Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Simone PAGNI Simone PAGNI c/o Timesis srl – Via Niccolini 7 – I-56017 San Giuliano Terme (PI), Italy +39-050-818800 [email protected] Sex Male | Date of birth 23/12/1973 | Nationality Italian POSITION LIFE Monitoring expert (ENV) WORK EXPERIENCE from 06/2012 – to present LIFE Monitoring expert (ENV) ASTRALE GEIE – Timesis, S. Giuliano Terme (PI), Italy Monitoring LIFE ENV projects in Italy according to harmonised procedures. Main themes/Policy areas: Climate change oriented projects (1 project), Environment and Health (2 projects), Strategic approaches (1 project), Innovation (2 projects), Waste and natural resources (4 projects), Water (1 project), Chemicals (1 project). Tasks: Technical, administrative and financial monitoring; Providing technical and financial assistance and advice for beneficiaries; Evaluation of beneficiary’s reports and performing monitoring visits followed up by reporting to the European Commission on the results; Assistance in the understanding of the LIFE+ regulations and Implementation of good practices in reporting and project communications; Participating in horizontal and inventory meetings. Business or sector: Environmental consultancy from 10/2013 – to present Monitoring expert Sviluppo Toscana s.p.a., Department of Venturina Via della Fiera, 10 – 57021 Livorno, Italy Monitoring local projects in Tuscany co-financed by the Regional Operative Programme (POR FESR) during the EU programming period 2007-2013, according to harmonised procedures. Main themes/Policy areas: Urban planning, Strategic approaches and Innovation. Tasks: Providing environmental assessment of projects; Providing technical and financial assistance and advice for beneficiaries; Technical and financial monitoring; Evaluation of beneficiary’s reports and performing monitoring visits followed up by reporting to the Tuscany Region on the results. Business or sector: Environmental consultancy from 04/2010 – to present Free-lance consultant IRPET Institute for Economic Planning of Tuscany, Via delle Montalve, Firenze, Italy ▪ Strategic Environmental Assessment of regional plans and programs: Regional Agricultural Programme 2013-2020; Regional Operative Programme (POR FESR) 2013-2020; Regional Environmental Action Plan 2013-2015; Regional Plan of Economic Development 2013-2015; Regional Forest Programme 2013-2015 ▪ Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Socio-economic development plans of the “Comunità Montana delle Colline Metallifere” ▪ Analysis of the On going evaluation experiences of regional programmes during the EU programming period 2007-2013 ▪ On going evaluation and monitoring of Regional Operative Programme (POR FESR) during the EU programming period 2007-2013 © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 1 / 4 Curriculum Vitae Chiara CACCAMO Business or sector: Strategic Environmental Assessment; Environmental Impact Assessment of land planning from 02/2004 – to present Free-lance consultant Fondazione Toscana Sostenibile, Via San Bartolomeo 17 San Miniato (Pisa), Italy ▪ Environmental monitoring of Regional Operative Programme (POR FESR) during the EU programming period 2007-2013 ▪ Strategic Environmental Assessment and Integrated Assessment of regional plans and programs: Regional Agricultural Programme 2008-2010; Regional Health Plan 2007-2010; Regional Plan for rehabilitation and maintenance of air quality; Commercial fishing and aquaculture Programme 2007-2010; Regional Environmental Action Plan 2007-2010; Regional Plan of Economic Development 2007-2010; Regional Masterplan ports and airports; Regional Forest Programme 2006-2011; Regional Operational Plan 2007-2013; Rural Development Plan 2007-2013 ▪ Design and implementation of a project to develop innovative tools for “Carrying Capacity” assessment in Tuscany ▪ Project design and implementation on possible measures for a “Green New Deal” in the Provinces of Lucca and Siena ▪ Review of studies and research at European level on “green economy" ▪ Design and development of the “Report on sustainability of Tuscany” (for the Tuscany Region) ▪ Management of the project “Dodécalogue pour un Tourisme Européen Responsable et Durable”, co-financed by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme of exchange and implementation of best practices for sustainable tourism in Europe ▪ Design and implementation of the project “Fertiland”, aimed at implementing tools and methods to limit negative impacts on the environment due to the use of tannery sludge in agriculture ▪ Design and implementation of Guidelines for “Integrated Environmental Assessment of Tuscany Region” ▪ Design and implementation of the analysis of local policies of development strategy of Versilia ▪ Assessment of the level of innovation in the agricultural sector in the Province of Siena ▪ Analysis of spatial planning tools in the Province of Siena, with particular reference to the use and effectiveness of the Strategic Environmental Assessment and the integrated assessment in the planning processes ▪ Support to the President of Tuscany Regional in implementing sustainability policies: management of these activities: sustainability analysis of the regional planning; sustainability analysis of the regional decision-making processes; analysis of the link between climate change and regional socio-economic system; identification of a core set of regional benchmarking indicators; assessment of the degree of interdisciplinarity of the regional university system; analysis of the reliability of data on climate change; analysis of the regional energy system ▪ Report on quality of water in Val d’Elsa basin ▪ Analysis of the links between economic system and environment in Tuscany (in the frame of the research “Vivere