Angelo Bisazza Papers on international journals BISAZZA A. 1978. Development of aggressive behaviour in the mouse (Mus musculus): effect of different environmental conditions. Boll. Zool., 45, 353-357. BISAZZA A. 1979. A comparison of aggressive behaviour in isolated and dominant male mice. Boll. Zool., 46, 63-66. BISAZZA A. 1980. Sound communication between male and female mice: preliminary report. Boll. Zool., 47, 125-127. BISAZZA A. 1981. Social organization and territorial behaviour in three strains of mice. Boll. Zool., 48, 157-167. BISAZZA A. 1982. Hereditary differences in social behaviour of male mice (Mus musculus L.). Boll. Zool., 49, 207-211. APPLEBY M.C., MCRAE H.E., DUNCAN I.J.C & BISAZZA A. 1984. Choice of social condition by layng hens. Brit. Poultry Sci., 25, 111-117. MARCONATO A. & BISAZZA A. 1986. Males whose nests contain eggs are preferred by females Cottus gobio L. (Pisces, Cottidae). Anim. Behav., 34, 1580-1582. BISAZZA A. & MARCONATO A. 1988. Female mate choice, male-male competition and parental care in the river bullhead, Cottus gobio L. (Pisces, Cottidae). Anim. Behav., 36, 1352-1360. MARCONATO A. & BISAZZA A 1988. Mate choice, egg cannibalism and reproductive success in the river bullhed, Cottus gobio L. J. Fish Biol., 33, 905-916. BISAZZA A., MARCONATO, A & MARIN, G 1989. Male competition and female choice in Padogobius martensi (Pisces, Gobiidae). Anim. Behav., 38, 406-413. MARCONATO A., BISAZZA A. & MARIN G. 1989. Correlates of male reproductive success in Padogobius martensi (Gobiidae). J. Fish Biol., 34, 889-899. BISAZZA A, MARCONATO A. & MARIN G. 1989. Male mate preferences in the mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki. Ethology, 83, 335-343. DOWNHOWER J.F., BLUMER, L.S., LEJEUNE P., GAUDIN P., MARCONATO A. & BISAZZA A. 1990. Otholith asymmetry in Cottus bairdi and C. gobio. Pol. Arch. Hidrobiol. 37, 209-220. BISAZZA A. & MARIN G. 1991. Male size and female mate choice in the eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki: Poeciliidae) Copeia 1991(3), 728-733 . MARCONATO A., BISAZZA A & FABRIS, M 1993. The cost of parental care and eggs cannibalism in the river bullhead, Cottus gobio L. (Pisces, Cottidae). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 32: 229-237. ZULIAN E, BISAZZA A & MARIN G. 1993 Determinants of size in male eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki): inheritance and plasticity of a sexual selected character. Boll. Zool. 60: 317322. BERGLUND A, MAGNHAGEN C, BISAZZA A, KOENIG B, HUNTINGFORD F. 1993 Femalefemale competition over reproduction. Behav. Ecol 4, 184-187. ZULIAN E, BISAZZA A & MARIN G. 1995 Variation of adult male body size in natural populations of Gambusia holbrooki Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 7: 1-10. BISAZZA A. & MARIN G. 1995 Sexual selection and sexual size dimorphism in the eastern mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki (Teleostei: Poeciliidae). Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 7: 169-183. CANTALUPO C. BISAZZA A VALLORTIGARA G 1995 Lateralization of predator-evasion response in a teleost fish (Girardinus falcatus). Neuropsychologia 33:1637-1646 BISAZZA A, CANTALUPO C, ROBINS A, ROGERS LJ & VALLORTIGARA G. 1996 Pawedness in toads. Nature 379: 408 BISAZZA A. PILASTRO A PALAZZI R. MARIN G 1996 Sexual behaviour in immature male mosqitofish. A way to measure the intensity of intra-sexual selection? J. Fish. Biol. 48: 551-560 BERGLUND A. BISAZZA A. PILASTRO A 1996 Armaments and ornaments: an evolutionary explanation of traits of dual utility Biol. J. Limn. Soc. 58: 65-74 CANTALUPO C. BISAZZA A VALLORTIGARA G 1996 Lateralization of dispalys during aggressive and courtship behaviour in the Siamese figthing-fish Betta splendens. Physiol. Behav. 