BANDO Master dei Talenti Neolaureati 2014 Scadenza 28 febbraio 2014 Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino Via XX Settembre, 31 - 10121 Torino BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI Art. 1 - Premesse La Fondazione CRT promuove e finanzia un Progetto Integrato sulle Politiche Giovanili, denominato Master dei Talenti Neolaureati, orientato a valorizzare la "risorsa giovani" con particolare attenzione ad attività e iniziative di formazione. Master dei Talenti Neolaureati è finalizzato alla formazione dei giovani presso enti ed aziende all’estero. Con il presente bando si intende: - promuovere e sviluppare le abilità e le competenze professionali dei giovani favorendo la mobilità internazionale; - creare opportunità di formazione al fine di ampliare e sviluppare l’adattabilità anche nella prospettiva di nuove possibilità di occupazione; - far rifluire a livello locale le esperienze e le competenze maturate all'estero. Art. 2 – Il bando La Fondazione CRT pubblica il presente bando finalizzato all’attivazione di tirocini, da effettuarsi all’estero presso le sedi rese disponibili dalle aziende e dagli enti partner. La Fondazione CRT erogherà, a favore dei candidati selezionati per i tirocini di rispettiva competenza, una borsa di tirocinio per tutta la durata del tirocinio stesso. È possibile, qualora si possiedano i relativi requisiti, candidarsi ad un massimo di 5 tirocini. L’elenco dettagliato dei tirocini, con i relativi profili richiesti, è presente nell’ALLEGATO 1 del presente bando. Alcuni tirocini verranno disciplinati dalla L. 24 giugno 1997 n. 196 (e successive modifiche) in materia di promozione dell’occupazione nonché dalla normativa regionale (Regione Piemonte) in materia. Si ricorda, ai sensi dell’articolo 1 del D.M. 142 del 1998, attuativo della legge sopra citata, che i rapporti che i datori di lavoro pubblici e privati intrattengono con i tirocinanti ospitati non costituiscono rapporti di lavoro. Ai rimanenti tirocini verrà applicata la normativa di riferimento del Paese ospitante. Art. 3 -- Soggetti destinatari del bando Sono destinatari del presente bando i cittadini italiani e di Stati dell’Unione europea o di Stati equiparati in virtù di accordi internazionali, nonché i cittadini di Stati non membri dell’Unione europea e non equiparati purché questi ultimi regolarmente soggiornanti in Italia in osservanza delle pertinenti disposizioni vigenti, (quali il dl 286/98 e il dpr 394/99), neolaureati presso: • • • • • • Università degli Studi di Torino Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro” Politecnico di Torino Università della Valle d’Aosta Università di Scienze Gastronomiche Accademie Statali di Belle Arti (del Piemonte o della Valle d’Aosta) e Conservatori Statali di Musica (del Piemonte o della Valle d’Aosta) che rilascino titoli equipollenti a titoli di studio universitari in possesso dei seguenti requisiti: 1) età massima (al momento del conseguimento dell’ultimo titolo di laurea): -24 anni per laureati in possesso di laurea di primo livello (triennale) -27 anni per: laureati in possesso di laurea specialistica/magistrale; laureati in possesso di laurea a ciclo unico 2) voto di laurea non inferiore a quanto indicato nelle singole schede riportanti le caratteristiche di ogni tirocinio (vedi ALLEGATO 1) 2 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 3) data di conseguimento dell’ultimo titolo di laurea non anteriore al 1° gennaio 2013 e non successiva al 28 febbraio 2014 (coloro che dovessero laurearsi nel mese di febbraio 2014 dovranno necessariamente inviare la propria candidatura dopo aver conseguito la laurea e comunque entro la scadenza del bando, in modo da poter indicare con certezza voto e data di laurea. Soltanto coloro che dovessero laurearsi il giorno 28 febbraio 2014 dovranno darne indicazione preventiva via e-mail all’indirizzo [email protected] secondo quanto indicato nelle Domande Frequenti). Non potranno essere accettate le candidature di coloro che si laureino successivamente al 28 febbraio 2014 (detti laureati avranno la possibilità di candidarsi nell’ambito del bando dell’anno successivo). In alcuni casi la data di conseguimento di laurea potrà subire restrizioni, specificamente indicate nella scheda che descrive il singolo tirocinio, in virtù della normativa applicabile al tirocinio stesso; 4) possesso degli altri requisiti indicati nelle singole schede riportanti le caratteristiche di ogni tirocinio (vedi ALLEGATO 1). Non verranno valutate le candidature che non soddisfino i seguenti requisiti: - età, data di laurea e ateneo di provenienza - voto minimo di laurea indicato nella scheda relativa al tirocinio prescelto - conoscenza della lingua o delle lingue straniere segnalate come ‘‘obbligatorie’’ - residenza in Italia (al 28 febbraio 2014) - per i cittadini non comunitari, non saranno ammissibili candidature di soggetti che al 28 febbraio 2014 non siano in possesso di permesso di soggiorno in corso di validità. Tipologia e livello di laurea - ove non diversamente statuito, possono candidarsi ai tirocini sia coloro che sono in possesso di una laurea di primo livello (triennale), sia coloro che sono in possesso di una laurea specialistica/magistrale o di una laurea a ciclo unico; - al contrario, per i tirocini che richiedano (alla voce ‘‘titolo di studio richiesto’’ della scheda) obbligatoriamente una laurea magistrale/specialistica o a ciclo unico, non saranno prese in considerazione candidature di laureati in possesso del solo titolo di primo livello; - si specifica che invece, il corso di laurea e/o il settore di specializzazione richiesti per ogni tirocinio (e indicati nelle singole schede) forniscono un quadro indicativo delle competenze che il candidato deve possedere. In tal senso, nell’ambito della selezione relativa a ogni tirocinio, potranno essere valutati positivamente curricula provenienti da candidati in possesso di lauree differenti rispetto a quelle indicate nella scheda, purché evidenzino caratteristiche coerenti con il quadro di competenze richieste e con gli obiettivi e le attività del tirocinio. In questo caso sarà cura dei candidati illustrare al meglio, nell’ambito del modulo di candidatura, il possesso delle conoscenze necessarie e l’attinenza del proprio profilo a quanto richiesto dalla posizione di tirocinio. Art. 4 -- Borse di tirocinio L’ammontare delle borse di tirocinio si intende onnicomprensivo e al lordo delle ritenute di legge. Sarà cura del candidato che desideri conoscere il trattamento fiscale applicato, nonché l’importo netto della borsa che sarà eventualmente percepita, informarsi a tal fine presso soggetti competenti. In tal senso si ricorda che l’art. 50, c. 1, lettera c) del D.P.R. 917/1986 stabilisce che sono assimilate al reddito da lavoro dipendente ‘‘le somme da chiunque corrisposte a titolo di borsa di studio o di assegno, premio o sussidio per fini di studio o di addestramento professionale’’. La borsa di tirocinio corrisposta dalla Fondazione è da intendersi a copertura del viaggio a/r dall’Italia al Paese in cui si svolge il tirocinio, delle eventuali spese relative alle pratiche burocratiche necessarie per l’accesso/permanenza nel/i paese/i di destinazione (ad es: visti, permessi di permanenza e di lavoro, ecc.) nonché delle spese di vitto e alloggio durante tutto il periodo del tirocinio stesso. Oltre alla borsa possono essere previste per i singoli tirocini alcune agevolazioni offerte dall’azienda presso la quale viene svolto il tirocinio. Tali agevolazioni, se poste a disposizione, sono indicate nelle singole schede sui tirocini contenute nell’ALLEGATO 1. Le borse di tirocinio verranno erogate direttamente ai beneficiari con cadenza mensile, previo ricevimento del foglio mensile delle presenze opportunamente firmato dal tutor aziendale e dal tirocinante. La prima mensilità verrà erogata a conclusione del primo mese di tirocinio. L’ultima mensilità verrà saldata al ritorno del tirocinante, previa consegna degli originali dei fogli di presenza mensili e della relazione finale. 3 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI Art. 5 -- Modalità e termine di presentazione delle candidature Le domande di partecipazione dovranno essere presentate mediante la compilazione on-line dell’apposito modulo (reperibile sul sito della Fondazione CRT e l’invio del modulo cartaceo risultante. Tali modalità (compilazione modulo on-line ed invio modulo cartaceo) devono entrambe essere soddisfatte necessariamente ai fini della validità della candidatura. Il modulo dovrà essere stampato, sottoscritto e inviato entro e non oltre il 28 febbraio 2014 (farà fede il timbro postale), a mezzo di raccomandata (o a mezzo corriere), al seguente indirizzo: Fondazione CRT -- Progetto Master dei Talenti Neolaureati Via XX Settembre 31 10121, Torino Il candidato dovrà aver cura di conservare la ricevuta di invio del plico. Tale ricevuta potrà essere utile a dimostrare la tempestiva spedizione in caso di disguidi postali. Qualora l’invio della candidatura avvenga dall’estero, il candidato dovrà aver cura di utilizzare una modalità di invio del plico che gli/le consenta di conservare una ricevuta di invio. Al fine della candidatura è sufficiente inviare le prime pagine del modulo cartaceo opportunamente firmate, seguendo le istruzioni indicate sullo stesso. Le eventuali correzioni/integrazioni apportate sul formato cartaceo non saranno prese in considerazione. La Fondazione CRT utilizzerà pertanto solo i dati inseriti in formato elettronico. Ciascun candidato potrà procedere all’invio di un solo modulo di candidatura, candidandosi ad un massimo di 5 tirocini. Per una più agevole compilazione della modulistica di candidatura è necessaria la lettura integrale delle ‘‘Domande Frequenti’’ presenti sul sito della Fondazione CRT. Art. 6 -- Modalità di selezione e criteri di valutazione Le candidature saranno analizzate mediante una valutazione complessiva del curriculum vitae. A tal fine, verranno valutate le seguenti voci: qualità del percorso di studi (coerenza del percorso di studi con le attività da svolgersi durante il tirocinio, tipologia degli esami sostenuti, voto degli stessi, titolo e materia della tesi, eventuali specializzazioni, ecc.), precedenti soggiorni all’estero (durata del soggiorno, tipologia e finalità del soggiorno, ecc.), eventuali precedenti esperienze lavorative, numero di lingue conosciute e livello di conoscenza delle medesime (attestato da: soggiorni all’estero, numero di anni di studio, eventuali certificazioni linguistiche, tipologia dell’attestazione, livello della certificazione, eventuale votazione, anno di conseguimento della certificazione, ecc.), conoscenze informatiche (sistemi operativi conosciuti, livello acquisito, applicativi conosciuti, eventuali certificazioni in materia, ecc.), voto di laurea, livello di laurea conseguita (laurea specialistica/magistrale, a ciclo unico, triennale). Non saranno ammessi ricorsi, reclami, richieste di riesame, né altre forme di impugnativa. Ai fini della selezione, i candidati potranno essere convocati per un colloquio motivazionale da aziende/enti che ospiteranno i tirocini. Tale colloquio sarà altresì finalizzato ad accertare la conoscenza effettiva delle lingue straniere. Per questa seconda fase di selezione i candidati saranno tenuti ad attenersi alle indicazioni delle aziende/enti e ai sistemi di valutazione da esse utilizzati. Art. 7 -- Inammissibilità Non verranno valutate le candidature che non soddisfino i seguenti requisiti: età, data di laurea, ateneo di provenienza voto minimo di laurea indicato nella scheda relativa al tirocinio prescelto conoscenza della lingua o delle lingue straniere segnalate come ‘‘obbligatorie’’ residenza in Italia (al 28 febbraio 2014) per i cittadini non comunitari, non saranno ammissibili candidature di soggetti che al 28 febbraio 2014 non siano in possesso di permesso di soggiorno in corso di validità. Non saranno inoltre prese in considerazione le candidature: 4 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI provenienti da soggetti vincitori delle precedenti edizioni dei bandi Master dei Talenti Neolaureati provenienti da soggetti che, nel medesimo periodo di svolgimento del tirocinio Master dei Talenti (cfr. la data di inizio di ciascun tirocinio indicata nelle schede presenti nell’Allegato 1), fruiscano di altre borse erogate per la promozione della mobilità internazionale (ad es. Erasmus, Leonardo), di borse di dottorato, di borse ottenute per la frequenza di un master o di un tirocinio. Il candidato eventualmente selezionato dovrà necessariamente rinunciare a tali borse per il periodo di tirocinio Master dei Talenti (la rinuncia avverrà quando il candidato risulterà vincitore della borsa di tirocinio Master dei Talenti: non occorre rinunciare al momento della semplice candidatura a tale progetto). Non generano incompatibilità le esenzioni dal pagamento delle tasse universitarie per gli iscritti alle lauree specialistiche; provenienti da iscritti al progetto Talenti per l’Impresa 2014 (l’inammissibilità in questo caso è limitata alle posizioni di tirocinio che, in base a quanto indicato nelle schede presenti all’Allegato 1, avranno inizio nei mesi di aprile e maggio 2014); non pervenute attraverso la compilazione dell’apposito modulo on-line; inoltrate con una sola delle modalità (elettronica o cartacea); inviate nella forma cartacea oltre il 28 febbraio 2014 (farà fede il timbro postale); di laureati che nel periodo 1° dicembre 2013 -- 28 febbraio 2014 abbiano intrattenuto un rapporto di lavoro con lo stesso ente/azienda che ha promosso il tirocinio per il quale si candidano. La Fondazione CRT si riserva inoltre di non prendere in considerazione le candidature: non sottoscritte ove richiesto (informativa sulla privacy compresa); pervenute con modulo non compilato correttamente e in ogni sua parte. Art. 8 -- Richiesta di integrazione della documentazione La Fondazione CRT si riserva di richiedere ai candidati documentazione integrativa a supporto delle dichiarazioni riportate ed autocertificate nel modulo di candidatura (certificato di laurea con dettaglio degli esami, fotocopia della carta d’identità, certificato di residenza, permesso di soggiorno, ecc.). Si ricorda che in caso di falsità in atti o dichiarazioni mendaci troveranno applicazione le sanzioni penali previste dalla legge. Le richieste di integrazione verranno effettuate esclusivamente mediante posta elettronica all’indirizzo indicato nel formulario di candidatura dal candidato stesso. La mancata risposta entro 2 giorni lavorativi dall’invio di dette comunicazioni comporterà l’esclusione del candidato. La Fondazione CRT non si assume alcuna responsabilità per i ritardi o la mancata ricezione dovuti a disguidi postali/telematici o ad altre cause non imputabili alla Fondazione stessa. Art. 9 -- Comunicazione e modalità dell’assegnazione Ai vincitori delle borse sarà data comunicazione esclusivamente via posta elettronica (all’indirizzo indicato dal candidato nel formulario di candidatura), alla quale dovrà seguire conferma entro 48 ore dall’invio di detta comunicazione. La mancata risposta comporterà l’esclusione del candidato. Il candidato selezionato dovrà, al fine di perfezionare l’accettazione del tirocinio: - sottoscrivere il regolamento di accettazione della borsa - sottoscrivere la convenzione di tirocinio - produrre tutta la documentazione attestante la veridicità di quanto dichiarato all’interno del modulo di candidatura (ad esempio: certificato di laurea, documento di identità, certificato di residenza). L’elenco degli assegnatari sarà pubblicato sul sito della Fondazione CRT (; la Fondazione pubblicherà l’elenco dei vincitori delle borse. La data di pubblicazione dei risultati varierà in base alle tempistiche di selezione dei singoli enti e aziende. I risultati, pertanto, non saranno pubblicati in un’unica soluzione: la lista dei vincitori verrà aggiornata periodicamente. Non verrà data comunicazione personale ai candidati non selezionati. 5 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI Art. 10 -- Attivazione del tirocinio e della borsa di tirocinio I vincitori delle borse di tirocinio saranno tenuti a collaborare con l’azienda, con l’ateneo, con la Fondazione CRT e con tutti i soggetti competenti per l’espletamento di tutti gli atti di legge o regolamentari necessari all’attivazione del tirocinio stesso. L’attivazione dei tirocini potrà essere oggetto di eventuali limitazioni e/o esclusioni determinate dalla normativa di settore in vigore o da eventuali modifiche della normativa che intercorressero successivamente alla pubblicazione del bando in Italia o nel Paese di svolgimento del tirocinio. Si ricorda che -- a mero titolo di esempio -- i tirocini che si svolgeranno secondo normativa italiana (quali i tirocini che prevedano lo svolgimento di un periodo anche breve in Italia) potranno comportare alcune restrizioni per tutti i candidati (ad es. relative alla data di laurea), nonché ulteriori restrizioni per i cittadini non comunitari. In particolare, lo svolgimento di tirocini potrebbe essere consentito dalla legge solo a coloro i quali siano in possesso di determinate categorie di permesso di soggiorno (‘‘in attesa di occupazione’’, ‘‘motivi familiari’’, ‘‘lavoro subordinato’’, ‘‘lavoro autonomo’’); inoltre (sempre a titolo di esempio) per l’attivazione del tirocinio potrà essere richiesto ai cittadini non comunitari un permesso di soggiorno della durata residua non inferiore alla durata del tirocinio stesso. Sarà onere esclusivo del borsista l’acquisizione dei visti necessari e appropriati a poter svolgere l’attività di tirocinio nel/i paese/i di destinazione. L’effettivo accesso al tirocinio e, correlativamente, la fruizione della corrispondente borsa di studio sono strettamente condizionati alla sussistenza dei requisiti legali, in capo al soggetto richiedente, per potere avere ingresso e potere soggiornare per tutta la durata del tirocinio nello Stato ospite, ai sensi della normativa vigente in Italia e nello Stato ospite. In assenza del conseguimento di tali requisiti entro i primi quindici giorni del mese successivo a quello stabilito per l’avvio del tirocinio per il quale il soggetto interessato ha fatto domanda ed è stato selezionato, ovvero durante tutto lo svolgimento dello stesso, egli decadrà automaticamente e irrimediabilmente da ogni suo diritto in ordine alla partecipazione al tirocinio di cui trattasi e alla fruizione della correlata borsa di studio. A tal proposito si rammenta che alcuni Paesi di destinazione dei tirocini potrebbero, sulla base delle caratteristiche personali del candidato (anche se già individuato come vincitore della borsa), non concedere il visto di ingresso. La Fondazione CRT, pur rendendosi disponibile a produrre documentazione di sua spettanza a supporto della richiesta di visto, non è in alcun modo responsabile dell’esito della pratica di richiesta del visto. Si sottolinea come i cittadini non comunitari vincitori di una borsa di tirocinio nell’ambito del presente bando debbano attivarsi tempestivamente ed in prima persona qualora nel periodo del tirocinio sia necessario il rinnovo del loro permesso di soggiorno in Italia. Potrebbe infatti verificarsi l’impossibilità di nuovo ingresso in Italia al termine del tirocinio. Si ricorda, ad esempio, l’articolo 13 comma 4 del DPR 394/99: ‘‘il permesso di soggiorno non può essere rinnovato o prorogato quando risulta che lo straniero ha interrotto il soggiorno in Italia per un periodo continuativo di oltre sei mesi, o, per i permessi di soggiorno di durata almeno biennale, per un periodo continuativo superiore alla metà del periodo di validità del permesso di soggiorno, salvo che detta interruzione sia dipesa dalla necessità di adempiere agli obblighi militari o da altri gravi e comprovati motivi’’. La Fondazione CRT non sarà in alcun modo responsabile dell’esito della pratica di richiesta del rinnovo del permesso di soggiorno. Si sottolinea inoltre come l’assegnazione della borsa di tirocinio non esoneri i cittadini non comunitari dalla necessità di continuare ad essere in regola, fino a che perdura il soggiorno in Italia, con le norme che regolano il soggiorno stesso. A tal proposito si rappresenta -- a mero titolo informativo - che ai sensi dell’articolo 22 comma 11 bis decreto legislativo 286/98, come modificato dalla legge 99/2013 ‘‘lo straniero che ha conseguito in Italia il dottorato o il master universitario di secondo livello ovvero la laurea triennale o la laurea specialistica, alla scadenza del permesso di soggiorno per motivi di studio, può essere iscritto nell’elenco anagrafico previsto dall’articolo 4 del regolamento di cui al decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 7 luglio 2000, n. 442, per un periodo non superiore a dodici mesi, ovvero, in presenza dei requisiti previsti dal presente testo unico, può chiedere la conversione in permesso di soggiorno per motivi di lavoro’’. Anche in questo caso, l’ottenimento della proroga o della conversione del permesso di soggiorno sarà esclusivo onere del candidato; la Fondazione CRT non sarà in alcun modo responsabile dell’esito delle pratiche inerenti i permessi di soggiorno dei candidati. Si rammenta che i tirocini saranno costantemente monitorati dallo staff del progetto, con l’obiettivo di rilevare eventuali criticità nello svolgimento degli stessi, segnalate dagli enti e aziende di destinazione o dai tirocinanti stessi. I tirocinanti saranno tenuti a informare regolarmente lo staff sull’andamento del tirocinio e a fornire un rapido riscontro in caso di eventuali verifiche. 6 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI È necessaria la piena disponibilità del candidato ad iniziare l’attività di tirocinio nel periodo indicato nelle singole schede poste a bando. Non sarà considerata accettabile la richiesta, da parte del candidato, di procrastinare l’inizio del tirocinio: ciò potrà comportare anche la decadenza dalla qualità di assegnatari della borsa. Si rammenta inoltre che - ai fini del completamento del percorso di formazione - è necessaria la piena disponibilità del candidato per la durata complessiva del tirocinio indicata a bando. In maniera analoga a quanto sopra indicato, richieste in tal senso potranno comportare la decadenza dalla qualità di assegnatari della borsa. La Fondazione CRT si riserva -- nei casi sopra citati e in altri casi - la facoltà di non attivare alcune posizioni poste a bando. Art. 11 -- Responsabilità La Fondazione non potrà in nessun caso essere considerata responsabile per qualsiasi impegno e responsabilità di natura contrattuale o extra-contrattuale che, a qualsiasi titolo, possa derivare dal compimento -- o dal mancato compimento - di attività relative al presente bando. 7 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 1 (PROMOSSO DA AGRIDEA) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante SVIZZERA AZIENDA/ENTE AGRIDEA promotes the sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas. It supports people working in agriculture and rural development in acquiring knowledge, methods and competences that they need to enhance their efficiency, adaptability and quality of life. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO LOSANNA (SVIZZERA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi Acquire knowledge of AGRIDEA structure, organization, place in society and working methods. Be aware of the agricultural production and forage production in Switzerland. OBIETTIVI Be aware of the organization of agriculture in Switzerland. Be aware of policies and practices of agriculture in Switzerland. Be aware of the legislation and administration in agriculture in Switzerland. The aim of this internship is to develop a smartphone application for the recognition of weeds on the fields and of forage plants (in different development stages), to give some advices to the users about the management of the pasture or meadow and to predict the quality of the forage. The computing topics of the development of the App are not part of this task. Office work : data collection, structuring of database, definition of the data working flow, writing reports. Internal tasks: organize meeting and workshop with possible stakeholders, agricultural organizations and teachers ATTIVITÀ give support to others teams Field work: take pictures of different plants in different stages of development Office work: choice of the significant plants collect information about plant determination systems structure the data working flow link between the plants, the development stages and the quality of the forage write reports Occasional help in the normal routine of the office will be required. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.700,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate). DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Maggio 2014 TIROCINIO FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE Facilitazioni per spostamenti in treno DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 8 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Laurea in: Agraria, Biologia. E’ gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: Forestry and Enviromental science, Agronomic science, Botany, forage production and forage value. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Francese scritto e orale: buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del tedesco. Windows Office Good attitude to work with different kind of people (from farmers to chief of administrative governmental department) in a multilingual context. Driving licence Interest in photography Good skills in self-organizing work and teamwork. TIROCINIO 2 (PROMOSSO DA AGRIDEA) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante SVIZZERA AZIENDA/ENTE AGRIDEA promotes the sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas. It supports people working in agriculture and rural development in acquiring knowledge, methods and competences that they need to enhance their efficiency, adaptability and quality of life. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO CADENAZZO (SVIZZERA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ Acquire knowledge of AGRIDEA structure, organization, roles in society and working methods. Acquaint himself/herself with the production, natural and landscapes characteristics of agriculture in Italian Switzerland. Acquire knowledge about production and social organization of farms in the Italian side of Switzerland. Take cognizance of policies and practices of rural development in Switzerland. Take cognizance of the legislation and administration in agriculture in Switzerland Field work: botanical and phenological survey interviews with farmers to determine social tissue, business strategy, internal organization and others technical parameter Office work: database management excel sheet management reports redaction Internal tasks: meeting and workshop organization occasional support to others teams Further surveys on specific parameters will be assigned. Helping in the normal routine of the office will be required AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.300,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio 9 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 FONDAZIONE CRT DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE VOTO DI LAUREA TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate). Maggio 2014 Facilitazioni per alloggio e spostamenti in treno Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 Laurea in: Agraria È gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: agronomy, forestry and environmental science, grazing management, fodder production, livestock science. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. È obbligatoria la conoscenza di almeno una delle seguenti lingue (con livello scritto e parlato buono): inglese oppure francese oppure tedesco Windows Office È inoltre gradita la conoscenza dei seguenti programmi: Sistema GIS Good attitude to work with different kind of people (from farmers to chief of administrative governmental department) in a multilingual context. Driving license and car (if possible). Good skills in self-organizing work and teamwork. TIROCINIO 3 (PROMOSSO DA AGROSCOPE) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante SVIZZERA AZIENDA/ENTE AGROSCOPE is the driving force in agricultural research for sustained economic activity in the agricultural, nutritional and environmental sectors. Agroscope develops scientific knowledge and basic technical principles for agricultural and environmental policy decisions and their legal implementation. Our group works on the development of grazing systems and farming practices that enable competitive livestock production, thanks to high quality fodder produced in an efficient and economical way. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO NYON (SVIZZERA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ The main goals of the internship are: be integrated into a modern and dynamic institution be informed about cattle production systems and grasslands diversity in Switzerland be introduced to research methods used to assess agronomical and ecological values of grasslands be involved in a research team composed by scientists, technicians and students, in partnership with various organisation be involved in a farms and plots network aiming at enhancing the forage autonomy at a regional scale be active in the development of good practices by means of a R&D project conducted in collaboration with the regional agricultural extension office The main activities the intern will carry out are: participation in field trials, such as forage plants varieties testing, grass-legume10 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 mixtures development, characterisation of production and nutritive value of grazed grass, effects of drought on grasslands; participation in trials maintenance: mowing, fertilization, irrigation, installation of vegetable tunnels, collecting weather data participation in fields measurements: botanical surveys, yield assessment, grass height measurements, functional treats and plants collecting, biomass and soil sampling participation in data valorisation (statistical treatment, redaction, communication) participation in data treatment: database updating, statistical analysis, synthesis and figures participation in the organisation of field journeys addressed to farmers participation in laboratory activities: samples treatment, roots scanning, leaf area measurements collaboration with Agridea in Ticino on the development of references and tools laboratory work in Posieux: determination of water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) translation of documents in Italian. The internship will be carried out as part of the research activities of the group. The candidate will be integrated in a 10 person team and associated with various fields experimentation. The trial’s network extends from the lowlands to the mountains at various altitudes and offers a good opportunity to discover the South-Western part of Switzerland. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.100,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate). DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Maggio 2014 TIROCINIO FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE Facilitazioni per alloggio e pasti DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE VOTO DI LAUREA TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 Laurea in: Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences È gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: Grassland, fodder production. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Francese scritto e orale: buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza dell’inglese. Windows Office È inoltre gradita la conoscenza dei seguenti programmi: Sistema GIS Software statisici Good ability to integrate into a team Car driving license Good skills in self-organising and team working TIROCINIO 4 (PROMOSSO DA ASSOCIATION OF FINANCIAL MARKETS IN EUROPE - AFME) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante REGNO UNITO AZIENDA/ENTE ASSOCIATION FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS IN EUROPE AFME is a pan-European trade association which represents the interests of a broad range of global and European participants in the wholesale financial markets. AFME 11 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 plays an important role in discussions about financial regulation in Europe and internationally. AFME has 170 member firms, including the major players in Europe’s wholesale financial markets. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO LONDRA (REGNO UNITO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi The interns will assist AFME experts in a number of legal regulatory and market practice issues surrounding the financial markets in Europe. The intern will have the opportunity to work with experts from member firms (particularly investment banks), regulatory agencies and central banks throughout Europe. The intern will develop an understanding of financial regulation in Europe, how to OBIETTIVI analyse specific regulations and how to prepare and advocate proposals that are consistent with stable and efficient markets. In general, the internship should provide the intern an excellent insight into the major financial markets and institutions in Europe, an understanding of the key regulatory issues, and a good network of contacts in the industry. The intern will participate in internal and external meetings with members and regulators. He she/will also participate in the discussions with members in developing consensus on responses to consultations and in developing market practices. The intern will assist in the development of industry practices and initiatives including potentially carrying out cost and benefits analyses and impact studies of new regulations. The intern will be required to draft and proof read documents, help in preparing presentations for speeches and events. He/she will participate in meetings, events, workshops and draft minutes. The intern will also assist in drafting principles, recommendations and market practices for a variety of financial products. The intern will be involved in the discussions with various members and market participants. ATTIVITÀ The intern will be involved in the activities of the AFME divisions including Advocacy, Credit, Rates, Government Bonds, Securitization, High Yield and Equities. The intern will work in the London office but may be required to travel from time to time. The intern will meet AFME staff and then will be assigned for the six month period to a number of tasks. At the end of the internship there will be a written review of the intern’s performance. Most of the work will be in English; knowledge of other European languages (in addition to Italian) will be welcome as the intern will be able to contribute to drafting communications and documents in the specific language. The Host will decide as to whether the candidate will meet the qualification criteria and may choose not to hire any candidate. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 3.100,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto FONDAZIONE CRT indicate) DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Aprile 2014 TIROCINIO Laurea in: Economics Finance Business studies TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Law Accounting European studies Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Voto minimo di laurea: VOTO DI LAUREA 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicofarmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 12 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline LINGUE STRANIERE Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese. CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Office ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE The preferred candidate is likely to: enjoy working in teams and using his/her own initiative; be comfortable with technical material and take responsibility for their learning and development; have an interest in a career in finance and/or regulatory affairs. TIROCINIO 5 (PROMOSSO DA ATiT) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante BELGIO AZIENDA/ENTE ATiT is an audio-visual and information technologies company specialising in the integration of Information and Communications Technologies in the Educational and Cultural sectors. Based in Belgium since 1999, ATiT operates with a small full-time staff and a network of associates in different parts of Europe. ATiT offers project management, technology integration and consultancy services in the educational and training sector to a variety of clients, partners and organisations. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO ROOSBEEK (BELGIO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ To gather experience on working on transnational projects related to the promotion of media as a way to support learning. To find out more about the operation of European collaborative activities in the domain of education and multimedia including the organization of events and conferences. To explore the use of social networking tools to promote activities, to support events and to create communities within the area of educational multimedia using viral networking. To gain intercultural experiences. The intern will work to support ATiT staff and partners in the realization of several activities related to the annual MEDEA Awards, see This is an annual competition to recognize excellence in the use of media to support learning and attracts about 150 entries each year from different European countries. A new project to expand MEDEA to other language communities and to extend the reach of the awards generally has been launched in late 2010 called MEDEA2020 which includes several new activities including the creation and support of a community of practice around MEDEA as well as resources useful for people interested in finding out more about the use of media to support learning. The intern will be contributing proactively to these activities: To support the MEDEA team including project partners in putting in place a viral networking scheme to promote the MEDEA Awards and linked activities (conference, workshops, newsletter) in English. To provide Italian language support to identify relevant news in Italian, to prepare press releases and other materials in Italian and to moderate the Italian community within the online MEDEA community of practice. To support the judging and selection process of the MEDEA Awards including the online support service provided to the 70+ person judging team. To promote the MEDEA Awards and associated activities to the Italian speaking community, helping to recruit judges, finding appropriate promotional partners 13 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE VOTO DI LAUREA and generally promoting the awards to the Italian speaking world and to find ways of promoting and marketing the MEDEA Awards and the Media and Learning Conference in innovative ways. To help identify suitable resources for inclusion in the MEDEA resources database including resources in Italian. ATiT is a small team with 5 full time staff as well as a range of associated and partners. The Intern will be expected to work somewhat independently and to be prepared to work on his/her own initiative at times or on particular tasks. He/she will also be expected to help out in general activities when and where such an occasion arises and although normally no over-hours work is required, on certain special occasions like, for example, the Media & Learning Conference, the Intern will be expected to work alongside the other ATiT staff. In terms of location, ATiT is located about 10 kms outside the university city of Leuven on a direct bus route. 