XVI EXHIBITION OF HAND EMBROIDERY AND FINELY CRAFTED FABRIC Valtopina September 5, 6, 7 2014 XIV Contest “EMBROIDERING UMBRIA” Intarsia and wood carvings in the Umbrian Renaissance (XV-XVI century) The art of wood in Umbria is perhaps not widely known, and much has been lost over the centuries. However, the wooden decorations of palaces and churches, choirs of monasteries, pulpits and lecterns, panels decorated with intarsia, tables and cupboards, wedding chests, when they have been preserved, reveal the technical expertise of master wood carvers and cabinetmakers. Among all just remember the “studiolo del Palazzo di Gubbio” (now in the Metropolitan), the “Collegio del Cambio” in Perugia, the portal of the Palazzo Deli in Foligno, they offer multiple iconographic ideas. The contest will be an opportunity to rediscover the wooden art in Umbria. CONTEST NOTICE CONTEST FOR THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF ORIGINAL PROJECTS FOR A TABLECLOTH FOR SIX PEOPLE (cm140 x 180) MADE WITH EMBROIDERY | LACE | MIXED TECHNIQUES OF EMBROIDERY AND LACE ALL DONE BY HAND The contest is open to all and participation is free of charge Development and implementation criteria for the admission to the competition: - Complete sketch of the tablecloth, reported on white paper A/3 format - Complete napkin sketch, reported on white paper A/4 format - Full size replica of a detail of the design, reported on white paper A/3 - Drawings coloring for projects which give the choice of fabrics and yarns of different colors - Full size try demo of a detail which has to include embroidery/lace made on a hemmed cloth (40 x 40 cm) - Detailed explanation of the embroidery stitches/lace/mixed techniques of the embroidery and lace used for the execution of the work, including an indication of the inspiring work/s AWARDS Sunday, September 7, 2014 at the Palasport of Valtopina in conjunction with the XVI Exhibition of Hand Embroidery and Finely Crafted Fabric. A panel of experts will judge the submitted works and will assign the awards based on the quality of the projects submitted, the consistency with the theme of the contest, the completeness of the documentation, the originality of the system and the technical execution. Awarding: - EMBROIDERY Section Prize (the first classified in the Embroidery Section, will be awarded a cash prize of € 350,00) - LACE Section Prize (first classified in the Lace Section, will be awarded a cash prize of € 350,00) - SOTEMA Textile Manufacture Prize (embroidery fabric offered by SOTEMA Company) - F.lli GRAZIANO fu Severino Spa Prize (embroidery fabric offered by GRAZIANO Company) - DMC Prize (offered by DMC Italy) - Club UNESCO, sez. Foligno e Valle del Clitunno Special Prize - Valtopina City (local products) Special Prize A certificate of attendance will be given to all those attending the contest REGULATION - The Author's name must not be visible on any printed and textile materials of the project that will examined by the jury, but has to be in a sealed envelope inserted into a cover, the penalty will be the banishment. - Each participant will have the right to show a selection of the material submitted, chosen by the Scuola di Ricamo di Valtopina. - All the material received will remain property of the Scuola di Ricamo di Valtopina. The artefacts will go to increase the modern fund of the Museo del Ricamo e del Tessile di Valtopina. - Any later reproduction of the drawing or of the elaborate, photographic, whole or in part, will have to mention the participation to "Ricamare I'Umbria, concorso indetto dalla Scuola di ricamo di Valtopina". - The above-required material must be received by July 31, 2014 at: Scuola di Ricamo di Valtopina c/o Cinzia Tomassini Via Flaminia Nord 1,06030 Valtopina PG. Informational and bibliographic materials are available on the website www.mostravaltopina.it Those who are interested can ask the paperwork to: Scuola di Ricamo di Valtopina c/o Maria Mancini, Via Nazario Sauro, n.21 06030 Valtopina PG The Organizing Committee
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