61(1), 249-252 BISAZZA A & VALLORTIGARA G. 1996 Rotational bias in mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki): the role of laterality and sun-compass navigation. Laterality 1 (2) 161-176 BISAZZA A, NOVARINI N. & PILASTRO A 1996 Male body size and male-male competition: interspecific variation in poeciliid fishes Ital. J. Zool. 63: 365-369 BISAZZA A. CANTALUPO C. VALLORTIGARA G 1997 Lateral asymmetries during escape behaviour in a specie of teleost fish (Jenynsia lineata). Physiol. Behav. 61: 31-35 BISAZZA A & PILASTRO A 1997 Small male mating advantage and the reverse dimorphism in poeciliid fishes J. Fish. Biol. 50: 397-406. BISAZZA A. GRAPPUTO A. NIGRO L. 1997 Evolution of reproductive strategies and male sexual ornaments in poeciliid fishes as inferred by mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene phylogeny. Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 9:55-67 BISAZZA A CANTALUPO C. ROBINS A. ROGERS L.J. & VALLORTIGARA G. 1997 Pawedness and motor asymmetries in toads. Laterality 2: 49-64 PILASTRO A. GIACOMELLO E. & BISAZZA A. 1997 Sexual selection for small size in male mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 264: 1125-1129 BISAZZA A., PIGNATTI R., & VALLORTIGARA G.1997 Laterality in detour behaviour: Interspecific variation in poeciliid fishes Anim Behav 54: 1273-1281 BISAZZA A. 1997 Sexual selection constrained by internal fertilization in the livebearing fish Xenotoca eiseni Anim. Behav. 54:1347-1355 BISAZZA A., PIGNATTI R., &. VALLORTIGARA G. 1997 Detour tests reveal task- and stimulusspecific behavioural lateralization in mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). Behavioural Brain research 89: 237-242 BISAZZA A. & VALLORTIGARA G. 1997 Rotational swimming preferences in Mosquitofish: Evidence for brain lateralization? Physiol Behav 62:1405-1407 BISAZZA A., ROGERS L.J. & VALLORTIGARA G. 1998 The Evolution of Cerebral Asymmetry: A review of evidence of behavioural and brain lateralization in Fishes, Reptiles and Amphibians. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 22:411-426 BISAZZA A., FACCHIN, L, PIGNATTI R., & VALLORTIGARA G. 1998 Lateralization of detour behaviour in poeciliid fish: the effect of species, gender and sexual motivation. Behavioural Brain research 91: 157-164 BERTORELLE G, BISAZZA A & MARCONATO A. 1998 Computer simulation suggests that the spatial distribution of males influences female visiting behaviour in the river bullhead. Ethology 103: 999-1014 ROBINS, A., LIPPOLIS, G., BISAZZA, A., ROGERS, L.J., VALLORTIGARA, G. 1998. Lateralized aggressive responses and hindlimb use in toads. Anim Behav 56 : 875-881 VALLORTIGARA, G., ROGERS, L.J., BISAZZA, A., LIPPOLIS, G., ROBINS, A. 1998. Complementary right and left hemifield use for predatory and agonistic behaviour in toads NeuroReport 9: 9 (14) : 3341-3344 RIZZOTTI M ARIAS A. M. FAGIUOLI G, GIOPPATO F & BISAZZA A. 1998 Fish haemoglobins: the suborder Cyprinodontoidei (Teleostei) Trends in comparative biochemistry and physiology 5: 145-152 BISAZZA A. DE SANTI A & VALLORTIGARA G. 1999 Laterality