1.800,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate) Maggio 2014 Free staff canteen Benefits for the use of public transport by bus Bicycle use Mobile phone First month free housing, extensible until the intern has found suitable housing Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 Laurea in: Communications, new media or related studies È gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: Marketing, applied ICT, new media and TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO multimedia, press, communication, international relations. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) LINGUE STRANIERE Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza dello spagnolo. Office È inoltre gradita la conoscenza dei seguenti programmi: Illustrator CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Photoshop Facebook Twitter Social, teamworker, responsive, responsible. ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Good understanding of new media (web, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Linkedin, etc.). Creative with communications, enthusiastic, fast thinking, meticulous, accurate, discreet. 14 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 6 (PROMOSSO DA ATiT) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante BELGIO AZIENDA/ENTE ATiT is an audio-visual and information technologies company specialising in the integration of Information and Communications Technologies in the Educational and Cultural sectors. Based in Belgium since 1999, ATiT operates with a small full-time staff and a network of associates in different parts of Europe. ATiT offers project management, technology integration and consultancy services in the educational and training sector to a variety of clients, partners and organisations. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO ROOSBEEK (BELGIO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ To gather experience on working on transnational projects related to the promotion of media as a way to support learning. To find out more about the operation of European collaborative activities in the domain of education and multimedia including the organization of events and conferences. To explore the use of social networking tools to promote activities, to support events and to create communities within the area of educational multimedia using viral networking. To gain intercultural experiences. The intern will work to support ATiT staff and partners in the realization of several activities related to the annual MEDEA Awards, see This is an annual competition to recognize excellence in the use of media to support learning and attracts about 150 entries each year from different European countries. A new project to expand MEDEA to other language communities and to extend the reach of the awards generally has been launched in late 2010 called MEDEA2020 which includes several new activities including the creation and support of a community of practice around MEDEA as well as resources useful for people interested in finding out more about the use of media to support learning. The intern will be contributing proactively to these activities: To support the MEDEA team including project partners in putting in place a viral networking scheme to promote the MEDEA Awards and linked activities (conference, workshops, newsletter) in English. To provide Italian language support to identify relevant news in Italian, to prepare press releases and other materials in Italian and to moderate the Italian community within the online MEDEA community of practice. To support the judging and selection process of the MEDEA Awards including the online support service provided to the 70+ person judging team. To promote the MEDEA Awards and associated activities to the Italian speaking community, helping to recruit judges, finding appropriate promotional partners and generally promoting the awards to the Italian speaking world and to find ways of promoting and marketing the MEDEA Awards and the Media and Learning Conference in innovative ways. To help identify suitable resources for inclusion in the MEDEA resources database including resources in Italian. ATiT is a small team with 5 full time staff as well as a range of associated and partners. The Intern will be expected to work somewhat independently and to be prepared to work on his/her own initiative at times or on particular tasks. He/she will also be expected to help out in general activities when and where such an occasion arises and although normally no over-hours work is required, on certain special occasions like, for example, the Media & Learning Conference, the Intern will be expected to work alongside the other ATiT staff. In terms of location, ATiT is located about 10 kms outside the university city of Leuven on a direct bus route. 15 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE VOTO DI LAUREA 1.800,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate) Novembre 2014 Free staff canteen Benefits for the use of public transport by bus Bicycle use Mobile phone First month free housing, extensible until the intern has found suitable housing Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 Laurea in: Communications, new media or related studies È gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: Marketing, applied ICT, new media and TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO multimedia, press, communication, international relations. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) LINGUE STRANIERE Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza dello spagnolo. Office È inoltre gradita la conoscenza dei seguenti programmi: Illustrator CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Photoshop Facebook Twitter Social, teamworker, responsive, responsible. ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Good understanding of new media (web, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Linkedin, etc.). Creative with communications, enthusiastic, fast thinking, meticulous, accurate, discreet. TIROCINIO 7 (PROMOSSO DA AUTOSTRADE PER L’ITALIA SPA) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante ITALIA/FRANCIA O POLONIA O BRASILE O CILE OPPURE INDIA AZIENDA/ENTE Autostrade per l’Italia is owned 100% by Atlantia, holding company with responsibility for portfolio strategies in the transport and communications infrastructure and network sectors, and is Italy’s largest toll motorway builder and operator, which together with its wholly owned concessionaires is one of the leading players in Europe. Recent acquisitions selectively increased Atlantia’s international presence in France, Brazil, Chile, Poland and India. SITI WEB - SEDE DEL TIROCINIO ROMA (ITALIA) 1 MESE CIRCA, e una tre le seguenti sedi: PARIGI (FRANCIA), KATOWICE (POLONIA), SAN PAOLO (BRASILE), SANTIAGO (CILE) o MUMBAI (INDIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI Conoscenza dei processi e delle dinamiche interne della società e degli elementi essenziali del ruolo ricoperto e conoscenza degli strumenti operativi di lavoro. Acquisizione di competenze tecnico professionali: capacità di analisi, pianificazione e organizzazione del lavoro, predisposizione di reportistica di unità organizzativa. Sviluppo di competenze trasversali: capacità di interagire con interlocutori interni/esterni nello svolgimento del proprio ruolo predisposizione al lavoro in team, sintesi e organizzazione. Consolidamento delle conoscenze specialistiche, dell’uso di pacchetti applicativi, e delle 16 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 conoscenze linguistiche. The intern will be included in the Communication and Marketing department based in Paris (qualora il tirocinio si svolga in Francia). The main tasks the intern will carry on are: create with the com agency, adapt all communication documents to the French services; help to organize events (tradeshow, press conference, etc); ATTIVITÀ optimizing all communication with the French market and also to foreign clients concerning the French project; being interface between communication agencies and the newspapers for the advertisement campaign (corporate, service campaign); optimize the company’s vision on the market; help the Agents Networks in their communication. In base alla sede estera definita, l’importo lordo mensile sarà il seguente: 2.350,00 € per AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI Francia (Parigi), 1.750,00 € per Polonia (Katowice), 2.300,00 € per Brasile (San Paolo), TIROCINIO MESSA A Cile (Santiago), India (Mumbai). DISPOSIZIONE DALLA Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, FONDAZIONE CRT alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate) DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Giugno 2014 TIROCINIO Laurea ottenuta a partire dal 1° luglio 2013 DATA DI LAUREA TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO VOTO DI LAUREA LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Tale restrizione si rende necessaria in virtù di quanto statuito ai sensi della LR 34/08 artt. 38 - 41. “Provvedimento di attuazione dei tirocini formativi e di orientamento, tirocini di inserimento/reinserimento e tirocini estivi. Attestazione delle attività svolte e delle competenze acquisite dai tirocinanti", che prevede che l’attivazione del tirocinio formativo (che si svolga in parte in Italia o che comunque sia sottoposto alla normativa italiana di settore) avvenga non oltre dodici mesi dal conseguimento del relativo titolo di studio. Il presente tirocinio sarà infatti regolato dalla normativa italiana e regionale (Piemonte) in materia di tirocini. Laurea in: Ingegneria Economia Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicofarmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese. Costituirà titolo preferenziale il possesso di un’attestazione di conoscenza linguistica. Office Proattività e propositività, atteggiamento flessibile. Orientamento all’obiettivo. Spiccate doti relazionali. Capacità di analisi e problem solving. 17 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 8 (PROMOSSO DA COMITATO COLLABORAZIONE MEDICA - CCM) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante ETIOPIA AZIENDA/ENTE Comitato Collaborazione Medica is an Italian Non Governmental Organisation dedicated to improving health of communities in low income countries, by ensuring adequate health care services and improved living conditions. CCM is currently operating in Burundi, Mali, South Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Somalia. CCM operates through humanitarian interventions for the survival of vulnerable groups and in support of local partners for health system development. The main activities of CCM consist in rehabilitating health facilities, providing medical and nursing staff, local staff’s training, procuring drugs, vaccines, medical and surgical equipment. CCM operates to prevent diseases, ensure access to care and improve health, through the implementation of medical and surgical services, vaccination of women and children, screening of risk pregnancies, communicable diseases control, health education, and provision of safe water. Guiding principles of the organisation are the values of solidarity and equity, acceptance of the different cultures, enhancement of human resources and promotion of selfdevelopment regardless of religious believes, nationality or social status. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO ADDIS ABABA / GOBA (ETIOPIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ The main goals of the internship are: To become familiar with project cycle management. To know development cooperation principles, tools and get acquaintance with relevant actors in the Ethiopian context, including International donors. To acquire field experience in development projects management and activities implementation. To develop project design and monitoring skills. To develop assessment and evaluation skills. To develop basic administrative skills. To acquire good knowledge of health systems in poor resource settings and of relevant social actors (local authorities, local NGOs, Community Based Organizations, Faith Based Organizations, political parties) and structures (families, traditional networks, religious groups), as well as believes and costumes related to health seeking behaviors, especially in reproductive health. The main activities the intern will carry out are: Support the Project coordinator in implementing all project activities Support project staff in the administration of the project Support CCM staff in new proposals development in the area Supervise and coordinate all activities related to a specific component Specific tasks that the intern will carry out: Draft/revise action plans Draft/revise project reports Draft/revise budgets and financial reports Organise events Write minutes of meetings Participate to field monitoring missions Conduct field assessment Draft new project documents Draft procurement documents 18 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Support field administration Develop communication material (articles, photos and videos) The intern will report to the Project Coordinator and coordinate with project staff. The internship will start with an induction session. CCM Country Representative in Ethiopia will introduce the intern to the country organisation in order to get good knowledge of CCM, clarify the internship objectives and methods of collaboration, and will monitor the level of participation to CCM activities. CCM Regional Health Advisor will provide background information on the health system and health situation in Ethiopia. CCM administration in Ethiopia will brief the intern on the most relevant administrative procedures. Monthly meetings with the Project Coordinator and Country Representative will be held to analyze the internship experience in order to identify potential problems and revise the plan. A final evaluation of the experience will be shared with CCM supervisors and staff in Ethiopia. The commitment is of 8 hrs per day, five days a week. Distance support will be provided by CCM Ethiopia Desk Officer. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.200,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate). DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Giugno 2014 TIROCINIO Laurea ottenuta a partire dal 1° luglio 2013 DATA DI LAUREA FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO VOTO DI LAUREA LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Tale restrizione si rende necessaria in virtù di quanto statuito ai sensi della LR 34/08 artt. 38 - 41. “Provvedimento di attuazione dei tirocini formativi e di orientamento, tirocini di inserimento/reinserimento e tirocini estivi. Attestazione delle attività svolte e delle competenze acquisite dai tirocinanti", che prevede che l’attivazione del tirocinio formativo (che si svolga in parte in Italia o che comunque sia sottoposto alla normativa italiana di settore) avvenga non oltre dodici mesi dal conseguimento del relativo titolo di studio. Il presente tirocinio sarà infatti regolato dalla normativa italiana e regionale (Piemonte) in materia di tirocini. Facilitazioni per l'alloggio Laurea in: Political Science, Economics, Social Sciences, Medicine, Development studies È gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: Development Cooperation, Public Health, Project Cycle Management Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree disciplinari: agraria, chimicofarmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline Inglese scritto ottimo, orale buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Windows Web/E-mail Excel/Calc Collaborative, independent, flexible and patient. Available to live in an African rural setting, to travel to remote areas and to accept temporary adverse living conditions. 19 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 9 (PROMOSSO DA BNP PARIBAS CARDIF) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante FRANCIA AZIENDA/ENTE BNP Paribas Cardif insures and protects people, their families and their property through its products and services in savings and protection. BNP Paribas Cardif is a subsidiary of BNP Paribas, one of the world's most highly rated banks. The Group operates in more than 80 countries and employs nearly 200,000 staff. France, Italy, Belgium and Luxembourg are its four domestic markets, although its many core businesses give it a presence throughout Europe. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO NANTERRE (FRANCIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi The intern will integrate Cardif HO Global Marketing team covering retail banking in Europe and Asia. The team works for several countries, performing strategic marketing analysis with the objective to find new market opportunities and develop new and innovative offers in two domains: savings (life insurance) and protection (life and non life). The main objectives of the internship are: OBIETTIVI build up a comprehensive knowledge of the insurance business; provide a large overview of the marketing activity in the countries involved; become familiar with the tools that help the function to perform the job; being able to collaborate in the development of the strategic marketing activity; acquire an extensive expertise on the savings and retirement product range; develop the relationship with other functions and our partners. In close collaboration and with the help of the tutor, the intern will be involved in a marketing project regarding customer data analysis and segmentation in European countries, through: the use of a large marketing studies & intelligence library, in order to start learning on the strategic marketing topics; the overview of the main competitors marketing activities; the understanding of the main customers trends; the development of the customer base segmentation and targeting in the countries; the analysis of all the products and services marketed in the countries involved, in order to increase the technical skills; the positioning of dedicated offers for the main customer segments. ATTIVITÀ The main tasks the inter will carry on are: weekly activity reports; customer data reports; ad hoc market and product analysis; team reports to the top management; presentations for the marketing meetings and committees. The internship objective is to help the candidate developing all the skills and attitudes needed to perform the job and to become more independent and value adding during time. The ability of the intern to understand and handle with the marketing topics, the focus, the proactivity and the capacity to be positive and innovative, are the critical success factors to make this experience remarkable and help the candidate in the career development, inside or outside of the company. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.350,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto 20 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 FONDAZIONE CRT indicate) DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO Maggio 2014 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO VOTO DI LAUREA LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Laurea in: Economia Statistica Ingegneria Gestionale È gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: Business Administration, Data Management. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicofarmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline Inglese scritto e orale: buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Francese scritto e orale: buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Office È inoltre gradita la conoscenza di Visual Basic e di R. TIROCINIO 10 (PROMOSSO DA CENTRE SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE DU BATIMENT - CSTB) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante FRANCIA AZIENDA/ENTE CSTB is a French public research center specialized in construction and building (100 M€ turnover in 2012, around 900 people). CSTB develops large public-private research programs on materials, buildings, environment, energy and city organization, etc. It is in charge of developing and validating innovation, it plays a role of bridge between research and industry. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO CHAMPS-SUR-MARNE, PARIS (FRANCIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ The objective of the internship is to elaborate a typology of French non-residential buildings (tertiary sector), according to a number of parameters impacting on energy consumption: branch of activity (office, trade, education, health, etc.), type of building, size, age, heating energy and system, quality of insulation, climate, etc. For each type of building, we should evaluate a mean energy demand (total and by use) and define an elementary program of energy refurbishing. Then we should approximate the number of each defined type in the total non-residential building stock. This typology would serve as elementary input to model energy consumption of buildings stocks and it would provide some tools to design public policies on energy efficiency in tertiary sector. In particular, CSTB is expected to help the ministry of energy to design a so called “refurbishing obligation” which should become compulsory to any tertiary building before 2020. The intern will be in charge of elaborating the typology of tertiary buildings: methodology, characterisation of different types of buildings, evaluation of their energy consumption and their program of works, estimation of their representativeness in the buildings stock. The intern will have to make a large review of studies CSTB has done on the tertiary buildings, in order to elaborate the typology. He will try to duplicate on tertiary sector the same methodology CSTB has used to elaborate a typology of residential buildings: identify the parameters impacting on energy consumption, select a set of data to 21 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 represent the building, evaluate its energy consumption and define an elementary program of refurbishing The intern will also analyse different national surveys on tertiary sector to estimate the energy consumption of the different types and their representativeness in the buildings stock. The intern will work very closely with a PhD student in charge of modelling the French tertiary building stock and its energy consumption. The typology the intern will elaborate will be a direct input of the model. The results of the typology and the model of tertiary buildings stock could be published in a scientific paper. It would be an interesting output of the internship. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.100,00 € mensili lordi TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto FONDAZIONE CRT indicate). DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Maggio 2014 TIROCINIO Laurea magistrale/specialistica o a ciclo unico (non saranno ammesse lauree triennali) in: Architecture Construction Economics TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Energy management Engineery Physics Statistics Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicoVOTO DI LAUREA farmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline Francese scritto: discreto e orale: buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è LINGUE STRANIERE obbligatoria). Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza dell’inglese. CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Office Skills for research and analysis, team work and communication. TIROCINIO 11 (PROMOSSO DA COTY GENEVA SA) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante SVIZZERA AZIENDA/ENTE Coty was founded in Paris in 1904 by François Coty, a visionary in the perfume industry. Today, Coty is a new emerging leader in beauty with a portfolio of well-known brands in the three segments of Fragrances, Color Cosmetics and Skin & Body Care. Our Top 10 brands, which we refer to as power brands, are Adidas, Calvin Klein, Chloé, Davidoff, Marc Jacobs, OPI, Philosophy, Playboy, Rimmel and Sally Hansen. Coty’s entrepreneurial culture is driven by a spirit of “FASTER. FURTHER. FREER” that gives us the agility to make fast decisions, push boundaries and support creativity. We are a truly global player with about 10,000 employees, offices in more than 30 countries a strong presence in over 130 countries and territories. Our principal executive offices are located in New York. Our leaders and talent make a huge difference in all of our work. From the development of an idea for a product, to the distribution at the end of the value chain, we have the people that push us faster, further and freer into the future and drive our success as a company. 22 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO VERSOIX (SVIZZERA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi As integral part of the Worldwide Procurement Organization based in Geneva, the Intern will: OBIETTIVI Lead specific projects related to global procurement, from ideation to execution Support global procurement Director Raw Materials With the aim to fully integrate in the procurement structure and workflow. Lead saving projects implementation globally, working closely with all functions and suppliers concerned Conduct Industry and business needs analysis and recommend sourcing strategy for specific Categories as needed Consolidate and analyse data, and recommend allocation for RFQs (Request for Quote) as needed Support global Supplier Segmentation work Lead global BCP project for Ingredients Lead global DSR consolidation project, from RFQ to recommendation to execution Support Global Procurement Director Raw Materials in the daily work needed to manage the global Category Tasks that the intern will specifically carry on, not exhaustive list below. Supply Base segmentation: Draft and align process with global category leader Define business needs with Research and Development Draft aligned message to supply base and engage suppliers ATTIVITÀ Map Innovation and commercial offers from supply base Recommend segmentation Industry / Market analysis for Pigments: Study the materials production process Align with R&D on their business needs and market study Analyse the market dynamics and main players Engage the main players with RFIs Consolidate and make a recommendation on the suppliers to engage with in the future Create a ONE format across Fragrance suppliers for: Price List Sales report Lead BCP project: Analyse and recommend best scenarios and risk associated Get stakeholder alignment Implement through local organization Extend to all EU sites including UK AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 3.100,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE Fitness center in the building for free DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Giugno 2014 TIROCINIO Laurea in: Economics and any scientific degree (Chemistry, Physics, Math, Engineering, etc.) TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Voto minimo di laurea: VOTO DI LAUREA 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimico23 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 farmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline LINGUE STRANIERE Inglese, scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese. CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Office ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE The candidate must possess excellent communication/ collaboration/leadership skills. Ability to deal with complex situations and drive to solutions, ability to lead others, ability to collaborate and help grow other people’s capability, ability to be in touch with the organization, work with discipline. All these skills will be evaluated through the standard Coty interview process. The candidates should know that Coty could potentially be interested in turning the internship into a permanent contract position at the end of the internship. Therefore we expect candidates to be interested in a career in Coty and available to remain beyond the duration of the internship. TIROCINIO 12 (PROMOSSO DA COTY GENEVA SA) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante SVIZZERA AZIENDA/ENTE Coty was founded in Paris in 1904 by François Coty, a visionary in the perfume industry. Today, Coty is a new emerging leader in beauty with a portfolio of well-known brands in the three segments of Fragrances, Color Cosmetics and Skin & Body Care. Our Top 10 brands, which we refer to as power brands, are adidas, Calvin Klein, Chloé, Davidoff, Marc Jacobs, OPI, Philosophy, Playboy, Rimmel and Sally Hansen. Coty’s entrepreneurial culture is driven by a spirit of “FASTER. FURTHER. FREER” that gives us the agility to make fast decisions, push boundaries and support creativity. We are a truly global player with about 10,000 employees, offices in more than 30 countries a strong presence in over 130 countries and territories. Our principal executive offices are located in New York. Our leaders and talent make a huge difference in all of our work. From the development of an idea for a product, to the distribution at the end of the value chain, we have the people that push us faster, further and freer into the future and drive our success as a company. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO VERSOIX (SVIZZERA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ As integral part of the Worldwide Procurement Organization based in Geneva, the Intern will: Lead specific projects related to global procurement, from ideation to execution Support global procurement Director Raw Materials With the aim to fully integrate in the procurement structure and workflow. Lead saving projects implementation globally, working closely with all functions and suppliers concerned Conduct Industry and business needs analysis and recommend sourcing strategy for specific Categories as needed Consolidate and analyse data, and recommend allocation for RFQs (Request for Quote) as needed Support global Supplier Segmentation work Lead global BCP project for Ingredients Lead global DSR consolidation project, from RFQ to recommendation to execution 24 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Support Global Procurement Director Raw Materials in the daily work needed to manage the global Category Tasks that the intern will specifically carry on, not exhaustive list below. Supply Base segmentation: Draft and align process with global category leader Define business needs with Research and Development Draft aligned message to supply base and engage suppliers Map Innovation and commercial offers from supply base Recommend segmentation Industry / Market analysis for Pigments: Study the materials production process Align with R&D on their business needs and market study Analyse the market dynamics and main players Engage the main players with RFIs Consolidate and make a recommendation on the suppliers to engage with in the future Create a ONE format across Fragrance suppliers for: Price List Sales report Lead BCP project: Analyse and recommend best scenarios and risk associated Get stakeholder alignment Implement through local organization Extend to all EU sites including UK AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 3.100,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE Fitness center in the building for free DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Dicembre 2014 TIROCINIO Laurea in: Economics and any scientific degree (Chemistry, Physics, Math, Engineering, etc.) TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicoVOTO DI LAUREA farmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline Inglese, scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) LINGUE STRANIERE Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese. CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Office ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE The candidate must possess excellent communication/ collaboration/leadership skills. Ability to deal with complex situations and drive to solutions, ability to lead others, ability to collaborate and help grow other people’s capability, ability to be in touch with the organization, work with discipline. All these skills will be evaluated through the standard Coty interview process. The candidates should know that Coty could potentially be interested in turning the internship into a permanent contract position at the end of the internship. Therefore we expect candidates to be interested in a career in Coty and available to remain beyond the duration of the internship. 25 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 13 (PROMOSSO DA EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF SERVICE PROVIDERS FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES - EASPD) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante BELGIO AZIENDA/ENTE EASPD is the European Association of Service Providers for persons with Disabilities. It's a non profit, membership based organisation, representing support services for disabled people across Europe. EASPD's activities are built around 3 main pillars: "policy impact" - monitoring European policies, lobbying European institutions, producing policy papers; "innovation" - by developing and participating in international projects; "information provision" to our membership. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO BRUXELLES (BELGIO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi The aim of the internship is to offer exposure to European projects and European policies in the social field, to the workings of EU level institutions, to the management and coordination of EU funded projects, and to the workings of an international, OBIETTIVI membership based organisation. The intern will work in close relationship with the policy and project officer and play a key role in supporting the policy objectives of the organisation. The main activities of the internship will be: Research on policy issues, mainly in the field of European social policy, social services of general interest, disability, anti-discrimination and human rights; Drafting articles for the organisation’s newsflashes and newsletters; drafting reports; Contributing to the drafting of policy papers; Planning and organisation of policy events, such as meetings and seminars; Support in administrative duties arising from such activities; Support in activities related to EU funded projects carried out by the policy and by the project officer. Specific tasks that the intern will carry out in relation to the above mentioned activities are as follows: Administrative work linked to the projects (review of finances, checking the respect of deadlines and classify incoming inputs from project partners); Coordinate the organisation of events (drafting the agendas, contacting ATTIVITÀ potential speakers, preparing and implementing the promotion of events, liaising with subcontractors and ensuring a proper logistical organisation); Draft synthesis and scenarios helping the project manager to take appropriate decisions: Desktop research on specific thematic fields, in order to provide inputs related to developments in EU policies; Participation in drafting project deliverables (newsletters, reports, presentations, etc.); Draft articles for the newsflash and update the organisations's website with relevant information. The standard working hours at EASPD are 38h per week. We are a small, international office (currently 8 staff members and 4 interns). The atmosphere is very friendly and stimulating. The intern will have the opportunity to participate in meetings, thus being exposed directly to work carried out at European level. The intern will work in close cooperation with his tutor(s), who will offer guidance and support and will have a real opportunity to contribute to the work of our organisation. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 1.900,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, 26 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate) VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Laurea magistrale/specialistica, o a ciclo unico (non saranno ammesse lauree triennali) in: Communication sciences Economics Political Sciences Social Sciences È gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: International policies, EU affairs, Communication, Project management. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti LINGUE STRANIERE Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese Costituirà titolo preferenziale il possesso di un’attestazione di conoscenza linguistica (CAE/CPE - DELF/DALF) CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Maggio 2014 Office Ability to work as part of a small team, and able to show initiative. Good communication skills and interpersonal attitude. Ability to respect deadlines and to work under pressure. Sense of diplomacy. TIROCINIO 14 (PROMOSSO DA EUROPEAN DATAWAREHOUSE GMBH) Per questa posizione saranno selezionati 2 tirocinanti GERMANIA AZIENDA/ENTE European DataWarehouse GmbH (ED) is a groundbreaking company that was created with the support of the European Central Bank (ECB) and global investors to respond to the need for full disclosure to investors in asset-backed securities (ABS). ED is a cornerstone for the restoration of confidence in the ABS market, providing a central European repository and data handling infrastructure. