2015 Marche Turismo Newsletter Events schedule of Marche Region for the year 2015 The Marche region is ready to welcome you with a number of scheduled events for the new year, ranging from culture to cuisine, from consolidated appointments with opera to great multidisciplinary festivals. Thanks to an efficient railway network and the two high-speed trains, "Freccia Rossa" and "Italo", The Marche is an easily accessible region: from Milan, where Expo 2015 will be held, it just takes 3 hours. The Marche actor Neri Marcorè, protagonist of the communication campaign of the Marche Region, will take you to discover our territory and its clusters. WELCOME TO THE MARCHE! http://en.turismo.marche.it/ JANUARY CULTURE Title: Exhibition “the masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci, La Bella Principessa (Beautiful Princess)" Town: Urbino Province: Pesaro-Urbino Date: 5th December 2014-18th January 2015 The masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci's “The Beautiful Princess” arrives on display in the Palazzo Ducale in Urbino . The portrait belongs to the Canadian collector Peter Silverman and has been attributed to Leonardo after a series of extensive scientific investigations carried out between 2009 and 2011. The checks made with special techniques have allowed us to find a fingerprint highly compatible with one already known, belonging to the great genius of the Renaissance. La Bella Principessa (33x23.9 cm) is one of the extraordinary evidences of the talent of Leonardo. Info event: www.comune.urbino.ps.it tel. +39. 0722 .309.222-309.602 E-mail: [email protected] Title: “From Giotto to Gentile. Painting and sculpture in Fabriano between the thirteenth and the fourteenth centuries” Town: Fabriano Province: Ancona Date: July 25th - January 18th, 2015 The Marche, and Fabriano in particular, are the leading actors again in the Italian overview of culture and great events with the exhibition "From Giotto to Gentile" Painting and sculpture in Fabriano between the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, by Vittorio Sgarbi. An initiative that aims at exploiting a huge artistic heritage largely "underground" and inseparable from a landscape and environment of extraordinary beauty. The exhibition will be housed at the Art Gallery Bruno Molajoli and in three beautiful churches of the urban circuit, over 100 works will be displayed, including (in addition to paintings, altarpieces, tables, frescoes) sculptures, rare jewelry, rare miniatures, manuscripts and codes. Delicate and valuable works, on loan from the most prestigious Italian and foreign museums. Event info: +39 0732.042195, www.mostrafabriano.it, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] BLUES FESTIVAL Title: San Severino Blues Marche Festival - IX edition Winter 2014/2015 Towns involved: San Severino Marche, Pollenza, Cingoli, Tolentino and Maiolati Spontini Provinces: Macerata and Ancona Date: 28th July 2014 – 18th January 2015 The appointment with San Severino Marche Blues Festival is coming back. Ten events, from November 2014 to May 2015, for a winter of Afro-American music. The Winter of San Severino Blues gets bigger and so it plays all year round. Contemporary gospel, blues, soul, jazz and rock, black artists and white artists, Italian and international , historical leaders and new talents, from the preview of November until May 2015 will animate San Severino Marche, Pollenza, Cingoli, Maiolati Spontini and Tolentino. Info evento: www.sanseverinoblues.com FEBRUARY Title: Carnival of Fano Town: Fano Province: Pesaro-Urbino Date: 1st-8th-15th February 2015 Carnival festivities at Fano are claimed to be some of the oldest in Italy ; the event features a cavalcade of massive floats , folk groups, masquerades and the launching of candies from the parade floats to the crowd. The parade takes place each year along Viale Gramsci. The Carnival celebration includes cultural activities, lectures, exhibitions and presentations of books . Website: www.carnevaledifano.eu, e-mail: [email protected] Title: Historic Carnival of the Piceno Towns: Ascoli Piceno, Castignano, Offida, Pozza of Acquasanta Terme Province: Ascoli Piceno Date: 12th -17th February, 2015 An event that has been repeated for centuries and which is composed of many elements, from shows to classical Raviolata, besides the inevitable awards given to groups of masks, at parties for participants and for schools. After the Carnival of Fano, considered the oldest of The Marche, deserves to be mentioned the Historic Carnival of Piceno involving the towns of Ascoli Piceno, Castignano, Offida and Pozza. Info event: www.provincia.ap.it Title: Carnival in the Square Town: Acqualagna Province: Pesaro-Urbino Date: 15th February 2015 Do not miss the craziest Carnival of Italy, the only one in the world where from floats… truffles… are launched ! Acqualagna, the truffle capital, with its two thirds of national production of the precious tuber, is located along the ancient Via Flaminia and is surrounded by places of rare natural and architectural beauty. Event Info: Acqualagna Tourist Office, tel +39.0721.79671, www.acqualagna.com E-mail: [email