/UM736 M/UM986 UY765 UZ982 PR star PR sid PY star PY sid PY ial ANC VOR/DME (Ancona) 5000 D/R 358° L/UL612 L/UL865 M/UM730 M/UM736 M/UM986 UY765 UZ982 PR star PR sid PY star PY sid PY ial ENAV - Roma 4 M/UM985 Q/UQ985 UT102 Y/UY15 Z/UZ388 UZ651 Z929 MF star MG star MG sid MG ial MJ star 4000 ALG VORTAC (Alghero) REMARKS 3 6000 (1) AHO TACAN (Alghero) ALG NDB (Alghero) ATS Routes/ Procedure affected NOTE (2) IAS MAX 220kt (2) Riservata al mancato avvicinamento Reserved to missed approach AIRAC effective date 08 JAN 2015 / (A12/14) ENR 3.6.2-2 AIP - Italia Codice ICAO Procedure di attesa ICAO code Holding procedures MHA/MHL Turn (Destra/ Right) (Sinistra/ Left) 1 BAR VOR/DME (Bari) Rotte ATS/procedure interessate Inbound track (MAG) ATS Routes/ Procedure affected 2 NOTE REMARKS 3 4000 (1) D/R 255° 3000 (2)(4) D/R 175° 4000 (3) S/L 067° P/UP92 T/UT415 T/UT527 BD star BD sid BD ial BF sid 4 (1) A discrezione ATC / ATC discretion (2) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione riservata al mancato avvicinamento: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 11NM e 15NM su RDL355 BAR VOR/DME Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station reserved to missed approach: - Nominal limiting distances between 11NM and 15NM on RDL355 BAR VOR/DME (3) IAS MAX 210kt (4) IAS MAX 220kt BEG VOR/DME (Bergamo) FL90 S/L 129° FL100 (2) S/L 129° FL110 (3) S/L 129° 4000 (4)(6) S/L 337° 2000 (5) S/L 345° MC sid ME star ME sid ME ial ML sid PX sid LSZA star LSZA sid (1) IAS MAX 200kt (2) IAS MAX 230kt (3) IAS MAX 280kt (4) IAS MAX 185kt (5) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 12NM e 15NM su RDL165 BEG VOR/DME Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station: - Nominal limiting distances between 12NM and 15NM on RDL165 BEG VOR/DME (6) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 15NM e 18NM su RDL157 BEG VOR/DME Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station: - Nominal limiting distances between 15NM and 18NM on RDL157 BEG VOR/DME BLA VOR/DME (Biella) 4000 (1)(2) D/R 251° FL75 or transition level if higher (1)(3) D/R 251° FL150 S/L 343° BOA NDB (Bologna) 3000 S/L 115° M/UM738 M/UM859 Q/UQ95 Y/UY504 PE star PE sid PE ial PK star PO star PR sid PX star PX sid BOA VOR/DME (Bologna) 5000 (1) S/L 115° M/UM738 M/UM859 Q/UQ95 Y/UY504 PE star PE sid PE ial PK star PK sid PK ial PO star PO sid PR sid PX star PX sid (1) IAS MAX 200kt BPL L (Bari) 4000 (1) S/L 067° BD star BD sid BD ial (1) IAS MAX 200kt MC sid MC ial MF star MW star MW ial (1) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione riservata al mancato avvicinamento: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 14NM e 19NM su RDL071 BLA VOR/DME Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station reserved to missed approach: - Nominal limiting distances between 14NM and 19NM on RDL071 BLA VOR/DME (2) IAS MAX 230kt (3) IAS MAX 280kt AIRAC effective date 08 JAN 2015 (A12/14) ENAV - Roma ENR 3.6.2-3 AIP - Italia Codice ICAO Procedure di attesa ICAO code Holding procedures MHA/MHL Turn (Destra/ Right) (Sinistra/ Left) 1 Rotte ATS/procedure interessate Inbound track (MAG) ATS Routes/ Procedure affected 2 3 BRD NDB (Brindisi) 4000 D/R 314° 3000 (1) D/R 314° BRD VORTAC (Brindisi) 4000 D/R 315° 3000 (1) D/R 315° 4000 D/R 314° 3000 (1) D/R 314° (1) Riservata al mancato avvicinamento Reserved to missed approach / A/UA48 L/UL612 L/UL862 L/UL995 M/UM603 P/UP92 UT292 BD star BD sid BF sid BG star BG sid BR star BR sid BR ial (1) Riservata al mancato avvicinamento Reserved to missed approach / PO star PO sid PO ial BZO NDB (Bolzano) L/UL12 M/UM726 M/UM736 M/UM984 N/UN606 T/UT101 T/UT897 UY9 Z/UZ906 DT star DT sid PB star PB sid PZ sid 3000 (1) S/L 317° 3500 (2) S/L 317° 4000 (3) S/L 317° 5000 S/L 317° 4000 (1) S/L 317° 5000 D/R 338° 4000 (1) D/R 338° CAR NDB (Carbonara) 5000 S/L 216° 5500 (1) S/L 216° CAR VOR/DME (Carbonara) 5000 S/L 216° 5500 (1) S/L 216° CAS L (Caselle) 5000 D/R 002° CAG VOR/DME (Cagliari) ENAV - Roma 4 