31/03/14 Lo Strumento PMI & Access to Risk Finance Alberto Di Minin – Delegato Italiano in collaborazione con APRE 1 Aprile 2014 Supporto alle PMI: approccio integrato 20% del budget in LEITs & SCs 'Innovation in SMEs' Proge0 collabora5vi Strumento PMI 13% 7% Eurostars II Enhancing Innova0on Capacity Market-‐driven Innova0on Access to Risk Finance 2 1 31/03/14 Le PMI in H2020 Industrial Leadership Excellent Science § European Research Council § Fron0er research by the best individual teams § Future and Emerging Technologies § Collabora0ve research to open new fields of innova0on § Marie Skłodowska Curie ac5ons § Opportuni0es for training and career development § Health, demographic change and wellbeing § Access to risk finance § Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research and innova0on § Secure, clean and efficient energy § Innova5on in SMEs § Fostering all forms of innova0on in all types of SMEs § Research infrastructures (including e-‐infrastructure) § Ensuring access to world-‐class facili0es Societal Challenges § Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies § ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, biotechnology, manufacturing, space § Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and mari5me research & the bioeconomy § Smart, green and integrated transport § Climate ac5on, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials § Inclusive, innova5ve and reflec5ve socie5es § Security society European Ins5tute of Innova5on and Technology (EIT) Spreading Excellence and Widening Par5cipa5on Science with and for society Joint Research Center (JRC) EURATOM 3 Lo Strumento PMI * Concept e valutazione della faHbilità Dimostrazione, market replica0on R&D Commercializzazione dei risulta0 Idea to concept, risk assessment, technological & commercial feasibility Demonstra0on, prototyping, tes0ng , market replica0on, scaling up, miniaturisa0on, research Quality label for successful projects, access to risk finance, indirect support * Approccio prevalentemente bottom-up Idea Business coaching Mercato 4 2 31/03/14 Phase 3 = 2% budget Lo strumento PMI: le tre fasi Phase 1: Concept and feasibility assessment Input: Idea/Concept: "Business Plan 1" (~ 10 pages) 10% budget Activities: Feasibility of concept Risk assessment IP regime Partner search Design study Pilot application etc. 10% success 30-50% success Phase 2: R&D, demonstration, market replication Phase 3: Commercialisation Input: "Business plan 2" plus description of activities under Phase 2 (~ 30 pages) 88% budget Promote instrument as quality label for successful projects Activities: Development, prototyping, testing, piloting, miniaturisation, scaling-up, market replication, research Support via networking , training, information, addressing i.a. IP management, knowledge sharing, dissemination Output: "investor-ready Business plan 3" Output: elaborated "Business plan 2" Facilitate access to private finance SME window in the EU financial facilities (debt facility and equity facility) Possible connection to PPC (and PPI?) 0,5-2,5 (5) M€ Lump sum: 50.000 € EC funding ~ 6 months ~ 12 to 24 months No direct funding 5 Il coaching 6 3 31/03/14 Caratteristiche dello strumento PMI – Indirizzato a tutti i tipi di PMI innovative che presentino una forte volontà di crescere, svilupparsi e internazionalizzarsi – Solo PMI potranno richiedere finanziamenti (sostegno a una sola impresa è possibile, ma collaborazione certamente consigliabile) – Competitivo, dimensione EU à solo migliori idee accedono alla fase 1 – Orientato al mercato; attività close-to-market: finanziamento al 70% – Costituito da 3 fasi – piu' il coaching – Possibilità di entrare nella fase 1 e fase 2 – Applicato in tutte le 'societal challenges' e 'key enabling technologies' 7 SME Instrument = “Open call”* Apertura call: 1° marzo 2014 (Fase 1 e Fase 2) Scadenze/Cut off dates: Fase 1 18/06/2014 24/09/2014 17/12/2014 2014 Fase 2 09/10/2014 17/12/2014 