protected] CULTURE Title: Exhibition: Lo Studiolo of Federico da Montefeltro Town: Urbino Province: Pesaro-Urbino Date: from February to May, 2015 From February to May 2015, it will be held an important exhibition dedicated to one of Italy’s most remarkable Renaissance sites: the Studiolo of the Duke Federico da Montefeltro, in the Ducal Palace of Urbino. The event is promoted by the Marche Region with the cooperation of the Superintendence for the Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage of The Marches and the town council of Urbino. The Studiolo is a masterpiece of inlay wood work, where there originally was a double Gallery with 28 portraits of famous men: today only half of the portraits is preserved in the “Galleria Nazionale delle Marche”, while the remaining 14, bought by Napoleon III, can be found in the Louvre Museum in Paris. Event info: Villaggio Globale International (Project Office ) tel. +39. 041.5904893 E-mail: [email protected] MARCH CULTURE Titolo: #ExpoRossini2015 – new Staging of Rossini's birthplace Comune: Pesaro Provincia: Pesaro-Urbino Date: March 2015 In view of Expo 2015, the city administration of Pesaro has developed #ExpoRossini2015, a project focused on Rossini and on Rossini's "excellences". The project, consistsing of several activities that share a strong connection between art, music, food and fashion at Rossini's time, is aimed at enhancing and emphasizing the cultural identity and the musical vocation of this territory. Among the highlights of the project deserves to be named the renewal of Casa Rossini which includes an update of the quantity and quality of the contents and their presentation. The key points of the new layout will be: the new graphic identity; the shopping area of excellence dedicated to Rossini; new technologies for the use of the contents on display; increase of the exhibition area (the second floor is now visitable) and of the rooms dedicated to host temporary thematic exhibitions. Info Event: Pesaro Culture (Secretariat), tel: +39.0721.387445, www.pesarocultura.it Title: Opening to the public of “Casa Museo di Palazzetto Baviera”( Baviera Palace House Museum) Town: Senigallia Province: Ancona Date: from 28th March to August, 2015 On 28th March the "Baviera Palace House Museum", located in Senigallia, in the central Piazza del Duca will be reopened to the public. There will be an exhibition on Federico Brandani, the great sixteenth-century plasticizer that realized his masterpiece in Senigallia; he also worked at the Shrine of Loreto and in the Ducal Palace of Urbino, where he was born between 1520-1525. The exhibition will run until August 2015 and it includes paintings, sculptures, ceramics and objects of applied art made by great Mannerist artists. Info event: www.comune.senigallia.an.it E-mail: [email protected] TASTE Title: "Typical products Made in Marche Festival" Town: Fermo Province: Fermo Date: 7th- 9th March, 2015 Tipicità - Made in Marche Festival is an oustanding event combining Marche’s typical food and wines, agriculture, tourism and culture . During the festival you can taste all specialties and buy typical products : oliva all’ascolana ( fried stuffed olive), cheese, ciauscolo (soft cured pork salame), vin cotto ( sweet cooked wine), salame from Fabriano, pink apple from Sibillini area, jams, truffle, legumes, wines, extra virgin olive oil and tasty Adriatic fish. Info event: www.tipicita.it, e-mail: [email protected] Title: “Festival of Cornmeal Mush in San Costanzo” Town: San Costanzo Province: Pesaro-Urbino Date: 15th March, 2015 This historical festival represents an opportunity to taste typical dishes of our farming traditions like the well-known cornmeal mush cooked in big wrought copper pots. According to our tradition, the old farmers used to search for the necessary ingredients such as lard, oil, tomatoes and so on in order to organize a banquet first reserved only to them , but later turned into a real feast to all citizens and to all those coming from the municipalities nearby. Event info: Pro Loco di San Costanzo, phone number: +39. 0721. 950110, website: www.prolocosancostanzo.it, e-mail: [email protected] HISTORICAL RE-ENACTMENT Title: Scacciamarzo Town: Monsano Province: Ancona Date: 27th March, 2015 The Scacciamarzo, noisy and very old ritual song of children going begging, originates from the ritual "caccià marzu" ("hunting marzu"), carried out until the early years of the last century. The magic-pagan song has an evident exorcising function: drive out the "bad" (winter) and welcome and pursue the "good" (the new season, the sun, the resurgent spring). Processions of children go through the streets of the village knocking from door to door with cans and cowbells, offering through this song good wishes to everyone , in exchange of offers of money, gifts, especially sweets and eggs, with which enormous omelets for those present are made. Tourism info: Municipality Monsano, tel: 0731 61931, www.comune.monsano.an.it Title: International song festival of the Passion Town:Polverigi Province: Ancona Date: 29th March, 2015 Back again in Polverigi the International Festival of the ritual songs of begging