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO FRANCOFORTE (GERMANIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ The purpose of the internship is to get involved in the European DataWarehouse activities and in particular to help building validation rules for a unique database with loan-by-loan information across asset classes and jurisdictions for structure finance transactions. The selected candidate, depending on the specific skills, will be trained and involved in the interaction with ED client base but more importantly the analysis and review of the loan-level data for internal and external statistical purposes. This person will also be involved in the on-going propriety software application and product development. Help analysing the financial instruments performance database to fully leverage the information to the benefit of our customers. Assist in the development of ED’s products and ensure effective service delivery to investors, issuers, loan data providing banks and other interested parties. The internship will be carried out over the course of the normal business hours at the ED office in Frankfurt am Main. 27 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO VOTO DI LAUREA LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE 1.800,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate) Giugno 2014 Laurea in: Computer science Economics/financial Math Statistics Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicofarmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) È richiesto il possesso di un’attestazione di conoscenza linguistica (TOEFL). Office È inoltre gradita la conoscenza dei seguenti programmi: Visual Basics for Applications (VBA) Ms Dynamics Web tech (HTML, XML, Soap) Power shell Excellent communication skills, team spirit, high dedication, attention to detail, willingness to learn and proactive attitude. The candidate may be required to travel from time to time and to work long hours and weekends if required. TIROCINIO 15 (PROMOSSO DA EUROPEAN FOUNDATION CENTRE AISBL - EFC) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante BELGIO AZIENDA/ENTE Established in 1989, the European Foundation Centre (EFC) is an international membership association of foundations and corporate funders. In 23 years our membership has grown steadily from an initial group of 7 founding members to +200. All priorities and activities planned for 2014 fall within the main programmatic priorities of the Centre: Making the sector’s voice heard in Europe; Boosting the professional skills of foundation staff and boards; Building networks for like-minded organisations; Telling the story of European philanthropy; Philanthropy House – an initiative of the EFC. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO BRUXELLES (BELGIO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI The intern will gain knowledge about the work and activities of foundations, the philanthropic sector and Philanthropy in Europe in general The intern will gain practical experience by working in a multi-lingual international association (Currently there are 17 different nationalities represented amongst the EFC staff). 28 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 ATTIVITÀ AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE The intern, located in the brand new premises of the EFC, Philanthropy House, will support two departments of the EFC: the Membership Department ( including building relationships with the diverse membership base of the centre and making sure they can fully benefit from the range of services offered by the EFC); and Knowledge and Information Department( including researching foundations’ programmatic and operational work and responding to information requests) The intern will work in the Membership Department of the EFC and will support the Knowledge and Information Department with some specific tasks. The Membership Department is in charge of developing and implementing an annual membership recruitment and retention strategy. In order to update member profiles, the intern will also search on the web, index profiles and edit the EFC databases. Collect information on (potential) members ( in different languages) Support staff with the organisation of the annual Conference (15-17 May, Sarajevo) Support the EFC Italian membership when needed ( in Italian) Deal with information requests related to membership and general EFC activities Assist the information officer with the maintenance of the member profiles in the EFC databases (CRM) Assist the membership officer with work related to membership recruitment/ member involvement (statistics/research) etc Some general administrative work ( coverage of reception , set up meeting rooms etc) The ideal candidate should be an enthusiastic and creative all-rounder with a keen interest in the philanthropic sector. A candidate with good social skills and an interest in information management would be the perfect match. 1.900,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate) Benefit per l’uso dei trasporti pubblici Copertura parziale di un corso di lingua Un volo a/r Torino – Bruxelles. DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO Maggio 2014 VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Laurea in: Communications Humanities Languages Social sciences Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti LINGUE STRANIERE Inglese scritto e orale: molto buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza di altre lingue parlate all’interno dell’Unione Europea. Costituirà titolo preferenziale il possesso di un’attestazione di conoscenza linguistica. CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Office Adaptability, flexibility and sociability. Good analytical and organisational skills. We will ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE also appreciate a proactive, resourceful and dynamic person willing to learn and to work in an international environment. Open-minded all-rounders. 29 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 16 (PROMOSSO DA EUROPEAN PARTNERSHIP FOR DEMOCRACY - EPD) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante BELGIO AZIENDA/ENTE The European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) is an independent European non-profit organisation based in Brussels supporting democratic transformations outside the European Union. As a network of European civil and political society organizations working on democracy assistance, EPD advocates for a stronger presence of democracy support on the European Union's agenda and facilitates the knowledge sharing and the exchange of good practices in democratic transformations around the world. We do this through innovative methodologies based on the development of effective partnerships with organisations in third countries, and through the facilitation of political and social dialogue. EPD network is conceived as a Community of Practice, a group of organizations, which share a concern for a specific policy field/domain and who interact regularly to learn how to do it better. An essential component of EPD intervention is dissemination and advocacy in Brussels and in EU Member States, to open both a window of opportunity for local actors to influence policy making but also to channel knowledge and experience from the local to the national to the international decision makers and stakeholders. EPD actions on the ground are designed to deliver democratic support in an effective, timely and flexible manner. This mandate is structured by the following defining elements: Facilitating inclusive dialogue between politica1 and civil society; Contributing to the establishment of a virtuous cycle of participation cooperation and accountability; Enabling the interaction between various actors in complex political and institutional settings along the principles of domestic ownership, coordination and complementarity; Supporting capacity development of local political and social actors; Stimulating peer-to-peer and horizontal co-operation. EPD is currently operating in Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Ghana and Zimbabwe. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO BRUXELLES (BELGIO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI The objective of the internship programme is to train young professionals about to enter the job market in EPD’s values, methodologies and practices. In order to improve the intern’s personal capacities and skills, a specific programme will be developed in cooperation with the selected candidate based on his specific academic background and expectations. Subsequently, the intern will be involved in all the EPD’s fields of work (project management/development, communication/advocacy, finance/administration) assisting directly EPD’s staff in their daily duties. The internship at EPD’s secretariat will allow the selected candidate to get acquainted with all the phases of the project management, from conception to funding to evaluation. Furthermore, the intern will become familiar with the EU institutions and actions, with a particular focus on the EU’s democracy assistance policy. The intern will have the possibility to improve his knowledge on the democracy’s assistance methodologies and on the political situation of the countries of interest to EPD, which include all the nations that are facing a period of transformation towards democracy. Finally, the intern will get acquainted with the daily activities of a Brussels based organisation, such as drafting newsletter, organisation of meetings with EU officers, participation in EU events, organisation and implementation of advocacy campaigns. 30 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Project development/management: assisting the Project Manager in the management of the EPD's projects and in the development of new projects. The tasks may include: review of the funding opportunities, drafting concept note, organisation of travels, meetings or events related to the projects, monitoring financial reporting. Communication/advocacy: assisting the Communication Officer in the implementation of the communication strategy and in the organisation of advocacy campaign. Tasks may include: drafting newsletters and official communications, drafting policy papers and other informative material, editing the website content. Administration and management: assisting the Finance and Administration Manager in his daily duties. The tasks may include: accounting, administration of the human resources, legal and institutional monitoring. The specific internship's programme will be agreed with the selected intern during the first days of the internship based on his/her experiences, academic background and expectations, but also on the specific activities the organisation needs to be implemented in that moment. The intern may be requested to: conduct research and monitor funding opportunities with major multilateral and bi-lateral donors; conduct research and draft briefings on major developments on EU relations and opportunities in the various regions of interest ATTIVITÀ for the EPD; assist the EPD staff in the elaboration of concept notes and project proposals: background research and analysis; assist in the organisation and implementation of programme activities, such as practical organisation of events, working travel, institutional meetings; assist with the elaboration of reports and other programme related documents; assist communication with partner organizations and multilateral and bi-lateral donors, drafting official communications/letters; assist the Finance Manager with the review of the projects' financial reports - verify the compliance of the invoices sent by our partners with the rules specified by the subvention contracts signed with our donors; assisting in developing and implementing the EPD communication strategy – editing EPD's visibility tools (website, Facebook page, official templates); draft and proofread external communication material: policy briefings, newsletter, official invitations; develop and maintain the EPD's contacts database; assist in setting up and maintaining EPD processes and systems including internal communication; assisting the financial administration of the organisation review of the financial report and accounting; updating the EPD team's calendar of events; assisting with such administrative tasks as office management, and preparing for seminars. The intern will be part of a small international team, therefore he/she will have to be proactive and assume substantial responsibilities when dealing with his/her tasks. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 1.900,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, TIROCINIO MESSA A alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto DISPOSIZIONE DALLA indicate) FONDAZIONE CRT DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE Maggio 2014 Pass per i mezzi pubblici Rimborso pasti VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Laurea in: Humanitarian Studies International Communication International Relations Political Science È gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: Human Rights, European Studies. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti LINGUE STRANIERE Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese. 31 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Office Ability to work in an international team, flexibility, independent, innovative ideas, proactive approach. We would take into consideration people with different educational background but with a strong commitment and interest to EPD working areas (e.g. underlined in their final dissertation, trainings or studies, or previous working experiences). We do not look for an expert who is ready to enter into the job market but for a person who is willing to learn and to understand. TIROCINIO 17 (PROMOSSO DA EUROPEAN VENTURE PHILANTROPY ASSOCIATION - EVPA) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante BELGIO AZIENDA/ENTE EVPA is an association for organizations who work in venture philanthropy or who are interested in working in venture philanthropy. Venture philanthropy is a methodology that works to build stronger social purpose organisations by providing them with both financial and non-financial support in order to increase their social impact. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO BRUXELLES (BELGIO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ The objective of the internship is for the intern to build a solid knowledge base in the Venture Philanthropy (VP) industry. The Knowledge Centre (KC)is the hub for European knowledge and thought leadership on venture philanthropy. It produces research and collects data on VP practices in Europe, develops training workshops and coordinates knowledge exchange. The intern is expected to carry out the activities set out below and produce high quality results, including VP organisations, foundations, private equity firms, banks, consultants and other advisors, and business schools. The aim is for the intern to be proficient in research and analysis of VP processes and procedures and to have developed in-depth knowledge of the VP industry in Europe by the end of the internship. EVPA is a small organisation and for that reason, the intern is expected to grow quickly in the role as research analyst, taking on increasingly demanding tasks, showing initiative and taking ownership of his or her actions. As an analyst of the EVPA Knowledge Centre, the intern will contribute to building the knowledge of the VP industry by collaborating with the Research Director. Concrete activities will include : Producing research reports on topics related to VP, examples being how to measure social performance, how to invest in social enterprises, etc. Specific tasks include performing desk research, conducting interviews, collecting relevant data from academic and practitioner publications, writing and revising reports. Building an VP industry database. Specific tasks include revising survey, disseminating the survey among EVPA members and beyond, collecting data and analysing results. Keeping abreast with the latest developments in the VP industry by screening the internet for new publications and uploading them on the EVPA website Inputting content and assisting in the preparation of workshops organised for EVPA members Linking up wit reserachers in business schools and consultancies across Europe to keep a continuous dialogue on VP-related topics Assisting the Research Director with any other tasks that are performed in the KC or in EVPA general 32 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Specific tasks that the intern will carry out: Performing desk research, conducting interviews, collecting relevant data from academic and practitioner publications, writing and revising the reports Revising industry database survey, disseminating the survey among EVPA members and beyond, collecting data and analysing results Screening the internet for new publications and uploading them on the EVPA website Inputting content and assisting in the preparation of workshops organised for EVPA members Linking up wit researchers in business schools and consultancies across Europe to keep a continuous dialogue on VP-related topics Assisting the Research Director with any other tasks that are performed in the KC or in EVPA general AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 1.900,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Giugno 2014 TIROCINIO VOTO DI LAUREA TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 Laurea in: Business or Economics È gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: statistics, marketing, strategy Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Costituirà titolo preferenziale il possesso di un'attestazione di conoscenza linguistica. Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese. CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Pacchetto Office ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Good communication skills, team player, capacity to work independently TIROCINIO 18 (PROMOSSO DA EUROPEAN VENTURE PHILANTROPY ASSOCIATION - EVPA) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante BELGIO AZIENDA/ENTE EVPA is an association for organizations who work in venture philanthropy or who are interested in working in venture philanthropy. Venture philanthropy is a methodology that works to build stronger social purpose organisations by providing them with both financial and non-financial support in order to increase their social impact. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO BRUXELLES (BELGIO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI The objective of the internship is for the intern to build a solid knowledge base in the Venture Philanthropy (VP) industry. EVPA is a unique network of over 160 venture philanthropy (VP) funds and others committed to promoting high-engagement philanthropy in Europe. EVPA is a young and small organisation, and as such, we highly value the contribution of each team member. Therefore, working for the EVPA provides the opportunity to play an important role in the development of VP in Europe 33 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 ATTIVITÀ The intern is expected to grow quickly in his role as communications and events assistant, taking on increasingly demanding tasks, showing initiative and taking ownership of his or her actions. As a communications and events assistant , the intern will contribute to the general communication and building of the knowledge of the VP industry by collaborating with the Communications&Events coordinator and our Membership Services Director. Concrete activities will include : You will assist in all our communication activities, including : newsletter, updating the EVPA website and social media (LinkedIn and Twitter). More precisely, you will help us in the promotion of our different small events, our training center and our Annual Conference. You will assist in the implantation of our new strategic communication plan You will support staff in their preparations for the many upcoming events (such as country meetings, site visits, Annual Conference and the Young Leaders Forum) You will assist in membership acquisition and market development, for example by conducting research on possible member organizations and new markets. Assist staff with administrative and other tasks that are performed in EVPA general Specific tasks that the intern will carry out: You will assist in all our communication activities, including : newsletter, updating the EVPA website and social media (LinkedIn and Twitter). More precisely, you will help us in the promotion of our different small events, our training center and our Annual Conference. You will assist in the implantation of our new strategic communication plan You will support staff in their preparations for the many upcoming events (such as country meetings, site visits, Annual Conference and the Young Leaders Forum) You will assist in membership acquisition and market development, for example by conducting research on possible member organizations and new markets Assist staff with administrative and other tasks that are performed in EVPA general AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO 1.900,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione. VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE Maggio 2014 Laurea in: Marketing or Communications È gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: marketing, strategy Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Costituirà titolo preferenziale il possesso di un'attestazione di conoscenza linguistica. Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese. CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Pacchetto Office ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Good communication skills, team player, capacity to work independently. You are an avid user of social media and eager to promote Venture Philanthropy on a variety of social platforms. 34 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 19 (PROMOSSO DA EVERIS SPAIN SLU BELGIO) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante BELGIO AZIENDA/ENTE Everis is a company offering business and strategy advice, solutions integration, technological applications maintenance and outsourcing services. Our consulting firm works within different sectors. In everis the most important thing is people -and their allround development. Currently, Everis has operations in 11 countries worldwide, and a professional staff of over 12.000 people. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO BRUXELLES (BELGIO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi With the internship in the Accounting department the intern will have the possibility to learn closely the accountancy process of the Belgian branch of Everis Spain. According to the needs of the organization: the intern will perform different tasks helping closely the Accountant. The mail role that the intern will perform includes: Support in Accounting and Management Control Reporting to Treasury Department Specific tasks that the intern will carry out: Performing accounting services: input of the outgoing and incoming invoices, bank statements, petty cash, salaries, depreciations, accruals. Analysis of clients ATTIVITÀ and suppliers accounts. Permanent records establishment and maintenance, providing accounts statements to the mother company in Spain Analysis of the trial balance reviews to ensure that the Balance Sheet accounts are reconciled on a timely manner Monitoring of intercompany invoicing, payables, receivables and the cash flow with payments and collections Performing monthly reports: reporting according to Spanish GAAP, reconciliation of the current account between Belgium and the head office in Spain, follow up of the budget, analysis and comment of discrepancies. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 1.900,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Aprile 2014 TIROCINIO OBIETTIVI VOTO DI LAUREA TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 Laurea magistrale/specialistica, o a ciclo unico (non saranno ammesse lauree triennali) in: Business administration or economics Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese. Powerpoint/Impress Word/Writer Excel/Calc Communication skills Positive attitude Analitic/Organizational skills Capacity of teamwork Good knowledge of Excel 35 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 20 (PROMOSSO DA EVERIS SPAIN SLU BELGIO) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante BELGIO AZIENDA/ENTE Everis is a company offering business and strategy advice, solutions integration, technological applications maintenance and outsourcing services. Our consulting firm works within different sectors. In everis the most important thing is people -and their allround development. Currently, Everis has operations in 11 countries worldwide, and a professional staff of over 12.000 people. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO BRUXELLES (BELGIO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI The contract management assistant will provide support on administrative tasks required to manage existing Framework Contracts with European Institutions. Specific tasks that the intern will carry out: Daily contact with consultants: Collect and record information (performance forecast) and documentation (Timesheets, Invoices, etc.) Check documentation is correct Invoicing: Follow up fulfillment of invoicing terms for all specific contracts Calculate relevant amount for invoices Generate invoicing events Provide justifying and cover documentation related to invoices ATTIVITÀ Work ordering: Collect and record work ordering requests Forward to recruiting team and/or partners Collect proposals, check their quality, adapt to established format if necessary and send them to Customer Collect and record specific contracts CV: Analyze IT CVs received and adapt in format if necessary Update CVs from current consultants and/or candidates Support on meetings: scheduling, taking minutes, etc. Other administrative tasks: filing, document edition, etc. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 1.900,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Aprile 2014 TIROCINIO VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Laurea in: Business administration Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze 36 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese. Powerpoint/Impress Word/Writer Excel/Calc The selected candidate must be responsible, persistent, methodical and with high attention to details. He/she should have good communication skills, especially in written (e-mail) and be assertive. He/she should be capable to properly deal with different cultures and nationalities. Good commands on Office tools (Excel, Word, Powerpoint). He/She will have to learn how to use some internal IT tools. High level in English and French will be an asset. TIROCINIO 21 (PROMOSSO DA EVERIS SPAIN SLU BELGIO) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante BELGIO AZIENDA/ENTE Everis is a company offering business and strategy advice, solutions integration, technological applications maintenance and outsourcing services. Our consulting firm works within different sectors. In everis the most important thing is people -and their allround development. Currently, Everis has operations in 11 countries worldwide, and a professional staff of over 12.000 people. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO BRUXELLES (BELGIO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI Support in the planning and coordination process of public procurement for different Framework contracts at the European Institutions and Agencies. Analysis of future bidding opportunities and partnerships. Main activities: Tender Planning for partners, managers and responsible for its execution. Relationship with partner (meeting organization with consortium partners) Management of reporting of documentation Design of proposal structure and image of the consortium. Video of executive summary Closing process. Specific tasks that the intern will carry out: Public procurement for framework contracts at the European Institutions Tender Planning for partners, managers and its execution Gathering official certificates Management and reporting of documentation Relationship with partners CV preparation for the compliance of the proposal Design of proposal structure and image of the consortiums Closing process AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 1.900,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio ATTIVITÀ 37 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO Aprile 2014 VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Laurea in: Business administration È gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: European studies Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese. Powerpoint/Impress Word/Writer Excel/Calc Quality and goals-oriented, willingly adapts to constantly changing circumstances. Good knowledge of Excel, word and power point. TIROCINIO 22 (PROMOSSO DA FPT INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES S.A.) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante FRANCIA AZIENDA/ENTE Engines manufacturer with 3 main productive plants within France Country SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO BOURBON LANCY (FRANCIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI To give the possibility to the intern to approach operative effects of a testing tool To lead a project of analysis and testing efficiency To improve knowledge of different plant departments interaction and complex manufacturing structure objectives To implement tool parameters analysis To search for solutions to make the machines more selective on testing performance To manage communications with production line workers/Plant Technical Support/Maintenance verifying effective results in the field ATTIVITÀ Specific tasks to be carried out: To seek effective solutions to improve specific machine quality test efficiency To gain conceptual operative tools that allow the person: 1. To perform an analysis of the actual status of a machine test efficiency 2. To collect information and points of view of different departments engaged on tools performance 3. To improve testing performance 1.800,00 € mensili lordi. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e TIROCINIO MESSA A alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio DISPOSIZIONE DALLA A/R per il paese di destinazione. FONDAZIONE CRT 38 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO Maggio 2014 VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE Laurea magistrale/specialistica, o a ciclo unico (non saranno ammesse lauree triennali) in: Engineering E’ gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: Mechanical Engineering Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Francese scritto e orale: molto buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza dell'inglese. CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Office ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Our graduate should be proactive and driven by an intercultural approach. He/she should have a real passion for engines and desire to gain real experience in manufacturing activities and dynamics. Full availability to national and international mobility in the future is an asset. TIROCINIO 23 (PROMOSSO DA FONDAZIONE INTERCULTURA E AFS INTERCULTURAL PROGRAMS, INC. - NEW YORK) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante USA AZIENDA/ENTE AFS is and international exchange organization for secondary school students and young adults with more than 50 Partners offices around the world that organize intercultural learning experiences that help people develop the knowledge, skills, and understanding needed to create a more just and peaceful world. Founded by volunteer ambulance drivers following World War II and sustained to this day by an international cadre of tens of thousands of volunteers, AFS has transformed the lives of millions of students, families, and individuals in communities around the world. AFS Intercultural Programs, Inc. is the umbrella organization for the AFS worldwide network. Since 1980, the Archives of the American Field Service and AFS Intercultural Programs (AFS Archives) has been a repository an a center of research on the history of AFS by scholars, students, and the AFS Network. Please see the AFS Archives Web site at archives. SITO WEB (head organization) archives (AFS Archives, where the internship will take place) SEDE DEL TIROCINIO NEW YORK (NY, USA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI The AFS Archives has a treasure trove of one hundred years’ worth of historic material related to AFS’s wartime volunteer ambulance and camion corps and the post-war international exchange programs. Although the Archives already processes research requests for all these collections, the documents and photographs have great of potential that is not fully realized because sections are not sufficiently organized or available to researchers, the public, and the AFS Network that consists of more than fifty partners worldwide. The results from having the documents and photographs organized and available includes reconnecting former participants to the AFS community, promoting current programs, and documenting AFS’s role as an international, educational organization that promotes intercultural understanding, a value that is indispensable in today’s world. This is especially important as we commemorate the centennial of the founding of the American Field Service, the predecessor to AFS, in 2014-2015 with exhibitions and other events. 39 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 The main activities the intern will carry out are: Detailed processing (arrangement, description, and preservation) of the Student Programs series of the AFS International Records Preserving and creating accessibility to unique photographic material related to the history of AFS. Promotion of and advocacy for AFS, including the newly-digitized photographic material, both internally and externally. Remote reference for historic archival collections documenting the AFS student exchange programs, for use by researchers around the world. Specific tasks that the intern will carry out: Survey historic documents related to the AFS student programs, develop a detailed processing plan, begin the arrangement and preservation of the series, create a finding aid, and catalog the finding aid in an archival database. Work with key items of interest from the photographic collections in the AFS Archives, digitze them (as needed), preserve the digital formats, develop related ATTIVITÀ archival metadata, and create accessibility to the material in internal and external databases. Write articles and produce “Items of the Month” for the AFS Archives Web site and the AFS World Café, and carry out internal and external publicity campaigns using social media and other outlets regarding the availability of AFS archival material and its potential use in exhibitions, publications, and other related projects. This activity will create a greater awareness of AFS history through the original artifacts, allowing staff in the AFS Network to use the material for promotion of and understanding of the AFS exchange programs, particularly in their ongoing preparation for the centennial of AFS. Research archival material of the AFS Archives to assist researchers from around the world with their requests for information found only in the AFS Archives. Requests for information range from basic data research or photograph identification to complex inquiries for academic researchers. Use documents, photographs, audio-visual material, and memorabilia to discover and present information to a variety of researchers in a concise yet informative way. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 3.300,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate). DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Luglio 2014 TIROCINIO FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE Copertura dei costi per l'ottenimento del visto. DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Laurea in: Humanities, Arts and Sciences, Library of Archival Science, Museum Studies Richieste specifiche per la posizione: It is strongly recommended that the candidate have a strong academic background in liberal arts and sciences courses, including coursework in disciplines such as history, archives, library science, or museum studies. Experience working with historical documents or records is desirable, but not required. Experience with digitization (whether digital preservation, digitizing records, or describing digital records) is preferred. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Windows Word/Writer Excel/Calc 40 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE The candidate must be organized and able to work independently, be flexible in a demanding work environment, and be reliable and responsible. The candidate must also have the ability to communicate clearly and effectively verbally and in writing. Knowledge of other languages used within the AFS Network is helpful but not required. TIROCINIO 24 (PROMOSSO DA FONDAZIONE INTERCULTURA E EUROPEAN FEDERATION FOR INTERCULTURAL LEARNING) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante BELGIO AZIENDA/ENTE EFIL is the umbrella organisation of AFS Organisations in Europe. Its Members are European, volunteer-based associations which organise long and short term intercultural stays for young people in a worldwide network. The main activities of EFIL’s Members are: international stays abroad for young people; the development of educational methods and materials particularly aimed at establishing a link between exchanges and school curricula; intercultural training. The Federation is a key player in Europe in the field of intercultural learning. Its main activities focus on further developing this expertise, as well as supporting and developing its Member Organisations by setting up trainings, sharing of know-how, fundraising and lobbying. EFIL executes programmes and projects for and with the support of the European Union, the Council of Europe and other international organisations. The Secretariat is based in Brussels and comprises of a team of 5 professionals and a variable number of volunteers. The language of communication is English. