European legislation on CO Geological Storage Sergio

European legislation on CO2 Geological Storage
Sergio Persoglia
!   OGS Board of Directors
!   CO2GeoNet Secretary General
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Directive 2009/31/EC (23 April 2009) on the
geological storage of carbon dioxide
!   Legal framework for the
environmentally safe geological storage
of CO2
!   Capture and transport related through
amendments of existing legislation and
at national level
!   Removes barriers to CCS in existing
!   Member States determine whether and
where CCS will happen on their
!   Requirement to be transposed by 25
June 2011
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Related legislation – the ETS
!   Emissions Trading Scheme
!   CCS included to allow net tonnes stored to be
!   Any loss of CO2 must be measured and accounted
for, with national allocations of emissions
!   Environmental Impact Assessment
!   All elements of CCS subject to EIA
!   Storage EIAs are likely to focus on construction and
operational, licensed period
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Principles of CGS Directive
!   Performance- and standard-based
!   Environmentally safe geological storage should lead
!   Net reduction in atmospheric CO2 emissions
!   Permanent containment
!   Without negative effects and risks to the environment
and human health
!   Jurisdiction includes MS continental shelves as
defined by UN CLoS
!   Directive does not apply to storage of <100 kT
!   Storage in the water column is not permitted
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Key elements of the Directive
!  The CGS Directive gives criteria for:
!   selection and characterisation of storage sites
!   obtaining exploration permits
!   obtaining storage permits (application procedures,
conditions, content, and requirement for the EC to
review permits, and changes and withdrawal of
!   operation, closure and post-closure obligations
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Obligations in the Directive
  CO2 stream acceptance criteria
  Measurement, monitoring and reporting
  Inspections by authority
  Risk assessment and measures in case of leakage
  Closure and post-closure obligations
  Transfer of responsibility
  Financial security and financial mechanisms
  Third party access to network and storage sites
  Reporting by member States to the EC
  Trans-boundary cooperations
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Phase 2
Phase 1
Award of Expl.
•  Assess storage
•  Define storage
sites and
•  Review
Key Phases
Award of
Storage Permit
•  Review of
storage Permit
•  (Compliance
with all
requirements of
opinions of
Phase 3
Start injection
• Oversight of
any baseline
monitoring &
• Approval of
any updates to
monitoring &
Phase 4
CA permits
& approvals
Phase 5
Cease injection
•  Inspections
•  Review of storage
•  Oversee
monitoring &
•  Approve
plan updates
•  Ensure corrective
•  Periodic
adjustment of
financial security
Transfer of
Liability to MS
Circumstance 1
•  Continue
•  Oversee
•  Approve of
monitoring plan
Circumstance 2
•  Take on operator
responsibilities for
reporting, updates
to site char, risk
assessment, and
Circumstance 1.
Authorise closure
Approve post
closure plan
Circumstance 2.
Close site after
permit withdrawal
Phase 6
•  Long term
stewardship by
Member States
•  Monitoring to
detect leakages
•  Conduct corrective
measures, as
•  Surrender
allowances, as
transfer to MS
MS takes
liability for
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Monitoring area
Storage complex
Storage Site
Defined volume
within a geological
formation used for
CO2 storage and
associated injection
wells and pumps
Site + secondary
containment formations
Complex + surrounding environment
in which monitoring activities
may take place
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Selection of storage sites and
!   Selection of storage sites should be based on the
characterization and assessment of the potential
storage complex and surrounding area (requirements
specified in Annex 1)
!   The selected storage site should not present a
significant risk of leakage
!   Exploration permit – monitoring of injection test
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Storage Permit
!   Scope - To enable operation of storage site
!   One operator per site
!   Application for storage permits
!   good characterization of the storage site and storage complex
!   risk assessment
!   the total quantity of CO2 to be injected and stored
!   the composition of CO2 streams, the injection rates and
the location of injection facilities;
measures to prevent significant irregularities;
proposed monitoring plan
proposed corrective measures plan
provisional post-closure plan
proof that the financial security or other equivalent provisions
(apply also on post-closure or emergency situations)
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Storage permits (2)
!   Granting the storage permit
!   MS (CA) receive the permit applications
!   MS make the permit applications available to the Commission within one
month after receipt
EC may issue a non-binding opinion on permit application in 4 months
CA notify the final decision to EC
Operator informs CA any changes planned in the operation of the
storage site, including changes concerning the operator
MS ensure that no substantial change is implemented without a new or
updated storage permit issued
MS to ensure that the operator keeps a register of the quantities and
properties of the CO2streams delivered and injected, including the
composition of those streams.
