Energy Manager Forum An introduction to energy efficiency Dario Di Santo, FIRE Milano, 29 settembre 2014 FIRE: the association for energy efficiency The Italian Federation for the Rational use of Energy is a no-profit association founded in 1987 that promotes energy efficiency, supporting energy manager, ESCOs and other companies dealing with energy. ! Besides the activities directed to its nearly 450 members, FIRE operates under an implementing agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development to manage the Italian energy manager network since 1992. ! In order to promote energy efficiency FIRE cooperates and deals with public authorities, energy technology and service companies, consultants, medium and large consumers, universities and associations to promote best practices and improve the legislation. ! FIRE manages SECEM - an accredited body - to certify the Energy management experts according to the standard UNI CEI 11339. 2 FIRE: the association for energy efficiency Some members of FIRE: ABB S.p.A. - Acea S.p.A. - API - AXPO S.p.A. - Banca d'Italia - Banca Popolare di Sondrio - Beghelli S.p.A. - Bticino S.p.A. - Finlombarda S.p.A. C.G.T. S.p.A. - Citroën Italia S.p.A. - Comune di Aosta - Comune di Padova - Comune di Savona - Comune di Venezia - Cofely S.p.A. - CONI Servizi S.p.A. - CONSIP S.p.A. - Egidio Galbani S.p.a. - ENEL Distribuzione S.p.A. - ENI S.p.A. - Ferrero S.p.A. - Fiat Group Automobiles - Fiera Milano S.p.A.- FINCO - FIPER - GSE S.p.A. - Guerrato S.p.A. - Heinz Italia S.p.A. Hera S.p.A. - Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. - ISPRA - Italgas S.p.A. - Lidl Italia s.r.l. - Mediamarket S.p.A. - Nestlè Italiana S.p.A. - Newco Energia S.p.A. Osram S.p.A. - Pirelli Industrie Pneumatici S.p.A. - Politecnico di Torino Provincia di Cremona - Provincia di Firenze- RAI S.p.A. - Raffineria di Ancona S.p.A.- Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia - SAGAT S.p.A. Schneider Electric S.p.A. - Siemens S.p.A. - Siram S.p.A. - Sorgenia S.p.A. - STMicroelectronics S.p.A. - Telecom Italia S.p.A. - Trenitalia S.p.A. Turboden S.p.A. - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma - Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore-Sede Roma - Università degli studi di Genova - Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata - Università di Pisa - Università degli Studi di Salerno Vodafone Omnitel N.V. - Wind Telecomunicazioni S.p.A. Our membership include organization and professionals both from the supply and the demand side of energy efficiency services and solutions. 3 FIRE: the association for energy efficiency Besides being involved in many European projects, listed next, FIRE implement surveys and market studies on energy related topics, information and dissemination campaigns, and advanced training. Some of FIRE clients over the years: Ministry of Environment, ENEA, GSE, RSE, large organizations (such as Centria, ENEL, Ferrovie dello Stato, FIAT, Finmeccanica, Galbani, H3G, Telecom Italia, Unioncamere), universities, associations, energy agencies and exhibition organizers. 4 SECEM SECEM, European System for Certification in Energy Management, is a certification body created by the FIRE. SECEM was the first body to offer third-party certification for Energy Management Experts (EMEs) according to UNI CEI 11339 and is accredited according to the ISO/IEC 17024 standard. In Italy two standards were developed in order to promote the qualification of energy efficiency operators: UNI CEI 11339 for EMEs was issued in 2009, UNI CEI 11352 for ESCOs was published in 2010. A new standard for energy auditor is presently under preparation. Both the mentioned standards are recognized from the national legislation within the energy audit obligations for large companies introduced by the EED directive and the white certificate scheme. 5 A crowded and thirsty world 6 With a growing stress on cities Source: UNFPA. 7 Often far from the ideal renaissance town Picture source: internet (Moscow). 