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO BRUXELLES (BELGIO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ The intern for New Partner Development is generally responsible for activities that support the establishment and development of new Partners or representations in countries to enlarge the working scope of the Federation. EFIL’s project for 2013-2020 will be to strengthen the newly established AFS structures in the Balkan region (Serbia, Croatia, Slovena and Bosnia-Herzegovina) and to establish permanent volunteer organisations for pupil exchanges in Bulgaria, Romania, the United Kingdom and Ireland. EFIL believes that this project would help European integration in our region; that it would favour a dialogue with the educators of those countries; that it would enhance international understanding. It would foster the goals of citizenship education in an international context and – in due time – it would provide Europe with a new wave of young citizens who are at ease with foreign languages and different cultural habits and who can act as links between the different lifestyles of our continent. Please note that not all the activities below will be applicable to all the countries mentioned above, as the development of AFS structures in each of the countries is in a different phase. Also, all tasks are executed in cooperation with and under the supervision of EFIL staff responsible for new partner development. 1. Feasibility studies 2. Establishing a local volunteer organisation 3. Prepare for pupil exchanges 4. Launch of sending programmes 41 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 5. Establishing permanent management structures and inclusion in AFS network Specific tasks to be carried out: 1. Feasibility studies Preparation feasibility studies establish contacts for visits: Min. of Education/Culture/Youth, National Agency, embassies, teacher associations, school authorities, ngo/non-profit organisations draft a programme for a visit research: internet, literature, statistics, existing studies, communication with EFIL member organisations and existing local contacts, etc. preparation of questionnaires and other tools to collect the required information Feasibility visits Travel to assess possibilities for the establishment of pupil exchanges and to identify potential cooperation partners or individuals for programme assistance in recruitment, selection and orientation of future participants. This visit will include visits to Ministries (Education, Youth, Culture, …), National Agencies, embassies, teacher associations, school authorities, local ngo’s and non-profit organisations, specific contacts, etc. Feasibility reports Compilation of collected materials into a pre-designed template with a comprehensive overview of the relevant facts, statistics, information, etc. 2. Establishing a local volunteer organisation National coordinators and mentor organisations Set up an outreach structure and work with a “national developer” who will act as main contacts for EFIL throughout the development process. Search for and appoint established European AFS organisations to act as Mentors for the future organisations in the ‘new’ countries. Trainings and meetings for volunteers Provide training to the national developers and available groups of local volunteers, in cooperation with the EFIL Training Coordinator(s); involve schools and school authorities, teachers associations, etc. Set up individual and group meetings. Register local volunteer organisations Create core structures of national volunteer organisations in the four countries; discuss and prepare by-laws with national developers and local volunteers; hold informal assemblies and elect a national board and chair of volunteers. Register as volunteer organisations (legal structures). 3. Prepare for pupil exchanges Promotion through networking Network with teacher associations in the ‘new’ countries and plan regional secondary school teacher seminars Disseminate information about exchange programmes (year and trimester) in secondary schools in each country. Set up local chapters Work with volunteers to set up local chapters; have by-laws approved and membership established. Fundraising Explore local funding opportunities for scholarships (corporate sector, foundations, embassies, etc.). Explore European funding opportunities for trainings, seminars, meetings, projects (European institutions, etc.). 4. Launch of sending programmes Campaigning Coordinate the launching of a campaign in schools to attract candidates for pilot programmes (short term, trimester and year exchanges). Support the development of promotional materials, flyers, printed matters, etc. 42 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Promote the new destinations with existing network partners. Selections Coordinate the running of selection sessions with volunteers (and teachers) and forward applications to host countries. Host family finding Coordinate the contacts with schools, families of candidates and other groups and individuals to find host families for incoming students Coordinate the interview families with the volunteers. Trainings and orientations Coordinate the running of training workshops on hosting and counselling foreign students with volunteers and teachers. Coordinate the orientation courses for departing students. 5. Permanent management structure and inclusion in AFS network Management structure Plan for the organisation of a general assembly to assess the results of the first exchanges and to decide on the future national management. Prepare for the design and installation of a permanent management structure. Launch hosting programmes Prepare for the arrival of foreign students for the year and trimester programmes. Look into and prepare for language and orientation courses. Monitoring Plan a monitoring and evaluation scheme for the programme implementation in the new partner countries. Prepare the assessment of the long term sustainability of exchanges with new regions and partners. Assist established network partners in integrating the new partners into their business processes. The intern for Partner Development is employed by EFIL in a full time position (37.5 hours a week). The intern for Partner Development reports to the Secretary General, and works in close collaboration with the EFIL Coordinator for Partner Development. The position involves international travel and multiple stays abroad, with focus on Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia and Croatia. Il progetto potrà prevedere alcune missioni: un massimo di 3 voli/viaggi con altri mezzi sono coperti dalla borsa di tirocinio della Fondazione CRT; le eventuali altre missioni saranno coperte da Efil. Le spese di vitto e alloggio durante le missioni internazionali sono in tutti i casi coperte da Efil. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.100,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Settembre 2014 TIROCINIO Laurea in: A wide range of degrees can be considered, including international relations, political sciences, social sciences, communication, anthropology, economics, TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO languages, pedagogics, law, arts, etc. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicoVOTO DI LAUREA farmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline LINGUE STRANIERE Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). 43 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Windows Web/E-mail Office Strong communications skills in an international setting, including ability to build working relationships across the network. Ability to work cooperatively as well as capability to work independently in multiple parallel, simultaneous projects. Basic knowledge to conduct research as well as market surveys, and utilize the information. Ability to compile collected materials and information in a comprehensive report. Knowledge of processes and dynamics of student exchanges. Understanding of the European Union and its impact on the field of youth educational and mobility issues. Experience with volunteer-driven and volunteer-based organisations. Prepared to live in Brussels or surroundings. Previous participation in exchange programmes such as those offered by AFS / Intercultura Italia will be an advantage. TIROCINIO 25 (PROMOSSO DA FONDAZIONE INTERCULTURA E AFS INTERCULTURAL PROGRAMS) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante AUSTRIA AZIENDA/ENTE Within our global network, AFS Austria pursue our mission by providing quality intercultural learning opportunities for a growing number of young people, families, and schools, thus developing an inclusive community of global citizens determined to build bridges between cultures. Real-life experiential learning, supported by structured reflection, is the core of our programs. We endeavor to link our intercultural learning opportunities to the defining global issues facing humanity. We reach out to past, current and future participants, volunteers and other stakeholders using the media and technology they use. Volunteers and volunteerism are who we are. Our organization brings about changes in lives through and for our global community of volunteers. We are recognized as en educational organization by schools and the appropriate authorities. As a learning organization, we welcome change and critical thinking. We are innovative in advancing the strategic directions, working together with others whenever appropriate. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO VIENNA (AUSTRIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ More and more of our stakeholders, i.e. current and former AFS program participants, schools and educational audiences are interested in the manifold ways in which intercultural competencies can be acquired via the means of individual pupil exchanges. That’s why the main objectives of the intern shall aim at improving the already existing as well as helping to improve the promotion of the AFS intercultural learning approaches The main activities the intern will carry out: Help to organize intercultural learning training that is being offered by AFS Austria Organize and run presentations about the AFS intercultural learning approaches at schools educational fairs, information evenings for potential participants and their parents together with well trained volunteers Update the already existing school database 44 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Update the already existing AFS stakeholder database Specific tasks that the intern will carry out: The intern will have to communicate directly with the AFS stakeholders as well as newly interested audiences and invite them to information events all over Austria (via phone and e-mail). The intern shall also collect the feedback that is being received and follow up accordingly. The intern will have to update the already existing database of the schools that are collaborating with AFS, The intern will have to update the already existing database of our stakeholders The intern will have to contact schools (all over Austria) in order to enable AFS to present our ICL approaches and the idea of individual pupil exchanges personally during school visits. The intern shall also collect the feedback that is being received and follow up accordingly. The intern will help with the logistics when it comes to trainings (1 – 2 days long) being offered to AFS stakeholders and will also be present at the respective events/activities. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 1.800,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Settembre 2014 TIROCINIO VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Laurea in: All humanities and linguistic degrees Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Inglese scritto e orale molto buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Tedesco scritto e orale molto buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Office Grafica The intern is expected to be able to adjust to and cope with a professional working environment. TIROCINIO 26 (PROMOSSO DA FUNDACIÓN DE LA INNOVACIÓN BANKINTER) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante SPAGNA AZIENDA/ENTE The Foundation's mission entails generating and consolidating innovation in the Spanish business world, in support of its ongoing commitment to bringing long-term value to all groups, but especially to entrepreneurs and those who have an impact on economic change. The Foundation strives to stimulate wealth creation in the Spanish business environment by seeking knowledge networks that promote tangible innovation anywhere in the world and that anticipate new trends. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO MADRID (SPAGNA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi 45 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Integrate into the team and participate actively in all phases of the Akademia program with special focus on Akademia-1 pilot, with the evolution of Khan Academy and the OBIETTIVI Akademia program itself. Helping to create a new way to teach different issues at schools. Main activities of the internship: Assist to the Akademia program Manage and coordinate the Program Akademia-1 pilot Research on Educational Innovations methodologies At Akademia Program: Prepare materials for the program diffusion in universities and social media Pre-selection of CVs of participants. Assist in preparation of sessions Quality control of sessions ATTIVITÀ Akademia web contact manager Community management Within the Akademia-1 pilot: Coordinate the Program Akademia-1 Monitor Project status and support reporting Define and development Collaboration Agreement Define and executive marketing strategy and planning Participate in design and delivering training activities Define and design cycle of training programs. 1.800,00 € mensili lordi. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, TIROCINIO MESSA A alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto DISPOSIZIONE DALLA indicate) FONDAZIONE CRT FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO VOTO DI LAUREA LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Un volo a/r Torino – Madrid. Maggio 2014 Laurea in: Social studies È gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: Education e Project Management. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicofarmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Spagnolo scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Office Organized, communication skills. Motivated and interested in being part of a small fast moving organization. 46 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 27 (PROMOSSO DA GATEWAY NATIONAL RECREATION AREA) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante STATI UNITI AZIENDA/ENTE Gateway National Recreation Area is 26,000 acre National Park that provides opportunities for exploration, recreation and enrichment to millions of visitors, including students, each year in New York and New Jersey. Part of the National Parks of New York Harbor, Gateway NRA is known throughout the world for its sites connected with aviation and military history, as well as precious coastal wetlands that provide urban habitat for threatened species of birds and marine life. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO STATEN ISLAND, NY (STATI UNITI) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ Gateway National Recreation Area is unique in that its 26,000 acres of wild and open space are set against the skyline of New York City. An intern at Gateway and the National Parks of New York Harbor will have the opportunity to work at some of the most beautiful, as well as historically and culturally significant sites in the world. In a city with nearly 8.5 million people speaking as many as 800 different languages, opportunities abound for work in communications outreach, education and marketing. Internship objectives: Introduce the intern to the National Park Service mission, resources and diverse audience in an urban area Broaden the National Parks of NY Harbor reach through distance learning, social media and innovative approaches Consider and offer ideas to making connections between US National Parks especially those in the NYC area to National Parks in Italy Experience these world famous sites under working circumstances by participating in day-to-day operations and special events Assist Gateway in shaping and expanding a vibrant and robust internship program of national and international scope Deliver interpretive and education programs to visitors and organized groups (K – college) on natural and cultural history topics at the Gateway National Recreation Area (GATE) Assist NPS staff and partners in developing and presenting distance learning programs about the National Park Service and Gateway National Recreation Area. Programs will connect school students to the resource of GATE Assist NPS staff in overseeing local college interns in a civic engagement project that connect diverse individuals with the National Parks; specifically to introduce them to heart healthy exercise and lifestyle. Activities to be conducted will include hiking, sailing, kayaking, camping, cycling and nature study. Assist in photo and video documentation of park programs for presenting via social media Specific tasks include: Present interpretive and education programs with focus on major park themes Help facilitate outdoor recreation and physical fitness programs; activities will include hiking, sailing, kayaking, orienteering, camping, cycling and nature study Assess existing park website to make it more accessible and appealing to an international audience Help develop plan that will connect Gateway and local National Parks in NYC with National Parks in Italy Photodocument public programs, activities and special events held in Gateway 47 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Engage visitors via the park website via journaling, blogging, tweeting, etc. Document the internship curriculum (including special projects, protocols, outcomes, etc.) to serve as a record and reference for the future international intern program Show work experience gained during the internship through oral and/or artistic presentation at Gateway venues Assist park staff with graphic design and development of outreach and marketing materials Assist park in outreaching to Italian-American communities in and around Gateway NRA Intern will be stationed at the Interpretation and Education Center at Gateway's Fort Wadsworth on Staten Island. Intern living quarters and meals will also be provided in the park on Staten Island, but day-to-day assignments within Gateway may require travelling by public transportation and/or government vehicle. They will have contacts at park sites in Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and New Jersey. Intern will be mentored throughout the internship period and will be evaluated at three months and six months. 2.500,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate) Shared Park Housing Metrocard Giugno 2014 Laurea in: Education Communication Recreation and Tourism Arts Sciences Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicoVOTO DI LAUREA farmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). È richiesto il possesso di un’attestazione di conoscenza linguistica. LINGUE STRANIERE Sarà valutata positivamente la conoscenza dello spagnolo, che dovrà essere attestata da una certificazione linguistica. Office È inoltre gradita la conoscenza dei seguenti programmi: CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Photoshop Illustrator Self-motivated, flexible, team player. Comfortable in rugged outdoor settings as well as extremely high volume visitor centers/sites. Physical endurance for leadership of outdoor recreation programs. Candidate should be excited to explore and learn within the NYC urban environment ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE and to interact with people of all ages and ethnicities. International drivers license is required; confidence and driving skills on heavily trafficked roadways is needed. Creative application and use of graphic design skills are desired. 48 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 28 (PROMOSSO DA GERMAN PV – SOLAR INNOVATION GmbH) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante BELGIO AZIENDA/ENTE The Europe-wide expanding company GermanPV GmbH has its headquarters in Cottbus and further branches in Kempten, Berlin and Brussels. GermanPV designs, produces, plans and distributes photovoltaic products, components and facilities for solar power generation. As a specialist wholesale partner and competent trade supplier, the company offers especially tailor-made complete solutions for the application in the small and medium-sized performance range. GermanPV satisfies customers with a mature product range. Highest demands on quality, mature technology and outstanding visual appearance are the criteria of a GermanPV photovoltaic facility. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO BRUXELLES (BELGIO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO The objective of the internship is to train young professionals who are entering the job market within the private sector on how to create new business and added values in order to create longstanding economic growth. The intern will have to learn to work within an international team, which has as its core business the promotion, networking and trade of renewable energy components within the European region. During the internship period, the main objective will be to enhance the commercial and marketing skills, and the knowledge management of organizational and presentation abilities. The aim of the internship is to offer exposure to the distribution channels (B2B market), and the promotion, networking, public relations and trade related to all renewable energy installation components in connection with private companies and public institutions. The activities will focus on the communication, prospection and marketing activities. The intern will work in close relationship with the Business Development team, and play a key role in supporting the prospection of leads and the organization of all the promotional, sponsoring and marketing events of the company and their commercial products. Tasks that the intern will carry on include: Leads prospection through specialized websites, social networks and participating fairs Proposal and implementation of marketing strategies and promotional campaign Marketing local segmentation strategy (national requirements and dedicated communication channels) Preparation and organization of all relevant events regarding the photovoltaic and wind sector Power Point presentations Meeting attendance with clients and partners Trade activity with new customers under the manager supervision Administrative occasional support (writing of internal reports, company presentation, organizational chart, phone answering, photocopies etc.) Support the implementation and structuring of the new office in Brussels (“start-up modus”) 1.900,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate) Telefono aziendale Giugno 2014 49 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO Laurea in: Economics Management Industrial engineering Law Political Science TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Communications È gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: Project Management, Business, PR communications, International Communications, Marketing, International Relations, European Studies. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicoVOTO DI LAUREA farmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Francese scritto e orale: buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) LINGUE STRANIERE Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del tedesco e dell’olandese. Costituirà titolo preferenziale il possesso di attestazioni di conoscenza linguistica. Office Photoshop CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Microsoft Office 365 Costituirà titolo preferenziale il possesso di un’attestazione di conoscenza informatica. Social and interpersonal skills, management and presentation skills, international cooperation, dealing with key customers in different languages, team working, project ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE management. Car driving license. TIROCINIO 29 (PROMOSSO DA GROSVENOR ESTATE MANAGEMENT - LONDON) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante REGNO UNITO AZIENDA/ENTE Grosvenor is a privately owned property group with offices in 18 of the world’s most dynamic cities. The Group operates and invests in three different business areas; direct proprietary investment in real estate through our Operating Companies in Britain & Ireland, the Americas and Asia Pacific; indirect proprietary investment in real estate managed by others, which is the responsibility of the holding company; and our international fund management Operating Company - Grosvenor Fund Management (GFM) - which manages capital on behalf of investors. GFM offers a range of sector and regional specialist property investment funds which aim to deliver attractive, risk adjusted returns. Operating from offices in China, France, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Spain, Sweden, Australia, the UK and the USA we, employ professionals with local knowledge and skills to execute our investment decisions. Aligning our interests with our partners and building long-term investor relationships is of paramount importance to us. As at 31 December 2012, Funds under Management were £4.5bn. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO LONDRA (REGNO UNITO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi 50 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO VOTO DI LAUREA The internship will take place in the Real Estate Securities Team and will aim to: Automate operational data into user friendly reports for internal and external purposes To create company snapshots, from internal and external data sources. Which accurately assist the portfolio managers in documenting the current outlook for each company in the universe Complete the top-down sector guidance model The internship main activities will be: Work closely with the portfolio management team to refine the methodology of creating company snapshots Work with the Head of Operations in developing reporting tools Perform proprietary and original company research and financial modelling. The following are example tasks and may be slightly different depending on business needs at the time of the internship: Operational Automation Automation of updating of charts/tables in the pitch book from underlying data Review Board Pack and efficiency of data Review DDQ and automation of updating information Develop A Listed Real Estate Sector Net Asset Value Database Investigate way of creating a sector NAV database. Develop A Listed Real Estate Sector Internal Rates Of Returns Model Develop and integrate the IRR sector selection model into the portfolio management process. Identify Economic Drivers & Real Estate Lead Indicators Office (e.g. level or 3mth change, total returns) and Initial Jobless Retail and Consumer Confidence Homebuilders & lumber price or building permits Stop-loss (guidance from MFN & Mihail Tonchev) Review academic literature on stop-loss strategies for equity long-short investors Design a profitable stop-loss strategy for REIT investing The intern will be assigned to a tutor that will be provide help and support along the internship period. The intern will be offered to attend courses and training such as those provided by Bloomberg, PORT or ECWB. 3.100,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate) Benefit per l’uso dei trasporti pubblici zone 1-3. Aprile 2014 Laurea in: Ingegneria gestionale Economia Con specializzazione in Finanza. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicofarmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline LINGUE STRANIERE Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Excel/Calc VBA Visual Basics for Applications Microsoft SQL 51 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 È inoltre gradita la conoscenza di Bloomberg e E-views. Desired background: Experience and interest in global financial markets Experience and interest in global real estate and associated industries Expertise in financial modelling Good understanding of book-value and cash flow analysis, and company ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE valuation. Interest in fundamental, bottom-up, in-depth, value orientated approach to company research and analysis. Desirable traits: Strong analytical, fundamental and quantitative valuation skills. Excellent academic achievements. TIROCINIO 30 (PROMOSSO DA GROSVENOR FUND MANAGEMENT - PARIS) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante FRANCIA AZIENDA/ENTE Grosvenor is a privately owned property group with offices in 18 of the world’s most dynamic cities. The Group operates and invests in three different business areas; direct proprietary investment in real estate through our Operating Companies in Britain & Ireland, the Americas and Asia Pacific; indirect proprietary investment in real estate managed by others, which is the responsibility of the holding company; and our international fund management Operating Company - Grosvenor Fund Management (GFM) - which manages capital on behalf of investors. GFM offers a range of sector and regional specialist property investment funds which aim to deliver attractive, risk adjusted returns. Operating from offices in China, France, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Spain, Sweden, Australia, the UK and the USA we, employ professionals with local knowledge and skills to execute our investment decisions. Aligning our interests with our partners and building long-term investor relationships is of paramount importance to us. As at 31 December 2011, Funds under Management were £5.0bn with 69 investor partners in 28 property funds, club deals and separate account mandates. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO PARIGI (FRANCIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ The intern is expected to develop and integrate her/his skills on both the property and financial sides. By being assigned to both the Investment and Research teams, the intern is expected to understand main dynamics of property markets and fund management industry. She/He will support the team during both the market analysis and due-diligence phases. She/He will further develop his/her analytical skills by working on Excel models and Powerpoint presentations. At the end of his/her experience, the intern is expected to be self-efficient in his daily activities, able to prevent peak of work and support the team in all their tasks and demonstrate to be confident in her/his daily activities as a full-time employee. The support of the entire team will be assured during the whole internship and training will be provided. Working directly with all levels of staff, the intern’s activities will be: Carry out investment analysis (cash-flow, risk and return analysis) in order to provide pricing and decision-making information. Research comparable transactions and coordinate with the research team in order to maintain the transaction database. 52 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 In conjunction with investment managers, prepare investment reports for investment committees. Provide general transactional and due diligence support. Support the investment managers on all aspects of acquisition negotiations and due diligence. Support other areas of the business in providing succinct and accurate analysis of particular business problems. Specific tasks include: Support the team with market analysis Prepare documents for internal/external meetings and transaction committees Cash-flows modelling Help other teams to coordinate their work with the acquisition team Research comparable transactions and coordinate with research team in maintaining transaction database The intern will be assigned to a tutor that will provide help and support along the internship period. 2.350,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate) Buoni pasto Benefit per l’uso dei trasporti pubblici AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO VOTO DI LAUREA LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Aprile 2014 Laurea in: Ingegneria gestionale Economia Con specializzazione in Finanza. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicofarmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Francese scritto e orale: buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza dello spagnolo. Office ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Team-player, attention to detail, fast learner, international background, rigour. TIROCINIO 31 (PROMOSSO DA HERITAGE MALTA) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante MALTA AZIENDE/ENTI Heritage Malta is the national agency of the Government of Malta set up in 2002 and entrusted with the management of all national museums and heritage sites and their collections in Malta and Gozo, including seven sites inscribed in the Unesco World Heritage List. Heritage Malta seeks to act as a champion for education and outreach programs not only by supporting school-based learning, but also by encouraging, through the development of a program of events, people of all ages and backgrounds, especially persons with disability, to visit museums’ collections. SITI WEB 53 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 SEDE DEL TIROCINIO LA VALLETTA (MALTA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi This internship will be akin to the position of a projects assistant and entail working with a team of three curators in designing a new cutting edge permanent display and OBIETTIVI story-line for a new national museum. The chosen candidate will be expected to work hand-in-hand with the Senior Curator of the museum directly responsible for the project. Research in museum design and development, storyline development and general museum research Project Management Co-ordination and interface with stakeholders Record keeping and follow-up on meetings Other curatorial support tasks within the remit of this project as and when required Specific tasks will include: Managing the project schedule which has to run on a very tight schedule ATTIVITÀ Coordinate focus groups, call meetings and confirm participants, as well as keeping track of outcomes to communicate to the curatorial pool Keep minutes and records of all meetings and ensuing decisions, follow up on suggested actions and implement as and when necessary Providing information and managing a public interface process implemented on social media networks, websites and other public interface programmes The chosen candidate will be, to all intents and purposes, a member of staff and participate in all meetings as required. He will be stationed within the curatorial department. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 1.600,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto FONDAZIONE CRT indicate) DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Maggio 2014 TIROCINIO VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Laurea in: Arts History Museology Librarianship Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti LINGUE STRANIERE Inglese scritto e orale: buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Office Social networks ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Behavioural attitude and willingness to join in teamwork. 54 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 32 (PROMOSSO DA INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR TRADE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT - ICTSD) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante SVIZZERA AZIENDA/ENTE Founded in Geneva in September 1996, the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) aims to influence the international trade system such that it advances the goal of sustainable development. As an independent, non-profit, and nongovernmental organization, ICTSD engages a broad range of actors in ongoing dialogue on trade and sustainable development policy. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO GINEVRA (SVIZZERA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI The International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) is an independent non-profit and non-governmental organisation contributing to a better understanding of development and environment concerns in the contact of international trade. The intern will work under the overall guidance of ICTSD’s Digital and Social Media Specialist and the supervision of the Managing Director for Operations and Strategy of ICTSD. He/she will be collaborating for digital and social medial strategies and implementation. Furthermore he/she will be part of the Communications team and will be working closely with Periodicals team (ICTSD produces 7 magazines in 6 different languages) and Programmes team. The ideal candidate will be highly entrepreneurial and adept at devising outreach and communications strategies via web and new media and implementing them with solid technical knowledge and the strong personal motivation to continue growing in this area. This is a strategically important position. Web and social media represent the main outreach and interaction channels of the Centre (currently with about 500,000 visits annually from policymakers and influencers globally). Under the supervision of the web team, the intern will work toward a vision of a highly responsive, cutting edge website and digital media strategy. Will be working on a comprehensive social media strategy, engaging in mobile apps implementation, coordinating design teams, performing usability testing and producing web analytics. Specific tasks to be carried out: Producing branding strategy and guidelines, taking into consideration the six ICTSD publishing languages. Assisting ICTSD re-branding and design of printed and digital material. Developing a website and social media annual plan. ATTIVITÀ Implementing mobile strategies and mobile apps. Assisting in web-projects implementation, usability testing and evaluation as necessary. Quality control for web design and development. Independently liaising with web designers and developers to gather and specify website requirements and technical specifications. Observing timeline and benchmarks for individual projects. Assisting in Search Engines Optimization strategies, helping in selecting and implementing measures aimed at increasing ICTSD website visibility; analysing usage statistics through Google Analytics and producing appropriate analysis reports. Creating Social Media and mobile usage reports AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.500,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate). 