!   Revisal/Withdrawal in case of:
!   any leakages or significant irregularities,
!   non-compliance with permit conditions or risks of leakages or significant
!   failure by the operator to meet the permit conditions;
!   it appears necessary on the basis of the latest scientific findings and
technological progress;
!   Revisal commonly five years after issuing the permit and every 10 years
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Other provisions
!   Monitoring
!   Monitoring plan – based on risk assessment, to detect any
significant irregularity
!   Corrective measures plan
!   Operation, closure and post-closure obligations
CO2 stream – mainly CO2
Reporting to the CA
Inspections of the storage site
Measures in case of leakages or significant irregularities
Transfer of responsibilities criteria
Financial security
Competent Authority (CA)
Transboundary cooperation
Public information - MS shall make available to the public
environmental information relating to the geological storage
of CO2 in accordance with the applicable Community
!   Amendments to other Directives in order to enable CCS
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Annex 1
Criteria for the characterisation and assessment of the
potential storage complex and surrounding area
!   The characterisation and assessment of the potential
storage complex and surrounding area referred to in
Article 4(3) shall be carried out in three steps
according to best practices at the time of the
assessment and to the following criteria.
!   Derogations from one or more of these criteria may
be permitted by the competent authority
!   Step 1: Data collection
!   Step 2: Building the three-dimensional static
geological earth model
!   Step 3: Characterisation of the storage dynamic
behaviour, sensitivity characterisation, risk
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Annex 1
Data collection
!   Geology and geophysics;
!   Hydrogeology
!   in particular existence of ground water intended for consumption
!   Reservoir engineering
!   including volumetric calculations of pore volume for CO2 injection
and ultimate storage capacity
!   Geochemistry
!   dissolution rates
!   mineralisation rates
!   Geomechanics
!   permeability, fracture pressure
!   Seismicity
!   Presence and condition of natural and man-made pathways
!   including wells and boreholes which could provide leakage
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Annex 1
Data collection (2)
!   The following characteristics of the complex vicinity shall be
!   domains surrounding the storage complex that may be affected by
the storage of CO2 in the storage site
!   population distribution in the region overlying the storage site
!   proximity to valuable natural resources, in particular
!   Natura 2000 areas
!   conservation of wild birds
!   natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora
!   potable groundwater and hydrocarbons
!   activities around the storage complex and possible interactions
with these activities
!   exploration, production and storage of hydrocarbons
!   geothermal use of aquifers
!   underground water reserves
!   proximity to the potential CO2 source(s)
!   including estimates of the total potential mass of CO2 economically
available for storage
!   adequate transport networks.
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Annex 1
Three-dimensional static geological earth model
!   geological structure of the physical trap;
!   geomechanical, geochemical and flow properties of
the reservoir overburden and surrounding formations
!   caprock, seals, porous and permeable horizons
!   fracture system characterisation and presence of any
human-made pathways;
!   areal and vertical extent of the storage complex
!   pore space volume (including porosity distribution)
!   baseline fluid distribution
!   any other relevant characteristics
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Annex 1
Characterisation of the storage dynamic behaviour
!   possible injection rates and CO2 stream properties
!   the efficacy of coupled process modelling (that is, the
way various single effects in the simulator(s) interact
!   reactive processes
!  the way reactions of the injected CO2 with in situ
minerals feedback in the model
!   the reservoir simulator used
!   multiple simulations may be required in order to validate
certain findings
!   short and long-term simulations
!   establish CO2 fate and behaviour over decades and
millennia, including the rate of dissolution of CO2 in
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Annex 1
Sensitivity characterisation
!   Multiple simulations shall be undertaken to identify
the sensitivity of the assessment to assumptions
made about particular parameters.