dedicated to the "Passion" , which falls on Palm Sunday. The event consists of the presentation of ritual songs of begging propagated in central Italy, closely linked to the cycle of nature that is born, dies and rises synthesizing the human life cycle. Among the popular songs emerges the song of the "Passiò", the Passion of Jesus, which is performed by an organ grinder and an accordion and two "singers" who perform a verse each, accompanying themselves on harpsichord and eardrums. Throughout the day over two hundred popular singers and musicians, from the Marche region and the neighboring regions, reproduce the ritual songs, as it was once, to spread a wish of health, wealth and abundance, in exchange of offers of money and of food and wine intended for the farewell lunch party. Info event: www.macina.net , e-mail: [email protected] Tourism info: Municipality Polverigi, tel: +39.071.90904209, www.comune.polverigi.an.it APRIL TASTE Title: Fritto Misto all’italiana City: Ascoli Piceno Province: Ascoli Piceno Date: 24th April – 3rd May, 2015 The annual Fritto Misto festival at Ascoli Piceno features a feast of fried food - including the town's signature stuffed olives - for ten days . This year's event offers over 40 kinds of deep-fried wickedness from Italy and abroad. Info event: www.frittomistoallitaliana.it, e-mail: [email protected] SPORT Title: XXXV Cycling Week Town:Gabicce Mare Province: Pesaro Urbino Date: 04th-10th April 2015 The event allows the discovery of 7 wonderful cycling routes in the territory of the regions Marche and Romagna and it offers fans the opportunity to learn about castles and villages hidden in the valleys, rich in history, art, culture and good food. A rich buffet will be set up in those countries that will host the stages; you can taste pork, bread, flatbread, delicious meats, homemade cakes, red and white wine. The daily routes vary in length and difficulty, from 50 to 100 km (return trip). Info event: www.gabiccemarebike.it; tel: +39 0541.953600, e-mail: [email protected] HISTORICAL RE-ENACTMENT Title: La Turba Town:Cantiano Province: Pesaro-Urbino Date: 3rd April, 2015 In the Italian folk and religious tradition there are widespread commemorations over the Passion of Christ in the night of Good Friday. Among these, stands the Turba, representation which takes place every year in the beautiful village of Cantiano. Its origins date back to the thirteenth century between the lands of Umbria and Marche, when the population, on the streets, used to invoke the intercession of the holy God and of the Virgin Mary to put an end to a life of misery, constant wars and famine: a "mob" of people that used to call for the grace of better living conditions, begging for forgiveness, calling for peace and brotherhood. The event, which includes celebration of masses, songs and prayers, parades and drums, comes to life along the village streets by involving actors, citizens and tourists. Info event: www.laturbacantiano.it, e-mail: [email protected] Title: Fire Horse Town: Ripatransone Province: Ascoli Piceno Date: 12th April, 2015 One of the folk events of strong historic recall in the town of Ripantransone, in the Piceno area, is the Fire Horse. This historical re-enactment dates back to May 1682 when, in honor of the “Madonna di San Giovanni”, a “firework man” from Atri crossed several times the square with a horse, burning out fireworks in all directions. The Horse of Fire, an event unique in its kind in Italy, has established itself in history as the symbol of an ancient tradition that has remained unchanged over the centuries. Info event: www.cavallodifuoco.com MAY FESTIVAL Title: Festival of the Apennines Town: Ascoli Piceno Province: Ascoli Piceno Date: From May to July , 2015 The Festival of the Apennines is an event featuring shows, concerts, and cultural activities and tasting of local produce of the Ascoli Piceno area. Website: www.festivaldellappennino.it; E-mail: [email protected] Title: Festival of the Landscape - Ecomuseum of the Landscape Municipalities involved: Serra San Quirico, Staffolo, Mergo and Montecarotto Province: Ancona Dates: 17th, 24th and 31st May - 7th June, 2015 The quality of the local landscape will be studied and interpreted by an exhibition inspired by the ideas of eco-museums, dealing not only with the enhancement of the quality of landscapes, but also with the profound relationship existing between people and territories along the course of history. Narrations, stories, nature, slow walking, experiential tourism and sharing, are the key words of the initiatives promoted by the Ecomuseum of the landscape, to aggregate the participants to the discovery of unknown artistic and scenic paths in the territory of the Esini Hills. Serra San Quirico, Staffolo and Mergo will host three projects specifically created for each context whereas Montecarotto will dedicate the last day to a walk/event that will go through a path with installations and performative moments created by young artists. Info event: www.musan.it Title: #ExpoRossini2015 - Exhibition “Rossini and his time, art and music” Municipality: Pesaro Province: Pesaro-Urbino Date: May-September, 