bene in Toscana”) ▪ Design and coordination of environmental education projects: Municipalities of San Miniato, Santa Croce sull’Arno, Castelfranco di Sotto, Fucecchio, Ponsacco, Pisa, Montopoli Val d’Arno, San Giovanni d’Asso, Province of Pisa Business or sector: Strategic Environmental Assessment from 03/2011 – to present Free-lance consultant Provincia di Lucca, Piazza Napoleone (LUCCA), Italy Support for the Strategic Environmental Assessment, monitoring and evaluation of local plans and programs Business or sector: Environmental Strategic Assessment and On going evaluation © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 2 / 4 Curriculum Vitae from 02/2002 – to present Simone PAGNI Free-lance consultant ▪ Various ▪ Environmental Impact Assessment of land planning of the Municipalities of: Pisa, Montopoli Val d’Arno, San Giovanni d’Asso, Casole d’Elsa, Fucecchio, Villafranca in Lunigiana, Varese Ligure, Marrakech (Morocco), Province of Pisa ▪ Environmental Impact Assessment of land projects of the Municipalities of: Fucecchio, Casole d’Elsa, Gaiole in Chianti, Santa Luce, Portovenere, Massa, Firenze, San Giovanni d’Asso, Montalcino, Pontremoli ▪ Environmental Impact Assessment of land projects of private bodies ▪ Report on the state of the environment in the Municipality of Pisa and Marrakech (Morocco) ▪ Projects development for implementing Local Agenda XXI in the Province of Pisa: report on the state of the environment, Action Plan, dissemination and participatory activities (organisation of public events and conferences, kick-off meetings etc.) Business or sector: Environmental and health analysis; Environmental Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment from 06/2007 – to 06/2009 Technical support Local Health Department USL 11 Empoli (Firenze), Italy Support in environmental and health analysis, Environmental Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment of a variety of plans and projects Business or sector: Strategic Environmental and Health Assessment from 07/2004 – to 06/2006 Free-lance consultant ALERR – Agenzia Lucchese Energia Recupero Risorse (Energy Agency of the Province of Lucca), Lucca, Italy ▪ Design and coordination of the LIFE-Third Countries project “MARRAKEMAS - Marrakech Environmental Management Audit Scheme”. Beneficiary: Conseil de la Ville de Marrakech (Marrakech Municipality - Morocco); partners: IRAT: Inspection Regional de l’Aménagemant du Territoire de l’Eau et de l’Environnement (Regional Inspection Agency for Water and Environmental Management) (Morocco); CDER: Centre du Développement des Energies Renouvables (Centre for the Development for Renewable Energy) (Morocco); ENEA: Ente Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’Energia e l’Ambiente (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment) (Italy); ALERR (Italy); Province of Lucca (Italy); ALT Onlus: Ambiente e Lavoro Toscana Onlus (local environment ONG) (Italy) ▪ Design and coordination of environmental education project: report junior on the state of the environment in the Province of Lucca Business or sector: Environmental consultancy EDUCATION AND TRAINING from 10/2000 – to 10/2001 Master degree in Environmental Engineering Faculty of Engineering of the University of Torino, Italy ▪ Environmental engineering ▪ Environmental assessment from 11/1993 – to 07/2000 Bachelor Degree in “Engineering for the Environment and Territory” ISCED level: 5A Faculty of Engineering of the University of Florence, Italy Thesis title: “General Electric Global Pollution Prevention Action Plan” from 09/1988 – to 07/1993 High school graduation ISCED level: 3A Liceo Scientifico Statale “G. Marconi”, San Miniato, Pisa, Italy © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 3 / 4 Curriculum Vitae Chiara CACCAMO PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue Italian Other languages UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 French A2 B2 A1 A2 A2 Communication skills Organisational / managerial skills Job-related skills Computer skills Driving licence Good communication skills in technical and scientific information resulting from work experiences developed within research groups through participation in: ▪ Technical and scientific meetings ▪ National and International conferences ▪ Teaching activity ▪ Environmental education activity ▪ Good competences in organising, leading and coordinating group activities ▪ Excellent competences in technical, administrative and financial monitoring (as LIFE monitoring expert) ▪ Excellent command of LIFE Common Provision ▪ Expert in environmental analysis ▪ Good practice in territorial planning and management assessment ▪ Good practice in environmental monitoring and evaluation procedures ▪ Good practice in environmental education ▪ Good practice in projects implementation ▪ Practice in environmental and health risk evaluation ▪ Experience in the organisation of trainings, workshops and conferences ▪ Highly skilled in the use of Internet (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome) ▪ Highly skilled in the use of Microsoft Office and OpenOffice applications ▪ Basic experience on elaboration of GIS data (ArcView 3.2) Category A and B vehicle ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Publications Environmental publications list (10) available on request. Conferences Conferences and Seminar list (21) available on request. Memberships Member of the Landscape Commission for the local municipality of Vecchiano, Pontedera, Montopoli in Val d’Arno, Casole d’Elsa (Italy) Member of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Commission for the local municipality of Carmignano and Cascina (Italy) © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 4 / 4
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