and cooperation: mosquitofish move closer to a predator when the companion is on the left side. Animal Behaviour 57:11451149 FACCHIN L. BISAZZA A & VALLORTIGARA G. 1999 What causes lateralization of detour behaviour in fish? Evidence for asymmetries in eye use. Behavioural Brain research 103: 229-234 VALLORTIGARA, G., ROGERS, L.J., BISAZZA, A., 1999. Possible evolutionary origins of cognitive brain lateralization. Brain Research Reviews 30: 164-175. PILASTRO A. & BISAZZA A. 1999 Insemination efficiency of two alternative male mating tactics in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata) Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 266 : 1887-1891 SOVRANO V.A., RAINOLDI, C., BISAZZA A & VALLORTIGARA G. 1999 Roots of brain specializations: preferential left-eye use during mirror-image inspection in six species of teleost fish. Behavioural Brain research 106: 175-180 BISAZZA A FACCHIN L. & VALLORTIGARA G. 2000 Heritability of lateralization in fish: Concordance of right-left asymmetry of detour responses between parents and offspring Neuropsychologia 38: 907-912 BISAZZA A. CANTALUPO C. CAPOCCHIANO M & VALLORTIGARA G 2000 Population lateralization and social behaviour: A study with sixteen species of fish. Laterality 5: 269-284 DE SANTI, A., CAPPELLETTI M., BISAZZA, A., VALLORTIGARA, G.2000 Prior exposure to the predator influences laterality of cooperative predator inspection in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata Italian Journal of Zoology 67: 175-178 BISAZZA A. and PILASTRO A 2000 Genetic variation of female preference for male coloration in the eastern mosquitofish Behav Genetics 30: 207-212 BISAZZA A., PILASTRO A & MANFREDI S. 2000 Sexual competition, coercive mating and mate assessment in the one–sided livebearer, Jenynsia multidentata. Are they predictive of sexual dimorphism? Ethology 106: 961-978 DE SANTI, A., SOVRANO, V.A., BISAZZA, A., VALLORTIGARA, G. 2001 Mosquitofish display differential left- and right-eye use during mirror-image scrutiny and predator-inspection responses Anim Behav 61: 305-310 BISAZZA A., VACCARI G & PILASTRO A 2001 Female mate choice in a mating system dominated by sexual coercion Behavioral Ecology 12: 59-64. LIPPOLIS, G., BISAZZA, A. and VALLORTIGARA, G. 2001 Lateralization of ventral fins use during object exploration in the blue gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus) Physiology & Behavior 72: 575-578 BISAZZA A., SOVRANO V.A., VALLORTIGARA G. 2001. Consistency among different tasks of left-right asymmetries in lines of fish originally selected for opposite direction of lateralization in a detour task Neuropsychologia 39 1077-1085 SOVRANO V.A., BISAZZA, A, VALLORTIGARA, G 2001 Lateralization of response to social stimuli in fishes: a comparison between different methods and species. Physiology & behavior 74: 237-244. LIPPOLIS, G., BISAZZA, A. L. J. ROGERS and VALLORTIGARA, G. 2002 lateralization of predator avoidance responses in three species of toads Laterality 7 : 163-183 DE SANTI A , BISAZZA A., VALLORTIGARA G. (2002) Complementary left and right eye use during predator inspection and shoal-mate scrutiny in minnows J. Fish. Biol 60: 1116-1125 BISAZZA, A. DE SANTI, A., BONSO, S. SOVRANO, V.A. (2002) Frogs and toads in front of a mirror: lateralisation of response to social stimuli in tadpoles of five anuran species Behavioural Brain research. 