2015 Not to be missed the exhibition "Rossini and his time, art and music" at the Civic Museums of Palace Moscow in Pesaro, which offers a trip to the discovery of the cultural environment and of the human experience of the young Rossini; a journey that bears witness to his history and his talent. The themes of the exhibition will be: Rossini and art; Rossini and his music/works; music autographs and letters recently restored; Rossini in Pesaro, Rossini in the world and Rossini gourmet. A separate section of the event will be made at the center for visual arts with a focus on "Contemporary artists and designers at work on the scene costumes of the Rossini Opera Festival". Info event: Pesaro Culture (Secretariat), tel: +39.0721.387445, www.pesarocultura.it TASTE Title: Cantine Aperte Province: Province of Ancona, Pesaro Urbino, Macerata, Fermo, Ascoli Piceno Date: 30th and 31st May, 2015 It is one of Italy’s most important wine events. The last Sunday of May the wineries of Italy’s Wine Tourism Movement will welcome millions of wine lovers to learn about wine culture. Wine tasting is also possible. Info event: Secretary Wine Tourism Movement Marche tel: +39. 071 898232, www.movimentoturismovino.it E-mail: [email protected] JUNE FESTIVAL Title: International Festival of the New Cinema Town: Pesaro Province: Pesaro-Urbino Date: 22th-28th June, 2015 It is one of Italy’s most important film festivals. It focuses on the discovery of emerging filmmakers, spotlighting countries, new expressive forms and languages. Giovanni Spagnoletti is the director of the Festival. Website: www.pesarofilmfest.it, tel. +39. 06.4456643 – 491156, e-mail: [email protected] Title: Festival of Popular Song and Authors "Musicultura" Town: Macerata (Arena Sferisterio and town centre) Province: Macerata Date: 19th-21st June, 2015 The event is an international window of quality music claimed to be among Italy’s best known and prestigious music festivals, especially for popular and ”author” songs. Website: www.musicultura.it; tel. +39. 071.7574320, e-mail: [email protected] Title: Marche Endurance Lifesyle Town: Ancona, Conero Riviera Province: Ancona Date: 11st —14th June, 2015 The event includes sporting events, business and cultural meetings; it is a must see event for fans of endurance, also known as the "sport of sheikhs. The most important part of the event will be the Conero Endurance Cup, two endurance races when horses and riders will compete . Info event: Promoter, System Events, tel. +39. 075.5011858, www.marchelifestyle.it, e-mail: [email protected] MUSIC Title: CaterRaduno Town: Senigallia, old town centre and promenade Province: Ancona Date: from 29th June to 4th July, 2015 The CaterRaduno, taking place in Senigallia between 29th June, to 4th July 2015, is a successful event combining concerts, shows, workshops and live broadcasts from Rotonda a Mare and the Velvet Beach. This festival of shared listening is followed by the many fans of Caterpillar, a radio programme of Radio2 Rai. Website: www.caterueb.rai.it, e-mail: [email protected] THEATRE FOR KIDS Title: “Ambarabà - Festival di Burattini, Marionette e Teatro di Figura” (Ambarabà - Festival of Puppets, Marionettes and Theatre of Figures) Municipalities involved: Falconara Marittima, Santa Maria Nuova, Marcelli di Numana, Maiolati Spontini, Loc. Moie, Montecarotto, Jesi, Monsano, Monterado and Castelcolonna Province: Ancona Date: June – August, 2015 The event is for children and takes place in some communes of the province of Ancona. Thanks to this show which is organized and directed by the “Teatro Pirata” company, every summer it is possible to re-experience the antique art of the theatre of figures. Event info: Teatro Pirata, phone number:+39.0731. 56590; website: www.teatropirata.com e-mail: [email protected] Title: Veregra Street Festival Town: Montegranaro Province: Fermo Date: 20th-27th June, 2015 The festival takes place in the old part of Montegranaro, a little town famous for footwear industry. Comedians, musicians and jugglers will make their performances .till late at night. During the event you’ll have the possibility to taste typical food and wines and to know the local crafts and traditions. Info event : Town Council Montegranaro, Tel: +39. 0734.897932, www.veregrastreet.it/it/ilfestival, e-mail: [email protected] TASTE Title: Handmade Ice Cream Festival Town: Agugliano Province: Ancona Date: 5th-7th June, 2015 The event is dedicated to ice cream; it attracts experts, university professors, nutritionists and ice cream lovers . During the festival it is possible to sample different types of ice creams and to observe the process of ice cream making. Info event: www.gelatoartigianalefestival.it, e-mail: [email protected] Title: Fish stew week Town: Porto Recanati Province: Macerata Date: 13th-20th June, 2015 Fish stew is a typical dish of Porto Recanati; the town boasts one of the four historic recipes of this specialty, beside Fano, Ancona and San Benedetto del Tronto. During this week you can taste traditional Porto Recanati’s fish stew at reasonable prices. Nothing tastes better than a cool crisp glass of Verdicchio wine to accompany this dish. Info event: Town Council Porto Recanati (Department of Culture and Tourism), tel: +39. 