Francesca Calore Gamma rays from Galactic pulsars: high- and lowlatitude emission NOW 2014 Conca Specchiulla, 8th September 2014 based on: F. Calore, M. Di Mauro & F. Donato, arXiv:1406.2706 F. Calore, I. Cholis & C. Weniger, arXiv:1409.0042 The Isotropic Gamma-Ray Background (IGRB) M. Razzano presentation about Fermi results ! Fermi all-sky gamma-ray map 0 0.05 Photon energy: 100 MeV - 10 GeV 0.15 0.35 Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 0.74 1.5 1 3.1 6.2 13 25 50 NOW 2014 The Isotropic Gamma-Ray Background (IGRB) Fermi all-sky gamma-ray map - 11 months data @ high latitudes |b| 10 Resolved - Point Sources Galactic Diffuse Emission - Resolved Point Sources Galactic Diffuse Emission Solar photon & 0 - 0.05 CRs background CRs Background & solar = photon Energy range: 200 MeV - 100 GeV 0.15 0.35 Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 0.74 1.5 2 3.1 6.2 13 25 50 NOW 2014 The Isotropic Gamma-Ray Background (IGRB) Fermi all-sky gamma-ray map - 11 months data @ high latitudes |b| 10 Resolved - Point Sources Galactic Diffuse Emission /E 2.41 - Resolved Point Sources Galactic Diffuse Emission Solar photon & 0 - 0.05 Abdo et al., PRL’10 CRs background CRs Background & solar = photon + Anisotropy at small scales. Energy range: 200 MeV - 100 GeV 0.15 0.35 Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 0.74 1.5 2 3.1 6.2 13 25 50 NOW 2014 The origin of the IGRB Unresolved Point Sources Diffuse Processes Blazars Most abundant population of LAT detected sources Contribution up to 10 - 20 % Abdo et al., ApJ’10, ! Ajello et al., ApJ’12, Di Mauro et al, ’13 Non-blazars active galaxies Few resolved members, but large unresolved population. ! Inoue, ApJ’11, Di Mauro et al, ApJ’13 ! Star-forming galaxies Outnumber AGN in number density, although 4 detected objects; ca 4 - 20% ! I. Tamborra presentation ! ! Galactic Pulsars Second most abundant population, but few % of the diffuse flux. Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam DM annihilation In the Milky Way and in other galaxies.Uncertainty in the DM distribution. ! e.g. Fornasa et al., MNRAS’13 ! UHECRs E.M. cascade from interaction with CMB. Contribution from 1% to 50% . ! et al., PRD’09, Berezinsky et al., PLB, ‘10 Kalashev ! Intergalactic shocks Shock waves as electrons accelerators, then IC on CMB; ca. 10% of IGRB. ! Keshet et al., ApJ’03, Gabici & Blasi, AP’03 3 NOW 2014 The origin of the IGRB Unresolved Point Sources Diffuse Processes Blazars Most abundant population of LAT detected sources Contribution up to 10 - 20 % Abdo et al., ApJ’10, ! Ajello et al., ApJ’12, Di Mauro et al, ’13 Non-blazars active galaxies Few resolved members, but large unresolved population. ! Inoue, ApJ’11, Di Mauro et al, ApJ’13 ! Star-forming galaxies Outnumber AGN in number density, although 4 detected objects; ca 4 - 20% ! I. Tamborra presentation ! ! Galactic Pulsars Second most abundant population, but few % of the diffuse flux. Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam DM annihilation In the Milky Way and in other galaxies.Uncertainty in the DM distribution. ! e.g. Fornasa et al., MNRAS’13 ! UHECRs E.M. cascade from interaction with CMB. Contribution from 1% to 50% . ! et al., PRD’09, Berezinsky et al., PLB, ‘10 Kalashev ! Intergalactic shocks Shock waves as electrons accelerators, then IC on CMB; ca. 10% of IGRB. ! Keshet et al., ApJ’03, Gabici & Blasi, AP’03 3 NOW 2014 Young & Millisecond pulsars dP/dt vs P for the ATNF catalog Pulsars and MSPs 10-11 ATNF MSPs 10-12 10 -13 10 -14 ATNF young Pulsars dP/dt [s/s] 10-15 10-16 Fermi-LAT MSPs Fermi-LAT Pulsars P = 0.015 s MSPs 10-17 10-18 Young Pulsars 10-19 10 -20 10-21 10-22 -3 10 10-2 10-1 100 P [s] Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 4 101 • Pulsars are rapidly spinning neutron stars. ! • Pulsars divided into young Pulsars (P>15 ms) and Millisecond Pulsars (MSPs) . ! • ATNF catalog: about 2000 sources (132 MSPs) ! • Fermi-LAT second Pulsars catalog (2FPC) with 117 sources (40 MSPs and 77 young objects). NOW 2014 Pulsar gamma-ray emission • • • Gamma rays from the conversion of rotational kinetic energy. The