2015 Fase 1 18/03/2015 17/06/2015 17/09/2015 16/12/2015 Fase 2 18/03/2015 17/06/2015 17/09/2015 16/12/2015 * Stesse scadenze SME I all’interno di LEITs + SCs 8 4 31/03/14 SME I nelle LEITs – II Pilastro TOPIC BUDGET € ICT-37-2014/2015 Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) € 45 million 2014 € 45 million 2015 NMP 25 – 2014/2015 Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs € 21,80 million 2014 € 23,80 million 2015 70% BIOTEC 5 – 2014/2015 SME-boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability € 3,80 million 2014 € 2,40 million 2015 70% SME-SPACE-1-2014/2015 Call “SME Instrument” 2014 and 2015 € 8,50 million 2014 € 8,75 million 2015 FUNDING RATE FASE 2 70% 70% 9 SME I nelle Societal Challenges – III Pilastro TOPIC BUDGET € FUNDING RATE FASE 2 SC 1 -‐ PHC 12-‐ 2014-‐2015 Clinical valida0on of biomarker and/or diagnos0c medical devices € 66,10 million 2014 € 45 million 2015 100% SC 2 -‐ SFS 8 – 2014-‐2015 Resource-‐efficient eco-‐innova0ve food produc0on and processing € 9 million 2014 € 17 million 2015 70% SC 2 -‐ BG 12 – 2014-‐2015 Suppor0ng SMEs efforts for the development-‐ deployment and market replica0on of innova0ve solu0ons for blue growth € 3 million 2014 € 5 million 2015 70% SC 3 -‐ SIE 1 – 2014-‐2015 S0mula0ng the innova0on poten0al of SMEs for a low carbon and efficient energy system. € 33,95 million 2014 € 37,26 million 2015 70% SC 4 -‐ IT.1 -‐ 2014-‐2015 Small business innova0on research for transport € 35,87 million 2014 € 38,96 million 2015 70% SC 5 -‐ SC5 – 20 – 2014-‐2015 Boos0ng the poten0al of small business foe eco-‐innova0on and a sustainable supply of raw material € 17 million 2014 € 19 million 2015 70% SC 6 -‐ INSO 9 – 2015 Innova0ve mobile e-‐government applica0ons by SMEs. € 4 million 2015 70% SC 6 -‐ INSO 10 – 2015 SME business model innova0on for inclusive socie0es. € 11 million 2015 70% SC 7 -‐ DRS 17 – 2014-‐2015 Protec0on of urban soa targets and urban cri0cal infrastructures € 7 million 2014 € 7,4 million 2015 70% 10 5 31/03/14 EU Financial Instruments to Support SMEs Building on success: 2007-2013 q Venture capital (GIF-‐1, GIF-‐2) -‐ EIF o mobilised: over €2 billion so far o final beneficiaries: 236 SMEs — EU outlay: €376 million q SME Guarantee Facility -‐ EIF o loans: over €11.5 billion via 54 guarantee agreements so far o final beneficiaries: > 191 000 SMEs — EU outlay: €393 million q Risk-‐Sharing Finance Facility -‐ EIB – large midcaps, big firms o loans: over €8.5 billion from EIB so far o 88 signed opera5ons — EU outlay: €888.7 million q Risk-‐Sharing Instrument – EIF (pilot)— guarantees + counter-‐g o SMEs, small + medium midcaps undertaking R&I o aim: €2.5 billion loans, 20 banks/guarantors, 1000 firms 12 6 31/03/14 Lessons learnt o Streamline rules — and number of instruments! o Specific legal framework increases confidence o Think “innova5on ecosystem” o Coordinate more closely with Structural Funds o Priori5se awareness-‐raising to s5mulate demand o Prototype rapidly; evaluate oqen o Widen range of stakeholders in governance system 13 Financial instruments post-2013 for SMEs: major changes going forward BIGGER q More money in the pot (depending on MFF negotiations) BOLDER q Add funds-of-funds to equity support toolbox q Further upstream and downstream q VC is not the only game in town BETTER q Interlinked R&I (H2020) / growth (COSME) facilities q Governance: advisory board of high-level experts q Market-test, pilot, review, scale up 14 7 31/03/14 Horizon 2020 e COSME sosterranno congiuntamente gli strumenti finanziari per le PMI Equity Facility per la crescita delle PMI e R&I o Strumento di Capitale proprio per la Ricerca e l'Innovazione (H2020): si concentra su fondi che forniscono capitale di rischo a imprese in fase di start-up o Strumento di Capitale proprio per la Crescita (COSME): si concentra su fondi che forniscono capitale di rischo a imprese in fase di espansione Strumento di Debito per la crescita delle PMI