CURRICULUM VITAE REDATTO AI SENSI DEGLI ARTT. 46 E 47 DEL D.P.R. 28.12.2000, N. 445 Il sottoscritto Andrea Genoni nato a Busto Arsizio (VA) il 01/12 /Lg86,c.f, - 44srz*oa,po,.,",po*',î1ffiiìiJ:i:?i:T["#:*ji:î,H:;Alffi:'il?,9?::rt ,esidente z6 der D p R DICHIARA che le informazioni sotto ripoftate sono veritiere. Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum Andrea Genoni Date of birth: December 1, 1986 Gender: Male Citizenship: Italian €ohtact information Education Title of qualification awarded: Ph.D. in Industrial Chemistry Dale: ATIIA/2074 Protocol: self-certification according to artt. 46 and 47 of D.p,R, n.445Da00 Level in international classification: iSCED 6 Thesis title; Exploring novel organocatalytic methodologies for, carbon-nitrogen double bond reduction Thesis advisor: Prof. Maurizio Benaglia Name of organisation providing education and training: Università deglistudi di MÌlano - Milan (Italy) Activity period: January 2011 - January 2014 Title of qualification awarded: Master Degree (Laurea) in chemical sciences Date: 10/13/2010 Protocol: Registered at No 16167411012 of Registry N" 2011 Level in international classification: ISCED 5A Thesis title: Chiral phosphine oxides as catalysts in stereoselective aldol condensations Thesis advisor: Prof. Maurizio Benaglia Finalgradel Cum laude (110/110 e tode) Name of organisation providing education and training: Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan (italy) Activity period: October 2008 - October 2010 Title of qualification awarded: Bachelor Degree (Laurea) in Chemistry Date:72176/20A8 Protocol: Registered at No 13834510812 of Registry No 2009 Level in international classification: ISCED 5A Thesis title: Synthesis of new chiral dicarboxylic acids Thesis advisor: Prof. Maurizio Benaglia Finalgrade: Cum laude (110/110 e lode) ).4 /cta i7r:4.4 frt"--**-;;--n** Name of organisation providing education and training: Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan (Italy) Activity period: September 2005 - December 2008 Title of qualification awarded: First Ceftificate in English (FCE) Date: 05/1212005 Protocol : Certificate number 0013363660 Level in international classification: Council of Europe Level 82 Name of organisation providing education and training: University of Cambridge Activity period: November 2004 - March 2005 Title of qualification awarded: Stage of Project Work Date: 07 /09/20O4 Protocol: Self-certification according to afit. 46 and 47 of D.P.R. n. 445/2000 Level in international classification: Project Work Stage theme: Study of PML / RAR, a gene causing acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) Name of organisation providing education and training: Università dell'Insubria - Busto Arsizio (VA) (Italy) Activity period: May 2004 * June 2004 Title of qualification awarded: High school diploma Date: 0206/2005 Protocol: Registered at N" 177005 of Registry No 2004 Level in international classification: ISCED 3A Name of organisation providing education and training: Liceo Scièntifico A. Tosi - Busto Arsizio (VA) (Italy) Activity period: September 2000 - July 2005 Scientific publications "Organic reactions mediated by tetrachlorosilane" (5, Rossi, M, Benaglia, A. accepted for publication) Genoni Tetrahedron 2Ot4, "Stereoselective metal-free catalytic synthesis of chiral trifluoromethyl aryl and alkyl amines" (A, Genoni, Benaglia, E. Massolo, S. Rossi Chemical Communications 2013, 49,8365-8367) M. "Enantiomerically pure bithiophenediphosphine oxides as catalysts for direct double aldol reactions" (A, Genoni, M. Benaglia, S. Rossi, G. Celentano Chírality 2013, 25 (10),643-647) "Enantioselective organocatalytic reduclions" (M. Benaglia, A. Genoni, M. Bonsignore Stereaseledive Organocatalysis : From C-C to C-heteroatom bond formation 2OL2, ed, Ramon Rios Torres, Wiley) "Readily available (.5)-proline-derived organocatalysts for the Lewis