Scuola di Medicina Omeopatica di Verona Vicolo Dietro Santi Apostoli, 2 – 37121 Verona tel 0458030926 – fax 0458026695 cell. 329 4744580 email [email protected] Tesi “ LA LINGUA: SINTOMI REPERTORIALI E IMMAGINI CORRELATE ” dott. ssa Giorgia De Bona Relatore dott. Pierluigi Tubia Anno Accademico 2013-2014 1 PREFAZIONE C'era un tempo in cui il medico aveva grandi capacità di osservazione e valutava ogni minimo dettaglio del corpo per cogliere alterazioni della normale fisiologia e segni di malattia. Il medico di base conosceva la storia personale e familiare del paziente era proprio il “medico di famiglia”, quello che io ho riconosciuto nel medico Omeopata. Nella pratica clinica quotidiana di un Odontoiatra, che è una figura iper-specialistica, si vedono frequentemente problematiche riguardanti le malattie del cavo orale. La diagnosi può risultare difficile anche al dentista più esperto poiché le forme cliniche sono numerose e con aspetti macroscopici spesso sovrapponibili. Se il dentista però ha una formazione più estesa, in particolare è anche omeopata, allora le patologie orali saranno considerate in un contesto globale di ciò che il paziente manifesta. Il riconoscimento delle lesioni della bocca permette innanzitutto di evitare di ricorrere a prescrizioni di terapie aspecifiche come collutori antiflogistici e disinfettanti e, in secondo luogo, di capire il sistema complesso di ciò che accade all'individuo. Ho pensato quindi di fare un lavoro di raccolta di tutti i sintomi della lingua nel Repertorio Omeopatico, sia nel suo specifico capitolo “mouth” ma anche in tutti gli altri capitoli non meno importanti e di abbinare, dove possibile, delle immagini chiare per poter aiutare i colleghi Odontoiatri nella giusta diagnosi e i colleghi Omeopati per sensibilizzarli a considerare questa parte del corpo ricca di informazioni utili per la giusta prescrizione del rimedio. PAROLE CHIAVE Lingua – Patologie – Omeopatia – Immagini - Voci repertoriali 2 INTRODUZIONE “ FUORI LA LINGUA!!!”è sempre stata la richiesta dei medici durante la prima visita del paziente, poiché essa fa da cartina di tornasole del nostro stato di salute. Molti sintomi sia di salute che di malattia si possono comprendere proprio dalla semplice osservazione di questa parte del corpo che è anche così facilmente esplorabile. Anche oggi in cui la diagnostica strumentale è molto evoluta, l'esame attento della lingua rappresenta senza dubbio un primo e valido aiuto nella diagnosi. Dalla semplice richiesta di poter osservare la lingua del paziente il medico può trarre numerosi informazioni prima di eseguire esami emato-chimici, microbiologici, immunologici o biopsie ed esame citologico. E' la conoscenza della semeiotica clinica il primo e corretto approccio. Bisogna purtroppo ammettere che l'osservazione della lingua è una pratica medica andata un po' in disuso nei colleghi non odontoiatri ed è un vero peccato, mentre per i dentisti è una consuetudine. Anche la Medicina Tradizionale Cinese, già da migliaia di anni, si occupa con grande attenzione dell'aspetto della lingua ed è da questa utilizzata come straordinario metodo diagnostico. Anche per la Medicina Ayurvedica la lingua viene analizzata con cura poiché valuta anche la costituzione individuale del paziente. I segni presenti su di essa vanno messi in correlazione con la sua topografia, infatti la lingua vieni divisa in aree cui corrispondono i vari organi. La lingua che esprime buona salute deve essere di colore roseo ai bordi e più chiara al centro, deve essere umida e i suoi margini devono essere lisci. Deve potersi muovere, sollevare sul palato ed estroflettersi senza difficoltà. Figura 1: Organi e visceri e zone corrispondenti sulla mappa della lingua. 3 SEMEIOTICA CLINICA La semeiotica clinica si basa sull'anamnesi e sull'esame obiettivo. L'anamnesi è il primo mezzo che il medico utilizza e si svolge con domande mirate a ricercare i fattori indicativi di una prima diagnosi: tipo di sintomatologia, modalità di comparsa e fattori scatenanti, evoluzione del quadro clinico, comportamento della patologia, esami strumentali fatti in corso di precedenti manifestazioni, patologie sistemiche concomitanti, terapie farmacologiche in atto, condizioni predisponenti. Per fare diagnosi è indispensabile saper classificare e riconoscere le lesioni più importanti che da solo o associate rientrano nella composizione del quadro morboso. Bisogna saper descrivere in modo analitico la morfologia delle lesioni con grande cura esaminando tutta la mucosa orale e la cute periorale. La loro descrizione morfologica è la prima chiave di lettura della patologia. Si procede con ispezione e palpazione. Le lesioni posso avere le seguenti caratteristiche locali: lesioni a contenuto liquido (vescicole e bolle) che sono fragili e si rompono facilmente spesso iniziate da trauma. Sono di solito effimere. Le lesioni tipo erosioni possono venire da trauma diretto o per rottura di vescicola. Le lesioni solide hanno aspetti superficiali diversi, tipo papula o nodulo se da crescita sessile, oppure papilloma e polipo se la crescita è vegetante esofitica, oppure tipo verrucoso con superficie lisci o irregolare. In tutti questi casi si possono modificare in seguito ad infezione secondaria. In base poi alle caratteristiche generali si classificano le lesioni in base al colore. Le lesioni bianche: leucoplachia, candidosi e la leucocheratosi. Lesioni rosse: eritroplachia, eritema, erosione, ulcera, lesione vascolare o emorragica. Lesioni nere: nevo, tatuaggio, melanoma, pigmentazioni. Lesioni gialle: ghiandola sebacea, cisti linfoepiteliale, tumore a cellule granulose. Lesioni bluastre: cisti da ritenzione salivare. In base alla disposizione delle lesioni si hanno per esempio le vescicole a grappolo nell'Herpes Simplex, vescicole allineate nell'Herpes Zoster, lesioni bianche a rete nel Lichen, e cosi via. Anche l'evoluzione nel tempo fornisce dati importanti, come nella glossite migrante o lingua a carta geografica e la sede, per esempio le afte che compaiono sulla mucosa non cheratinizzata. La simmetria, come nel pemfigo, pemfigoide, psoriasi e lichen ruber planus. I caratteri della malignità dell'ulcera sono dati dal colore, lesione rossa o variegata, dalla persistenza oltre i 15-20 gioni, dai bordi duri e rialzati, dalla linfoadenopatia satellitare di consistenza durolignea, dal cambiamento repentino con aumento di volume e irregolarità della forma, dall'infiltrazione dei piani sottostanti con perdita della mobilità della lesione. 4 ANATOMIA DELLA LINGUA Figura 2: Lingua La lingua è un organo in prevalenza muscolare che occupa gran parte della cavità orale, con funzione tattile e gustativa, che ha anche parte importante nel processo della masticazione, della deglutizione e nell’articolazione del linguaggio. La lingua è situata per i due terzi anteriori (corpo della lingua) nella cavità orale, per il terzo posteriore (radice o base della lingua) nella faringe. Ha forma allungata, appiattita in senso verticale, struttura prevalentemente muscolare e rivestimento mucoso. Partecipa a varie funzioni fisiologiche quali fonazione, masticazione e deglutizione e interviene nella funzione gustativa fornendo il supporto ai recettori del gusto che sono sparsi nella sua mucosa. Elementi descrittivi importanti della lingua sono le due facce superiore e inferiore, i margini laterali e l’apice o punta. Sulla faccia superiore si notano: all’unione del corpo della lingua con la radice, il cosiddetto V linguale, formato dalla disposizione geometrica in due linee convergenti delle papille circumvallate, il cui apice è costituito dal forame cieco; anteriormente al V il solco longitudinale mediano e posteriormente le pliche glosso-epiglottiche, che uniscono la radice della lingua all’epiglottide. La superficie dorsale è ricoperta dall' induito, una patina biancastra 5 trasparente costituita dal precipitato contro il palato delle esalazioni dello stomaco attraverso l'esofago. Il colore, lo spessore, la consistenza e l'asportabilità dell'induito danno luogo ad indicazioni sullo stato della funzione digestiva. Sulla faccia inferiore si notano un solco longitudinale corrispondente a quello già accennato e una plica mucosa mediana, detta frenulo linguale. Su ciascun lato della linea mediana sono disposti gli sbocchi delle ghiandole mucose linguali. Alla costituzione della lingua partecipa un complesso di diciassette muscoli, fra i quali hanno particolare importanza il genio-glosso e l’jo-glosso. Il diverso orientamento di questi muscoli conferisce alla lingua grande varietà e scioltezza di movimenti. La mucosa che riveste la lingua presenta nella faccia superiore caratteri particolari: in corrispondenza della radice della lingua è sollevata da rilievi rotondeggianti corrispondenti ai follicoli linfatici che costituiscono, nel loro complesso, la cosiddetta tonsilla linguale. A livello del corpo, e sempre ed esclusivamente nella faccia superiore, si trovano, oltre alle già menzionate papille circumvallate, le papille gustative degli altri tipi (filiformi, fungiformi, fogliate). Sotto la mucosa si trovano numerose ghiandole sierose che versano il loro secreto alla superficie della lingua. Le papille linguali sono suddivisibili in quattro tipi: PAPILLE FILIFORMI: sono le più numerose e sono presenti su tutta l'area antistante il V linguale e ai margini della lingua, svolgono un'azione meccanica di tipo abrasivo, non presentano recettori gustativi, ma sono fornite di numerosi terminali nervosi (meccanocettori). PAPILLE FUNGIFORMI: meno numerose delle filiformi e distribuite sulla superficie dorsale della lingua e soprattutto all'apice. Presentano un asse connettivale a forma di fungo in cui sono presenti terminali nervosi gustativi. PAPILLE CIRCUMVALLATE: sono 12- 14 distribuite lungo il V linguale e visibili a occhi nudo. Presentano un asse connettivale a fungo circondato da un solco di 2 mm entrambi rivestiti da calici gustativi. Sul fondo del vallo sono presenti le ghiandole di Von Ebner a secrezione sierosa che servono ad esercitare un'azione di pulitura del vallo. PAPILLE FOLIATE: sono 4- 6 per lato della lingua dietro il V linguale, hanno forma laminare intervallate da fessure con molti calici gustativi. 6 Figura 3: Disposizione delle papille gustative sulla lingua e relative zone del gusto. APPARATO MUSCOLARE DELLA LINGUA E' costituito da muscolatura estrinseca e intrinseca. La muscolatura estrinseca comprende: il muscolo genioglosso (la contrazione dei fasci anteriori piegano in basso la punta mentre i fasci posteriori spingono la lingua fuori dalla bocca, la contrazione contemporanea di tutto il muscolo abbassa e appiattisce la lingua), il muscolo ioglosso (contraendosi tira la lingua in basso e indietro), il muscolo stiloglosso (tira la lingua in alto e indietro), il muscolo palatoglosso (durante deglutizione e fonazione la contrazione chiude la comunicazione tra cavità orale e faringe). La muscolatura intrinseca è costituita da fasci di fibre disposte su tre piani e distinti in fasci longitudinali, trasversali e perpendicolari. Tutti i fasci intrinseci originano e terminano nel contesto dell'organo, e in parte sono ancorati allo scheletro fibroso della lingua. Grazie a tale muscolatura la lingua può accorciarsi, ispessirsi e appiattirsi. INNERVAZIONE E VASCOLARIZZAZIONE L'apporto ematico arterioso è garantito dall'arteria linguale, mentre il deflusso venoso dalla vena linguale. L'innervazione è fornita da cinque paia di nervi cranici e precisamente dal nervo ipoglosso, dal nervo linguale, dal nervo intermedio di Wrisberg, dal nervo glossofaringeo e dal nervo vago. 7 GUSTO La nostra sensibilità gustativa ci permette di percepire il dolce, l'amaro, l'acido (o "aspro") e il salato. Le sensazioni di gusto sono recepite dalle cellule gustative. Le cellule gustative hanno una vita media di circa una decina di giorni, quindi sono soggette a un continuo ricambio. Il loro compito è quello di analizzare la natura delle varie sostanze presenti nel cibo dopo che sono state disciolte nella saliva. Il contatto con differenti sostanze genera impulsi differenti che raggiungono il cervello, dove vengono percepiti e riconosciuti i sapori. I calici gustativi sono localizzati in 3 dei 4 tipi di papille linguali: papille foliate, fungiformi circumvallate, mentre non sono presenti nelle papille filiformi, che hanno funzione meccanica, trattengono il cibo, e non hanno calici gustativi. I calici gustativi rispondono a tutti i tipi di sapori, ma in maniera differente l'uno dall'altro, sicché ad esempio ci saranno calici che reagiscono fortemente al salato ed altri che si comporteranno in maniera differente. Oggi è noto che la sensibilità ai sapori è diffusa in tutta la lingua e anche in altre parti della bocca, come l'epiglottide e il palato molle. Le informazioni sono veicolate al nervo faciale,VII paio dei nervi cranici, con la corda del timpano. La sensibilità gustativa viene inoltre raccolta dal nervo glossofaringeo e dal vago e viene trasportata al nucleo del Tratto Solitario e al nucleo Ventro-Postero-Mediale del Talamo, zona in genere di pertinenza trigeminale. La lingua è ricchissima di capillari e terminazioni nervose. Figura 4: Mappa del gusto sulla lingua. 8 LA LINGUA DAL PUNTO DI VISTA PSICOSOMATICO Le malattie ed i sintomi altro non sono che messaggi inviati dal corpo ad una mente che si rifiuta di comprendere gli insegnamenti della vita. Quando il corpo parla non mente mai e ciascuno di noi è in grado di comprenderne intuitivamente il linguaggio, poiché parla con una lingua antichissima, esistita da sempre e destinata a non morire mai: quella dei simboli. L'interpretazione in chiave simbolica, psicosomatica, delle malattie consente di integrarne il messaggio profondo a livello della coscienza, in questo modo si può eliminare la vera causa di un disagio ed il corpo può guarire. Viceversa se eliminiamo solo l'effetto di uno squilibrio interiore, cioè il sintomo, questo è destinato a ripresentarsi nello stesso organo o in un altro situato più in profondità. Per interpretare correttamente un sintomo è necessaria una visione distaccata ed esterna, non scordiamoci, infatti, che il contenuto che esso trasporta è già stato rifiutato dalla coscienza, altrimenti non sarebbe necessario che il corpo lo manifesti. Una volta integratone completamente il contenuto conflittuale, qualsiasi malattia è in grado di guarire, ed il corpo ritorna al suo equilibrio abituale. E' interessante notare che qualsiasi interpretazione data ad un paziente e da questi accettata di buon grado, o non è corretta o è troppo superficiale! L'interpretazione corretta è relativa ad un aspetto di sé che il paziente non vede, che tenderà quindi a negare più o meno aspramente qualora gli si presenti davanti (così come tenderà ad essere particolarmente irritato da quelle persone che lo manifestano apertamente nella propria vita: meccanismo dello specchio). Per riuscire a interpretare i nostri sintomi dobbiamo chiederci che cosa mi fanno fare (che in condizioni normali non farei) e che cosa mi impediscono di fare (che in condizioni normali farei), in questo modo troviamo la finalità e dunque il messaggio. Problemi legati alla lingua indicano difficoltà ad esprimere ciò che pensiamo oppure problematiche legate al mangiare. La bocca è uno degli apparati più complessi del nostro organismo ma anche uno dei più antichi nella filogenesi umana. E' molto facile e intuibile il rapporto che la bocca può avere con la vita stessa e la sua prosecuzione. 9 VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “MOUTH” [MOUTH - ABSCESS] - Tongue: (5) am-c. calc. dros. hippoz. merc. [MOUTH - ABSCESS - Tongue - accompanied by] .. pricking pains: (1) merc. [MOUTH - ABSCESS - Tongue] . sublingual abscess, opening externally: (1) hippoz. [MOUTH - ABSCESS - Tongue] . Tip: (2) am-c. dros. [MOUTH] ADHERES to roof of mouth; tongue: (14) alum. arg-met. bell. Bry. caust. hydrog. kali-p. laur. nit-ac. NUX-M. sanic. spong. sulph. syc. [MOUTH - APHTHAE] - Tongue: (58) aeth. agar. amp. Anis. anthraq. aran-ix. arg-n. ars. ars-s-f. arum-d. arum-t. atp. aur. aur-s. BORX. bov. Bry. camph. Carb-v. carbn-s. caul. caust. cean. cham. Dulc. gink-b. graph. Ham. hell. hydr. iod. Jug-c. kali-chl. kali-i. Lac-ac. Lach. mand. med. Merc. Merc-cy. Moly-met. Mur-ac. Nat-m. nux-v. ox-ac. ozone parathyr. phasco-ci. Phos. plac-s. plb. rajas. sars. Sul-ac. Sulph. tarent. thuj. tub. Foto 1: Afte linguali. Sono piccole delle mucose orali dolenti, rotonde o ovali, con margini netti, alone rosso e fondo giallo o grigio. La patogenesi è probabilmente di origine immunitaria con fattori predisponenti di varia natura: stress psicofisico, traumi, alcuni cibi, cessazione del fumo, fase luteale del ciclo mestruale e familiarità. [MOUTH - APHTHAE - Tongue - accompanied by - scabs] ... thick: (1) merc-cy. [MOUTH - APHTHAE - Tongue - accompanied by - scabs - white] yellowish white: (1) merc-cy. [MOUTH - APHTHAE - Tongue] . bleeding: (2) BORX. raja-s. [MOUTH - APHTHAE - Tongue] . burning: (1) Nat-m. [MOUTH - APHTHAE - Tongue] . large aphthae: (1) Jug-c. [MOUTH - APHTHAE - Tongue] . mercury; after abuse of: (2) Agar. Sars. 10 [MOUTH - APHTHAE - Tongue] . painful: (7) BORX. cean. merc. merc-cy. nux-v. sul-ac. sulph.. [MOUTH - APHTHAE - Tongue - painful] .. nursing; prevents child from: (6) BORX. cean. merc. nux-v. sul-ac. sulph. [MOUTH - APHTHAE - Tongue] . patches; in: (1) Phos. [MOUTH - APHTHAE - Tongue] . salt agg.; eating: (1) Moly-met. [MOUTH - APHTHAE - Tongue] . sensitive: (1) BORX. [MOUTH - APHTHAE - Tongue - small] .. dirty yellow: (3) agar. iod. sulph. [MOUTH - APHTHAE - Tongue] . sore points: (1) Thuj. [MOUTH - APHTHAE - Tongue] . spots, in: (2) Phos. Sul-ac. [MOUTH - APHTHAE - Tongue] . ulcers; forming: (1) merc-cy. [MOUTH - APHTHAE - Tongue] . Below: (3) gink-b. med. streptoc. [MOUTH - APHTHAE - Tongue] . Edges: (3) anis. arg-n. bov. [MOUTH - APHTHAE - Tongue] . Tip: (11) agar. anthraq. atp. Bry. graph. Ham. kali-i. Lach. med. phasco-ci. raja-s. [MOUTH - ATROPHY] - Tongue: (3) arg-n. mur-ac. plb. [MOUTH - ATROPHY - Tongue] . Papillae: (1) arg-n. Foto 2: Atrofia delle papille. Può essere causata da anemia (sideropenica o perniciosa), 11 ipovitaminosi (vitamina B e acido folico) e deficienze proteiche. [MOUTH - BITING] - Tongue: (74) absin. acet-ac. acon. aeth. agar. alum. anis. apis Arn. ars. Art-v. Asar. BELL. BUFO camph. carb-ac. Caust. Cham. Chin. Cic. cocc. colch. Coloc. Croc. Cupr. dig. dios. Dros. dulc. gink-b. glon. Hydr. Hyos. IGN. iod. ip. jal. kola lach. lyc. med. merl. mez. Mygal. nat-c. Nat-m. Nit-ac. oena. Ol-an. Op. petr. petr-ra. Ph-ac. phos. plb. Puls. ran-s. ruta sec. sep. stram. sulph. tanac. tarent. tax. teucr. ther. thuj. tritic-vg. valer. vanil. verat. vip. zinc. [MOUTH - BITING - Tongue] . morning: (1) art-v. [MOUTH - BITING - Tongue - night] .. sleep; in: (11) alum. apis Cic. med. mez. Mygal. Ph-ac. phos. tax. ther. zinc. [MOUTH - BITING - Tongue] . chewing agg.: (4) dulc. IGN. Nit-ac. ruta [MOUTH - BITING - Tongue] . convulsions; during: (23) absin. Art-v. bell. Bufo camph. Caust. Cic. cocc. Cupr. hyos. ign. lach. nit-ac. nux-v. Oena. Op. plb. puls. sec. stram. tanac. tarent. valer. [MOUTH - BITING - Tongue - convulsions; during] .. hysterical: (1) Cic. [MOUTH - BITING - Tongue] . drinking agg.; when not: (1) dios. [MOUTH - BITING - Tongue] . eating agg.; when not: (1) dios. [MOUTH - BITING - Tongue - followed by] .. unconsciousness: (1) Oena. [MOUTH - BITING - Tongue] . shock in head; caused by: (1) agar. [MOUTH - BITING - Tongue] . swelling of tongue; from: (1) thuj. [MOUTH - BITING - Tongue] . talking; when: (2) Hyos. IGN. [MOUTH - BITING - Tongue - Sides - night] ... sleep; in: (1) Ph-ac. [MOUTH - BITING - Tongue] . Tip: (5) bell. med. Puls. ther. vanil. [MOUTH - BITING - Tongue - Tip] .. sleep; during: (2) med. ther. [MOUTH - BLEEDING] - Tongue: (56) anan. arg-met. ars. ARUM-T. bapt. bell. BORX. bry. bufo cadm-s. calc. caps. Carb-v. cham. chin. chlol. clem. cocc. colch. Crot-h. cupr. cur. dig. guare. hyos. kali-bi. kali-chl. kali-p. lac-ac. Lach. Lept. lyc. med. Merc. mur-ac. nat-m. nat-p. nit-ac. nux-v. oncor-t. Op. phos. plb. Podo. rhus-t. sabad. sars. sec. sep. spig. spong. stram. sulph. ter. vanil. VERAT. [MOUTH - BLEEDING - Tongue] . Below: (1) ter. [MOUTH - BLEEDING - Tongue] . Tip: (3) lach. phos. vanil. [MOUTH - BLOTCHES - Tongue] . Under the tongue; like vegetable growths: (1) ambr. 12 [MOUTH] BROAD TONGUE: (13) cas-s. chion. conv. cory. Kali-bi. mag-m. merc. Nat-m. plb. Podo. puls. vib. ziz. [MOUTH - BROAD TONGUE] - sensation as if: (11) bell. conv. Kali-bi. NAT-M. par. plb. Podo. positr. PULS. vib. ziz. [MOUTH - BROAD TONGUE - sensation as if - accompanied by - Tongue; discoloration of] ... Center; a pasty coat in the: (1) podo. [MOUTH - BURNS - Tongue] . And lips: (1) ham. [MOUTH - BUTTERFLIES] - Tongue; sensation of butterflies on the: (1) olib-sac. [MOUTH - CANCER] - Tongue: (51) alum. Alumn. Apis arg-cy. Ars. ars-h. ars-met. Aur. Aur-m. aur-m-n. benz-ac. calc. Calc-f. carb-ac. Carb-an. carc. caust. chr-ac. cit-ac. cit-l. cob. Con. crot-h. cund. eos. gali. guaj. Hydr. iod. kali-chl. kali-cy. Kali-i. Lach. lyc. maland. Merc. Mur-ac. Nit-ac. Phos. Phyt. rad-br. sang. semp. sep. Sil. staph. Strych-g. sulph. tarent. thuj. Vib-p. Foto 3: Cancro alla lingua. Tra tutti i tumori maligni a diversa localizzazione le neoplasie orali, rappresentano il 5% del totale e in questo ambito il carcinoma squamoso rappresenta il 90% delle forme. Le lesioni colpiscono con maggiore frequenza i 2/3 anteriori del margine laterale e ventrale della lingua. Fattori predisponenti sono uso di tabacco e alcol, dieta e nutrizione, fattori dentali come traumatismi cronici e scarsa igiene. [MOUTH - CANCER - Tongue] . left: (2) maland. Mur-ac. [MOUTH - CANCER - Tongue - accompanied by] .. atrophy of tongue: (2) merc. Mur-ac. [MOUTH - CANCER - Tongue - accompanied by] .. atrophy of tongue and speaking with a thick hoarse voice: (1) Mur-ac. [MOUTH - CANCER - Tongue - accompanied by] .. blue discoloration: (1) Mur-ac. [MOUTH - CANCER - Tongue] . epithelioma: (10) Ars. carb-ac. chr-ac. HYDR. kali-chl. Kali-cy. kali-i. mur-ac. nit-ac. Thuj.