8 The “smart” future… is it what we want? Source of central picture: Bergamo Smart city. 9 The path towards 2030 GHG emissions -40% Renewables +27% Energy efficiency +30% 10 The three steps of energy efficiency Reduce energy losses and waste Use energy efficient technologies Adopt renewable energy sources 11 The energy efficiency market in Italy RAEE 2011 – Executive Summary di carburante per il trasporto marittimo internazionale (cosiddetti bunkeraggi), 40-‐60 bln scorte mentre il 5,1% è destinato ad usi non energetici, in particolare nell’industria petrolchimica euro of (figura 2). Final una riduzione del 2,65% L’andamento del consumo nei settori di uso finale evidenzia energy 2010; tale diminuzione ha riguardato tutti i settori, per gli effetti della crisi investments in rispetto alPrimary consumpEon economica e delle misure di promozione e incentivazione dell’efficienza energetica. demand i n 2 011: 12 Mln of energy efficiency Le maggiori riduzioni sono relative agli usi non energetici (dal 6,1 al 5,1%), che hanno in 2011: 135 risentito della crisi del settore petrolchimico, e ai consumi per usi civili (dal 35,5 al 34,4%). 2.5-‐4 Mln of residenEal buildings, 184 Mtoe by 2020 Il profilo dinamico dei consumi energetici nei settori di impiego finale per il periodo 2000Mtoe new employees 3.5 Mln housing units 2011 è mostrato in figura 3. I dati fino al 2005 evidenziano un andamento crescente del consumo finale seguito da una by 2020 in the service progressiva diminuzione, che nel 2011 ha fatto tornare il valore dei consumi finali ai livelli Target 2016: 4dopo 6% la forte contrazione sector Energy edel 2000 (l’eccezione del 2010 è dovuta a un effetto “rimbalzo” fficiency del 2009). target accomplished, Il 1 confronto 2011-2000 mostra una consistente riduzione dei consumi del settore improvement 990-‐2010: industriale (-23%) e un significativo aumento di quelli relativi agli usi civili (+15%), mentre i but transport and 70% of building consumi degli altri settori hanno registrato variazioni di entità trascurabile. industry 13%, transport services fall behind stock made before 2%, r esidenEal 2 8% Public lighEng: 1976, without energy Figura 2 - Impieghi finali di energia per settore, anno 2011 - Totale 134,9 Mtep 6.2 Mln kWh requirements Final energy consumption 2,2% Target 2020: 2,736 15 Mtoe final appointed energy consumpEons, managers, ma 1,000 lacking in the public 20 Mtoe primary energy, 14% target accomplished administraEon 5,1% 2,5% 24,2% 34,4% Industry Industria ! Transport Trasporti ! Civil sector Usi civili ! Agricoltura Agricolture Non energy Usi non energetici uses 31,5% Fonte: elaborazione ENEA su dati MSE Bunkers Bunkeraggi 12 An opportunity for supply and demand Technologies producers S U P P L Y Cooperatives Energy intensive industries ESCOs Non energy intensive industries Energy suppliers Progetto di efficientamento energetico Companies involved in building renovation Installers Service sector Public administration Fonte: FIRE. D E M A N D Residential sector Large-scale distribution 13 efficienza energetica ODEX, sviluppato nell’ambito del progetto europeo ODYSSEE MURE : rispetto all’indicatore dell’intensità energetica è in grado di meglio valutare il fenomeno in quanto depurato dagli effetti di cambiamenti strutturali ed altri fattori non legati all’efficienza. Energy efficiency trends Nel 2011 l’indice ODEX per l’intera economia italiana è risultato pari a 86,1 con un miglioramento dell’efficienza energetica di circa un punto percentuale rispetto all’anno precedente (Figura 2.30). Figura 2.30 – Indice ODEX, anni 1990 2011 110 Good 100 performance in the efficienza è stato rispettivamente pari al 38,8% e al 17,9%; meccanica e minerali non metalliferi residenEal sector, hanno, invece, evidenziato le maggiori perdite di efficienza: 45,7% la prima e 22,5% il secondo (figura 90 10). average in industry, Significativi miglioramenti si osservano a partire dalf2005 below expectaEons or anche per il tessile, mentre altre branche, quali cemento e metalli non ferrosi, hanno registrato un peggioramento dell’efficienza energetica, 80 services and particolarmente pronunciato nel 2008 e 2009. transport. Rapporto Annuale sull’Efficienza Energetica 2010 70 160 industria manifatturiera Agroalimentare Chimica Siderurgia Tessile Carta Metalli non ferrosi Minerali non metalliferi Meccanica cemento Indice di Efficienza Totale Industria manifatturiera Trasporti Residenziale Fonte: ODYSSEE 150 52 Al progetto, finanziato dalla Commissione Europea, partecipano le agenzie energetiche nazionali dei 27 paesi UE, la Norvegia e la Croazia. L’ENEA partecipa quale membro italiano. 140 41 130 Efficiency trend in industry Ireland 1995-‐2010: +40%. Italy 1990-‐2010: +15%. 