e R&I o Strumento di garanzia dei prestiti (COSME) o Strumento di garanzia dei prestiti per la Ricerca e l'Innovazione (H2020) 15 Equity instrument for SMEs’ growth and R&I q Equity Facility for R&I (H2020) ç GIF-‐1 o focus: early-‐stage VC (including seed and start-‐up) o final beneficiaries: innova've SMEs and small midcaps o growth-‐stage to some extent q Equity Facility for Growth (COSME) ç GIF-‐2 o focus: growth-‐stage VC o final beneficiaries: growth-‐oriented SMEs o early-‐stage to some extent q Mul5-‐stage funds: pro-‐rata support by COSME and H2020 q Funds-‐of-‐funds ç NEW è q Technology transfer fund 16 8 31/03/14 Equity instrument for SMEs’ growth and R&I Two complementary facilities working together to support access to risk capital and stimulate the development of the VC industry Equity Facility for R&I Mainly from H2020 from start-up/early stage stage combined investment Mainly from in multistage funds COSME Equity Facility for Growth to expansion/growth may make growth investments may make early-stage investments up to 20% of total EU investment 17 Debt instrument for SMEs’ growth and R&I q Loan Guarantee Facility (COSME) ç SMEG o guarantees for loans to SMEs up to € 150 000 o securi5sa5on of SME debt finance porsolios q SMEs & Small Midcaps Guarantee Facility (H2020) ç RSI o guarantees for loans over € 150 000 for R&I ac5vi5es 18 9 31/03/14 EU SME debt financial instruments current and proposed DEBT INSTRUMENT FOR SMEs - 2007-2013 SME Guarantee Facility (SMEG) under CIP Risk-Sharing Instrument (RSI): part of RSFF under FP7 DEBT INSTRUMENT FOR SMEs' GROWTH & R&I -‐ 2014-‐2020 Loan Guarantee Facility q Guarantees and securi0sa0on on loans for all types of SME COSME SMEs & Small Midcaps Guarantee Facility q Guarantees on loans to R&I-‐intensive SMEs/small midcaps Horizon 2020 19 What to expect in the debt and equity facilities in H2020 q Full-‐spectrum approach: -‐ from tech transfer and proof-‐of-‐concept -‐ to prototypes, large-‐scale demonstrators, first-‐of-‐a-‐kind plants … q Stronger focus on SMEs and medium-‐sized firms (midcaps, Mi8elstand) q Market-‐driven, first-‐come, first-‐served basis — as now, PLUS q Targe5ng of sectors and policies via ring-‐fenced budget top-‐ups from other parts of H2020, MFF frameworks/programmes/budget lines, regions/MS, JTIs (etc), other ini5a5ves … q Closer links with regional policy — resource pooling with MS Structural Funds foreseen in H2020, CSF (and in COSME) 20 10 31/03/14 Accompanying measures Examples listed in Commission’s Horizon 2020 proposal q Technical assistance for second-‐5er financial intermediaries (i.e. banks) q Investment-‐readiness (coaching) and “bankability booster” schemes q small firms: venture and other forms of investor forums, etc q large firms, PPPs, JTIs, complex mul5-‐stakeholder projects, etc: “R&I Advisory Service” (pilot now running with EIB under RSFF) q Awareness-‐raising (demand s5mula5on) in under-‐represented sectors q Fostering business angels, crowdfunding, family offices, endowments … q Encouraging philanthropic founda5ons and individuals to support R&I 21 Supporting the SME Instrument q Investment-‐readiness and “bankability booster” schemes o Scale-‐up and broaden current efforts (ref. DG CONNECT) o BIGGER: more money, more sectors, add debt finance o BETTER: i.e., building on lessons learnt o BOLDER: further upstream and downstream + more classes of investor involved + at least smaller midcaps q Earmarking in Access to Risk Finance’s debt/equity budget for phase 3 graduates 22 11 31/03/14 Link utili Participant portal SME TechWeb APRE PMI EEN EEN Italia 23 http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/ desktop/en/funding/sme_participation.html http://sme.cordis.europa.eu/home/index.cfm http://www.apre.it/le-pmi-in-europa/ http://een.ec.europa.eu/ http://www.enterprise-europe-network-italia.eu/ Alberto Di Minin GRAZIE PER L’ATTENZIONE 12
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