initial rotation period slows down for magneticdipole braking. The slow down is measured by the period derivative: ! ! ! • The spin-down luminosity, namely the loss energy rate is: ! ! • A fraction of the spin-down luminosity is converted into gamma rays with a given efficiency: Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 5 NOW 2014 Pulsar gamma-ray emission • • • Gamma rays from the conversion of rotational kinetic energy. The initial rotation period slows down for magneticdipole braking. The slow down is measured by the period derivative: ! ! ! • (1) magnetic field (2)rotation period The spin-down luminosity, namely the loss energy rate is: ! ! • A fraction of the spin-down luminosity is converted into gamma rays with a given efficiency: (1) luminosity efficiency Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 5 NOW 2014 Parameter distributions (1) Radio measurements from ATNF catalog (132 sources) B distribution N(B) of ATNF catalog MSPs ATNF Distr Log10 Gauss. hlog10 (B/G)i = 8.27 log10 B = 0.30 ATNF distr. Gauss. Log10 Gauss. 15 NN(P) (P ) NN(B) (B) 15 P distribution N(P) of ATNF catalog MSPs 10 hlog10 (P/s)i = 5 5 0 0 8 log10 P 10 0.002 9 0.004 0.006 2.54 = 0.19 0.008 0.01 P [s] [G] logLog10(B)(B/G) P [s] 10 (1)magnetic field (2)rotation period Novelty!! Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 6 NOW 2014 Parameter distributions (1) Radio measurements from ATNF catalog (132 sources) r distribution N(r) of ATNF catalog MSPs z distribution N(z) of ATNF catalog MSPs 40 25 20 ATNF distr. Gauss. Exp. hzi = 0 kpc NN(r)(r) NN(z) (z) hri = 7.42 kpc 30 z0 = 0.67 kpc 15 10 ATNF distr. Gauss. Exp. r0 = 1.03 kpc 20 10 5 0 0 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 3 z [kpc] 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 r [kpc] r[kpc] z[kpc] (3)z distribution (4)r distribution distance from the Galactic plane Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 4 projected distance from the Galactic center 7 NOW 2014 Parameter distributions (2) Gamma-ray measurements from Fermi-LAT 2PC (40 sources) L (dE/dt) 10 38 1037 LL [erg/s] [erg/s] 10 36 Band = 0.095, = 1 Fermi-LAT MSPs Fermi-LAT UL (1) luminosity efficiency 1035 1034 ỷ is the conversion efficiency. 1033 Benchmark: 1032 ↵ = 1 , ⌘ = 0.095 1031 Empirical uncertainty band: 1030 1031 ⌘ ={0.015, 0.65} 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 ˙dE/dt [erg/s] E[erg/s] • The scatter of the data points does not allow a statistically robust correlation. • We derive 95% C.L. upper limits on the gamma-ray flux of a sample of 20 sources nondetected by the Fermi-LAT. • 20 selected sources in the ATNF catalog are the ones (with |b| > 10 ) expected to be the most powerful gamma-ray emitters if standard values of ử = 1 and ỷ =0.1 are assumed. Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 8 NOW 2014 Parameter distributions (2) Gamma-ray measurements from Fermi-LAT 2PC (40 sources) Spectral energy distribution of observed sources distribution N( ) of MSPs in the 2FPC 15 h i = 1.29 Log10(Ecut) distribution N(Log10(Ecut)) of MSPs in the 2FPC N (Ecut ) = 0.37 10 ˜cut E Fermi-LAT Gauss. = 0.18 N(Ecut) 10 N( ) N( ) ˜cut i = 3.38 hE Fermi-LAT Gauss. 5 5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 3 2 3.5 log10 (Ecut /MeV) Log10(Ecut [MeV]) (3)cutoff energy (2)spectral index Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 9 NOW 2014 MSP gamma-ray sky Simulated MSPs distribution For each simulated source we derive: - the position: r, z - the gamma-ray luminosity: ˙ • P, B ! E 2 ⌘ ! L ! S ⌘ L /(4⇡d ) • a • a , Ecut ! F • Fermi-LAT source sensitivity Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 10 Fermi-LAT Coll. arXiv:1305.8345 NOW 2014 MSP gamma-ray sky Simulated MSPs distribution For each simulated source we derive: - the position: r, z - the gamma-ray luminosity: ˙ • P, B ! E 2 ⌘ ! L ! S ⌘ L /(4⇡d ) • a • a , Ecut ! F • Fermi-LAT source sensitivity Fermi-LAT Coll. arXiv:1305.8345 Detected or non-detected source? A. Resolved MSPs (max 39) B. Unresolved MSPs Total of about 1000 - 1500 simulated sources for 1000 MC simulations. Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 10 NOW 2014 MSP gamma-ray sky Simulated MSPs distribution Resolved MSPs counterpart Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 11 NOW 2014 MSP gamma-ray sky Simulated MSPs distribution Unresolved MSPs counterpart Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 11 NOW 2014 High-latitude emission Unresolved flux in the high-latitude region Calore, Di Mauro, DonatoMSPs (2014) E2 dN/dE [GeV/cm2/s/sr] 10 1 Band Average Ackermann 2012 -3 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 10 |b| > 10 -8 10-1 100 101 102 103 E [GeV] 1000 MC realisations of MSPs population. Uncertainty band due to parameter distributions errors and LAT sensitivity. Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 12 NOW 2014 High-latitude emission Unresolved flux in the high-latitude region Calore, Di Mauro, DonatoMSPs (2014) E2 dN/dE [GeV/cm2/s/sr] 10 1 Band Average Ackermann 2012 -3 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 |b| > MSPs contribution to the IGRB is 10 1 2 about 0.1% the peak (210GeV) and 103 10-1 100 - 0.9% at 10 E [GeV] about 0.02% - 0.13% of the integrated IGRB intensity. Uncertainty band of O(10) at all energies. 10-8 Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 12 NOW 2014 Low-latitude emission: the Fermi-LAT GeV excess Claim of a gamma-ray excess emission over standard astrophysical background in the inner region of the Galaxy: 0 0.05 0.15 0.35 0.74 1.5 3.1 6.2 13 25 Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 50 13 NOW 2014 Low-latitude emission: the Fermi-LAT GeV excess Claim of a gamma-ray excess emission over standard astrophysical background in the inner region of the Galaxy: • Galactic Center region: |b| 3.5 & |l| 3.5 Abazajian et al. (2014), Macias & Gordon (2013), etc. Macias & Gordon (2013) 0 0.05 0.15 0.35 0.74 1.5 3.1 6.2 13 25 Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 50 13 NOW 2014 Low-latitude emission: the Fermi-LAT GeV excess Claim of a gamma-ray excess emission over standard astrophysical background in the inner region of the Galaxy: • Galactic Center region: |b| 3.5 & |l| 3.5 Abazajian et al. (2014), Macias & Gordon (2013), etc. • Inner Galaxy: inner tens of degrees about the GC, |b| > 1 Daylan et al. (2014), Huang et al. (2013), Hooper & Slatyer (2013), etc. Calore, Cholis, Weniger (2014) 0 0.05 0.15 0.35 0.74 1.5 3.1 6.2 13 25 Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 50 13 NOW 2014 Low-latitude emission: the Fermi-LAT GeV excess E 2 dN/dE [GeV cm−2 s−1 sr−1 ] 10−5 DM τ + τ − GC excess spectrum with stat. and corr. syst. errors broken PL PL with exp. cutoff DM ¯bb 10−6 10−7 10−8 100 101 E [GeV] 102 Parametric fits to the spectrum of the GCE emission. Calore, Cholis, Weniger (2014) Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 14 NOW 2014 Low-latitude emission: the Fermi-LAT GeV excess E 2 dN/dE [GeV cm−2 s−1 sr−1 ] 10−5 DM τ + τ − GC excess spectrum with stat. and corr. syst. errors broken PL PL with exp. cutoff DM ¯bb 10−6 10−7 10−8 100 101 E [GeV] 102 Parametric fits to the spectrum of the GCE emission. Calore, Cholis, Weniger (2014) Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 14 NOW 2014 Low-latitude emission: the Fermi-LAT GeV excess E 2 dN/dE [GeV cm−2 s−1 sr−1 ] 10−5 DM τ + τ − GC excess spectrum with stat. and corr. syst. errors broken PL PL with exp. cutoff DM ¯bb 10−6 10−7 10−8 100 101 E [GeV] 102 Parametric fits to the spectrum of the GCE emission. Calore, Cholis, Weniger (2014) Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 14 NOW 2014 Low-latitude emission: the Fermi-LAT GeV excess E 2 dN/dE [GeV cm−2 s−1 sr−1 ] 10−5 DM τ + τ − GC excess spectrum with stat. and corr. syst. errors broken PL PL with exp. cutoff DM ¯bb 10−6 10−7 10−8 100 101 E [GeV] 102 Can young pulsars and MSPs explain the GC excess emission? Calore, Cholis, Weniger (2014) Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 14 NOW 2014 Pulsars low-latitude emission Inner Galaxy 10 |b| 20 |b| 3.5 & |l| 3.5 Galactic Center Calore, Di Mauro, Donato (2014) Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 15 NOW 2014 Pulsars low-latitude emission Inner Galaxy 10 |b| 20 |b| 3.5 & |l| 3.5 Galactic Center Pulsars and MSPs might explain up to 5% of the GeV excess in the Inner Galaxy and 8% in the Galactic Center region. Calore, Di Mauro, Donato (2014) Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 15 NOW 2014 Pulsars interpretation of the GeV excess ✓t 1. Spectral argument Power-law with exponential cutoff is consistent with observed pulsar gamma ray properties. ✓t 2. Luminosity (flux) argument The emission from unresolved pulsars can account for at most 10% of the excess emission in both the Galactic Center and Inner Galaxy regions. 