120 110 100 90 80 70 Fonte figure: RAEE ENEA. 60 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 14 What we lack, what can help Awareness EPC e TPF Knowledge Financial resources Qualification Core business and co-benefits Support elements: information and diffusion campaigns; monitoring and EnPI; EMS ISO 50001; EME and ESCO certification; LCCA and cost-benefit analysis; IPMVP and advanced M&V; structured ESCOs and financing 2.0 (new risk management policies). 15 Energy manager: a fundamental figure In Italy non obligated organizations that appoint an energy manager are rising. Slight overall increase. Public administration far from the objectives. Law 10/91 appointments 16 ESCO: the energy service path ESCO: energy service company, certifiable according to UNI CEI 11352 standard. Integrated solutions A fundamental requirement is the ability to offer guaranteed performance contracts with third-party financing, either directly or through a bank. The energy efficiency directive assigns a significant role to ESCOs. Energy performance contracts Third party financing The revision of the UNI CEI 11352 standard, published in 2014, provides a more accurate certification. 17 Energy management expert Energy manager ESCO EME: energy manager expert, certifiable according to UNI CEI 11339 standard. The basic requirement is the experience gained in the field (he is an expert). EGE EMEs respond to different market needs. Energy auditor Consultant In order to pass the certification process EMEs must have appropriate qualifications and pass an examination. 18 Measure to manage and finance Without measurement it is impossible to eliminate wastes, seize opportunities, and enable third-party financing. EnPI kW, kWh, m2, people, °C, etc. E.g. EDPC for datacenters power density energy density energy efficiency climate control data management 19 Directive EED 2012/27/EU Transposed with D.Lgs. 102/2014. Main points: setting a plan for improving public and private building stock; renovation of 3% of the building stock of the central public administration; promotion of green procurement and energy performance standards for every good, service and property owned by the public administration; model contract for EPC in the public administration; promotion of ESCOs, third-party financing and EPC; mandatory energy audits every 4 years or SGE ISO 50001 adoption for large companies and promotion of audits for SMEs; mandatory energy saving target of 1.5% per year; promotion of smart metering, individual meter obligation and billing information; creation of a revolving fund for nature EE interventions; introduction of schemes for the qualification and certification of EE operators. 20 Incentivi per l’efficienza energetica CAR-TLR Efficienza energetica Rinnovabili termiche Rinnovabili elettriche Heat account RES incentives (D.M. 6 luglio 2012) Tax deductions 50% e 65% White certificates Source: FIRE. Other options (Elena, Jessica, EEEF, structural funds, local funds, etc.) CHP: high efficiency cogeneration DH: district heating RES: renewable energy sources EEEF: European energy efficiency fund 21 One action, many benefits Even for individuals the non energy benefits can overcome the energy ones. Source: IEA, Capturing the multiple benefits of energy efficiency. 22 Green companies are competitive… Leading companies buy better, consume less power and produce goods at lower impact. Source: Greenpeace, Apple 23 Change leadership! Figure 1. Factors for a favorable ISO 50001 environment. Fonte: M. Dahlgren et alt. ECEEE industrial summer study. The real challenge is changing the leadership and interiorizing the concept of green economy Figure 2. Progression of energy efficiency awareness and readiness to implement the necessary changes. 24 Save the date Next FIRE conferences: Ten years of white certificates Rimini 6 November 2014 Enermanagement 2014 Milano 4 December 2014 White certificates 2015 Roma 19-20 March 2015 FIRE award: White certificates for an energy efficient industry ! Ceremony: 5-6 November Next training courses: energy manager and EME; energy audit at the enterprise; IPMVP certification course; white certificates. 25 For more information about our activities visit our web site! Thank you!'uso-razionale-dell'energia
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