071.759 971 Website: www.comune.porto-recanati.mc.it, e-mail: [email protected] JULY FESTIVAL Title: 51st Macerata Opera Festival Town: Macerata, Arena Sferisterio Province: Macerata Date: 17th July - 9th August, 2015 The 51st Macerata Opera Festival will be directed by Francesco Micheli. In the season 2015 Macerata's spectacular open-air Arena will be hosting: Giuseppe Verdi’s Rigoletto, Pietro Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana , Ruggero Leoncavallo’s Pagliacci and Giacomo Puccini’s La Boheme. Info event: Association Arena Sferisterio, tel: +39. 0733 261335. website: www.sferisterio.it, e-mail: [email protected] FESTIVAL Title: Popsophia Festival Town: Pesaro (Rocca Costanza) Province : Pesaro-Urbino Date: 1st – 6th July, 2015 Popsophia is a festival of national pop-philosophy, a type of avant-garde that combines philosophical meditation and pop phenomena of mass culture. It is a sort of creative workshop of contemporary thought: today’s philosophy is influenced by music, cinema, theater, sports, television and social media. Info event: www.popsophia.it, e-mail: [email protected] Title: Futura Festival Town: Civitanova Marche Province: Macerata Date: from July to August 2015 Futura Festival is an event including meetings, concerts and shows Website: www.futurafestival.it, tel: +39. 0733. 812936, e-mail: [email protected] Title: XXIII edition Castelbellino Arts Town: Castelbellino Province: Ancona Dates: July, 2015 Founded on the initiative of the Society of the Arch in 1991, Castelbellino Arts, in collaboration with the Municipal Administration and the Pro Loco, promotes each year artistic events with regional and national relevance (painting, theater, poetry, film and dance). Event info: Press Office: Andrea Carnevali, mobile: +39.338. 4310978 webmail: http://castelbellinoarte.blogspot.it/ Title: Le Parole della Montagna Town: Smerillo and Sibillini Mountains Province: Fermo Date: 19th-26th July , 2015 “Le Parole della Montagna” is a festival that aims at celebrating the beauties of the mountain: terrific landscapes and dramatic areas. The event promotes the mountain as a place of meditation and spirituality from uphill infact here, in the small village of Smerillo, also called “Little Village of Poetry”, poets and people of culture meet to look at the world. Website: www.leparoledellamontagna.it, tel +39. 0734 848356, e-mail: [email protected] DANCE Title: 22nd Civitanova Danza Town: Civitanova Marche Province: Macerata Date: From July to August ,2015 Civitanova Danza is the first dance Festival of the Marche Region and is one of the few in Italy that can show the various forms of the world’s modern dance. The event will take place at: the Thetre Gioacchino Rossini, the Theatre Annibal Caro and the Theatre Cecchetti. Event info: AMAT (ticket Info), tel. +39. 071. 2072439 www.amatmarche.net, www.civitanovadanza.it ANTIQUE MUSIC FESTIVAL Title: Antique Music Festival Town: Urbino Province: Pesaro-Urbino Date: 19th – 28th July , 2015 The “Festival Musica Antica” of Urbino offers a program rich in numerous operas varying from holy music to vocal and instrumental virtuosity. Great performers, young artists and original and interesting programs play a crucial role in the incomparabile scenery of the Italian Renaissance. Event info: www.fima-online.org, tel: +39. 06 3210806, e-mail: [email protected] THEATRE FOR KIDS Title: The Theatre of the World - International Festival of Theatre for Kids Town: Porto Sant 'Elpidio Province: Fermo Date: July, 2015 "The Theatre of the World" is the largest Italy’s event dedicated to children's theatre. It is one of the most complete Festivals with over fifty performances, workshops, exhibitions, meetings, events, special projects and conferences. The event will take place in different places of the town, including Villa Baruchello (that will host the workshop activities), the Pineta Nord and Villa Murri. There will be two further locations: the “SudFaleriense” Promenade and the “Centro” Promenade, where the closing party of the event will be held. Event Info: www.eventiculturali.org, tel: +39. 0734.902107, e-mail: [email protected] Info event: Municipality of Porto Sant’Elpidio, tel: +39. 0734.908263– 908261, e-mail: [email protected] Title: "Paese dei Balocchi" (Toyland) Town: Serra San Quirico Province: Ancona Date: July 22nd-26th, 2015 It’s a leisure event dedicated to children. A series of activities, led by real children’s entertainers, will enliven the historic centre, with its medieval squares, streets and the charming Copertelle. There will be three plays for children, puppet manufacturing workshops, painting workshops, outdoor games and food stands, all this recreating the magic atmosphere of "The Land of Toys ." Event info: Associazione Teatro dei Giovani (Youth Theatre Association), tel: +39.0731. 86634 Website: Association, tel: +39.0731. 