acid-mediated Lewis base-catalyzed stereoselective aldol reactions of activated thioesters" (M. Bonsignore, M. Benaglia, F. Cozzi, A. Genoni, S. Rossi, L. Raimondi Tetrahedron ?.012,64 8251-8255) "Chiral bis-pyridinium salts as novel stereoselective catalysts for the metal-free Diels-Alder cycloaddition of s,p-unsaturated aldehydes" (A. Genoni, M, Benaglia, A, Puglisi, S. Rossi Synthesis àOLL,1926-1929) "Organocatalytic stereoselective direct aldol reaction of trifluoroethyl thioesters" (S, Rossi, M, Benaglia, F. Cozzi, A. Genoni, T. Benincori Advanced Synthesis &Catalysis zOL, 353, 848-854) "Biheteroaromatic diphosphine oxides-catalyzed stereoselective direcl aldol reactions" (S, Rossi, M. Benaglia, A. Genoni, T, Benincori, G. Celentano Tetrahedron ?OLL, 67(1),158-166) Seminars and conferences Nuoviorientamenti nella sintesi organica - December 2013 Organiser: Italian Chemical Society SCI Summer School on Organic Synthesis "Attilio Corbella" XXXUII edition - lune 2013 Organiser: Università degli Studi di Milano l."i ,/oa ,,î*or..r fl-*t- i;r'-*ry*- Oral presentation "New catalytic methods for carbon nitrogen double bond transformations" Incontro con I'UNIVERSITA', il CNR e I'INDUSTRIA - February 2013 Organiser: Università degli Studi di Milano Nuovi orientamenti nella sintesi organica - November 2012 Organiser: Italian Chemical Society SCI fncontro con I'UNIVERSITA', il CNR e I'INDUSTRIA - February 20IZ Organiser: Università degli Studi di Milano E-WiSPOC 2012 European-Winter School on Physical Organic Chemistry - January 2012 Organiser: Università degli Studi di Padova Poster "Frustrated Lewis Pairs catalyzed stereoselective ketoimines reduction" Summer School on Organic Syhthesis "Attilio Corbella" XXXVI edition - June 2011 Organiser: Università degli Studi di Milano Poster "Frustrated Lewis Pairs catalyzed stereoselective carbon nitrogen double bond reduction" CATAFLU.OR Symposium " Organocatalysis. New Methodologies for sustainable Chemistry " - March 2011 Organiser: Università degli Studi di Bologna Poster "Chiral phosphine oxides in organocatalysis" E-WiSPOC 2011 European-Winter School on Physical Organic Chemistry - January 2011 Organiser: Università degli Studi di Padova Poster and oral presentation "Chiral phosphine oxides in enantioselective organocatalysis" CompetitiEns and prizes Premio di laurea "Marinella Ferrari" - lune 2011 Organiser: Rotary Club Milano Fiera, Milano Porta Venezia e Milano Visconteo - Università deqli Studi di Milano Other activitiès Tutoring for the course "Chimica Organica I" held by Prof. Bernardi at Università deqli Studi di Milano on June 2012 Laboratory assistance for the open laboratory summer school "Graetzel solar cell" held bv Dott. pasliarin at Università degli Studi di Milano on June 2012 Laboratory assistance for the open laboratory "Indigo biocatalytic synthesis" held by Prof. Guido Sello at Università degli Studidi Milano on February 2011 Languages : Italian (native), English (intermediate). I have excellent attitude to teamwork. I developed good leadership skills by organizing and coordinating undergraduate students' work in laboratory. I posses an extensive laboratory experience in organic chemical synthesis, I'm able to use the main purification techniques (crystallization, distillation, flash chromatography) and various spectroscopical and analytical techniques (TLC, HPLC, polarimetry, NMR spectroscopy, UV, IR and mass), ,'-i /r'4 'i-1 ai.t î, "a*/ i*a'*ra- ." | ií:-n'&* Il sottoscritto Andrea Genoni; ai sensi del D. Lgs. 196/2003 sulla riservatezza dei dati personali, dichiara di essere stato compiutamente informato delte finalità e modalità del trattamento dei dati personali consapevolmente forniti nel presente curriculum e di autorizzarne I'utilizzo e l'archiviazione in banca dati. Luogo e Data Castellanza, 2U ;*.{ 07 I 2074 /** /?r}4.{ &a-.-- *o*;
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