!   The simulations shall be based on altering parameters
in the static geological earth model(s), and changing
rate functions and assumptions in the dynamic
modelling exercise. Any significant sensitivity shall be
taken into account in the risk assessment.
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia ANNEX 1
Risk assessment
!   The risk assessment shall comprise, inter alia, the following hazard
!   characterising the potential for leakage from the storage complex
!   dynamic modelling
!   security characterisation
!  potential leakage pathways
!  potential magnitude of leakage
!  identified leakage pathways
!  critical parameters affecting potential leakage
maximum reservoir pressure
!  maximum injection rate
!  Temperature
!  secondary effects of storage of CO2, including displaced
formation fluids and new substances created by the
storing of CO2;
!   any other factors which could pose a hazard to human health or the
!   The hazard characterisation shall cover the full range of potential
operating conditions
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia CGS Directive – Guidance Documents
!   GD support coherent implementation of CCS Directive
across EU
!   GD published on CCS website on 31 March 2011
!   GD1 – CO2 Storage Life Cycle Risk Management Framework
!   GD 2 – Characterization of the Storage Complex, CO2 Stream
Composition, Monitoring and Corrective Measures
!   GD3 – Criteria for Transfer of Responsibility to the Competent
!   GD4 – Financial Security and Financial Mechanism
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Transposition
of CGS
performed by
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia !   By June 25th 2011 transposition of the CCS Directive was accepted
by the EC only in Spain
!   By the end 2013 the CCS Directive has been fully transposed into
national law to the satisfaction of the EC in 20 out of 28 EU
Member States, while six EU countries (Austria, Cyprus,
Hungary, Ireland, Sweden and Slovenia) had to complete
transposing measures
!   In July 2014 the EC has closed infringement procedures against
Cyprus, Hungary and Ireland
!   Sweden (which temporary banned CO2 storage until end2013), in
March 2014 published a new law, permitting CO2 storage offshore
!   In Poland, their CCS law was published in November 2013
!   Croatia entered the EU on July 2013 and simultaneously
transposed the CCS directive
!   The evaluation of the national laws in Poland and Croatia is ongoing
in 2014
!   Turkey as an associated EU Member State has to transpose the
Directive at a later date, starting with the preparation process to
join ETS (European Emission Trading System) in 2014
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia CO2 storage
Permitted or
not in EU
Review of CGS Directive
!   After 5 years from its entry into force and in
accordance with Art. 38, the Directive needs to be
assessed in terms of effectiveness, efficiency,
coherence, relevance and EU added value
!   A study is on-going by Triple, RICARDO-AEA and
TNO (member of CO2GeoNet)
  Online questionnaires (105)
  Stakeholders interviews
  Stakeholders workshop (September 2014)
  Expert analysis of literature
  Final report by December 2014
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia
CO2GeoNet association
CO2GeoNet expanded in 2013:
Yellow: new member countries
Blue: founding member
Membership s+ll open and expected to grow in 2015 (Sweden and Switzerland) Current membership: 26 research ins+tutes over 17 European countries Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia CO2GeoNet activities
Joint research 2. 
Scien+fic advice 3. 
Training 4. 
Informa+on and communica+on As an independent and mul?disciplinary scien?fic body, CO2GeoNet has the key role of building trust on CO2 geological storage and supporAng wide-­‐
scale CCS implementaAon Brochure available
in 26 languages
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Thanks
Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia Il ruolo delle tecnologie “Carbon Capture and Storage” , Novembre 27, 2014 – Carbonia