86634, www.teatrogiovani.eu, e-mail: [email protected] Event info: Municipality of Serra San Quirico, , tel. +39.07318181, www.comune.serrasanquirico.an.it TASTE Title: “Verdicchio in festa –Market of the wines of the Marche” Town: Montecarotto Provincia: Ancona Date: from 1st to 5th July 2015 Verdicchio in Festa is a wine festival taking place in Montecarotto. It celebrates the well-known wine made in the area,. the Verdicchio wine. During the event you’ll taste the local wine and the typical produce. Meetings and shows are part of the event. Info event: Comune, tel: +39. 0731. 89131, www.comune.montecarotto.an.it e-mail: [email protected] Title: Anghiò Fish Festival City: San Benedetto del Tronto Province: Ascoli Piceno Date: July, 2015 Anghiò is the Festival of local Adriatic fish: anchovies, sardines, mackerels, amber fish and tunas. The Fish Festival aims at enhancing and promoting the longstanding fishing tradition of The Marche region and in particular of the San Benedetto area: the port is second in Italy for the amount of caught fish and the number of fishing boats. Event Info: Tuber Communications, tel: +39. 0735.702394, website: www.anghio.it Title: Ham Festival Town: Carpegna Province: Pesaro-Urbino Date: 17th-19th July, 2015 The festival celebrates the local DPO “prosciutto crudo” (raw ham). During the event there will be shows and concerts. Info event: Comune di Carpegna, tel: +39. 0722.727065, www.prolococarpegna.it HISTORICAL RE-ENACTMENT Title: Quintana of Ascoli City: Ascoli Piceno Province: Ascoli Piceno Date: 11st July - 2nd August, 2015 Description: Ascoli Piceno’s Quintana celebrates the rites described in the statutes and in medieval documents: the oath, the reading of the proclamation, the "show" of the new Palio and the procession on the day of St. Anna, the opening of the patronal feasts; the competitions of flag bearers and archers; the parties in the taverns, the ceremony of the offer of the Town’s bulk candle and of the bulk candles of the corporations to the Bishop; the blessing of the riders and the beautiful pageant of the parade in the beautiful and well-finished period costumes and the historical tournament of the “giostra del Campo” (carousel of the field). Event info: tel. +39.0736.298223, www.quintanadiascoli.it, e-mail: [email protected] Info event: IAT tel. +39.0736 253045, e-mail: [email protected] Title: 27th Medieval Festival City: Offagna Province: Ancona Date: From 17th to 25 th July, 2015 During the Festival, around the village and along its medieval streets, you can enjoy the atmosphere of the past and also revive ancient traditions through exhibitions, shows, fun and games. Event info: Pro Loco Offagna :Tel. 071.7107552, www.festemedievali.it, e-Mail: [email protected] Title: Challenge of the “Bracciale” (ball wearing a wooden bracelet with tips) City: Treia Province: Macerata Dates: From July to August, 2015 Description: In this nineteenth-century historical re-enactment the town districts, each of which represents the different social classes, participate in the contest. Event info: Municipality of Treia, tel: +39.0733. 218 750, www.disfidadelbracciale.it Title: “Palio dei Conti Oliva” Town: Piandimeleto Province: Pesaro-Urbino Dates: 25th – 26th July, 2015 In this small town you will re-experience the magic of past times, within the castle of the Oliva Counts, whose noble family dates back to the 14th / 15th century and was used to celebrating the knights coming back from valorous battles with banquets, Medieval acrobatic shows and skill races among archers who contended with boldness for the desired Palio in the presence of their Lord. Event Info: Proloco Piandimeleto, phone number: +39.0722. 721743 website: www.paliocontioliva.it E-mail: [email protected] Title: “Palio dei Terzieri” (a historic horse race through the village quarters) Town: Montecassiano Province: Macerata Date: July, 2015 The name of this historical commemoration derives from the designation of the old Medieval hamlets of Montecassiano. During this event the Palio not only represents a moment of meeting for the local people, but also a chance to revalue the Municipality, its territory and its historic and cultural identity as well. Event info: tel: +39. 0733. 290483, www.paliodeiterzieri.com, e-mail: [email protected] Info event: Municipality of Montecassiano, tel: +39.0733. 299811, www.comune.montecassiano.mc.it FOLCLORE Title: 18th edition of “Festival internazionale del Folclore” (International Festival of Folklore) Town: Cupramontana Province: Ancona Date: 24th- 26th July, 2015 The Folkloristic Group of Massaccio has been organizing this yearly event along with the Commune of Cupramontana and other authorities since 1996. The event sees the participation of numerous folkloristic groups. Here culture and folklore combine through music, songs and traditional costumes. Event info: phone number +39.0731. 780358 website: www.massaccio.com, e-mail: [email protected] AUGUST FESTIVAL Title: 36th Rossini Opera Festival Town: Pesaro Province: Pesaro-Urbino Date: 10th--23rd August, 2015 Pesaro remains an important pilgrimage centre for Rossini’s fans and is the setting, each August, for the prestigious Rossini Opera Festival, which is dedicated to performing his operas. The event will take place in the Teatro Rossini, theAdriatic Arena, the Teatro Sperimentale, the Auditorium Pedrotti and the Rocca Costanza. Website: www.rossinioperafestival.it, tel: +39. 