134: 417-424 PILASTRO A, EVANS JP, SARTORELLI S BISAZZA A (2002) Male phenotype predicts insemination success in guppies Proceeding of The Royal Society of London - Series B: Biological Sciences 269: 1325-1330. SOVRANO V.A., BISAZZA, A, VALLORTIGARA, G. (2002) Modularity and spatial reorientation in a simple mind: Encoding of geometric and nongeometric properties of a spatial environment by fish. Cognition 8: 51-59 DADDA M. SOVRANO V.A., BISAZZA, A. (2003) Temporal pattern of social aggregation in tadpoles and its influence on the measurement of lateralised response to social stimuli. Physiology & Behavior, 78: 337-341 BISAZZA, A. DE SANTI, A. (2003) Lateralization of aggression in fish. Behavioural Brain Research. 141: 131-136 SOVRANO V.A., BISAZZA, A, VALLORTIGARA, G. (2003) Modularity as a Fish (Xenotoca eiseni) Views It: Conjoining Geometric and Nongeometric Information for Spatial Reorientation, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 29: 199-210 PILASTRO A., BENETTON S. , BISAZZA A. (2003) Female aggregation and male competition reduce costs of sexual harassment in the mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki, Animal Behaviour, 65: 1161-1167 PILASTRO A., SIMONATO M. BISAZZA A. AND J. P. EVANS (2004) Cryptic female preference for colorful males in guppies. Evolution, 58: 665–669 EVANS J. P., BISAZZA A. AND A. PILASTRO (2004) Female mating preferences for colourful males in a high predation population of guppies. Journal of Fish Biology 65: 1154-1159 EVANS J.P., KELLEY J.L., BISAZZA A, FINAZZO E., A. PILASTRO (2004) Sire attractiveness influences offspring performance in guppies Proceeding of The Royal Society of London - Series B: Biological Sciences 271: 2035-2042 BISAZZA A., DADDA M. AND C. CANTALUPO (2005) Further evidence for mirror-reversed laterality in lines of fish selected for leftward or rightward turning when facing a predator model Behavioural Brain Research 156: 165-71 DADDA, M., PILASTRO, A. & BISAZZA, A. (2005). Male sexual harassment and female schooling behaviour in the easter mosquitofish. Animal Behaviour 70: 463-471 BISAZZA A., DADDA M.(2005) Enhanced schooling performance in lateralised fish. Proceeding of The Royal Society of London - Series B: Biological Sciences 272: 1677 - 1681 SOVRANO V.A., BISAZZA A., DADDA M. (2005) Lateralized fish perform better than nonlateralized fish in spatial reorientation tasks Behavioural Brain Research 163: 122-127 SOVRANO, V.A., BISAZZA, A., VALLORTIGARA, G. (2005) Animals' use of landmarks and metric information to reorient: effects of the size of the experimental space Cognition, 97: 121-133 DADDA, M., BISAZZA, A. (2006) Does brain asymmetry allow efficient performance of simultaneous tasks? Animal Behaviour 72: 523-529 DADDA, M., BISAZZA, A. (2006) Lateralized female topminnows can forage and attend to a harassing male simultaneously. Behavioral Ecology 17: 358-363 AGRILLO C., DADDA M., BISAZZA A. (2006) Sexual harassment influences group choice in female mosquitofish. Ethology, 112: 592-598. GRAPPUTO A, BISAZZA A, PILASTRO A (2006) Invasion success despite reduction of genetic diversity in the European populations of eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) Italian Journal of Zoology 73: 67-73 AGRILLO C., DADDA M., BISAZZA A. (2007) Quantity discrimination in female mosquitofish Animal Cognition, 10, 63-70. SOVRANO, V.A., BISAZZA, A., VALLORTIGARA, G. (2007) How fish do geometry in large and in small spaces