Style guide download

Style guide
Number of pages:
2000 characters with spaces per page, 25 MAXIMUM (including notes)
Number of illustrations :
10 MAXIMUM (jpg, tif, at least 300 dpi and 7x8 cm)
Notes :
Bottom of page
Abstract :
1000 characters (in English)
Résumé :
2-3000 characters (in the language of the paper which will then be
translated in Czech)
List of images :
Including copyrights or exact references of books it was scanned from –
each image must include the following data : e.g. Guariento, Scene
dell'Antico Testamento, vista d'insieme, circa 1354. Cappella carrarese,
Keywords :
In English and in the language of the paper
Numbers of references to the footnotes must be before any kind of punctuation. : e. g.
References to the figures have to be before the full stop : ….. (fig. 1).
Quotation marks have always be written in its double form: “….” (in its simple form only within a
quotation : “……‘……’…..” ).
Citations : in quotation marks “…”
Uncertain and foreign terms or terms to emphasize in the text : in italics, for exemple :
When using archives and certain series or journals, please attach a list of abbreviations following
Name of the author (please indicate the full name), title in italics, place of publication date, page:
- André Chastel, Marsile Ficin et l’Art, Genève 1996, p. 14 ou pp. 14-16.
Name of the author, title in quotation marks, title of the journal in italics, number in Roman numerals, the
date in brackets, pages of the entire article, pages of the citation:
- Patricia Fortini Brown, “Honor and Necessity : The dynamics of patronage in the Confraternities of
Renaissance Venice”, Studi Veneziani, XIV (1987), pp. 179-212, p. 184
Name of the author, title in quotation marks, title of the book in italics, under the direction of the authors
(ed.), place of publication publishing date, pages of the entire essay, pages of the citation:
For the Italian speaking:
Brian Pullan, "Natura e carattere delle Scuole", in Le Scuole di Venezia, a cura di Terisio Pignatti, Milano
1981, pp. 9-26, sp. p. 15.
For the English speaking :
Brian Pullan, "Natura e carattere delle Scuole", in Le Scuole di Venezia, Terisio Pignatti ed., Milano 1981,
pp. 9-26, sp. p. 15.
For the German speaking:
Brian Pullan, "Natura e carattere delle Scuole", in Le Scuole di Venezia, hrsg. Terisio Pignatti, Milano
1981, pp. 9-26, sp. p. 15.
For the French speaking:
Brian Pullan, "Natura e carattere delle Scuole", in Le Scuole di Venezia, Terisio Pignatti éd., Milano 1981,
pp. 9-26, sp. p. 15.
Exhibition Title in italics, exhibition (city, place date), the commissioners, place of publication issue date:
- Fioritura tardogotica nelle Marche, catalogo della mostra (Urbino, Palazzo Ducale 1998), a cura di
Paolo dal Poggetto, Milano 1998.
Contribution from a catalogue:
Author's name, title of the contribution in quotes, in title of the exhibition in italics, etc. (as mentioned
- Pietro Zampetti, “Gentile da Fabriano tra Marche e Venezia”, in Fioritura tardogotica nelle Marche,
catalogo della mostra (Urbino, Palazzo Ducale 1998), a cura di Paolo dal Poggetto, Milano 1998.
Conference title in italics. Conference proceedings (original language), (Conference location (in the
original language as mentioned in the book), date), under the direction of / authors (list all authors) (ed. /
edd.), Place of publication date of publication
- La nouvelle, Actes du colloque international de Montréal, Mc Gill University (Montréal, 14-16 octobre
1982), a cura di Michelangelo Picone, Montréal 1983.
Lecture at a conference:
- Michel Zink, “Le temps du récit et la mise en scène du narrateur dans le fabliau et dans l’exemplum” in
La nouvelle. Actes du colloque international de Montréal, Mc Gill University (14-16 octobre
1982), a cura di M. Picone , Montréal 1983, pp. 27-44.
If repeated citation:
Name of the author, first word(s) of the title in italics (note number of the first citation), page:
- Panofsky, Essais (n. 8), p. 4
- Romano, “L’immagine di Roma” (n. 12), p. 176
In case of multiple authors:
- Le Goff/Schmitt, Histoire vécue (n. 19), pp. 15-17