0721 3800243 e-mail: [email protected] Title: 14th Summer Jamboree Town: Senigallia Province: Ancona Date: 1st-9th August , 2015 It is a Festival of American music and culture of the '40s and '50s with live performances of DJ sets swing, rock'n'roll, jive, doo-wop, rhythm and blues, hill-billy and western swing . The stands sell modern antiques: juke boxes, hats, gadgets, pictures, guitars, country items, vinyl records, CDs and anything related to the culture of those years. During the festival the parade of vintage cars is very impressive. Event Info: Association of Summer Jamboree, , tel: +39.331. 2800555, www.summerjamboree.com e-mail: [email protected] Title: Montelago Cetic Festival City: Serravalle di Chienti Province: Macerata Dates: August, 2015 Organized by Arte Nomade under the auspices of The Marche region, the Irish Embassy in Italy, and the Italian Rugby Federation, the Festival’s increasingly international character attracts some 20.000 enthusiasts every year from all over Italy and abroad. The festival boasts traditional activities such as historical re-enactments, sporting events and cultural happenings. Website: www.montelagocelticfestival.it e-mail: [email protected] Title: 28th International Biennial Festival of humor in art Town: Tolentino ( Rancia Castle) Province: Macerata Date: 27th-30th August, 2015 Contemporary art and culture and a sense of humour don't always go together, but the two meet up in Tolentino for the prestigious 28th International Biennale of Humour in Art. Rancia Castle will host the final part of the event. Website: www.biennaleumorismo.it, tel: +39. 0733. 901365-326, e-mail: [email protected] TASTE Title: Sagra of Vernaccia Town: Serrapetrona Province: Macerata Date: 8th - 11st August, 2015 Sagra of Vernaccia is a wine and food festival celebrating Vernaccia di Serrapetrona DOCG wine. The event features entertainment, music and craft markets . Website: Municipality of Serrapetrona, tel: +39. 0733.908321, www.comune.serrapetrona.mc.it Title: Sea Festival with Padella gigante dell'Adriatico Town Porto San Giorgio Province: Fermo Date: August 2015 The Festival is a celebration of all things fishy, featuring a giant "frying pan". The Padella gigante dell'Adriaticois six metres in diameter, holds some 1,000 liters of cooking oil and is used to fry roughly 1,000 kilos of baby squid and sardines in around three hours. Info event: Pro Loco Porto San Giorgio, tel: +39. 0734. 675256, website: www.prolocoportosangiorgio.it e-mail: [email protected] Title: National Festival of the “Maccheroncini di Campofilone” Town: Campofilone Province: Fermo Date: August, 2015 Campofilone is the protagonist of the National Festival of the Maccheroncini (a kind of pasta), the most typical dish of the area, prepared with the best durum wheat and eggs; the recipe has been handed down from mothers to daughters. The festival promotes the production of this traditional dish that can be tasted at the taverns. Info: Town Council Campofilone, Tel: + 39.0734 .932951, www.comune.campofilone.fm.it E-mail: [email protected] Title: The Duke’s festival- Renaissance curtains, Urbino City: Urbino Province: Pesaro Urbino Dates: August, 2015 Reenactments, parades and historic markets with music, theatre performances, court dances, taverns and Renaissance gardens. Info event: Tourist Office IAT Urbino, tel. +39. 0722. 2613, www.urbinorievocazionistoriche.it E-mail: [email protected] SEPTEMBER TASTE Title: Rosso Conero Festival Town: Camerano Province: Ancona Date: 4th_6th September, 2015 The festival aims at promoting the Rosso Conero wine (DOCG) and the typical produce of the Conero Riviera. Info event: Pro Loco Maratti Camerano, tel: +39. 0717304018, www.turismocamerano.it, e-mail: [email protected] Title: Fish soup festival 2015 Town: Fano Province: Pesaro-Urbino Date : September 2015 This festival has always had a great success, thanks to the participation of people from all over Italy. There will be the opportunity to taste delicious fish soups in restaurants, that can serve different versions of the seafood stew, from the most traditional to the new ones. Website: www.festivalbrodetto.it, tel: +39.0721. 54708, e-mail: [email protected] Title: Festa dell’Uva Town: Arcevia Province: Ancona Date: 25th-27th September, 2015 Wine festival in Arcevia is a remarkable event: here you can taste ten top quality local wines and the typical produce; you can also enjoy the cavalcade of massive floats. There will be shows and fireworks too. Info event: www.arceviaweb.it Title: 14th Pane Nostrum Town: Senigallia Province: Ancona Date: 17th - 20th September, 2015 The old town centre of Senigallia will host an event involving the flavours, the fragrances, the history and the tradition of making bread. Bread will be made in the open air: you’ll have the possibility to taste different types of bread and to learn the techniques to make it. Website: www.panenostrum.com, e-mail: [email protected] FESTIVAL Title: PIF Castelfidardo 2015 Town: Castelfidardo Province: Ancona Date: 17th- 20th September, 2015 The exhibition is dedicated to the accordion, Castelfidardo’s main attraction; it attracts a large number of remarkable guests . The programme of the event includes Gala performances in theaters, day and night live shows, the Young Music Club to train young people to musical education; there will be also cd presentations, exhibitions and the Festival Store with exclusive designer clothing and accessories. Website: www.pifcastelfidardo.it Event info: Municipality of Castelfidardo, tel: +39. 