Animal Cognition, 10: 47-54 BISAZZA A., DADDA M., FACCHIN L. & VIGO F. (2007) Artificial selection on laterality in the teleost fish Girardinus falcatus Behavioural Brain Research 178: 29-38 PILASTRO A. MANDELLI M., GASPARINI C., DADDA M. & BISAZZA A. (2007) Copulation duration, insemination efficiency and male attractiveness in guppies Animal Behaviour 74: 321328 DADDA, M., ZANDONÀ , E. & BISAZZA, A. (2007) Emotional responsiveness in fish from lines artificially selected for a high or low degree of laterality Physiology & Behavior 92: 764-772 SOVRANO, V.A., BISAZZA, A., (2008) Recognition of partly occluded objects by fish Animal cognition 11:161-166 GARCIA-BERTHOU E., BISAZZA A., ALCARAZ C. (2008) Salinity mediates the competitive interactions between invasive mosquitofish and an endangered fish Oecologia 155: 205-213 AGRILLO C., DADDA M., SERENA G. BISAZZA A. (2008) Do fish count? Discrimination of relative numerosity in female mosquitofish Animal cognition 11: 495-503 DADDA, M., PILASTRO, A. & BISAZZA, A. (2008) Innate responses to male sexual harassment in female mosquitofish Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 63: 53-62 FACCHIN, L., ARGENTON, F., BISAZZA, A. (2009) Lines of Danio rerio selected for opposite behavioural lateralization show differences in anatomical left-right asymmetries Behavioural Brain Research 197: 157-165 SOVRANO, V.A., BISAZZA, A., (2009) Perception of subjective contours in fish Perception 38: 579590 AGRILLO C., DADDA M., BISAZZA A. (2009) Escape behaviour elicited by a visual stimulus. A comparison between lateralised and non-lateralised female topminnows. Laterality 14: 300-314 AGRILLO C, DADDA M, SERENA G, BISAZZA A (2009) Use of Number by Fish. PLoS ONE 4(3): e4786. DADDA M, PIFFER, L, AGRILLO C, BISAZZA A (2009) Spontaneous number representation in mosquitofish Cognition 112: 343-348 DADDA, M., ZANDONÀ , E., AGRILLO C, BISAZZA, A. (2009) The costs of hemispheric specialization in a fish. Proceeding of The Royal Society of London - Series B: Biological Sciences 276 : 4399-4407 DADDA M, DOMENICHINI, A., PIFFER, L, ARGENTON, F., BISAZZA A (2010) Early differences in epithalamic left-right asymmetry influence lateralization and personality of adult zebrafish Behavioural Brain Research 206: 208-215 TRUPPA, V., SOVRANO, V.A., SPINOZZI G., BISAZZA, A., (2010) Processing of visual hierarchical stimuli by fish (Xenotoca eiseni) Behavioural Brain Research 207; 51-60 BISAZZA A, PIFFER, L, SERENA G, AGRILLO C (2010) Ontogeny of Numerical Abilities in Fish PLoS ONE 5 (11 ): e15516 AGRILLO C, PIFFER, L, BISAZZA A (2010) Large Number Discrimination by Mosquitofish. PLoS ONE 5(12): e15232 AGRILLO C, PIFFER, L, BISAZZA A (2011) Number versus continuous quantity in numerosity judgments by fish Cognition, vol. 119, p. 281-287 DOMENICHINI A, DADDA M, FACCHIN L, BISAZZA A, ARGENTON F (2011). Isolation and Genetic Characterization of Mother-of-Snow-White, a Maternal Effect Allele Affecting Laterality and Lateralized Behaviors in Zebrafish. PLoS ONE, vol. 6 (10), e25972 AGRILLO C, PIFFER, L, BISAZZA A, BUTTERWORTH B. (2012) Evidence for two numerical systems that are similar in humans and guppies PLOS ONE, 7 (2), e31923 PARMA V, TIRINDELLI R, BISAZZA A, MASSACCESI S, CASTIELLO U. (2012) Subliminally perceived odours modulate female intrasexual competition: an eye movement study PLOS ONE 7 (2), e30645 AGRILLO C, MILETTO PETRAZZINI M.E, PIFFER, L, DADDA M, BISAZZA A, (2012) A new procedure for studying discrimination learning in fishes Behavioural Brain Research 230: 343348 AGRILLO C, MILETTO PETRAZZINI M.E, TAGLIAPIETRA C, BISAZZA A, (2012) Inter-Specific Differences in Numerical Abilities Among Teleost Fish Frontiers in Psychology. 