A/UA48 L/UL612 L/UL862 L/UL995 M/UM603 P/UP92 UT292 BD star BD sid BR star BR sid BR ial BSA VOR/DME (Brescia) CAG L (Cagliari) NOTE REMARKS EE star EE sid EE ial (1) IAS MAX 210kt (2) IAS MAX 230kt (3) IAS MAX 280kt EE star EE sid EE ial (1) Riservata al mancato avvicinamento Reserved to missed approach M/UM126 M/UM732 M/UM733 M/UM871 P/UP161 Q/UQ152 Y/UY159 EE star EE sid EE ial (1) IAS >280kt M/UM126 M/UM732 M/UM733 M/UM871 P/UP161 Q/UQ152 Y/UY159 EE star EE sid EE ial (1) IAS >280kt / MF sid MF ial AIRAC effective date 08 JAN 2015 (A12/14) ENR 3.6.2-4 AIP - Italia Codice ICAO Procedure di attesa ICAO code Holding procedures MHA/MHL Turn (Destra/ Right) (Sinistra/ Left) 1 Rotte ATS/procedure interessate Inbound track (MAG) 2 3 CAS TACAN (Caselle) CDC VORTAC (Caraffa) ATS Routes/ Procedure affected NOTE REMARKS 4 MF ial 5500 S/L 129° CEV L (Cervia) L/UL137 L/UL869 M/UM620 M/UM729 Q/UQ152 Q/UQ182 Q865 Z/UZ910 BC star BC sid CA star CA sid CA ial CR sid PK sid CHI NDB (Chioggia) 5000 (1) D/R 329° L/UL612 L/UL614 M/UM167 M/UM859 N/UN503 Q/UQ702 UY106 Y/UY664 Z/UZ388 Z/UZ906 PH star PH sid PQ star PQ sid PU star PU sid PV sid PZ star PZ sid PZ ial (1) IAS MAX 210kt per ragioni ATC / for ATC reasons CHI VOR/DME (Chioggia) 5000 (1) D/R 329° KY139 L/UL612 L/UL614 M/UM167 M/UM859 N/UN503 Q/UQ702 UY106 Y/UY664 Z/UZ388 Z/UZ906 PH star PH sid PQ star PQ sid PU star PU sid PV sid PZ star PZ sid PZ ial (1) IAS MAX 210kt per ragioni ATC / for ATC reasons CIA NDB (Ciampino) AIRAC effective date RA ial 08 JAN 2015 (A12/14) ENAV - Roma ENR 3.6.2-5 AIP - Italia Codice ICAO Procedure di attesa ICAO code Holding procedures MHA/MHL Turn (Destra/ Right) (Sinistra/ Left) 1 CMP NDB (Campagnano) Rotte ATS/procedure interessate Inbound track (MAG) ATS Routes/ Procedure affected 2 3 5000 (1) D/R 198° 6000 (2) D/R 198° 4000 (3) D/R 208° 4000 (4) D/R 198° RA star RF star RF ial NOTE REMARKS 4 (1) Consentita in caso di turbolenza solo per aeromobili già stabilizzati in circuito d'attesa / Allowed in the event of turbulence if established in the holding pattern only (2) Attesa in condizioni di turbolenza / Holding on turbulence conditions (3) Riservata al mancato avvicinamento associato alle procedure ILS-Z/ILS-Z or LOC RWY34R/L, ILS-Y/ILS-Y or LOC RWY34R/L e RNAV(GNSS) RWY34R di Roma-Fiumicino / Reserved to missed approach associated with Roma-Fiumicino ILS-Z/ILS-Z or LOC RWY34R/ L, ILS-Y/ILS-Y or LOC RWY34R/L and RNAV(GNSS) RWY34R procedures (4) In caso di avaria a CMP NDB l'attesa è riconfigurata come segue: Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione: - Limiti dell’attesa tra 20NM e 24NM su RDL018 OST VOR/DME In the event of CMP NDB unserviceability following holding is established: Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station: - Nominal limiting distances between 20NM and 24NM on RDL018 OST VOR/DME CMP VOR/DME (Campagnano) 5000 (1) D/R 198° 6000 (2) D/R 198° 4000 (3) D/R 208° 4000 (4) D/R 198° 3000 (5) D/R 015° RA star RA sid RA ial RF star RF ial (1) Consentita in caso di turbolenza solo per aeromobili già stabilizzati in circuito d'attesa / Allowed in the event of turbulence if established in the holding pattern only (2) Attesa in condizioni di turbolenza / Holding on turbulence conditions (3) Riservata al mancato avvicinamento associato alle procedure ILS-Z/ILS-Z or LOC RWY34R/L, ILS-Y/ILS-Y or LOC RWY34R/L e RNAV(GNSS) RWY34R di Roma-Fiumicino / Reserved to missed approach associated with Roma-Fiumicino ILS-Z/ILS-Z or LOC RWY34R/ L, ILS-Y/ILS-Y or LOC RWY34R/L and RNAV(GNSS) RWY34R procedures (4) In caso di avaria a CMP VOR/DME l'attesa è riconfigurata come segue: Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione: - Limiti dell’attesa tra 20NM e 24NM su RDL018 OST VOR/DME In the event of CMP VOR/DME unserviceability following holding is established: Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station: - Nominal limiting distances between 20NM and 24NM on RDL018 OST VOR/DME (5) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione riservata al mancato avvicinamento associata alla procedura L RWY07 RomaFiumicino : - Limiti dell'attesa tra 39NM e 43NM su RDL195 CMP VOR/DME IAS MAX 200 KT Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station reserved to missed approach associated with Roma-Fiumicino L RWY07: - Nominal limiting distances between 39NM and 43NM on RDL195 CMP VOR/DME IAS MAX 200 KT COD L (Codogno) 5000 S/L 320° 5000 (1) S/L 320° COM VOR/DME (Comiso) 5000 D/R 257° ENAV - Roma KY139 MC star MC sid ME star ML star ML sid ML ial (1) In caso di avaria a COD L l'attesa è riconfigurata come segue: Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione: - Limiti dell’attesa tra 18NM e 23NM su RDL140 LIN VOR/DME In the event of COD L unserviceability following holding is established: Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station: - Nominal limiting distances between 18NM and 23NM on RDL140 LIN VOR/DME CB star CB sid CB ial AIRAC effective date 13 NOV 2014 (A10/14) ENR 3.6.2-6 AIP - Italia Codice ICAO Procedure di attesa ICAO code Holding procedures MHA/MHL Turn (Destra/ Right) (Sinistra/ Left) 1 Rotte ATS/procedure interessate Inbound track (MAG) 2 3 (1) IAS MAX 200kt 220° MC sid MF star MF sid MF ial (1) IAS MAX 230kt S/L 265° D/R 090° CC star CC sid CC ial S/L 196° 3000 (1) (2) S/L 196° 4000 (1) D/R 360° 3000 (1) (2) D/R 360° CSL VOR/DME (Caselle) FL130 (1) S/L CTF NDB (Catania) 4000 6000 CTF VOR/DME (Catania) 6000 D/R 090° 5500 (1) D/R 084° Q/UQ72 CC star CC sid CC ial DEC NDB (Decimomannu) UM858 UQ125 EE sid DEC TACAN (Decimomannu) EE sid ELB VORTAC (Elba) 7000 D/R 152° L/UL12 L/UL50 L/UL127 L/UL146 M/UM616 M/UM729 Q/UQ125 T/UT313 Z/UZ254 RP sid RS star RS sid FAL L (Falconara) 5000 D/R 038° 4000 (1) D/R 038° PY star PY sid PY ial FAL TACAN (Falconara) FGG VOR/DME (Foggia) (2) Riservata al mancato avvicinamento Reserved to missed approach (1) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione riservata al mancato avvicinamento: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 23NM e 28NM su RDL264 CTF VOR/DME Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station reserved to missed approach: - Nominal limiting distances between 23NM and 28NM on RDL264 CTF VOR/DME (1) Riservata al mancato avvicinamento Reserved to missed approach 105° 3000 (1) D/R 4000 (2) D/R 105° 4500 (3) D/R 105° BF star BF sid BF ial / (1) IAS MAX 210kt (2) IAS MAX 230kt (3) IAS MAX 280kt RF ial 3000 (1) D/R 096° 4000 (2) D/R 096° 4500 (3) D/R 096° FOL VOR/DME (Forlì) 3000 (1) S/L 100° PK PK PK PR star sid ial ial (1) IAS MAX 185kt FOR L (Forlì) 3000 (1) D/R 115° (1) IAS MAX 220kt 3500 (2) D/R 115° PE star PK star PK sid PK ial PR sid AIRAC effective date / PYsid PY ial FN L (Fiumicino) FOG NDB (Foggia) 4 L/UL869 M/UM601 M/UM736 UT416 BC star BC sid BC ial CA star CA sid 4000 (1) CRN VOR/DME (Crotone) ATS Routes/ Procedure affected NOTE REMARKS 13 NOV 2014 (A10/14) BF ial (1) IAS MAX 210kt (2) IAS MAX 230kt (3) IAS MAX 280kt (2) IAS MAX 280kt ENAV - Roma ENR 3.6.2-7 AIP - Italia Codice ICAO Procedure di attesa ICAO code Holding procedures MHA/MHL Turn (Destra/ Right) (Sinistra/ Left) 1 FRS L (Frosinone) Rotte ATS/procedure interessate Inbound track (MAG) 2 FL100 D/R 3 308° FRS VOR/DME (Frosinone) FRZ VORTAC (Firenze) ATS Routes/ Procedure affected NOTE REMARKS 4 RF sid RA ial RF sid 5000 (1) (2) S/L 336° L/UL12 L/UL995 M/UM167 M/UM730 Q25 UM872 UZ910 PE star PE sid PK star PK sid PR sid QS sid RP star RQ star RQ sid RQ ial RS star RS sid (1) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione: - Limiti dell’attesa tra 30NM e 34NM su RDL156 FRZ VORTAC. Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station: - Nominal limiting distances between 30NM and 34NM on RDL156 FRZ VORTAC. (2) IAS MAX 210kt GAZ L (Gazoldo) 4000 D/R 044° PE star PO star PO sid PX star PX ial GEN NDB (Genova) 6500 (1) D/R 329° (1) IAS MAX 230kt TRL (2) D/R 329° M/UM729 M/UM730 M/UM858 M/UM859 M/UM985 Q/UQ713 Y/UY15 MC star ME star ME sid MF star MF sid MG star MG sid MJ star MJ sid MJ ial ML star ML sid MZ star 6500 (1) D/R 329° (1) IAS MAX 230kt TRL (2) D/R 329° M/UM729 M/UM730 M/UM858 M/UM859 M/UM985 Q/UQ713 Y/UY15 MC star ME star ME sid MF star MF sid MG star MG sid MJ star MJ sid MJ ial ML star ML sid MZ star GRO VOR (Grosseto) 3000 (1) S/L 245° RS star RS sid RS ial (1) Angolo di virata 30° se IAS > 230kt / Bank 30° if IAS > 230kt GRT L (Grottaglie) 3000 (1) S/L 166° UM872 BG star BG sid BG ial (1) IAS MAX 200kt LAT VOR/DME (Latina) FL90 (1) D/R 268° M/UM726 Q/UQ58 Z/UZ803 RA star RA ial RF star (1) Circuito di attesa solo per il traffico di TMA Livello MAX di attesa: - FL120 per entrate omnidirezionali - FL180 per entrate su rotte prestabilite / Holding pattern for TMA traffic only MAX holding levels: - FL120 for omni-directional entries - FL180 for on track entries GEN VOR/DME (Genova) ENAV - Roma (2) IAS MAX 280kt (2) IAS MAX 280kt AIRAC effective date 08 JAN 2015 (A12/14) ENR 3.6.2-8 AIP - Italia Codice ICAO Procedure di attesa ICAO code Holding procedures MHA/MHL Turn (Destra/ Right) (Sinistra/ Left) 1 LEV L (Levaldigi) Rotte ATS/procedure interessate Inbound track (MAG) ATS Routes/ Procedure affected 2 NOTE REMARKS 3 4000 (1) (3) S/L 205° 5000 (2) (3) S/L 205° MF star MZ star MZ sid MZ ial 4 (1) IAS MAX 210kt e solo per ingressi lungo il QDR025° LEV L / and only for entries along QDR025° LEV L (2) IAS MAX 210kt (3) Altitudine MAX di attesa: 6000ft / MAX holding altitude: 6000ft LNE L (Linate) 2500 D/R 355° LIN VOR/DME (Linate) ML sid ML ial MC sid MJ star ML star ML sid ML ial LMT VOR/DME (Lamezia) 6000 (1) D/R 094° BC CA CA CA LPD NDB (Lampedusa) 3000 D/R 100° CD ial 3000 D/R 114° 3000 S/L 232° 3000 S/L 241° 3000 D/R 100° LPD VOR/DME (Lampedusa) star star sid ial M/UM727 UM739 M/UM740 M/UM742 CD star CD sid CD ial MAL L (Malpensa) MC ial MC sid ML sid MMP NDB (Malpensa) MC sid MMP VOR/DME (Malpensa) 5000 D/R 318° 3000 (1) D/R 348° 4000 (2) (3) D/R 086° FL75 or transition level if higher (2) (4) D/R 086° (1) IAS MAX 210kt MC star MC sid MC ial ME sid MF sid ML sid MZ sid LSZA star LSZA sid (1) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione riservata al mancato avvicinamento: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 13NM e 18NM su RDL168 MMP VOR/DME Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station reserved to missed approach: - Nominal limiting distances between 13NM and 18NM on RDL168 MMP VOR/DME. (2) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione riservata al mancato avvicinamento: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 10NM e 14NM su RDL266 MMP VOR/DME (9.8NM e 13.4NM IMA DME) Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station reserved to missed approach: - Nominal limiting distances between 10NM and 14NM on RDL266 MMP VOR/DME (9.8NM and 13.4NM IMA DME) (3) IAS MAX 230kt (4) IAS MAX 280kt NOV NDB (Novara) 4000 D/R 325° MC star MC sid MC ial ORI L (Orio) 6000 (1) D/R 090° FL90 (2) D/R 090° L615 MC star MC sid ME star ME sid ME ial ML star ML sid LSZA star LSZA sid AIRAC effective date 08 JAN 2015 (A12/14) (1) IAS MAX 230kt (2) IAS MAX 280kt ENAV - Roma ENR 3.6.2-9 AIP - Italia Codice ICAO Procedure di attesa ICAO code Holding procedures MHA/MHL Turn (Destra/ Right) (Sinistra/ Left) 1 OST NDB (Ostia) Rotte ATS/procedure interessate Inbound track (MAG) ATS Routes/ Procedure affected 2 3 3000 S/L 167° 3000 (1) D/R 013° 2000 (2) D/R 111° 2000 (3) S/L 340° L/UL5 L/UL44 M/UM126 Q/UQ160 RA star RA sid RF star RF sid RF ial NOTE REMARKS 4 (1) Attesa NDB/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 19NM e 24NM su QDR193 OST NDB/DME Holding NDB/DME inbound to the station: - Nominal limiting distances between 19NM and 24NM on QDR193 OST NDB/DME (2) Attesa NDB/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 19NM e 24NM su QDR291 OST NDB/DME Holding NDB/DME inbound to the station: - Nominal limiting distances between 19NM and 24NM on QDR291 OST NDB/DME (3) Attesa NDB/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 