55 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE Maggio 2014 Contributo mensile di 600 CHF VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Laurea magistrale/specialistica, o a ciclo unico (non saranno ammesse lauree triennali) in: Scienze della comunicazione, DAMS, Multidams, Ingegneria del cinema e dei mezzi di comunicazione Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Photoshop Drupal Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza di: Illustrator/InDesign Dreamweaver Wordpress Entrepreneurial attitude and approach. A demonstrated capacity to creatively pursue new opportunities, develop product and system improvements, and find efficiencies. Project management skills TIROCINIO 33 (PROMOSSO DA JACOBACCI & PARTNERS SpA - FRANCIA) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante FRANCIA AZIENDA/ENTE Jacobacci and Partners is an international group, with offices in Italy, Spain, Switzerland, France, that helps companies protect their intellectual property and plan for its exploitation and development with careful analysis of the potentials. The possibilities for registration and protection of trademarks and patents open the way to a series of opportunities that cover an unlimited time span and geographical area. Jacobacci and Partners operates globally, with a full range of services relating to the protection of industrial property rights working with entrepreneurs, researchers and designers from the moment of a product’s conception and creation to its entrance to the market and, if necessary, to its defense against charges of infringement/imitation by competitors. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO GRAND LYON (FRANCIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ Patent Area Objectives of the internship are the development of communication skills in a working environment, the fulfillment of tasks within an assigned timeframe, the development of teamworking and collaboration skills and finally a positive interpersonal relationship management in a working context. More specifically a further set of objectives is linked to the development of direct knowledge in Intellectual Property field as a personal mean to evaluate career opportunities, as well as hands-on widening, integrating and deepening of skills attained during the course of studies. Main activities will include Support in procedural steps in the process of filing and prosecution of patent applications. 56 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Direct evaluation of possible improvements or fine tuning in process steps Support in documentation preparation for prior-art searches, validity and patentability opinions, infringement opinion and opposition proceedings. Specific tasks to carry on may include Deadline checking and preliminary documentation preparation. Drafting of simple documents (emails, letters) to associates or partners Documentation retrieval as basis to further prosecution steps. Understanding of drafting and negotiating IP Agreements and license negotiations in France. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 1.900,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione . DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Aprile 2014 TIROCINIO VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Laurea in: Ingegneria meccanica Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Inglese scritto e orale buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese Web/E-mail Word/Writer Excel/Calc TIROCINIO 34 (PROMOSSO DA JACOBACCI & PARTNERS SpA - SPAGNA) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante SPAGNA AZIENDA/ENTE Jacobacci and Partners is an international group, with offices in Italy, Spain, Switzerland, France, that helps companies protect their intellectual property and plan for its exploitation and development with careful analysis of the potentials. The possibilities for registration and protection of trademarks and patents open the way to a series of opportunities that cover an unlimited time span and geographical area. Jacobacci and Partners operates globally, with a full range of services relating to the protection of industrial property rights working with entrepreneurs, researchers and designers from the moment of a product’s conception and creation to its entrance to the market and, if necessary, to its defense against charges of infringement/imitation by competitors. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO MADRID (SPAGNA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI Trademark Area Objectives of the internship are the development of communication skills in a working environment, the fulfillment of tasks within an assigned timeframe, the development of teamworking and collaboration skills and finally a positive interpersonal relationship management in a working context. More specifically a further set of objectives is linked to the development of direct knowledge in Intellectual Property field as a personal mean to evaluate career 57 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 opportunities, as well as hands-on widening, integrating and deepening of skills attained during the course of studies. Main activities will include Support in procedural steps in the process of filing, prosecution and maintenance of trademarks. Direct evaluation of possible improvements or fine tuning in process steps Support in documentation preparation in Opposition preparation process Search and analysis of case law Support in litigation cases ATTIVITÀ Specific tasks to carry on may include Deadline checking and preliminary documentation preparation. Drafting of simple documents (emails, letters) to associates or partners Documentation retrieval as basis to further prosecution steps. Understanding of anti-counterfeiting activities. Understanding of infringement and passing off litigation AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO 1.800,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione. VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Aprile 2014 Laurea in: Law Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Inglese scritto e orale buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza dello spagnolo Web/E-mail Word/Writer Excel/Calc TIROCINIO 35 (PROMOSSO DA JACOBACCI & PARTNERS SpA – SPAGNA) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante SPAGNA AZIENDA/ENTE Jacobacci and Partners is an international group, with offices in Italy, Spain, Switzerland, France, that helps companies protect their intellectual property and plan for its exploitation and development with careful analysis of the potentials. The possibilities for registration and protection of trademarks and patents open the way to a series of opportunities that cover an unlimited time span and geographical area. Jacobacci and Partners operates globally, with a full range of services relating to the protection of industrial property rights working with entrepreneurs, researchers and designers from the moment of a product’s conception and creation to its entrance to the market and, if necessary, to its defense against charges of infringement/imitation by competitors. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO MADRID (SPAGNA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi 58 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Patent Area Objectives of the internship are the development of communication skills in a working environment, the fulfillment of tasks within an assigned timeframe, the development of teamworking and collaboration skills and finally a positive interpersonal relationship management in a working context. More specifically a further set of objectives is linked to the development of direct knowledge in Intellectual Property field as a personal mean to evaluate career opportunities, as well as hands-on widening, integrating and deepening of skills attained during the course of studies. Main activities will include Support in procedural steps in the process of filing and prosecution of patent applications. Direct evaluation of possible improvements or fine tuning in process steps Support in documentation preparation for prior-art searches, validity and patentability opinions, infringement opinion and opposition proceedings. OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ Specific tasks to carry on may include Deadline checking and preliminary documentation preparation. Drafting of simple documents (emails, letters) to associates or partners Documentation retrieval as basis to further prosecution steps. Understanding of drafting and negotiating IP Agreements and license negotiations in Spain. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO 1.800,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione. VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Aprile 2014 Laurea in: Engineering - Mechanical, Chemical, Electronic Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Inglese scritto e orale buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza dello spagnolo Web/E-mail Word/Writer Excel/Calc TIROCINIO 36 (PROMOSSO DA LAWRENCE BERKELEY NATIONAL LABORATORY - LBL) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante STATI UNITI AZIENDA/ENTE The Advanced Technologies Group at LBNL is a multi-disciplinary group looking for highly motivated individuals willing to take on challenging projects in multi-Tb/s bandwidth data processing, ti ming and synchronization systems, data analysis and advanced programming techniques. SITO WEB; SEDE DEL TIROCINIO BERKELEY, CA (STATI UNITI) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi 59 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 The group comprises experts in several fields including RF engineering, particle accelerators, High-Performance Computing, pulsed power and simulation. The recent focus of our activities includes embedded systems for particle accelerators and scientific OBIETTIVI experimental systems. The successful candidate is expected to participate in these activities by learning some of the advanced techniques used in the applications described above and contributing to the development of specific solutions. Depending upon the selected candidate’s interests and skills, their work will involve the furthering of their knowledge and its application to the following areas: High-level Graphical User Interface implementations. Software-hardware interfaces. FPGA programming. Development of automated code generation tools. The candidate will also have the opportunity to develop knowledge of various research projects ongoing at LBNL and within ATG, while at the same time allowing the ongoing development of their personal and professional skills. ATTIVITÀ Specific tasks for the candidate include: Research into novel programming / analysis techniques. Programming of FPGA-based systems, on both the firmware and software side. Development of tools for automated code generation. Development of graphical rendering tools in relation to the above. Unit testing of code modules. Involvement in the testing of new electronics hardware designed by the group. The candidate will also be expected to contribute to journal publications of the group. Daily interaction with senior staff, mentors and other experts. Support personnel, such as technicians and coordinators, will be made available as needed. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.700,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto FONDAZIONE CRT indicate) FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE Integrazione alla borsa: 800 euro mensili lordi. DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE Supporto nell’ottenimento del visto J1 (spese incluse) DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Maggio 2014 TIROCINIO Laurea magistrale/specialistica, o a ciclo unico o vecchio ordinamento (non saranno ammesse lauree triennali) in: Computer Science Electronic Engineering or equivalent TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Con specializzazione in: computer programming, microcontrollers, embedded systems, automated code generation, FPGAs, Verilog, VHDL, Python, Java, C, C++ Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicoVOTO DI LAUREA farmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline Inglese scritto discreto e orale buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è LINGUE STRANIERE obbligatoria) Python C++ Java CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Linux MatLab/Octave VHDL È inoltre gradita la conoscenza di VHDL/Verilog 60 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 37 (PROMOSSO DA MFG BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG MBH) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante GERMANIA AZIENDA/ENTE MFG Baden-Württemberg is the Public Innovation Agency for Information Technology and Media in the south-west of Germany. With more than 50 employees MFG delivers targeted services in the field of innovation management and technology relations. It also conducts over 100 innovative IT and media projects annually. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO STOCCARDA (GERMANIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE The intern will be employed in the MFG project team Technology Enhanced Learning focusing on the promotion of IT usage in the education and cultural area. Within this team Technology Enhanced Learning, various European and regional projects are being carried out. These projects support and foster on the one hand the use of ICT in the learning and education field. On the other hand they are focusing on increasing the use of ICT in the field of cultural heritage to innovate the knowledge transfer in this sector. The internship will provide an overview of all the activities and subject in the team and will also five the trainee opportunities to work in an international context. The intern will follow and contribute to MFG’s activities in the field of cultural heritage, creative industries and internal project evaluation (e.g. process, concept and prototype evaluation). In this regard he/she will especially be involved in current European projects e.g. the Europeana Creative, a large European network project linked to Europeana, which enables and promotes the reuse of digital cultural heritage content by creative industries. The intern will support the Project Managers of Europeana Creative in various project related tasks: Follow up application development processes including user experience testing and business model evaluation Supporting the award organisation within Europeana Creative on the European level Contributing to conduct focus group Contributing to evaluation reports The intern will have the opportunity to participate in a wide selection of internal and external training programmes, which are part of MFGs inhouse training programme for our trainees (usually every second week) or part of MFG Academy, our programme for professional and continuous education. Participation in a German language class will be covered by MFG. 1.800,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate) Contribution to the accomodation Benefit for the use of public transport Sponsored German language class Participation in all internal training and two classes MFG Academy DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO Maggio 2014 VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Laurea in: Social Science 61 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Humanities and Arts Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del tedesco. LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Office Good networking and communication skills and personal initiative are of use. The intern should be willing and ready to travel. TIROCINIO 38 (PROMOSSO DA MFG BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG MBH) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante GERMANIA AZIENDA/ENTE MFG Baden-Württemberg is the Public Innovation Agency for Information Technology and Media in the south-west of Germany, estabilished in 1995. With more than 50 employees, MFG delivers targeted services in the field of innovation management and technology relations. It also conducts over 100 innovative IT and media projects annually. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO STOCCARDA (GERMANIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ The intern will be employed in the MFG project team focusing on creative industries and cluster development. Mainly, the internship aims to give the trainee a good working environment to get to know MFGs approach to regional development and innovation support. Within this team various European and regional projects are being carried out. These projects support and foster the regional creative industries clusters and SMEs on the one hand. On the other hand they are focusing on new methodologies for cluster management. The internship will provide an overview of all activities and subjects in the team and will also give the trainee opportunities to work in an international context. Depending on the abilities and interests of the trainee, periods in other teams, e.g. MFG Public Relations team or within MFG various European projects are also possible depending on the current requirements. The intern will follow and contribute to MFGs activities in the field of Creative Industries and the development and testing of Cluster Methodologies. In this regard he/she will especially be involved in current European Projects e.g. the European Creative Cluster Lab, an initiative within the European Creative Industries Alliance. The intern will support the Project Managers of European Projects related to Creative Industries and Cluster Development in various project related tasks: Conducting research and drafting mini studies on relevant topics Preparing and organising events and workshops Developing training materials and teaching notes for cluster management in creative industries and support pilot trainings Writing reports and preparing publication drafts and presentations Setting up a network of national and international relationships and contacts The intern will have the opportunity to participate in a wide selection of internal and external training programmes, which are part of MFGs inhouse training programme for our trainees (usually every second week) or part of MFG Academy, our programme for professional and continuous education. Participation in a German language class will be covered by MFG. 62 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE 1.800,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate) Contribution to the accomodation Benefit for the use of public transport Sponsored German language class Participation fees, travel, accommodation for international conferences and events Participation in all internal training and two classes MFG Academy DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO Maggio 2014 VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 Laurea in: Media and communication Economics TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Administrative and Political Science Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) LINGUE STRANIERE Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del tedesco. Costituirà titolo preferenziale il possesso di un’attestazione di conoscenza linguistica. Office CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE È inoltre gradita la conoscenza di Photoshop Good networking skills and personal initiative are of use. The intern should be willing ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE and ready to travel. TIROCINIO 39 (PROMOSSO DA MIND THE BRIDGE FOUNDATION) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante STATI UNITI AZIENDA/ENTE The goal of the Foundation is to foster a sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem, spur more innovative ideas and reinvigorate the new venture economy, providing entrepreneurship education. Mind the Bridge (MTB) provide startups, investors and managers with direct exposure to the most experienced, entrepreneurial ecosystem in the world - Silicon Valley. The ultimate goal of MTB is to help create a new generation of entrepreneurs and success stories. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO SAN FRANCISCO, CA (STATI UNITI) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI Understand and learning how to support the management of an organization in term of marketing, financial and organizational activities Learning how to evaluate a Business Plan and assess the competitive positioning of a startup company Interact with high tech startups and understand how to scout technologies and business opportunities Understand how the venture capital industry works Learning how to organize industry leading international events Familiarize with the American business culture and US startup companies Familiarize with the venture capital industry in the United States Experience in how to organize meetings and seminars with startups 63 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Support and coordinate the operations of MTB office in San Francisco Coordinate the Startup Incubator activities Plan and execute the Startup School schedule Manage and coordinate the mentorship activities Participate to the organization of the MTB accelerator selections Participate to the organization of the MTB Venture Camp 2014 Participate to the organization of the Italian Innovation Day at Mountain View, CA and startups demo days Evaluation of business plans Organization of meetings with startups and investors Manage and co-ordinate the development and implementation of the Gym organizational, marketing and financials plans to achieve annual budget. Activity includes: Organizational activities: Coordinate the Startup Incubator activities Managing the pipeline of GYM startups and daily management of space Organize monthly events and leading international events between startups and venture capitalists Design and implement activity reports in order to follow progress and efficiency of key projects Marketing planning: Define and execute marketing strategy and planning Providing follow up and tracking marketing initiatives Define market research studies Communication/Implementation of marketing and planning guidelines Communication: Supporting institutional communication through social networks Management and coordination of institutional sales and marketing tools (website, sales arguments and materials, white papers, PR and press kits) and development of promotional activities Finance and Human Resources: Provide analytical support and recommendations to achieve business growth objectives Managing operational budget, purchases and tracking spend Assist the manager with monthly reporting/payment issues Complete requisite human resources and payroll documentation Develop financial reports 3.300,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate) ATTIVITÀ AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO VOTO DI LAUREA LINGUE STRANIERE Assistenza e copertura delle spese per le pratiche di ottenimento del visto J1. Luglio 2014 Laurea magistrale/specialistica, o a ciclo unico (non saranno ammesse lauree triennali) in: Economics Management Engineering Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicofarmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Costituirà titolo preferenziale il possesso di un’attestazione di conoscenza linguistica (TOEFL). 64 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Office High communication skills and relational attitudes. Ability to work in a fast-paced, constantly evolving environment. Open-mindedness and strong implication. High degree of interest in startups ecosystem with thirst for knowledge of new and developing technology. Capacity to adapt to US/Italian business cultures. ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Results-oriented with a passion to develop and drive the business forward. High level of creativity and innovation. Project management and organizational skills. Self-starter with a proven analytical capability be able to effectively prioritize and multi-task. Be able to work independently and as part of a team. Proficiency in computer applications, especially presentation, spreadsheet tools. TIROCINIO 40 (PROMOSSO DA MIND THE BRIDGE FOUNDATION) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante STATI UNITI AZIENDA/ENTE The goal of the Foundation is to foster a sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem, spur more innovative ideas and reinvigorate the new venture economy, providing entrepreneurship education. Mind the Bridge (MTB) provide startups, investors and managers with direct exposure to the most experienced, entrepreneurial ecosystem in the world - Silicon Valley. The ultimate goal of MTB is to help create a new generation of entrepreneurs and success stories. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO SAN FRANCISCO, CA (STATI UNITI) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi Understand and learning how to support the management of an organization in term of marketing, financial and organizational activities Learning how to evaluate a Business Plan and assess the competitive positioning of a startup company Interact with high tech startups and understand how to scout technologies and business opportunities Understand how the venture capital industry works Learning how to organize industry leading international events Familiarize with the American business culture and US startup companies Familiarize with the venture capital industry in the United States Experience in how to organize meetings and seminars with startups Support and coordinate the operations of MTB office in San Francisco Coordinate the Startup Incubator activities Plan and execute the Startup School schedule Manage and coordinate the mentorship activities Participate to the organization of the MTB accelerator selections Participate to the organization of the MTB Venture Camp 2014 Participate to the organization of the Italian Innovation Day at Mountain View, CA and startups demo days Evaluation of business plans Organization of meetings with startups and investors Manage and co-ordinate the development and implementation of the Gym organizational, marketing and financials plans to achieve annual budget. Activity includes: Organizational activities: OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ 65 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Coordinate the Startup Incubator activities Managing the pipeline of GYM startups and daily management of space Organize monthly events and leading international events between startups and venture capitalists Design and implement activity reports in order to follow progress and efficiency of key projects Marketing planning: Define and execute marketing strategy and planning Providing follow up and tracking marketing initiatives Define market research studies Communication/Implementation of marketing and planning guidelines Communication: Supporting institutional communication through social networks Management and coordination of institutional sales and marketing tools (website, sales arguments and materials, white papers, PR and press kits) and development of promotional activities Finance and Human Resources: Provide analytical support and recommendations to achieve business growth objectives Managing operational budget, purchases and tracking spend Assist the manager with monthly reporting/payment issues Complete requisite human resources and payroll documentation Develop financial reports 3.300,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate) AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO VOTO DI LAUREA LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Assistenza e copertura delle spese per le pratiche di ottenimento del visto J1. Gennaio 2015 Laurea magistrale/specialistica, o a ciclo unico (non saranno ammesse lauree triennali) in: Economics Management Engineering Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicofarmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Costituirà titolo preferenziale il possesso di un’attestazione di conoscenza linguistica (TOEFL) Office High communication skills and relational attitudes. Ability to work in a fast-paced, constantly evolving environment. Open-mindedness and strong implication. High degree of interest in startups ecosystem with thirst for knowledge of new and developing technology. Capacity to adapt to US/Italian business cultures. ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Results-oriented with a passion to develop and drive the business forward. High level of creativity and innovation. Project management and organizational skills. Self-starter with a proven analytical capability be able to effectively prioritize and multi-task. Be able to work independently and as part of a team. Proficiency in computer applications, especially presentation, spreadsheet tools. 66 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 41 (PROMOSSO DA NO PEACE WITHOUT JUSTICE) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante BELGIO AZIENDA/ENTE No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) is an international non-profit organisation founded by Emma Bonino and born of a 1993 campaign of the Transnational Radical Party (TRP) to protect and promote human rights, democracy, the rule of law and international justice. NPWJ undertakes its work within three main thematic programs: International Criminal Justice; Female Genital Mutilation; and Middle East and North Africa Democracy. NPWJ is a Constituent Association of the TRP and a Member of its Senate, and a founding member of the NGO Coalition for the International Criminal Court and a member of its Steering Committee. In advocacy activities, NPWJ raises awareness and fosters public debate through explicitly political campaigns and the implementation of key programs, such as international and regional meetings, often co-hosted and co-organised with Government of the country in which they are held, fostering partnerships between public institutions, non-governmental organisations and other actors in society, to attain stakeholders’ ownership both of the political drive and of the results. NPWJ also undertakes wide-ranging technical assistance, through the secondment of legal experts to governments for the drafting of legislation and to assist in negotiations on international human rights instruments. Finally, NPWJ has acquired unique field experience in “conflict mapping” and wide scale documentation of violations of international humanitarian law in areas affected by conflicts and in implementing outreach programs engaging local communities in conflict and post-conflict areas on issues of international criminal justice. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO BRUXELLES (BELGIO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) internship aims to provide interns with practical experience in human rights and international law issues, focusing on NPWJ’s three core programmatic areas: International Criminal Justice, Female Genital Mutilation and Middle East and North Africa Democracy, including specific work on Iraq and LGBTI rights. Through their involvement in NPWJ’s work on each of these issues, and with the close supervision and support from senior staff members, interns will not only learn about, but also gain practical experience dealing with, contemporary legal and human rights-related issues. NPWJ will provide full support and supervision by a senior staff member. NPWJ will assign work to interns in NPWJ’s program areas, i.e. international criminal justice, female genital mutilation and democracy in the MENA region, taking into account also interns’ individual interests. Interns can expect to undertake work in all thematic areas of interest to NPWJ. Work will include sharing administrative tasks with other NPWJ staff members, but a guaranteed portion of interns’ time would be spent on substantive program work. After an initial period, we will endeavour to provide opportunities to be involved in one or more particular fields of activities based on intern interests and the current needs of NPWJ. While it is most likely intern will be assigned to one project, this is not always the case and s/he may be required to work across a number of projects. Work will largely consist of substantive tasks, including but not limited to: drafting and publishing of press releases; grant-writing; maintaining external contacts; research and drafting of concept or position papers in relation to various NPWJ policy initiatives; planning of conferences and in-country activities; translating documents from or to English/French/Italian; and website and newsletter publications and support. The intern will be involved in all aspects of the work of NPWJ, and will be included in staff 67 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 meetings and functions. NPWJ also encourages interns to attend conferences and meetings hosted by the European Union, European Parliament and other local institutions. NPWJ is supportive of and will accommodate intern attendance at such educational gatherings. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 1.900,00 € mensili lordi TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE Rimborso del traffico telefonico. DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Maggio 2014 TIROCINIO VOTO DI LAUREA TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110. Laurea in: Law Political Science International Relations Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese Office Motivation; ability to work in a team; proactive attitude; ability to adapt quickly to new working environment; critical thinking. Work will be undertaken within NPWJ’s main office in Brussels and there may be opportunities for work-related travel. Past interns have assisted in missions abroad, including to: Iraq, Sierra Leone, Tunisia, Libya, Turkey and Uganda. TIROCINIO 42 (PROMOSSO DA NOMURA INTERNATIONAL PLC) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante REGNO UNITO AZIENDA/ENTE Nomura is a leading financial services group and the preeminent Asia-based investment bank with worldwide reach. Nomura provides a broad range of innovative solutions tailored to the specific requirements of individual, institutional, corporate and government clients through an international network in over 30 countries. Based in Tokyo and with regional headquarters in Hong Kong, London, and New York, Nomura has a unique understanding of Asia that enables the company to make a difference for clients through three business divisions: retail, asset management, and wholesale (global markets and investment banking). SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO LONDRA (REGNO UNITO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI To work within Nomura’s Investment Banking Division provides comprehensive financial advisory and capital raising services to corporations and governments worldwide, including advice pertaining to mergers and acquisitions, privatisations, and debt and equity financings. Nomura takes an integrated approach to client coverage, organizing bankers into industry, product and geographic groups. This structure provides clients with bankers who have industry and geography specific expertise across all investment banking products. The firm's bankers work with product specialists in M&A and capital markets to 68 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 help clients meet their strategic and financial objectives. Main activities of the internship: Deal execution: Working closely with clients and execution teams (lawyers, accountants, consultants and bankers) on mandated transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, capital raisings and restructurings. Client relationship management: Generating and presenting ideas at client meetings alongside senior bankers. Strategic analysis: Supporting transactions and client presentations with financial, structural and business risk analysis. ATTIVITÀ Specific tasks to be carried out: Deal execution: Working closely with clients and execution teams (lawyers, accountants, consultants and bankers) on mandated transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, capital raisings and restructurings. Client relationship management: Generating and presenting ideas at client meetings alongside senior bankers. Strategic analysis: Supporting transactions and client presentations with financial, structural and business risk analysis. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.600,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate). DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Giugno 2014 TIROCINIO FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE Contributo mensile di 400 £. DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE Laurea in: Economics, Finance, Engineering, Quant Science/Finance TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente una specializzazione in: Financial Markets Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicoVOTO DI LAUREA farmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline LINGUE STRANIERE Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Word Excel Powerpoint 69 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 43 (PROMOSSO DA OPTIMUM ASSET MANAGEMENT S.A.) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante GERMANIA AZIENDA/ENTE Optimum asset Management is a young but already established asset management boutique. Headquartered in Luxemburg, the company has offices in Berlin, London, Malta and Los Angeles. It currently employs 13 people and manages assets of EUR 1.5 bn. It has historically focused on real estate but is expanding its management capabilities in other asset classes. Optimum Asset Management has been doubling its assets under management every year and it is currently hiring new staff. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO BERLINO (GERMANIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi The objective of the internship is to create a layer of junior staff to help with day to day tasks. The intern will be evaluated at the end of their internship for a permanent position. Reporting, Marketing & Communication. The primary duties of the intern will be the following: assisting in the preparation of performance reports and newsletters to existing investors ATTIVITÀ assisting in the preparation of presentations and marketing material for prospect investors assisting in the day-to-day management of the funds working on special projects to be assigned as needed. As Optimum Asset Management is a small firm, all staff in the company has to be prepared to do multilevel tasks as required. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 1.800,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Maggio 2014 TIROCINIO OBIETTIVI VOTO DI LAUREA TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 Laurea in: Economia Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Inglese scritto e orale: molto buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del tedesco Office Team working, proactive approach, able to work independently, interest in problem solving. 70 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 44 (PROMOSSO DA PROCTER AND GAMBLE INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS S.A.) Per questa posizione saranno selezionati 2 tirocinanti SVIZZERA o BELGIO o REGNO UNITO o GERMANIA AZIENDA/ENTE SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO DURATA DEL TIROCINIO OBIETTIVI P&G is the world’s largest and most successful consumer goods company with 300 brands and $80 Billion sales per year over 180 countries. P&G brands, amongst others Gillette, Braun, Pampers, Oral B, AZ, Olay, Dash, Ariel, Lenor, provide superior quality improving lives of consumers all over the world. PETIT LANCY (SVIZZERA), oppure BRUXELLES (BELGIO), oppure EGHAM (UK), oppure SCHWALBACH (D) La scelta della sede verrà effettuata dal/la tirocinante una volta confermata la sua selezione, sulla base delle disponibilità di Procter & Gamble 6 mesi Deliver against a specific objective in the Purchasing discipline Understand the Business and the Organization Understand and implement the P&G global sourcing principles Gain proficiency on at some of the 12 core sourcing skills (2 – 3) Present the result of the assignment to the Purchasing group and to internal customers as required As a Purchasing Intern, the candidate will be responsible for a strategic sourcing solution of any one of our many requirements, packaging/chemicals materials, capital equipment, marketing/media services, contract manufacturing services, etc. The intern will be assigned a specific sourcing project, eg the Porter Model analysis on a specific Industry the competitive intelligence analysis on a material class the competitive bidding process on a major initiative the drafting and implementation of a material database a thorough analysis of a cluster of suppliers. ATTIVITÀ The intern will be expected to undertake limited regional travels mainly to other P&G locations and some key suppliers. Final job content will be confirmed before start date of the Internship. For purpose of clarification, the list below represents potential sourcing projects that Intern could be assigned to: map the supply chain of a material or material class understand the sourcing constraints (technical, commercial) interact with material suppliers perform industry searches (web,fairs, interviews) write a Porter Model industry analysis on a material write a SWOT analysis on a material sourcing option recommend strategy planks as conclusion of above analysis define and charter the work for IT solutions to sourcing 1.900,00 € mensili lordi per la sede di Bruxelles (B); AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.500,00 € mensili lordi per la sede di Petit Lancy (CH); TIROCINIO MESSA A 2.400,00 € mensili lordi p er la sede di Egham (UK); DISPOSIZIONE DALLA 1.600,00 € mensili lordi per la sede di Schwalbach (D) FONDAZIONE CRT Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio 71 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate). DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE VOTO DI LAUREA Luglio 2014 Free of charge accommodation (100% offered by P&G) Staff canteen with contribution given by host body Benefits for the use of public transports Access to cultural, sport or leisure facilities Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 Da richiesta dell’azienda, saranno ammessi solo candidati iscritti ad un corso di Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale al momento della candidatura, i quali abbiano conseguito la laurea triennale nel 2013. TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Laurea in: Economics (incl. Finance) Engineering (any branch) All other technical Faculties Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Inglese scritto: ottimo, orale: buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese e/o del tedesco Windows Web/E-mail Excel/Calc PowerPoint/Impress The ideal candidate: builds collaborative, diverse relationships is in touch with the environment and him/herself embraces changes and accept a “new challenge every day”. TIROCINIO 45 (PROMOSSO DA UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON - SETSQUARED PARTNERSHIP - BATH) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante REGNO UNITO AZIENDA/ENTE The SETsquared Partnership is the enterprise collaboration of the Universities of Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Southampton and Surrey. Together, the universities employ 8,500 academic staff; earn £450m of the UK’s higher education research budget; and produce 11% of all UK university patents. The partnership has a 10-year track record of supporting companies through its innovation centres, which provide access to industry specialists, investors and experienced entrepreneurs. SETsquared currently supports over 250 early stage high-tech, high growth potential businesses, and 90% of its incubated companies are still in business three years on. In the past five years, nearly £0.75bn in investment funding has been raised by spin outs and incubated companies. It is Europe’s leading University Business Incubator and is UKBI Business Incubator of the year 2013. SETsquared supports its student population of over 92,000 graduate and undergraduates to gain hands on business skills and entrepreneurial training through experiential interuniversity activities. The Partnership also provides opportunities for industry to access academic ideas with commercial potential and develops collaborative R&D relationships. The Partnership seeks to promote the impact, economically and socially, of its institutions’ research and enterprise activities. SITO WEB 72 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 SEDE DEL TIROCINIO BATH (REGNO UNITO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI To gain hands on experience of PR, Marketing and Communications activities within a complex organisation. To gain experience of event management involving many different stakeholders. To gain an understanding of business incubation and student enterprise activities. Understanding of starting a business and activities this involves. Understanding of Universities role within economic development and enterprise support Develop English communication skills further. As a Partnership we have been accelerating technology start-ups for over 10 years. We have many success stories from our work in all three streams of activities and have generated strong economic growth through this within the local economies of the five Universities. We also have a wealth of experience within our internal teams and our networks for supporting start-ups, creating investible propositions and providing enterprise education. Building on our successful campaign in 2013 to position the Partnership as the leading incubator of technology startups we will be looking to develop our profile in Europe as well as building stronger links with the investor community. This intern position for 6 months will be integral to the delivery of our enterprise activities across the five Universities. They will gain hands on experience of PR, marketing and event management as well as learning about technology startups, entrepreneurship and university collaboration. ATTIVITÀ Development & Utilisation of success story case studies in media and online utilising social media as well as traditional press. Supporting projects such as Meet the Prime, Student Enterprise events and Research to Innovator programme Supporting the devilery of a investor showcase event in October with an exhibition and presentations. Specific tasks to be carried out: Event Management ◦ Creating invitations & registering delegates ◦ Liaising with venue, exhibitors and presenters ◦ Post event communication and feedback ◦ Development of event materials including delegate pack, signage, branding PR ◦ Supporting PR agency and Projects director in creation of newsfeeds to engage media and drive delegate registration ◦ Writing twitter, blog and other online social media feeds to ensure delegate engagement Project Support ◦ Supporting events to engage key stakeholders, students and academics ◦ Co-ordinating meetings and plans to develop specific projects ◦ Working across 5 Universities with varied levels of staff to deliver projects to specific targets and timescales ◦ Co-ordination budget management for specific projects Website ◦ Updating website with content from case studies, press releases and new material ◦ Developing web content to promote our activities and develop dynamic content to keep the site fresh and interesting This is a unique opportunity to work in a dynamic and busy team in the leading 73 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Universities partnership. The exposure will be wide ranging and will allow the development of valuable skills in PR, Marketing, Project Management and Event Management. SETsquared is a complex organisation with people in five different locations. All though this intern position will be based in Bath, we would expect the person to travel between the five locations – Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Southampton and Surrey and London where the event in October will be held. The hours may not always be standard business hours. The central team, which the intern would be part of, are distributed across Southern England and work in a virtual environment without day to day supervision. This requires a person who is a self starter who can mange their own time and priorities with low supervision. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.100,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate). DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Maggio 2014 TIROCINIO FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE Contributo settimanale di 100 £. DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE Laurea in: Any kind of degrees, provided that candidates have the required skills and are highly motivated. Richieste specifiche per la posizione: SETsquared is looking for a person with knowledge of Marketing, TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Communications, PR, or Event Management. This may be a business, management, PR communications or marketing focused degree. If someone has experience outside their degree in these fields and their first degree was in another subject SETsquared would consider the applicant. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicoVOTO DI LAUREA farmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline Inglese scritto e orale molto buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è LINGUE STRANIERE obbligatoria). Office CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE E-mail The person must be a self-starter who is confident and works well with people at all ALTRE COMPETENZE levels. Developing relationships with people across many organisations and at different RICHIESTE levels is important to the role so diplomacy, ability to influence and tenacity are essential. 74 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 46 (PROMOSSO DA UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON - SETSQUARED PARTNERSHIP - SOUTHAMPTON) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante REGNO UNITO AZIENDA/ENTE The SETsquared Partnership is the enterprise collaboration of the Universities of Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Southampton and Surrey. Together, the universities employ 8,500 academic staff; earn £450m of the UK’s higher education research budget; and produce 11% of all UK university patents. The partnership has a 10-year track record of supporting companies through its innovation centres, which provide access to industry specialists, investors and experienced entrepreneurs. SETsquared currently supports over 250 early stage high-tech, high growth potential businesses, and 90% of its incubated companies are still in business three years on. In the past five years, nearly £0.75bn in investment funding has been raised by spin outs and incubated companies. It is Europe’s leading University Business Incubator and is UKBI Business Incubator of the year 2013. SETsquared supports its student population of over 92,000 graduate and undergraduates to gain hands on business skills and entrepreneurial training through experiential interuniversity activities. The Partnership also provides opportunities for industry to access academic ideas with commercial potential and develops collaborative R&D relationships. The Partnership seeks to promote the impact, economically and socially, of its institutions’ research and enterprise activities. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO SOUTHAMPTON (REGNO UNITO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI To gain an understanding of business incubation and developing a supporting technology network Understanding of starting a business and activities this involves Understanding of Universities role within economic development and enterprise support Develop English communication skills further This intern position for 6 months will be integral to the support services of one of our incubators in Southampton. They will gain hands on developing technology companies and building a technology network in the local area. They will gain hands on experience of event management, incubation service support, network management as well as learning about technology startups, entrepreneurship and university collaboration. ATTIVITÀ Management of support systems for the incubator including collation of data on companies in the centre Devlivery of a programme of events to support networ king activities Supporting specific projects being developed in Southampton and across the Partnership Specific tasks to be carried out: Supporting Incubation Process ◦ Setting up review panels ◦ Administering the IT system ◦ Collating data from incubator companies for IT system ◦ Providing support services for the incubator companies ◦ Setting up mentor and staff meetings with Incubator companies Event Management ◦ Creating invitations & registering delegates ◦ Liaising with venue, exhibitors and presenters ◦ Post event communication and feedback 75 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 ◦ Development of event materials including delegate pack, signage, branding ◦ Writing twitter, blog and other online social media feeds to ensure delegate engagement Specific Projects ◦ Co-ordinating Southampton’s activities and companies involved in SETsquared’s Investment Showcase Event ◦ Supporting Researcher to Innovator training programme for Post Docs and Post grads including co-ordinating attendance on formal training and internships for students ◦ Supporting the development of EU bids including lisiasing with overseas organisations ◦ Supporting Southampton’s activities in a programme creating Corporate and incubatee engagement Website ◦ Updating website with content from case studies ◦ Developing web content to promote the incubator SETsquared is a complex organisation with people in five different locations. All though this intern position will be based in Southampton, we would expect the person to travel between the five locations – Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Southampton and Surrey and London where the Investor Event will be held. The hours may not always be standard business hours. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO VOTO DI LAUREA LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE 2.100,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate). Maggio 2014 Contributo settimanale di 100 £. Laurea in: Any kind of degrees, provided that candidates have the required skills and are highly motivated. Richieste specifiche per la posizione: SETsquared is looking for a person with knowledge of Marketing, Communications, PR, or Event Management. This may be a business, management, PR communications or marketing focused degree. If someone has experience outside their degree in these fields and their first degree was in another subject SETsquared would consider the applicant. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicofarmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline Inglese scritto e orale molto buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Office E-mail The person must be a self-starter who is confident and works well with people at all levels. Developing relationships with people across many organisations and at different levels is important to the role so diplomacy, ability to influence and tenacity are essential. 76 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 47 (PROMOSSO DA RE.TE ONG) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante NICARAGUA AZIENDA/ENTE RE.TE. is an NGO with no religious and ideological approach in its work. The mission of the association is to fight against poverty focusing on human rights for all citizens of the world, with no difference of gender, nationality, religion and political beliefs. RE.TE. was born in the beginning of the 1980s with the aim of sharing its members’ technical competences to create initiatives of international cooperation and solidarity to face South world’s problems. Experiences with cooperation led RE.TE. to extend its own actions to other countries in Latin America, Africa and the Balkans, with important projects which were based on professional training as principal element to get people out of the state of poverty. The interventions are lead by a special attention on human rights, creation of employment and environment preservation. In different fields, RE.TE. works in every situation in which is shown a will of change is shown, of fighting against poverty, of self organization and sustainable development in favor of disadvantaged people. Cooperation and development projects are realized to sustain and strengthen job activities, to enhance professional skills, to promote employment and self employment supported by microcredit activities, to improve local production in order to find better way of commercialization. Furthermore RE.TE. gives support to small farmers and peasants’ organizations such as cooperatives and consortiums with a solidarity point of view. RE.TE. also encourages environment preservation by actions of ecologically and socially sustainable cooperation. More specifically RE.TE. works to protect the living conditions of populations living in priority areas with high risk of losing biodiversity and forests through sustainable development actions and agro-ecological approaches. We believe that a fundamental key to have a more equal world is the development of education and awareness campaigns. Our partners for these activities are schools, universities, trade-union associations and other associations close to our beliefs. Those actions aim to raise awareness of the real situation of “the south of the world” and all the mechanisms which are the cause of poverty and inequality. It is in order to contribute to a new economic and political reality of cooperation amongst world’s people with a widespread message of peace and solidarity. Those activities are realized by the organization of public meetings and tutorials, exhibitions and publications. RE.TE. believes that until a real change takes place in “the North” nothing will change in “the South” of the world. RE.TE is member of the Italian NGO Association, the Coordination of Non-Governmental Organizations for International Cooperation for Development (part of the European network SOLIDAR), the Piedmont NGO Consortium, the House of Peoples of Settimo Torinese and the Torino Social Forum. Cornerstone of RE.TE is the effort in active voluntary work from all its members. RE.TE has approximately 30 volunteer members, including members of the board, and a staff of 4 salaried people in Italy, in addition to cooperating expatriates in other countries. We host continuously between 2 and 4 young volunteers in the headquarters, and organize researches and stages for young people in the framework of cooperation projects. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO MANAGUA (NICARAGUA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI The internship is aimed to give intern the opportunity to test and improve skills and techniques directly applicable to their career. Particularly, he/she will have the possibility to develop skills in the application of theory to practical work situations. The internship will represent a fundamental period to improve his/her work skills, have relation in a team, and participate in the development of a project. 77 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Firstly, the intern will read all relevant documents of RETE's work and projects in order to understand the vision of the organization, its strategy, its objectives and its main fields of intervention. Secondly, the intern will enter step by step in a specific project (related to his/her field of studies), will participate in meetings and/or conferences and in the organization of specific activities. Also, the interns will be involved in the office activities related to information collection and compilation of basic statistical background for the preparation of technical papers, reports and informs. The internship is generally aimed at strengthen the intern’s skills of developing projects at every stage (plan, monitor, evaluation, etc.), realizing specific activities, working in a team in order to reach better results, elaborate documents as reports and informs. ATTIVITÀ Specific tasks to be carried out: Contribute to project design or development Support on the phase of monitoring, planning and evaluations of different projects; Support on the implementation of the activities in different projects; Help the writing and/or revision of reports, handbooks, manuals, or informs; Support on the promotion of different projects; Relation with the partners and donors; The host body will take care of the intern during all his/her period in Nicaragua. RETE will ensure the supervision and monitoring of the intern, will assign to intern tasks that are appropriate to his/her abilities and field of studies, will provide the intern of a suitable workstation and all the technical and professional conditions that he/she needs. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.600,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Maggio 2014 TIROCINIO VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 Laurea ottenuta a partire dal 1° giugno 2013. DATA DI LAUREA TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Tale restrizione si rende necessaria in virtù di quanto statuito ai sensi della LR 34/08 artt. 38 - 41. “Provvedimento di attuazione dei tirocini formativi e di orientamento, tirocini di inserimento/reinserimento e tirocini estivi. Attestazione delle attività svolte e delle competenze acquisite dai tirocinanti", che prevede che l’attivazione del tirocinio formativo (che si svolga in parte in Italia o che comunque sia sottoposto alla normativa italiana di settore) avvenga non oltre dodici mesi dal conseguimento del relativo titolo di studio. Il presente tirocinio sarà infatti regolato dalla normativa italiana e regionale (Piemonte) in materia di tirocini. Laurea in: Graduate studies in the fields related to political and social sciences, psychology, anthropology, philosophy, pedagogy, international development studies or other relevant programmes. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. LINGUE STRANIERE Spagnolo scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Team work and interpersonal skills; Friendly personality; Strong work ethic; Problem solving skills; Detail oriented; Flexibility and adaptability to situation changing; Organizational skills; Initiative; Self confidence. 78 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 48 (PROMOSSO DA RETE ITALIANA DI CULTURA POPOLARE) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante ITALIA, SPAGNA, EMIRATI ARABI UNITI AZIENDA/ENTE Centre for studies, research, safeguard and re-proposition of social models and popular traditions. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO TORINO (ITALIA) 1 mese, BARCELLONA (SPAGNA) 3 mesi, SHARJAH (EMIRATI ARABI UNITI) 2 mesi DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI Implementation of "Arianna, Euromediterranean Network of culture and heritage" within the organizational field, diffusion of the project among the countries' members, development and managing of web platform dedicated to the network Arianna. Organization and communication, on care of Rete Italiana di Cultura Popolare, related to Arianna Network and the Partecipated Archive project. Specific tasks to be carried out: Coordination of contact people referred to institutional Bodies and private ATTIVITÀ Entities within Countries members of Arianna and involved in the projects Media communication and press office, considering as a priority the collaboration with the Rete Italiana di Cultura Popolare, lead entity of the Euromediterranean network Arianna Logistical coordination Collaboration in planning AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.400,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Giugno 2014 TIROCINIO Laurea ottenuta a partire dal 1° luglio 2013. DATA DI LAUREA Tale restrizione si rende necessaria in virtù di quanto statuito ai sensi della LR 34/08 artt. 38 - 41. “Provvedimento di attuazione dei tirocini formativi e di orientamento, tirocini di inserimento/reinserimento e tirocini estivi. Attestazione delle attività svolte e delle competenze acquisite dai tirocinanti", che prevede che l’attivazione del tirocinio formativo (che si svolga in parte in Italia o che comunque sia sottoposto alla normativa italiana di settore) avvenga non oltre dodici mesi dal conseguimento del relativo titolo di studio. Il presente tirocinio sarà infatti regolato dalla normativa italiana e regionale (Piemonte) in materia di tirocini. VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Laurea in: Letters and Philosophy Political Science Languages and foreign Literatures Sarà inoltre gradita una specializzazione in: Social Anthropology of the Mediterranean - International communication Science for development and international cooperation Science of lingustic mediation Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. 79 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Spagnolo scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese e/o dell'arabo Windows Programmi di grafica Programmi di editing video Autonomy, organizational coordination and public relation capability Ability to work in a team Previous experience within organizational fields will be preferred conditions for eligibility TIROCINIO 49 (PROMOSSO DA SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS FRANCE - CRDC) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante FRANCIA AZIENDA/ENTE Saint-Gobain, the world leader in the habitat and construction markets, designs, manufactures and distributes building materials, providing innovative solutions to meet growing demand in emerging economies, for energy efficiency and for environmental protection. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO THOUROTTE (FRANCIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO Saint-Gobain is the leader in the sale of innovative products for the building sector. The acoustic department of the Chantereine R&D Center wants to optimize these products in terms of noise and vibration and wishes, in this context, reliable methods of numerical computation. The trend is now both, the refinement of models for increased realism and highfrequency calculation. Thus, it is necessary to vary the approaches and combine them to approximate correctly the performance of acoustic systems. The activities of the internship are to: Model with different levels of refinement the various features of buildings (plasterboard partitions, window glass, ceiling) in Nastran and ACTRAN. Based on the numerous measurements available, give the limits of validity of the different models. Develop a strategy for combining different models into one global model incorporating the various elements (walls, windows) in order to define the overall acoustic performance and the level of comfort. During the internship, the intern mission will include the learning the specifics of construction products, the handling of simulation tools and measurement, some basic theoretical aspects, and the writing of a summary report. The intern will work closely with the engineers responsible for numerical simulation studies in vibroacoustic. 1.900,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate) Typical student housing room with reduced price Partial reimbursement cost of transportation home – company Partial reimbursement cost of lunches Maggio 2014 80 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 Laurea in: Engineering Con specializzazione in: acoustics and porous materials and a basic training in TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO vibroacoustic or mechanic with A&V basis or similar. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Inglese scritto e orale: discreto (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) LINGUE STRANIERE Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese Office CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Numerical simulation methods (FEM) Autonomy, curiosity and practicality developed, easy communication, organization. ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Experience (internship or research project) in the field of finite element modeling will be an asset. TIROCINIO 50 (PROMOSSO DA SAINT-GOBAIN CREE) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante FRANCIA AZIENDA/ENTE Saint-Gobain, the world leader in the habitat and construction markets, designs, manufactures and distributes building materials, providing innovative solutions to meet growing demand in emerging economies, for energy efficiency and for environmental protection. The R&D Center of Cavaillon is the third R&D Center for the Saint-Gobain group. SG CREE is the reference R&D Center for Ceramics and Grains & Powders for the Innovative Materials sector of Saint-Gobain. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO CAVAILLON (FRANCIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ Today industrial doped zirconia powders are mainly obtained by co-precipitation of soluble zirconium derivatives or by thermo-hydrolysis. Depending on the chemical route and the synthesis parameters (acidity, pressure, concentration, dopants…), the powders obtained possess specific physico-chemical properties in terms of size, specific surface area, sintering ability, O2 sensing activity and surface potential. These properties combined will define the application of the powder. The goals of this internship are to explore new ways of zirconia synthesis and to assess their feasibility at industrial scale. Main activities of the internship: Chemical synthesis of zirconia powders and co-doped zirconia powders Scaling-up of the synthesis at pilot scale Preparation and characterization of ceramics made from the synthesized powder Specific tasks to be carried out: Synthesis of pristine zirconia and doped zirconia using different chemical routes and different dopants at lab scale Link structure and synthesis parameters: assess the impact of the chemical route and synthesis parameters on the powder properties (particle size, distribution, specific surface area, zeta potential, presence of porosity, electronic microscopy…) Assess the processing parameter to achieve stable and robust synthesis to prepare the scaling-up Prepare pellets from the made zirconia and assess the sintering ability depending on the physico-chemical properties of the powders : dilatometry, density, micro-probe, optical and electronical properties, mechanical properties 81 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Propose a new synthesis of zirconia for high end ceramics The internship will be carried out at CREE within the grain and powder division in the south east of France (Cavaillon). CREE is one of the four transversal R&D center of Saint-Gobain focusing on high performance materials. CREE core competencies can be listed as : ceramic and refractory powders, grains and components; mineral materials with complex microstructures and materials for heterogeneous catalysis. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 1.800,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Maggio 2014 TIROCINIO VOTO DI LAUREA TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 Laurea in: Material Sciences, Chemistry, Physics Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Inglese scritto e orale buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese Windows Have a good ability to communicate with people of different experience, job, science field. Team work, rigor, autonomy TIROCINIO 51 (PROMOSSO DA SAINT-GOBAIN CREE) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante FRANCIA AZIENDA/ENTE Saint-Gobain, the world leader in the habitat and construction markets, designs, manufactures and distributes building materials, providing innovative solutions to meet growing demand in emerging economies, for energy efficiency and for environmental protection. The R&D Center of Cavaillon is the third R&D Center for the Saint-Gobain group. SG CREE is the reference R&D Center for Ceramics and Grains & Powders for the Innovative Materials sector of Saint-Gobain. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO CAVAILLON (FRANCIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ Oxygen transport membrane process optimization through slurry for thin coating optimization. Main activities of the internship: Develop stable slurry with different binder/solvent to reach either porous or dense thin coating after sintering Ensure the quality of the coating before and after drying Specific tasks to be carried out: Slurry preparation: variable: binder, solvent type, solid content Slurry characterization: solid content, viscosity, binder dispersion Coating deposition: process parameter impact Coating quality after coating: SEM Coating quality after sintering: SEM 82 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO 1.800,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione. VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Maggio 2014 Laurea magistrale/specialistica, o a ciclo unico (non saranno ammesse lauree triennali) in: Material Sciences Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese Powerpoint Excel Word Adaptability to a multi-cultural environment. TIROCINIO 52 (PROMOSSO DA SIMBIOSI ARCHITECTS) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante GRECIA AZIENDA/ENTE Simbiosi Architects is an international office of architecture, founded in 2007. During these years established itself as a leading practice with international teams of architects, urban designers, landscape architects and industrial engineers. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO ATENE (GRECIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi Understand the procedure of an architectural project for its starts till the end. Understand the internal structure of an architectural office and its cooperation with OBIETTIVI external offices for correlated activities, such as integrated engineering services and skilled workers (carpenters, smiths, masons). Main activities will be: Design and project apartments and building since the first concept till the details. Take part to international competitions for new buildings or infrastructures. Design and production of prototypes of design objects such as chairs, lamps. Design in all phases of the projects and visits to the sites. Specific tasks include: ATTIVITÀ To understand the design project To prepare, and develop where required, drawings, models, images and other documents relating to the design To take responsibility, where required by the project leader, for specific areas of the design and project development To liaise, where appropriate, with members of the external design team and other associated organisations or companies To contribute, or otherwise assist, as required AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 1.600,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto 83 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 FONDAZIONE CRT indicate) DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO Settembre 2014 VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110. TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Laurea magistrale/specialistica, o a ciclo unico (non saranno ammesse lauree triennali) in: Architecture Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Office AutoCAD Photoshop 3D Studio Max È inoltre gradita la conoscenza di Illustrator e ArchiCAD. Good interpersonal skills and the ability to work well in a team. Ability to take initiative in response to direction or instruction. Ability to work well under pressure and meet deadlines efficiently. The use or knowledge of parametric software is not required but desirable. TIROCINIO 53 (PROMOSSO DA SKF INDUSTRIE SpA) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante ITALIA/OLANDA AZIENDA/ENTE SKF is a global knowledge engineering company working throughout the world in diverse applications; from wind farms and offshore oil rigs to high-speed trains, washing machines and millions of motorcycles, trucks and cars. Our 46,000 employees in 130 countries enjoy exceptional career opportunities, solid teamwork and the chance to make a real difference. Bearings, seals, lubrication systems, mechatronics and services are the core businesses where SKF operates and applies the competences. SKF is indeed recognized by the market as provider of high quality and high performance systems for several industries. Along with this role, SKF has contributed during its history to increase the knowledge on bearings and related applications. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO AIRASCA (ITALIA) 1 mese, NIEUWEGEIN (OLANDA) 5 mesi DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ LOW FRICTION SEAL Due to emission reduction legislation, the automotive market is facing a strong demand for weight and friction reduction from OEMs. SKF is strongly driving the development of Low Friction Bearing and one of the most important development areas is related to the sealing function. During the internship the trainee will follow and support the development of a new and innovative seal for Hub Bearing Unit The objective of the Internship in SKF is to give the possibility to further develop and grow the trainee competencies in the area of new Customer requirements, Performance specifications and wheel bearing units performance optimization The trainee will be guided by a mentor and will benefit from an extensive scientific and professional network. He will take active part in the team and will follow the following 84 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 activities: SKF Car Chassis Engineering (Italy) Introduction training on Wheel Bearing and Application Project background and goals definition Visit of manufacturing channels, test laboratory, metallurgical laboratory, field return center SKF ERC (Netherlands) Screening and analysis of potential design and materials Numerical analysis and fitting of experimental data Literature research and analysis of material models of elastomers in order to describe the mechanical response of applications According to the project evolution, the trainee will follow directly or will coordinate the following tasks: Literature research in order to define state of the art Define and / or select a theory to be proven with specific test Define and / or select possible design solutions in order to get the desired project goal Carry on / follow prototypes production Carry on / follow specific performance tests Analysis of test results Write (in English) a complete report about all the activities performed during the internship. Further notes: A part of the Internship (ca. 1 month) will be spent in Italy, where the Car Chassis Engineering is located. The Car Chassis Business Unit is one of the largest SKF Automotive Business Unit. It has global responsibility for business development, product and process development, manufacturing and sales on wheel end, suspension and steering applications, providing original parts for the Car and Light Commercial Vehicle industry. It is a global structure covering Sales all over the World as well as Manufacturing facilities in Europe, Asia and Americas. During those period the candidate will receive a training on wheel bearing products and technologies. He will participate to team meetings related to the subjects described for the internship. He will have the possibility to learn in first person what are the team dynamics in a real Industrial environment, covering all departments, from factory, to testing, to Product Development. For the rest of period (ca. 5 months). the Internship will be executed in SKF ERC, Tribology and Lubrication Department, located in Nieuwegein (Netherlands), where the most part of activities will be carried on. The trainee, guided by a mentor, will prepare a final report including all the results obtained during the Internship. Closure by a final presentation given to ERC and Car Chassis Engineering The SKF-ERC (Engineering & Research Centre) was established in 1972 to serve as the core research and development centre for the SKF Group. Since then, the centre has been a driving force in innovations and new technologies that are translated into customer solutions benefiting both the SKF Group and its customer. Over one hundred research professionals from more than 25 countries undertake high-level research and development for all SKF platforms at the SKF Engineering & Research Centre in the Netherlands and its satellite in Sweden. The research activity at SKF ERC has the primary goal to provide tools to the whole SKF organization which can help in the overall aim to design, manufacture and market products which will confirm the leading position of SKF in the businesses where it operates. The location offers the possibility to conduct experimental work, including the preparation of prototypes . 85 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO 1.900,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate). Mensa aziendale Maggio 2014 Laurea ottenuta a partire dal 1° giugno 2013. DATA DI LAUREA Tale restrizione si rende necessaria in virtù di quanto statuito ai sensi della LR 34/08 artt. 38 - 41. “Provvedimento di attuazione dei tirocini formativi e di orientamento, tirocini di inserimento/reinserimento e tirocini estivi. Attestazione delle attività svolte e delle competenze acquisite dai tirocinanti", che prevede che l’attivazione del tirocinio formativo (che si svolga in parte in Italia o che comunque sia sottoposto alla normativa italiana di settore) avvenga non oltre dodici mesi dal conseguimento del relativo titolo di studio. Il presente tirocinio sarà infatti regolato dalla normativa italiana e regionale (Piemonte) in materia di tirocini. VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Laurea in: Engineering - Aerospace, Mechanical, Physics, Materials, Chemical Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Windows Office Web/E-mail Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza di: Pro-E Ansys Mode Frontier MatLab Open minded approach. Interest to work in an international environment, independence and proactivity. TIROCINIO 54 (PROMOSSO DA SKF INDUSTRIE SpA) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante ITALIA/OLANDA AZIENDA/ENTE SKF is a global knowledge engineering company working throughout the world in diverse applications; from wind farms and offshore oil rigs to high-speed trains, washing machines and millions of motorcycles, trucks and cars. Our 46,000 employees in 130 countries enjoy exceptional career opportunities, solid teamwork and the chance to make a real difference. Bearings, seals, lubrication systems, mechatronics and services are the core businesses where SKF operates and applies the competences. SKF is indeed recognized by the market as provider of high quality and high performance systems for several industries. Along with this role, SKF has contributed during its history to increase the knowledge on bearings and related applications. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO AIRASCA (ITALIA) 1 mese, NIEUWEGEIN (OLANDA) 5 mesi 86 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI FALSE BRINELLING The automotive market is facing a demand for high to resistance to false brinelling at low temperature. SKF is strongly driving the development of anti-false brinelling features as additives and greases. During the internship the trainee will follow and support the test and the development of new anti-false brinelling features The objective of the Internship in SKF is to give the possibility to further develop and grow the trainee competencies in the area of new customer requirements, performance specifications and wheel bearing units performance optimization The trainee will be guided by a mentor and will benefit from an extensive scientific and professional network. He will take active part in the team and will follow the following activities: SKF Car Chassis Engineering (Italy) Introduction training on Wheel Bearing and Application Project background and problem definition; study critical operating conditions and application characteristics (HBU); failure mode analysis (compile available info on wear patterns as evidence) Visit of manufacturing channels, test laboratory, metallurgical laboratory, field return center SKF ERC (Netherlands) Literature research and analysis of testing methods Numerical analysis and fitting of experimental data According to the project evolution, the trainee will follow directly or will coordinate the following tasks: ATTIVITÀ Literature research in order to define state of the art Define and / or select a theory to be proven with specific test Carry on / follow prototypes production Carry on / follow specific performance tests Analysis of test results Write (in English) a complete report about all the activities performed during the internship. Further notes: A part of the Internship (ca. 1 month) will be spent in Italy, where the Car Chassis Engineering is located. The Car Chassis Business Unit is one of the largest SKF Automotive Business Unit. It has global responsibility for business development, product and process development, manufacturing and sales on wheel end, suspension and steering applications, providing original parts for the Car and Light Commercial Vehicle industry. It is a global structure covering Sales all over the World as well as Manufacturing facilities in Europe, Asia and Americas. During those period the candidate will receive a training on wheel bearing products and technologies. He will participate to team meetings related to the subjects described for the internship. He will have the possibility to learn in first person what are the team dynamics in a real Industrial environment, covering all departments, from factory, to testing, to Product Development. For the rest of period (ca. 5 months). the Internship will be executed in SKF ERC, Tribology and Lubrication Department, located in Nieuwegein (Netherlands), where the most part of activities will be carried on. The trainee, guided by a mentor, will prepare a final report including all the results obtained during the Internship. Closure by a final presentation given to ERC and Car Chassis Engineering The SKF-ERC (Engineering & Research Centre) was established in 1972 to serve as 87 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 the core research and development centre for the SKF Group. Since then, the centre has been a driving force in innovations and new technologies that are translated into customer solutions benefiting both the SKF Group and its customer. Over one hundred research professionals from more than 25 countries undertake high-level research and development for all SKF platforms at the SKF Engineering & Research Centre in the Netherlands and its satellite in Sweden. The research activity at SKF ERC has the primary goal to provide tools to the whole SKF organization which can help in the overall aim to design, manufacture and market products which will confirm the leading position of SKF in the businesses where it operates. The location offers the possibility to conduct experimental work, including the preparation of prototypes . AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 1.900,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate). FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE Mensa aziendale DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Maggio 2014 TIROCINIO Laurea ottenuta a partire dal 1° giugno 2013. DATA DI LAUREA Tale restrizione si rende necessaria in virtù di quanto statuito ai sensi della LR 34/08 artt. 38 - 41. “Provvedimento di attuazione dei tirocini formativi e di orientamento, tirocini di inserimento/reinserimento e tirocini estivi. Attestazione delle attività svolte e delle competenze acquisite dai tirocinanti", che prevede che l’attivazione del tirocinio formativo (che si svolga in parte in Italia o che comunque sia sottoposto alla normativa italiana di settore) avvenga non oltre dodici mesi dal conseguimento del relativo titolo di studio. Il presente tirocinio sarà infatti regolato dalla normativa italiana e regionale (Piemonte) in materia di tirocini. VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Laurea in: Engineering - Aerospace, Mechanical, Physics, Materials, Chemical Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Windows Office Web/E-mail Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza di: Pro-E Ansys Mode Frontier MatLab Open minded approach. Interest to work in an international environment, independence and proactivity. 88 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 55 (PROMOSSO DA SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante FRANCIA AZIENDA/ENTE Societe Generale is one of the largest European financial services groups. Based on a diversified universal banking model, the Group combines financial solidity with a strategy of sustainable growth, and aims to be the reference for relationship banking, recognised on its markets, close to clients, chosen for the quality and commitment of its teams. Its 157,000 employees based in 85 countries accompany more than 33 million clients throughout the world on a daily basis. Societe Generale’ teams offer advice and services to individual, corporate and institutional customers in three core businesses: 1. Retail banking in France with the Societe Generale branch network, Credit du Nord and Boursorama. 2. International retail banking, with a presence in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia, in the Mediterranean basin, in Sub-Saharan Africa, in Asia and in the French Overseas Territories. 3. Corporate and investment banking (SG CIB). SG CIB assists its clients with their major strategic operations in terms of financing, advisory services, risk coverage and investment solutions through its global leadership in its three areas of expertise: investment banking, financing activities and market activities. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO PARIGI (FRANCIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ The internship aims at giving selected candidate an understanding of equity derivatives and investment products dedicated to corporates, financial institutions, family offices and holding companies. The intern will develop analytical, marketing, financial and accounting skills relating to the presented structures. Assisting senior sales in preparing marketing documents, internal memos and pricings for the client within the Strategic Equity Transactions and SFH (Sovereign, Family Offices and Holding Companies) teams, with a focus on Southern European clients and Italian ones in particular. Specific tasks: stock analysis, information gathering on clients and underlyings, preparation of support material. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.350,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Giugno 2014 TIROCINIO FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE Mensa aziendale DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE Laurea in: Discipline economiche, Finanza, Ingegneria Gestionale, Finanza aziendale, TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Economia dei Mercati Azionari Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicoVOTO DI LAUREA farmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline 89 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Francese scritto e orale buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza dello spagnolo. Windows Web/E-Mail Office Sarà inoltre vaultata positivamente la conoscenza di: Bloomberg Visual basic Genuine interest for investment banking, financial- and market-related topics TIROCINIO 56 (PROMOSSO DA SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante FRANCIA AZIENDA/ENTE Société Générale is one of the largest European financial services groups. Based on a diversified universal banking model, the Group combines financial solidity with a strategy of sustainable growth, and aims to be the reference for relationship banking, recognised on its markets, close to clients, chosen for the quality and commitment of its teams. Its 157,000 employees based in 85 countries accompany more than 33 million clients throughout the world on a daily basis. Société Générale’ teams offer advice and services to individual, corporate and institutional customers in three core businesses: 1. Retail banking in France with the Société Générale branch network, Credit du Nord and Boursorama. 2. International retail banking, with a presence in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia, in the Mediterranean basin, in Sub-Saharan Africa, in Asia and in the French Overseas Territories. 3. Corporate and investment banking (SG CIB). SG CIB assists its clients with their major strategic operations in terms of financing, advisory services, risk coverage and investment solutions through its global leadership in its three areas of expertise: investment banking, financing activities and market activities. SITO WEB; SEDE DEL TIROCINIO PARIGI (FRANCIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ SGCIB in La Defense: The position is based within the Client Management Unit team (CMU) in the Trading Room. CMU is part of the CIB Global Markets (MARK) division, consisted of Fixed Income, Currencies & Commodities and Equity & Equity derivatives. You will be part of the Client Facing Team, responsible for delivering the spectrum of MARK products to several clients segments (Banks, Hedge Funds, Asset Managers and Insurance companies) in a challenging international environment (Western European clients, Russia & Eastern Europe, Emerging markets, sovereigns, France). Main Roles and Responsibilities: You will work closely with Senior Relationship Managers in daily activities including preparation of client meetings such as Account Reviews, Broker Reviews, transversal initiatives on specific clients segments: Account Reviews: analyze business potential and cross selling opportunities, participate to interviews with salespeople to identify the opportunities/gaps and prepare meeting with clients, participate to the debriefing and prepare call reports Action plan follow-up for each client 90 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Market studies and Business Analysis Data crunching and business data statistics Administrative tasks, data cleaning and internal reporting (Report and Analyze P&L related to Global Markets activities Internal and External contacts: Daily contact with the team across regions (Paris, London, New York, Hong Kong, etc) Salespeople across business lines in the trading room Benefits for the candidate: Access to all CIB/GLOBAL MARKETS activities. Have access to salespeople, traders, analysts and senior management of the Global Markets Division. Acquire a comprehensive understanding of MARK activities and Salesforce daily work. Develop knowledge of European Financial Institutions Markets and products offer to fit their needs. Participate to regular Training organized by business lines related to financial regulation, new products and strategies. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.350,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Giugno 2014 TIROCINIO FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE Mensa aziendale DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE Laurea in: Discipline economiche, Finanza, Ingegneria Gestionale Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente una specializzazione in: Finanza aziendale, Economia TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO dei Mercati Azionari Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicoVOTO DI LAUREA farmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). LINGUE STRANIERE Francese scritto e orale buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del tedesco. Windows Web/E-Mail Office CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Visual basic Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza di: Bloomberg Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Interest in Financial Markets environment, with basic academic knowledge in Finance and Strategic Management. Interest in business development, Marketing of financial products and strategic relationship management Specific knowledge of the European financial environment (banking regulation, economic trend, etc) is appreciated. ALTRE COMPETENZE Ready to learn, have a healthy dose of curiosity and great attitude. RICHIESTE Proactive and enthusiastic in a challenging environment. Able to work in a fast paced environment in both a team and alone. Ability to manage multiple long and short-term projects across different cultures and countries. Extreme discretion with confidential and sensitive information. Strong follow-up skills with attention to details. Excellent analysis and interpretation of data required 91 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 57 (PROMOSSO DA TCI NETWORK - THE COMPETITIVENESS INSTITUTE) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante SPAGNA AZIENDA/ENTE TCI Network is the leading global network of main organizations and practitioners with deep expertise in clusters and competitiveness, who collaborate in a unique open, flexible and practical context to advance in the practice of competitiveness, innovation and cluster development. Through its activities, TCI reaches out to 9,000 practitioners from development agencies, government departments, cluster organizations, academic institutions, companies and multilateral organizations in over 110 countries. Founded in 1998, TCI is a non-profit, non-governmental organization with a global scope, open to members from all continents. Through a different scope of activities, our members build up strengths and expertise on successful cluster development. Some of them include the TCI global conference , regional initiatives and conferences, thematic working groups, peer reviews and webinars. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO BARCELLONA (SPAGNA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ Gain experience to work in an international environment with all its specificities. Learn about the functioning of a global network with over 9000 professionals from more than 100 countries. Gain advanced knowledge on the latest trends on cluster based economic development Gain understanding of specific cluster programmes, skills and training Learn about project management and delivery Be trained to work in an independent way when carrying out specific activities. Improve your communication skills in a digital environment (web and social media). Become proficient working in foreign languages (mainly English and Spanish). Be part of the day-to-day activity of an international team. The activities will consist in giving support to the TCI Secretariat in three main areas: Communication, Network management and Support to any of the organization’s projects, activities, conferences and events. Communication Identify, select and edit content relevant to the TCI community, which includes TCI members, web visitors, newsletter subscribers and followers of TCI social media channels. Content is broadcasted through different multimedia formats, i.e.: photos, videos, presentations, articles. Edit text, images, video, presentations and other material so that they can be uploaded to the TCI web and social media channels. Draft tweets and Facebook posts. Look for interesting discussions in LinkedIn groups. Find relevant content on blogs related to clusters and competitiveness. Identify interesting initiatives from the TCI Cluster Initiatives database. Update the cluster agenda and the cluster training collection looking for relevant events worldwide. Assist with the elaboration of the monthly Newsletter: find interesting contents, pictures or videos and write short articles. Update TCI corporate presentations. Elaborate brief notes about TCI organizational members (recent activities, news, etc.). 92 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO Network management Give support to identification and contact of members within the network with a specific profile and expertise, through a continued update and administration of specific tools, i.e. TCI members' database, mapping of competencies, Cluster Initiatives Database. Identify members within the network with a specific profile and expertise. Analyze recent data of the Mapping of competencies questionnaire. Update TCI members and the Cluster Initiative Database. Support to any of the organization’s projects, activities, conferences and events Such as, among others, High Tech & Clusters conference in Switzerland in June and TCI Global Conference in Mexico in November. Help in the development of marketing materials for the conferences, such as leaflets and roll-ups. Elaborate working agenda. Preparation of specific meetings to be held during the conferences. Support of TCI Board meetings. The intern will always be supervised and supported by a member of the TCI team. The TCI secretariat is a small and dynamic team, so the intern will be fully integrated in it. The intern will be in permanent contact with TCI members and other contacts all over the world, mainly online. On some occasions, the TCI secretariat receives visits from members from the network in the office. 1.800,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate) Rimborso pasti Benefit per l’uso dei trasporti pubblici Maggio 2014 Laurea in: Economics and management International studies TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Communication Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicoVOTO DI LAUREA farmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) LINGUE STRANIERE Sarà valutata positivamente la conoscenza dello spagnolo. Office CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Social networks Flexible, adaptable to different tasks and environments, team player, creative, taking ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE initiatives, capable of working in an independent way. If possible, vacations should be taken during August. 93 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 58 (PROMOSSO DA TERA FOUNDATION) Per questa posizione saranno selezionati 2 tirocinanti SVIZZERA AZIENDA/ENTE The primary objective of Tera Foundation is the development, in Italy as well as abroad, of the radiotherapy techniques based on the use of hadron particles and, more generally, of the application of physics and informatics to medicine and biology. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO GINEVRA (SVIZZERA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi The scientific and technical of the TERA Foundation is focused on the development of proton accelerator facilities based on a cyclotron injecting the particles in a linear accelerator (linac) to treat solid tumours which are closed to sensitive organs that OBIETTIVI cannot be irradiated. Such a “cyclinc” has different application. The goal is the realization of a “single room facility” which can give to 300-500 patients/year the best possible radiation treatment: spot scanning with 4-dimensional feedback and multipainting of the tumour target. The intern will collaborate with the TERA group on the linac and the beam lines, on the design of the whole facility, on the test of novel linac structures that will allow the construction of a shorter linac, on the control system. The specific task will be: the calculation and the optimization of the trajectories of the ATTIVITÀ protons in the linac and in the transport beam lines, the layout of the various components on the site, the installation of a test bench for the measurements of the accelerating structure, on the specification of the part of the control system which is related to the cyclotron. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 3.100,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto FONDAZIONE CRT indicate) DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Giugno 2014 TIROCINIO Laurea ottenuta a partire dal 1° luglio 2013. DATA DI LAUREA Tale restrizione si rende necessaria in virtù di quanto statuito ai sensi della LR 34/08 artt. 38 - 41. “Provvedimento di attuazione dei tirocini formativi e di orientamento, tirocini di inserimento/reinserimento e tirocini estivi. Attestazione delle attività svolte e delle competenze acquisite dai tirocinanti", che prevede che l’attivazione del tirocinio formativo (che si svolga in parte in Italia o che comunque sia sottoposto alla normativa italiana di settore) avvenga non oltre dodici mesi dal conseguimento del relativo titolo di studio. Il presente tirocinio sarà infatti regolato dalla normativa italiana e regionale (Piemonte) in materia di tirocini. VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Laurea in: Fisica Ingegneria Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti LINGUE STRANIERE Inglese scritto e orale: buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) 94 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Office È inoltre gradita la conoscenza dei seguenti programmi: Cad C++ Java LabView ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Good interpersonal skills and ability to work in a team. TIROCINIO 59 (PROMOSSO DA UNIONCAMERE PIEMONTE) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante BELGIO AZIENDA/ENTE UNIONE REGIONALE DELLE CAMERE DI COMMERCIO PIEMONTESI Unioncamere Piemonte è l’associazione delle otto Camere di commercio della regione, voci istituzionali di un sistema di circa 400 mila imprese in cui sono occupati oltre un milione e mezzo di addetti: rappresenta la porta di accesso al sistema imprenditoriale regionale, alla rete nazionale ed europea delle Camere di commercio e delle società partecipate. La sua mission è promuovere e realizzare iniziative per favorire lo sviluppo e la valorizzazione dell'economia e dei settori produttivi del territorio regionale, assicurando supporto e coordinamento alle attività delle Camere associate. La mission viene perseguita operando su due fronti complementari: sul fronte istituzionale, Unioncamere realizza servizi comuni in appoggio al sistema camerale e imprenditoriale della regione, anche in collaborazione con altri enti e istituzioni, coordinando la fruizione di programmi, piani e fondi nazionali e comunitari; sul fronte promozionale, rappresenta il sistema camerale e il tessuto economico regionale in Italia e all´estero: partecipando ad accordi di programma, stipulando convenzioni, promuovendo la costituzione e la partecipazione ad enti, organismi e società che operano in relazione agli scopi istituzionali delle Camere di commercio, curandone e rappresentandone gli interessi generali; realizzando studi, pubblicazioni e convegni di informazione economica e di formazione alle imprese, per orientare e sostenere la crescita dei soggetti economici del territorio. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO BRUXELLES (BELGIO) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI La sede di Bruxelles conserva il suo ruolo d’interfaccia tra le Camere di commercio piemontesi e le sedi comunitarie, per l’identificazione di nuove opportunità di sviluppo e la promozione del sistema piemontese. Per il 2014 particolare attenzione sarà dedicata allo sviluppo di nuove sinergie per una maggiore partecipazione alle opportunità di finanziamenti europei, oltre che al rafforzamento di partenariati europei e internazionali nei settori ritenuti più significativi. È priorità dell’ente rispondere al meglio ai bisogni locali consolidando sempre più il legame con il territorio piemontese. Pertanto l’Ufficio si relazionerà con maggiore frequenza con la Camera di commercio di Torino, gli atenei piemontesi, il Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero e l’Ufficio Innovazione e Trasferimento Tecnologico di Unioncamere Piemonte. Per il 2014 è volere dell’ente consolidare un tavolo di lavoro che coinvolga un rappresentante per ciascuna camera locale e personale degli uffici di Bruxelles e Torino di Unioncamere Piemonte e che si riunisca periodicamente per valutare opportunità e aggiornamenti sulle questioni comunitarie. Il programma di lavoro 2014 ruota intorno a due principali assi: le attività svolte a beneficio degli enti associati piemontesi e la collaborazione con l’Asbl ALPMed per l’implementazione di attività comuni all’Euroregione. Gli ambiti operativi in cui si articolerà tale programma sono: attività di informazione e di comunicazione, sviluppo di iniziative ed eventi, valutazione ed eventuale partecipazione a programmi europei. 95 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 L’ufficio continuerà a partecipare attivamente ai lavori della Rete Errin (Network delle Regioni Europee per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione), gruppi di lavoro dedicati a Energia, Trasporti (compreso aerospazio), Scienze in Società, Future RTD, Innovation Funding, Salute, ICT e Turismo. Unioncamere Piemonte utilizzerà il canale del network per favorire la partecipazione piemontese agli ultimi bandi dedicati a RST e Innovazione dell’ultimo anno della presente programmazione. Contribuirà parallelamente all’aggiornamento e formazione del personale degli enti associati sui nuovi Programmi del periodo finanziario 2014-2020: Horizon2020, COSME e Politica di Coesione e ne seguirà la pubblicazione dei primi bandi, evidenziando le nuove priorità e opportunità. L’ufficio di Bruxelles si adopererà per continuare a fornire al portale europeo della ricerca CORDIS informazioni aggiornate ed approfondimenti. Unioncamere Piemonte inoltre manterrà e rafforzerà i contatti con Unioncamere Nazionale, sede di Bruxelles, Eurochambres, DG REGIO e il Comitato delle Regioni, l’Agence Spatiale Européenne – ESA, NEREUS – regioni europee che utilizzano le tecnologie spaziali, EBN – European Business Network, ERISA nel settore delle ICT, ECSITE – rete europea dei musei scientifici e delle organizzazioni attive nella comunicazione scientifica, UniMed – rete delle Università del Mediterraneo, rappresentanze di Camere di commercio europee. Per quanto riguarda l’organizzazione di eventi nel 2014 si prevede: riunioni periodiche a Torino con gli enti associati per presentare il Programma di lavoro e per raccogliere indicazioni utili al fine di realizzare le attività previste, un evento tematico annuale realizzato in collaborazione con gli enti associati a Bruxelles, un seminario di aggiornamento, formazione e networking per i referenti dell’Euroregione e per i rappresentanti delle Camere di commercio piemontesi, un seminario di aggiornamento e formazione per gli atenei piemontesi, verifica sulla fattibilità di altri eventi organizzati congiuntamente a ERRIN per i settori ritenuti di particolare interesse per il territorio piemontese. Lo sviluppo dell’Euroregione Alpi Mediterraneo è un ambito al quale, in sinergia con lo ATTIVITÀ staff dei vari componenti dell’organizzazione, sarà dedicata molta attenzione attraverso varie modalità: la condivisione, con una versione in lingua francese, della newsletter realizzata da Unioncamere Piemonte sede di Bruxelles, la creazione di pagine web dedicate, la realizzazione di materiale promozionale, la promozione presso le istituzioni comunitarie delle attrattive turistiche e delle necessità d’infrastrutture per la mobilità dell’Euroregione. Per meglio rispondere ai bisogni del territorio, le Camere di commercio dell’Euroregione AlpMed hanno focalizzato i propri obiettivi su due temi: infrastrutture di trasporto, al fine di inserirsi all’interno dei corridoi di comunicazione europei (RTE-T) e di rappresentare gli attori economici del territorio in vista della revisione della politica europea in materia di trasporti, e il turismo, sostenendo lo sviluppo del settore sulla base delle problematiche condivise e presentando pacchetti euroregionali che soddisfino le richieste delle differenti categorie turistiche. Rispetto all’ultimo punto, ci si propone in particolare di identificare un’offerta turistica comune e accedere a finanziamenti europei per progetti nell’ambito del turismo, difendere gli interessi dell’Euroregione nella revisione del Piano dei Trasporti europei e integrare il tema della montagna. Altri obiettivi da realizzare sono: sensibilizzare gli europarlamentari eletti nei territori dell’Euroregione; effettuare valutazioni sulla fattibilità di una consulta di attori locali rappresentanti delle 35 camere di commercio dell’Euroregione in vista di incontri annuali; organizzare un evento che presenti l’attuale situazione euro regionale in tema di energia. Nel 2014 la Presidenza dell’Euroregione AlpMed è assegnata al Piemonte. L’Ufficio di Bruxelles continuerà nel corso del 2014 l’attività di scouting di opportunità progettuali. Valutazioni importanti saranno operate per identificare opportunità nell’ambito di: COSME, in particolare i settori Energia, ICT e Ambiente; politiche per i cluster/poli europei e nuove comunicazioni della DG Imprese; CSR; Horizon2020; dialogo Università e Impresa, iniziative lanciate dalle Joint Technology Initiatives (Clean Sky per l’aeronautica, FCH per l’idrogeno e le celle combustibili, ENIAC e Artemis nel settore delle ICT); EIT – Istituto Europeo per l’Innovazione e la Tecnologia. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 1.900,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto FONDAZIONE CRT indicate) DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Giugno 2014 TIROCINIO 96 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Laurea ottenuta a partire dal 1° luglio 2013. Tale restrizione si rende necessaria in virtù di quanto statuito ai sensi della LR 34/08 artt. 38 - 41. “Provvedimento di attuazione dei tirocini formativi e di orientamento, tirocini di inserimento/reinserimento e tirocini estivi. Attestazione delle attività svolte e delle competenze acquisite dai tirocinanti", che prevede che l’attivazione del tirocinio formativo (che si svolga in parte in Italia o che comunque sia sottoposto alla normativa italiana di settore) avvenga non oltre dodici mesi dal conseguimento del relativo titolo di studio. Il presente tirocinio sarà infatti regolato dalla normativa italiana e regionale (Piemonte) in materia di tirocini. DATA DI LAUREA VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Laurea in: Economia Scienze Politiche Giurisprudenza Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Francese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Office (incluso Access/Base) Buone capacità relazionali e di lavoro in team. Spirito di iniziativa e capacità di lavoro in autonomia. TIROCINIO 60 (PROMOSSO DA UNITED NATIONS UNICRI – SVIZZERA) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante SVIZZERA AZIENDA/ENTE UNICRI is a United Nations Institute that carries out applied research, training and technical co-operation in the fields of crime prevention and justice. The Institute’s current priorities include, amongst others, activities related to chemical, biological, nuclear, chemical risk mitigation, judicial reform, security and counter-terrorism, international criminal law, victims protection, counterfeiting, cybercrime, crimes against the environment, urban security, sear piracy and drug treatment. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO GINEVRA (SVIZZERA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI The objective of the internship programme is to enhance the educational experience of graduate and post-graduate students from diverse academic backgrounds through practical work assignments and on-the-job experience, to expose them to the work of the United Nations and to provide UNICRI with the assistance of highly qualified students who are specialized in various professional fields. The incumbent will assist the programme coordinator in implementing and further developing UNICRI’s programme on counterfeiting in the following activities: ATTIVITÀ research and production of periodic reports on specific counterfeit product categories; update of the web section on counterfeiting, focusing on the risks for consumers’ health and safety and on organized crime’s involvement; training for law enforcement; awareness campaigns targeting consumers, highlighting dangerous and unethical 97 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 aspects in the purchase of counterfeit products; evaluation of the positive impact that anti-counterfeiting technologies may have in preventing the spread of counterfeit products, support law enforcement investigations, and protect citizens and consumers. The incumbent will support the programme coordinator in the development of the following activities: analysing information and conducting research on counterfeiting; elaborating activity reports, correspondence and information material; disseminating information on a targeted basis; preparing action-oriented research in view of the development of new project proposals; identifying opportunities to promote UNICRI’s goals and objectives and new sources of funding support; compiling and submitting funding applications, including adapting existing proposals to meet the needs of different donors; building and maintaining contacts with local institutions and international organizations and target audiences; identifying subject matters for the organizations of meetings and conferences; organizing key events, conferences and missions. The incumbent will also assist UNICRI’s programme coordinator in the development of new partnerships and proposals with institutions located in Geneva. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 3.100,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Giugno 2014 TIROCINIO VOTO DI LAUREA TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 Laurea in: Law, Political Science, Economics, International Relations Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Francese scritto e orale buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Costituirà titolo preferenziale il possesso di un'attestazione di conoscenza della lingua inglese. Windows Office Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationship with people of different nationalities and cultural background. Highly developed communication (spoken, written, public speaking and presentational) skills, including ability to present sensitive issues/positions. Ability to draft projects, speeches, press releases, presentations and other official documents. Working knowledge of other UN official languages desirable. Familiarity with the structure, programmes and priorities of the United Nations an asset. 98 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 61 (PROMOSSO DA UNITED NATIONS UNICRI - GEORGIA) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante GEORGIA AZIENDA/ENTE UNICRI is a United Nations Institute that carries out applied research, training and technical co-operation in the fields of crime prevention and justice. The Institute’s current priorities include, amongst others, activities related to chemical, biological, nuclear, chemical risk mitigation, judicial reform, security and counter-terrorism, international criminal law, victims protection, counterfeiting, cybercrime, crimes against the environment, urban security, sear piracy and drug treatment. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO TBILISI (GEORGIA) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI The objective of the internship programme is to enhance the educational experience of graduate and post-graduate students from diverse academic backgrounds through practical work assignments and on-the-job experience, to expose them to the work of the United Nations and to provide UNICRI with the assistance of highly qualified students who are specialized in various professional fields. The European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiologic and Nuclear (CBRN) Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence (CoE) Initiative aims at implementing a coordinated strategy for CBRN risk mitigation at the national, regional and international levels. This initiative supports the reinforcement of the institutional capacity needed to counter these risks. The incumbent will assist the Regional Coordinator based in Tbilisi in implementing and further developing UNICRI’s programme on CBRN risk mitigation Centres of Excellence. The incumbent will contribute to the dissemination of CBRN National Action Plan Methodology among partner countries of the CoE initiative. Moreover, the incumbent will support the process of collecting information and preparing relevant documentation. The incumbent will assist the Regional Coordinator in the promotion of the initiative among (potential) partners. The incumbent will support the programme coordinator and UNICRI HQs in the development of the following activities: perform research and collect materials (technical, educational, legal, etc) on CBRN CoE Project related topics; research and production of periodic reports on CBRN CoE partner countries situation; drafting meeting reports, correspondence and information material; building and maintaining contacts with local institutions and international organizations and target audiences; preparing power point presentations, drafting speeches and press releases; providing the EC Joint Research Centre with the updates for the CoE portal; organizing and attending key events and conferences in Tbilisi; taking notes, preparing reports and translating documents; identifying opportunities to promote UNICRI’s goals and objectives and new sources of funding; contributing to the organization of UNICRI missions Performing other tasks as required. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.200,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. 99 ATTIVITÀ BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO Maggio 2014 VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Laurea in: Law, Political Science, Economics, International Relations Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Windows Office Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationship with people of different nationalities and cultural background. Highly developed communication (spoken, written, public speaking and presentational) skills, including ability to present sensitive issues/positions. Ability to draft projects, speeches, press releases, presentations and other official documents. Working knowledge of other UN official languages desirable. Familiarity with the structure, programmes and priorities of the United Nations an asset. TIROCINIO 62 (PROMOSSO DA UNITED NATIONS ITC-ILO) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante ITALIA, THAILANDIA AZIENDA/ENTE The International Labour Organization and the Italian Government established the International Training Centre in 1964 in Turin, Italy, as an advanced vocational training institute. It has since matured into a focal point for high-level in-service training. This takes place in Turin, in course participants' home countries or via the Internet. The Centre provides training and related services that develop human resources and institutional capabilities. We thereby contribute to achieving the ILO's goal of decent work for women and men. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO TORINO (ITALIA) 4 mesi, BANGKOK (THAILANDIA) 4 mesi DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 8 mesi The overall objective of the internship is to give the opportunity to a young person to gather work experience by being part of a team and collaborating on real training projects. A more specific objective is to allow him/her to gain insight in private sector development and international capacity-building mechanisms. The last objective is to give chance to concretely develop training projects and research material in the field of Employers' Organizations development. OBIETTIVI As a result of the internship, the incumbent will increase his/her knowledge of: the functioning of industrial relation systems, HR, and the role of social partners, especially employers’ organizations, and on social dialogue; development policies, and the ways to influence the shaping of development policies; the ILO and the role of this UN agency in decent work and influencing development policies; technical matters such as lobbying, negotiation, financial management of 100 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 projects, report writing skills, research skills, skills in training delivery, learning methods and design of training programmes; contents knowledge on policy issues in which employers are involved: employment policies, skills policies, labour law, social dialogue; language improvement : the working languages of the ILO (and the ACT/EMP team as well) are English, French and Spanish. Finally, the opportunity is offered to interns to participate as observers in the training activities implemented at the campus by the ACT/EMP programme and, in some cases, by the other Centre’s programmes. This will contribute to increasing the knowledge of new interactive training methodology as well as of the content areas mentioned above. ATTIVITÀ As a member of the ACT/EMP Turin Team, the intern will: Assist the Programme manager in the development of new training material: Conduct research, make contact with experts, gather necessary information on content matters, propose new areas of capacity-building for employer organizations and draft proposals for new training material. Thematic focus: Productivity measurement at micro, meso and macro level; Role of Employers’ Organizations in promoting formalization of informal enterprises (focus could be fine-tuned according to the competences of the candidates) Assist the Programme manager in the implementation of training courses: Take part in the preparation of training sessions, draft training support documentation and research, develop training material, take part in training and help especially during interactive training sessions (Group exercises, sessions using pedagogical techniques such as world café/Round Robin/Video testimonials etc.) Assist the Programme manager in the follow-up and evaluation of the programme training activities: Contribute to workshop reports, analysis of group work results and evaluations, follow-up with participants on post-course assignments, help in development of impact assessment tools. Organize networking opportunities on Campus in Turin: Regularly organize brief meetings with employers’ participants who are following a course on the Turin campus to present the Employers’ Activities Programme and study the needs of employers' organizations, aggregate the information received and ensure its dissemination among the team activities notably by identifying relevant sources of funding, keeping track of submission deadlines, helping to drafting project proposals (EU and International donor agencies). Develop the use of modern learning technologies in the Programme: Contribute actively to the content management and further improvement of the Programme’s internet platform entitled Lempnet (boost use of interactive tools, keep contact with tutors and participants, manage discussion fora) as well as to the information database. Organization of the ACTEMP library: Categorization and re-organization of the department knowledge sharing platform. As a member of the ACT/EMP Field Team in Bangkok, the intern will: Assist the tutor in the organization of training related activities jointly organized with the Turin Centre: Maintain contact with Turin Team, give advice on relevant material issued by the ILO or other International institution, conduct research on mutually agreed themes. Assist the ACT/EMP Bangkok Team in its coordination tasks with field offices and the Turin Centre: Help in the implementation of activities plans for the biennium 2014-2015, in order to match the needs expressed by employer organizations through the field offices with the training offer. Prepare and co-implement a specific training course: 101 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Some of the options could be: develop new training sessions on skills policies, Role of Employers’ Organizations in promoting formalization of informal enterprises, CSR and promotion of respect of fundamental rights at work in supply chains. The role of the candidate would focus on research to map good practice in EOs, specifying their role in the above mentioned themes. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL'AZIENDA/ENTE VOTO DI LAUREA 2.450,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo facilitazioni sotto indicate). Aprile 2014 Participation in ITCILO training courses Travel expenses in case of mission Staff canteen with contribution given by Host Body (only in Turin) Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Laurea in: Economics, international relations, pedagogy, law Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Inglese scritto e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Costituirà titolo preferenziale il possesso di un'attestazione di conoscenza linguistica. Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza del francese e/o dello spagnolo Windows Web/E-Mail Word/Writer Excel/Calc PowerPoint/Impress Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza di: Frontpage Ability and willingness to take initiative, to be creative and innovative, to communicate actively and to be a positive and a process-oriented team-member in an intercultural environment. TIROCINIO 63 (PROMOSSO DA UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM STAFF COLLEGE - UNSSC) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante CAMPUS ONU - TORINO AZIENDA/ENTE Based in Torino, Italy, the UN System Staff College (UNSSC) assists UN organizations and their staff to develop the skills and competencies needed to meet the global challenges faced by the UN. Created by the General Assembly to improve the UN system’s effectiveness, the UNSSC helps to build a more effective and responsive team of leaders and a more cohesive management culture within the UN system. As the pre-eminent learning arm of the United Nations, the College develops, coordinates and provides cross-organization learning and training programmes with a view to: strengthening collaboration within the UN system; increasing operational effectiveness across the system; enhancing cooperation between the UN system and Members States, NGOs and civil society; developing and maintaining a cohesive system-wide management culture. To this end, the UNSSC offers a wide range of learning and training opportunities for UN 102 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 organizations, including: Residential workshops, seminars and training courses Distance learning initiatives E-learning and research in lessons learned and good practice Awareness-raising projects Advisory services Coaching and mentoring services Tailor-made projects and technical support Publications SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO CAMPUS ONU TORINO DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi The intern will be asked to provide support to UN Coherence programme, which is one of the thematic areas in which the work of the Staff College is divided. The UN Coherence Programme aims at enhancing the impact of UN development assistance in the field through more effective design and implementation of the UN OBIETTIVI Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) and harmonized business practices through Business Operations Strategies (BOS). Ultimately, through the UN Coherence Programme, UNSSC aims at helping UN Country Teams to move towards a more coherent and effective UN. The intern will be asked to provide support to the UN Coherence Team, in the development and delivery phase of its training and learning activities. The specific tasks for the intern are: Support the development, implementation and evaluation of the events and courses in the areas of UN Coherence, programme-operations integration, ATTIVITÀ business efficiency, and in other areas, as required; Support the compilation of lessons learned and evaluation of training activities; Conduct research on international cooperation for development, UN assistance frameworks, and programme-operations integration; Support fundraising efforts. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 1.400,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Maggio 2014 TIROCINIO Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 VOTO DI LAUREA TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Laurea magistrale/specialistica, o a ciclo unico (non saranno ammesse lauree triennali) in: Political Sciences, Economics, Human Sciences, Law E’ gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: Development Studies Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Office Outlook Good interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with colleagues within the organization; ability to effectively deal with stress factor occurring in heavy workload periods; ability to meet deadlines; strong skills in academic research; up to date knowledge of relevant current issues and latest thinking in the development field; good writing skills; proven ability to write concisely and clearly and communicate effectively orally; good computer skills and basic knowledge of associated electronic devices. 103 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 TIROCINIO 64 (PROMOSSO DA UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM STAFF COLLEGE - UNSSC) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante CAMPUS ONU - TORINO AZIENDA/ENTE Based in Torino, Italy, the UN System Staff College (UNSSC) assists UN organizations and their staff to develop the skills and competencies needed to meet the global challenges faced by the UN. Created by the General Assembly to improve the UN system’s effectiveness, the UNSSC helps to build a more effective and responsive team of leaders and a more cohesive management culture within the UN system. As the pre-eminent learning arm of the United Nations, the College develops, coordinates and provides cross-organization learning and training programmes with a view to: strengthening collaboration within the UN system; increasing operational effectiveness across the system; enhancing cooperation between the UN system and Members States, NGOs and civil society; developing and maintaining a cohesive system-wide management culture. To this end, the UNSSC offers a wide range of learning and training opportunities for UN organizations, including: Residential workshops, seminars and training courses Distance learning initiatives E-learning and research in lessons learned and good practice Awareness-raising projects Advisory services Coaching and mentoring services Tailor-made projects and technical support Publications SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO CAMPUS ONU TORINO DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ The intern will be asked to provide support to UN Leadership Programme, which is one of the thematic areas in which the work of the Staff College is divided The UNSSC leadership learning activities are designed to strengthen leadership knowledge, skills and capabilities needed to face the current global challenges and to promote the “One UN” principle anchored in inter-agency cooperation and coordination at all key levels. Some of the leadership approaches discussed in UNSSC Leadership learning activities include Adaptive Leadership, psychological theories of Leadership, Real Leadership, collectively Leading as One, functions of strategic leadership and collaboration and fairness. The Programme’s current core curriculum offers standing leadership opportunities systemwide beginning with the top most senior UN officials to middle level managers. The intern will be asked to provide support to the UN Leadership Team, in the development and delivery phase of its training and learning activities. Conduct research on leadership issues and other topics related to the work of senior UN leaders; Contribute to the design, planning and delivery leadership courses and related activities; Provide support to strategic partnership development and outreach; Prepare short stories and posts for the UNSSC blog Draft reports, key communication and promotion materials, as necessary; Assist the UN Leadership Team in programme management activities. 104 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO 1.400,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione. VOTO DI LAUREA Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO Laurea magistrale/specialistica, o a ciclo unico (non saranno ammesse lauree triennali) in: Political Sciences, Economics, Human Sciences, Law E’ gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: Leadership studies. Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Maggio 2014 Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Office Outlook Good interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with colleagues within the organization; ability to effectively deal with stress factor occurring in heavy workload periods; ability to meet deadlines; strong skills in academic research; knowledge of current UN global issues, background and international relations and/or development cooperation; good writing skills; proven ability to write concisely and clearly and communicate effectively orally; good computer skills and basic knowledge of associated electronic devices. TIROCINIO 65 (PROMOSSO DA UNITED NATIONS WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME – WFP) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante ITALIA E KENYA O SENEGAL AZIENDA/ENTE The World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. In emergencies, we get food to where it is needed, saving the lives of victims of war, civil conflict and natural disasters. After the cause of an emergency has passed, we use food to help communities rebuild their shattered lives. WFP is part of the United Nations system and is voluntarily funded. Born in 1961, WFP pursues a vision of the world in which every man, woman and child has access at all times to the food needed for an active and healthy life. We work towards that vision with our sister UN agencies in Rome -- the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) -- as well as other government, UN and NGO partners. On average, WFP reaches more than 90 million people with food assistance in 80 countries each year. About 13,500 people work for the organization, most of them in remote areas, directly serving the hungry poor. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO ROMA (ITALIA) 1 mese, DAKAR (SENEGAL) o NAIROBI (KENYA) 5 mesi DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi 105 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 OBIETTIVI Understand WFP’s structure, policies and strategies and get acquainted with field Operations; Gain experience in working effectively with emergency preparedness systems and pro-actively interacting with Country Offices and partners at regional level for an efficient and timely exchange of information; Get an understanding of WFP’s specific role and its responsibilities in regarding on an inter-agency level. The Emergency Preparedness and Response Branch (OMEP) is WFP’s corporate focal point for Preparedness. Its staff work in several areas – including Early Warning, Contingency Planning, Crisis Support and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping and work to inform both decision makers and teams in the field. The Regional Bureau Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) Team is responsible for enhancing WFP’s preparedness and response capacity in emergencies, including early warning, preparedness planning, crisis support and information management. The unit provides strategic and normative guidance, technical support and capacity building to country offices, as well as inter-agency coordination. The incumbent will be part of the Regional Bureau EPR team and will work in collaboration with HQ, regional and country office colleagues as wells as partner agencies. Specific tasks to be carried out: ATTIVITÀ I. Assist on enhancing and implementing WFP’s different preparedness systems, particularly the Emergency Preparedness and Response Package (EPRP), and simulations exercise, etc. Support the drafting, preparation and implementation of operational plans, project documents for emergency operations and grants related to EPR. Support the regional EPR-focal point in the planning and implementation of the preparedness activities for the regional bureau and the region in general. Assist in compiling and processing information for drafting essential Regional Bureau and/or Country Office reports and documents. Support the monitoring of EPR projects and the subsequent donor reporting. Assist in planning and organizing regional and country Offices preparedness workshops, conferences and simulations. Support the preparation process and follow up tasks for Inter-agency (IA) meetings and activities (as IA simulation exercise). Assist in other tasks as assigned by supervisors. II. Assist in ensuring regular and timely communication between CO, RB and HQ. Support the information management before and during an emergency Assist in response to requests from HQ in regards to Emergency preparedness activities in the countries as well as the region in general. Regularly review the status of the countries in the region in regards to their preparedness through EPRP status on EPweb and other channels and inform the regional EPR focal points about upcoming deadlines, etc. III. Support in the identification, planning and managing of WFP, Inter-Agency or other joint assessment missions prior to and during emergencies. Support in the development of relationships with sister humanitarian organisations at regional level. Assist in the implementation of joint emergency preparedness and response (EPR) strategies with sub-regional bodies. AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.200,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Maggio 2014 TIROCINIO 106 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 VOTO DI LAUREA TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE Laurea magistrale/specialistica, o a ciclo unico (non saranno ammesse lauree triennali) in: International relations, political science, environmental studies, social studies, humanitarian action, or a closely related field E’ gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: Conflict analysis; international studies; environmental development economics Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Francese scritto e orale buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Office ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Excellent ability to work in a team-work environment Ability to work under tight deadlines with minimum supervision; Knowledge of developing countries and emergencies; Excellent research, analysis and writing skills. TIROCINIO 66 (PROMOSSO DA UNITED NATIONS WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME - WFP) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante ITALIA E KENYA O SENEGAL AZIENDA/ENTE The World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. In emergencies, we get food to where it is needed, saving the lives of victims of war, civil conflict and natural disasters. After the cause of an emergency has passed, we use food to help communities rebuild their shattered lives. WFP is part of the United Nations system and is voluntarily funded. Born in 1961, WFP pursues a vision of the world in which every man, woman and child has access at all times to the food needed for an active and healthy life. We work towards that vision with our sister UN agencies in Rome -- the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) -- as well as other government, UN and NGO partners. On average, WFP reaches more than 90 million people with food assistance in 80 countries each year. About 13,500 people work for the organization, most of them in remote areas, directly serving the hungry poor. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO ROMA (ITALIA) 1 mese, DAKAR (SENEGAL) o NAIROBI (KENYA) 5 mesi DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ Understand WFP’s structure, policies and strategies and get acquainted with field Operations; Gain experience in working effectively with emergency preparedness systems and pro-actively interacting with Country Offices and partners at regional level for an efficient and timely exchange of information; Get an understanding of WFP’s specific role and its responsibilities in regarding on an inter-agency level. The Emergency Preparedness and Response Branch (ODEP) is WFP’s corporate focal point for Preparedness. Its staff work in several areas – including Early Warning, Contingency Planning, Crisis Support and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping and work to inform both decision makers and teams in the field. The Regional Bureau Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) Team is responsible for enhancing WFP’s preparedness and response capacity in emergencies, including early 107 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 warning, preparedness planning, crisis support and information management. The unit provides strategic and normative guidance, technical support and capacity building to country offices, as well as inter-agency coordination. The incumbent will be part of the Regional Bureau EPR team and will work in collaboration with HQ, regional and country office colleagues as wells as partner agencies. Specific tasks to be carried out: I. Early Warning Analysis Carry out analysis of early warning information and strategic research on global hotspots Analyse trends on specific countries in the region to identify potential hazards, estimate their magnitudes and impact on food security in collaboration with concerned units in the RB, COs, HQ and UN system; Use the CO risk profiles to prioritise monitoring and analysis, and strengthen executive decision support. Assist in applying early warning analysis to trigger country office decisions on when to perform planned emergency readiness actions; Manage, review and disseminate early warning information concerning the region; Use inter-agency early warning tools for collaboratively identifying, analysing, monitoring, and warning about natural and man-made hazards. Develop early warning planning tools, information management systems and comprehensive data basis on the areas and populations at risk, including information on food security and vulnerability profiles, and whenever possible, prevalence of malnutrition and other socio economic indicators; Support the use of the EPweb in the RB and COs as the primary online platform for sharing information. II. Other EPR functions (as required) Contribute to the management of data and information related to EPR activities and strengthen their sharing between the RB and COs, HQ and partners Assist in the overall information flow during emergencies; Assist in Lessons Learned exercises; Manage databases of EP Focal Points, key humanitarian actors at regional and national level and experienced WFP staff and consultants; Assist in the preparation of materials for meetings, conferences, symposiums; Assist in identifying training needs related to Emergency Preparedness and Planning, develop training modules and materials in collaboration with other units and institutions; Perform other EPP related duties as required AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI 2.200,00 € mensili lordi. TIROCINIO MESSA A Si ricorda che l’importo si intende a copertura di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto e DISPOSIZIONE DALLA alloggio, delle spese necessarie per l’acquisizione di eventuali visti, nonché di un viaggio FONDAZIONE CRT A/R per il paese di destinazione. DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO Maggio 2014 TIROCINIO VOTO DI LAUREA TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Voto minimo di laurea: 105/110 Laurea magistrale/specialistica, o a ciclo unico (non saranno ammesse lauree triennali) in: International relations, political science, environmental studies, social studies, humanitarian action, or a closely related field E’ gradita un’eventuale specializzazione in: Conflict analysis; international studies; environmental development economics Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti. Inglese scritto e orale ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Francese scritto e orale buono (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria). Office Sarà inoltre valutata positivamente la conoscenza di: ArcGIS Photoshop MapInfo Quantum GIS 108 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 ALTRE COMPETENZE RICHIESTE Excellent ability to work in a team-work environment; ability to work under tight deadlines with minimum supervision; knowledge of developing countries and emergencies; excellent research, analysis and writing skills. TIROCINIO 67 (PROMOSSO DA ZION NATIONAL PARK) Per questa posizione sarà selezionato 1 tirocinante STATI UNITI AZIENDA/ENTE Zion National Park encompasses some of the most scenic canyon country in the United States. The park is characterized by high plateaus, a maze of narrow, deep red sandstone canyons and striking rock towers and mesas. The park provide park visitors education and recreation and maintain healthy plant and wildlife resources. SITO WEB SEDE DEL TIROCINIO SPRINGDALE, UT (STATI UNITI) DURATA DEL TIROCINIO 6 mesi OBIETTIVI ATTIVITÀ AMMONTARE DELLA BORSA DI TIROCINIO MESSA A DISPOSIZIONE DALLA FONDAZIONE CRT FACILITAZIONI OFFERTE DALL’AZIENDA/ENTE Provide broad experiences in the management of natural and cultural resources at a Zion National Park. Internship work is typically associated with and supportive of a professional field; work may involve substantial elements of the work of the professional field, but requires less than full knowledge of the field involved. This internship is intended to receive guidance from resource specialists (i.e.; vegetation, wildlife, cultural, and GIS) at Zion National Park. The intention of this internship is exposure and direct field experiences with NPS staff in the management of natural resources and the challenges of conservation. Working within the Resource Management Division in Geographic Information Systems, Wildlife, Vegetation, Hydrology, and Cultural Resources to support a variety of resource and visitor oriented projects. Specific projects may include wildlife monitoring, GIS model building and ground truthing, producing various map products for all the park's divisions, database management, exotic plant management, and so forth. Some projects will be assigned based on the applicant's background. Provide GIS mapping and modeling support for Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Pipe Spring National Monument, and Cedar Breaks National Monument. Assist with the field-monitoring of endangered species (e.g; Peregrine Falcon, Desert Tortoise); assist with the database management, create GIS models for plant and animal habitats, and document archeological sites; document NPS assets. Utilize mapping grade GPS units to locate and record park resources. Develop and produce map products using GIS software. Intern should be in good physical condition, hiking and camping (camping equipment will be supplied as needed) in a hot environment is a potential. The internship may include extended periods at a desk using a computer. Near the end of the internship, the intern may be asked to develop a presentation about the internship experience and present it at an all employee meeting. 2.100,00 € mensili lordi. Si ricorda che l’importo è onnicomprensivo di tutte le spese ipotizzabili per vitto, alloggio ed un viaggio A/R per il paese di destinazione (salvo eventuali facilitazioni sotto indicate) Accomodation gratuita, totalmente a carico della struttura ospite Benefit per l’uso dei trasporti pubblici Libero accesso alle strutture sportive Bicicletta dedicata all’uso del tirocinante 109 BANDO MASTER DEI TALENTI NEOLAUREATI 2014 ALLEGATO 1 DATA (INDICATIVA) DI INIZIO TIROCINIO TITOLO DI STUDIO RICHIESTO VOTO DI LAUREA LINGUE STRANIERE CONOSCENZE INFORMATICHE Formazione gratuita su ESRI/ArcGIS National Park Service Pass Giugno 2014 Laurea in: Geography Geographic Information Systems Wildlife Biology Botany Hydrology Archeology Natural Resource Management Possono altresì essere ammessi candidati con titoli di lauree affini e con competenze coerenti con gli obiettivi e le attività sopra descritti Voto minimo di laurea: 95/110 per le lauree afferenti le seguenti aree-disciplinari: agraria, chimicofarmaceutica, geo-biologica, ingegneria, medica e scientifica 105/110 per i laureati in altre discipline Inglese scritto: buono e orale: ottimo (la conoscenza di questa lingua è obbligatoria) Costituirà titolo preferenziale il possesso di un’attestazione di conoscenza linguistica. Office ArcGIS 110
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