[MOUTH - CANCER - Tongue - accompanied by] .. hemorrhage; tendency to: (1) crot-h. 13 [MOUTH - CANCER - Tongue] . hard, indurated, ulcerated, warty growths: (1) Mur-ac. [MOUTH - CANCER - Tongue] . painful: (2) cit-ac. cit-l. [MOUTH - CANCER - Tongue] . scirrhus carcinoma: (7) alum. alumn. cob. iod. kali-cy. semp. staph. [MOUTH] CHOREA, tongue: (1) cina [MOUTH] CLEAN Tongue: (35) abrom-a. Aeth. apis arg-n. ARS. ASAR. bism. Carb-v. Chin. chinin-s. CINA cocc. CORY. cund. Dig. diph. elaps Glycyr-g. hell-o. Hyos. ign. IP. Mag-p. mangi. nat-m. Nit-ac. oena. PYROG. rham-cal. RHUS-T. sec. Sep. solid. sulph. zinc. [MOUTH - CLEAN Tongue - accompanied by] . bitter taste: (2) Carb-v. chinin-s. [MOUTH - CLEAN Tongue - accompanied by - bitter taste] .. women; in old: (1) Carb-v. [MOUTH - CLEAN Tongue - accompanied by - dryness of tongue] .. Tip of tongue: (1) sec. [MOUTH - CLEAN Tongue - accompanied by] . fever; during: (3) ars. cina Ip. [MOUTH - CLEAN Tongue - accompanied by] . nephritis; acute: (1) apis [MOUTH - CLEAN Tongue - accompanied by] . urination; copious: (1) solid. [MOUTH - CLEAN Tongue] - menses; during: (1) Sep. [MOUTH - CLEAN Tongue - menses; during] . dirty tongue after menses; and: (1) sep. [MOUTH - CLEAN Tongue] - spot in the centre; clean: (2) diph. rham-cal. [MOUTH - CLEAN Tongue] - Sides: (2) arg-n. mangi. [MOUTH - CLUMSY] - Tongue: (1) merc. [MOUTH - COLDNESS - sensation of coldness] . Tongue: (19) acon. anag. ant-t. ars-h. bell. bit-ar. CAMPH. CARB-V. carbn-s. cist. guare. helo. helo-s. hydr-ac. iris kali-chl. laur. Verat. zinc. [MOUTH - COLDNESS - sensation of coldness - Tongue] .. right: (1) Gels. [MOUTH - COLDNESS - sensation of coldness - Tongue] .. left: (1) aloe [MOUTH - COLDNESS - sensation of coldness - Tongue] .. air; sensation of cold: (1) Acon. [MOUTH - COLDNESS - sensation of coldness - Tongue] .. peppermint; as from: (1) lyss. [MOUTH - COLDNESS - sensation of coldness - Tongue] .. Frenum, near: (1) anag. [MOUTH - COLDNESS - sensation of coldness - Tongue] .. Tip: (2) bell. cupr. 14 [MOUTH - COLDNESS] - Tongue: (37) acet-ac. acon. aloe am-c. anh. Ars. bar-c. bell. calc. CAMPH. Carb-v. carbn-s. cist. cocc-s. Colch. cupr. cupr-ar. Cupr-s. gels. helo. helo-s. hydr. hydrac. Ip. Iris kali-br. kali-chl. Laur. merc. naja Nat-m. op. Ox-ac. Ph-ac. sec. VERAT. zinc. [MOUTH - COLDNESS - Tongue] . right: (1) gels. [MOUTH - COLDNESS - Tongue] . left: (1) aloe [MOUTH - COLDNESS - Tongue] . morning: (1) zinc. [MOUTH - COLDNESS - Tongue - accompanied by - Tongue] ... white discoloration of the tongue: (1) Calc. [MOUTH - COLDNESS - Tongue] . icy: (3) ars. cocc-s. zinc. [MOUTH - COLDNESS - Tongue] . sensation of: (9) acon. bell. colch. Cupr. kreos. laur. m-aust. mez. verat. [MOUTH - COLDNESS - Tongue] . Tip: (1) carb-v. [MOUTH - CONDYLOMATA] - Tongue: (6) aur. Aur-m. aur-m-n. lyc. mang. staph. [MOUTH - CONSTRICTION] - Tongue: (3) iod. lach. valer. [MOUTH - CONTRACTION] - Tongue: (10) agar. Carb-v. cina crot-t. ip. laur. Merc-c. nux-v. xan. xanth. [MOUTH - CONTRACTION - Tongue - alternating with] .. swelling: (2) xan. xanth. [MOUTH - CONTRACTION - Tongue] . cylindrical: (1) cina [MOUTH - CONTRACTION - Tongue - cylindrical] .. spasmodically forced through lips; which is: (1) cina [MOUTH] CORRUGATED Tongue: (1) nat-ar. [MOUTH - COTTON; sensation of] - Tongue: (1) bell. [MOUTH - CRACKED] - Tongue fissured: (116) acet-ac. AIL. alco. anan. Apis ARS. ARS-I. ars-sf. ARUM-T. arund. asar. atro. aur. aur-ar. aur-s. Bapt. bar-c. bar-i. bar-m. bar-s. Bell. Benz-ac. borac. Borx. both-ax. Bry. bufo calad. Calc. calc-f. calc-i. calc-p. calc-s. calen. Camph. carb-ac. Carb-v. carbn-s. Cham. chel. Chin. chinin-ar. chlorpr. cic. clem. cob. Crot-h. cub. cupr. cur. der. Dulc. fago. ferr-p. FL-AC. gaert. Glycyr-g. hell. HYOS. iod. Kali-bi. kali-c. kali-i. kali-p. Lach. Leon. lept. Lyc. Mag-m. Merc. mez. moni. Mur-ac. myris. Nat-ar. nat-m. NIT-AC. nux-v. oncor-t. ph-ac. PHOS. Phyt. pic-ac. pip-m. pip-n. plat. Plb. plb-act. Podo. psor. puls. Pyrog. raja-s. ran-s. raph. RHUS-T. rhus-v. ruta sacch. sec. semp. Sin-n. sol-t-ae. SPIG. stram. sul-i. Sulph. syc. syph. thuj. Tub. vanil. Verat. Zinc. zinc-p. zinc-s. 15 Foto 4: Lingua scrotale. E' una condizione innocua caratteristica del paziente riscontrata durante la visita. Unico rischio è l'infezione da accumulo di cibo nel fondo delle pliche profonde se non vi è una corretta igiene. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured - accompanied by] .. aphthae: (1) BORX. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured - accompanied by] .. black tongue: (1) Lyc. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured - accompanied by] .. bleeding tongue: (2) arum-t. lach. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured - accompanied by - bleeding tongue] ... Tip: (1) lach. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured - accompanied by] .. burns: (1) calen. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured] . deep: (4) benz-ac. fl-ac. glycyr-g. kali-i. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured] . directions; in all: (3) FL-AC. mag-m. NIT-AC. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured - directions; in all - accompanied by] ... ulcer in the centre: (1) Fl-ac. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured] . moistened; as if it would crack if not: (1) pic-ac. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured - one deep red furrow - accompanied by - Tongue] pale: (1) raph. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured - one deep red furrow - accompanied by - Tongue] purple: (1) raph. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured] . sensation as if: (2) nat-c. sulph. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured] . typhoid fever; after: (1) Merc. 16 [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured] . Across: (5) acet-ac. asar. cob. kali-p. merc. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured] . Anterior part: (1) nat-ar. Figura 5: Lingua scrotale o fissurata. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured] . Centre: (18) bapt. bufo Cob. cub. glycyr-g. lach. lept. merc. Mez. Nit-ac. raph. rhus-t. Rhus-v. ruta sin-n. sulph. syph. vanil. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured - Centre] .. Across: (4) cob. lach. merc. vanil. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured] . Down median line: (2) sin-n. syph. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured - Down median line] .. two deep cracks running lengthwise parallel to median line: (1) syph. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured] . Edges: (9) anan. ars. Bar-c. clem. fago. ferr-p. Lach. Nux-v. thuj. Foto 6: Lingua fissurata sul dorso. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured - Edges] .. left: (1) Bar-c. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured - Edges - accompanied by - hard tongue] Edges: (1) clem. 17 [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured - Edges] .. nursing woman: (1) lach. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured - Edges] .. painful with hard edges: (1) clem. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured] . Lengthwise: (6) glycyr-g. merc. pip-m. pip-n. ruta syph. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured - Lengthwise] .. deep: (1) syph. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured - Lengthwise] .. Upper part: (1) Merc. [MOUTH - CRACKED - Tongue fissured] . Tip: (2) bar-c. lach. [MOUTH - CRAWLING] - Tongue: (17) acon. alum. anh. bamb-a. dulc. kali-n. kali-s. merc. nat-m. pieri-b. Plat. podo. puls. Sec. seneg. vanil. Zinc. [MOUTH - CRAWLING - Tongue] . Anterior part: (1) anh. [MOUTH - DENUDED spots] - Tongue; on: (1) ran-s. Foto 7: Lingua con macchie di disepitelizzazione. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . black: (63) aeth. Alum. Arg-n. arn. Ars. ars-h. Bapt. barc. bell. BISM. bry. bufo cadm-s. camph. Carb-ac. CARB-V. CHIN. Chinin-ar. chlol. Chlor. chloram. choc. cocc. colch. crot-h. cupr. cupr-s. dig. elaps gymno. hippoz. hyos. kali-bi. Kali-c. Lach. Lept. lol. Lyc. MERC. Merc-c. Merc-cy. merc-d. merc-sul. Morph. mur-ac. nit-ac. Nux-v. Op. PHOS. plb. rad-br. raja-s. Rhus-t. sabad. Sec. sin-n. spong. stram. sul-ac. sulph. vario. Verat. vip. Foto 8: Lingua nera villosa. Questa alterazione che talora interessa solo la radice ma a volte anche aree più estese della superficie linguale è determinata da un'innocua ipertrofia delle papille filiformi cheratinizzate. Vari i fattori causali: a volte associata a malattie sistemiche che riducono la mobilità 18 linguale quali diabete mellito e disturbi della nutrizione, carenze vitaminiche o abuso di antisettici del cavo orale o antibiotici che alterano la flora batterica presente, tabagismo, scarsa igiene orale, radioterapia. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - black - accompanied by - Edges] red: (2) MERC. nux-v. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - black - accompanied by - Root] yellow: (1) ars. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - black - accompanied by - Sides] clean: (1) ars. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - black] .. bluish black: (18) Alum. ars. bufo cupr-s. Dig. Gymno. Lach. Lyc. Merc. merc-cy. Morph. mur-ac. op. Phos. plb. Sec. Verat. vip. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - black - bluish black] ... spots; in: (1) plb. Foto 9: Lingua con macchie pigmentate blu scure. Per accumulo di metalli pesanti per esempi il piombo. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - black] .. crusts: (1) Phos. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - black] .. gangrenous: (1) bism. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - black] .. medial line; along: (2) chlol. Phos. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - black] .. purplish black: (1) Op. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - black] .. sooty black: (2) Chlor. hippoz. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - black] .. Centre: (6) chlol. lept. Merc. PHOS. raja-s. sec. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - black - Centre] ... streak like ink: (3) chlol. lept. raja-s. 19 [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - black - Centre - streak like ink - accompanied by Sides] red: (1) raja-s. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - black] .. Root: (1) Verat. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . blue: (31) Agar. ambr. ANT-T. arg-met. arg-n. ARS. benz-ac. bufo Carb-v. colch. cupr-s. DIG. gymno. helo-s. Iris Merc-cy. MORPH. Mur-ac. op. Plat. Plb. Podo. raph. Sabad. sars. Sec. spig. tab. thuj. VERAT. Vip. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - blue] .. lead colored: (2) Ars. Carb-v. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - blue] .. reddish blue: (2) ars. raph. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - blue] .. spots, in: (3) arg-n. Plb. sars. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . bluish: (22) arg-n. ars. benz-ac. bufo carb-v. Cocc. colch. cupr-s. DIG. GYMNO. merc. merc-cy. MORPH. mur-ac. op. podo. sabad. SEC. tab. vario. VERAT. vip. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . brown: (113) Acon. aesc. AIL. Am-c. ant-t. Anthraci. Apis arg-n. Arn. ARS. ars-i. ars-s-f. atro. aur. aur-ar. aur-i. auran. BAPT. Bell. both-ax. brom. BRY. cact. Cadm-s. canth. Carb-ac. Carb-v. cassia-s. Chel. Chin. CHININ-AR. Chlor. choc. cina coc-c. cocc. Colch. Crot-h. Cupr. Cupr-ar. Dig. dios. dor. Echi. elat. Eup-pur. gels. glon. guaj. Ham. Hep. HYOS. hyosin. iod. Ip. joan. Kali-bi. kali-br. KALI-P. kali-t. Lac-c. LACH. Lyc. mag-p. malar. med. Merc. merc-cy. Merc-i-f. morph. mur-ac. mygal. myric. nat-p. nat-s. Nux-v. Op. ox-ac. par. penic. ph-ac. PHOS. phyt. PLB. podo. ptel. Pyrog. RHUS-T. rumx. sabad. sabin. sanic. SEC. Sep. Sil. spig. Spong. sul-ac. Sulph. sumb. tarax. tarent. Tart-ac. tax. ter. term-c. thuj. verat. verb. vib. vip. wies. Zinc. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown] .. morning: (5) Bapt. dios. RHUS-T. sumb. tarax. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown - accompanied by - Root] green: (1) Nat-s. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown - accompanied by] ... Sides and tip; red: (2) Lyc. rhus-t. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown - accompanied by] ... Sides; red: (3) Lyc. rhus-t. Sep. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown] .. dark brown: (7) Bry. carb-ac. Crot-h. dor. natp. rhus-t. sanic. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown - dark brown] ... Centre: (2) nat-p. sanic. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown] .. earth; brown like: (1) Ip. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown] .. greenish brown: (1) nat-s. 20 Foto 10: Lingua giallo-marrone alla base. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown] .. heavily coated: (6) auran. Bapt. Colch. Gels. med. podo. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown] .. reddish brown: (5) ox-ac. rhus-t. rumx. sul-ac. Zinc. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown] .. thick: (1) med. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown] .. yellowish brown: (19) ant-t. bapt. brom. bry. Carb-v. choc. cina crot-h. dios. Kali-bi. merc-i-f. nat-s. phos. ptel. pyrog. rumx. sec. Verat. verb. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown - yellowish brown - accompanied by] Sides; smooth: (1) bapt. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown - yellowish brown] ... Centre: (3) Bapt. bry. sec. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown - yellowish brown] ... Root: (1) Kali-bi. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown] .. Base, at: (4) lyss. nat-s. pyrog. tor. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown] .. Centre: (22) ail. Apis Arn. ars. bapt. Bry. canth. Colch. Crot-h. Eup-pur. hyos. hyosin. iod. Lac-c. malar. nat-p. Phos. Plb. pyrog. rhus-t. vib. wies. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown - Centre - morning] rising; on: (1) rhus-t. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown - Centre - accompanied by - Sides] moist: (1) Apis [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown - Centre - accompanied by - Sides] white: (4) arn. iod. malar. nat-p. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown] .. Root: (3) penic. pyrog. verb. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown - Root] ... yellowish brown: (1) penic. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown] .. Sides: (2) Kali-bi. phyt. 21 [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown - Sides - accompanied by - Centre] red discoloration: (1) Kali-bi. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - brown] .. Tip: (2) sec. term-c. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . changing color: (1) sec. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . cream-like: (2) mez. tub. Foto 11: Lingua con patina simile a crema. Sono condizioni che si presentano in pazienti molto immunodepressi, come nell'AIDS o pazienti terminali di neoplasie. C'è una ipercheratosi diffusa che forma uno strato spesso non asportabile allo sfregamento. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - cream-like - accompanied by] ... clean sides: (1) mez. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - cream-like - Anterior half] ... one side: (1) tub. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - cream-like] .. Root: (1) tub. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . crusts: (2) bry. chin. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . dark: (17) arn. ars. Bapt. bell. bry. carb-v. kali-bi. lach. mur-ac. nit-ac. petr. ph-ac. phos. rhus-t. sec. sul-ac. verat-v. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - dark - streaks] ... Edges: (1) petr. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - dark] .. Centre: (3) arn. bapt. Mur-ac. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . dirty: (34) ACON. all-c. ANT-C. anthraco. arg-n. arn. Ars. bry. calc. Camph. carb-v. cean. CHIN. conv. croc. cub. hydr. hyper. Kali-chl. lac-c. lyc. Magm. merc. merc-i-f. morg. morg-g. NAT-S. olnd. podo. syph. thuj. valer. verb. zinc. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - dirty] .. heavily coated: (4) CHIN. conv. NAT-S. valer. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - dirty - heavily coated] ... Root of tongue: (1) NAT-S. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - dirty] .. Centre: (1) Lac-c. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - dirty] .. Root: (2) Lac-c. NAT-S. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . gray: (29) Ambr. anan. ant-t. Arg-n. ars. ars-h. Bell. bry. 22 Chel. Cupr. cupr-act. ery-a. ferr. hyper. Kali-c. kali-m. kali-s. lac-c. Merc-cy. nat-s. ox-ac. ozone phac. Phos. phyt. puls. ribo. tax. tub. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - gray - accompanied by - Root] green: (1) NAT-S. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - gray] .. greenish gray: (1) NAT-S. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - gray] .. whitish gray: (2) Kali-c. ph-ac. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - gray] .. Centre: (1) phos. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - gray] .. Root: (1) Kali-m. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . green: (17) ars. ars-met. calc-caust. caps. chion. cop. cupr. guare. iod. MAG-C. mag-m. NAT-S. Nit-ac. Plb. plb-act. propr. Rhod. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - green] .. Root: (3) caps. chion. cop. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . leather, looks like burnt: (1) hyos. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . orange: (1) choc. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . pale: (42) acet-ac. agar. Ail. ant-c. ant-t. Ars. boerh-d. brass-n-o. caesal-b. Chel. chinin-s. Colch. Cupr. cupr-s. Dig. emb-r. Ferr. Gymno. hydr. Ip. kali-br. Kali-c. kreos. Lyss. MERC. merc-cy. Morph. mur-ac. nat-c. Nat-m. op. ph-ac. phos. raph. rhus-t. sec. Sep. stram. sul-ac. Verat. vip. xan. Foto 12: Lingua pallida. Dovuta ad anemia. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - pale - accompanied by] ... flabby tongue: (1) acet-ac. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - pale] .. Edges: (1) chinin-s. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - pale - Tip - accompanied by] sides; livid: (1) Ail. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . purple: (10) bora-o. Cact. hydr. Kali-chl. Lach. Op. 23 Petr. raph. sars. stry. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - purple] .. black: (1) op. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - purple] .. spots: (1) sars. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . raspberry color: (1) scarl. Foto 13: Lingua di bambino affetto da scarlattina. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . red: (156) acet-ac. Acon. adam. aloe amyg-p. anan. antc. ant-t. APIS arg-met. arg-n. arn. ARS. ars-s-f. arum-t. aur. aur-ar. Aur-m. bac. Bapt. bar-c. BELL. bell-p. Bism. Bor-ac. bora-o. borx. bry. cain. Calc. Calc-s. calen. Camph. Canth. carb-ac. carb-an. Carb-v. card-m. CAUST. Cham. CHEL. chinin-ar. choc. Colch. coloc. com. conv. cop. Crot-c. Crot-h. crot-t. Cupr. Cupr-act. cur. cycl. cypra-eg. Diph. diphtox. echi. elaps eos. eupi. ferr. Ferr-p. fl-ac. Gels. glon. hell. helon. hipp. Hydr. Hyos. ictod. Iod. ip. Iris jal. Kali-bi. kali-br. Kali-c. kali-m. kali-n. kali-p. lac-ac. lac-c. lac-del. Lach. loxo-lae. Lyc. lyss. Mag-m. manc. mangi. MERC. Mercc. merc-cy. Merc-i-f. merc-i-r. merc-sul. Mez. moni. morph. mosch. mur-ac. nat-ar. nat-m. Nat-s. NIT-AC. Nux-v. oci-sa. oena. op. osm. ox-ac. paeon. pall. ped. pert-vc. Ph-ac. PHOS. PHYT. Plb. podo. psil. Pyrog. ran-s. raph. RHUS-T. rhus-v. rob. ruta sang. sars. sec. sep. spong. stann. stram. sul-ac. sul-i. sulfonam. Sulph. symph. syph. tarax. tarent. Ter. terebe. thuj. Tub. tub-m. Verat. VERAT-V. verb. vesp. vip. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red] .. brick dust coating: (1) anan. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red] .. bright red: (5) Bell. Colch. pyrog. ter. terebe. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red] .. cherry red: (1) kali-c. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red] .. dark red: (5) bell. bry. diph. hyos. rhus-t. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red - dark red] ... Tip: (1) diph. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red] .. fever; during: (1) lach. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red] .. fiery red: (8) APIS Bell. calc-s. Canth. fl-ac. Phyt. pyrog. sang. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red - fiery red] ... Tip: (2) fl-ac. Phyt. 24 [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red] .. glistening: (15) apis Canth. com. crot-h. crot-t. glon. jal. KALI-BI. Lach. Nit-ac. Phos. pyrog. rhus-t. stram. Ter. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red] .. meaty: (1) arum-t. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red] .. painted; clean as if: (1) Calc. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red] .. spots: (13) apis choc. manc. Merc. ox-ac. Ran-s. raph. stram. sulfonam. syph. Tarax. ter. verat. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red - spots] ... small: (1) stram. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red - spots - Sides] right: (1) sulfonam. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red] .. stripes: (31) ant-t. arg-met. Arg-n. arn. ars. Bapt. Bell. CAUST. Cham. colch. crot-h. Crot-t. iris Kali-bi. lach. merc-c. nat-m. osm. pall. pert-vc. Phac. Phos. Plb. Pyrog. Rhus-t. Rhus-v. Sang. symph. Tub. verat. VERAT-V. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red - stripes] ... Down centre; stripe: (29) ant-t. arg-met. Arg-n. arn. Ars. Bapt. Bell. CAUST. Cham. colch. crot-h. Crot-t. iris Kali-bi. lach. merc-c. osm. pall. Ph-ac. Phos. Plb. Pyrog. Rhus-t. Rhus-v. Sang. symph. Tub. verat. VERAT-V. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red - stripes - Down centre; stripe] sore: (1) osm. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red - stripes] ... Edges; along: (1) nat-m. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red - stripes] ... Edges; along: (1) nat-m. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red] .. Anterior half: (1) lach. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red] .. Centre: (17) Ant-t. Ars. Bapt. caust. cham. crot-h. kali-bi. merc-c. nit-ac. oci-sa. Phos. raph. Rhus-t. Rhus-v. sulph. symph. VERAT-V. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red - Centre] ... spots: (1) raph. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red] .. Root: (2) bry. Nux-v. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red] .. Sides: (62) acon. amyg-p. ant-c. ant-t. apis ARS. Bapt. bar-c. bell. bell-p. bry. Canth. carb-an. card-m. CHEL. colch. conv. cop. Crot-h. cupr. cypraeg. echi. Fl-ac. Gels. helon. hydr. ictod. Iris Kali-bi. kali-p. lac-c. lac-del. Lach. lyc. lyss. MERC. merc-c. merc-cy. Merc-i-f. mur-ac. Nit-ac. nux-v. oci-sa. op. ox-ac. pert-vc. Phos. Plb. podo. raph. Rhus-t. rhus-v. ruta sec. sep. stram. sul-ac. sulfonam. SULPH. tarax. verat-v. vip. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red - Sides] ... left: (1) sulfonam. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red] .. Tip: (54) amyg-p. ant-t. Apis ARG-N. ARS. bell. bell-p. card-m. chel. chinin-ar. com. conv. crot-h. cycl. cypra-eg. eupi. ferr. Fl-ac. helon. hipp. hyos. ictod. ip. Lach. Lyc. mangi. merc-c. merc-i-f. merc-i-r. mez. morph. Nit-ac. oena. op. ox-ac. pert-vc. PHYT. plb. podo. RHUS-T. RHUS-V. rob. sars. sec. sep. stram. sul-ac. sul-i. SULPH. symph. thuj. verat. verat-v. vip. 25 [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red - Tip - accompanied by - clean] Sides: (1) mangi. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red - Tip - accompanied by - clean] Tongue: (1) sec. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red - Tip] ... painful: (3) arg-n. cycl. symph. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red - Tip] ... triangular: (3) arg-n. RHUS-T. sep. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red - Tip - triangular] fever; during: (1) rhus-t. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - red] .. Under: (1) adam. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . rosy: (1) coli. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - rosy] .. median band from the root to the point; with: (1) coli. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - stripe] .. Centre; down: (10) ant-t. arn. bapt. card-m. caust. colch. osm. phos. stann. Verat-v. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . white: (330) Acon. adam. Aesc. aeth. agar. Agn. ail. alco. All-c. all-s. aloe alum. alum-p. alum-sil. am-c. Am-caust. am-m. ambr. anac. androg-p. ang. ange-s. ant-ar. ANT-C. Ant-i. Ant-t. anth. Apis apoc. aran-ix. Arg-n. Arn. ARS. ars-br. ars-h. Ars-i. Ars-met. ars-s-f. arum-t. asaf. asar. asc-c. asc-t. atro. Atro-s. Aur. aur-m-n. Bapt. bar-c. bar-m. bar-s. BELL. benz-ac. berb. Bism. boerh-d. bol-la. bond. borx. bov. BRY. cact. caesal-b. cain. caj. calad. CALC. calc-p. calc-sil. cann-i. cann-s. Canth. caps. Carb-ac. Carb-v. carbn. carbn-s. carc. CARDM. cassia-s. caul. caust. Cham. Chel. chim. Chin. chinin-ar. chinin-s. chlol. choc. cic. Cimx. Cina cinnb. clem. clerod-i. cob. coc-c. Coca Cocc. coch. Colch. coli. coll. Coloc. cop. cor-r. corn. croc. crot-c. crot-t. cub. cupr. cupr-ar. cupr-n. cupr-s. cycl. Daph. der. Dig. dios. diph. dirc. dulc. echi. elaps Elat. Enteroc. equis-h. Eup-per. euph. Ferr. ferr-ar. ferr-m. ferr-p. Fl-ac. gard-j. Gels. ger-ro. get. gins. Glon. glycyr-g. gnaph. Graph. guaj. Guare. gymno. haliae-lc. ham. Hedeo. hell. helon. hep. heroin. hipp. hir. hydr. hydr-ac. hydrc. hydrog. HYOS. Hyper. hypoth. ign. iod. ip. irid-met. iris ix. joan. jug-r. just. Kali-ar. KALI-BI. kali-br. kali-c. Kali-chl. Kali-i. Kali-m. Kali-n. Kali-p. kali-s. kali-sil. Kalm. Kreos. kurch. lac-ac. lac-c. Lac-d. lac-h. Lach. lact. lact-v. lat-h. lat-m. laur. lec. Lob. lob-p. lol. luf-op. Lyc. lyss. m-arct. mag-c. mag-m. malar. manc. mand. mang. mangi. Med. MERC. Merc-c. Merc-cy. merc-d. Merc-i-f. merc-sul. merl. Mez. mill. mim-p. moni. morb. morg-p. Mur-ac. Myric. myris. naja Nat-ar. Nat-c. Nat-m. nat-n. nat-p. Nat-s. NIT-AC. nuph. Nux-m. Nux-v. nyct. oci-sa. olnd. Op. orot-ac. oscilloc. osm. ox-ac. ozone par. parathyr. pert-vc. Petr. Ph-ac. phel. Phos. phys. phyt. plan. Plb. Podo. prun. Psor. ptel. PULS. pyrog. ran-b. ran-s. raph. rham-cal. rheum Rhus-t. rhus-v. rob. Rumx. ruta Sabad. sabin. samb. sang. sarr. sars. sec. sel. senec. Seneg. Sep. Sil. sin-n. skat. SPIG. spong. Stann. staph. stict. still. stram. strept-ent. streptoc. Stront-c. sul-ac. SULPH. sumb. symph. Syph. tab. tanac. TARAX. tarent. tell. thuj. trios. tritic-vg. tub. tung-met. va-b. vac. valer. vanil. Ven-m. verat. verat-v. verb. vib. viol-t. vip. zinc. zinc-m. zinc-p. ziz. 26 Foto 14: Lingua bianca. Disturbi legati al sistema digerente come gastrite, ulcera gastrica, ma anche malattie infettive in atto. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. morning: (35) agar. All-c. benz-ac. calc-p. cann-i. carbn. CHIN. cinnb. dig. dulc. echi. elaps Hell. hyper. kali-c. Mag-m. mang. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-p. Nit-ac. phos. plan. PULS. ran-s. sel. seneg. sil. still. sulph. sumb. symph. tritic-vg. vanil. zinc. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. afternoon: (1) bism. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - accompanied by - Centre] brown: (3) ail. nat-p. oci-sa. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - accompanied by - Centre - brown] dark: (2) ail. nat-p. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - accompanied by - Centre] clean: (2) diph. rhamcal. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - accompanied by - Centre] red: (6) anth. caust. cham. coli. sulph. Verat-v. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - accompanied by - Centre - red] stripe down centre; red: (4) caust. cham. coli. Verat-v. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - accompanied by - Edges] clean: (2) arg-n. MAG-M. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - accompanied by - Edges] dark streaks along edges: (1) petr. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - accompanied by - Edges] moist and red: (1) vip. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - accompanied by - Edges] red: (1) adam. 27 [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - accompanied by] ... Papillae; red: (15) All-s. antt. ars. Bapt. bond. Med. merc-sul. mez. NUX-M. ptel. stram. sulph. tub. vac. verat. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - accompanied by - Sides] dark streaks along sides: (1) petr. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - accompanied by - Tip] clean and clean sides: (1) MAG-M. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - accompanied by - Tip] red tip: (4) hipp. mangi. streptoc. sulph. Foto 15: Glossite atrofica sulla punta, a triangolo. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - accompanied by - Tip] red tip and red sides: (3) rumx. Sulph. Verat. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. apyrexia; during: (1) Ip. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. bleached; as if: (1) verat-v. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. bluish white: (3) ars. ars-h. gymno. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. brownish white: (2) apoc. sarr. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. catarrh; after: (1) puls. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. chalk; as a layer of: (5) ant-ar. ARS. bism. Merc. phos. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. cheesy: (3) lac-c. merc-i-f. zinc. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. chill; during: (22) Ant-c. arn. ars. bell. Bry. cham. coloc. graph. ign. ip. lach. lyc. merc. Nux-m. Nux-v. op. ph-ac. Phos. puls. rhus-t. ruta sulph. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. creamy white: (2) merc-c. Nat-p. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - creamy white - Root of tongue] morning: (1) Nat-p. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. diagonally: (1) rhus-t. 28 [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. diarrhea agg.; after: (1) Kali-m. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. dirty: (13) cain. chin. dig. dirc. Gels. laur. myric. nat-p. olnd. podo. rhus-t. sin-n. Vac. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. dinner; after: (1) nit-ac. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - dirty] ... elevated papillae; with: (2) olnd. vac. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - dirty] ... Centre: (1) sin-n. Foto 16: Lingua con macchia bianca centrale. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. fever; during: (29) Acon. Ant-c. ant-t. apis arn. ARS. bell. BRY. Cham. chin. coloc. Guare. ign. ip. lach. merc. nux-m. NUX-V. op. ph-ac. PHOS. Puls. rhus-t. ruta sabad. sep. sil. sulph. verat. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. fur; like: (49) acon. aesc. ail. ANT-C. Ant-t. arg-n. arn. Bapt. bell. Bism. Bry. calc. calc-p. carb-v. card-m. Chel. chin. cocc. Cycl. ferr. glon. graph. guaj. hedeo. Hydr. ip. kali-bi. kali-c. kali-chl. kali-m. lac-c. lob. lyc. merc. merc-c. mez. natm. nux-v. ox-ac. par. petr. Phos. Puls. pyrog. Rhus-t. Sep. sulph. tarax. verat-v. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - fur; like] ... morning: (1) MERC. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. gray-whitish: (2) levo. spong. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - gray-whitish] ... Base: (1) kali-m. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. heavily coated: (31) ANT-C. ant-t. asc-t. BRY. Canth. chlol. cupr-ar. dios. ferr-m. Gels. Glon. Guaj. heroin. Hydr. iod. joan. lac-ac. lyss. MERC. merc-sul. mez. Nat-c. nux-v. nyct. Phos. Phyt. PULS. RHUS-T. sel. still. valer. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - heavily coated] ... tea agg.: (1) sel. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - heavily coated] ... Root of tongue: (3) cupr-ar. Glon. Phyt. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. menses; during: (1) lyc. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. milk; like curdled: (4) Borx. Hell. Merc. sul-ac. 29 [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. milk white without coating: (1) Glon. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. milky: (6) ANT-C. Bell. Glon. kali-i. merc-cy. Sul-ac. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. moist: (1) arg-n. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. painted, as if: (1) ARS. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. pale: (10) acon. aloe ambr. anac. ang. ars. berb. kreos. olnd. phos. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. patches: (8) Am-caust. carc. cham. hydrc. morb. stict. syph. TARAX. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - patches] ... left upper and under side of tongue: (1) hydrc. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - patches - red] dark red patches, very sensitive to touch: (1) tarax. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - patches - red] insular patches; with red: (2) morb. NAT-M. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - patches] ... thick: (1) syph. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. perspiration; during: (13) Ant-c. bell. Bry. Cham. ip. lyc. Merc. nux-m. Nux-v. op. ph-ac. phos. sulph. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. silvery, all over: (6) arg-n. ARS. carb-ac. glon. kali-ar. lac-c. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. skin; as of a white: (2) puls. tarax. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. spongy: (4) Borx. Hell. Merc. Sul-ac. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. spots: (5) am-m. choc. hydrog. manc. TARAX. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - spots] ... clean: (4) am-m. choc. manc. TARAX. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. stool agg.; during: (5) Ant-c. Ferr. Merc. Puls. sulph. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. stripes: (3) bell. phel. phos. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. thick: (5) Ant-c. iod. kali-n. puls. sin-n. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. yellowish white: (14) aloe Arg-n. Ars. ars-s-f. cham. Cycl. Gels. glycyr-g. Hydr. Kali-bi. mand. oci-sa. Rhus-t. v-a-b. 30 [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - yellowish white] ... Root: (1) Rhus-t. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. Centre: (32) arg-n. ars. ars-i. bell. Bry. canth. card-m. chin. chinin-s. Croc. cupr. gels. helon. Ip. Kali-chl. Kali-m. kali-p. Merc-cy. nat-ar. op. Petr. Phos. rhus-t. rhus-v. sabad. sin-n. spong. stram. sulph. tub. verat-v. ziz. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - Centre - accompanied by - Sides] red: (6) bell. card-m. Gels. Ip. rhus-t. ziz. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - Centre - accompanied by - Tip] red: (2) card-m. ziz. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - Centre] ... patch; yellowish white: (1) ars-i. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. Root: (23) ange-s. arum-t. aur. bell. Calc-p. chim. dulc. glon. hyper. Kali-m. kali-p. med. moni. nat-m. Nat-p. Nux-v. pert-vc. rhus-v. sabad. sep. spong. tub. ven-m. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - Root] ... one side: (1) nux-v. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - Root] ... morning: (1) Calc-p. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - Root - accompanied by] clean tongue: (1) Nux-v. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - Root - accompanied by] Tip; clean: (1) hyper. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - Root] ... boys; in pining: (1) aur. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - Root] ... fur; with deep: (1) Nux-v. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. Sides: (24) ange-s. ars. bell. calad. calc. CAUST. Cham. Daph. hydrc. iod. irid-met. Iris Kali-s. Lac-c. laur. Lob. mez. MUR-AC. Nux-v. RHUS-T. sang. sil. thuj. verat-v. Foto 17: Candidosi eritematosa. La candidosi è una micosi superficiale di frequente riscontro. L'infezione può estendersi a tutto il tratto digerente, dall'esofago al retto. I fattori favorenti sono la protesi mobile, scarsa igiene orale, dieta ricca di carboidrati, uso di antibiotici e corticosteroidi topici, xerostomia, immunosoppressione. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - Sides] ... one: (9) calc. Daph. irid-met. laur. lob. 31 mez. RHUS-T. sil. thuj. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - Sides - one] obliquely: (1) rhus-t. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - Sides] ... right: (1) Lob. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - Sides - accompanied by] Centre of tongue and red tip; red streak on: (2) ars. calad. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - Sides - accompanied by] Centre; red streak on: (5) ars. caust. Iris maland. verat-v. Foto 18: Leucoplachia villosa. La lesione più frequente nei pazienti affetti da AIDS ma anche in altre condizioni di immuno-soppressione. E' una ipercheratosi formata da strie o rugosità biancastre, a disposizione verticale, con superficie verrucosa, localizzate sui bordi laterali della lingua non asportabili da sfregamento. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - Sides] ... patches: (2) hydrc. sang. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. Tip: (4) arg-n. canth. chinin-s. verat-v. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white] .. Triangular base; at: (2) bell. RHUS-T. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - white - Triangular base; at] ... Tip: (2) bell. RHUS-T. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue] . yellow: (168) ACON. Adon. Aesc. agar. aloe alum. Ambr. ammc. anan. anders. ange-s. ANT-C. ant-t. Apis arg-n. Arn. ars. ars-h. ars-s-f. asc-t. aur. Aurm. bac. Bapt. bell. Bol-la. bond. bov. bry. Calc-caust. calc-s. Camph. cann-s. Caps. Carb-ac. carban. Carb-v. carbn-s. carl. cassia-s. caust. Cham. CHEL. Chin. chinin-ar. chinin-s. chion. choc. chord-umb. Cocc. Colch. coll. Coloc. com. corn. Crot-h. cupr. cycl. cypra-eg. dios. dioxi. Dulc. epiph. Eup-per. Ferr. ferr-i. fl-ac. Gels. gink-b. guare. guat. Hell. Hep. heroin. hydr. hyos. Hyper. Indol. iod. Ip. jug-c. Kali-bi. kali-c. Kali-chl. kali-m. Kali-p. Kali-s. lac-ac. lac-c. Lach. lavand-a. Lept. lil-t. Lob. lyc. lyss. Mag-c. Mag-m. MERC. merc-act. Merc-c. merc-cy. MERC-D. Merc-i-f. Merc-i-r. merc-sul. Mez. mosch. myric. Nat-ar. nat-m. Nat-p. nat-s. Nit-ac. NUX-M. Nux-v. nyct. oci-sa. ol-j. op. OST. ox-ac. paro-i. petr. Ph-ac. Phos. Phyt. Plb. Podo. polyp-p. Psor. ptel. Puls. pyrog. RHUS-T. rumx. sabad. sabin. sacch-a. Sang. sanic. sec. seneg. Sep. Sin-n. SPIG. Stann. stict. stram. sul-i. Sulph. tamrnd. ter. thuj. Tub. v-a-b. vac. vario. Verat. Verat-v. verb. vip. xan. yohim. 32 YUC. zinc. zinc-m. ziz. Foto 19: Lingua con patina gialla. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow] .. morning: (1) sang. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - accompanied by - Centre] gray: (1) Merc. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - accompanied by - Centre] greenish: (1) mercsul. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - accompanied by - Centre] red: (1) aur. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - accompanied by - Root] pale: (1) Merc-c. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - accompanied by - Sides] gray: (1) Merc. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - accompanied by - Sides] indented: (2) chel. hydr. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - accompanied by - Sides] red: (2) chel. Hell. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - accompanied by - Tip] red: (1) aur. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow] .. bright: (2) APIS merc-i-f. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - bright] ... shining: (1) APIS [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow] .. creamy: (1) Nat-p. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow] .. dirty: (41) AESC. Ars. BAPT. Bry. Carb-v. Cham. CHEL. CHIN. Chion. com. Ferr. guat. HYDR. Indol. KALI-BI. Kali-chl. Kali-s. Lach. Lept. lyc. Mag-c. MERC. MERC-C. MERC-D. MERC-I-F. Myric. Nat-p. NAT-S. Nux-v. Op. OST. phos. Podo. PULS. Sang. Sep. Sulph. vac. vario. verat-v. YUC. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow] .. fever; during: (2) cassia-s. polyp-p. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow] .. golden yellow: (2) calc-s. Nat-p. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - golden yellow] ... clay; looks like half dried: (1) calc-s. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow] .. grayish yellow: (6) Ambr. ferr. kali-m. phyt. 33 puls. Tub. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - grayish yellow - Centre - accompanied by Centre] red stripe in the centre: (1) Tub. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - grayish yellow - Centre - accompanied by Sides] black: (1) tub. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - grayish yellow] ... Root: (1) kali-m. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow] .. greenish yellow: (7) Calc-caust. chion. guare. kali-p. merc-sul. mosch. nat-s. Foto 20: Lingua con patina giallo-verde. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - greenish yellow] ... Root: (1) nat-s. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow] .. heavily coated: (5) Carb-ac. Colch. ferr-i. nyct. sabad. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow] .. moist: (3) hydr. merc-i-f. nat-p. 34 [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow] .. patches: (3) lil-t. petr. sacch-a. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow] .. stripes: (3) Hydr. kali-c. nit-ac. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - stripes] ... two yellow stripes: (1) kali-c. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow] .. white: (33) acon. aloe alum. Arg-n. Ars. ars-sf. bac. bapt. bell. carbn-s. Cham. choc. Cocc. Cupr. cycl. dios. ferr. Gels. Hydr. Kali-bi. lac-c. lyss. merc-c. mez. nit-ac. nux-v. paro-i. ptel. RHUS-T. sabad. sec. seneg. zinc. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - white] ... thick: (7) acon. Ars. ars-s-f. bac. bapt. carbn-s. gels. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - white] ... Root: (4) ferr. nux-v. RHUS-T. zinc. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow] .. Base: (29) agar. arg-n. ars. bol-la. calc-s. chin. chinin-s. cypra-eg. kali-bi. kali-s. Merc. merc-c. merc-cy. MERC-I-F. merc-sul. NAT-P. NAT-S. Nux-v. Ost. phos. rhus-t. sabin. sang. Sanic. sep. Sin-n. stict. sul-i. ter. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - Base] ... bright: (1) merc-i-f. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - Base] ... golden yellow: (1) Nat-p. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - Base] ... looks like half dried clay: (1) calc-s. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - Base] ... stripe running along the center to tip; with a narrow, yellow: (1) stict. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow] .. Centre: (20) ant-t. BAPT. bry. carb-an. Chel. chinin-s. coll. dulc. fl-ac. hell. Hep. Lept. merc-cy. merc-i-f. Nux-v. Phyt. puls. stram. tub. verat-v. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - Centre - accompanied by - Base - yellow] Tip and sides white: (2) Bry. Nux-v. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - Centre - accompanied by - Centre] red stripe: (1) tub. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - Centre - accompanied by - Sides] red: (3) Chel. hell. merc-i-f. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - Centre] ... stripe in centre; yellow: (1) puls. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow] .. Root: (7) ange-s. gink-b. merc-i-f. Nat-p. nats. phyt. tamrnd. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow] .. Sides: (4) ange-s. Mag-m. plb. tamrnd. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - Sides] ... left: (1) tamrnd. [MOUTH - DISCOLORATION - Tongue - yellow - Sides] ... accompanied by gray centre: (1) phos. 35 [MOUTH - DRAWN - backward] . Tongue: (1) tarent. [MOUTH - DRAWN - backward - Tongue] .. preventing speech: (1) tarent.. [MOUTH - DRAWN - down] . Palate; soft: (1) stram. [MOUTH - DRAWN - up] . Palate; soft: (1) glon. [MOUTH - DRYNESS] - Tongue: (214) abrom-a. acet-ac. achy-a. ACON. aeth. AGAR. AIL. all-c. all-s. aloe alumn. ambr. anders. ang. ant-c. Ant-t. APIS apoc. arg-met. Arg-n. Arn. ARS. Ars-h. Arsi. Ars-s-f. art-v. Arum-t. asaf. atp. atro. atro-s. aur. aur-ar. aur-i. aur-m. Bapt. bar-c. bar-i. Bar-m. bars. BELL. boerh-d. borx. BRY. bufo cact. caesal-b. cain. CALC. calc-ar. calc-i. Calc-p. calc-s. CAMPH. cann-s. canth. carb-ac. Carb-an. Carb-v. Carbn-s. cassia-s. CAUST. Cedr. cench. cephdi. CHAM. Chel. CHIN. chinin-ar. chinin-s. chlor. chlorpr. Cic. Cist. clem. coc-c. COCC. coff. Colch. com. con. cory. croc. Crot-h. Crot-t. CUPR. cyt-l. daph. dios. Dulc. elaps emb-r. ery-a. Eupper. ferr-m. Fl-ac. gamb. gels. glon. glycyr-g. graph. guare. HELL. helon. hippoz. Hydr. HYOS. Iod. Ip. ix. Kali-ar. Kali-bi. kali-br. kali-c. Kali-i. kali-p. Kalm. Kreos. kurch. Lac-ac. LACH. Lachn. laur. Leon. lina. luf-op. Lyc. lyss. Mag-m. mag-s. manc. mand. melal-alt. MERC. Merc-c. merc-i-f. Merc-i-r. merc-sul. merl. mez. moni. morg-p. MORPH. mosch. MUR-AC. musa mygal. naja Nat-ar. Nat-c. Nat-m. nat-p. nep. Nit-ac. NUX-M. Nux-v. ol-an. olib-sac. olnd. op. ox-ac. pall. par. petr. Ph-ac. Phos. Phyt. Pic-ac. plac-s. plan-mi. Plb. Podo. pot-e. psil. PSOR. ptel. PULS. Pyrog. rauw. RHUS-T. rumx. sacch-a. sal-fr. sang. sanic. sarr. Sec. senec. seneg. Sep. sin-n. Spong. staph. stram. Stront-c. suis-em. Sul-ac. sul-i. SULPH. syc. tab. tarax. tarent. Tart-ac. TER. thuj. Tub. vac. Verat. VERAT-V. vib. Vip. visc. zinc.[MOUTH - DRAWN - up] . Tongue: (1) chin. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . morning: (33) ambr. arg-n. atp. Bapt. Bar-c. bar-s. calc. canth. carbn-s. Cist. clem. coc-c. graph. hell. kali-c. kali-p. Mez. naja Nit-ac. Nux-m. ol-an. OP. Par. Phos. plb. Podo. Puls. RHUS-T. sal-fr. sanic. sep. Sulph. tarax. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue - morning] .. waking; on: (20) arg-n. atp. bapt. Calc. Clem. coc-c. Mez. Nux-m. ol-an. OP. Par. Phos. Podo. PULS. RHUS-T. sal-fr. sanic. sep. SULPH. tarax. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . afternoon: (1) borx. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . evening: (7) aloe arg-n. iod. NUX-M. petr. senec. tarent. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . night: (12) all-s. ang. ars-i. Calc. Carbn-s. mez. nat-c. NUX-M. nux-v. Pic-ac. rumx. tarent. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue - accompanied by] .. black discoloration of the tongue: (6) Ars. Lach. LYC. merc. merc-sul. Verat. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue - accompanied by] .. brown discoloration: (19) AIL. ANT-T. Ars. bapt. bell. Bry. cact. cocc. Hyos. kali-p. LACH. Lachn. merc. Plb. RHUS-T. Spong. sulph. Tart-ac. Vip. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue - accompanied by - brown discoloration] ... yellowish brown: (1) Lachn. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue - accompanied by] .. burning pain: (2) cyt-l. mand. 36 [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue - accompanied by] .. red discoloration of the tongue: (3) ant-t. Merc-c. sulph. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue - accompanied by] .. roughness of tongue: (2) calc. Laur. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue - accompanied by] .. sore pain: (1) rauw. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue - accompanied by] .. Abdominal tension: (1) ter. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . chill; during: (11) acon. ars. bell. bry. hyos. lyc. Nat-m. ph-ac. Phos. rhus-t. sulph. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . fever; during: (29) ant-t. apis ARS. asaf. Bapt. BELL. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. cham. dulc. hyos. lach. lyc. mez. mur-ac. Nat-m. Nit-ac. OP. par. petr. PH-AC. PHOS. rhus-t. stram. sulph. verat. verat-v. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . menses; during: (4) Cedr. nux-m. sul-ac. tarent. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . perspiration; during: (8) ars. bell. Calc. merc. mez. ph-ac. phos. sulph. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . powder; as if tongue would fall into: (1) NUX-M. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . sensation of: (26) ACON. arg-met. arn. Ars. ars-i. bell. brom. Calc. camph. caps. chin. cimic. Cocc. coff. colch. con. mang. NAT-M. NUX-M. ph-ac. puls. rhus-t. ruta sang. staph. valer. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . sleep; during: (2) nux-m. tarent. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . sudden: (1) ol-an. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . thirst; without: (1) nat-c. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . Anterior part: (1) Rumx. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . Center: (19) Acon. ant-c. ant-t. Apis arg-met. Arum-t. Bapt. Colch. Crot-h. hyos. Lach. PHOS. phyt. rhus-t. seneg [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . Root of: (2) all-c. camph. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . Side: (3) cocc. lac-ac. sang. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . Tip: (24) apis arn. bell. bry. caps. Carb-v. cod. Ind. merc-c. mez. Nux-m. Nux-v. op. ox-ac. phos. Phyt. pot-e. psor. puls. Rhus-t. Rumx. Sec. term-c. valer. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue - Tip - accompanied by] ... throat; moist: (1) phos. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue - Tip] .. moist: (1) bry. 37 [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue - Tip] .. sensation of: (1) caps. [MOUTH] DULLNESS of tongue: (1) Sep. [MOUTH - ECCHYMOSES] - Tongue: (2) Phos. plb. [MOUTH - ELONGATION; sensation of] - Tongue; of: (1) mur-ac. [MOUTH - ENLARGED] - Tongue: (39) acon. agath-a. ars. ars-h. ars-i. aza. bapt. calc-chln. colch. crot-h. cupr. cupr-n. dig. glon. graph. hydr. iod. kali-bi. kali-br. kali-i. Kali-m. lac-c. lyss. merc. merc-c. merc-d. nat-ar. nat-m. Nit-ac. nux-v. ox-ac. par. petr. phos. plb. positr. sanic. sep. spig.. Stram. sul-ac. verat. vip. [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue - Center] .. Sides moist: (1) Apis [MOUTH - DRYNESS - Tongue] . Half: (2) bell. sang. Foto 21: Macroglossia. Condizione dovuta prevalentemente a cause congenite o acquisite quali la Sindrome di Down e l'ipotiroidismo, oltre che all'amiloidosi primitiva e all'acromegalia che prevedono la crescita esagerata degli organi. [MOUTH - ENLARGED - Tongue - accompanied by] .. indented tongue: (2) iod. Kali-m. [MOUTH - ENLARGED - Tongue - accompanied by] .. purple discoloration of the tongue: (1) Kali-m. [MOUTH - ENLARGED - Tongue] . sensation as if: (35) Absin. acon. agath-a. alum. ars. caj. cardm. caust. colch. crot-t. cupr. dig. gels. glon. hydr. ina-i. kali-bi. kali-i. lac-ac. merc-c. naja nat-ar. oxac. par. petr. phos. phys. plb. polyg-pe. positr. puls. rat. sep. spig. xan. [MOUTH - ENLARGED - Tongue] . Base: (3) bapt. calc-chln. spig. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - herpes] . Tongue; on: (3) Nat-m. ros-d. Zinc. 38 Foto 22: Herpes sulla lingua. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - miliary] . Tongue: (1) par. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - pimples] . Tongue: (28) apis arg-n. bell. berb. brom. bufo Calc-p. caps. cyclosp. graph. hell. hura Kali-c. lyc. manc. mang. Nat-c. nat-p. nept-m. NIT-AC. Nux-v. osm. plb. propr. sal-al. sep. Sulph. tarax. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - pimples - Tongue] .. painful: (7) arg-n. bell. graph. mang. NIT-AC. nuxv. sulph. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - pimples - Tongue - painful] ... bleeding: (1) graph. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - pimples - Tongue] .. Below: (2) nat-c. sal-al. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - pimples - Tongue] .. Sides: (10) apis arg-n. Brom. hura lat-h. nat-c. neptm. NIT-AC. osm. sulph. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - pimples - Tongue] .. Tip: (9) Bell. bufo caps. Hell. Kali-c. lyc. Nat-c. nat-p. sep. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - pimples - Tongue - Tip] ... painful when touched: (2) bufo caps. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - pimples - Tongue - Tip] ... painful when touched: (2) bufo caps. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - ringworm] . Tongue: (2) nat-m. sanic. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - ringworm - Tongue] .. right side: (2) Nat-m. sanic. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - tetters] . Tongue: (1) nat-m. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - variola] . Tongue: (1) mur-ac. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles] . Tongue: (115) acon. agar. AM-C. am-caust. Am-m. ant-c. aphis APIS Arg-met. arg-n. ARS. Bar-c. bar-s. Bell. berb. berb-a. Borx. brom. bry. Calc. calc-p. Canth. Caps. Carb-an. carb-v. Caust. cham. chim. chin. chinin-ar. chlol. chlor. clem. croc. cund. cupr. Cycl. dulc. Graph. Ham. Hell. Hydr. ignis-alc. indg. Iod. kali-ar. Kali-c. kali-chl. kali-i. kali-m. kali-n. kali-s. kola Lac-ac. Lacer. Lach. lap-la. Led. LYC. Mag-c. mag-m. manc. mang. med. Merc. merc-cy. merc-i-r. merl. mez. Mur-ac. Nat-ar. nat-c. NAT-M. nat-p. nat-s. nat-sil. NIT-AC. Nux-v. phel. phos. phyt. plat. plb. podo. psor. puls. ran-s. rhod. RHUS-T. rhus-v. ruta sabad. sacch-a. salac. sars. Sep. spig. spong. squil. Staph. stram. Sul-ac. SULPH. syc. symph. Thuj. tritic-vg. tub. vanil. verat. vero-o. vip. zinc. zinc-p. zing. 39 [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue] .. bleeding from slightest touch: (1) Mag-c. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue] .. blood; filled with: (2) canth. Led. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue] .. burning: (29) Acon. am-c. APIS arg-met. ars. bar-c. bar-s. bry. Calc. calc-p. Caps. Carb-an. Graph. kali-chl. LYC. Mag-c. mang. mez. Mur-ac. nat-s. Nit-ac. Phel. sal-ac. sep. SPIG. spong. Sul-ac. Sulph. Thuj. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue - burning - fire; like] right side: (1) Phel. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue] .. eating; after: (1) phos. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue] .. painful: (16) Ars. Borx. canth. CAUST. graph. kali-c. mag-c. nat-sil. nux-v. podo. ruta sal-ac. sep. symph. vanil. zinc. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue] .. raw: (1) lyc. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue] .. red: (2) borx. ruta [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue] .. scalded, as if: (3) lyc. plat. syc. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue] .. spices; after: (1) ignis-alc. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue] .. stinging: (3) Cham. kali-chl. kali-m. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue] .. suppurating: (2) ham. mag-c. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue] .. ulcers, becoming: (4) Calc. clem. Lach. tub. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue - ulcers, becoming] ... painful: (1) tub. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue - ulcers, becoming] ... small: (1) tub. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue] .. Below: (16) am-c. bar-c. bell. Cham. chin. dulc. graph. Ham. lacer. Lach. nit-ac. podo. rhod. rhus-v. spong. Staph. 40 Foto 23: Ranula. Cisti da ritenzione che colpisce spesso la ghiandola sottolinguale. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue - Below] ... burning: (1) nit-ac. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue] .. Frenum: (1) plb. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue] .. Sides: (23) am-c. Apis arg-n. berb-a. Calc. canth. Carb-an. carb-v. caust. ham. lach. mag-c. mang. merc-cy. nat-c. Nat-m. nit-ac. phos. Phyt. sep. Spong. sulph. Thuj. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue - Sides] ... ulcers; become: (1) Calc. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue - Sides] ... white: (1) thuj. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue] .. Tip: (40) agar. am-c. Am-m. aphis Apis Bar-c. Bell. berb. Calc-p. caps. carb-an. CAUST. cycl. GRAPH. Hydr. indg. kali-c. Kali-i. kali-n. kali-s. kola Lach. lap-la. LYC. merc-i-r. mur-ac. nat-c. NAT-M. Nat-p. nat-s. nat-sil. phos. podo. Puls. ruta salac. sep. symph. thuj. tritic-vg. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue - Tip] ... burning: (9) am-c. bar-c. Carb-an. Cycl. kalin. mur-ac. nat-s. phos. symph. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - vesicles - Tongue - Tip] ... sensation as if: (2) bell. Sin-n. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS] - Tongue: (8) galeoc-c-h. nad. nat-m. orot-ac. sars. staphycoc. vero-o. zinc. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - Tongue - Side - left] ... Middle: (1) galeoc-c-h. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - Tongue - Side - left] ... Tip; near: (1) galeoc-c-h. [MOUTH - ERUPTIONS - Tongue] . Tip: (1) galeoc-c-h. [MOUTH - EXCRESCENCES - Tongue] . Below: (3) Ambr. dros. staph. 41 [MOUTH - FALLING off; as if] - Tongue: (2) merc. merc-c. [MOUTH] FLABBY tongue: (41) ant-t. ars. ars-h. bit-ar. calc-s. CAMPH. cas-s. chel. chinin-s. cimic. Cub. cygn-be. dig. Hydr. ign. kali-bi. kreos. Lycps-v. Lyss. Mag-m. med. MERC. merc-c. Merc-d. mur-ac. nat-ar. nat-p. nit-ac. nux-v. Ph-ac. podo. pyrog. rhus-t. sanic. Sep. stram. ter. termc. verat. xan. yuc. Foto 24 : Lingua flaccida da paralisi. [MOUTH - FLABBY tongue - accompanied by] . soft tongue: (1) ars-h. [MOUTH - FLAT] - Tongue: (2) Kali-bi. loxo-lae. [MOUTH - FLAT - Tongue - accompanied by] .. Sides; raised: (1) Kali-bi. [MOUTH] FOLDED tongue, like little bags on sides: (2) alumn. anis. [MOUTH - FOLDED tongue, like little bags on sides] - lead colic; in: (1) alumn. [MOUTH - FOREIGN body - sensation of a] . Tongue; on: (2) cann-xyz. gels. [MOUTH - FROTH, foam from mouth] - Tongue: (7) am-c. apis iod. nat-m. phos. plb. Sulph. [MOUTH - FROTH, foam from mouth - Tongue] . accompanied by bubbles on sides of tongue: (1) nat-m. [MOUTH - FROTH, foam from mouth - Tongue] . Edges: (5) am-c. apis iod. Nat-m. phos. [MOUTH - FULLNESS] - Tongue: (1) colch. [MOUTH - FURRY] - Tongue: (39) allox. anh. ant-t. ars. Bapt. bell. bism. both-ax. canth. Cardm.,chinin-ar. chinin-s. coca colch. cycl. cypra-eg. ferr-pic. gels. guaj. guat. kali-s. lyc. mand. merc. myric. nux-m. Nux-v. oci-sa. olib-sac. phos. puls. rheum rumx. ruta spong. syc. tung-met. vanil. ven-m. 42 Foto 25: Lingua pelosa. [MOUTH - FURRY - Tongue] . Anterior part: (3) anh. mand. vanil. [MOUTH - FURRY - Tongue] . Root of: (1) guat. [MOUTH - GANGRENOUS] - Tongue: (8) Ars. Bell. bism. kali-c. lach. merc. phos. Sec. Foto 26: Lingua gangrenosa vista durante la chirurgia. [MOUTH - GREASY sensation] - Tongue: (4) Iris phys. tril-p. yuc. [MOUTH - HAIR; sensation of a] - Tongue: (19) all-c. all-s. apis arg-n. ars. carbn-s. coc-c. dulc. Kali-bi. lyc. Nat-m. nat-p. nit-ac. Nux-v. puls. ran-b. SIL. sulph. tritic-vg. [MOUTH - HAIR; sensation of a - Tongue] . reading agg.: (1) all-s. [MOUTH - HAIR; sensation of a - Tongue - extending to] .. Trachea: (1) sil. 43 [MOUTH - HAIR; sensation of a - Tongue] . Anterior part: (1) SIL. [MOUTH - HAIR; sensation of a - Tongue] . Root of: (1) kali-bi. [MOUTH - HAIR; sensation of a - Tongue] . Tip: (5) Ars. Lyc. Nat-m. nat-p. sil. [MOUTH] HAIRY tongue: (1) chloram. [MOUTH - HARD] - Tongue: (4) aur. hyos. hyosin. Kali-m. [MOUTH - HEAT] - Tongue: (91) acon. agar. alum. am-c. am-m. aml-ns. ang. Apis arg-n. arn. ars. asar. aur. aur-ar. bapt. bar-c. BELL. brom. bry. calad. calc. calc-p. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. caust. cham. chin. cimic. coff. Colch. coloc. con. crot-t. cycl. euph. gamb. gels. glon. graph. hep. hyos. ign. iod. kali-bi. kali-c. kali-i. kali-n. lach. lyc. m-aust. mag-m. manc. mand. mang. MERC. merc-c. Mez. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. Nat-s. olnd. op. pana. Ph-ac. PHOS. Phyt. plat. plb. psor. puls. ran-s. rat. rhod. rhus-t. Sabad. sec. Seneg. sin-n. spig. stram. stry. sulph. sumb. tarax. tax. tere-ch. thuj. VERAT. [MOUTH - HEAT - Tongue - extending to] .. Stomach: (15) aml-ns. apis arn. ars. aur. brom. calc-p. euph. gels. iod. merc. merc-c. mez. psor. sec. [MOUTH - HEAT - Tongue] . Base: (1) calc-p. [MOUTH - HEAT - Tongue] . Root of: (2) calc-p. cham. [MOUTH - HEAT - Tongue] . Sides and tip: (1) sin-n. [MOUTH - HEAT - Tongue] . Tip: (30) acon. agar. am-m. arg-n. bapt. bar-c. bell. calad. calc. calcp. carb-an. carb-v. caust. coloc. cycl. gamb. graph. kali-bi. kali-c. kali-i. kali-n. lyc. mez. nat-c. natm. nat-s. phos. rat. rhus-t. sabad. [MOUTH - HEAVINESS] - Tongue: (38) aesc. Anac. anh. ars. Bell. calc. Carb-v. caust. cic. cimic. Colch. con. cypra-eg. Gels. glon. gua. guare. hyos. kali-bi. kali-p. lach. Lyc. m-ambo. merc. merl. Mur-ac. Nat-c. NAT-M. Nux-m. Nux-v. op. pip-n. Plb. podo. ruta sec. stram. Verat. [MOUTH - HEAVINESS - Tongue] . difficult to move: (12) aesc. Ars. calc. Carb-v. cic. con. gua. LACH. Lyc. merc. op. Stram. [MOUTH - HEAVINESS - Tongue] . Anterior part: (1) anh. [MOUTH - HOLLOW sensation] - Between tongue and hard palate: (2) choc. olib-sac. [MOUTH - INDENTED] - Tongue: (58) ant-t. ARS. ars-i. ars-met. atro. bapt. bar-c. bit-ar. Borx. brass-n-o. Calc. Carb-v. card-m. CHEL. cic. Crot-t. Dulc. get. glon. glycyr-g. guat. Hydr. ign. Iod. kali-bi. kali-i. lac-f. mag-m. med. MERC. merc-c. MERC-D. merc-i-f. MERC-SUL. morph. Natp. nept-m. ozone penic. pert-vc. phyt. Pip-m. pip-n. plb. Podo. Puls. pyrog. RHUS-T. ruta sanic. SEP. stram. sumb. Syph. tax. tell. vib. yuc. 44 Foto 27: Lingua con impronta dei denti. [MOUTH - INDURATION] - Tongue: (32) Alum. alumn. Arg-n. ars. Atro. Aur. Aur-m. Bar-c. Bell. bry. calc-f. carb-an. Carb-v. con. cupr. gamb. hydr. HYOS. kali-chl. kali-i. lyc. Merc. merc-d. mez. mur-ac. nit-ac. NUX-M. ph-ac. Semp. SIL. sul-i. Sulph. [MOUTH - INDURATION - Tongue] . certain places: (2) kali-chl. Sulph. [MOUTH - INDURATION - Tongue] . knotty: (1) carb-an. [MOUTH - INDURATION - Tongue] . Center: (2) bar-c. bry. [MOUTH - INFLAMMATION] - Tongue: (86) Acon. all-s. am-c. anan. ang. ant-c. APIS apoc. Argn. Arn. Ars. ars-s-f. ars-s-r. arum-t. aur-m. bell. Benz-ac. borx. brom. calc. Calc-s. Canth. carb-v. caust. cham. chloram. chlorpr. cist. cocc. con. CROT-C. CROT-H. Cupr. Cupr-act. dulc. ferr-p. gels. ham. hep. iod. kali-ar. kali-chl. kali-i. kali-m. kreos. LACH. lap-a. lepr. lyc. m-arct. Mag-m. mand. mang. Merc. Merc-c. merc-d. mez. MUR-AC. mygal. nat-ar. Nat-m. neon Nit-ac. nux-v. oxac. petr. petr-ra. Ph-ac. phos. Phyt. pitu-gl. Plb. Prun. Ran-b. ran-s. ruta sep. Sil. Staph. streptoc. Sul-ac. Sulph. syph. tarax. vinc. VIP. Foto 28: Glossite con atrofia delle papille linguali centrali. [MOUTH - INFLAMMATION - Tongue] . one side: (1) nux-v. 45 [MOUTH - INFLAMMATION - Tongue] . left side: (4) ars. ars-s-r. ruta sulph. [MOUTH - INFLAMMATION - Tongue] . actinomycosis: (4) cist. iod. kali-i. lap-a. [MOUTH - INFLAMMATION - Tongue] . chronic: (1) Cupr. [MOUTH - INFLAMMATION - Tongue] . gouty: (2) Benz-ac. Merc. [MOUTH - INFLAMMATION - Tongue] . induration, with: (9) ars. Aur-m. carb-v. con. Cupr. lyc. Merc. mez. sil. [MOUTH - INFLAMMATION - Tongue] . mercury; after abuse of: (7) Calc. Cupr. Hep. Nit-ac. phyt. staph. Sulph. [MOUTH - INFLAMMATION - Tongue] . Center: (1) gels. [MOUTH - INFLAMMATION - Tongue] . Papillae: (3) bell. Merc-c. neon Foto 29 : Glossite atrofica. [MOUTH - INFLAMMATION - Tongue] . Root of: (3) arum-t. Lach. Phyt. [MOUTH - INFLAMMATION - Tongue - Root of] .. right: (1) Phyt. [MOUTH - INFLAMMATION - Tongue - Sides] .. scaling off: (1) syph. [MOUTH - INJURIES] - Tongue: (7) aloe anan. arn. CALEN. carb-an. hyper. merc. 46 Foto 30: Pircing. [MOUTH - INJURIES - Tongue] . laceration: (2) CALEN. Hyper. [MOUTH - INJURIES - Tongue] . penetration: (1) hyper. [MOUTH - INJURIES - Tongue] . teeth; by sharp sides of: (1) aloe [MOUTH - INSENSIBLE] - Tongue: (6) cocc. Colch. hell. nux-m. Puls. rheum [MOUTH - ITCHING - Palate] . rubbing with tongue amel.: (1) Wye. [MOUTH - ITCHING] - Tongue: (23) aloe alum. apis cedr. cinnb. cist. crot-c. dulc. lepi. m-arct. mez. nux-v. ol-an. ph-ac. phos. podo. rat. rhus-t. rhus-v. spig. stann. sulph. symph. [MOUTH - ITCHING - Tongue] . Root of: (1) nux-v. [MOUTH - ITCHING - Tongue] . Tip: (8) aloe alum. dulc. ol-an. ph-ac. rat. stann. symph. [MOUTH] LACERATED Tongue: (3) anan. art-v. hyper. [MOUTH] LAME tongue: (6) calc. Dulc. euphr. hydr. hydr-ac. hyos. [MOUTH - LAME tongue] - as if: (2) aesc-g. Mur-ac. [MOUTH - LAME tongue] - fright; after: (2) hydr. hyos. [MOUTH - LEATHER - Tongue] . feels like leather: (4) acon. aur. hyos. sanic. [MOUTH - LEATHER - Tongue] . looks like burnt leather: (1) hyos. [MOUTH] LONG, tongue feels too: (5) acon. aeth. lyc. Mur-ac. sumb. [MOUTH] MAPPED tongue: (53) agar. alum. am-m. ant-c. ant-t. Ars. BAC. borx. calc. carb-v. cham. colch. crot-h. cupr. dig. dulc. Gins. Graph. hydr. Kali-bi. kali-chl. kali-i. kali-m. lac-c. Lach. 47 lil-t. lyc. maland. manc. med. merc. Merc-c. mur-ac. Nat-m. nit-ac. nux-v. ox-ac. pert-vc. Phos. phyt. pitu-a. ran-b. Ran-s. Rhus-t. sep. sul-ac. sulph. syph. tab. TARAX. Ter. thuj. tub. Foto 31: Lingua a carta geografica o glossite migrante. Affezione benigna ed eziopatogenesi sconosciuta. Il dorso della lingua, nei 2/3 anteriori, presenta aree multiple eritematose conseguenti a desquamazione delle papille filiformi. Le aree sono di varia grandezza e delimitate da margini rilevati di colore bianco. [MOUTH - MEMBRANE] - Tongue: (8) Borx. conv. Hell. Merc. merc-i-f. Nit-ac. sul-ac. tetox. Foto 32: Candidosi pseudomembranosa. Nei pazienti terminali malati di AIDS il micete penetra nello spessore dell'epitelio formando delle spesse membrane di difficile asportazione su una base eritematosa. [MOUTH - MEMBRANE - Tongue] . heavy dirty coating: (1) conv. [MOUTH - MEMBRANE - Tongue] . thick: (5) Borx. Hell. Merc. sul-ac. tetox. [MOUTH - MEMBRANE - Tongue - thick] .. white: (4) Borx. Hell. Merc. sul-ac. [MOUTH - MEMBRANE - Tongue] . tough and yellow: (1) Nit-ac. [MOUTH - MOIST] - Tongue: (19) ail. ars. chel. croc. Hydr. kali-bi. lat-m. Merc. merc-c. Merc-d. nat-m. nat-p. Podo. pyrog. Rhus-t. sanic. stram. verat. yuc. [MOUTH - MOIST - Tongue] . Sides: (3) ail. merc. nat-m. 48 [MOUTH - MOTION - tongue; of] . agg.: (3) apis borx. cocc. [MOUTH - MOTION - Tongue] . constant: (5) acon. aral. clem. op. stram. [MOUTH - MOTION - Tongue] . difficult: (37) Aesc. anac. Ars. Bell. bufo cadm-s. calc. Carb-an. carb-v. Caust. Cic. Colch. con. dulc. glon. HYOS. Kali-br. kola LACH. Lyc. Merc. Mur-ac. Mygal. myric. Nat-c. nat-m. op. oxyurn-sc. PHOS. phys. plb. Puls. sec. spong. Stram. thal-xyz. verat. Foto 33: Frenulo linguale corto. L'anchiloglossia è una condizione che limita il movimento della lingua. La lingua è insolitamente breve o spessa e eccessivamente adesa al pavimento buccale. Se necessario il trattamento è chirurgico, frenulectomia. [MOUTH - MOTION - Tongue - difficult] .. crusty coat; on account of: (1) myric. [MOUTH - MOTION - Tongue] . disorderly: (1) merc. [MOUTH - MOTION - Tongue] . hanging out: (10) acon. Apis BELL. crot-h. gels. Lach. merc. plb. sil. stram. [MOUTH - MOTION - Tongue] . lapping: (6) Bufo Cupr. Hyos. Lach. lyc. Sulph. [MOUTH - MOTION - Tongue - lapping] .. to and from: (4) Cupr. Hyos. Lach. Sulph. [MOUTH - MOTION - Tongue] . pain, agg.: (6) aloe ant-t. berb. chin. spig. Sulph. [MOUTH - MOTION - Tongue] . side to side: (3) Hell. lach. Lyc. [MOUTH - MOTION - Tongue] . spring; like a: (2) colch. zinc-ar. [MOUTH - MOTION - Tongue - spring; like a] .. withdrawing the tongue; when: (1) zinc-ar. [MOUTH - MOTION - Tongue] . turning around in mouth: (1) sul-ac. [MOUTH - MOTION - Tongue] . wanting, immovable: (8) ars-s-f. Aur. Carb-v. cic. con. op. Phos. Stram. [MOUTH - MOTION - Tongue] . wire; like a: (1) colch. 49 [MOUTH - MUCOUS MEMBRANE - detached - sensation as if] .. Tongue: (1) agar. [MOUTH - MUCOUS MEMBRANE - excoriation] . Tongue: (50) agar. am-c. ant-c. apis arn. ars. ars-s-f. arum-t. Aur. aur-m. bac. bapt. Calc. Canth. Carb-ac. carb-v. cic. Cist. dig. Hell. kali-ar. kalic. Lach. laur. lyc. MERC. Merc-c. mez. moni. Mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. Nit-ac. Nux-v. op. ox-ac. ph-ac. Phos. raja-s. Ran-s. rhus-t. sabad. SEP. Sil. spig. sul-ac. sulph. syph. tarax. thuj. [MOUTH - MUCOUS MEMBRANE - excoriation - Tongue] .. sensation of: (1) agar. [MOUTH - MUCOUS MEMBRANE - excoriation - Tongue] .. spots; in: (2) dig. nat-m. [MOUTH - MUCOUS MEMBRANE - excoriation - Tongue] .. Center: (1) am-c. [MOUTH - MUCOUS MEMBRANE - excoriation - Tongue] .. Frenum: (1) kali-c. [MOUTH - MUCOUS MEMBRANE - excoriation - Tongue] .. Sides: (1) raja-s. [MOUTH - MUCOUS MEMBRANE - excoriation - Tongue] .. Tip: (3) ant-c. arn. kali-c. [MOUTH - MUCUS] - Tongue; collection of mucus on: (90) Acon. agar. all-c. alum. Alumn. ant-t. aq-mar. arg-n. arn. ars-h. ars-met. arum-d. arum-t. Bar-c. bar-m. Bell. benz-ac. berb. bov. bry. cain. calc. canth. caps. carb-ac. carb-an. Cham. chel. CHIN. chinin-ar. chinin-s. Cina Cocc. colch. cupr. cupr-act. cupr-n. cycl. Dig. dulc. eucal. fl-ac. grat. Hydr. Ign. jug-r. kali-bi. kali-n. kali-p. kali-s. kreos. Lach. lact. m-arct. mag-c. mag-m. Merc. merc-c. morg-p. nat-c. NAT-M. Nat-s. nit-ac. nuxm. Nux-v. Petr. ph-ac. Phos. phyt. plb. podo. positr. PULS. rhus-t. SABAD. sabin. sang. scroph-n. sec. sel. seneg. SEP. sil. stann. stront-c. Sulph. thuj. Verb. viol-t. zinc. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on] . morning: (5) agar. mag-m. sang. sulph. verb. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on] . evening: (2) ars-h. arum-d. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on - accompanied by] .. dryness of tongue: (1) Calc. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on] . brown: (4) kali-p. podo. RHUS-T. Sil. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on - brown] .. mustard; like stale liquid: (2) kali-p. podo. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on - brown - Sides - except on sides - morning] rising agg.: (1) Rhus-t. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on] . eating; after: (2) sep. verb. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on] . salty: (1) sulph. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on] . sensation of mucus: (1) chin. 50 [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on] . shiny: (9) agar. arn. chel. cycl. grat. kalibi. puls. rhus-t. sep. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on - slimy] .. Sides: (2) Nat-m. phos. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on] . sticky: (2) bell. ph-ac. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on] . streak: (1) phos. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on] . string; can be pulled off in a: (1) bell. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on] . thick: (15) bar-c. bell. bry. Cham. chin. KALI-BI. Lach. MERC. nux-v. phos. puls. SABAD. sabin. sel. sulph. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on] . tough: (12) ant-t. bell. cupr. dulc. lach. merc. nit-ac. nux-v. ph-ac. puls. sulph. verb. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on] . white: (6) aq-mar. Bell. benz-ac. cain. violt. zinc. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on - white] .. morning: (1) benz-ac. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on - white] .. yellowish white: (1) Bell. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on] . yellow: (1) chinin-ar. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on - yellow] .. accompanied by red sides of tongue: (1) oci-sa. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on - Root - accompanied by] ... clean tongue: (1) alum. [MOUTH - MUCUS - Tongue; collection of mucus on] . Tip: (1) scroph-n. [MOUTH - NODOSITIES] - Tongue: (25) ambr. Ars-h. aur. Aur-m-n. CARB-AN. Castor-eq. dros. eupi. gal-ac. gali. graph. helo-s. iod. kali-i. lyc. mag-c. mang. mur-ac. nat-m. Nit-ac. ph-ac. phos. Sil. sulph. THUJ. [MOUTH - NODOSITIES - Tongue - right side] .. coming to a point: (1) ars-h. [MOUTH - NODOSITIES - Tongue - right side] .. Under: (1) ambr. [MOUTH - NODOSITIES - Tongue] . Below: (2) ambr. sulph. [MOUTH - NODOSITIES - Tongue] . Edges; along: (2) helo-s. nat-m. [MOUTH - NODOSITIES - Tongue - Tip of tongue; a hard forming vesicle on] .. unclean ulcer with hard sides; resulting in an: (1) ph-ac. [MOUTH - NUMBNESS] - Tongue: (72) Acon. agar. agath-a. am-c. ambr. Apis Ars. atra-r. bapt. 51 bell. borx. bov. brach. Calc-p. camph. carbn-s. Colch. con. crot-h. crot-t. echi. Eos. eup-pur. falcope. ferr. ferr-ar. Fl-ac. GELS. Glon. Hell. hydrog. Hyos. ictod. Ign. jatr-c. kali-ar. kali-c. lath. Laur. lith-m. lyc. mag-c. mand. mang. meph. merc. merc-c. merl. nat-ar. nat-c. NAT-M. nat-p. NUX-M. nux-v. olnd. ozone phos. plat. puls. rad-br. Rheum sabad. sec. sep. sil. suis-em. sul-ac. tab. ther. Thuj. vip. zinc. [MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Tongue] . one side: (5) agar. gels. NAT-M. nux-v. puls. [MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Tongue - one side] .. night: (1) gels. [MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Tongue - one side - accompanied by] ... vertigo: (1) agar. [MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Tongue - morning] .. waking; on: (4) am-c. bov. kali-c. mag-c. [MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Tongue] . fright; after a: (1) hyos. [MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Tongue] . Root of: (2) BOV. lat-h. [MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Tongue] . Tip: (5) agath-a. bell. hydrog. nat-m. phos. [MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Tongue - Tip] .. Half of: (1) nat-m. [MOUTH - PAIN - burning] . hot food in mouth; as from: (1) sang. [MOUTH - PAIN - burning] . pepper; as from: (9) arum-t. coca dros. mez. Nat-s. rad-br. ruta sulph. verat. [MOUTH - PAIN] - burnt; as if: (69) adon. all-c. allox. aloe alum. Am-br. ambr. Apis arg-n. arizon-l. ars. bad. bamb-a. bar-c. BELL. berb. bov. calad. camph. caust. chin. chinin-ar. Cimx. cina coc-c. cypra-eg. dios. ferr-m. glon. ham. Hydr. hyos. IRIS jac-c. jatr-c. kali-c. Laur. lyc. Mag-m. mand. med. merc. Merc-c. merc-i-r. nat-c. op. phasco-ci. plat. psor. Puls. rhus-t. rhus-v. rumx. sabad. salac. sal-fr. sang. seneg. Sep. sin-n. stict. stram. sulfonam. syph. Tarent. Thuj. Verat-v. wye. zinc. [MOUTH - PAIN] - cut off; as if tongue was: (2) anan. hydrog. [MOUTH - PAIN] - protruding tongue; when: (1) ozone [MOUTH - PAIN - rheumatic] . Tongue: (1) ambr. [MOUTH - PAIN - scar; in old - Tongue] .. left side: (1) muru. [MOUTH - PAIN - sore - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of the tongue] heavily coated: (1) phos. [MOUTH - PAIN - Gums - touch] .. tongue agg.; when touched by the: (1) mag-c. [MOUTH - PAIN - Gums - touch - tongue agg.; when touched by the] ... burning: (1) mag-c. [MOUTH - PAIN] - Tongue: (298) abrom-a. abrot. absin. acet-ac. achy-a. acon. adam. adon. aesc. agar. all-c. allox. aloe alum. alum-sil. alumn. am-br. am-c. am-caust. Am-m. ambr. androc. ang. ant52 c. ant-t. Apis aran. arg-met. arg-n. arizon-l. arn. ars. Ars-i. ars-s-f. Arum-m. Arum-t. asar. aspar. astac. aster. atra-r. Aur. aur-ar. aur-i. aur-m. bad. bamb-a. Bapt. Bar-c. bar-i. bar-s. bell. bell-p. benzac. berb. bism. bit-ar. borx. Bov. brach. brass-n-o. brom. bry. bung-fa. cact. Calc. calc-i. calc-p. Calc-s. calc-sil. camph. cann-i. cann-xyz. Canth. caps. carb-ac. carb-an. Carb-v. Carbn-s. castm. caust. cedr. cerv. Cham. chel. chim. CHIN. chin-b. chinin-ar. chir-fl. chlor. chord-umb. cic. Cimx. Cist. clem. coc-c. cocc. coch. coff. Colch. Coloc. colum-p. Con. conv. cop. cortico. croc. crot-c. crot-h. crot-t. cund. cupr. cupr-ar. cupr-s. cycl. Cyclosp. daph. der. Dig. dios. Dros. dulc. dys. Echi. elaps eos. euon. eup-pur. eupi. ferr. ferr-ar. ferr-i. ferr-p. fl-ac. fum. galeoc-c-h. gamb. gels. gink-b. Glon. graph. guare. Ham. hell. hep. heroin. hura Hydr. hydrog. hyos. ictod. ign. indg. iod. ip. iridmet. IRIS jac-c. jal. jatr-c. kali-ar. kali-bi. kali-br. Kali-c. kali-chl. kali-i. kali-m. kali-p. kali-s. Kalisil. Kalm. kola kreos. lac-ac. lac-f. LACH. lap-la. Laur. lavand-a. led. lob-c. lyc. m-ambo. m-arct. m-aust. mag-c. Mag-m. malar. manc. mand. Mang. meny. Merc. Merc-c. merc-i-r. merc-sul. Merl. Mez. morg-g. morg-p. mur-ac. murx. naja nat-c. nat-m. nat-p. nat-s. nat-sil. nit-ac. nit-s-d. Nux-v. oena. ol-an. olnd. oncor-t. op. orot-ac. osm. ox-ac. ozone pall. ped. petr. ph-ac. phel. phos. Phys. Phyt. Plat. plb. Podo. positr. prun. Psor. ptel. Puls. rad-br. ran-s. raph. rat. rauw. rhod. rhus-t. Rhusv. Rumx. ruta sabad. sabin. sacch-a. sang. sanic. sars. sec. sel. semp. seneg. sep. sil. sin-n. sinus. spig. spong. stann. Staph. staphycoc. stram. stront-c. stry. suis-em. Sul-ac. sul-i. sulph. syc. symph. syph. tarax. tell. Ter. term-c. teucr. ther. thuj. tritic-vg. Tub. ulm-c. ust. vanil. verat. VERAT-V. Vesp. Vip. visc. xan. xanth. zinc. zinc-p. zinc-s. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . one side: (1) Calc. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - one side] .. burning: (1) Calc. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . right side: (7) ars. dros. dulc. heroin. rosm. sep. spig. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - right side] .. boring: (1) ars. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - right side] .. stitching pain: (2) dros. spig. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . left side: (5) chir-fl. iris jac-c. positr. tarax. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - left side] .. burning: (4) chir-fl. iris jac-c. tarax. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - left side] .. burning: (4) chir-fl. iris jac-c. tarax. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - left side] .. burning: (4) chir-fl. iris jac-c. tarax. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - left side] .. burning: (4) chir-fl. iris jac-c. tarax. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - morning] .. burning: (8) am-br. ham. Mag-m. nat-sil. ozone stann. sulph. tritic-vg. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - morning] .. burnt; as if: (4) bamb-a. mez. nat-c. tub. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - morning] .. stitching pain: (1) cedr. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . afternoon: (2) mag-m. mag-s. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - afternoon] .. 16-22 h: (1) bung-fa. 53 [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - afternoon] .. burning: (2) mag-m. mag-s. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . evening: (7) alum. cycl. dios. dulc. kali-n. sulph. tritic-vg. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - evening] .. aching: (1) sulph. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - evening] .. burning: (4) alum. cycl. dulc. kali-n. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - evening] .. sore: (3) dios. kali-n. tritic-vg. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . night: (5) con. galeoc-c-h. nat-m. ph-ac. Phos. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - night] .. boring: (1) con. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - night] .. burning: (3) nat-m. ph-ac. Phos. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - night] .. sore: (1) galeoc-c-h. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - night] .. stitching pain: (1) ph-ac. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . aching: (5) all-c. astac. Sang. sulph. vesp. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . asthma, before: (1) borx. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - asthma, before] .. cutting pain: (1) borx. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . biting pain: (28) absin. acon. arn. ars. asar. bell. carb-ac. Cham. chin. coch. coloc. croc. dios. dros. ign. ip. jal. M-ambo. mez. nat-c. nat-m. ol-an. op. ran-s. sep. sulph. teucr. zinc. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - biting pain] .. pepper; like: (3) indg. sep. teucr. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . bitten, as if: (3) caust. chin-b. plb. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . boring: (6) ars. clem. con. nat-s. spig. stann. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . burning: (186) acet-ac. achy-a. ACON. adon. aesc. all-c. alum. alumn. am-c. am-caust. Am-m. ang. Apis arg-met. arg-n. arizon-l. arn. ARS. Ars-i. ars-s-f. Arum-m. ARUM-T. asar. Aur. aur-ar. aur-i. bad. Bapt. Bar-c. bar-i. bar-s. Bell. bell-p. benz-ac. berb. Bov. bry. Calc. calc-i. calc-p. Calc-s. Canth. caps. carb-ac. Carb-an. Carb-v. Carbn-s. castm. Caust. cedr. Cham. chel. chim. CHIN. chinin-ar. chir-fl. chlor. chord-umb. Cimx. coc-c. cocc. coch. coff. Colch. Coloc. colum-p. con. croc. crot-t. cupr. dios. Dros. dulc. dys. Echi. eos. ferr. ferr-ar. ferr-i. ferr-p. gamb. gels. glon. graph. ham. hep. heroin. Hydr. hyos. ign. indg. iod. Ip. irid-met. IRIS jac-c. jatr-c. Kali-ar. kali-bi. kali-c. kali-chl. kali-i. kali-m. kali-p. kali-s. kola lac-ac. lac-f. Lach. lap-la. Laur. led. Lyc. m-ambo. mag-c. Mag-m. manc. mand. Mang. Merc. Merc-c. merc-sul. Merl. Mez. morg-g. morg-p. mur-ac. naja nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nat-sil. nit-s-d. ol-an. olnd. op. Ox-ac. pall. petr. ph-ac. phel. Phos. Phys. Phyt. Plat. plb. Podo. prun. Psor. ptel. puls. Ran-s. raph. rat. rhod. rhus-t. rhus-v. rumx. ruta Sabad. Sang. sanic. sars. sec. seneg. Sep. sin-n. spig. spong. stram. Sul-ac. sul-i. Sulph. syph. tarax. Ter. ther. thuj. tritic-vg. verat. VERAT-V. vesp. vip. xan. zinc. zinc-p. 54 [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - burning - accompanied by] ... Tongue; cracked: (2) bapt. Mag-m. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - burning] .. pepper; as from: (19) agar. ang. arum-t. cann-i. cann-xyz. chin. con. hell. lach. malar. manc. merl. Mez. nat-s. op. sanic. sep. teucr. xanth. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . burnt; as if: (94) adon. aesc. agar. all-c. alum. am-br. am-m. apis Argn. arizon-l. arn. ARS. arum-t. asar. bad. bamb-a. bapt. bar-c. Bell. bit-ar. bov. cact. calc. caps. carbv. Caust. chin. chlor. Cimx. colch. Coloc. conv. cund. cupr-s. daph. dios. dys. ferr. glon. Ham. hep. heroin. hydr. hyos. ign. Iris kali-c. kreos. lac-ac. lach. Laur. lavand-a. Lyc. Mag-m. Merc. merc-i-r. Mez. morg-p. nat-m. Nux-v. ol-an. oncor-t. petr. ph-ac. Phos. phys. Phyt. Plat. plb. podo. positr. prun. psor. ptel. Puls. ran-s. rhod. rhus-t. Rhus-v. Rumx. sabad. Sang. seneg. sep. sil. sin-n. sul-ac. symph. tab. term-c. ther. tub. verat. VERAT-V. Foto 34: Dolore bruciante alla lingua. La stomatodinia è una disestesia della mucosa orale caratterizzata da sensazione di dolore, prurito o bruciore non attribuibile a lesioni mucose. L'eziologia è data da fattori locali o sistemici o di origine psicosomatica. Colpisce prevalentemente donne di età superiore ai 50 anni. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . chewing agg.: (6) bung-fa. calc. lyc. ruta sep. spig. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . cold drinks agg.: (1) osm. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . contracting: (3) arum-t. borx. vanil. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . corrosive: (1) teucr. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . cramping: (1) carb-v. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . cutting pain: (7) Bov. Colch. euon. guare. hydrog. orot-ac. thuj. 55 [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . drawing pain: (4) aster. castm. m-arct. Staph. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - drawing pain] .. string to the hyoid bone; as if by a: (1) castm. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - eating - after] ... agg.: (3) chir-fl. graph. laur. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - eating - agg.] ... burning: (1) bell-p. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - eating] .. amel.: (1) staph. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - eating - amel.] ... stitching pain: (1) staph. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - eating] .. not eating or drinking agg.; when: (1) ferr. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - eating - not eating or drinking agg.; when] ... burnt; as if: (1) ferr. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - eating - while] ... agg.: (2) Ign. Nat-m. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - eating - while - agg.] burning: (2) Ign. Nat-m. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - eating - while - agg.] burnt; as if: (1) ign. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . excoriated; as if: (6) apis arum-m. aur-m. iris ozone tarax. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . fissures in: (1) mag-m. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . jerking: (4) aster. castm. cham. m-arct. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . lacerated wounds, from: (1) hyper. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - lacerated wounds, from] .. sore: (1) hyper. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . menses; during: (6) cedr. lyc. merc. nux-m. sul-ac. verat-v. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - motion] .. agg.: (11) aloe ant-t. berb. chin. hydrog. kalm. lap-la. ruta spig. sulph. vanil. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - motion] .. amel.: (1) meny. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - motion - amel.] ... stitching pain: (1) meny. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . neuralgic: (9) agar. apis crot-h. crot-t. kali-ar. kali-i. mag-c. mang. ulm-c. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . pinching pain: (5) ang. morg-g. nux-v. sabad. syc. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . pressing pain: (6) astac. chin. Ham. Merc. ruta ust. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - pressing pain] .. upward: (1) mag-m. 56 [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . pressure with teeth; from: (2) arum-m. croc. Foto 35: Lingua dolente da eccessiva pressione sui denti. Si manifesta in pazienti molto ansiosi o stressati che spingono con forza in modo inconscio la loro lingua contro i denti. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . protrudes it to cool it: (2) irid-met. sanic. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - protrudes it to cool it] .. burning: (2) irid-met. sanic. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . salt agg.: (3) Nat-m. petr. spong. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - salt agg.] .. burning: (3) Nat-m. petr. spong. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - salt agg.] .. sore: (1) petr. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . scraping pain: (4) bapt. camph. caust. graph. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . smarting: (13) acon. arg-n. asar. bapt. bar-c. calc. ign. mag-m. nat-m. nat-s. petr. ptel. rhus-t. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - smoking agg.] .. burnt; as if: (1) sep. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . sore: (112) abrot. acet-ac. adam. Agar. allox. aloe alum. alum-sil. amc. androc. ant-c. Apis arg-met. arn. ars. ars-i. Arum-t. asar. aur-ar. Bapt. bar-c. bell. benz-ac. berb. brach. bung-fa. Calc. calc-sil. canth. caps. Carb-v. caust. chel. chim. chin. chinin-ar. cic. Cist. cocc. conv. cop. cortico. Crot-h. cupr-ar. Dig. dulc. eupi. fl-ac. galeoc-c-h. gamb. gels. Glon. graph. hep. ictod. Ign. ip. kali-c. kali-m. kali-p. kali-s. kali-sil. lac-ac. Lach. laur. lob-c. Lyc. mag-c. merc. Mercc. Mur-ac. nat-m. NIT-AC. nux-v. oena. osm. ox-ac. phel. phys. positr. puls. Ran-s. rauw. rhus-t. rumx. ruta Sabad. sang. sec. semp. Sep. sil. sin-n. sinus. spong. staph. staphycoc. stront-c. stry. suisem. syc. symph. syph. tell. Ter. term-c. teucr. Thuj. tritic-vg. Tub. visc. zinc. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . sour food, from: (1) petr. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - sour food, from] .. burning: (1) petr. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - sour food, from] .. sore: (1) petr. 57 [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . spitting: (1) calc. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . splinter; as from a: (2) staph. syc. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . stinging: (3) alum. apis kali-bi. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . stitching pain: (75) Acon. agar. aloe alum. alumn. androc. ang. ant-c. Apis aran. arg-n. ars. Arum-m. Arum-t. asar. aspar. aster. bell. berb. brach. brass-n-o. brom. calc. canth. carb-v. cham. Chin. clem. colch. cycl. dros. elaps eup-pur. ferr. gamb. Glon. guare. hell. ign. ip. jal. Kali-bi. Kali-c. kali-chl. Kalm. LACH. led. m-aust. mag-m. mang. meny. merc. merc-sul. merl. mez. murx. nit-ac. nux-v. olnd. ph-ac. phos. phys. prun. ran-s. sabad. sabin. sars. sep. SPIG. spong. staph. Sulph. tarax. thuj. zinc. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - stitching pain] .. burning: (3) androc. Chin. spig. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . swallowing agg.: (6) abrom-a. ars. benz-ac. calc. Calc-p. sulph. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - swallowing agg.] .. fishbone; sensation of: (1) ars. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - swallowing agg.] .. sore: (1) benz-ac. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . talking agg.: (7) acet-ac. bell-p. Fl-ac. Kalm. lyc. sep. sulph. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - talking agg.] .. burning: (1) bell-p. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . tearing pain: (12) ant-t. bar-c. carb-v. cimx. colch. guare. ign. lach. merc. puls. Rhus-v. sep. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . tobacco; from: (3) anac. cocc-s. nep. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - tobacco; from] .. biting pain: (3) anac. cocc-s. nep. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . tubercles under tongue sore: (1) ambr [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . twinging: (1) atra-r. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . ulcerative: (5) arg-n. arn. Calc. caust. merc-c. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . warm [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - warm - drinks] ... agg.: (1) osm. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - warm - drinks] ... amel.: (1) ozone [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - warmth] .. amel.: (1) Sil. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - extending to] .. Abdomen: (1) crot-c. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - extending to] .. Frenum: (1) phos. 58 [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - extending to] .. Mouth: (1) tub. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - extending to - Mouth] ... burning: (1) tub. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - extending to] .. Palate: (2) all-c. phos. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - extending to - Palate] ... burning: (1) phos. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - extending to] .. Stomach: (6) apis ars. brom. gels. Mez. puls. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - extending to - Stomach] ... burning: (6) apis ars. brom. gels. Mez. puls. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . Across: (2) asar. gink-b. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Across] .. burning: (2) asar. gink-b. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Anterior part] .. right side: (1) ars-h. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Anterior part - right side] ... contracting: (1) ars-h. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Anterior part] .. biting pain: (2) ars. sep. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Anterior part] .. burning: (3) chir-fl. Coloc. gamb. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Anterior part] .. burnt; as if: (1) rumx. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . Below: (5) adam. aloe mag-m. thuj. zinc. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Below] .. biting pain: (1) zinc. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Below] .. pressing pain: (1) mag-m. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Below] .. sore: (1) adam. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Below] .. stitching pain: (2) aloe thuj. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Below] .. Skin; below: (1) arn. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Below - Skin; below] ... ulcerative: (1) arn. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . Center: (15) arizon-l. bar-c. bry. chin. ferr. galeoc-c-h. hyos. ozone plat. psor. Puls. sabad. samb. sep. ter. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Center] .. burning: (7) arizon-l. bar-c. bry. ferr. ozone Puls. ter. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Center] .. burnt; as if: (10) arizon-l. chin. hyos. plat. psor. puls. sabad. sep. ter. ultras. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Center] .. sore: (3) chin. galeoc-c-h. samb. 59 [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Center] .. spot toward tip: (1) kali-ar. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Center - spot toward tip] ... burning: (1) kali-ar. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . Edges: (5) anan. ant-c. mag-s. puls. rumx. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Edges] .. right: (1) kalm. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Edges - right] ... cutting pain: (1) kalm. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Edges] .. left: (1) ant-c. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Edges - left] ... stitching pain: (1) ant-c. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Edges] .. cutting pain: (2) anan. mag-s. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Edges - cutting pain] ... cut; as if: (1) anan. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Edges] .. excoriated; as if: (3) ant-c. puls. rumx. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Edges] .. stitching pain: (1) ant-c. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . Frenum: (3) all-c. ign. kali-c. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Frenum] .. sore: (2) all-c. kali-c. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Frenum] .. stitching pain: (1) ign. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . Low down in region of hyoid bone: (1) All-c. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Low down in region of hyoid bone] .. constricting: (1) All-c. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . Posterior part: (7) benz-ac. form. lyc. Nux-v. phyt. spong. symph. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Posterior part] .. burnt; as if: (1) phyt. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Posterior part] .. sore: (6) benz-ac. form. lyc. Nux-v. spong. symph. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . Root of: (38) acet-ac. acon. am-caust. anan. arn. ars. ARUM-T. bapt. bell. benz-ac. Calc-p. carb-v. clem. colch. cortico. Crot-c. ferr-i. hydrc. kali-bi. KALI-I. lach. lufop. lyss. manc. med. mez. morg-p. Nat-s. Nit-ac. oncor-t. Phyt. ptel. rhus-v. ruta sel. spong. triticvg. ulm-c. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of] .. right: (1) phos. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of - right] ... burning: (1) phos. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of] .. left: (2) luf-op. ulm-c. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of - night - sleep; going to] before: (1) KALI-I. 60 [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of - accompanied by] ... Pharynx; spasm in: (1) KALI-I. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of] .. biting pain: (1) mez. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of] .. burning: (9) am-caust. ARUM-T. bapt. benz-ac. Calc-p. Crot-c. manc. med. tritic-vg. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of] .. contracting: (5) acon. bell. carb-v. hydrc. lach. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of] .. motion of tongue sideways agg.: (1) ulm-c. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of] .. pressing pain: (2) carb-v. ruta [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of] .. putting out the tongue: (4) cocc. kali-bi. kali-i. Phyt. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of] .. rheumatic: (1) ambr. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of] .. sore: (3) bell. cortico. ulm-c. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of] .. stitching pain: (6) arn. ars. clem. ferr-i. Nat-s. Nit-ac. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of] .. swallowing agg.: (10) ars. bapt. Calc-p. cinnb. cocc. colch. gels. kali-bi. ozone Phyt. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of - swallowing agg.] ... stitching pain: (1) ars. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of] .. tearing pain: (1) carb-v. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of] .. turning head agg.: (1) ars. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of - turning head agg.] ... stitching pain: (1) ars. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of] .. yawning agg.: (1) lach. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of - yawning agg.] ... sore: (1) lach. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of - extending to] ... Forward: (1) ulm-c. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of - extending to] ... Throat; sides of: (1) KALI-I. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of] .. Across: (1) acet-ac. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Root of] .. Below: (1) sel. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . Sides: (41) acon. agar. am-br. ant-c. apis bell. Calc. Camph. canth. carb-v. caust. chir-fl. coloc. cycl. dios. ephe-si. graph. heroin. ictod. ip. kali-i. Lach. laur. mag-c. merc. mur-ac. nat-s. phel. plat. positr. Puls. rumx. sacch-a. sep. spong. sulfonam. symph. tax. triticvg. vip. zinc. 61 [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Sides] .. right: (8) carb-v. lac-h. merc. ph-ac. phos. plat. positr. sabad. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Sides - right] ... burning: (1) phos. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Sides - right] ... sore: (7) carb-v. lac-h. merc. phos. plat. positr. sabad. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Sides - right] ... stitching pain: (1) ph-ac. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Sides] .. left: (10) chir-fl. galeoc-c-h. graph. Kalm. Lach. nat-s. ox-ac. phys. sang. symph. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Sides - left] ... burning: (4) chir-fl. Lach. nat-s. ox-ac. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Sides - left] ... putting out tongue; on: (1) Graph. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Sides - left] ... putting out tongue; on: (1) Graph. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Sides - left] ... sore: (6) galeoc-c-h. graph. Kalm. Lach. phys. symph. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Sides - left] ... stitching pain: (1) sang. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Sides] .. biting pain: (2) coloc. ip. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Sides] .. burning: (17) acon. agar. apis Camph. caust. chir-fl. cycl. ephe-si. kali-i. mag-c. mur-ac. nat-s. phel. plat. rhus-t. tritic-vg. vip. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Sides] .. burnt; as if: (9) ant-c. apis canth. caust. dios. heroin. puls. spong. sulfonam. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Sides] .. pressure agg.: (1) staph. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Sides - pressure agg.] ... stitching pain: (1) staph. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Sides] .. sore: (21) agar. am-br. ant-c. apis bell. calc. carb-v. coloc. dios. graph. ictod. Lach. laur. merc. positr. Puls. rumx. sep. symph. tritic-vg. zinc. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Sides] .. Tip; near: (7) arum-t. Calc-p. chin. dios. Hep. Kali-c. sep. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Sides - Tip; near] ... sore: (7) arum-t. Calc-p. chin. dios. Hep. Kali-c. sep. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . Spots; in: (18) act-sp. agar. aloe ant-c. Ars. bar-c. cinnb. ind. indg. iod. kali-i. lac-h. nit-ac. nux-v. ph-ac. ran-s. sil. tarax. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Spots; in] .. burning: (6) act-sp. Ars. indg. kali-i. ph-ac. ran-s. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Spots; in] .. burnt; as if: (2) aloe Ars. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Spots; in] .. sore: (13) agar. aloe ant-c. bar-c. cinnb. ind. iod. lac-h. nitac. nux-v. ran-s. sil. tarax. 62 [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . Surface of tongue; under: (3) aur-m-n. brom. bros-gau. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Surface of tongue; under] .. burning: (3) aur-m-n. brom. bros-gau. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . Tip: (137) Acon. aesc. agar. allox. aloe alum. alumn. am-br. am-c. amm. ang. ap-g. arg-met. ARG-N. Ars. arum-t. Asaf. aur. bamb-a. bapt. Bar-c. bell. bit-ar. borx. bov. brom. Calc. calc-ar. CALC-P. Camph. canth. caps. carb-ac. Carb-an. carb-v. carc. castor-eq. caust. chel. CHIN. chin-b. chir-fl. cinnb. coc-c. coff. Coloc. Con. croc. crot-c. cycl. dios. Dros. dulc. eupper. eup-pur. form. fum. galeoc-c-h. galla-q-r. gamb. ger. gink-b. glon. haliae-lc. ham. Hell. hep. hydr-ac. ictod. ign. indg. iod. ip. Iris kali-bi. Kali-c. Kali-i. kali-n. kola lac-h. lac-leo. lact. lat-h. lath. laur. lavand-a. led. Merc. merc-sul. mez. Nat-c. Nat-m. nat-p. NAT-S. nat-sil. nux-v. ox-ac. ozone ph-ac. phos. Phys. Phyt. plb. positr. propr. Psor. puls. rad-br. ran-b. rat. rhus-t. ruta Sabad. sabin. sacch-a. sang. Sel. seneg. Sep. sil. sin-n. spong. staph. stront-c. sul-ac. sulfonam. sulph. symph. Ter. teucr. thuj. tritic-vg. tub. vanil. verat. vip. zinc. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip] .. daytime: (1) bamb-a. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip - daytime] ... burning: (1) bamb-a. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip] .. afternoon: (1) galeoc-c-h. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip - afternoon] ... sore: (1) galeoc-c-h. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip] .. evening: (2) cycl. galeoc-c-h. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip - evening] ... burning: (1) cycl. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip - evening] ... sore: (1) galeoc-c-h. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip] .. night: (1) hep. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip - night] ... burning: (1) hep. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip] .. biting pain: (5) ars. dros. ip. nat-c. puls. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip] .. burning: (85) Acon. agar. alum. am-c. am-m. arg-met. arg-n. Ars. aur. bamb-a. bapt. Bar-c. bell. borx. bov. Calc. calc-ar. CALC-P. Camph. caps. carb-ac. Carban. carb-v. carc. castor-eq. caust. chin-b. chir-fl. coff. Coloc. croc. crot-c. cycl. Dros. galla-q-r. gamb. ger. glon. haliae-lc. hep. hydr-ac. indg. iod. Iris kali-bi. Kali-c. Kali-i. kali-n. kola lact. lath. laur. led. merc. merc-sul. mez. Nat-c. Nat-m. NAT-S. nat-sil. ox-ac. ozone Phos. Phys. Phyt. plb. propr. psor. ran-b. rat. rhus-t. ruta Sabad. sacch-a. sang. sel. seneg. sul-ac. sulfonam. sulph. ter. Thuj. tritic-vg. tub. vip. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip - burning] ... pepper; as from: (10) agar. ang. Camph. caps. CHIN. coc-c. con. mez. Nat-s. teucr. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip] .. burnt; as if: (36) am-br. am-c. bit-ar. calc. calc-p. caps. carb-v. caust. chin. chin-b. chir-fl. coloc. ham. hep. ign. kali-c. kola lact. lavand-a. merc-sul. mez. nat-s. Phos. phys. positr. Psor. puls. sabad. sang. Sep. staph. stront-c. ter. thuj. ultras. vip. 63 [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip] .. excoriated; as if: (2) bar-c. chir-fl. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip] .. pinching pain: (1) ang. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip] .. pricking: (2) rad-br. sang. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip] .. sore: (41) aesc. agar. allox. am-br. am-c. ap-g. arg-n. arum-t. bell. calc. calc-p. carb-an. cinnb. dios. dulc. fum. galeoc-c-h. hep. ictod. kali-c. kali-n. lac-h. lac-leo. lavand-a. merc-sul. mez. nat-c. ox-ac. phys. RHUS-T. sabad. sang. Sel. Sep. Sil. sin-n. spong. symph. Ter. THUJ. zinc. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip] .. stitching pain: (38) acon. aesc. agar. aloe alumn. ang. arg-n. Asaf. aur. brom. canth. chel. chin. Con. cycl. dios. Dros. eup-per. eup-pur. form. glon. Hell. ign. iod. led. Merc. merc-sul. nat-p. Nat-s. nux-v. ph-ac. phos. ran-b. sabad. sabin. staph. verat. zinc. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip] .. touch agg.: (7) am-c. bar-c. bell. kola nat-c. nit-ac. thuj. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip - touch agg.] ... burning: (5) am-c. bar-c. bell. kola nit-ac. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip - touch agg.] ... sore: (1) nat-c. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip] .. ulcerative: (2) aesc. calc. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip] .. waking; on: (2) bros-gau. nat-m. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue - Tip - waking; on] ... burning: (2) bros-gau. nat-m. [MOUTH - PAIN - Tongue] . Transversely across: (4) agar. cob. lach. merc. [MOUTH - PAPILLAE of tongue] - absent: (5) all-s. carc. penic. streptoc. terebe. [MOUTH - PAPILLAE of tongue - absent] . Back part: (1) streptoc. [MOUTH - PAPILLAE of tongue - absent] . Front part: (1) streptoc. [MOUTH - PAPILLAE of tongue - absent] . Sides: (1) penic. [MOUTH - PAPILLAE of tongue - absent] . Tip; at: (1) carc. [MOUTH - PAPILLAE of tongue] - enlarged: (16) Agar. ARS. aza. Bell. brass-n-o. cupr. dulc. ham. Ign. Kali-bi. lat-m. neon phos. ptel. sulph. tub. [MOUTH - PAPILLAE of tongue - enlarged] . left: (1) neon [MOUTH - PAPILLAE of tongue - enlarged] . Root, at: (2) dulc. ham. [MOUTH - PAPILLAE of tongue - enlarged] . Tip, at: (2) ARS. sulph. [MOUTH - PAPILLAE of tongue] - erect: (54) agar. Ant-t. apis ARG-N. Ars. arum-m. Arum-t. aza. bac. BELL. bry. caust. chel. croc. cupr. Frag. gels. ham. Hydr. ictod. Ign. kali-bi. kali-br. Lach. lyc. 64 Merc. Merc-c. merc-i-f. Merc-i-r. merc-sul. mez. nat-ar. Nux-m. olnd. Phos. plb. podo. psil. ptel. Rhus-t. Sabad. sapin. sapo. sep. stram. stry. Tab. Tarent. ter. tere-ch. Tub. verat-v. zinc. zinc-p. [MOUTH - PAPILLAE of tongue - erect - accompanied by] .. roughness of tongue: (1) Podo. [MOUTH - PAPILLAE of tongue - erect] . strawberry tongue: (19) ant-t. arg-n. ars. arum-t. bac. Bell. caust. Frag. gels. kali-bi. lach. merc-c. phos. ptel. sapin. sapo. ter. Tub. verat-v. [MOUTH - PAPILLAE of tongue - erect] . Root: (3) agar. Kali-bi. nat-ar. [MOUTH - PAPILLAE of tongue - erect] . Tip: (1) sapin. [MOUTH - PAPILLAE of tongue] - reddened: (13) ant-t. ARG-N. ars. BELL. ign. Kali-bi. Lyc. Merc. mez. Nux-m. Ptel. TER. tub. [MOUTH - PAPILLAE of tongue - reddened - elevated; and - accompanied by - Tip of tongue] brown discoloration: (1) Merc. [MOUTH - PAPILLAE of tongue] - sore: (2) Arg-n. brass-n-o. [MOUTH - PARALYSIS] - Tongue: (87) absin. Acon. Acon-c. aesc-g. agar. anac. anh. Apis Arn. ars. aster. bapt. Bar-c. bar-m. Bell. BOTH. brom. bufo Cadm-s. CALC. cann-i. canth. caps. carb-v. carbn-s. CAUST. cic. Cocc. colch. Con. conin. Crot-c. crot-h. Cupr. cupr-s. CUR. Dulc. EUPH. Euphr. GELS. glon. graph. Gua. guare. Hell. Helo-s. hep. hydr. Hydr-ac. Hyos. ip. ix. kali-p. lac-c. Lach. LAUR. linu-u. Lob-p. LYC. mang-o. meph. merc-c. merl. MEZ. Mur-ac. Naja nat-m. Nuxm. nux-v. olnd. OP. oxyurn-sc. PLB. plb-xyz. pyrus Rheum Rhus-t. ruta sec. sil. Stram. syph. tep. verat. vesp. zinc. zinc-s. [MOUTH - PARALYSIS - Tongue - accompanied by] .. numbness of one side: (1) Nat-m. [MOUTH - PARALYSIS - Tongue] . apoplexy; after: (3) crot-h. lach. olnd.[MOUTH - PARALYSIS - Tongue] . creeping: (1) kali-p. [MOUTH - PARALYSIS - Tongue - drawn to] .. right: (4) Cur. Nux-m. nux-v. OP. [MOUTH - PARALYSIS - Tongue - drawn to] .. left: (4) Bell. Glon. Op. Plb. Foto 36: Lingua con paralisi sinistra. Dovuta a paralisi del nervo faciale o da ictus. 65 [MOUTH - PARALYSIS - Tongue] . old people: (1) Bar-c. [MOUTH - PARALYSIS - Tongue] . sensation of: (10) Cedr. Coc-c. Cocc. germ-met. ip. kali-p. merl. phys. syph. tax. [MOUTH - PARALYSIS - Tongue - sensation of] .. menses; during: (1) Cedr. [MOUTH - PARALYSIS - Tongue] . weather agg.; cold wet: (1) Dulc. [MOUTH - PASTY] - Tongue: (8) am-m. bapt. bufo lyc. nux-m. paro-i. Prot. ser-a-c. [MOUTH - PASTY - Tongue] . Tip: (1) lyc. [MOUTH] POINTED Tongue: (13) bond. calc. Chel. cimic. eup-per. ip. Lach. Petr. plb. podo. SEC. spig-m. stram. [MOUTH - POINTED Tongue] - abortion; after: (1) podo. [MOUTH - POINTED Tongue] - stool agg.; during: (1) SEC. Foto 37: Lingua appuntita. [MOUTH - PRICKLING] - Tongue: (66) ACON. acon-c. agar. Alum. apis arizon-l. ars-h. arum-m. arum-t. bamb-a. bapt. bell. borx. brach. bry. cact. carb-ac. cedr. chir-fl. chr-ac. crot-c. crot-t. dios. dros. dulc. echi. elaps eup-pur. Fl-ac. ger-ro. Glon. hell. Kali-bi. kali-n. lach. lath. lina. Lyss. manc. Merc. merl. mucs-nas. muru. myos-a. nat-m. nat-p. nux-m. nux-v. petr-ra. phel. phos. phys. plat. ptel. puls. rad-br. rhod. rhus-t. sang. sec. sin-n. spig. thuj. ultras. Ust. verat. [MOUTH - PRICKLING - Tongue] . menses; during: (1) Cedr. [MOUTH - PRICKLING - Tongue] . scalded; as if: (1) chir-fl. [MOUTH - PRICKLING - Tongue] . Below: (2) ger-ro. Lyss. [MOUTH - PRICKLING - Tongue] . Frenum: (1) phos. 66 [MOUTH - PRICKLING - Tongue] . Tip: (17) ars-h. arum-m. cact. carb-ac. crot-c. crot-t. dulc. elaps eup-pur. merc. nat-m. nux-v. phel. phys. rad-br. sang. sec. [MOUTH - PRICKLING - Tongue - Tip] .. needles; like a hundred: (4) arum-m. carb-ac. merc. nuxv. [MOUTH - PROTRUDING] - Tongue: (42) absin. acet-ac. acon. Apis ars. bell. BUFO cina cocc. CROT-H. cupr. cupr-act. dendr-pol. elaps ferr-m. Hell. hydr-ac. hyos. kali-c. kara Lach. Lyc. mag-c. Merc. Merc-c. merc-n. nux-v. oena. op. oxyurn-sc. PHYT. plb. sanic. sec. stram. stry. sumb. syph. tab. tep. vario. vip. [MOUTH - PROTRUDING - Tongue] . right: (4) crot-h. lyc. nux-v. op. [MOUTH - PROTRUDING - Tongue] . agg.: (5) cist. cocc. kali-bi. Phyt. syph. [MOUTH - PROTRUDING - Tongue] . amel.: (1) med. [MOUTH - PROTRUDING - Tongue] . brain affections, in: (3) apis hydr-ac. plb. [MOUTH - PROTRUDING - Tongue] . cannot be protruded: (16) Apis Bapt. brom. carb-ac. colch. dulc. gels. hyos. Lach. Lyc. Merc-c. mur-ac. Nux-v. Plb. sabad. vesp. [MOUTH - PROTRUDING - Tongue - cough - during] ... agg.: (2) bell. kali-c. [MOUTH - PROTRUDING - Tongue] . difficulty, with: (29) Anac. apis Ars. Bapt. Calc. caust. colch. Crot-h. Dulc. gels. Gua. GUAJ. Hyos. kali-br. LACH. Lyc. Merc. Mur-ac. mygal. Nat-m. oxyurn-sc. phos. Plb. Pyrog. sabad. sec. Stram. sulfon. Ter. [MOUTH - PROTRUDING - Tongue - difficulty, with - accompanied by] ... jerking: (1) kali-br. [MOUTH - PROTRUDING - Tongue - difficulty, with - accompanied by] ... Throat; sore: (1) sabad. [MOUTH - PROTRUDING - Tongue - difficulty, with] .. catches on the teeth: (5) Apis Hyos. LACH. lyc. sec. [MOUTH - PROTRUDING - Tongue - difficulty, with] .. draw it in; can hardly: (2) hyos. vario. [MOUTH - PROTRUDING - Tongue] . headache; during: (1) lach. [MOUTH - PROTRUDING - Tongue] . oscillating: (4) Hell. hyos. lach. Lyc. [MOUTH - PROTRUDING - Tongue] . rapidly, darting in and out like a snake's: (11) absin. crot-h. Cupr. cupr-act. elaps Lach. lyc. Merc. merc-c. sanic. Vip. [MOUTH - PROTRUDING - Tongue] . sleep agg.; during: (1) vario. [MOUTH - PROTRUDING - Tongue] . spasmodically: (3) cina cocc. sec. [MOUTH - PROTRUDING - Tongue] . suffocation, with: (1) ars. 67 [MOUTH - PUCKERED sensation] - Tongue: (1) ars. [MOUTH - PULSATION] - Tongue: (1) vesp. [MOUTH - PUSTULES] - Tongue: (16) am-c. ant-t. bell-p. carc. cund. graph. HEP. lyc. med. murac. nat-m. nat-p. nat-s. sep. thuj. vario. [MOUTH - PUSTULES - Tongue] . burning and stinging: (1) am-c. [MOUTH - PUSTULES - Tongue] . Below: (3) am-c. med. nat-c. [MOUTH - PUSTULES - Tongue] . Sides [MOUTH - PUSTULES - Tongue - Sides] .. right: (1) cund. [MOUTH - PUSTULES - Tongue] . Tip: (4) carc. cund. med. thuj. Foto 38: Pustole/ papule sulla lingua. [MOUTH - RAGGED] - Tongue; edge of: (2) Merc. thuj. [MOUTH - RINGWORM] - Tongue: (2) nat-m. sanic. [MOUTH - RINGWORM - Tongue] . right side: (2) Nat-m. sanic. [MOUTH - ROUGHNESS] - Tongue: (69) acon. alum. alumn. ammc. anac. ang. Apis Arg-n. ARS. ARUM-T. Aur. bar-c. bell. Bry. caj. calc. cann-s. CANTH. carb-v. casc. cere-b. chel. coc-c. cocc. coloc. croc. cupr. cupr-s. dulc. graph. Grat. hyos. Kali-bi. kola laur. lina. lyc. merc. mez. moni. musa nat-sil. NIT-AC. olnd. op. osm. ox-ac. par. phos. phys. Phyt. Podo. ptel. RAN-S. rhus-v. 68 rosm. sars. sep. spong. still. stram. sul-ac. Sulph. sumb. symph. tanac. Tarax. thuj. tung-met. [MOUTH - ROUGHNESS - Tongue] . morning: (6) alum. bar-c. cocc. lyc. sars. sep. [MOUTH - ROUGHNESS - Tongue] . eating; after: (2) graph. spong. [MOUTH - ROUGHNESS - Tongue - raising to the palate] .. agg.: (1) rosm. [MOUTH - ROUGHNESS - Tongue] . sand; as if covered by: (1) coloc. [MOUTH - ROUGHNESS - Tongue] . streaks, in: (1) Calc. [MOUTH - ROUGHNESS - Tongue - Centre] .. streaks in: (1) Calc. [MOUTH - ROUGHNESS - Tongue] . Lower part: (1) rosm. [MOUTH - ROUGHNESS - Tongue] . Sides: (1) osm. [MOUTH - ROUGHNESS - Tongue] . Tip: (5) ammc. carb-v. mez. nat-sil. phos. [MOUTH - SALIVATION - accompanied by - Tongue] .. clean: (1) hell-o. [MOUTH - SALIVATION - accompanied by - Tongue] .. cream-like: (1) mez. [MOUTH - SALIVATION - accompanied by - Tongue] .. green discoloration of the tongue: (1) Nitac. [MOUTH - SALIVATION - accompanied by - Tongue] .. swelling: (2) bism. ruta [MOUTH - SCRATCHING] - Tongue: (7) camph. caust. galeoc-c-h. hyos. seneg. teucr. thuj. [MOUTH - SCRATCHING - Tongue] . fingers; with: (1) stram. [MOUTH - SCRATCHING - Tongue] . Middle: (1) galeoc-c-h. [MOUTH - SENSITIVE] - Tongue: (29) am-caust. bell-p. borx. Carb-v. castm. chir-fl. croc. Crot-t. Fl-ac. gamb. graph. hep. kali-i. lavand-a. Merc. merc-c. merc-i-r. Nat-m. Nit-ac. osm. Ox-ac. petr. Phyt. ran-s. stront-c. symph. TARAX. ter. ziz. [MOUTH - SENSITIVE - Tongue] . soft food; even to: (2) Nit-ac. osm. [MOUTH - SENSITIVE - Tongue] . Below: (1) sel. [MOUTH - SENSITIVE - Tongue] . Tip: (4) chir-fl. Crot-t. phyt. stront-c. [MOUTH - SHRIVELLED] - Tongue: (8) ars. carb-v. mur-ac. nat-hchls. phos. sul-ac. verat. zinc. [MOUTH - SKIN; sensation of a new] - Tongue: (1) rhus-t. [MOUTH] SMACKING tongue: (2) bell. lyc. 69 [MOUTH - SMALL TONGUE] - from imperfect development: (1) cupr-s [MOUTH] SMOOTH tongue: (47) Apis Arg-n. arn. Ars. ars-s-f. arum-t. atro. bapt. bell. Canth. carb-ac. carb-an. cist. colch. Crot-h. crot-t. cupr. dig. eucal. gamb. Glon. hydrog. ip. jab. jal. KALIBI. kali-br. LACH. mur-ac. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Phos. pic-ac. Plb. positr. Pyrog. rhus-t. rob. Sec. stram. Sul-ac. sul-i. sumb. Ter. terebe. tub. Foto 39 : Lingua liscia da carenza di ferro o avitaminosi. [MOUTH - SMOOTH tongue - accompanied by] . clean tongue: (1) Nat-m. [MOUTH - SMOOTH tongue] - sensation as if: (1) bell. [MOUTH - SMOOTH tongue] - varnished; tongue looks as if: (7) apis Canth. jab. jal. Nit-ac. Pyrog. rhus-t. [MOUTH - SMOOTH tongue] - Sides: (1) bapt. [MOUTH - SMOOTH tongue] - Tip: (1) hydrog. [MOUTH - SOFT] - Tongue: (7) ars-h. kali-bi. merc. moni. rhus-t. stram. syph. [MOUTH - SOFT - Tongue] . sensation as if: (4) colch. daph. falco-pe. mez. [MOUTH - SORDES] - Tongue: (7) bapt. carb-ac. hyos. naja sulph. ter. zinc-m. [MOUTH - SPASMS] - Tongue: (23) acon. agar. Arg-n. atra-r. bell. borx. carb-v. carbn. cham. cic. cina Cocc. Con. crot-t. glon. ip. laur. Lyc. Merc-c. nux-v. ruta sec. syph. [MOUTH - SPEECH - difficult - accompanied by - Tongue] ... aphthae: (1) Nat-m. 70 [MOUTH - SPEECH - difficult] . backward drawn tongue; from [MOUTH - SPEECH - difficult] . heaviness of tongue: (13) Anac. Ars. Carb-v. CROT-C. GELS. Glon. Lach. Mag-p. mur-ac. Nat-c. nat-m. nicc. sol-t. [MOUTH - SPEECH - difficult - spasms; from] .. tongue, from: (7) Agar. Arg-n. cupr. lyc. Ruta sec. Stram. [MOUTH - SPEECH - difficult] . stiffness of the tongue; from: (2) calc-s. kali-s. [MOUTH - SPEECH - difficult] . swelling of tongue, from: (11) anan. ant-t. bapt. calc-s. DULC. gels. kola lyc. mez. morph. phos. [MOUTH - SPEECH - difficult] . tongue not cooperating; as if: (1) germ-met. [MOUTH - SPEECH] - striking tongue against teeth: (2) nit-ac. sulph. [MOUTH - SPEECH - wanting] . soreness of lacerated tongue, from: (1) hyper. [MOUTH - SPONGY] - Tongue: (5) benz-ac. camph. hydr. stram. syph. [MOUTH - STICKY, viscid] - Tongue: (64) Acon. aesc. agar. Am-m. ang. ant-c. ars. asaf. aur. bell. berb. brom. Bry. canth. Carb-v. cham. chel. Chin. clem. Colch. Con. cycl. dios. Dros. eup-per. ferr. glon. hell. hoit. ign. iod. Lac-ac. laur. led. mag-m. meny. merc. merc-i-f. Merc-i-r. mez. nat-m. nat-s. Nit-ac. NUX-M. nux-v. Olnd. Ph-ac. Phos. Prun. puls. ran-b. Ran-s. Sabad. sabin. sin-n. Spig. spong. Staph. streptoc. tarax. thuj. ultras. Verat. zinc. [MOUTH - STICKY, viscid - Tongue] . stool agg.; during: (1) ph-ac. [MOUTH - STICKY, viscid - Tongue] . Root of: (1) laur. [MOUTH - STICKY, viscid - Tongue] . Tip: (28) acon. aesc. agar. ang. asaf. aur. brom. canth. chel. chin. con. dios. dros. eup-per. glon. hell. ign. iod. led. merc. nat-s. NUX-V. ph-ac. phos. sabad. staph. verat. zinc. [MOUTH - STIFF] - Tongue: (61) aloe am-c. anac. ant-t. apis Ars. ars-s-f. arum-t. aur-m. bapt. BELL. Berb. borx. calc. Calc-p. Carb-v. chim-m. chin. cinnb. coc-c. Colch. Con. Crot-c. Crot-h. cupr-s. dulc. euphr. fl-ac. gels. Hell. hydr-ac. hyos. ign. kali-p. lac-c. Lach. Laur. Lyc. med. Merc. Merc-c. merc-i-r. merl. Mez. morg-p. mur-ac. Nat-c. Nat-m. nat-s. nicc. nit-ac. nux-m. ox-ac. phys. RHUS-T. ruta sec. sep. Stram. vario. Zinc. [MOUTH - STIFF - Tongue] . one side: (1) Rhus-t. [MOUTH - STIFF - Tongue] . morning: (2) morg-p. nit-ac. [MOUTH - STIFF - Tongue - morning] .. waking; on: (1) nit-ac. [MOUTH - STIFF - Tongue] . spasmodic: (1) borx. 71 [MOUTH - STOMATITIS, ulcerative - accompanied by - Tongue] .. aphthae on: (1) sulph. [MOUTH - STOMATITIS, ulcerative - accompanied by - Tongue] .. flabby tongue: (1) Hydr. [MOUTH - STOMATITIS, ulcerative - accompanied by - Tongue] .. indented tongue: (1) Hydr. [MOUTH - STOMATITIS, ulcerative - accompanied by - Tongue - yellow discoloration of the tongue] ... dirty: (1) Kali-m. [MOUTH - SUPPURATION] - Tongue: (6) bapt. canth. carb-ac. lach. Merc. merc-c. [MOUTH - SWELLING] - Tongue: (146) acet-ac. ACON. agath-a. am-be. Am-m. anac. anan. ant-t. antip. APIS arg-n. arizon-l. arn. Ars. ars-h. Ars-i. Ars-s-f. arum-m. arum-t. asaf. aster. Aur. aur-ar. Bapt. BELL. bell-p. bell-p-sp. benz-ac. berb. Bism. bit-ar. borx. BRY. Caj. calad. calc. calc-i. Calcp. calc-s. calc-sil. Camph. Canth. Carb-ac. castm. caust. Chin. Chinin-ar. chlorpr. cic. Cimic. cob. coc-c. cocc. con. cory. CROT-H. cupr-s. Dig. Diph. diphtox. dros. Dulc. elaps falco-pe. ferr-i. ferrm. ferr-p. Fl-ac. Frag. gent-l. glon. guare. Hell. Helo. Helo-s. Helon. hippoz. hoit. Hydr. Iod. kali-ar. kali-bi. kali-br. kali-c. kali-chl. kali-i. kali-m. kali-p. kali-sil. Kali-tel. Lach. lat-h. laur. limen-b-c. limest-b. Lyc. Lyss. m-aust. mag-m. Mag-p. menis. MERC. Merc-c. Merc-cy. merc-sul. mez. mill. moni. morg-p. MUR-AC. Naja nat-ar. Nat-hchls. Nat-m. nep. nux-m. oena. Op. ox-ac. oxyurn-sc. ph-ac. Phos. phyt. Plb. Podo. polyg-h. ptel. puls. Ruta sabad. sacch-a. sec. sil. spig. stram. sul-i. tell. ter. thuj. vac. verat. vesp. vesp-xyz. VIP. vip-t. zinc. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . one side: (8) apis bism. calc. lach. laur. merc. Sil. thuj. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . right: (5) am-be. apis calc. mez. thuj. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . left: (3) lach. laur. zinc. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . night: (1) merc. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . angioedema: (1) apis [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . fills whole mouth: (11) apis arum-m. calad. cory. crot-h. Kalichl. merc-c. sacch-a. sil. stram. vip. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue - fills whole mouth] .. sensation as if: (2) Caj. itu [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . glossitis, after: (1) sul-i. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . menses; during: (1) Merc. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . mercury; after abuse of: (1) Kali-i. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . painful: (4) bell-p. con. Ph-ac. thuj. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue - painful] .. talking agg.: (1) Ph-ac. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue - painful] .. touch agg.: (3) con. ph-ac. thuj. 72 [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . painless: (1) mez. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . sensation of: (51) absin. acon. aeth. agath-a. anac. androc. apis arizon-l. ars-i. Bapt. bell. bell-p. bell-p-sp. calc. calc-f. Camph. chin. cimic. Cimx. cocc. colch. convo-s. croc. crot-h. crot-t. gels. glon. hyos. kali-ar. kola lach. limen-b-c. lyc. m-aust. merc-c. merl. Mur-ac. Nux-v. par. petr. Phos. polyg-h. ptel. puls. rat. sacch-a. sep. spig. stram. tab. trios. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue - sensation of] .. one side: (1) phos. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue - sensation of] .. Edges: (1) chin. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue - sensation of] .. Root; of tongue: (4) calc. cimic. cocc. spig. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue - spasms] .. before: (1) plb. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . sting of insects, after: (10) Acon. apis arn. bell. Carb-ac. crot-h. gent-l. merc. nat-m. spig. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue - sting of insects, after] .. Root, at: (1) spig. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . Base, externally and internally: (1) ARS. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . Below: (16) AMBR. bapt. CALC. con. dulc. Hep. Lyc. Merc. mez. mosch. Nat-m. NIT-AC. pitu-gl. Puls. staph. THUJ. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue - Below] .. left: (1) pitu-gl. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue - Below] .. stinging pain; with: (1) Nat-m. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . Center: (2) Dros. Phos. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue - Center] .. small, round swelling: (1) Dros. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . Root of: (10) bapt. caust. chin. cimic. cocc. ferr-i. limest-b. merc-c. phos. spig. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue - Root of] .. Sides: (1) chin. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . Side of: (2) chin. helo-s. [MOUTH - SWELLING - Tongue] . Tip: (4) agath-a. Nat-m. phos. thuj. [MOUTH - TASTE - altered] . motion of tongue agg.: (1) Merc. [MOUTH - TASTE - astringent] . Tongue [MOUTH - TASTE - astringent - Tongue] .. Tip: (1) coloc. [MOUTH - TASTE - bad - morning - accompanied by - Tongue] white discoloration of the: (1) med. 73 [MOUTH - TASTE - bad - accompanied by - Tongue] ... clean: (1) hell-o. [MOUTH - TASTE - bad - accompanied by - Tongue] ... white discoloration of the tongue: (3) Alls. Kali-c. Podo. [MOUTH - TASTE - bad] . Tongue: (2) agar. luf-op. [MOUTH - TASTE - bad - Tongue] .. Base of: (1) agar. [MOUTH - TASTE - bitter - accompanied by - Tongue] ... coldness: (1) kali-m. [MOUTH - TASTE - bitter - Tongue] .. Root of: (5) arum-dru. cocc. nux-v. suprar. thuj. [MOUTH - TASTE - bitter - Tongue - Root of - accompanied by] metallic taste: (1) arum-dru. [MOUTH - TASTE - bitter - Tongue] .. Tip of: (1) sabad. [MOUTH - TASTE - metallic - Tongue] .. Root of: (4) bism. coc-c. cocc. kali-bi. [MOUTH - TASTE - metallic - Tongue] .. Tip: (3) coloc. thyr. zinc. [MOUTH - TASTE - saltish] . Tongue; tip of: (1) brom. [MOUTH - TASTE - sweetish - Tongue] .. Below: (1) zinc. [MOUTH - TASTE - sweetish - Tongue] .. Edges: (1) acon-s. [MOUTH - TASTE - sweetish - Tongue] .. Forepart: (1) acon-s. [MOUTH - TASTE - sweetish - Tongue] .. Root of: (4) bar-c. bism. kali-bi. phos. [MOUTH - TASTE - sweetish - Tongue] .. Tip: (8) acon-s. Aur. iod. merc. plat. ran-b. scroph-n. zinc. [MOUTH - TASTE - wanting, loss of taste - accompanied by] .. Tongue; white mucus on: (1) ox-ac. [MOUTH - TENSION] - Tongue: (3) con. kali-i. merc. [MOUTH - TENSION - Tongue] . Root of: (1) kali-i. [MOUTH - THICK; sensation as if] - Tongue was: (41) absin. ars. Bapt. Bell. both. both-ax. bungfa. calc. Camph. chord-umb. cocc. conv. cory. crot-c. crot-h. dendr-pol. elaps GELS. Glon. Hyos. kali-bi. kali-p. Lach. laur. lyc. merc. merc-c. merl. Mur-ac. naja nux-v. Op. ozone pert-vc. Phyt. Plat. rhus-t. Stram. syph. tere-la. vip. [MOUTH - TICKLING] - Tongue: (7) acon. alum. brom. canth. lach. rumx. stann. [MOUTH - TICKLING - Tongue] . Root of: (2) rumx. stann. 74 [MOUTH] TONGUE; complaints of: (143) acet-ac. Acon. agar. aloe alum. am-c. ambr. anac. ang. ant-c. ant-t. Apis arg-met. arg-n. arn. ARS. asar. bapt. bar-c. BELL. bell-p-sp. bism. borx. bov. brom. Bry. caj. calc. cann-s. Canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. card-m. Caust. Cham. chel. Chin. chinins. cic. cimic. cina clem. cob. coc-c. coca cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. croc. cupr. cycl. daph. dig. dros. dulc. ferr. glon. Graph. hell. hep. hydr. Hyos. ign. iod. ip. irid-met. kali-bi. kali-c. kali-i. kali-n. kali-p. kalm. kreos. Lach. laur. led. lob. lyc. m-ambo. m-arct. m-aust. mag-c. mag-m. mang. meny. MERC. merc-i-f. mez. mosch. Mur-ac. nat-c. Nat-m. nat-s. Nit-ac. nux-m. Nux-v. olnd. op. par. petr. Ph-ac. phel. Phos. phyt. plat. PLB. prun. PULS. Ran-s. rheum rhod. rhus-t. rumx. ruta Sabad. sabin. sang. sars. Sec. sel. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. Stann. staph. stram. stront-c. sul-ac. Sulph. tarax. teucr. thuj. thyr. Verat. verat-v. verb. viol-t. zinc. [MOUTH - TONGUE; complaints of] - one side: (12) bell. calc. daph. irid-met. laur. lob. mez. natm. rhus-t. sang. sil. thuj. [MOUTH - TONGUE; complaints of] - right: (20) acon. aloe alum. ars. brom. caps. coca dros. Kalin. kalm. ph-ac. phel. plat. plb. prun. rumx. sabad. sil. spig. thuj. [MOUTH - TONGUE; complaints of] - left: (25) agar. ant-t. apis arg-n. bar-c. bry. calc. caust. chel. coc-c. colch. con. cycl. glon. graph. hydr. lach. laur. mag-c. nat-s. nux-v. olnd. phos. tarax. zinc. [MOUTH - TONGUE; complaints of] - diagonally: (1) rhus-t. [MOUTH - TONGUE; complaints of] - Across: (6) acet-ac. asar. cob. kali-p. LACH. merc. [MOUTH - TONGUE; complaints of] - Middle of: (8) ant-t. arn. bapt. dros. merc. phos. phyt. veratv. [MOUTH - TONGUE; complaints of] - Root: (15) bapt. chinin-s. clem. kali-bi. kali-i. kali-p. lach. laur. merc-i-f. nat-s. par. phyt. rumx. teucr. thuj. [MOUTH - TONGUE; complaints of] - Sides: (20) ant-c. Apis bapt. bell. bry. canth. card-m. caust. chin. hydr. kali-bi. kali-i. lach. mag-c. nat-m. nit-ac. phel. phyt. plb. spong. [MOUTH - TONGUE; complaints of] - Tip: (5) kali-c. Rhus-t. sulph. thyr. zinc. [MOUTH - TONGUE; complaints of] - Under: (5) fl-ac. graph. Lyc. nat-c. Sanic. [MOUTH] TONGUE-TIE: (1) syph. Foto 40: Lingua legata, da frenulo corto. 75 [MOUTH] TREMBLING of tongue: (57) absin. Agar. AGARIN. Agri. aloe Apis arn. ars. Aur. bac. bapt. Bell. bry. calc-hp. CAMPH. Canth. caps. carb-ac. caust. cham. cimic. colch. Crot-h. cupr. cupr-ar. ferr. Gels. Hell. hyos. Ign. LACH. lat-m. Lyc. med. MERC. mur-ac. nat-m. nux-v. oena. Op. Ph-ac. phos. pip-n. Plb. rhus-t. sec. sep. sil. stram. sulph. syph. tab. Tarax. Thuj. tub. vip. zinc. [MOUTH - TREMBLING of tongue - accompanied by] . Brain complaints: (1) cimic. [MOUTH - TREMBLING of tongue - accompanied by] . Chin; trembling of: (1) nux-v. [MOUTH - TREMBLING of tongue] - delivery; after: (1) Crot-h. [MOUTH - TREMBLING of tongue] - fever; during: (1) lach. [MOUTH - TREMBLING of tongue] - protruding it; when: (16) apis bapt. Bell. crot-h. ferr. Gels. Hell. Hyos. ign. LACH. merc. ph-ac. Plb. sep. stram. Thuj. [MOUTH - TREMBLING of tongue - protruding it; when] . beginning only; in the: (1) sep. [MOUTH - TREMBLING of tongue - protruding it; when] . long time; if protruded for a: (1) ph-ac. [MOUTH - TREMBLING of tongue] - wavelike: (2) syph. tub. [MOUTH - TREMBLING of tongue] - Centre of tongue: (1) sep. [MOUTH - TREMBLING of tongue] - Tip of tongue: (2) Nat-m. sil. [MOUTH - TUBERCLES] - Tongue: (3) Graph. lyc. mang. [MOUTH - TUBERCLES - Tongue] . Below: (1) Ambr. [MOUTH - TUMORS] - Tongue: (4) castm. gali. kali-m. phos. Foto 41 e 42: Tumori sulla lingua. [MOUTH - TUMORS - Tongue] . Centre, size of pea, sensitive to touch; rounded elevation in: (1) castm. 76 [MOUTH - TUMORS - Tongue - Centre, size of pea, sensitive to touch; rounded elevation in drawing sensation; with] ... string were pulling the centre of tongue toward the hyoid bone; as if a: (1) castm. [MOUTH - TUMORS - Tongue - Under] .. cystic: (1) ambr. [MOUTH - TWITCHING] - Tongue: (8) agar. CASTM. cham. germ-met. glon. sec. sulph. vip. [MOUTH - ULCERS] - Tongue: (114) agar. aloe am-c. ant-c. ant-t. antip. Apis Arg-n. Ars. ars-h. ars-s-f. arum-d. arum-t. Aur. aur-ar. aur-m. aur-s. BAPT. Bar-c. Bar-m. bell. bell-p. benz-ac. beryl. BISM. bov. Brom. Calc. calc-s. canth. Caps. carb-an. carb-v. carc. caust. Chin. chir-fl. chlol. cic. cina cinnb. clem. colch. corn. cupr. cupr-s. cygn-be. des-ac. Dig. dros. Dulc. falco-pe. Fl-ac. flor-p. graph. ham. hell. hir. hydr. Kali-bi. Kali-c. Kali-chl. KALI-I. kali-m. Kreos. lac-v. Lach. luf-op. Lyc. maland. med. MERC. merc-cy. Merc-i-r. merl. mez. mim-p. morg-p. Mur-ac. musca-d. naja nat-c. nat-hchls. Nat-m. nat-pyru. Nit-ac. NIT-M-AC. nux-v. oci-sa. oena. op. pert. ph-ac. Phyt. Plb. positr. PSOR. raja-s. Sal-ac. sang. sangin-n. semp. sep. sil. Sin-n. Staph. sul-ac. Sulph. syc. syph. tarent. thuj. tub. verat. Foto 43: Ulcera sulla lingua. Bordi irregolari di denti fratturati o cariati o con otturazione a bordi inadeguati possono provocare ulcere da trauma meccanico. La lesione si presenta con un fondo rosso costituito da tessuto di granulazione e bordi rilevati con un'area bianca circostante di ipercheratosi reattiva al trauma. La rimozione causale è fondamentale per evitare l'evoluzione in lesione precancerosa. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . right side: (5) bov. chir-fl. cinnb. sil. thuj. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . left side: (4) apis chir-fl. cic. Thuj. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue - left side - followed by] ... right side: (2) chir-fl. Thuj. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . black base, with: (1) mur-ac. 77 [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . bleeding: (4) merc. nat-hchls. raja-s. semp. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . blue: (2) Ars. mur-ac. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . burning: (1) hydr. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . children; in: (1) oci-sa. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . deep: (8) ars-h. bov. kali-bi. Kali-chl. mur-ac. Nit-ac. phyt. syc. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . indurated: (3) merc. Merc-i-r. thuj. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . lardaceous base: (1) caps. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . painful: (12) agar. bov. Calc. caps. Cic. falco-pe. Kali-chl. natpyru. nit-ac. positr. semp. thuj. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue - painful] .. touch; to: (4) bov. Cic. falco-pe. thuj. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . phagedenic: (6) Agar. benz-ac. Caps. Fl-ac. hydr. sil. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . symmetrical: (1) kali-chl. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . lardaceous base: (1) caps. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . syphilitic: (10) aur. cinnb. fl-ac. Kali-bi. Kali-i. lach. MERC. mez. NIT-AC. Phyt. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . white: (1) graph. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . yellow: (4) aloe cupr. Hell. plb. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . Below: (11) calc. falco-pe. Fl-ac. Graph. LYC. Mag-m. med. nuxm. plb. SANIC. thuj. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue - Below] .. canker sore: (1) med. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . Center: (2) cupr-s. Fl-ac. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . Edges: (11) ant-t. ars. bov. chir-fl. cic. cina des-ac. kali-bi. merc. nit-ac. oena. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . Frenum: (7) agar. falco-pe. Kali-c. naja nat-c. nit-ac. sep. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . Margins, with undermined: (1) mur-ac. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . Sides: (21) agar. ars. bov. Calc. carb-an. carc. caust. Cic. cupr. Kali-bi. kali-chl. Lach. maland. med. Merc. merc-cy. mez. NIT-AC. oena. sil. Thuj. 78 [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue - Sides] .. canker sore: (2) maland. med. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue] . Tip: (14) am-c. beryl. cinnb. cupr. dros. ham. kali-i. lyc. med. merc. plb. raja-s. Sal-ac. thuj. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue - Tip] .. left: (1) thuj. [MOUTH - ULCERS - Tongue - Tip] .. canker sore: (2) ham. med. [MOUTH - VARICOSE veins] - Tongue: (8) ambr. calc. Dig. Fl-ac. Ham. lach. Puls. Thuj. [MOUTH - WARTS] - Tongue: (15) aur. Aur-m. aur-m-n. chel. cupre-l. kali-s. Lach. lyc. mang. mang-act. morg-p. phos. staph. syc. thuj. Foto 44: Verruche su lingua e labbro inferiore. Lesione causata da Papilloma-virus. Appare come una papula con superficie irregolare a cavolfiore, di colorito della mucosa sana o biancastra. Più presenti su labbra e palato. [MOUTH - WARTS - Tongue] . large, round: (2) chel. Lach. [MOUTH - WEAKNESS] - Tongue: (4) bar-c. caust. con. mur-ac. [MOUTH] WITHERED Tongue: (2) kreos. verat. [MOUTH - WRINKLED] - Tongue: (5) calc-p. merc-i-r. nat-ar. phos. sul-ac. VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “MIND” 79 [MIND - APHASIA - Tongue] . paralysis of tongue; with: (3) caust. stram. syph. [MIND - APHASIA - Tongue] . protrusion of tongue; with: (1) syph. [MIND - DELIRIUM - tongue] . brown discoloration: (1) Phos. [MIND - DELIRIUM TREMENS - tongue] . trembling of tongue; with: (1) stram. [MIND - DELIRIUM TREMENS - tongue] . white discoloration of the tongue; with: (2) STRAM. zinc. [MIND - DELUSIONS - clouds - reach the clouds; he seems to] .. arms, face, tongue and forepart of brain seem to reach to the clouds: (1) pic-ac. [MIND - DELUSIONS - tongue] . disintegrating: (1) positr. [MIND - DELUSIONS - tongue] . long; tongue is too: (1) aeth. [MIND - DELUSIONS - tongue] . pulling out his tongue; someone is: (1) bell. [MIND - DELUSIONS - tongue - seems to reach the clouds; tongue] .. sleep; when going to: (1) pic-ac. [MIND - DELUSIONS - tongue] . wood; tongue is made of: (3) apis ars. carb-v. [MIND - EXCITEMENT - tongue] . mapped; with: (2) calad. phys. [MIND - FEAR - death, of - pain, from] .. Root of tongue: (1) KALI-I. [MIND - HYSTERIA - tongue] . stiffness: (1) sep. [MIND - HYSTERIA - tongue] . white discoloration of the tongue; with: (1) Lyc. [MIND - INSANITY - tongue] . putting tongue out, clicking, distortion of face; with: (1) bell. [MIND - INSANITY - tongue] . white discoloration of tongue; with: (1) nux-v. [MIND - MANIA - acute - tongue] .. white discoloration of the; with: (1) Gels. [MIND - SADNESS - tongue] . white discoloration of the tongue after sadness; with: (1) Gels. [MIND - SCHIZOPHRENIA - tongue - yellow discoloration of the] .. greenish yellow: (1) mosch. [MIND - SPEECH] - foreign tongue, in a: (4) camph. lach. nit-ac. Stram. [MIND - SPEECH - foreign tongue, in a] . sensation as if talking in a foreign tongue: (1) olib-sac. [MIND - TIMIDITY] - twilight; in the: (1) phos. 80 VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “VERTIGO” [VERTIGO - ACCOMPANIED BY] - Tongue; white: (1) sabad. VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO ”HEAD” HEAD - BRAIN; complaints of - accompanied by - Tongue] .. clean tongue: (1) cimic. [HEAD - BRAIN; complaints of - accompanied by - Tongue - Root] ... white root of tongue: (1) zinc. [HEAD - COMPLAINTS of head - accompanied by] . Root of tongue; heavily white coated: (1) Glon. [HEAD - COMPLAINTS of head - accompanied by - Tongue] .. mucus on: (1) calc. [HEAD - COMPLAINTS of head - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of the tongue [HEAD - COMPLAINTS of head - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of the tongue] ... heavily coated: (1) Glon. [HEAD - COMPLAINTS of head - extending to] . Tongue: (2) apis ip. [HEAD - COMPLAINTS of head - extending to - Tongue] .. Root: (1) ip. [HEAD - CONCUSSION of brain - accompanied by] . Tongue; biting of: (1) Cic. [HEAD - INFLAMMATION - Meninges - accompanied by - Tongue] ... paralysis of tongue: (1) Hydr-ac. [HEAD - INFLAMMATION - Meninges - accompanied by - Tongue] ... protruding: (2) Apis Hydrac. [HEAD - INFLAMMATION - Meninges - accompanied by - Tongue] ... swelling: (1) Lyc. [HEAD - INFLAMMATION - Meninges - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of the tongue] yellowish white: (1) Gels. [HEAD - PAIN - accompanied by] . nausea and gray tongue: (1) Kali-c. [HEAD - PAIN - accompanied by] . nausea and white tongue: (1) Lept. [HEAD - PAIN - accompanied by - Tongue] .. clean tongue: (1) Nat-m. [HEAD - PAIN - accompanied by - Tongue] .. gray discoloration of the tongue: (1) kali-m. [HEAD - PAIN - accompanied by - Tongue] .. numbness and tingling of tongue: (1) nat-m. 81 [HEAD - PAIN - accompanied by - Tongue] .. stiffness: (1) Lach. [HEAD - PAIN - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of the tongue: (6) calc-act. cardm. euon. gymno. MAG-M. puls. [HEAD - PAIN - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of the tongue] ... bluish white: (1) Gymno. [HEAD - PAIN - extending to] . Tongue: (1) Ip. [HEAD - PAIN - extending to - Tongue] .. Root of: (1) ip. [HEAD - SUNSTROKE - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of the: (1) Glon. VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “EYE” [EYE - PAIN] - protruding tongue: (1) syph. [EYE] PROTRUDING tongue agg.: (1) syph. [EYE] PROTRUDING tongue agg.: (1) syph. VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “NOSE” [NOSE - CORYZA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of the: (1) KALI-I. VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “FACE” [FACE - DISCOLORATION - grayish - accompanied by] .. Tongue; gray discoloration of the: (1) kali-c. [FACE - ERYSIPELAS - accompanied by - Tongue - red discoloration of the tongue] ... fiery red: (1) Canth. [FACE - ERYSIPELAS - accompanied by - Tongue] .. smooth: (1) rhus-t. [FACE - PAIN - Submaxillary glands - extending to] .. Tongue: (1) sul-ac. [FACE] PROTRUDING tongue agg.: (2) hyos. syph. [FACE - TOUCH] - tongue agg.; touching: (1) bell. [FACE - TWITCHING] - protruding tongue; when: (1) hyos. VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “TEETH” [TEETH - PAIN - touch] . tongue agg.; when touched by the: (19) am-c. anac. ANT-C. borx. bry. 82 calc. carb-v. castm. chin. ign. mag-c. Merc. Mez. nat-c. nat-m. phos. rhus-t. sep. thuj. [TEETH - PAIN - touch - tongue agg.; when touched by the] .. drawing pain: (1) borx. [TEETH - PAIN - extending to] . Tongue: (3) cic. cit-v. dulc. [TEETH] SHARP and hurt tongue; sides seem: (2) aloe symph. [TEETH - SUCKING - tongue; with] . agg.: (8) am-c. bell. carb-v. kali-c. nit-ac. nux-m. nux-v. zinc. [TEETH - SUCKING - tongue; with] . amel.: (2) mang. Mez. [TEETH - TOUCH] - tongue agg.; when touched by the: (9) Ant-c. carb-v. chin. IGN. mag-p. Merc. mez. phos. rhus-t. VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “THROAT” [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. aphthae: (1) merc-cy. [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. black discoloration: (1) merc-cy. [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. brown discoloration: (2) bapt. Chinin-ar. [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - accompanied by - Tongue - brown discoloration] ... yellowish brown: (1) bapt. [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. gray discoloration: (1) Merc. [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. mapped tongue: (1) Nat-m. [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. pointed tongue: (1) Lach. [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. protruding: (1) PHYT. [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. purple discoloration of the tongue: (1) Lach. [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. red discoloration of the tongue: (1) Merccy. [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - accompanied by - Tongue - red discoloration of the tongue] ... Tip: (1) Merc-cy. [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. swelling: (1) Merc-i-r. [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of the tongue: (6) Bapt. Chinin-ar. lac-c. Merc-i-f. Merc-i-r. PHYT. 83 [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of the tongue] ... heavily coated: (4) Chinin-ar. lac-c. Merc-i-f. Merc-i-r. [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of the tongue - heavily coated] Root of tongue: (1) Merc-i-f. [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of the tongue] ... yellowish white: (1) lac-c. [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of the tongue] ... yellowish white: (1) lac-c. [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - accompanied by - Tongue - yellow discoloration of the tongue] ... dirty yellow: (1) Lach. [THROAT - DIPHTHERIA - Lips] . accompanied by a pale tongue: (1) rhus-t. [THROAT - INFLAMMATION - accompanied by - Tongue] .. dirty discoloration: (2) Kali-m. merc. [THROAT - INFLAMMATION - accompanied by - Tongue - mucus on tongue] ... collection of mucus: (2) Ign. phyt. [THROAT - INFLAMMATION - accompanied by - Tongue - mucus on tongue - collection of mucus] white mucus: (1) Ign. [THROAT - INFLAMMATION - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of the tongue] ... heavily coated: (1) Merc. [THROAT - PAIN] - depressing the tongue: (1) merc-c. [THROAT - PAIN - motion - tongue; of] .. agg.: (2) alum. ambr. [THROAT - PAIN - motion - tongue; of - agg.] ... drawing pain: (1) alum. [THROAT - PAIN - motion - tongue; of - agg.] ... stitching pain: (1) ambr. [THROAT - PAIN] - putting out the tongue: (5) cocc. Kali-bi. Lach. PHYT. sabad. [THROAT - PAIN - extending to] . Root of tongue: (1) Phyt. [THROAT - PAIN - extending to - Root of tongue] .. stitching pain: (1) Phyt. [THROAT - PAIN - Pharynx - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of the tongue] heavily coated: (1) phos. [THROAT] PROTRUDING tongue agg.: (2) kali-bi. sabad. [THROAT - SWALLOWING - impossible] . swelling of the tongue: (1) apis [THROAT - ULCERS - accompanied by - Tongue] .. brown discoloration: (1) lyc. 84 VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “STOMACH” [STOMACH - CATARRH - accompanied by - Tongue; white discoloration of the] .. heavily coated: (1) Dulc. [STOMACH - COMPLAINTS of the stomach - accompanied by - Tongue - brown discoloration] ... heavily coated: (1) verat. [STOMACH - COMPLAINTS of the stomach - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of the tongue: (4) Ang. ant-c. Colch. Nat-s. [STOMACH - ERUCTATIONS; TYPE OF - water brash - accompanied by - Tongue] ... brown discoloration: (1) sil. [STOMACH - ERUCTATIONS; TYPE OF - water brash - accompanied by - Tongue] ... brown discoloration: (1) sil. [STOMACH - HEARTBURN - accompanied by - Tongue] .. pale: (1) stram. [STOMACH - HEARTBURN - accompanied by - Tongue - red discoloration of the tongue] ... fiery red: (1) mag-m. [STOMACH - HEARTBURN - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of the] ... root: (1) stram. [STOMACH - HICCOUGH - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of the tongue: (1) Nicc. [STOMACH - INDIGESTION - accompanied by - Tongue] .. gray: (1) Kali-c. [STOMACH - INDIGESTION - accompanied by - Tongue] .. pale: (1) Kali-c. [STOMACH - INDIGESTION - accompanied by - Tongue] .. pointed