19NM e 24NM su QDR160 OST NDB/DME Holding NDB/DME inbound to the station: - Nominal limiting distances between 19NM and 24NM on QDR160 OST NDB/DME OST VOR/DME (Ostia) 3000 S/L 167° 3000 (1) D/R 013° 2000 (2) D/R 111° 2000 (3) S/L 340° L/UL5 L/UL44 M/UM126 Q/UQ160 RA star RA sid RF star RF sid RF ial (1) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 19NM e 24NM OST DME o tra 19.5NM e 24.5NM IFRR DME su RDL193 OST VOR Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station: - Nominal limiting distances between 19NM and 24NM OST DME or between 19.5NM and 24.5NM IFRR DME on RDL193 OST VOR (2) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 19NM e 24NM OST DME o tra 18.5NM e 23.5NM IFRR DME su RDL291 OST VOR Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station: - Nominal limiting distances between 19NM and 24NM OST DME or between 18.5NM and 23.5NM IFRR DME on RDL291 OST VOR (3) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 19NM e 24NM su RDL160 OST VOR/DME Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station: - Nominal limiting distances between 19NM and 24NM on RDL160 OST VOR/DME OZE VOR/DME (Bolzano) FL130 S/L 197° FL135 (1) S/L 197° PB star PB sid PB ial PAL NDB (Palermo) L/UL12 L/UL869 M/UM726 M/UM742 M/UM871 UQ331 UZ306 CJ star CJ sid CT star CT sid PAL VOR/DME (Palermo) L/UL12 L/UL869 M/UM726 M/UM742 M/UM871 UQ331 UZ306 CJ star CJ sid CT star CT sid PAN NDB (Pantelleria) ENAV - Roma 4000 D/R 053° 4000 D/R 022° 4000 D/R 075° (1) Attesa in condizioni di turbolenza / Holding on turbulence conditions CG star CG ial AIRAC effective date 08 JAN 2015 (A12/14) ENR 3.6.2-10 AIP - Italia Codice ICAO Procedure di attesa ICAO code Holding procedures MHA/MHL Turn (Destra/ Right) (Sinistra/ Left) 1 PAN VOR/DME (Pantelleria) Rotte ATS/procedure interessate Inbound track (MAG) ATS Routes/ Procedure affected 2 NOTE REMARKS 3 4000 D/R 275° 4000 D/R 021° 4000 D/R 053° 4000 D/R 212° 4 M/UM740 UN163 UQ343 CG star CG sid CG ial CT star 4000 D/R 075° PAR NDB (Parma) 2500 (1) D/R 335° L/UL153 L/UL995 UM196 Q64 Y/UY504 UY765 MC star MC sid ME star ML star ML sid MP star MP sid MP ial PO star PO sid PX star PX sid (1) IAS MAX 185kt PDA NDB (Padova) 4000 (1) S/L 231° (1) IAS MAX 140kt 3000 (1)(2) S/L 231° PU star PU sid PU ial PES NDB (Pescara) 4000 (1) S/L 125° BP star BP sid (1) IAS MAX 210kt PES VOR/DME (Pescara) 4000 (1) S/L 125° (1) IAS MAX 210kt 4000 (1) D/R 220° 4000 (1) D/R 216° M/UM169 M/UM736 M/UM872 UQ920 Y/UY579 BP star BP sid BP ial PIN TACAN (Pisa) PIS L (Pisa) / RP ial 5000 D/R 216° 3000 (1) (2) D/R 216° PIS VOR/DME (Pisa) 5000 S/L 229° 2000 (1) S/L 309° PNZ VORTAC (Ponza) 4000 D/R 102° M/UM603 M/UM726 M/UM729 UM735 UP126 Q/UQ789 RN star POM NDB (Pomigliano) 7000 S/L 020° RN star RN sid RN ial POM VOR/DME (Pomigliano) 7000 S/L 020° RN star RN sid RN ial PRS L (Punta Raisi) 5000 S/L 029° CJ star CJ sid CJ ial PRS VOR/DME (Punta Raisi) 5000 S/L 029° 5000 D/R 246° CJ star CJ sid CJ ial CT star CT sid AIRAC effective date (2) Riservata al mancato avvicinamento Reserved to missed approach 08 JAN 2015 (A12/14) RP star RP sid RP ial RS star RS sid (1) IAS MAX 230kt L/UL153 RP star RP sid RP ial RQ star (1) Attesa VOR/DME in allontanamento dalla stazione riservata al mancato avvicinamento: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 12NM e 9NM su RDL309 PIS VOR/DME Holding VOR/DME away from the station reserved to missed approach: - Nominal limiting distances between 12NM and 9NM on RDL309 PIS VOR/DME (2) Riservata al mancato avvicinamento Reserved to missed approach / ENAV - Roma ENR 3.6.2-11 AIP - Italia Codice ICAO Procedure di attesa ICAO code Holding procedures MHA/MHL Turn (Destra/ Right) (Sinistra/ Left) 1 PRT VOR/DME (Peretola) Rotte ATS/procedure interessate Inbound track (MAG) ATS Routes/ Procedure affected 2 NOTE REMARKS 3 6000 D/R 211° 5000 (1) D/R 211° 6000 (2) D/R 211° 4000 (3) (4) S/L 349° Q25 QS star QS sid RQ star RQ sid RQ ial 4 (1) Riservata al mancato avvicinamento / Reserved to missed approach (2) Riservata al mancato avvicinamento in condizioni di turbolenza/ Reserved to missed approach on turbulence conditions (3) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione riservata al mancato avvicinamento: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 17NM e 20NM su RDL169 PRT VOR/DME IAS MAX 185 KT Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station reserved to missed approach: - Nominal limiting distances between 17NM and 20NM on RDL169 PRT VOR/DME IAS MAX 185 KT (4) Altitudine MAX di attesa: 5000ft / MAX holding altitude: 5000ft PRU NDB (Perugia) PRU VOR/DME (Perugia) 5000 (1) D/R 181° 6000 D/R 181° 5000 (1) D/R 181° 6000 D/R 181° PTC VOR/DME (Pontecagnano) RCA NDB (Reggio Calabria) RCA VOR/DME (Reggio Calabria) RZ star RZ ial (1) A discrezione ATC / ATC discretion RZ star RZ ial (1) A discrezione ATC / ATC discretion RI star RI sid RI ial 6000 (1) D/R 150° 6500 (2) D/R 150° 6000 (3) D/R 150° 6500 (1) D/R 156° 6000 (1) (2) D/R 156° 6000 (3) D/R 156° 6000 (3) S/L 008° L/UL137 UP3 Q/UQ58 Y93 CC star CR star CR sid CR ial (1) IAS MAX 230kt L/UL137 UP3 Q/UQ58 Y93 BC star CA star CA sid CC sid CR star CR sid CR ial (1) IAS MAX 280kt (1) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 5NM e 10NM su RDL267 RCH VOR/DME Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station: - Nominal limiting distances between 5NM and 10NM on RDL267 RCH VOR/DME 6000 S/L 008° 3000 (1) (2) D/R 087° P28 P/UP735 PQ star PQ sid PQ ial RIM NDB (Rimini) 4000 S/L 315° PR star PR sid PR ial RIM VORTAC (Rimini) 3000 (1) D/R 310° 4000 D/R 310° PR star PR sid PR ial 4000 S/L 120° RCH VOR/DME (Ronchi) (2) IAS MAX 280kt (3) IAS MAX 200kt e livello di attesa massimo FL90 durante l’attivazione delle procedure “CONTINGENCY” sull’aeroporto di Reggio Calabria/IAS MAX 200kt and MAX holding level FL90 during “CONTINGENCY” procedures active on Reggio Calabria AD. (2) solo per ingressi lungo la RDL336 RCA VOR / and only for entries along RDL336 RCA VOR (3) IAS MAX 200kt e livello di attesa massimo FL90 durante l’attivazione delle procedure “CONTINGENCY” sull’aeroporto di Reggio Calabria/IAS MAX 200kt and MAX holding level FL90 during “CONTINGENCY” procedures active on Reggio Calabria AD. (2) IAS MAX 200kt ENAV - Roma (1) IAS MAX 170kt AIRAC effective date 13 NOV 2014 (A10/14) ENR 3.6.2-12 AIP - Italia Codice ICAO Procedure di attesa ICAO code Holding procedures MHA/MHL Turn (Destra/ Right) (Sinistra/ Left) 1 ROM VOR/DME (Roma) RON L (Ronchi) Rotte ATS/procedure interessate Inbound track (MAG) 2 3 4500 (1) (2) D/R 354° 5000 (3) D/R 354° 6000 (4) D/R 354° 4500 (1) (2) S/L 179° 5000 (3) S/L 179° 6000 (4) S/L 179° 3000 (1) D/R 088° SCS VOR/DME (Aosta) SES VOR/DME (Sestri) SME VOR/DME (Smeralda) Z803 RA star RA sid RA ial RF star RF sid RF ial 6000 (1) D/R 133° 6500 (2) D/R 133° 6500 (2) (3) S/L 288° (1) IAS MAX 230kt (2) A discrezione ATC per il traffico con destinazione Roma Ciampino AD/ATC discretion for traffic with destination Roma Ciampino AD (3) Riservata al traffico con destinazione Roma Fiumicino AD/Reserved for traffic with destination Roma Fiumicino AD (4) Riservata al traffico con destinazione Roma Ciampino AD/Reserved for traffic with destination Roma Ciampino AD P735 P/UP125 PQ star PQ sid PQ ial (1) IAS MAX 200kt MJ star MJ ial (1) IAS MAX 230kt (2) IAS MAX 280kt (3) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 19NM e 24NM su RDL108 SES VOR/DME Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station: - Nominal limiting distances between 19NM and 24NM on RDL108 SES VOR/DME QS star QS sid QS ial 5000 (1) D/R 029° 5500 (2) D/R 029° 6000 D/R 221° 5000 (1) D/R 029° D/R 029° D/R 221° 5500 (2) 6000 EO sid EO ial (1) IAS MAX 185kt EA sid EO star EO sid EO ial ET star ET sid (1) IAS MAX 185kt SOR NDB (Sorrento) 6000 S/L 317° M/UM603 M/UM620 M/UM725 M/UM736 M/UM742 Q/UQ58 T/UT92 Y/UY159 RI star RI sid RN star RN sid RN ial SOR VOR/DME (Sorrento) 6000 S/L 317° M/UM603 M/UM620 M/UM725 M/UM736 M/UM742 