2012; 3: 483 DADDA M, BISAZZA A (2012) Prenatal light exposure affects development of behavioural lateralization in a livebearing fish. Behavioural Processes 91: 115–118 MILETTO PETRAZZINI M.E, AGRILLO C, PIFFER, L, DADDA M, BISAZZA A (2012) Development and application of a new method to investigate cognition in newborn guppies. Behavioural Brain Research 233: 443–449 DADDA M, NEPOMNYASHCHIKH, V A, IZVEKOV E I, BISAZZA A (2012) Individual-Level Consistency of Different Laterality Measures in the Goldbelly topminnow. Behavioral Neuroscience 126: 845–849 Schartl M, Walter RB, Shen Y, Garcia T, Catchen J, Amores A, Braasch I, Chalopin D, Volff JN, Lesch KP, Bisazza A, Minx P, Hillier LD, Wilson R K, Fuerstenberg S, Boore J, Searle S, Postlethwait JH, Warren W C. (2013) The genome of the platyfish, Xiphophorus maculatus, provides insights into evolutionary adaptation and several complex traits Nature Genetics 45: 567–572 MILETTO PETRAZZINI ME, AGRILLO C, PIFFER L, BISAZZA A (2014). Ontogeny of the capacity to compare discrete quantities in fish. Developmental Psychobiology. 56: 529–536, AGRILLO C, MILETTO PETRAZZINI ME, BISAZZA A. (2014). Numerical acuity of fish is improved in the presence of moving targets, but only in the subitizing range. Animal Cognition 17: 307-316 BISAZZA A, BUTTERWORTH B, PIFFER L, BAHRAMI B, PETRAZZINI MEM, AGRILLO C (2014). Collective enhancement of numerical acuity by meritocratic leadership in fish Scientific Reports 4, 4560 LUCON-XICCATO T, BISAZZA A (2014) Discrimination reversal learning reveals greater female behavioural flexibility in guppies Biology Letters 10 (6), 20140206 BISAZZA A, TAGLIAPIETRA C, BERTOLUCCI C, FOÀ A, AGRILLO C (2014) Non-visual numerical discrimination in a blind cavefish (Phreatichthys andruzzii) The Journal of experimental biology 217, 1902-1909 BISAZZA A, AGRILLO C, LUCON-XICCATO T (2014) Extensive training extends numerical abilities of guppies Animal cognition, 1-7 GORI S, AGRILLO C, DADDA M, BISAZZA A (2014) Do fish perceive illusory motion? Scientific reports 4 6443 AGRILLO C, BISAZZA A (2014) Spontaneous versus trained numerical abilities. A comparison between the two main tools to study numerical competence in non-human animals Journal of neuroscience methods 234, 82–91 Books chapters BISAZZA A (1992). Male competition, female choice and sexual size dimorphism in poeciliid fishes. pp 257-286 in "The Behavioural Ecology of Fishes" edito da F. Huntingford & P. Torricelli. 1993: Harwood Academic Press. VALLORTIGARA, G., BISAZZA, A., (2002) How ancient is brain lateralization? pp 9-69. In: Comparative vertebrate lateralization L.J. Rogers & R.J. Andrews Eds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK BISAZZA, A., BROWN, C. (2011) Lateralization of cognitive function in fish In: Fish Cognition and Behaviour 2nd Edition pp 298-324. In: Brown, C., Laland K. & Krause, J. Eds., Blackwell Publishing, Cambridge, UK. BISAZZA, A., (2011) Cognition. pp165-173. In Ecology and evolution of livebearing fishes. J. Evans, A. Pilastro, and I. Schlupp Eds. Oxford University Press, Oxford UK
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