3. Morphology argument ? The source distribution is well compatible with a disklike population. Nevertheless, it is possible to have a “bulge” component. It is anyhow unlikely that it extends up to 10 degrees in latitude. e.g Cholis, Hooper, Linden [arXiv:1407.5625] Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 16 NOW 2014 Conclusions ✓ Up-to-date and systematic analysis of MSPs population properties from radio (ATNF catalog) to gamma rays (Fermi-LAT). ✓ MSPs are a marginal component of the IGRB: 0.02% - 0.13% within an uncertainty of O(10). ✓ MSPs are also a negligible contributor to the gamma-ray anisotropy signal measured by the Fermi-LAT, thus indicating that this should be dominated by other sources. ✓ At low latitudes, the contribution from both young pulsars and MSPs can explain up to about 10% of the excess emission measured in the inner part of the Galaxy. ✓ The MSPs interpretation of the Fermi-LAT GeV excess is nowadays in tension with spectral and morphological properties of the MSPs population as we model it from radio and gamma-ray observations. Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 17 NOW 2014 Conclusions ✓ Up-to-date and systematic analysis of MSPs population properties from radio (ATNF catalog) to gamma rays (Fermi-LAT). ✓ MSPs are a marginal component of the IGRB: 0.02% - 0.13% within an uncertainty of O(10). ✓ MSPs are also a negligible contributor to the gamma-ray anisotropy signal measured by the Fermi-LAT, thus indicating that this should be dominated by other sources. ✓ At low latitudes, the contribution from both young pulsars and MSPs can explain up to about 10% of the excess emission measured in the inner part of the Galaxy. ✓ The MSPs interpretation of the Fermi-LAT GeV excess is nowadays in tension with spectral and morphological properties of the MSPs population as we model it from radio and gamma-ray observations. Thanks for your attention!! :) Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 17 NOW 2014 Backup slides Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 18 NOW 2014 The origin of the IGRB Unresolved Point Sources Diffuse Processes Blazars Most abundant population of LAT detected sources Contribution up to 10 - 20 % Abdo et al., ApJ’10, ! Ajello et al., ApJ’12, Di Mauro et al, ’13 Non-blazars active galaxies Few resolved members, but large unresolved population. ! Inoue, ApJ’11, Di Mauro et al, ApJ’13 ! Star-forming galaxies Outnumber AGN in number density, although 4 detected objects; ca 4 - 20% ! I. Tamborra presentation ! ! Galactic Pulsars Second most abundant population, but few % of the diffuse flux. Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam DM annihilation In the Milky Way and in other galaxies.Uncertainty in the DM distribution. ! !" ## ! $%& '( )"* ! ! Potential to be one of the most efficient future means of probing thermally produced DM. Bringmann, Calore, Di Mauro, Donato, PRD’13 3 NOW 2014 Gamma-ray anistropy Anisotropy of the IGRB recently measured by the Fermi-LAT Collab. in the multipole range ` = 155 504 : Ackermann et al.,PRD’12 • 22 month of data • Energy range: 1 50 GeV • Region: |b| > 30 (high latitudes) ! ➡ Anisotropy detected at small scales, ` 155 (✓ ➡ Consistent with Poisson-like anisotropy from an 2) unresolved population of point-like sources. ➡ No-energy dependence Cp = 9.05 ± 0.84 ⇥ 10 hIi2 Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 6 sr s 18 = 2.40 ± 0.07 NOW 2014 Gamma-ray anistropy from MSPs Calore, Di Mauro, Donato (2014) The 1σ upper limit angular power from the unresolved MSPs together with Fermi-LAT data. Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 18 NOW 2014 Low-latitude emission: the Fermi-LAT GeV excess Possible strategy applied to single out the excess: 1. to generate counts map of Fermi-LAT data for the region of interest and subtract/mask point sources (PSC Fermi catalogs); Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 13 NOW 2014 Low-latitude emission: the Fermi-LAT GeV excess Possible strategy applied to single out the excess: 2. to perform a pixel based maximum likelihood analysis on the counts map, by fitting the data (bin-by-bin) with a sum of spatial templates. Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 13 NOW 2014 Low-latitude emission: the Fermi-LAT GeV excess Possible strategy applied to single out the excess: 2. to perform a pixel based maximum likelihood analysis on the counts map, by fitting the data (bin-by-bin) with a sum of spatial templates. Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 13 NOW 2014 Low-latitude emission: the Fermi-LAT GeV excess Possible strategy applied to single out the excess: 2. to perform a pixel based maximum likelihood analysis on the counts map, by fitting the data (bin-by-bin) with a sum of spatial templates. 1. Galactic diffuse emission Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 13 NOW 2014 Low-latitude emission: the Fermi-LAT GeV excess Possible strategy applied to single out the excess: 2. to perform a pixel based maximum likelihood analysis on the counts map, by fitting the data (bin-by-bin) with a sum of spatial templates. 1. Galactic diffuse emission A. CRs (p) vs ISM: ⇡ 0emission. Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 13 NOW 2014 Low-latitude emission: the Fermi-LAT GeV excess Possible strategy applied to single out the excess: 2. to perform a pixel based maximum likelihood analysis on the counts map, by fitting the data (bin-by-bin) with a sum of spatial templates. 1. Galactic diffuse emission 0 A. CRs (p) vs ISM: ⇡ emission. B. CRs (e) vs ISM: Bremsstrahlung. Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 13 NOW 2014 Low-latitude emission: the Fermi-LAT GeV excess Possible strategy applied to single out the excess: 2. to perform a pixel based maximum likelihood analysis on the counts map, by fitting the data (bin-by-bin) with a sum of spatial templates. 1. Galactic diffuse emission A. B. C. 0 CRs (p) vs ISM: ⇡ emission. CRs (e) vs ISM: Bremsstrahlung. CRs (e) vs ISRF: ICS emission. Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 13 NOW 2014 Low-latitude emission: the Fermi-LAT GeV excess Possible strategy applied to single out the excess: 2. to perform a pixel based maximum likelihood analysis on the counts map, by fitting the data (bin-by-bin) with a sum of spatial templates. 1. Galactic diffuse emission A. B. C. 0 CRs (p) vs ISM: ⇡ emission. CRs (e) vs ISM: Bremsstrahlung. CRs (e) vs ISRF: ICS emission. Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 13 NOW 2014 Low-latitude emission: the Fermi-LAT GeV excess Possible strategy applied to single out the excess: 2. to perform a pixel based maximum likelihood analysis on the counts map, by fitting the data (bin-by-bin) with a sum of spatial templates. 1. Galactic diffuse emission A. B. C. 0 CRs (p) vs ISM: ⇡ emission. CRs (e) vs ISM: Bremsstrahlung. CRs (e) vs ISRF: ICS emission. 2. Isotropic diffuse emission; 3. Fermi Bubbles brightness-uniform emission; 4. Spherically symmetric template for the GC emission. Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 13 NOW 2014 Low-latitude emission: the Fermi-LAT GeV excess 2 |b| 20 & |l| 20 Longitude dependence of the different components in a latitude strip. Energy spectra of different components from the template fit to the data. Calore, Cholis, Weniger (2014) Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 14 NOW 2014 Low-latitude emission: the Fermi-LAT GeV excess Spectrum of the GCE emission with statistical and background model systematics. Calore, Cholis, Weniger (2014) Francesca Calore - University of Amsterdam 15 NOW 2014
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