Q/UQ58 T/UT92 Y/UY159 RI star RI sid RN star RN sid RN ial AIRAC effective date 4 MW ial SIE VOR/DME (Siena) SME NDB (Smeralda) ATS Routes/ Procedure affected NOTE REMARKS 13 NOV 2014 (A10/14) (2) Attesa in condizioni di turbolenza / Holding on turbulence conditions (2) Attesa in condizioni di turbolenza / Holding on turbulence conditions ENAV - Roma ENR 3.6.2-13 AIP - Italia Codice ICAO Procedure di attesa ICAO code Holding procedures MHA/MHL Turn (Destra/ Right) (Sinistra/ Left) 1 SRN NDB (Saronno) SRN VOR/DME (Saronno) Rotte ATS/procedure interessate Inbound track (MAG) ATS Routes/ Procedure affected 2 NOTE REMARKS 3 6000 (1) S/L 169° FL70 (2) (3) S/L 169° 4000 (1) D/R 125° 6000 (1) S/L 169° FL70 (2) (3) S/L 169° 4000 (1) D/R 125° SVC NDB (Comagne) 4 L/UL153 UL612 L/UL615 M/UM727 M/UM858 UY140 UZ982 MC star MC sid MC ial ME sid MF star MF sid ML star ML sid ML ial MW star MZ star MZ sid (1) IAS MAX 210kt L/UL153 UL612 L/UL615 M/UM727 M/UM858 UY140 UZ982 MC star MC sid MC ial ME sid MF star MF sid ML star ML sid ML ial MW star MZ star MZ sid PO star PX star LSZA star LSZA sid (1) IAS MAX 210kt (2) IAS MAX 280kt (3) o TRL se più alto / or TRL if higher (2) IAS MAX 280kt (3) o TRL se più alto / or TRL if higher MW ial TAG VOR/DME (Grottaglie) 5000 (1) S/L 166° BG star BG sid BG ial (1) IAS MAX 200kt TAQ NDB (Tarquinia) 6000 (1) S/L 141° (1) IAS MAX 210kt fino al livello di transizione / up to transition level FL80 (2) S/L 137° L/UL865 M/UM727 M/UM738 RF star RF ial 6000 (1) S/L 141° (1) IAS MAX 210kt fino al livello di transizione / up to transition level FL80 (2) S/L 137° L/UL865 M/UM727 M/UM738 RF star RF ial 5000 D/R 324° TAQ VOR/DME (Tarquinia) TEA NDB (Teano) ENAV - Roma (2) In caso di avaria a TAQ NDB l'attesa è riconfigurata come segue: Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione: - Limiti dell’attesa tra 33NM e 37NM su RDL317 OST VOR/DME In the event of TAQ NDB unserviceability following holding is established: Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station: - Nominal limiting distances between 33NM and 37NM on RDL317 OST VOR/DME (2) In caso di avaria a TAQ VOR/DME l'attesa è riconfigurata come segue: Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione: - Limiti dell’attesa tra 33NM e 37NM su RDL317 OST VOR/DME In the event of TAQ VOR/DME unserviceability following holding is established: Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station: - Nominal limiting distances between 33NM and 37NM on RDL317 OST VOR/DME L/UL995 M/UM736 Z/UZ803 RN star RN sid RN ial AIRAC effective date 13 NOV 2014 (A10/14) ENR 3.6.2-14 AIP - Italia Codice ICAO Procedure di attesa ICAO code Holding procedures MHA/MHL Turn (Destra/ Right) (Sinistra/ Left) 1 TEA VOR/DME (Teano) Rotte ATS/procedure interessate Inbound track (MAG) ATS Routes/ Procedure affected 2 3 5000 D/R 324° 5500 (1) S/L 290° 6000 (2) S/L 336° L/UL995 M/UM736 Z/UZ803 RN star RN sid RN ial NOTE REMARKS 4 (1) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione riservata al mancato avvicinamento: - Limiti dell’ attesa tra 13NM e 17NM su RDL110 TEA VOR/DME IAS MAX 210kt Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station reserved to missed approach: - Nominal limiting distances between 13NM and 17NM on RDL110 TEA VOR/DME IAS MAX 210kt (2) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione riservata al mancato avvicinamento: - Limiti dell’ attesa tra 40NM e 44NM su RDL156 TEA VOR/DME Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station reserved to missed approach: - Nominal limiting distances between 40NM and 44NM on RDL156 TEA VOR/DME TES VOR/DME (Tessera) 3000 D/R 292° PZ star PZ sid PZ ial TNT VOR/DME (Trento) 10000 S/L 358° T/UT134 DT star DT sid DT ial 6000 D/R 281° 5000 (1) D/R 281° (1) Riservata al mancato avvicinamento Reserved to missed approach 4000 (2) D/R 281° FL90 D/R 097° L/UL50 M/UM135 M/UM730 P/UP860 UY11 MC star MC sid MF star MF sid MF ial ML star MW star MZ star MZ sid MZ ial LSZA star 6000 D/R 281° 5000 (1) D/R 281° (1) Riservata al mancato avvicinamento Reserved to missed approach 4000 (2) D/R 281° FL90 D/R 097° KY139 L/UL50 M/UM135 M/UM730 P/UP860 UY11 MC star MC sid MF star MF sid MF ial ML star MW star MZ star MZ sid MZ ial LSZA star TRE L (Treviso) 3000 D/R 067° PH star PH sid PH ial TRP NDB (Trapani) 4000 S/L 333° 4000 D/R 142° CJ star CJ sid CT star CT sid CT ial TOP NDB (Torino) TOP VOR/DME (Torino) AIRAC effective date 13 NOV 2014 (A10/14) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione riservata al mancato avvicinamento: - Limiti dell’ attesa tra 9NM e 12NM su RDL112 TES VOR/DME IAS MAX 185kt Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station reserved to missed approach: - Nominal limiting distances between 9NM and 12NM on RDL112 TES VOR/DME IAS MAX 185kt / (2) Solo a discrezione ATC / ATC discretion only / (2) Solo a discrezione ATC / ATC discretion only ENAV - Roma ENR 3.6.2-15 AIP - Italia Codice ICAO Procedure di attesa ICAO code Holding procedures MHA/MHL Turn (Destra/ Right) (Sinistra/ Left) 1 TRP VORTAC (Trapani) Rotte ATS/procedure interessate Inbound track (MAG) ATS Routes/ Procedure affected 2 NOTE REMARKS 3 5000 S/L 326° 4000 (1) S/L 326° 5000 D/R 149° 4000 (1) D/R 149° 4000 (2) (3) S/L 306° L/UL869 UM622 UM727 CJ star CJ sid CT star CT sid CT ial 4 (1) Riservata al mancato avvicinamento Reserved to missed approach / (2) Attesa VOR/DME in avvicinamento alla stazione: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 12NM TRP TAC (13NM TRA DME) e 18NM TRP TAC (19NM TRA DME) su RDL126 TRP VORTAC Holding VOR/DME inbound to the station: - Nominal limiting distances between 12NM TRP TAC (13NM TRA DME) and 18NM TRP TAC (19NM TRA DME) on RDL126 TRP VORTAC (3) IAS MAX 265kt TZO NDB (Trezzo) 3000 S/L 325° L/UL995 UQ95 UZ982 MC sid ME star ME sid MJ star ML star ML sid ML ial TZO VOR/DME (Trezzo) 3000 S/L 325° L/UL995 UQ95 UZ982 MC sid ME star ME sid MJ star ML star ML sid ML ial PO star PX star URB NDB (Urbe) 3000 (1) S/L 214° (1) IAS MAX 210kt 6000 (2) S/L 214° RA star RA sid RA ial RF ial VEN L (Venezia) 3000 D/R 040° 2000 (1) D/R 040° PH sid PZ star PZ sid PZ ial (1) Riservata al mancato avvicinamento Reserved to missed approach VIC NDB (Vicenza) 5500 (1) S/L 062° (1) IAS MAX 230kt 6000 (2) S/L 062° L/UL12 L/UL613 L/UL615 N/UN503 UP735 UT292 UZ495 Z/UZ905 DT star PH star PH sid PU star PU sid PV sid PX star PX sid PZ star PZ sid ENAV - Roma (2) Attesa in condizioni di turbolenza / Holding on turbulence conditions / (2) IAS MAX 280kt AIRAC effective date 08 JAN 2015 (A12/14) ENR 3.6.2-16 AIP - Italia Codice ICAO Procedure di attesa ICAO code Holding procedures MHA/MHL Turn (Destra/ Right) (Sinistra/ Left) 1 VIC VOR/DME (Vicenza) Rotte ATS/procedure interessate Inbound track (MAG) ATS Routes/ Procedure affected 2 3 5500 (1) S/L 062° 6000 (2) S/L 062° L/UL12 L/UL613 L/UL615 N/UN503 UP735 UT292 UZ495 Z/UZ905 DT star PB star PB sid PH star PH sid PO star PU star PU sid PU ial PV sid PX star PX sid PZ star PZ sid VIE NDB (Vieste) A/UA482 L/UL612 UN1 Q/UQ920 T/UT214 T/UT415 BD star BD sid VIE VOR/DME (Vieste) A/UA482 L/UL612 UN1 Q/UQ920 T/UT214 T/UT415 BD star BD sid VIL VORTAC (Villafranca) 6000 (1) S/L 224° FL100 (2) S/L 224° 4000 (3) (4) D/R 160° VOG NDB (Voghera) 6000 S/L 352° M/UM858 Q/UQ712 MC star MC sid MC ial ME star ME sid MJ star ML star ML ial VOG VOR/DME (Voghera) 6000 S/L 352° M/UM858 Q/UQ712 MC star MC sid MC ial ME star ME sid MF ial MJ star ML star ML ial LSZA star LSZA sid AIRAC effective date 08 JAN 2015 (A12/14) NOTE REMARKS PO star PX star PX sid PX ial 4 (1) IAS MAX 230kt (2) IAS MAX 280kt (1) IAS MAX 230kt (2) IAS MAX 280kt (3) IAS MAX 185kt (4) Attesa VOR/DME in allontanamento dalla stazione riservata al mancato avvicinamento: - Limiti dell'attesa tra 11NM e 7NM su RDL160 VIL VORTAC. Holding VOR/DME away from the station reserved to missed approach: - Nominal limiting distances between 11NM and 7NM on RDL160 VIL VORTAC ENAV - Roma
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