tongue: (1) chel. [STOMACH - INDIGESTION - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of tongue: (3) arg-n. Lyc. naja [STOMACH - INDIGESTION - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of tongue] ... yellowish white: (1) naja [STOMACH - INDIGESTION - accompanied by - Tongue - yellow discoloration of the tongue] ... dirty yellow: (1) arn. [STOMACH - INDIGESTION - accompanied by - Tongue - Sides of tongue] ... clean: (1) arg-n. [STOMACH - INFLAMMATION - accompanied by - Tongue - mucus on tongue; collection of] ... white mucus: (1) Cocc. 85 [STOMACH - NAUSEA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. clean: (3) CINA Dig. Ip. [STOMACH - NAUSEA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. dry: (2) chinin-s. petr. [STOMACH - NAUSEA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white mucus on tongue: (3) chinin-s. ox-ac. petr. [STOMACH - NAUSEA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. yellow: (1) chinin-s. [STOMACH - PAIN - accompanied by - Tongue] .. clean tongue: (1) Mag-p. [STOMACH - THIRST - accompanied by - Tongue] .. dryness of tongue: (5) arizon-l. BRY. cassias. cham. Dulc. [STOMACH - THIRST - accompanied by - Tongue] .. mucus; white: (1) ox-ac. [STOMACH - THIRSTLESS - accompanied by] . Tongue; dryness of: (10) calc. caps. nat-c. Nat-m. nux-m. pall. par. ph-ac. phos. PULS. [STOMACH - VOMITING - accompanied by] . Tongue; clean: (3) cina dig. Ip. [STOMACH - VOMITING - chronic - accompanied by - Tongue] ... brown discoloration: (1) Ip. [STOMACH - VOMITING - pregnancy agg.; during - accompanied by - Tongue - brown discoloration] yellowish brown: (1) Merc-i-f. VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “ABDOMEN” [ABDOMEN - CATARRH - Intestinal] . accompanied by pale tongue: (1) Chel. [ABDOMEN - COMPLAINTS of abdomen - Intestines - accompanied by] .. Tongue; brown mucus on: (1) colch. [ABDOMEN - DROPSY - ascites - accompanied by - Tongue - yellow] dirty yellow: (1) Ars. [ABDOMEN - FLATULENCE - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of the tongue: (1) Lyc. [ABDOMEN - HARD - Liver - accompanied by - Tongue - clean] Tip and sides: (1) Mag-m. [ABDOMEN - HARD - Liver - accompanied by - Tongue] ... flabby tongue: (1) Mag-m. [ABDOMEN - HARD - Liver - accompanied by - Tongue] ... swelling: (1) Mag-m. [ABDOMEN - INFLAMMATION - Peritoneum - accompanied by - Tongue] ... dryness of tongue: (2) Atro. bry. [ABDOMEN - INTUSSUSCEPTION - accompanied by] . Tongue; white discoloration of the: (1) 86 plb. [ABDOMEN - LIVER and region of liver; complaints of - accompanied by] . Tongue white, heavily coated and black streak down centre: (1) Lept. [ABDOMEN - LIVER and region of liver; complaints of - accompanied by] . Tongue; dirty: (1) Mag-m. [ABDOMEN - LIVER and region of liver; complaints of - accompanied by] . Tongue; white: (1) podo. [ABDOMEN - LIVER and region of liver; complaints of - accompanied by] . Tongue; white and heavily coated: (1) Lept. [ABDOMEN - PAIN - cramping - accompanied by - Tongue] ... black discoloration: (1) Alum. [ABDOMEN - PAIN - cramping - accompanied by - Tongue] ... white discoloration: (2) Mag-p. op. [ABDOMEN - PAIN - Liver - colic; gallstone - accompanied by] ... Tongue and white sides; red streak on centre of: (1) Iris VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “RECTUM” [RECTUM - CHOLERA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. blue discoloration: (1) Iris [RECTUM - CHOLERA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. blue discoloration: (1) Iris [RECTUM - CHOLERA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. mucus; white: (1) ant-t. [RECTUM - CHOLERA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. pale: (3) ant-t. Cupr. Verat. [RECTUM - CHOLERA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. pale: (3) ant-t. Cupr. Verat. [RECTUM - CHOLERA - beginning - accompanied by - Tongue] ... white discoloration of the tongue: (1) Asar. [RECTUM - CHOLERA - beginning - accompanied by - Tongue] ... white discoloration of the tongue: (1) Asar. [RECTUM - CHOLERA - morbus cholera - accompanied by - Tongue] ... white discoloration of the tongue: (1) puls. [RECTUM - CONSTIPATION - accompanied by - Tongue] .. black: (1) Lach. [RECTUM - CONSTIPATION - accompanied by - Tongue] .. clean tongue: (1) Nat-m. [RECTUM - CONSTIPATION - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white: (1) Kali-s. 87 [RECTUM - DIARRHEA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. brown discoloration: (2) Bry. tart-ac. [RECTUM - DIARRHEA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. dry: (1) tart-ac. [RECTUM - DIARRHEA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. flabby tongue: (1) lyss. [RECTUM - DIARRHEA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of the: (2) Apis Dulc. [RECTUM - DIARRHEA - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of the] ... heavily coated: (1) Dulc. [RECTUM - DIARRHEA - chronic - accompanied by - Tongue] ... pale: (1) Lyss. [RECTUM - DIARRHEA - chronic - accompanied by - Tongue] ... pale: (1) Lyss. [RECTUM - DYSENTERY - accompanied by - Tongue] .. black discoloration: (1) Lach. [RECTUM - DYSENTERY - accompanied by - Tongue] .. bleeding of tongue: (1) lach. [RECTUM - DYSENTERY - accompanied by - Tongue] .. blue discoloration: (1) ARS. [RECTUM - DYSENTERY - accompanied by - Tongue] .. brown discoloration: (2) Ars. Ham. [RECTUM - DYSENTERY - accompanied by - Tongue] .. cracked: (2) kali-bi. PHOS. [RECTUM - DYSENTERY - accompanied by - Tongue] .. excoriation of tongue: (1) CANTH. [RECTUM - DYSENTERY - accompanied by - Tongue] .. flabby tongue: (1) cub. [RECTUM - DYSENTERY - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of the tongue: (2) Merc. Trom. [RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - accompanied by - Tongue] .. mucus on tongue; collection of: (1) Berb. [RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of the tongue: (1) Aesc. [RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms - accompanied by] .. Tongue; white: (1) fil. [RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms - accompanied by] .. Tongue; white: (1) fil. VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “BLADDER” [BLADDER - CATARRH, mucopus - accompanied by - Tongue - brown discoloration] ... heavily coated: (1) uva [BLADDER - RETENTION of urine - accompanied by - Tongue] .. dirty discoloration: (1) Camph. 88 [PROSTATE GLAND - INDURATION - accompanied by - Tongue] .. brown discoloration: (1) Iod. [URETHRA - STRICTURE - accompanied by - Tongue] .. brown discoloration: (1) Iod. [URINE - ALBUMINOUS - accompanied by - Tongue] .. red discoloration of the tongue [URINE - ALBUMINOUS - accompanied by - Tongue - red discoloration of the tongue] ... Tip: (1) Apis VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “ FEMALE GENITALIA- SEX” [FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - INDURATION - Uterus - accompanied by - Tongue] ... mucus on tongue; collection of: (1) Carb-an. [FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - INFLAMMATION - Ovaries - accompanied by - Tongue] ... mucus; white: (1) Ham. [FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - MENSES - absent - accompanied by - Tongue] ... mapped tongue: (1) Nat-m. [FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - MENSES - painful - accompanied by - Tongue] ... mucus on tongue; collection of: (1) lac-c. [FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - METRORRHAGIA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. dirty discoloration: (1) Croc. [FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - METRORRHAGIA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of tongue: (1) Croc. [FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - METRORRHAGIA - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of tongue] ... Centre: (1) Croc. VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “LARYNX AND TRCHEA” [LARYNX AND TRACHEA - CONSTRICTION - Larynx - lying on abdomen and protruding tongue] .. amel.: (1) med. [LARYNX AND TRACHEA - PAIN - Throat-pit - extending to] .. Root of tongue and into hyoid bone: (1) Lach. [LARYNX AND TRACHEA - VOICE - lost - accompanied by] .. Tongue; without complaints of: (1) both. 89 VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “RESPIRATION” [RESPIRATION - ASTHMATIC - protruding tongue] . amel.: (1) med. [RESPIRATION - COMPLAINTS of respiration - accompanied by] . Tongue; red discoloration of: (1) mosch. [RESPIRATION - IMPEDED, obstructed - cramps; from] . Tongue; of: (1) borx. [RESPIRATION - IMPEDED, obstructed - swelling; from] . Tongue; of: (2) Apis Dulc. VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “COUGH” [COUGH - ACCOMPANIED BY - Tongue] . dark: (1) bapt. [COUGH - ACCOMPANIED BY - Tongue] . white: (1) chin. [COUGH - HAIR; sensation of a] - Tongue; on: (1) Sil. [COUGH - PRICKLING; from] - Tongue; on: (1) lach. [COUGH] PROTRUDING tongue agg.: (1) Lyc. [COUGH] PUTTING out the tongue, from: (1) lyc. [COUGH - WHOOPING - accompanied by] . Tongue; ulcers under: (1) nit-ac. [EXPECTORATION - DIFFICULT] - tongue, from where it must be removed by wiping; can raise sputa only to: (1) apis VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “CHEST” [CHEST - INFLAMMATION - Heart - Endocardium - accompanied by] ... Tongue; dry and white: (1) Aur. [CHEST - INFLAMMATION - Lungs - accompanied by - Tongue] ... brown discoloration: (4) Antt. Chel. Lachn. lyc. [CHEST - INFLAMMATION - Lungs - accompanied by - Tongue] ... dryness of tongue: (2) Ant-t. Lachn. [CHEST - INFLAMMATION - Lungs - accompanied by - Tongue] ... red streak [CHEST - INFLAMMATION - Lungs - accompanied by - Tongue - red streak] Centre of tongue: 90 (1) verat-v. [CHEST - INFLAMMATION - Lungs - accompanied by - Tongue] ... white discoloration of the: (3) chel. puls. verat-v. [CHEST - INFLAMMATION - Lungs - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of the] moist; and: (1) puls. [CHEST - INFLAMMATION - Lungs - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of the] streak [CHEST - INFLAMMATION - Lungs - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of the streak] Centre of tongue: (1) verat-v. [CHEST - INFLAMMATION - Pleura - accompanied by - Tongue] ... dryness of tongue: (1) Hep. [CHEST - PHTHISIS pulmonalis - accompanied by - Tongue] .. brown discoloration: (1) Guaj. [CHEST - PHTHISIS pulmonalis - accompanied by - Tongue] .. pale: (1) Ferr. [CHEST - PHTHISIS pulmonalis - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of the tongue: (1) ars-i. [CHEST - PHTHISIS pulmonalis - incipient - accompanied by] .. Tongue; aphthae on: (3) agar. iod. sulph. VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “EXTREMITIES” [EXTREMITIES - ABSCESS - Upper limbs - left - accompanied by] ... Tongue; trembling of: (1) sil. [EXTREMITIES - LICKING part with tongue - amel.] . Upper limbs: (1) mang. [EXTREMITIES - PAIN - rheumatic - accompanied by - Tongue] ... cracked: (1) Lyc. [EXTREMITIES - PAIN - rheumatic - accompanied by - Tongue] ... dryness of tongue: (1) Dulc. [EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Feet - Heels - extending to] ... Tongue: (1) vip. [EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Feet - Heels - extending to - Tongue] burning: (1) vip. [EXTREMITIES - PARALYSIS - Upper limbs - right] .. paralysis of tongue; with: (1) Caust. [EXTREMITIES - PARALYSIS - Upper limbs - accompanied by] .. Tongue; paralysis of: (1) caust. VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “DREAMS” 91 [DREAMS - SNAKES] - tongue turns into a horrible snake; a boy's: (1) aids. [DREAMS - SNAKES] - tongue turns into a horrible snake; a boy's: (1) aids. VOI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “CHILL” [CHILL - QUARTAN] - Tongue; with discoloration of [CHILL - QUARTAN - Tongue; with discoloration of] . white: (1) Ip. VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “FEVER” [FEVER - CHILL absent - afternoon - 17.30 h] .. pricking in tongue; with: (1) cedr. [FEVER - QUARTAN FEVER - Tongue] . white discoloration of the tongue; with: (1) Ip. [FEVER - QUARTAN FEVER - Tongue] . white discoloration of the tongue; with: (1) Ip. [FEVER - SCARLET FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. black discoloration: (1) Kali-c. [FEVER - SCARLET FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue - red discoloration of the tongue] ... bright red: (3) Apis BELL. sulph. [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue - biting] ... sleep; during: (1) PH-AC. [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. black discoloration: (1) nux-v. [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. brown discoloration: (6) Apis Bapt. Iris Lachn. Phos. Zinc. [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue - brown discoloration] ... centre: (1) Apis [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue - brown discoloration] ... reddish brown discoloration: (1) zinc. [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue - brown discoloration] ... yellowish brown: (1) Lachn. [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. clean tongue: (3) Cocc. Dulc. Gels. [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. cracked: (4) nux-v. phos. RHUS-T. Zinc. [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue - cracked] ... edges: (1) nux-v. 92 [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue - cracked] ... edges: (1) nux-v [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. dryness of tongue: (1) Lachn. [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue - mucus] ... brown: (1) RHUS-T. [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue - mucus] ... white: (2) Apis phos. [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. paralysis of tongue: (3) Cocc. Hyos. Mur-ac. [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue - red discoloration of the tongue] ... Sides of the tongue: (3) Iris nux-v. phos. [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. smooth: (1) phos. [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration: (3) Glon. MURAC. phos. [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration] ... Sides of tongue; at: (1) MUR-AC. [FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. yellow discoloration of the tongue: (1) Gels. [FEVER - TYPHUS FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. aphthae on tongue: (3) moni. Mur-ac. Sulph. [FEVER - TYPHUS FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. black discoloration: (4) arg-n. arn. Ars. Hyos. [FEVER - TYPHUS FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. brown discoloration: (4) ars. bapt. Chlor. nux-v. [FEVER - TYPHUS FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue - brown discoloration] ... yellowish brown: (1) bapt. [FEVER - TYPHUS FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. cracked: (4) Apis Ars. Atro. Bapt. [FEVER - TYPHUS FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. dirty discoloration: (2) Camph. Carb-v. [FEVER - TYPHUS FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. induration of tongue: (2) Arg-n. Atro-s. [FEVER - TYPHUS FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. trembling: (6) Agar. Apis Ars. aur. Gels. Lach. [FEVER - TYPHUS FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. ulcers: (2) Apis BAPT. [FEVER - TYPHUS FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration: (5) Bapt. BRY. Carb-v. Gels. Rhus-t. 93 [FEVER - TYPHUS FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration] ... heavily coated: (1) Bapt. [FEVER - TYPHUS FEVER - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration] ... yellowish white: (1) Bapt. [FEVER - TYPHUS FEVER - petechial - putrid, foul, cadaverous smell of stool] .. tongue and extreme prostration; brown, leathery-looking: (1) ARS. [FEVER - YELLOW fever - accompanied by - Tongue] .. black discoloration: (3) Ars. Cadm-s. CARB-V. [FEVER - YELLOW fever - accompanied by - Tongue] .. brown discoloration: (2) Sulph. Verat. [FEVER - YELLOW fever - accompanied by - Tongue] .. cracked: (1) Verat. VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “SKIN” [SKIN - DISCOLORATION - yellow - accompanied by - Tongue] ... mucus; white: (1) Dig. [SKIN - DISCOLORATION - yellow - accompanied by - Tongue] ... white discoloration of the tongue: (4) Iod. MERC. Myric. Nux-v. [SKIN - ERUPTIONS - measles - accompanied by - Tongue; root of] ... brown discoloration; dark: (1) Lach. [SKIN - ERUPTIONS - scarlatina - accompanied by - Tongue] ... black discoloration: (1) Carb-ac. [SKIN - ERUPTIONS - scarlatina - accompanied by - Tongue] ... brown discoloration: (2) Merc. phyt. [SKIN - ERUPTIONS - scarlatina - accompanied by - Tongue - brown discoloration] Tip: (1) Merc. [SKIN - ERUPTIONS - scarlatina - accompanied by - Tongue] ... cracked: (2) Apis Nit-ac. [SKIN - ERUPTIONS - scarlatina - accompanied by - Tongue] ... dryness of tongue: (2) Merc. Nitac. [SKIN - ERUPTIONS - scarlatina - accompanied by - Tongue] ... pale: (1) Ail. [SKIN - ERUPTIONS - scarlatina - accompanied by - Tongue] ... paralysis of tongue: (1) Stram. [SKIN - ERUPTIONS - scarlatina - accompanied by - Tongue] ... swelling: (1) am-m. [SKIN - ERUPTIONS - scarlatina - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of the tongue] dirty tongue: (1) Dig. 94 [SKIN - ERYSIPELAS - accompanied by - Tongue] .. trembling: (1) lach. [SKIN - ERYSIPELAS - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of the tongue: (1) APIS VOCI REPERTORIALI NEL CAPITOLO “GENERALS” [GENERALS - AMEBIASIS - accompanied by] . Tongue; ulcers on: (1) tub. [GENERALS - CANCEROUS affections - epithelioma - accompanied by - Tongue] ... indented tongue: (1) Kali-m. [GENERALS - CANCEROUS affections - epithelioma - accompanied by - Tongue] ... purple discoloration of the tongue: (1) Kali-m. [GENERALS - CHLOROSIS - accompanied by - Tongue] .. pale: (1) Ferr. [GENERALS - CHOREA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. brown discoloration: (1) cupr. [GENERALS - CHOREA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. complaints: (1) caust. [GENERALS - CHOREA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. motion of the tongue; constant: (1) verat-v. [GENERALS - CHOREA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. protruding tongue: (1) sumb. [GENERALS - CHOREA - accompanied by - Tongue - protruding tongue] ... difficulty; with: (1) ars-i. [GENERALS - CHOREA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. roughness: (1) cupr. [GENERALS - CHOREA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. swelling: (3) asaf. Morph. sulph. [GENERALS - CHOREA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. trembling: (1) cupr. [GENERALS - CHOREA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of the tongue: (3) Asaf. cupr. Nat-m. [GENERALS - CHOREA - extending to] . Tongue: (1) cina [GENERALS - CHOREA] - Tongue; with protrusion of: (1) sumb. [GENERALS - CONVULSIONS - epileptic - after epileptic convulsions; complaints] .. injuries of tongue: (1) Art-v. [GENERALS - CONVULSIONS - epileptic - aura] .. Tongue swelling: (1) plb. [GENERALS - CONVULSIONS - epileptic - during epileptic convulsions; complaints - Tongue] ... biting of: (18) absin. anis. Art-v. Bufo camph. Caust. cocc. Cupr. ign. Oena. Op. plb. puls. sec. sil. stram. tarent. valer. 95 [GENERALS - CONVULSIONS - epileptic - during epileptic convulsions; complaints - Tongue] ... swelling of: (1) Plb. [GENERALS - CONVULSIONS - puerperal - accompanied by - Tongue] ... brown discoloration: (2) crot-t. nux-v. [GENERALS - CYANOSIS - accompanied by - Tongue] .. blue discoloration: (3) Dig. helo-s. Podo. [GENERALS - DIABETES MELLITUS - accompanied by - Tongue] .. cracked: (1) bor-ac. [GENERALS - DIABETES MELLITUS - accompanied by - Tongue] .. dry: (1) bor-ac. [GENERALS - DIABETES MELLITUS - accompanied by - Tongue] .. red discoloration of the tongue: (2) bor-ac. Nat-s. [GENERALS - DIABETES MELLITUS - accompanied by - Tongue - red discoloration of the tongue] ... bright: (1) Nat-s. [GENERALS - DIABETES MELLITUS - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of the tongue: (2) helon. uran-n. [GENERALS - DROPSY - external dropsy - accompanied by - Tongue] ... pale: (1) Ars. [GENERALS - DROPSY - external dropsy - accompanied by - Tongue - red discoloration of the tongue] bright red: (1) Ars. [GENERALS - INFLUENZA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. brown discoloration: (1) chel. [GENERALS - INFLUENZA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. cracked: (1) chel. [GENERALS - INFLUENZA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of the tongue: (1) Merc-i-r. [GENERALS - LEPRA - accompanied by] . clean tongue: (1) agar. [GENERALS - MALARIA - accompanied by - Tongue] .. green discoloration of the tongue: (1) Nat-s. [GENERALS - NEUROLOGICAL complaints - accompanied by - Tongue - white discoloration of bgcddcfthe tongue] ... Sides: (1) kali-ar. [GENERALS - PROTRUDING - tongue] . agg.: (3) cist. cocc. Kali-bi. [GENERALS - SWELLING - Glands; of - accompanied by - Tongue] ... white discoloration of the tongue: (1) Bar-m. [GENERALS - SYPHILIS - accompanied by - Tongue] .. swelling: (1) crot-h. 96 [GENERALS - SYPHILIS - accompanied by - Tongue] .. white discoloration of the: (1) phyt. [GENERALS - TOBACCO - agg. - nicotinism - accompanied by] ... Tongue; cracked: (1) nux-v. CONCLUSIONI 97 Quando osserviamo che sulla lingua c'è qualcosa che non va l'approccio più corretto è quello di analizzare questo organo con grande accuratezza e riuscire a classificare secondo più aspetti il quadro presente. In linea generale e per un immediata valutazione elencherò alcuni sintomi e il loro significato clinico. Sono le condizioni che dovrebbero attrarre l'attenzione del medico e indirizzarlo verso la diagnosi corretta. Lingua secca = disidratazione, problemi renali, diabete Lingua pallida = stato di anemia Lingua bianca = malattia infettiva in atto, gastrite, ulcera gastrica Lingua marrone/nero = sviluppo batterico sulla lingua, gastrite, fumo, collutori antibatterici Lingua liscia che ha perso i villi = stato di deperimento, malattia tumorale, malattia del fegato Lingua ingrossata = amiloidosi, sindrome di Down, gigantismo Lingua con le impronte dei denti = stato di tensione psichica, ansia Lingua a fragola = scarlattina Lingua a carta geografica = stato allergico di tipo atopia Lingua urente = stato di depressione psichica Lingua erosa = Lichen orale Lingua con chiazze bianche (leucoplachia) = stato pre-tumorale della lingua Lingua con punti rossi a tipo angiomi = malattia angiomatosa che interessa fegato/polmoni Lingua con la faccia inferiore gialla = inizio di malattia itterica del fegato Lingua scrotale o plicata = stato allergico di tipo atopia Lingua bucata = esiti di piercing che non si possono riparare Lingua gonfia = orticaria in atto per edema allergico Lingua con puntini bianchi = mughetto, stato di immunodepressione Lingua che devia quando viene protrusa = danno neurologico, ictus. BIBLIOGRAFIA 98 1. F.H. Netter. Atlante di Anatomia Umana. Ciba-Geigy Edizioni, 1991 2. E. Lloyd Du Brul. Anatomia Orale di Sicher. Edi Ermes,1988 3. E. Castagnari. Odontoiatria e fiori di Bach. Gieffe Edizioni, 2005 4. F. Montagna, G. Ferronato, F. Martinelli. Patologia orale orientata per problemi: diagnosi differenziale e terapia. Promoass Edizioni, 2000 5. N. Dioguardi, G.P. Sanna. Semeiotica fisica. Testo atlante. Società Editrice Universo, Istituto Biochimico Italiano, 1970. 6. G.F. Klostermann, H. Sudhof, W. Tischendorf. Atlante di diagnostica differenziale. Società Editrice Universo, 1966 7. Dizionario di Medicina- Treccani. 8. J. Meuris. Odontostomatologia Omeopatica: prevenzione e disturbi della bocca e dei denti. Red Edizioni, 1991 9. L.Cappello, G. Bellocchio. La bocca tra psicosomatica e omeopatia. Nuova Ipsa Editore, 2011 10. P. Vakil. Tongue that does not lie.VHP Publisher, 1988 11. F. Schroyens. The Essential Synthesis. Homeopathic Book Publisher, 2007 12. 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