071. 7829349, e-mail: [email protected] OCTOBER TASTE Title: 78th Grape Festival Town: Cupramontana Province: Ancona Date: 1st-4th October , 2015 It is one of Italy’s most ancient festivals. The first festival took place on 23rd September, 1928; it has been taking place for decades on the first Sunday of October and three days earlier . The festival witnesses a centuries old heritage of traditions, culture and farming: traditional dances, including the "ratchet ", are performed by local folk groups; you can also enjoy traditional songs that were sung during harvest time accompanied by accordions. The members of the neighboring towns will participate in the The Palio of Verdicchio, that is a crushing grape’s race. The floats in the parade are the key moment of the festival. The stands , locally called " huts " supply grapes, wine and the typical produce of the local gastronomy. Event info: Municipality of Cupramontana, , tel: +39.0731 786811, www.sagradelluva.com e- mail: [email protected] Title: 8th Biosalus Festival Town: Urbino Province: Pesaro- Urbino Date: 4th-5th October, 2015 Biosalus is festival combining culture, art, science, trade and gastronomy; it is dedicated to organic food and holistic wellbeing. Web site: www.biosalusfestival.it, tel. +39.0722.351420 e-mail: [email protected] Title: 52nd National Festival of Marche White Truffle Town: Sant'Angelo in Vado Province: Pesaro-Urbino Date: Weekends from October to November, 2015 Sant'Angelo in Vado has been the location for this prestigious event since 1964. Here there’s Italy’s most important research centre for the study and application of techniques of growing truffle. This festival includes cultural, food, sporting and scientific events and entertainments. Location: historical centre Website: www.mostratartufo.it, e-mail: [email protected] Title: 50th National Fair of White Truffle Town: Acqualagna Province: Pesaro Urbino Date: 25th-31st October, . 1 st, 7th, 9 th November, 2015 Acqualagna’s central square is a large area with over one hundred stands, where you can buy fresh truffles and further local quality products such as cured meats, wine, honey and cheese. The town has been recognized as the “Capital of Taste”, thanks to its quality products, tradition, history and authentic flavours. The white truffle is the most valuable on the market in terms of organoleptic properties and price. Location: Piazza Mattei Website: www.comune.acqualagna.ps.it, e-mail: [email protected] NOVEMBER TASTE Title: 10th Appassimenti aperti Town: Serrapetrona Province: Macerata Date: 8th_15th November,2015 Appassimenti aperti is an event dedicated to Vernaccia di Serrapetrona DOC and DOCG wine. In the main square you can taste this delicious wine made with the local grape. It’s a must-see event for wine lovers. Website: www.appassimentiaperti.it, e-mail: [email protected] INFORMAZIONI DAL TERRITORIO Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino Provincia di Ancona Provincia di Macerata Centro IAT di Gabicce Mare Viale della Vittoria, 42 61011 Gabicce Mare (Pu) 0541.954424-0541.953500 [email protected] Centro IAT di Senigallia Via Manni, 7 60019 Senigallia (An) 071.7922725-071.7924930 [email protected] Centro IAT di Macerata C.so della Repubblica, 32 62100 Macerata 0733.234807-0733.266631 Centro IAT di Ancona Via della Loggia, 50 60124 Ancona 071.358991 -071.3589912 [email protected] Centro IAT di Civitanova Marche Corso Umberto I, 193 62012 Civitanova Marche (Mc) 0733.813967-0733.815027 [email protected] Centro IAT di Loreto Via Solari, 3 60025 Loreto (An) 071.970276-071.970020 [email protected] Centro IAT Sarnano Largo Ricciardi, 1 62028 SarProvincia di Ascoli Piceno nano (Mc) 0733.657144-0733.657343 [email protected] Centro IAT San Benedetto del Tronto Via Cristoforo Colombo, 5l 63074 San Benedetto del Tronto (Ap) 0735.781179-0735.573211 Centro IAT di Pesaro Viale Trieste, 164 61121 Pesaro (PU) 0721.69341-0721.30462 [email protected] Centro IAT di Fano Via Cesare Battisti, 10 61032 Fano (Pu) 0721.803534 -0721.824292 [email protected] Centro IAT di Urbino Via Puccinotti, 35 – 61029 Urbino (Pu) 0722.2613- 0722.2441 [email protected] Centro IAT di Fabriano Piazza del Comune, 2 60044 Fabriano (An) 0732.625067 - 0732.629791 [email protected] Provincia di Fermo Centro IAT Fermo Piazza del Popolo, 6 63900 Fermo (FM) 0734.227940-0734.2215120 [email protected] [email protected] Centro IAT Porto San Giorgio Via Oberdan, 5 63822 Porto San Giorgio (Fm) 0734.684868 -0734.678461 [email protected] [email protected] Centro IAT Ascoli Piceno Piazza Arringo 7 63100 Ascoli Piceno (AP) 0736.253045-0736.252391 [email protected] Welcome to the Marche: Social Network
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